Czech Physicist: Claims Net Zero Would Be Cheap And Easy Are “Completely Insane”

The real battle is against lunatics

New Study Finds Most Of Antarctica Has Cooled By Over 1°C Since 1999…W. Antarctica Cooled 1.8°C

Not only has the WAIS undergone significant cooling in the last two decades, most of the continent also cooled by more than 1°C. See, for example, the ~1°C per decade…

Catching-up on Monarch Butterflies

It is the time for the Great Journey South for the Monarch butterflies of North America.  The super-generation of monarchs, who are the great-great-grandchildren of the monarchs that left overwintering…

Dumped by New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern Still Pushing Climate Action

The destroyer of the New Zealand economy gifting her talents to the world.

Orsted Mulling Private Power Deals for Hornsea

Despite Orsted’s protestations, there is an increasing likelihood that they will pull the plug on Hornsea.

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson Slams Federal Senators for Climate Lunacy

“… you haven’t got the intestinal fortitude to tell the truth… ” – Federal Senator Pauline Hanson addresses the Aussie senate.