Study: CO2 causes Starfish to Dissolve

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Dr. Heidi Burdett has published a study which claims intense CO2 shocks cause starfish and coraline algae to dissolve. The study has implications for siting…

Tilting at Windmills

Guest essay by Andi May If you had told me a year ago that I would willingly move into proximity of a windfarm, I would have laughed. Yet this is…

Claim: Global Sea Level Rise is Accelerating

There’s been a lot of buzz about this new paper from Nerem et al (see link in references below) where they claim to find global sea level rise acceleration over…

A new paper about hurricanes shatters the narrative

By Larry Kummer. From the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: A new paper provides new information about hurricanes, one of the top natural disaster threats. It shatters the media’s narrative and…

Once again, climate scientists use a single tree to define global change

From Keele University and the “It’s like deja vu all over again”  department with the leader of the “ship of fools” thrown in for comic relief. Long-time WUWT readers surely remember…

Grist: Bitcoin Gobbling Up the Clean Energy Revolution

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Grist has joined the rising chorus of greens condemning the vast energy expenditures of Bitcoin miners. Bitcoin gobbles up clean energy — just when the…

Climate alarmism is still bizarre, dogmatic, intolerant

Claims defy parody, as alarmists become more tyrannical and their policies wreak havoc Guest opinion by Paul Driessen Climate alarmism dominated the Obama era and run-up to Paris. But it’s…