Claim: Unilateral Geoengineering Attempts Could Lead to Conflict

“… Once climate engineering is deployed, countries may be more likely to blame climate engineering for extreme events such as hurricanes, floods and droughts, regardless of the evidence. …”

Scientists Look to Fight Climate Change by Dumping 6,000 Gallons of Chemicals into Ocean Near Martha’s Vineyard

A team of scientists is looking to dump chemicals into waters off the coast of Massachusetts this summer to research whether doing so could be an effective counter to ocean…

Climate Experiment to Dump Minerals in Cornish Sea to Absorb Carbon

But as Sue Sayer points out, there could be unintended effects from messing around with the natural eco-systems.

Geoengineering: New Area for the Climate Industrial Complex?

Today’s climate/energy policy has created many eco-sins from just about anyone’s viewpoint.

Could Prove Disastrous … But Might Be Required

Ivor Williams The bad news first: there is more to worry about than climate, covid variants and your electricity supply this winter. Regardless of whether there is a global warming…

Dangerously Stupid Science: Solar Geoengineering

Modelers too often eschew the bountiful evidence of real natural climate change when it competes with their CO2‑driven models. They downplay the myriad of critical factors that have caused change…

Gates-Funded Plan to Dim The Sun’s Rays is Moving Forward.

Steve Milloy talks Bill Gates’ Geoengineering Project with Kara McKinney on OANN

Science is ready to save us, maybe

Many scientists around the world have realised that the major emitters of greenhouse gases are not likely to cut back and cripple their economies any time soon. Even China has…

ABC: Why are there No Large Scale Geo-engineering Experiments?

Large scale geo-engineering could trigger famine and nuclear war, but its a solution to climate change, right?

Geoengineering vs. volcanic activity for a cooler climate

[More crazy talk from Carnegie Institute’s Ken Caldiera… Anthony] Washington, DC– Major volcanic eruptions spew ash particles into the atmosphere, which reflect some of the Sun’s radiation back into space…