Solar Cycle 24 lack of sunspots caused by "sluggish solar jet stream" – returning soon?

I got a tip by email from JohnA who runs about this NASA press release. John’s skeptical about it. He makes some good points in this post here. What…

Sunspots Today: A Cheshire Cat – New Essay from Livingston and Penn

This arrived in my email tonight from Bill Livingston. It is hot off the press, date June 11th. I believe WUWT readers will be some of the first to see…

Another scientific consensus bites the dust

It has been said that “the science is settled” regarding what we know about Earth’s atmosphere and climate.  But recently scientists discovered that something we had accepted as a basic…

Energy Availability Is Almost Infinite

By Steven Goddard Energy Shortage? A favorite excuse to push the AGW agenda is that “energy is limited, so we have to preserve it for future generations.”  But nothing could…

Evidence of a Lunisolar Influence on Decadal and Bidecadal Oscillations In Globally Averaged Temperature Trends

Basil Copeland and Anthony Watts Image from NASA GSFC Many WUWT readers will remember that last year we presented evidence of what we thought was a “solar imprint” in globally…

Limitations on Anthropogenic Global Warming

by Leonard Weinstein, ScD March 1, 2009 reposted from The Air Vent It is not obvious what the ideal temperature and CO2 level should be for mankind. We tend to…

Audio from the NOAA/SWPC press teleconference

Well, it took me a week to get it, and finally here it is. Last Friday, May 9th as you may recall NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center had a teleconference…

The Solar Radio Microwave Flux

UPDATE: The SWPC press conference audio is now available, hear it here Shortly after SWPC dropped on their website their still invisible “press conference” ( I have yet to get…

NOAA SWPC Solar Cycle 24 Prediction: "weakest since 1928"

The new cycle 24 solar forecast is hot off the press from noon today, published at 12:03 PM from the Space Weather Prediction Center.  It looks like a peak of…

A possible correlation between the Southern Oscillation Index and the Solar Ap Index

I was pointed to this graph by an email from WUWT reader Phil Ravenscroft and I’m reposting it here for discussion. While the correlation looks plausible, it seems almost too…

The oceans as a calorimeter and solar amplification

For those who don’t know, a calorimeter is a device to measure heat capacity. There is an entire science called calorimetry devoted to this measurement. Scottish physician and scientist Joseph…

Bzzt! Welcome to the dark ages

Guest post by Steven Goddard The Effects of One Nuclear Bomb at High Altitude From Wikipedia Yesterday’s missile launch from nuclear power North Korea raised particular concern in the military,…

NASA Headline: Deep Solar Minimum

NASA Science News, Dr. Tony Philips The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower. 2008…

Compared to the Sun's power, we are a fly speck on an elephant's butt

Note: A number of people sent this to me. This is a fictional account of what might happen if we get a large solar event, such as a Coronal Mass…

Natural Drivers of Weather and Climate

Note: The full PDF of this author manuscript was sent to me via an email contact of the author, Bob Foster. He says it has been published in E&E.  Energy…

Beryllium 10 and climate

Quick primer: Beryllium-10 is an isotope that is a proxy for the sun’s activity. Be10 is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray collisions with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen.…

Cosmic Ray Flux and Neutron monitors suggest we may not have hit solar minimum yet

There’s some interesting information of the six month trend of neutrons being detected globally that I want to bring to discussion, but first I thought that a primer on cosmic…

NASA solicits new studies on the current solar minimum

This is interesting. It seems that NASA has taken an interest in the current solar minimum and is getting ready to launch one or more studies about it. They are…

Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking

From the UK Telegraph – source link The protective bubble around the sun that helps to shield the Earth from harmful interstellar radiation is shrinking and getting weaker, NASA scientists…

New Solar Cycle Not Packing Much Punch

I found a reference to this article while looking at Leif Svalgaard’s website, and since I missed it the first time around, and because the message is still valid, I thought…

"Even doubling or tripling the amount of CO2' will have 'little impact' on temps"

From New Zealand Climate Science Professor Geoffrey G Duffy DEng, PhD, BSc, ASTC Dip., FRS NZ, FIChemE, CEng Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and…

Ulysses exits with insight into our next solar cycle

“Ulysses ends its career after revealing that the magnetic field emanating from the sun’s poles is much weaker than previously observed.  This could mean the upcoming solar maximum period will…

Bees and Sunspots

Here is some interesting reading linking solar magnetic activity to Bees. Bees use the sun to navigate, so it is not a surprise that they’d be in tune with the…

Some Planetary Perspective

Update 2: Reader Jesse Michael forwarded me this animated image above, which does a better job than the flawed NASA image or it’s replacement I found below. It takes about…

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