Growth rings on rocks give up North American climate secrets

3 millimeters of soil deposits detail 120,000 years of climate history From the  UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – BERKELEY Scientists have found a new way to tease out signals about Earth’s…

Mark Steyn’s illuminating and entertaining testimony to the Cruz hearing on climate today

STATEMENT TO THE SUB-COMMITTEE ON SPACE, SCIENCE AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate over the Magnitude of Human Impact on…

TEX-86 proxy for past ocean temperature reconstructions challenged, possible 21°C error

From the UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Lab experiments question popular measure of ancient ocean temperatures Understanding the planet’s history is crucial if we are to predict its future. While some records…

Palynology: A Proxy Indicator of Climate Used To Make Remarkable Claim

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Sometimes people ask how we know what the temperature was thousands of years ago? The answer is we estimate temperature from proxy data or secondary…

A benefit of increased Carbon Dioxide: increased efficiency in tree growth, no "Mike's Nature trick" needed

Gosh, whouda thunk it? There goes Mann’s hockey stick. No wonder he had to truncate all the data after 1960 and splice on the instrumental record. Of course, as I’ve…

New rust based climate proxy even easier for Michael Mann to use upside down

From the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) and the upside down Mann-world department: Ferromanganese crusts record past climates Marine scientists reconstruct past variations in Arctic climate In the…

Mann's not so Explosive Findings on Volcanos’ Climate Influence in Tree Rings

Guest essay by Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. Knappenberger – A new paper overturns old suppositions regarding volcanoes, tree-rings, and climate sensitivity. According to a 2012 press release accompanying…

Paper: Influence of solar cycles on climate change during the Maunder Minimum

Both observational and proxy records of climate change often show quasi periodic variations similar to solar activity cycles over a wide range of time scales. However, the detailed mechanism and…

Neukom's Science By Proxy

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over at Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre is engaged in the slow public defenestration of the latest multi-proxy extravapalooza, a gem of a paper yclept “Inter-hemispheric…

Inconvenient study: Arctic was warmer than the present during the Medieval Warm Period

New paper finds temperatures were as much as 0.5c warmer in the Arctic during the MWP than today. The Hockeyschtick reports: A paper published yesterday in Global and Planetary Change…

Another proxy study with an 'unprecedented' temperature claim

UPDATE: McIntyre discovers a serious flaw right away, more upside down Mann world – he writes: In keeping with the total and complete stubbornness of the paleoclimate community, they use…

New isotope based temperature reconstruction using McIntyre's 'Starbucks hypothesis' tree core samples

A new paper in GRL published Sep 6th Secular temperature trends for the southern Rocky Mountains over the last five centuries makes use of some tree core sample data gathered…

Alarmist fact checking – street lights don't melt at 115°F

Tom Nelson posts this hilarious rush to connect a hot day to CO2 induced heat. Oops: Before learning the real cause (dumpster fire), lots of alarmists rush to blame carbon…

This is what global cooling really looks like – new tree ring study shows 2000 years of cooling – previous studies underestimated temperatures of Roman and Medieval Warm Periods

Since Princeton’s Dr. Michael Oppenheimer conflated weather with climate last week, proclaiming a short lived heat wave as “This is what global warming really looks like” in a media interview, it…

Proxy Science and Proxy Pseudo-Science

Guest post by Pat Frank It’s become very clear that most published proxy thermometry since 1998 [1] is not at all science, and most thoroughly so because Steve McIntyre and…

Mann: Trees aren't behaving like I want them to – volcanoes to blame

From Penn State Tree rings may underestimate climate response to volcanic eruptions Some climate cooling caused by past volcanic eruptions may not be evident in tree-ring reconstructions of temperature change…

Internal dissent: "Personally, I think that the tree ring records should be able to reproduce the instrumental record"

Severinghaus and “Hide the Decline” By Steve McIntyre One of the very first contributions to realclimate was an FAQ from Jeff Severighaus on Dec 3, 2004. A year earlier, Severinghaus attempted…

Shock news: trees grow better in a warmer climate with more carbon dioxide

The geniuses at Columbia University’s Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory have discovered Liebigs Law of the Minimum. The tree researcher exclaims: “I was expecting to see trees stressed from the warmer…

Trees show no rainfall pattern in last century

I’ve always said that trees are a better proxy for rainfall than temperature. Just looking at how trees cluster around water sources can tell you this. From the Hockeyschtick: New…

New paleoclimatology proxy – old science magazines

Old issues of Science, Nature, might be useful after all. From The Weizmann Institute of Science Some of the history preserved in old tomes and newspapers may be hiding in…

Pielke Senior on tree and thermometer divergence

by Dr Roger Pielke, Sr. With the McShane and Wyler paper examining and questioning the method, this look at the proxy data and its problems seems like a relevant issue…

Trees named "Tyranny and Freedom" – which tree in the photo below is the older one?

While researching for one of WUWT’s  previous posts by Caleb Shaw, which is a must read essay on the simple things that can explain tree ring records to scientists that…

A hands on view of tree growth and tree rings – one explanation for Briffa's YAD061 lone tree core

One of the great things about WUWT is that people from all walks of life frequent here. We have PhD’s right down to Average Joe  that read and post comments…

Ross McKitrick sums up the Yamal tree ring affair in the Financial Post

For those who don’t know, Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph co-authored the first paper with Steve McIntyre debunking Michael Mann’s first Hockey Stick paper, MBH98. Ross wrote this…