CSIRO 'solar sponge' soaks up CO₂ emissions

From the ‘CO2 must be assimilated’ department comes this press release from CSIRO. I have to wonder if this is a ‘spongeworthy’ project. ====================== CSIRO scientists have created a ‘solar…

UV shift in the leaked IPCC report: more inversion of the scientific method

Guest post by Alec Rawls A Fox News story on the leaked draft of AR5 got big attention through the Drudge Report the other week. Fox reporter Maxim Lott begins…

There might possibly could be a chance of danger! Thunderstorms!

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Thunderstorms are one of my main interests, so I read up on a study by some Harvard researchers that has been receiving all kinds of…

Climate change – off in the ozone

From the Harvard University  news service and the what are they smoking department, comes this suggestion that apparently it never was ozone damaging CFC refrigerants at all, it was those…

Climate Craziness of the Week – bonus "eye of the beholder" edition

This is almost too stupid to comment on, but I’ll do my best. First the headline and story excerpt: GLOBAL WARMING Warming of the Earth’s climate system and related increasing…

Good news from UVa, earthquake early warning may be possible

Study: Ozone From Rock Fracture Could Serve As Earthquake Early Warning — Researchers the world over are seeking reliable ways to predict earthquakes, focusing on identifying seismic precursors that, if…

Solar and climate- no longer taboo

Paul Hudson of the BBC writes: This is an exciting time for solar physics, and its role in climate. As one leading climate scientist told me last month, it’s a…

BBC: The Little Ice Age was all about solar UV variability… wasn't an ice age at all

Mike Bromley writes in: BBC has the explanation for the European LIA… it wasn’t really an ice age at all.   See this strange quote.

UV low during recent solar minimum

From the American Geophysical Union: Ultraviolet solar irradiance was low during recent solar minimum Solar irradiance, which varies with the 11-year solar cycle and on longer time scales, can affect…

My morning double take: "Arctic on the verge of record ozone loss"

Say what? There isn’t much that surprises me anymore in the rarefied air that is climate science today. This headline made me do a double take, and the sentence that…

SORCE's Solar Spectral Surprise – UV declined, TSI constant

From NASA’s website (h/t to David Archibald) By Adam Voiland NASA’s Earth Science News Team Two satellite instruments aboard NASA’s Solar Radiation & Climate Experiment (SORCE) mission — the Total…