Claim: Climate Models Are Imprecise, Because Psychologists Were Not Consulted

According to Nature “Human behaviour is a neglected factor in climate science”.

America Being Misled by Cook, Oreskes, Lewandowsky and Maibach

Guest “liar, liar, pants on fire” by David Middleton Hat tip to Dr. Willie Soon… America Misled: How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about climate change Over the…

From the "The Stupid, It Burns" Department: "Science denial not limited to political right"

Guest rant by David Middleton Science denial not limited to political right September 19, 2017 In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, many claims have been made that science…

Guest post: “Climate variability research: did the sceptics make us do it?” – Professor Richard Betts

This is a guest post by Prof. Richard Betts, Head of Climate Impacts at the Met Office, (IPCC AR4 and AR5 lead author) about Lewandowsky, Oreskes et al’s forthcoming paper, which…

Not quite Friday Funny: The new Ty-D-Bol Man – a rising tide floats all, er, boats

Some WUWT readers may remember this classic TV commercial: Josh writes: It looks like Lew & crew want to continue to debate the merits of his paper. H/t and many thanks to Jo…

Quote of the week – beyond 'noble cause corruption'

A lot of popcorn is being consumed these days watching the wailing of the Lewandowsky lemming team as they furiously throw themselves over cyber-cliffs in support of a retracted paper…

Saturday Silliness: The Zero of all sums = ooommmm

Josh writes: A cartoon inspired by Steve McIntyre’s post on Lew & Mann, and of course all the other posts from everyone else! 

Stephan Lewandowsky's ethical lapses allowed his science to be published without oversight

As if there could be any more ludicrous antics from this plonker, we now find that Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky pulled a bait and switch on ethical approvals for his psychological…

Mann and Lewandowsky go psychotic on climate skeptics

From the tiny dog whistle violin department. Dr. Michael Mann and Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky have a new paper out that redefines the term “climate ugliness”. Apparently FOIA requests are “harassment”.…

Why doesn't Lewandowsky study this phenomenon?

One of the favorite smears from Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky used to try to diminish the arguments of climate skeptics is to create dodgy psuedo-scientific psychological studies with a bent on…

Another plonker from Lewandowsky

UPDATE: It seems another poll/study flies in the face of what Lewandowsky claims about “Free Market Thinkers” Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. See below. NOTE: The section after the graphic has…

Lewandowsky's 'seepage', now with FOI

From Tom Nelson Lewandowsky’s skeptic seepage plus see the FOIA documents link added at the end. Emailer WL writes: [Stephan Lewandowsky at 2013 American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference] “Skeptic discourse…

'Lewd' behavior: The pathologising of climate scepticism

ESSAY: The shoddy science of sceptic-bashing LOG12 paper by Lewandowsky attempts to turn rational criticism into a psychological illness. “As the influence of environmental thinking has increased its hold over…

Monday Mirthiness – John's cooked up Skeptical Science survey

When I was first contacted by Skeptical Science proprietor John Cook about his request to have WUWT host a survey, I asked him several questions because I had misgivings about…

Lewandowsky et al 2013: surveying Peter to report on Paul

Guest analysis by Shub Niggurath In 2012, Stephan Lewandowsky and co-authors submitted a paper to the journal Psychological Science, generating widespread publicity. Here, I address a simple issue/question that has…

Lewandowsky paper 'provisionally removed' due to complaints

UPDATE: Steve McIntyre has an interesting letter about the Lewandowsky and Cook affair here. Retraction Watch writes: Last week, we covered the complicated story of a paper by Stephan Lewandowsky…

Second Lewandowsky conspiracy theory paper delinked from journal

I’ve been waiting to get some confirmation on this since yesterday , and now that I have it, I can state that the link to the second Lew paper Recursive fury:…

McIntyre's dissection of the Cook-Lewandowsky "Lying/deceiving/incompetence" complex

You don’t need a degree in psychology to figure this one out, you simply need to be an astute observer. Steve McIntyre writes: Last fall, Geoff Chambers and Barry Woods…

Some thoughts on the recent Lewandowsky-Cook conspiracy theory

Reversing Curie Guest post by Tom Fuller from The Lukewarmer’s Way The online journal Frontiers promises open access and peer review. They have recently published Stefan Lewandowsky’s paper ‘Recursive Fury: conspiracist ideation…

Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook – making things up

Fabricated quotes and gross distortions are used to paint skeptics as conspiracy nuts.  The question is, is it a conspiracy, or is it just incompetence? Guest post by Brandon Shollenberger…

Lewandowsky's latest smear paper gets pulled from the journal website

Readers may recall these two recent WUWT stories: More shameless conspiracy theory from the ‘Skeptical Science’ smear quest team Lewandowsky’s bear-baiting behavior Tonight I’m pleased to report, that one skeptic…

Lewandowsky's bear-baiting behavior

Skeptic Baiting and Academic Misconduct Guest post by Tom Fuller, writing at The Lukewarmer’s Way I see here at Watts Up With That that Australian professor Stephan Lewandowsky has teamed up…

Hypocritical psychology professor Lewandowsky: Climate science is, like, super-transparent, only with lots of "confidential" documents; climate science is like gravity

From Tom Nelson, it was too good not to repost, especially when Lewandowsky hands out moral lessons while being immoral himself with his labeling skeptics as “moon landing deniers” with…

Global Warming Skepticism and the New Segregation

Given the shameful pedophilia labels that were recently applied to climate skeptics by the Merchants of Hate Robyn Williams and Stephan Lewandowsky on Australia’s ABC radio, I thought this essay…