Windfarm noise – Renowned acoustician denounces double standards in noise regulations

UPDATE: Josh adds a cartoon and writes: An extraordinary quote from a Scottish Wind Farm Landowner. But with recent news that wind farms have been paid a secret £13 million compensation to…

Jason and the Argo Notes

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Like Jason, I proceed into the unknown with my look at the Argo data, and will post random notes as I voyage. Come, my friends,…

Declining global average cloud height: “A significant measure of negative feedback to global warming”

Guest post by Dr. Pat Michaels – reposted (with permission) from World Climate Report A new paper just published in Geophysical Research Letters by Roger Davies and Mathew Molloy of…

Not quite Friday (but feels like it) funny

Josh is moved by the revelations of the lack of Himalayan glacier melt in the last 10 years to do some voodoo cartooning.

USGS California Volcano Observatory Opens

  “More than 500 volcanic vents have been identified in the State of California. At least 76 of these vents have erupted, some repeatedly, during the last 10,000 years. … …

N&Z reply to Willis at Tallbloke's

This is a note to point out that Nikolov and Zeller have written a rebuttal to Willis Eschenbach’s Mystery of Equation 8. They submitted the manuscript to me two days…

An overview: Understanding the Global Warming Debate

Guest post by Warren Meyer Likely you have heard the sound bite that “97% of climate scientists” accept the global warming “consensus”.  Which is what gives global warming advocates the…

IPCC's Pachauri's "voodoo science" claim comes full circle

WUWT readers may recall that when the “Himalayan Glaciers will melt by 2035” error was first revealed, IPCC chairman Rajenda Pachauri famously labeled claims of the mistake “voodoo science”and then…