CO2 Pipelines in the Midwest: The Brewing Conflict Between Energy, Environment, and Property Rights

As the battle over CO2 pipelines in the Midwest heats up, the conflicting interests of economic growth, environmental preservation, and property rights will continue to collide.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie: Power Grid is Facing ‘Dire Consequences’ Due to Coal & Gas Retirements

The problem is the subtraction of coal and gas and other dispatchable resources which are the ones we need during this transition to keep the lights on.

Gas Stove Ban and The Nitrogen Dioxide−Childhood Asthma Causal Claim, Part II

“People need to know that academia is not an innocuous place” … “[Academia] is the epicenter for just about everything bad that you’re seeing going on right now.”

Unraveling the Enigma: Canadian Wildfires, a Stroke of Misfortune

…many extreme weather events hinge on random factors, with climate change’s effects relatively small compared to the random variations inherent in our complex atmospheric system.

The Potential Pitfalls of an Overly Ambitious Energy Transition: Lessons from Britain’s Green Energy Endeavors

A balanced and pragmatic approach that embraces a mix of energy sources may prove to be a more reliable and cost-effective solution in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

Green Industrialization Greatly Increases CO2 Emissions

What we need is supply chain emission analysis.