Met Office Must Account for the ‘Junk’ Temperature Data Propping up Net Zero Insanity

Pressure is likely to grow in the coming days for the U.K. Met Office to make a full public statement about the state of its nationwide temperature measuring stations.

Another Deceptive Front-Page Climate Story in the Seattle Times

Another highly deceptive and error-filled climate story in the ST.  One predicting more than a doubling of wildfires over western Washington and Oregon by mid-century.

Six Warning Signs Climate Scientists Are Lying About Wildfires

Although a 20-year period of a drier climate associated with La Nina-like conditions will dry out the biggest dead logs, so they more easily burn, changes in wildfire frequency and…

Britain’s e-bus ticking timebomb: How nearly TWO THOUSAND electric buses worth £800m face urgent recall over fears they could see burst into flames

At present, there is no permanent solution to prevent future fires. Instead, operators using the high-tech buses are warned to ‘switch off the Hipsacold HVAC system when the vehicle is…

Monday Mirthiness, A Tale of Fail

For more failed predictions, visit our Failed Prediction Timeline.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #590

If there is something very slightly wrong in our definition of the theories, then the full mathematical rigor may convert these errors into ridiculous conclusions.”