Man-oh-Man: Manatees

Counting manatees is exceptionally difficult.  They spend their time under murky sluggish waters,  often have green moss on their backs the same color as the water itself and if congregating,…

Spencer vs. Schmidt: Spencer Responds to Criticisms

…he seems to be trying too hard to refute my claims while using weak (and even non-existent) evidence.

Urban Heat Island Studies – Do Pristine Weather Stations Even Exist?

Australia’s low population density plus its many weather stations allow many “pristine” station candidates to be examined for studies of Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects.

Malawi COP29 Frustration: Rich Nation Parliaments Need to Debate OUR Climate Cash NOW

Like rich nations have nothing better to do than discuss than giving big climate handouts to poor nations which have a shameful corruption index score.

The Hoax: an interview with Dr. Neil Frank, former Director, National Hurricane Center

Brian Sussman We are told there are more hurricanes than ever because of climate change? Does the world’s foremost senior hurricane statesman agree with that? In this episode you will…

A Curious Correlation -Sunspots vs. Major Hurricane Frequency

We see maximum cloudiness at solar maximum. Just the opposite of the Svensmark hypothesis

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