Pachauri's at it again – shun meat, he says (but what about the buffalo?)

Shun meat, says UN climate chief By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website   Livestock production has a bigger climate impact than transport, the UN believes   People should…

Google Earth gets a new space eye

Maybe now I’ll be able to find more weather stations from Google Earth imagery. This spacecraft is an even better versions of Ikonos, with better resolution and color. Note to…

A note to longtime readers of this blog – the demise of an old friend

Many of you who have been with me from the start will recall fondly the day I was annointed to “holy” status by our local alternate weekly, The Chico Beat.…

NOAA: China to Warm U.S. Heartland

Posted by John Goetz CNN had the following AP article on their website today. NOAA says that shorter-term pollutants from Asia may raise U.S. heartland temperatures by three degrees in…

Public Invited to Submit Essays, Photos for Online Global Warming Book

Posted by John Goetz I ran across the following announcement this morning: September 4, 2008 at The Union of Concerned Scientists website: Penguin Classics Joins the Union of Concerned Scientists…

"Even doubling or tripling the amount of CO2' will have 'little impact' on temps"

From New Zealand Climate Science Professor Geoffrey G Duffy DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and…

Arctic Hell in a Handbasket

Posted by John Goetz CNN posted an AP story tonight on their website regarding the separation in early August of a 19-square-mile ice shelf from Elsmere Island. It starts: TORONTO,…

Adventures in Arctic Kayaking – Update: we're stuck

UPDATE: kayakers already “stuck” in ice at 80.52397 degrees N I had this post up for all of an hour before this news rolled in from PolarDefense. Hat tips to…

Calls for Geo-Engineering at the Royal Society

Several British scientists have apparently decided that geo-engineering is better than nothing. (Posted by John Goetz) Extreme and risky action the only way to tackle global warming, say scientists From…

Arctic Ice Growth, 2008 – How Much?

A Guest Post By Steve Goddard In my most recent article in The Register, and also posted here on WUWT, I incorrectly speculated that NSIDC graphs appeared to show less…



Global Warming behind Austrian Encephalitis Case

More Signs of the Apocalypse From Posted online: Friday, August 29, 2008 at 2:48:25 PM Report Confirms Four Austrians Suffer Tick-borne Encephalitis from Cheese Medical experts confirmed on Thursday…

The Sun remains in a magnetic funk

While sunspots are often cited as the main proxy indicator of solar activity, there is another indicator which I view as equally (if not more) important. The Average Planetary Magnetic index…

Meier of NSIDC on melt: "it’s not going to make it to the North Pole"

Current image from Terra Satellite, rotated 90 degrees to improve view, plus annotation and world view inset added by Anthony Source image is available here at the NASA Terra website…

Democrats find 'green' political convention tough to enforce

Idling limos and SUV’s waiting for delegates (Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET News) From CNET News by Declan McCullagh DENVER–The Democratic Party has boasted that its convention here will be “the most…

Skeptical Article on Climate in the Old Farmer's Almanac – cooler times ahead?

My friend, Joe D’Aleo who runs ICECAP, had the opportunity this year to write an article for the 2009 Old Farmer’s Almanac.  While I’m normally “skeptical” of the long term…

Noctilucent clouds and the Earth's interface with space

This story about noctilucent clouds on NASA’s Science website made me think about a few things.   What I wonder is this: could noctilucent clouds be a proxy for cosmic ray interactions?…

Upper Wisconsin and Minnesota Forecast: Frost and Freeze Before Labor Day

We’ve seen a lot of anecdotal evidence of a cooler than usual summer in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. This one caught my eye though, because I can’t ever…

UK's Daily Mail: Awful August has delayed this year's harvest but global warming is not to blame

Note: UK atmospheric scientist John Kettley, is formerly of the Met Office and the Fluid Dynamics Department at the Bracknell headquarters. JOHN KETTLEY: Awful August has delayed this year’s harvest…

How not to measure temperature, part 69

Two weeks ago I posted about a story from the Orange County Register titled Urbanization Raises The Heat in Orange County. It was front page news that day, on Friday, August…

Australian Space Weather Agency Revises Solar Cycle 24 Start, Adding 6 Months

Solar Cycle 24 just can’t seem to get rolling. IPS announced today (IPS is the Australian Space Weather Agency) ,  that it has changed its forecast for Solar Cycle 24,…

Nutty Story of the Day#6 – Blood Meant for Transfusions Can Get Contaminated Due to Global Warming

From:Environmental Health Posted online: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 5:50:36 PM Blood Meant for Transfusions Can Get Contaminated Due to Global Warming Increasing temperatures can contaminate blood meant for transfusions,…

Democrats planning everything but the weather in Denver

From USA Today: Democrats planning everything but the weather in Denver  By Chuck Raasch, GNS Political Writer WASHINGTON — Democrats are hoping for an open-air sendoff of Barack Obama on…

Thanks to Nature, a Large Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide Experiment is Now Underway in the Pacific

Last June, WIRED magazine wrote an in depth article that asked: Can a Million Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Combat Climate Change? The question arose from research from research at Lawrence Livermore National…

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