When Did Global Warming Begin?

Image Credit: Marathon Nation – Soft Pixel By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” There have been a number of statements made recently about “Global Warming Deniers”, e.g. “White House: Global…

New study suggests global warming decreases storm activity and extreme weather

A paper published January 21st in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs storm activity in Iceland over the past 1,200 years and finds storminess and extreme weather variability was far more common…

The Inventor of the Global-Warming 'Hockeystick' Doubles Down

Professor Michael Mann, if you see something, say something – or maybe just keep your mouth shut Guest essay by  Dr. Fred Singer Professor Michael Mann, the inventor of the…

The truth about 'We have to get rid of the medieval warm period'

In the thread Intelligence and the hockey stick commenter “Robert” challenged a well known quote about the MWP from 2006 by Dr. David Deming in his statement before the Senate EPW…

Warmism: Credible Politics, Incredible Science

Guest essay by Paul Murphy Here’s Wikipedia’s simplified but canonical description of the greenhouse effect:   The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface…

The Medieval Warm Period in the Arctic

Since the IPCC AR5 is again making news in talking about the Medieval Warm Period, this review from Craig Idso at CO2Science.org seems appropriate. -Anthony Medieval Warm Period (Arctic) —…

Global Warming = Climate Change

Guest Essay by Ed Hoskins This short essay questions the actions to combat Global Warming / Climate Change from three points of view: The Temperature Context Man-made CO2 emissions 1965…

Global Warming theory has failed all tests, so alarmists return to the ‘97% consensus’ hoax

 Guest essay by Joseph D’Aleo, CCM, Weatherbell Analytics National Academies of Science defines a scientific theory as “a well-substantiated explanation of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences,…

Validity of “A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years”

It seems that Marcott et al isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. Dr. Easterbrook takes a good hard look at the paper. Guest post by Dr. Don…

Global warming – more complex than we thought

From the University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST, more modeling mania for the future. New research shows complexity of global warming Greenhouse gases versus solar heating Global warming from greenhouse gases…

Matt Ridley: A Lukewarmer's Ten Tests

What it would take to persuade me that current climate policy makes sense Guest post by Matt Ridley I have written about climate change and energy policy for more than…

The age old battle of the thermostat – the 'Goredian' Knot of global temperature

People send me stuff. Reader Kurt writes: I just found your excellent website and have book marked it and will visit it often for updates. One simple question the global…

Claims Of More Severe Weather With Warming Are Based On IPCC Errors and Omissions

Guest post by Dr. Tim Ball The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports are the ‘scientific’ source of claims for more severe and extreme weather. In fact the incidence…

Myths and Facts about Global Warming

From Friends of Science. Be sure to visit their page and bookmark it. COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING MYTH 1:  Global temperatures are rising at a rapid, unprecedented rate. FACT: …

Yet another paper demonstrates warmer temperatures 1000 years ago and even 2000 years ago.

Yesterday I highlighted the paper The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability, by B Christiansen of the Danish Meteorological Institute and F C…

New paper confirms the climate was warmer 1000 years ago

Mike Mann will have a twitfest on Twitter trying to knock this one down. Data from 91 Northern Hemisphere proxies was used to reconstruct temperature. See reconstruction graph (figure 5)…

Another paper refutes the Mann made hockey stick – MWP was ≈1°C warmer than current temperatures

This new paper uses a rather unique proxy; high-resolution samples micromilled from archaeological shells of the European limpet, Patella vulgata. Mr. Limpet would be proud. A paper published this week…

Why William D. Nordhaus Is Wrong About Global Warming Skeptics Being Wrong…

Guest post by David Middleton William D. Nordhaus is an economics professor at Yale University. He recently published this essay in the New York Review of Books… Why the Global…

SST's cooler now than in the Medieval Warming Period

From “The Hockey Schtick“, some inconvenient truth that breaks Mann’s already broken hockey stick into even smaller pieces. A new paper finds significant cooling of Atlantic Ocean over past millennium,…

New study shows temperature in Greenland significantly warmer than present several times in the last 4000 years

Kobashi et al 2011 was just published in GRL, and it looks like it will be upsetting the paleoclimate apple cart. The conclusions of Kaufman et al 2009 look to…

Roman Period "megadrought" found in the USA southwest

From the University of Arizona, one wonders how such a thing could happen when CO2 was at “safe” levels. They are using bristlecone pines again, which may very well be…

No global climate change in the past 20,000 years?

Guest post by Dr. Don J. Easterbrook Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA In a paper entitled “Current global warming appears anomalous in relation to the climate of…

Warming Island / Greenland Sea Regional Climate and Arctic Sea Ice Reconstruction

Guest post by David Middleton The recent return of the Warming Island AGW myth inspired me to build a climate reconstruction for the Greenland Sea region. Temperature Reconstruction I performed…

Interpretation of the Global Mean Temperature Data as a Pendulum

By Girma Orssengo, PhD In his Caltech commencement address in 1974, Professor Richard Feynman advised students the following: “Details that could throw doubt on your interpretation must be given, if…

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