Setting Utility Rates

Whining about thermal assets being inflexible and preventing full adoption of wind and solar is simply PR

California EV HELL: QUEUING for chargers at MIDNIGHT!!!

Coming to a town near you!

Study: Underground car parks heat up groundwater

From the “especially if the EV’s are on fire” department… The heat given off by car engines warms up underground car parks in such a way that the heat passes…

Dr. Jim Advises Panic

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I see that my favorite serially failed climate doomcaster, Dr. James Hansen, is at it again. Accompanied by his usual Greek chorus of co-sycophants, he’s…

The Coming Collapse of Green Energy, and why EVs Will Never Catch On

Energy prices are skyrocketing and the “green energy” industry is now demanding even more government handouts – and permission to hike prices even more – to keep the scam going.…

In a surprising finding, light can make water evaporate without heat

A newly identified process could explain a variety of natural phenomena and enable new approaches to desalination.

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