Claim: Climate Damage Caused by Growing Space Tourism Needs Urgent Mitigation

The team found that black carbon (soot) particles emitted by rockets are almost 500 times more efficient at holding heat in the atmosphere than all other sources of soot combined…

Coal Burning Germany: Pay Poor Countries to Switch to Renewables

“It’s difficult to cajole developing countries to abandon coal while reopening your own coal-fired power plants.”

Cheers! ‘Climate backtracking’: Germany Pushes for G-7 Reversal on Fossil Fuels in Climate Blow

A G-7 shift from a commitment initiated last year and firmed up in May would be a u-turn in global efforts to fight climate change.

Time: Exploit the Ocean to Build Our Green Future

Time Magazine painting a glorious green vision of massive exploitation of unspoilt marine wilderness to build our renewable energy powered future.

Bill Gates and Elon Musk: The Battle of the Climate Change Hypocrites

So, enjoy your cheeseburger, take your shower, and drive your car to work. The climate bosses are doing it, so why shouldn’t you?

New Polar Bear Subpopulation Update: More Background Facts and Details from the Paper

As a consequence, the media have been trying to out-do each other with the most over-the-top climate catastrophe headlines,