NBC film crew stranded in Arctic on icebreaker 3 weeks

It never ceases to amaze me how people think when it comes to the Arctic. Somehow there is this pervasive belief that “if we just go there and document it,…

Comments thread – AIRS Team satellite CO2 paper published

I’m going to make a formal post on this later, but I wanted to bring it up for discussion now since many people have been waiting for this paper to…

Will September be the month the sun truly transitions to Cycle 24?

Below is a note forwarded to me by John Sumption from Jan Janssens. For those who do not know him, Jan runs a very comphrehensive solar tracking website here. Jan…

Former director of International Arctic Research Center says: "Global warming has paused"

We still need to study nature’s contribution to trend Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Community Perspective Published Saturday, September 27, 2008, Fairbanks AK News-Miner Photo by Anthony – not part of original article…

NASA JPL on Heatwaves: "it's the asphalt, not the atmosphere"

UPDATE: Former California State climatologist Jim Goodridge presents some data that suggests that ocean temperature may be an equal or greater driving force behind Los Angeles Temperature increases, see graph…

Global Warming causing Cannibalism

by John Goetz OK, I know the catchy headline and picture of Hannibal Lecter got you worrying a little about that neighbor of yours who is stocking up on fava…

Adjusting Pristine Data

by John Goetz On September 15, 2008, Anthony DePalma of the New York Times wrote an article about the Mohonk Lakes USHCN weather station titled Weather History Offers Insight Into…

My first "something" attack

NOTE: The first title to this post was “my first DOS attack” which is what it appeared to be to me…now WordPress support has weighed in, so we don’t know…

Sounds familiar: “A friend of mine found one station where the temperature gauge was just outside the air conditioner…”

UAF professor emeritus continues to question sources of global warming By Chris Freiberg Published Friday, September 19, 2008 FAIRBANKS — A University of Alaska Fairbanks professor emeritus known for his…

NEWS: NASA to hold press conference on the state of the sun

This is unusual. A live media teleconference on the sun. Even more unusual is this statement: The sun’s current state could result in changing conditions in the solar system. As…

How the IPCC Portrayed a Net Positive Impact of Climate Change as a Negative

By Indur Goklany. Originally published at the Cato Institute, but published here also by invitation from the author. Arguably the most influential graphic from the latest IPCC report is Figure…

Global Warming to Shake Up Big Ten

Posted by John Goetz Jim Nichols of the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote an article this past Tuesday (September 16) that has gotten the attention of Ohio State and Michigan fans…

A Canadian's View: "the global warming brigade lost much of its sizzle in the past year"

Under-achieving B-team players fumbling on climate change too Wednesday, September 17, 2008 By john Martin, The Province  As evidence to the contrary started rolling in and one prominent scientist after…

Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Officially Over; ice up over 9% from last year

We have news from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). They say: The melt is over. And we’ve added 9.4% ice coverage from this time last year. Though…

NOAA Claims: Global Summer Temperature Was Ninth Warmest – Questionable

This just doesn’t seem to add up given what we’ve seen from anecdotal weather information and satellite data. For example the UAH global temperature for the lower troposphere shows that…

I am a Skeptic

Posted by Dee Norris skep·tic One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions. from Greek Skeptikos, from skeptesthai, to examine. I have been…

How not to measure temperature, part 70

What’s wrong with this picture?   Stevenson Screen at USHCN station, Hood River Oregon Click for a larger image Photo: surfacestations.org volunteers Don and Liz Healy

Rethinking Carbon of the Past: Scientist Uncovers Miscalculation In Geological Undersea Record

Carbon isotope ratios are central to many reconstructions of past climate. For example the IPCC Working Group 1 cited C12/C13 ratios as the basis for determining some of their findings…

NOAA: August 2008 is 39th warmest on record

NOAA: Above Average Temperatures in U.S. for August, Summer; Midwest Much Drier than Average in August, South Much Wetter This June-August 2008 summer season was the 22nd warmest on record…

Piling On the Guilt

by John Goetz Kate Raworth of Oxfam International recently authored a 34-page report that began: “In failing to tackle climate change with urgency, rich countries are effectively violating the human…

Response from SIDC on the August sunspeck debacle

August 21st sketch from Catainia Observatory, Italy. Click for a larger image I had thought I was getting “blown off” by SIDC (Solar Influences Data Center) since I had not heard a…

GISS Global Temperature Dips in August

GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies) Surface Temperature Analysis (GISSTemp) released their monthly global temperature anomaly data for August 2008. Following is the monthly global ∆T from January to August 2008 Year J …

An Inconvenient Youth – Updated

Posted by Dee Norris Teach children the path to follow, and even when they are old, they will not stray from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Childhood indoctrination.  It’s a dirty word. …

Newest geo-engineering plan is salt water daffy

Here we go again, more geo-engineering. From Physicsworld: Artist’s impression of a Flettner spray vessel. The wind would be blowing from the right-hand side of the image, the rotor spin…

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