Climate Activist Frustration: Nobody is Paying for Our Free Lunch

Guest essay by Eric Worrall From Mozambique to the Caribbean, green groups used to easy money from Obama are expressing frustration that President Trump is cancelling their global warming funding.…

The End of Oil and Gas

By Andy May The end of oil and gas has been predicted on a regular basis since 1885, yet today we use more of both than ever before and no…

Whatever Happened to Agenda 21 and Climate Change Policy?

Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball It’s alive and well in your backyard. The entire policy of using anthropogenic global warming as a false front to implement global governance and impose…

Ouargla, Africa – Washington Post promotes another potentially bogus “all time high” temperature record

From the “anything hot goes” department and the Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang comes this pronouncement of an all-time high temperature record that may be little more than wishful thinking,…