ABC: Why are there No Large Scale Geo-engineering Experiments?

Large scale geo-engineering could trigger famine and nuclear war, but its a solution to climate change, right?

Geoengineering vs. volcanic activity for a cooler climate

[More crazy talk from Carnegie Institute’s Ken Caldiera… Anthony] Washington, DC– Major volcanic eruptions spew ash particles into the atmosphere, which reflect some of the Sun’s radiation back into space…

The January Leading Indicator

By Walter Dnes – Edited by Just The Facts Investopedia defines “Leading Indicator” thusly… A measurable economic factor that changes before the economy starts to follow a particular pattern or…

The warming 'plateau' may extend back even further

Despite recent claims by Justin Gillis in this NYT piece that the plateau in surface temperatures is misunderstood by scientists… …given how much is riding on the scientific forecast, the…

Solar gains in Spain may cause warmists pain

From the FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology via Eurekalert comes this interesting note about solar forcing. It seems there’s a 2.3% per decade increase in solar radiation…

Once again, reality trumps models – Pacific SST's are flat

Model-Data Comparison: Pacific Ocean Satellite-Era Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Guest post by Bob Tisdale I’ll be adding the Pacific Ocean (60S-65N, 120E-80W) sea surface temperature anomalies to my monthly updates. See…

Part 2 of “On Sallenger et al (2012) – Hotspot of Accelerated Sea Level Rise on the Atlantic Coast of North America”

Guest post by Bob Tisdale This is a follow-up to my recent post On Sallenger et al (2012) – Hotspot of Accelerated Sea Level Rise on the Atlantic Coast of…

The Neo Paleo Twitter war of Mann -vs- D'Arrigo

It seems that Columbia’s Rosanne D’Arrigo thinks Mann’s tree ring study isn’t representative proxies for volcanic eruptions, nor good for dendrochronology, though Mike Mann seems to think so. This Twitter…

Tisdale: A Closer Look at CRUTEM4 Since 1975

Note: I’m blogging this from Atlanta, where I am at the TWC Pioneers reunion. Bob was kind enough to provide this post so I can relax a bit (though I…

New NASA paper contradicts Kaufmann et al saying it's volcanoes, not China coal

It seems that there’s a paper (from JeanPaul Vernier at NASA) out that contradicts the findings of Kaufmann et al 2011, where they blame China’s increasing coal consumption for lack…

Potential Agricultural Impact of the Eddy Minimum

Guest post by David Archibald I will be giving a lecture in Washington in early June on my way through to the Bahamas. Following are the slides that pertain to…

NASA's Hansen thinks sea level rise will be accelerating – I think not, offering a new paper and updated story on Hansen to show why

Dr. James Hansen, NASA scientist, advocate, and protestor with a rap sheet released a new paper (non peer reviewed) on his website recently. A video report follows. The paper is…

The sound of 'splode: volcanic frequency signature established

From Yale University and the University of British Columbia, an important step forward in being able to forecast explosive volcanic events. Before the explosion — volcano’s warning tremors explained New…