Arctic’s ‘Hottest Day’? Not So Fast

Guest post by Michael Kile, Consider the media reaction to an alleged 38C reading on June 20, 2020 – “around 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day of summer” –…

CLAIM: 100 degrees in Siberia? 5 ways the extreme Arctic heat wave follows a disturbing pattern

The Arctic heat wave that sent Siberian temperatures soaring to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day of summer put an exclamation point on an astonishing transformation of the…

New 3D view of methane tracks sources

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center NASA’s new 3-dimensional portrait of methane concentrations shows the world’s second largest contributor to greenhouse warming, the diversity of sources on the ground, and the behavior…

NOAA Ecologist Re-arms Debunked Arctic Carbon Time Bomb

Guest slam dunk by David Middleton From the “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up, if I was trying files”… Scientists feared unstoppable emissions from melting permafrost. They may…

Melting ice sheets release tons of methane into the atmosphere, study finds

From EurekAlert! Public Release: 3-Jan-2019 Melting ice sheets release tons of methane into the atmosphere, study finds University of Bristol Melting ice sheet release tons of methane into the atmosphere,…

Student propaganda cruise to the Arctic to be carried by webcast

From the “ship of fools” department and the UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND – INNER SPACE CENTRE Scientists, students to make first live, interactive broadcasts from Arctic Ocean’s Northwest Passage Expedition in…

Claim: Woolly Mammoth Resurrection will Defuse the Climate Methane Bomb

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Vast hairy beasts tramping the Arctic Tundra will help save the world. Scientists Hope Mammoth ‘De-extinction’ Will Save Earth Kashmira Gander 1 day ago ……

So much for the ‘methane bomb’ – study finds methane hydrate dissociation…’not caused by climate change’

From the HELMHOLTZ CENTRE FOR OCEAN RESEARCH KIEL (GEOMAR) and the soon to be defunct “Arctic Methane Emergency Group” comes this good news. Methane hydrate dissociation off Spitsbergen not caused…

Global climate models may be misjudging methane releases into the atmosphere

From the Ohio State University and the “settled science” department. Results suggest more methane may be released into atmosphere than thought COLUMBUS, Ohio–A study of a Lake Erie wetland suggests…

Good news: Methane hydrate breakdown unlikely to cause massive greenhouse gas release

From the US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The breakdown of methane hydrates due to warming climate is unlikely to lead to massive amounts of methane being released to the atmosphere, according to a…

Methane Madness: The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock

By Viv Forbes (Earth Scientist, Grass Farmer, Sheep & Cattle Breeder, Australia) and Dr Albrecht Glatzle (Agronomist and grazier, Paraguay) With assistance and support from: Howard Crozier (Ex CSIRO Admin,…

New AGU study negates the climate 'methane emergency' in Alaska

One of the most “out there” climate activist groups is the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, a collection of luminary scientists who are convinced we are on a one-way trip to…

Air Freighting ice to Antarctica: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Scientists worried about global warming have embarked on a project to preserve the world’s glacial ice core record, by air freighting selected ice cores to…

Claim: Large and increasing methane emissions from northern lakes

From STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY and the “methane bomb is so yesterday” department: Methane is increasing in the atmosphere, but many sources are poorly understood. Lakes at high northern latitudes are such…

New methane scare off Washington coast begs the question: did anybody look for these before?

I have to wonder, before the scientific world went nuts looking for GHG boogymen under every rock and tree, had anyone observed methane venting in this area before? While they…

The 'Arctic 21' to call for renewed permafrost alarm ahead of Paris COP21, says 'The Arctic is unraveling'

From WOODS HOLE RESEARCH CENTER and the Peter Wadhams is still wrong, no record low this year department, comes this overt hand-wringing worry over permafrost, most of which is about…

Stop The Devastation of Peoples Lives By Speculating with No Data: Remembering Cattle And Methane Emissions

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Release of early data from NASA’s OCO2 satellite triggered the typical nonsense. The usual people talked about the modern equivalent of how many angels on…

The easy solution to the looming monster methane apocalypse

Guest essay by Larry Kummer of the the Fabius Maximus website. Summary:  The looming disaster from the powerful greenhouse gas methane has become a standard part of alarmists’ shtick. It…

More methane seeps discovered in the deep ocean

Over a course of 12 days Dr. Giuliana Panieri and her colleagues from Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) collected images from seven areas of known methane…

Effectiveness of methane-consuming bacteria in the ocean moderated by ocean currents

Ocean Currents Impact Methane consumption Study in Nature Geoscience on interactions between marine microbiology and oceanography Offshore the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago, methane gas is seeping out of the seabed in…

Claim: Recently discovered Arctic microbe is key player in climate change

From the University of Arizona As permafrost soils thaw under the influence of global warming, communities of soil microbes act as potent amplifiers of global climate change, an international study…

The Atlantic is leaking methane – but researchers say there's no cause for alarm

We’ve seen all this before, but there is a twist this time, the authors of the paper are dialing back the alarm a bit. “…authigenic carbonates observed imply that emissions…

A flip-flop on Arctic permafrost thaws – actually a net cooling rather than a warming

Since we discussed permafrost pingos today, I thought this story from the University of Alaska Fairbanks was a good sidekick story. It seems there’s a silver lining in melting permafrost…

Cornell hypes on methane as a 'climate boogeyman'

Through the years, we keep hearing that methane, much like Trenberth’s missing heat, is going to jump out and get us. Usually, the panic about the “methane bomb” from frozen…

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