Gavin Schmidt on solar trends and global warming

I really wish Gavin would put as much effort into getting the oddities with the GISTEMP dataset fixed rather than writing coffee table books and trying new models to show…

James Hansen's Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic – Says Hansen 'Embarrassed NASA', 'Was Never Muzzled', & Models 'Useless'

UPDATE 1/28: Full text of Dr. Theon’s letter has been post on the Senate website and below. This is something I thought I’d never see. This press release today is…

The Worst Climate Predictions of 2008

And yet to play out, let’s also not forget Al Gore’s 2008 prediction: “Entire north polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years” -Anthony By Dennis Avery  in the Canada…

Army Chief Scientist: "Sun’s turbulent dynamics" driving climate

From Wired Magazine: The Army is weighing in on the global warming debate, claiming that climate change is not man-made.  Instead, Dr. Bruce West, with the Army Research Office, argues…

Warming Trend: PDO And Solar Correlate Better Than CO2

Note: This is my analysis of a new paper by Joe D’Aleo, I’ve tried to simplify and explain certain terms where possible so that  it can reach the broadest audience…