Chemists describe a new form of ice

Scientists from the United States, China, and Russia have described the structure and properties of a novel hydrogen clathrate hydrate that forms at room temperature and relatively low pressure.

Claim: A groggy climate giant: subsea permafrost is still waking up after 12,000 years

In the far north, the swelling Arctic Ocean inundated vast swaths of coastal tundra and steppe ecosystems. Though the ocean water was only a few degrees above freezing, it started…

Alarmism Dies In The Maldives: 97% Of 186 Island Coasts Have Grown (59%) Or Not Changed (38%) Since 2005

Despite sea level rise, a 2019 global analysis (Duvat, 2019) found 89% of 709 island coasts have been either stable or growing in size in recent decades. A new Maldives-only…

Polar bears again attracted to Russian town by dead walrus Attenborough blames on no sea ice

Lack of sea ice caused by human-caused global warming is not causing increasing numbers of polar bears to congregate around Ryrkaypiy in the late fall. A combination of increasing numbers…

How carbon bureaucrats lied to get the policies they wanted

An excellent video describing another one of our, sadly seemingly now daily, experiences of the government and media lying to the public, ostensibly for our own good.

Claim: UK Mutant Coronavirus Spreading More Easily, Displacing Other Strains

The good news is the new mutant HS69/V70 Covid-19 strain does not appear to be more lethal, and the vaccine is expected to be effective against the new variant. But…