Wired and The Conversation are Wrong, the 2023 Burning Man Rainstorm Wasn’t Caused By Climate Change

Climate change can’t be causing weather changes that data show aren’t occurring.

Mud Cake Man? Burning Man Participants Trapped in the Desert by Rain

Remember back when climate change was going to cause eternal drought?

Tribal Rangers Smash Burning Man Climate Protest Roadblock

Apparently its not OK for climate protestors to stop America’s elites from attending important events.

Friday Funny: Al Gore's new science low – burning dolls

At least “Burning Man” has an art component to it, “burning dolls”, not so much. This is so stupid, so inane, so grade B movie “Plan 9 from Outer Space”…

The Playa – Willis' Excellent Adventure

This isn’t the normal fare for WUWT, and I had some reservations initially about publishing a piece by Willis about “Burning Man”, fearing it would have tales of wicked debauchery,…