Pay Attention, America: Edmund Burke and the Folly of British Climate “Leadership”

U.S. policymakers have a good deal to learn from the fiasco that is British climate and energy policies.

Claim: Socially Engineered Greed Stops Renewables from Solving Climate Change

Rich nation consumers who have been deceived by clever marketing into demanding material wealth and modern conveniences are stopping greens from saving the planet.

Climate Fraud In New Zealand

NZ Climate Science Coalition statisticians have uncovered evidence of scarcely believable deception from our National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA). [The equivalent of the UK Met Office]

Big Claims About Tiny Numbers

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [UPDATE: An alert commenter, Izaak Walton, notes below that I’d used 10e21 instead of 1e21. This means all my results were too large by a…

How did Alberta wind up facing blackouts in the extreme cold?

“… at this time of year, we don’t have any solar power … Over the last couple of days, the wind has dropped off dramatically. …”

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #583

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” – H.L. Menchen