‘Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate’ (1988 exaggerations vs. today)

Today, 35 years later, the recorded increase is 1F and 4 inches.

Alex Epstein LIVE at the Fall College Retreat

“If we follow net-zero policies, nobody likes to say this but it’s true, climate danger will drastically increase from today because today we’re artificially protected from climate by fossil fuels.”

Invitation to Visit Mass Coral Bleaching, and see the Fishes

Too many Australians, whether young or old, voting Labor, Greens, Liberal or Teal, are mostly abrogating their capacity for reason in favour of being fashionable.

Al Gore’s Hypocritical Vision Perpetuates Indian Poverty

As the world’s most populous nation, India’s CO2 emissions are frequently cited by climate zealots in their demonization of the life-sustaining gas.

Coal To the Rescue in Britain as Solar Panels Also Work Too Poorly in The Summertime

Great Britain is finding out that going without coal power is a lot easier said than done.

Do Washington State Residents Know Why Their Gasoline Prices Are So High Now?

Patrick DeHaan, Head of Petroleum Analysis for GasBuddy, said the link between the cap-and-trade program and gas price increases is clear.