The Best of WUWT — Nominations Now Open

In the WUWT Archives there are a lot of really good, even important,  pieces that have unfortunately become buried in the “mists of time” – and are now only partially…

Room Temperature Superconductor Mania

Room Temperature Superconductor? A room temperature, ambient pressure Superconductor. So how exactly does it work, is this research legit, and why does it matter?

Boston’s Fossil Fuel Fiasco: A Case Study in Absurdity

a bold step towards “racial and economic justice,”

ClimateTV Live at 1PM ET – Climate Lockdowns: The British Change Their Stance

In this issue of Climate Change Roundtable #74 we will be heading across the pond to the UK to look at the results of a joint poll conducted by YouGov,…

High-Arctic Spring and Climate Change: A Tale of Shifting Claims

…prior assumptions about the region’s advancing spring season have now been effectively erased.

ROSS CLARK: This polluting green sham has been mocking taxpayers for years

Neither has Drax given us carbon-free electricity – unless you turn a blind eye to a colossal bureaucratic sleight of hand.

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