Guardian Economics Editor Promotes the Authoritarian Chinese “Directed Capitalism” Solution to Climate Change

Guest essay by Eric Worrall “People underestimate the power of models. Observational evidence is not very useful” – John Mitchell, Chief Research Scientist British MET Capitalism can crack climate change.…

Why does climate sensitivity increase over time in models? A look at two possibilities

Guest analysis by Alberto Zaragoza Comendador Note: if the terms used in this article seem confusing, check out the previous one. Introduction It’s well known that climate models show increasing sensitivity…

Drought Proofing a Dry Continent

Guest essay by Viv Forbes Earth is a blue watery planet. 70% of its surface is covered by oceans of salt water, some of which are extremely deep. These oceans…

Group that used children as litigious climate pawns gets shot down by judge

Washington judge throws out children’s climate change lawsuit by John Siciliano A judge in Washington state on Tuesday dismissed a climate change lawsuit filed against the state by a group of child…

Alabama’s State Climatologist John Christy Debunks This Month’s Climate Hysterics

WRITTEN BY JEREMY BEAMAN There is one particular word that Dr. John Christy turns to frequently for describing climate science: murky. It’s a point of view foundational to his own research,…

More wailing hothouse claims – Humans are pushing the Earth closer to a climate cliff

From the doom and gloom section of the Guardian today. Humans are pushing the Earth closer to a climate cliff A new study examines potential climate feedbacks that could push…