Failed State? America’s Leaders Have Taken Us To A Place Where We Could Literally Run Out of Electricity

“I think we’re heading for potentially very dire consequences, potentially catastrophic consequences in the United States in terms of the reliability of our grid, and I think that the basic…

‘Alternative Facts’: Ted Nordhaus explains how extreme events came to represent climate change contrary to an overwhelming scientific consensus

…environmental advocates would pursue all of these strategies.

Germany Begins Felling 120,000 Trees From ‘Fairy Tale’ Forest to Make Way for Wind Turbines

Work has started on the clearing of up to 120,000 trees in the forest, the setting for many of the Brothers Grimm mythical stories, to provide access for an initial…

Curtin University: Climate Activism can Help Mitigate Anxiety

According to Curtin University academic Dr Diana Bogueva, “it is not too late for Gen Z to make a difference fighting for a sustainable future.” – but they mostly aren’t…

Climate Model Bias 5: Storminess

By Andy May In part 4 the impact of convection and atmospheric circulation on climate was discussed. When circulation patterns change, they change the speed and efficiency of the transport…

Climate Change Weekly #499: Is the Bell Tolling for EV Mania?

The question really is not whether the bell will toll to call an end of the government’s promotion of EVs, but how soon will it happen.

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