Dumpster Diving NASA Climate Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admit he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels

“Here’s why race justice and climate justice are one & the same: The oppressive extractive plutocracies that colonize and kill black bodies and colonize and kill our planet are one…

National Grid Warm Up Coal Plant

Wind was running at 8% at the time, but has dropped since then:

Wrong, Legacy Media, Climate Change Is Not Causing Summer Heatwaves in the U.S. and Europe

The headlines have been truly apoplectic, and absolutely wrong.

Don’t Panic!

Just as a few frigid days in winter are now known as a “snow event” and winter gales come with names attached, so the arrival of high summer is greeted…

Heatwave Lockdowns Have Arrived

Outdoor events – including, ironically, annual ‘Resistance’ celebrations – are banned until the officials declare the heatwave is over. They’re even restricting some indoor events that don’t have air conditioning.

Flawed Heatwave Report Leads to False Headlines in Major Media

A failure that misinformed you and millions of others, and a failure that highlighted glaring weaknesses in the media’s ability to cover important scientific issues. And it revealed the disappointing…

New Podcast: Global Warming and the Northwest Heatwave, Plus the Weekend Forecast

Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog New Podcast: Global Warming and the Northwest Heatwave, Plus the Weekend Forecast The severe heatwave this week has been on everyone’s mind, for…