The CRU crew says: "what we really meant was…"

In all the hubub last week, I missed this press release from the University of East Anglia. In it, they try to explain away some of the first highlighted email…

The Steve Zwick Guide to Defending the Indefensible

Guest post by James Padgett There have been several “defenses” to the rather damning emails in the latest release from FOIA. Some, having taken the lead from the CRU itself…

♫ You've got…that vexatious feeling ♫

It started out simple enough, a standard “righteous” FOIA request to UEA/CRU’s David Palmer, the FOI officer, from a researcher in Britain no less. This is email 0584.txt Dr. Phil…

A response from Chris de Freitas

In the post: The tribalistic corruption of peer review – the Chris de Freitas incident Dr.  Chris de Freitas has left a response. Rather than argue his own position. Dr.…

SST data "so unreliable we don't know GMT for that period"

Email 536 An excerpt of email from David Thompson of Colorado State to Phil Jones: …As for the dip in 1945. After iterating with John Kennedy, it appears that the…

The tribalistic corruption of peer review – the Chris de Freitas incident

From New Zealand Climate Change, this goes beyond “noble cause corruption”. This is outright malicious interference with the scientific process, and it’s damned ugly. I can’t imagine anyone involved in…

Why all the cloak and dagger stuff if this is all settled science…?

Reader “just the facts” writes in comments: Here is an example of Phil Jones trying to avoid a FOIA request, but he apparently struggles with the implementation…:

Two separate examples show 2007 NRC review panel was stacked, except for a "token" skeptic and worked to supress dissenting science

This is pretty ugly. In 2007 the NRC was setup to review the state of climate science. The usual players were involved. Today we have two separate examples of inappropriate…

Climategate 2.0 email – Mike Mann characterized as "crazy" over MWP and "serious enemy"

Edward Cook tells Phil Jones that Mike Mann is “serious enemy” and “vindictive”. Mike Mann had criticized his work. Apparently Mann went “a little crazy” over a paper showing the…

BBC's Kirby admission to Phil Jones on "impartiality"

Climategate 2.0 email 4894.txt shows just what Alex Kirby of BBC thinks of climate skeptics as he conveys it to Dr. Phil Jones. Clearly, there an incestuous relationship between climate…

"FOIA2011" and Climategate – A Chinese-POTUS connection?

Reader JoeFromBrazil writes Greetings, Sorry, but is this just a coincidence ?

CRU's Dr. Phil Jones, world renowned climatologist, can't even plot a trend in Excel

Joe Romm would call this a “head exploding moment“. If this were a skeptic, Tamino aka Grant Foster, would sharpen his invective ginsu knives and launch a fusillade of cutlery…

John L. Daly's message to Mike Mann and The Team

Ric Werme writes in comments: When I realized the Climategate 2009 Emails went back many years, one of the first things that occurred to me was there might be Emails…

Al Gore's global warming claims on Kilimanjaro glacier – finally dead and buried in the Climategate 2.0 emails – even Phil Jones and Lonnie Thompson don't believe it

Al Gore said in his AIT bag of BS that Mount Kilimanjaro was losing its snow/ice cover due to global warming. Here’s the Transcript of “An Inconvenient Truth”: Effects of…

Climategate 2.0: Phil Jones and Tom Wigley – calling a scientist "the jerk" over his UHI discoveries in California

I’ve not had time to read through all these emails, but this one really, really Stick in my craw. Dr. Phil Jones and Dr. Tom Wigley respond to this graph…

Climategate 2.0 – NCDC: "Mr. Watts gave a well reasoned position"

It seems I’m in a number of the Climategate 2.0 emails. Here’s a couple. The first one confirms to me that this batch is absolutely real, because Thomas Peterson is…

Climategate 2.0 emails – They're real and they're spectacular!

A link to where to download the new file is posted below the fold – This will be a top post for a few days -NEW STORIES APPEAR BELOW…

Phil Jones does an about face on "statistically significant" warming

From the “make up your mind” department: Climate warming since 1995 is now statistically significant, according to Phil Jones, the UK scientist targeted in the “ClimateGate” affair. Last year, he…

Quote of the week – Note to UEA and CRU: get a clue

You’d think that after all the pain and suffering caused by Climategate to the University of East Anglia and the Climate Research Unit, these guys would have a clue. You’d…

UHI, this is London

Since BEST claims they will work to take UHI into consideration, it seems worthwhile to highlight this new paper. Guess who’s a co-author? Phil Jones of UEA’s CRU. Image above…

New climate data term: "bodge"

I learn something new every day. “Bodge” – here’s the definition from Wikitionary: Etymology 1 The term “bodge” derives from Middle English boccen, which means “to mend.” Verb bodge (third-person…

"You’re Not Allowed to Do This in Science"

Dr. Richard Muller calls out the “hide the decline” aka “Mike’s Nature Trick” on this YouTube video of a presentation he gave.

NCDC's Dr. Tom Peterson responds

After I published this story: NCDC’s Dr. Thomas Peterson: “It’s a knife fight” I wrote to Dr. Peterson to advise him that he had WUWT available to him for rebuttal should…

The Story Told by the Southern Oscillation Index

Guest post by David Archibald Bob Tisdale’s post on ENSO on 19th November prompted me to see what I could find in the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) data. The SOI…