More debunking of the Yarrow Axford midge study: glaciers releasing pollutants into lakes years later.

From the American Chemical Society via Eurekalert yet another reason why we asked “did you check the lake for DDT?”. Also, a review of Miller et al 2005 suggests that…

Attenborough Laments Demise of 800 Penguins “Because Climate Change” – But Fails To Report Discovery of New Colony 1.5 Million Strong

This is calculated ‘climate change’ propaganda marketed as entertainment.

Climate Change Weekly #446: No, Melting Greenland Ice Is Not About to Swamp Coastal Areas

The same week as the model-driven study was published, data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and Denmark’s Polar Portal undermined the claims of accelerating ice loss and provided factual…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #500

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” – Richard Feynman, conclusion to his report on the Challenger disaste

New Study: Arctic Was Much Warmer 6000 Years Ago… 90% Of Glaciers, Ice Caps Smaller Than Present Or Absent!

Climate alarmists hate this inconvenient fact: hundreds of temperature reconstructions show that the northern hemisphere was much warmer over much of the past 10,000 years (Holocene) than it is today.

Climate Change – Ebb and Flow of the Tide Part 1 of 3

Emotional, agenda-driven politics confronts sound, evidence-based science Dr Kelvin Kemm The topic of global warming and climate change is far more scientifically complex than the public is led to believe.…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #347

The Week That Was: 2019-02-09 (February 9, 2019) Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project   Quote of the Week: “On specific energy and climate…

Study shows that Vikings enjoyed a warmer Greenland

Public Release: 6-Feb-2019 Study shows that Vikings enjoyed a warmer Greenland Chemistry of bugs trapped in ancient lake sediment shows a warm climate at a key time in Greenland’s history…

Forecast for Solar Cycle 25

James A. Marusek I. Introduction The sun is the natural source of heat and light for our planet. Without our sun, the earth would be a cold dead planet adrift…

Will Greenland Begin Accumulating Ice in 2015 and Beyond?

Guest post by Jim Steele, director emeritus Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University. Based on NOAA’s 2014 Arctic Report Card, the past 2 decades of ice loss in…

Greenland's pronounced glacier retreat not irreversible

Via the AGU weekly highlights: In recent decades, the combined forces of climate warming and short-term variability have forced the massive glaciers that blanket Greenland into retreat, with some scientists…

New paleo reconstruction shows warmer periods in Alaska over the past 3000 years

For those worried about tundra melt and methane outgassing, this study might dampen those worries a bit. A new peer-reviewed study by Clegg et al. demonstrates that modern global warming…

Himilayan Melting Glacier Alarm Version 2.0

No mention of the IPCC’s flawed 2035 date, but still many of the same talking points are used. It pays to recycle I suppose. This statement: “But climate change is…

New Zealand's ETS law will surely fix this

It has been just 2.5 months since the carbon Emissions Trading Scheme kicked in for New Zealand. I’m sure if they give it a little more time, spring snows like…

More proof of the Medieval Warm Period from midges

The whole can of larvae opened up by the flawed University of Colorado study turned press release keeps getting squirmier. The study, led by Yarrow Axford studies midge larvae in…

Baffin Island Midge Study – debunked for a 3rd time – nearby weather station shows no warming

From World Climate Report: Baffling Island There is a bit of press covering a just-published paper that concludes that the current climate and ecological conditions in a remote lake along…

"Proof" that media is hyping AGW shamelessly without asking basic questions like: "did you check the lake for DDT"?

From this “stunning” development citing lake sediment and some midges “proves” everything. Glad that’s settled. See thoughts at the end. This is the title of the story at,…

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