Claim: Solar activity not a key cause of climate change, study shows

From the University of Edinburgh , another one-paper syndrome in the making funded by an NGO research council with a political mission to grab a headline. And, another poorly written…

Got a warming wound? Rub a salt marsh in it.

From the University of Virginia, comes yet another incomplete press release that doesn’t give the name of the paper or the DOI: Salt marsh carbon may play role in slowing…

Crying over the carbon footprint of spilt milk

From the University of Edinburgh via Eurekalert, just scratching the surface of this press release suggests something’s gone sour, the numbers they cite don’t make for much concern in the…

Bait and switch; business as usual

Reading the headline and first paragraph of this press release from FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology one might think they are making a case for natural cycles.…