LA Times says quiet part out loud: ‘Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?’ – ‘We might not have a choice’

Could we get started ditching gas sooner — and save some money — by accepting a few more blackouts for the next few years?

Biden Admin Targets Water Heaters With New Rule Proposal

It seems that almost everything that plugs in or fires up around the house is either subject to a pending regulation or soon will be

SMH: Aussies Aren’t Engaging with the 43C (110F) Climate Crisis

In Australia we call a 110F top temperature a warm Summer day – so when alarmists tell us these temperatures are a climate crisis, it leaves us Aussies a bit…

Peak Hurricane Season Approaches. Protect Yourself Against the Coming Onslaught of Dishonest Climate Fear Mongering!

However, any examination of the path where hurricanes intensify, begs the question: if a warming ocean drives more intense hurricanes, why are most hurricanes low intensity tropical storms while over…

Alarmist Media Push “Opinion Survey” as Basis for CA Climate Policy vs Using Energy & Science Data

This SCNG article represents a clear example of energy and climate science incompetence employed by politically driven climate alarmism advocates.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #560

“Under this method, the theory that the world is flat is true if one uses only eyesight data and does not consider the voluminous other evidence that it is round.”

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