The Wind Industry’s Ignored Consequences: Whales in Peril

it’s clear that the American people and our representatives cannot trust NOAA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the two government agencies that, for years, have repeatedly betrayed…

John Kerry: Climate Deniers “lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria”

h/t J Boles, PJ Media; “… humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself …”. John Kerry speech 24th August, with fun annotations to hilight his ridiculous mistakes.

Monday Mirthiness – Mike Mann’s Hockey Team ‘will keep those papers out somehow’

Another story about ‘scientists’ trying to bury papers and evidence they don’t like. It’s Climategate deja vu.

Oil Group Sues Interior Over Arbitrary Unlawful Restrictions

Guest “Time to kick some @$$!” by David Middleton This is a continuation of the Rice’s whales saga. A quick recap One of the first things Biden did after occupying…

The Essential Ingredients of the Most Destructive Wildfires: Wind and Grass

Climate change has little to do with such grass/range fires. Many steps can be taken to reduce the grass/range wildfire risk.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #565

In plain words, Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.”