Markers Along the Road to The Death of Net Zero

Net zero may be dying, but so are the economies of the UK and Germany. I just hope that the U.S. can be rescued in time.

Global Historical Hurricane & Cyclone Statistics Establish that 2023 Experienced a Very “Normal Year.”

Climate alarmist claims that hype the year 2023 hurricane and cyclone season as being an “extreme weather outcome” are absurd and incompetent as is NOAA’s “Selected Significant Climate Events” hurricane…

Net Zero Jobs? British Government Offers £500 Million Green Funding for 2500 Job Losses

Green economic absurdity at its finest.

How Bogus Arctic Warming Attribution Enabled the Climate Crisis Scam

Thus, claims by alarmists attributing rising CO2 to any loss of Arctic sea ice and so-called “Arctic amplification” is not supported by the evidence.

Climate chiefs admitted net zero plan based on insufficient data, leading physicist says

…only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year when it made pronouncements on the extent to which the UK could rely…

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