Is Warming Accelerating in the Troposphere?

…the new NOAA data do not support a claim that warming in the troposphere has undergone a statistically-significant change in trend.

Colorful fluid dynamics” and overconfidence in global climate models

This situation is related to the replication crisis in science generally, whereby much of the literature is affected by selection and positive results bias.

Inside The Bayesian Priory

Anyone who thinks that a description of reality is only worthwhile if it matches the output of absurdly simplistic climate models is not worth my time to investigate.

Tendency, Convenient Mistakes, and the Importance of Physical Reasoning.

by Pat Frank Last February 7, statistician Richard Booth, Ph.D. (hereinafter, Rich) posted a very long critique titled, What do you mean by “mean”: an essay on black boxes, emulators,…

Contemporary climatic analogs for 540 North American urban areas in the late 21st century

I guess sometimes you just have to throw the officially acknowledged lack of regional skill for GCM’s out the window~ctm From Nature Communications Abstract A major challenge in articulating human…

The Best Test of Downscaling

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In a recent issue of Science magazine there was a “Perspective” article entitled “Projecting regional change” (paywalled here)  This is the opening: Techniques to downscale…

Mechanical Models

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [NOTE the update at the end of the post.] I’ve continued my peregrinations following the spoor of the global climate model data cited in my…