Judith Curry: Legacy of Climategate – 10 years later

As we approach the tenth anniversary of Climategate and are deluged with whitewashing and revisionist history, we will post a few articles, but cannot counter everything. As far as we…

Phil Jones 2012 video: Talks about adjusting SST data up ~.3-.5C after WWII

Phil Jones of Climategate fame made some extraordinary remarks that seem to have been overlooked until now. This was a presentation for Help Rescue The Planet’s St George’s House Consultations…

Historical Sea Surface Temperature Adjustments/Corrections aka "The Bucket Model"…

Image Credit: Bob Tisdale – bobtisdale.wordpress.com By WUWT Regular Just The Facts The recent Adjustments/Corrections to the HadCRUT4 and CRUTEM4 Temperature Data Sets by the Met Office Hadley Centre and…

The curious case of rising CO2 and falling temperatures

Guest essay by Tony Brown Some readers might recall my recent article ‘The Long Slow Thaw?’ In this I reconstructed Central England temperature to 1538 from its current instrumental date…

It's Time For The Person Who Leaked the CRU Emails To Step Forward

Guest post by Dr. Tim Ball It is important for the person who leaked the emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in November 2009 and 2010 to reveal themselves…

Spiegel's stunning 8 part series – Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research

If you have not read this yet, now is the time. Given what president Obama recently said about skeptics in his inauguration address, I thought this 2010 article would be…

The roadmap less traveled

Guest post by Chris Horner Information continues to flow in the struggle to bail out the Hockey Team, piecing together the relevant “context” to ClimateGate. This pursuit is of critical…

NOAA's '15 year statement' from 2008 puts a kibosh on the current Met Office 'insignificance' claims that global warming flatlined for 16 years

While the Met Office and others try to spin their way out of their current 16 year flatlining of warming, it is important to remember a few points made in the…

Report: Global warming stopped 16 years ago

UPDATE: There’s a response from the Met Office here A report in the UK Daily Mail reveals a Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove…

Questions on the CRU email backup server.

Over at Climate Audit, Steve reports on the Update for the FOI for the Wahl Attachments He’s wondering about the use of that mailserver and why there are inconsistencies, for example:…

Never before published paper on UHI and siting – Goodridge 1987

Plus answers to yesterday’s Fun puzzle: Name these official stations. Given that California Governor Jerry Brown has recently setup a website at the governor’s office basically telling skeptics to “shut…

FOI reveals nasty hateful emails sent to Phil Jones right after Climategate

Bishop Hill is reporting that some ugly emails have been published due to FOI requests. He writes: In the wake of the death threats that weren’t at ANU, several people…

Phil Jones gives a talk at KNMI in De Bilt – meanwhile temperature and paleo researchers are still blowing off data requests

From  Marcel Crok at De staat van het klimaat: Phil Jones: ‘Contact NMS’s for raw data’ Over at Climate Audit there is renewed interest in data availability with McIntyre asking…

CRU's new CRUTem4, hiding the decline yet again

Over at JunkScience.com Steve Milloy writes: Skeptic Setback? ‘New’ CRU data says world has warmed since 1998 But not in a statistically significant way. Gerard Wynn writes at Reuters: Britain’s…

An example of a different ethos when you have access to private documents

While many websites are deriding me for my mentions in the Fakegate emails distributed by Dr. Peter Gleick, and many now (including Dr. Gavin Schmidt) are coming down on Dr.…

McIntyre catches the University of East Anglia in a web of lies

Some excerpts from McIntyre’s full broadside: —————————————————————————————— In today’s post, I’m going to discuss an important obiter in the ICO decision, an obiter in which the university unsuccessfully attempted to…

CRU's Phil Jones plays Wheel of Fortune "Before and After"

I was looking through some CG2 emails today for something else, and I came across this one. Email #3538. It is funny. For those who don’t know what the “before…

FOI victory against Phil Jones, CRU, and UEA

Excerpts from Bishop Hill: A major FOI victory This post is a jointly written effort by myself and Don Keiller. Readers may remember the Information Commissioner’s ruling last year that UEA…

Phil Jones demonstrates that math is hard

Sure, we’ve all made some doozies (me included) but you have to admit this exchange between top climate scientists Tom Wigley and Phil Jones is downright hilarious. No wonder he…

The behind the scenes bumbling of the hockey stick

Mann oh Mann. Tom Nelson continues to wade through the 5000+ Climategate 2 emails. I’ve selected a few he’s highlighted in the vein of behind the scenes discussion of Dr.…

Over 250 noteworthy Climategate 2.0 emails

Tom Nelson has been busy slogging through the over 500o emails in CG2, kudos to him. Here’s what he has collected so far: A list of my last 250+ ClimateGate…

AGU Fellowships are easy… "With a Little Help from My Friends"

…with apologies to the Beatles and Sgt. Pepper. Most people don’t see how small and cliqueish climate science is, perhaps this perfect illustration courtesy of Climategate 2.0 will enlighten a…

NYT reporter engages in zany conspiracy theory – suggests bloggers "knew" FOIA emails were coming

This is almost as clueless as the raid on Tallbloke by the police looking for scraps. But it does underscore one thing – investigators are clueless and so is the…

CRU's Dr. Phil Jones on "the lack of warming"

“Tim, Chris, I hope you’re not right about the lack of warming lasting till about 2020” Question: If warming really threatens to destroy human civilization, why was Jones hoping for…

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