Snowfall EVERY DAY Atop Kilimanjaro – Where Is Al Gore?

From ClimateREALISM By James Taylor -December 13, 2021 In his 2006 Hollywood movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” Al Gore solemnly warns that “Within the decade there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro.”…

Mann at Orange County Water Conference – emotional presentation, polar bears threatened, still thinks snows of Kilimanjaro are receding due to 'climate change'

Readers may recall: The question put to Dr. Mann at Disneyland today where WUWT regular Roger Sowell was one of the rare skeptics that got to ask Dr. Mann a…

30 years of soil moisture imaged from satellite data

From the Vienna University of Technology, a first. A very cool video follows. Since soil moisture is an indicator of evapotranspiration, I’d love to see a closeup around Mount Kilimanjaro,…

Told ya so: Al Gore + Kilimanjaro = alarmist hype

I’ve said many times that the claims of receding glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro by Al Gore in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth, and by extension, the claims of Dr. Lonnie…

Climate FAIL from A to Z presented at Durban

This might be a bit overzealous per Morano’s unique writing style, but compared to some of the stuff we’ve seen from warmists, pretty mild. Lots of useful links and notes…

Al Gore's global warming claims on Kilimanjaro glacier – finally dead and buried in the Climategate 2.0 emails – even Phil Jones and Lonnie Thompson don't believe it

Al Gore said in his AIT bag of BS that Mount Kilimanjaro was losing its snow/ice cover due to global warming. Here’s the Transcript of “An Inconvenient Truth”: Effects of…

24 Hours of Climate Reality: Gore-a-thon – Hour 16

A new post containing a cartoon from Josh will appear every hour. At the end of the 24 hours, everything will be collated on a single page. Readers are encouraged…

Climate variability in East Africa & El Niño Southern Oscillation

From the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres  another reason why Mount Kialmanjaro isn’t controlled by CO2 as Al Gore and Lonnie Thompson think. La Ninas distant effects in East…

Kilimanjaro regaining its snow cap

Paging Dr. Lonnie Thompson and Al Gore. From ETN: “Global warming” has nothing to do with this, it’s all about rainfall, deforestation, and evapotranspiration. I’m not ashamed to say: “We…

More proof that Kilimanjaro's problems are man-made; but not what some think it is

More proof positive that land use change has more to do with Kilimanjaro’s diminishing snowfall (due to reduced evapotranspiraton of surrounding land) than climate change. But, will we ever see…

OSU's Dr. Lonnie Thompson pushes gloom and doom, still thinks the snows of Kilimanjaro are melting due to global warming

This is an OSU press release, timed to appear in Eurekalert for Cancun’s COP16 on December 8th, and reposted here verbatim, including the all caps headline. Even though the “melting…