“A Cleverly Staged Hoax.” …Former German TV Meteorologist Slams “Climate Hysteria”

They don’t care about the people.

UK Telegraph: The French plan to save the planet? Stop poorer people flying – Seeking ‘a minimum price for airfares within the EU in a bid to reduce the number of flights’ to reduce CO2 emissions

With a bit of luck, Paris’s half-cooked idea will also fail and EU governments will, instead, begin to put new technology, not higher fares, at the top of their environmental…

17 years of near-zero trend in September sea ice demolishes claim that more CO2 means less sea ice

Arctic sea ice failed to nose-dive again this year, undoubtedly disappointing expects who have been anticipating a ‘death-spiral’ decline for ages.

More on the statistical dispute between Scafetta and Schmidt

By Andy May The argument about the proper way to estimate error in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) ERA5 weather reanalysis dataset between Nicola Scafetta and Gavin…

Manufacturing Consent in Times of Crisis – Dr. Richard Lindzen, Harvard/MIT Climate Scientist DS 183

Rather than picking apart the arguments for or against said climate narratives, our conversation is largely focused on the question of what would motivate such alleged deception were it found…

British PM Announces Net Zero Retreat as King Charles Visits France

Did Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wait until King Charles was safely on his way to France, before announcing a Net Zero retreat?

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