Not Threatened By Climate Change: Orkney Islands

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen   Way up at the northern tip of Scotland, and a short ferry ride away, one finds the magnificent, bleak, intriguing islands of Orkney. Signs…

Dr. Peter Ridd climate skeptic dismissal case finally heads to court

Dr. Peter Ridd writes on his GoFundMe Page. My court case is scheduled for 26-28th March in Brisbane. The main arguments of both sides have been submitted to the court…

America needs President Trump’s Climate Science Committee

Independent scientists must review alarmist “science” that is driving anti-fossil fuel policies John Droz America is in the midst of a cataclysmic battle – and yet you’ve likely heard very…

A Presidential Committee on Climate Security (PCCS) is needed now

Charles G. Battig, MD By CFACT Ed|March 8th, 2019| Congratulations President Trump on having the interest in and courage to ask that the American people be given the benefits of…

President Trump Seeking Major Cuts to Renewable Subsidies

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Dr. Willie Soon – According to Bloomberg President Trump wants to slash $1.6 billion off federal subsidies for renewable energy. Trump Again Seeks Deep…

Arnold Schwarzenegger Planning To Sue Oil Companies To Force Climate Policies

From The Daily Caller Jason Hopkins | Energy Investigator A spokesman for Arnold Schwarzenegger said the former governor and famous movie actor is still pursuing his options to sue oil…