Arizona State: Climate Models Missing Important Aersols

Above graphic for illustration only – not related to study cited below PHOENIX, Aug. 11 (UPI) — U.S. Scientists say they’ve discovered some measures used in atmospheric science overlook important…

GISS Spackle and Caulk

Guest post by John Goetz Cross posted from Climate Audit Earlier this year I did a post on the amount of estimation done to the GHCN temperature record by GISS…

Urbanization raises the heat in Orange County, CA

UPDATE: I personally visited this station today, thanks to a family visit that coincidentally took me to within a couple of miles of this station. It’s on a rooftop at…

Mauna Loa to improve CO2 data reporting

Regular readers may recall our conversations this week on the hiccup in CO2 data from the Mauna Loa Observatory. I’m pleased to announce that I received this encouraging email today from Dr.…

One day later: Mauna Loa CO2 graph changes

UPDATE: 08/07 2:PM PST MLO responds with improvements to the CO2 data reporting Approximately 24 hours after I published my story on the January to July trend reversal of CO2 at…

Mauna Loa CO2 January to July trend goes negative first time in history

UPDATE5: MLO responds with improvements to the CO2 data reporting UPDATE4 August 4th 11:45PST the Mauna Loa graph (but not data) has changed, see this new post Back on April…

Captains’ logs yield clues to past climate and hurricanes

Records kept by Nelson and Cook are shedding light on climate change. Note: What I find most interesting is the ‘Surge in the frequency’ of storms in cold periods. –…

Award-winning Astronaut Slams Hansen – Urges NASA to 'Debunk the current hysteria' over Warming

This was a bit of a surprise, hat tip to Bucko36 – Anthony In Science, Ignorance is Not Bliss By Physicist Walter Cunningham, NASA Apollo 7 Astronaut in July/August 2008…

NCDC changes from national record keeper to advocacy group

Foreword: As you may recall, I was invited to speak at NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) back in April about the surfacestations project by Climate Reference Network chief scientist Dr.…

Putting on AIRS

Recently we’ve been discussing products for the AIRS satellite instrument (Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder) onboard the Aqua satellite. For example we’ve been looking at the only global image we can find…

CO2 – "well mixed" or mixed signals?

One of the few things that BOTH sides of the Carbon Dioxide and AGW debate seem to be able to agree on is the belief that CO2, as a trace…

EPA asking for input on CO2/GHG – let's give it to them

From this page (h/t Dave Hagen) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting comment from all interested parties on options and questions to be considered for possible greenhouse gas regulations…

Anchorage's record setting cold summer

From the Anchorage Daily News, some anecdotal evidence that we may not see an ice-free arctic this summer. I had previously blogged on the lateness of a 70 degree plus…

Who knew? Rachel Carson – climate change expert

NOTE: For those of you who don’t know, Rachel Carson has often been hailed as the “mother of the environmental movement” due to her book, Silent Spring.  Before that book,…

Beck on CO2 and Temperature: Oceans are the "dominant CO2 store"

Evidence of variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration during the 20th century Geo-Ecological Seminar University of Bayreuth, 17th July 2008 (see here) Ernst-Georg Beck, Dipl. Biol Summary of the presentation (printable…

Nutty story of the day #3 – TV ads cause global warming

I suppose if the purpose of this is to say that we need less television advertising, I can go along with that. This is probably good news for the Ty-D-Bowl…

Compo and Sardeshmukh: Oceans a main driver of climate variability – it's the heat AND the humidity.

Illustration only: not part of the paper This paper has been out for a few days, and several people have alerted me to it. This new paper by Compo,G.P., and…

Algal Blooms: Not Caused by Global Warming

It seems that global warming is as easy to blame as “the devil made me do it” these days. Almost anything can be blamed on global warming it seems. It…

The Green Inquisition

From Project Syndicate by Bjørn Lomborg COPENHAGEN – When it comes to global warming, extreme scare stories abound. Al Gore, for example, famously claimed that a whopping six meters (20…

American physicists warned not to debate global warming

Original article from the UK Register: By Andrew Orlowski ( Published Monday 21st July 2008 16:04 GMT Bureaucrats at the American Physical Society (APS) have issued a curious warning to their…

Nutty Story of the Day: "Global Warming" is Killing the Penguins in Antarctica

This picture is my own choice – it is not related to the UK Mirror story You have to wonder how the press allows stories like these to get published…

Why Does NASA GISS Oppose Satellites?

A Modest Proposal For A Better Data Set Reposted from Warren Meyers website: Climate Skeptic. One of the ironies of climate science is that perhaps the most prominent opponent of…

American Physical Society and Monckton at odds over paper

Two days ago I posted on this story in this blog related to APS opening up debate on climate change. It appears Lord Monckton did in fact have his paper,…

Cedarville Sausage

A guest post by John Goetz [Update: I cross-posted this on CA and in the process added the brief discussion of night lights as well as made some minor text…

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