Two Competing Narratives on Carbon Dioxide

Is carbon dioxide our friend or our foe? Guest essay by Iain Aitken Here is a dossier of key facts about carbon dioxide (and its role in global warming): ·…

A prime example of why correct facts don't matter to climate alarmists

Respected climate scientist refutes false claim that tree died due to climate change, and the pressure to not do so Toby Nixon writes: The Seattle Times ran a hysterical story…

The #Dilbert Sunday comic strip hilariously disses climate science certainty

From the “That’s going to leave a mark” department. Scott Adams, who has recently written on his blog about his doubts about the certainty of climate science predictions, takes on…

Pew: #climatemarch and #sciencemarch did little to sway public opinion, and may in fact have hurt "the cause"

From the PEW RESEARCH CENTER and the department of unintended consequences, comes this study that suggests the “March for Science” and the “People’s Climate March” didn’t really have any impact when…

Is Murry Salby Right?

Guest essay by Rud Istvan Dr. Murry Salby has been getting substantial attention in the climate blogosphere, for two reasons. First is his theory that at least 2/3 of the…

US Secretary of State Signs Arctic Climate "Affirmation"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has signed a document presented at a meeting of Arctic nations, which affirms the need to support the Paris…

Three Days Left to Submit Suggestions to Repeal EPA Regulations

Guest essay by Leo Goldstein I would like to bring to the attention of American readers that they can submit comments on the EPA regulations in accordance with Executive Order…

Surprising: NASA's Global visualization in 3D of Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Atmosphere

From NASA Goddard via the OCO-2 Satellite Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas released to the atmosphere through human activities. It is also influenced by natural exchange with…

When science had no shame. Part 1: Why are nearly all sci-fi movies anti-science dystopia?

Guest essay by Phil Salmon (“ptolemy2”) “When science had no shame, Part 1: Why are nearly all sci-fi movies fire-and-brimstone anti-science dystopia?” (I repeat the title since on the mobile…

Europe's Biggest Solar Company Goes Up In Smoke

Meanwhile: African Nations To Build More Than 100 New Coal Power Plants Germany’s SolarWorld, once Europe’s biggest solar power equipment group, said on Wednesday it would file for insolvency, overwhelmed…

@NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story

Supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science By Bob Endlich “Data from CO2 measuring stations and from the Sewell’s Point and all other tide gages may clearly refute these…

Paris Agreement: Carbon Tax Elders Offer More Bad Advice

Guest essay by Marlo Lewis Jr. of the Competitive Enterprise Institute They’re back! The same GOP elders who have been pushing what American Enterprise Institute economist Ben Zycher charitably calls…

Dr. Fred Singer on 'Global Warming Surprises'

Temp data in dispute can reverse conclusions about human influence on climate. Guest essay by Dr. Fred Singer Exploring some of the intricacies of GW [Global Warming] science can lead…

Study reveals climate shifts through the eons

From the UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND and the “climate change is not just a recent phenomenon” department. Shelf sediments reveal climate shifts through the eons Climate change around Antarctica can severely affect…

Climate "Dismissive": The New PC Term for "Denier"

Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe has noticed that calling someone a “denier” tends to end the conversation. Her solution – call them an evidence “dismissive” instead. There Must Be More Productive…

Claim: Climate change could increase ER visits for allergy-related asthma

From the “weather is not climate” department and AGU WASHINGTON, DC — More children could wind up in hospital emergency rooms suffering from allergy-induced asthma if greenhouse gas emissions continue…

Dumping Paris agreement right decision for U.S. and the world

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin President Trump should dump the politically contrived and scientifically corrupt 2015 Paris climate agreement as the right decision for the U.S. and the world. Those…

Video: analysis of NASA data shows modern temperature trends are not unusual

Michael Thomas writes: An important aspect of the climate change debate can be summed up like this: “One position holds that medieval warm temperatures reached levels similar to the late…

Will US Climate Scientists All Move to France? Please?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Speculation is mounting about whether President Macron will keep his promise to take all our climate scientists, and offer them a new home in France.…

A fool's errand: Al Gore's $15 trillion carbon tax

From the “that ain’t gonna fly” department: by Fred Palmer – Washington Examiner Al Gore wants to reverse modernity and save the world from itself through an elimination of its…

Study: Zika virus transmission isn't as dependent on warmer temperatures as previously thought

From the University of South Florida and the  “we’ll have to find some other angle to blame it on global warming” department, comes this study. TAMPA, Fla. (May 9, 2017)…

New hi-tech gadget promises power from polluted air

From the “Chinese are already working on a copy” department: Researchers from the University of Antwerp and KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium, have succeeded in developing a process that…

Arctic Methane Seeps Slow Global Warming, Reverse Ocean Acidification and Cure Hypoxia

Guest post by David Middleton From the “Truth is Stranger than Fiction” files: Are methane seeps in the Arctic slowing global warming? By Randall HymanMay. 8, 2017 , 3:00 PM…

Multinational Warning: Australia Has Passed a Renewable Energy "Tipping Point"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Multinational Mining Giant Glencore has warned of job losses and damaging economic contraction, because government favouritism towards renewable energy has eroded reliable baseload capacity. Energy…

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