Agricultural pioneer and climate skeptic – Dr. Norman Borlaug

Renowned agricultural scientist Dr. Norman Borlaug has died at the age of 95. Borlaug, known as the father of the “Green Revolution” for saving over a billion people from starvation…

New Ice Core Project in Greenland looks at Eemian period

From EurekAlert International Greenland ice coring effort sets new drilling record in 2009 Ancient ice cores expected to help scientists assess risks of abrupt climate change in future IMAGE: Atmospheric…

National Wildlife Federation predicts more Cleveland heat waves

People send me stuff. I’m thinking they must be worried about the urban animals. Why else would a wildlife federation be jumping into city public policy? Hmmm. I’m not against…

How Sensitive is the Earth’s Climate?

Guest Post By Steve Fitzpatrick Introduction Projections of climate warming from global circulation models (GCM’s) are based on high sensitivity for the Earth’s climate to radiative forcing from well mixed…

Another Look At Polar Amplification

Posted by invitation, from Bob Tisdale’s website – original here. Photo/caption below added by Anthony. Guest post by Bob Tisdale On two occasions I’ve attempted to leave a comment at…

Limitations on Anthropogenic Global Warming

by Leonard Weinstein, ScD March 1, 2009 reposted from The Air Vent It is not obvious what the ideal temperature and CO2 level should be for mankind. We tend to…

Making your opinion on CO2 and climate change known to the EPA

As you may have already read about, the EPA is set to declare CO2 as a “public endangerment”. While the EPA declaration indicates “An endangerment finding under one provision of…

CO2, EPA, Politics, and all that

In a stunning act of political kowtowing, the EPA caved to special interest groups and politics and declared CO2 a “dangerous pollutant”, even though it is part of the natural…

A farmer's view on carbon credits

This short personal essay from “farmer Steve” in North Dakota appeared as a comment on WUWT here. I thought it was a succinct and clear message based on personal experience…

How not to measure temperature, part 74

Sometimes, words fail me in describing the absolute disregard of the placement of NOAA official climate monitoring sites. For example, this one in Clarinda, Iowa submitted by surfacestations volunteer Eric…

MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data

Many people have pointed me to this story, I wanted to read about it a bit before posting it.  Almost two years ago, when this blog was in its very…

Shocker: Solar panel manufacturing creates potent GHG's

I used to be really big on solar energy, putting panels on my house as well as a local school when I was on the school board. But that may…

NSIDC's Dr. Walt Meier answers reader questions on sea ice

From Steve Goddard: Thanks again to Dr. Meier from NSIDC for answering questions, and for offering to do a follow-up. From Anthony: Responses from Dr. Meier are in italics. I’ve…

Obama to Declare Carbon Dioxide Dangerous Pollutant

In my opinion, this is lunacy – Obama’s thinking is completely off the rails now. He cites a new energy plan in August, then cripples it from the start with…

Pachauri's at it again – shun meat, he says (but what about the buffalo?)

Shun meat, says UN climate chief By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website   Livestock production has a bigger climate impact than transport, the UN believes   People should…

NOAA: China to Warm U.S. Heartland

Posted by John Goetz CNN had the following AP article on their website today. NOAA says that shorter-term pollutants from Asia may raise U.S. heartland temperatures by three degrees in…

"Even doubling or tripling the amount of CO2' will have 'little impact' on temps"

From New Zealand Climate Science Professor Geoffrey G Duffy DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and…

A new view on GISS data, per Lucia

For some time I’ve been critical (and will likely remain so) of the data preparation techniques associated with NASA GISS global temperature data set. The adjustments, the errors, the train…

A Window on Water Vapor and Planetary Temperature

Here is some interesting news; according to data from NOAA’s Earth System Laboratory, atmospheric water vapor is on the decline globally. You’ve probably heard many times how water vapor is…

Brian Sussman: Global Whining vs. the Truth

Foreword from Anthony: Brian Sussman is a professional acquaintance of mine, I’ve known him since he was on KPIX-TV in San Francisco. He and I have come to essentially independent…

Saving Gaia with Bovine Tailpipe Intervention

  Never mind that in 2006 it was reported that levels of the second most important greenhouse gas, methane, have stabilized. Scientists are now working to create a new “tootless” grass for bovine…

A good year for CO2 in 2006

Just released: new DOE figures showing that the US has reduced CO2 production 1.5% last year in 2006, even without the US signing on to Kyoto.  You can read the…

Earth's Albedo Tells an Interesting Story

Thanks to one of our commenters (thanks Henry), this unique project called “Earthshine” being done at the Big Bear Solar Observatory has been brought to my attention. The project is…

Detailed Comments on An Inconvenient Truth

Foreword by the blog moderator: One of the things that often happens once your blog and effort is well known is that people start sending you things to look at and/or…