Britain to ban Disposable Plastic – Cotton Buds, Drink Stirrers, Drinking Straws…

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The UK Government has announced a ban on cotton buds, drink stirrers and plastic drinking straws to combat the “scourge” of plastic pollution. Cotton buds…

Curious Circles in Arctic Sea Ice

NASA’s Operation IceBridge—the airborne mission flown annually over both polar regions—is now in its tenth year making flights over the Arctic. That’s a lot of flight hours spent mapping the…

Claim: Climate Superstorms May Scuttle the Caribbean's Green Energy Plans

Guest essay by Eric Worrall What power system is most likely to survive a category six superstorm? Climate change may scuttle Caribbean’s post-hurricane plans for a renewable energy boom MASAŌ…

Martian Muddy Waters

No… Martian Muddy Waters is not an extraterrestrial blues musician.  It’s just a catchy title that links Mars, mud and water together. Guest post by David Middleton Clear as mud:…


Guest analysis by JAMAL MUNSHI (h/t to  Adam Wildavsky) ABSTRACT: Homicides in England and Wales 1898-2003 are studied against the atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the same period. The Charney Equilibrium…

Interplanetary Shock Wave Sparks Electric-Blue Auroras

Surprising sight seen by airplane pilots and passengers on “red eye” flight Last night, April 19-20, a shock wave in the solar wind hit Earth’s magnetic field, sparking a moderately…

Where, Exactly, Is The Man-made Climate Problem?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Posted without comment, except a hat tip to Dave Burton and Willie Soon … There is no statistically significant difference between the two trends. Well,…

Inconvenient: Study says corals adapting fast enough to withstand another century of climate change

Heat-tolerant genes may spread through coral populations fast enough to give the marine creatures a tool to survive another 100 years of warming in our oceans. Coral reefs are facing…

Humans Are Causing Mammals to Shrink!

Guest commentary by David Middleton From the No Schist Sherlock files… PUBLIC RELEASE: 19-APR-2018 Humans have been driving a global reduction in mammal size for thousands of years AMERICAN ASSOCIATION…