When life gives you fracked water, make methane hydrate

From the American Chemical Society , an environmentalist’s nightmare. Desalination of drinking water, fracking, and methane hydrates all wrapped up into one positive outcome. Using a form of ‘ice that…

That 'Methane Time Bomb' now lurks behind dams

From the American Chemical Society. I wonder if they studied how much methane comes from sediment loads dropped by rivers naturally and compared them? The Mississippi Delta alone must be…

Better living through chemistry climate science?

The American Chemical Society decides to put themselves into the climate communications business. From their press release: Understanding climate science: A scientist’s responsibility to communicate with the public NEW ORLEANS,…

Cooltech: a nanoscale foglifter and frost inhibitor coating

From the American Chemical Society, something interesting. A new anti-frost and anti-fog coating for glass In an advance toward glass that remains clear under the harshest of conditions, scientists are…

Dueling statements in the American Chemical Society science by press release

Hmm…which to believe? The headline or the statement. Maybe he’s just jealous of Jim Hansen getting all the attention for his just wrong  and now panned PNAS “weather is climate”…

Plants: An efficient green technology for cities

From the American Chemical Society Green plants reduce city street pollution up to 8 times more than previously believed Trees, bushes and other greenery growing in the concrete-and-glass canyons of…

Too many cooks spoil the carbon footprint

From the American Chemical Society  it seems that newer is not always better. Even Yale environment360 bought into this idea. I should add that I’m all for reducing carbon soot,…

Just in time: shale oil use without creating carbon dioxide

From the American Chemical Society , something that will cause synapse arcing in Bill McKibben’s and Joe Romm’s brains. I guess Obama can build that Keystone XL pipeline after all.…

Diamonds the size of potatoes shoot up at 40 miles per hour from their birthplace 100 miles below Earth's surface and other strange carbon tales

From the American Chemical Society the same folks who are looking for science superheroes, carbon tales of the weird. Tackling mysteries about carbon, possible oil formation and more deep inside…

ACS says we need science superheroes

From the American Chemical Society, a call for science superheros. I suppose this means the Goreacle is not in the running. Remedies for science’s shortage of superheroes DENVER, Aug. 28,…