A Thought Experiment; Simplifying the Climate Riddle.

Is it possible to simplify the climate sensitivity debate?

Happy End: Chile Will No Longer Have A Climate Constitution… For Now

Against all odds, Chile was once again saved from having a new Constitution (12/17/23) soaked with progressist footprints and DNA of the UN’s ‘Agenda 2030’ that also included a climate…

U.S. Climate 2023 Year in Review – In one word: NORMAL

The year is not quite in the books, but it is late enough that we can have a look-back at this year’s weather and climate extremes.

COP 28: Climate Hysteric Peter Kalmus Has the Sads

like a script from a dystopian drama where the villains are fossil fuels, and the heroes are, well, apparently not the attendees of COP28.

Reason is Right, There is No ‘Climate Cliff’

“it is good, although not surprising, news that when the world passes through the 1.5 C target, it will not be plunging to its death over a climate cliff.”

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #580

“I apologize for writing such a long letter, but I didn’t have time to write a short one.” – Mark Twain