National Coalition Against Censorship Criticises the Portland Climate Book Ban

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Portland’s recent ban of educational books which question alarmist climate narratives has attracted strong criticism from the NCAC. The National Coalition Against Censorship is a…

Study: Worsening drought from climate change may be 'considerably weaker and less extensive than previously thought'

A new publication in Nature Climate Change puts the brakes on predictions that global warming/climate change may produce continental scale droughts into the late 21st century. For example, NCAR said…

The Arctic Methane Scare: Oversold

By PAUL C. “CHIP” KNAPPENBERGER and PATRICK J. MICHAELS Methane is all the rage. Why? Because 1) it is a powerful greenhouse gas, that molecule for molecule, is some 25…

Global Temperature Report: May 2016

May 2016 was 2nd warmest May in satellite record When is an anomaly just an anomaly and not necessarily part of a larger trend? Perhaps, when the anomaly is a…

A new method for predicting speed and motion of solar flares

A Montana State University physicist who has developed a new model that predicts the speed of solar plasma during solar flares, likening it to the path traveled by a thrown…

Monday Mirthiness: A ‘psychic’ view of climate change

Psychic Medium Ian Scott writes via our “submit story” link: Climate Change Please Use Common Sense. Climate change, global warming the heated debate goes on and on. A handful of…

Note to Politifact: Obama DID say there is No Greater Threat than Climate Change

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Politifact has just claimed Paul Babeu, the Republican Sheriff of Pinal County, Ariz., who is at the front line of combatting Mexican Drug Cartels encroaching…