Google AI: “Significant Limitations To Our Certainty About Global Mean Temperatures”!

AI admits global historical weather data was sparse … “significant limitations to our certainty about global mean temperatures.”

Stupid Geoengineering Idea of the Week, No Year, No Decade…of All Time?

These morons are discussing placing billions upon billions of dollars worth of heavy mechanical infrastructure on drifting impermanent ice floes.

Negligible future warming from: CO2 – CH4 – N2O

As at its current concentration atmospheric CO2 at 420 ppmv is already more than 85% saturated,  its Global warming potential is almost entirely exhausted.

Swedish Wind Farms Facing Bankruptcy

The total loss for the years 2017–2022 amounted to 13.5 billion Swedish krona [€1.2 billion], which meant a loss margin of 39 per cent,” they said about the sector.

Pandemic and Climate Change Response

The reliance on models like the Global Climate Models that can never be properly verified by comparison to observations must always keep that in mind. 

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