Unified Climate Theory May Confuse Cause and Effect

Guest Post by Ira Glickstein

The Unified Theory of Climate post is exciting and could shake the world of Climate Science to its roots. I would love it if the conventional understanding of the Atmospheric “Greenhouse” Effect (GHE) presented by the Official Climate Team could be overturned, and that would be the case if the theory of Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller, both PhDs, turns out to be scientifically correct.

Sadly, it seems to me they have made some basic mistakes that, among other faults, confuse cause and effect. I appreciate that WUWT is open to new ideas, and I support the decision to publish this theory, along with both positive and negative comments by readers.

Correlation does not prove causation. For example, the more policemen directing traffic, the worse the jam is. Yes, when the police and tow trucks first respond to an accident they may slow the traffic down a bit until the disabled automobiles are removed. However, there is no doubt the original cause of the jam was the accident, and the reason police presence is generally proportional to the severity of the jam level is that more or fewer are ordered to respond. Thus, Accident >>CAUSES>> Traffic Jam >>CAUSES>> Police is the correct interpretation.

Al Gore made a similar error when, in his infamous movie An Inconvenient Truth, he made a big deal about the undoubted corrrelation in the Ice Core record between CO2 levels and Temperature without mentioning the equally apparent fact that Temperatures increase and decrease hundreds of years before CO2 levels follow suit.

While it is true that rising CO2 levels do have a positive feedback that contributes to slightly increased Temperatures, the primary direction of causation is Temperature >>CAUSES>> CO2. The proof is in the fact that, in each Glacial cycle, Temperatures begin their rapid decline precisely when CO2 levels are at their highest, and rapid Temperature increase is initiated exactly when CO2 levels are their lowest. Thus, Something Else >>CAUSES>> Temperature>>CAUSES>> CO2. Further proof may be had by placing an open can of carbonated beverage in the refigerator and another on the table, and noting that the “fizz” (CO2) outgasses more rapidly from the can at room temperature.

Moving on to Nikolov, the claim appears to be that the pressure of the Atmosphere is the main cause of temperature changes on Earth. The basic claim is PRESSURE >>CAUSES>>TEMPERATURE.

PV = nRT

Given a gas in a container, the above formula allows us to calculate the effect of changes to the following variables: Pressure (P), Volume (V), Temperature (T, in Kelvins), and Number of molecules (n). (R is a constant.)

The figure shows two cases involving a sealed, non-insulated container, with a Volume, V, of air:

(A) Store that container of air in the ambient cool Temperature Tr of a refrigerator. Then, increase the Number n of molecules in the container by pumping in more air. the Pressure (P) within the container will increase. Due to the work done to compress the air in the fixed volume container, the Temperature within the container will also increase from (Tr) to some higher value. But, please note, when we stop increasing n, both P and T in the container will stabilize. Then, as the container, warmed by the work we did compressing the air, radiates, conducts, and convects that heat to the cool interior of the refrigerator, the Temperature slowly decreases back to the original Tr.

(B) We take a similar container from the cool refrigerator at Temperature Tr and place it on a kitchen chair, where the ambient Temperature Tk is higher. The container is warmed by radiation, conduction and convection and the Temperature rises asymptotically towards Tk. The Pressure P rises slowly and stabilizes at some higher level. Please note the pressure remains high forever so long as the temperature remains elevated.

In case (A) Pressure >>CAUSES A TEMPORARY>> increase in Temperature.

In case (B) Temperature >>CAUSES A PERMANENT>> increase in Pressure.

I do not believe any reader will disagree with this highly simplified thought experiment. Of course, the Nikolov theory is far more complex, but, I believe it amounts to confusing the cause, namely radiation from the Sun and Downwelling Long-Wave Infrared (LW DWIR) from the so-called “Greenhouse” gases (GHG) in the Atmosphere with the effect, Atmospheric pressure.

Some Red Flags in the Unified Theory

1) According to Nikolov, our Atmosphere

“… boosts Earth’s surface temperature not by 18K—33K as currently assumed, but by 133K!”

If, as Nikolov claims, the Atmosphere boosts the surface temperature by 133K, then, absent the Atmosphere the Earth would be 288K – 133K = 155K. This is contradicted by the fact that the Moon, which has no Atmosphere and is at the same distance from the Sun as our Earth, has an average temperature of about 250K. Yes, the albedo of the Moon is 0.12 and that of the Earth is 0.3, but that difference would make the Moon only about 8K cooler than an Atmosphere-free Earth, not 95K cooler! Impossible!

2) In the following quote from Nikolov, NTE is “Atmospheric Near-Surface Thermal Enhancement” and SPGB is a “Standard Planetary Gray Body”

NTE should not be confused with an actual energy, however, since it only defines the relative (fractional) increase of a planet’s surface temperature above that of a SPGB. Pressure by itself is not a source of energy! Instead, it enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating. [Emphasis added]

This, it seems to me, is an admission that the source of energy for their “Atmospheric Near-Surface Thermal Enhancement” process comes from the Sun, and, therefore, their “Enhancement” is as they admit, not “actual energy”. I would add the energy that would otherwise be lost to space (DW LWIR) to the energy from the Sun, eliminating any need for the “Thermal Enhancement” provided by Atmospheric pressure.

3) As we know when investigating financial misconduct, follow the money. Well, in Climate Science we follow the Energy. We know from actual measurements (see my Visualizing the “Greenhouse” Effect – Emission-Spectra) the radiative energy and spectra of Upwelling Long-Wave Infrared (UW LWIR), from the Surface to the so-called “greenhouse” gases (GHG) in the Atmosphere, and the Downwelling (DW LWIR) from those gases back to the Surface.

The only heed Nikolov seems to give to GHG and those measured radiative energies is that they are insufficient to raise the temperature of the Surface by 133K.

… our atmosphere boosts Earth’s surface temperature not by 18K—33K as currently assumed, but by 133K! This raises the question: Can a handful of trace gases which amount to less than 0.5% of atmospheric mass trap enough radiant heat to cause such a huge thermal enhancement at the surface? Thermodynamics tells us that this not possible.

Of course not! Which is why the conventional explanation of the GHE is that the GHE raises the temperature by only about 33K (or perhaps a bit less -or more- but only a bit and definitely not 100K!).

4) Nikolov notes that, based on “interplanetary data in Table 1” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Europe, Titan, Triton):

… we discovered that NTE was strongly related to total surface pressure through a nearly perfect regression fit…

Of course, one would expect planets and moons in our Solar system to have some similarities.

“… the atmosphere does not act as a ‘blanket’ reducing the surface infrared cooling to space as maintained by the current GH theory, but is in and of itself a source of extra energy through pressure. This makes the GH effect a thermodynamic phenomenon, not a radiative one as presently assumed!

I just cannot square this assertion with the clear measurements of UW and DW LWIR, and the fact that the wavelengths involved are exactly those of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other GHGs.

Equation (7) allows us to derive a simple yet robust formula for predicting a planet’s mean surface temperature as a function of only two variables – TOA solar irradiance and mean atmospheric surface pressure,…”

Yes, TOA solar irradiance would be expected to be important in predicting mean surface temperature, but mean atmospheric surface pressure, it seems to me, would more likely be a result than a cause of temperature. But, I could be wrong.


I, as much as anyone else here at WUWT, would love to see the Official Climate Team put in its proper place. I think climate (CO2) sensitivity is less than the IPCC 2ºC to 4.5ºC, and most likely below 1ºC. The Nikolov Unified Climate Theory goes in the direction of reducing climate sensitivity, apparently even making it negative, but, much as I would like to accept it, I remain unconvinced. Nevertheless, I congratulate Nikolov and Zeller for having the courage and tenacity to put this theory forward. Perhaps it will trigger some other alternative theory that will be more successful.


UPDATE: This thread is closed – see the newest one “A matter of some Gravity” where the discussion continues.

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December 29, 2011 9:44 pm

Ira says
The figure shows two cases involving a sealed, non-insulated container, with a Volume, V, of air:
(A) Store that container of air in the ambient cool Temperature Tr of a refrigerator. Then, increase the Number n of molecules in the container by pumping in more air. the Pressure (P) within the container will increase. Due to the work done to compress the air in the fixed volume container, the Temperature within the container will also increase from (Tr) to some higher value. But, please note, when we stop increasing n, both P and T in the container will stabilize. Then, as the container, warmed by the work we did compressing the air, radiates, conducts, and convects that heat to the cool interior of the refrigerator, the Temperature slowly decreases back to the original Tr.

Ira, the flaw of your analogy is that the atmosphere is not a sealed, closed system. “Packets” of air warmed at the surface rise, expand, and cool and then the process repeats as the “packets” descend, compress, and heat. This is a continuous, infinite process which can entirely account for the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ on the basis of the adiabatic lapse rate alone.

December 29, 2011 9:55 pm

I’m glad Ira included “may” in his title. As it is, I believe Ira may be the one who is mistaken in his reading of this intriguing paper.
I read the paper to say that PRESSURE >> “Near-surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE) defined as a non-dimensional ratio (NTE)”.
This non-dimensional ratio is NOT Temperature, NOR is it Energy. It seems to be a ‘state variable’ or a ‘condition’ which allows calculation of the effect of incoming radiance in heating whatever atmosphere is present.
The authors state this ratio is:

“the non-dimensional ratio of planet actual mean surface air temperature (Ts, K) to the average temperature of a Standard Planetary Gray Body (SPGB) with no atmosphere (Tgb, K) receiving the same solar irradiance, i.e. NTE = Ts /Tgb”

. [My bold added.]
This is a theoretical constant for a given body, under given conditions. It allows them to calculate what the “actual mean surface air temperature” will be based on its Grey Body property and the incoming radiance.
I can’t wait for the 4 papers behind this ‘poster’ edition of the new UTC.

December 29, 2011 10:02 pm

I strongly suspect your are both correct and both miss the mark at the same time. Both are dealing with or using, admittedly, highly oversimplified models. Models that were developed and designed for static or tending toward equilibrium conditions. Make no mistake the gas laws and everything else are just models. The atmospheric density and therefore pressure plus kinetic energy is real, the IR movement in and out is real. The atmosphere is a huge fluid system. Our understanding of fluid dynamics is another one of those closed system models that work very well, only when in that constraint. I think this discussion is valuable and important if for no other reasons then it illustrates or reminds us that we know far less then any of of think we do.

December 29, 2011 10:13 pm

I’ve thought a lot about this and it still makes my brain hurt: Jupiter gives out more energy than it receives from the Sun – surely gravity is the source of this energy?
A couple of things:
Almost 100W/m^2 is removed from earth’s surface by convection and evaporation – which obviously don’t happen on the moon. Could that explain much of the difference?
Denis Rancourt calculates from first principles that the GHE is 60K – not 33K. He lays it out here:

Brian H
December 29, 2011 10:16 pm

The core assertion is that the mass of the atmosphere varies, and this results in temperature change. Add 1 bar of CO2 to the atmosphere, or 1 bar of N2, and the results therefore should be the same. According to C. Jinan’s theory, however, the CO2-rich version would be cooler, as it radiates into space more readily. What say you?

December 29, 2011 10:23 pm

Good stuff Ira. You do realize, however, that you views are climate heresy and you will be condemned. I keep saying that CO2 lags temperature at all measured time scales, and I keep finding burning crosses on my front lawn.
In 2002 I co-authored this article at the request of my professional association, with Sallie Baliunas and Tim Patterson:
Our article takes a strong position on one side of the current mainstream debate on the impact of humanmade global warming.
This rancorous global warming debate has now lasted more than a decade.
During this time, our society has squandered a trillion dollars on wasteful “energy nonsense” such as wind power and corn ethanol.
I expect that we’ll experience some global cooling in the near future that will help focus the scientific debate, but some parties are already saying that increasing humanmade CO2 is causing global cooling – apparently as well as global warming – quelle surprise!
I further expect that when natural global cooling does arrive, we’ll see a flattening or even a decline in year-to-year atmospheric CO2. I believe that atmospheric CO2 lags temperature rather than leads it, although there could be a significant human component (or not). The only relationship I could find in the (average) temperature-CO2 data was that dCO2/dt varied with atmospheric temperature, and the integral CO2 lagged temperature by about 9 months. I wrote, perhaps too conclusively, about this observation in early 2008:
My observation may be entirely true, but is high-risk, as it is outside the mainstream of the current climate debate, which focuses on the sensitivity of the climate system (aka global temperature) to increasing (humanmade) atmospheric CO2. In my opinion, this mainstream argument would require that CO2 LEADS temperature rather than LAGS it in time. The mainstream says that my observation is correct, but is really a “feedback mechanism” – I think this is essentially a religious argument that is also contrary to Occam’s Razor.
Fun science, but the odious politics is no fun at all.
Happy New Year to all!
Regards, Allan

Paul Westhaver
December 29, 2011 10:27 pm

Terrific Article.
Well well well It seems that the pseudo scientists at the IPCC are being schooled in the concept of cause and effect. At Last.
To demonstrate this I suggest a beer study.
Take 2 bottles of beer. Place one in a cold fridge and leave the other on the counter for an hour or 2.
Open the cold one. Notice it fizzes just a little bit. Only a little of the 2.75 vol/vol of CO2 comes off.
Open the warm one. Notice that it boils over onto your counter evolving much of the CO2 that used to be in solution.
(now drink both beers, waste is a tragedy)
As ocean temperatures increase, the solubility of CO2 decreases increasing the atmospheric concentration because the CO2 is coming out of the ocean. Warming causes CO2 rise. Not the other way around.
Because the so-called AGW scientists are busy out there perverting the discipline of science, we need more Ira Glicksteins to re-teach the ideal gas law (Boyle’s law), and the laws of partial pressures Dalton’s Law and Henry’s Law.
Don’t assume the advocates of AGW understand any of what Ira wrote. They are anti-science and militant social activists.

Bill H
December 29, 2011 10:34 pm

its the assumptions that make or break the issue..
if constant heat is applied to a pressurized gas the temp will remain constant… The earth however has convection… thus the heat from the sun never remains constant. the pressures are what drive the climate and the sun is what drives the pressure to change through convection.
i would agree that the trace gasses are a moot issue. they simply do not have the mass to drive that change. but the sun and water do…
Physics.. is a double edged sword…

December 29, 2011 10:42 pm

I endorse this post and deprecate the referenced post.

December 29, 2011 10:49 pm

I suspect the correct answer is somewhere in between, the mass of the atmosphere in itself set atmospheric pressure which adds some level of warming over planet with no atmosphere, but the GHG’s work within this framework to further raise the temperature. Also often neglected is the changing thermal emissitivty of the earth and oceans across the sun lit area of the earth, one part of the the circle is always cool from the night and absorbing energy until it reaches equilibrium (if it ever can) so it is not emitting the same amount of energy over all areas at the same rate and the calculated average is wrong as it assumes everything is in equilibrium – this is often overlooked and acts to attenuate the warmth reducing the actual peak versus that calculated which ignores this effect and leads to wrong conclusions as observed and theoretical “fit”. Its the reason is normally coolest at 5am and not around midnight and why the latter part of summer is normally warmer than the summer equinox.

R. Gates
December 29, 2011 11:04 pm

Some excellent points, and I think that this “Unified Climate Theory”, will be fairly quickly placed into the “hmmm…interesting” dustbin of quirky science sidebars. Your desire to see the so-called “Official Climate Team” put into its proper place belies the undercurrcent of thought shared of course by many skeptics, but I fear such desires shall go unfulfilled. Greenhouse gases warm the planet above a level it would otherwise be without them. The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels, and the key area of uncertainty here is the full nature of feedbacks, slow and fast, and more specifically the role of clouds.

December 29, 2011 11:10 pm

eeerr….we’re doomed?

December 29, 2011 11:10 pm

Yes, some good thoughts y Ira. I guess many readers mul over the basic ideas and have questions that need answers, and also comments that can be good or just red herrings. I n the “temporary” heat increase due to pressure, I wonder why Venus doesn’t seem to demonstrate the point and it’s high temperature never seems to dissipate.

December 29, 2011 11:22 pm

With gas, temperature is pressure.
The KE of the gas is pressure.
A molecule of gas traveling at 1/2 the speed of light has
no temperature or pressure.
Molecules of gas remaining in an area or molecules
of gas interacting and traveling relative to each other
at 1/2 the speed of light do have temperature and
A gravity body has potential of keeping molecules
of gas in the same area and having them travel
at maximum speed related to the amount gravity
of that body.
If Earth had half the gravity that is has then earth’s
average surface temperature would lower.
And/or if Earth had 1/2 it’s atmospheric mass
it would be cooler.
Earth with it’s existing gravity could have more atmosphere
than it does [if it did it would be warmer]. Earth could also
have less atmosphere [if it did it would be cooler {it being
the air temperature at the surface measured in little white boxes].
So if Earth had 1/2 it’s atmosphere, the average air temperature
at it’s surface would cooler. But the ground would get more energy
per square meter than it currently does.
On the Moon and if you direct your solar panel at the sun, you
would receive solar constant flux for however long you pointed
the panel at the sun.
Compare to a 12 hour period on earth with solar panel pointing
at the sun. So with earth it’s clear day, and one has summer sun-
Sun directly over head at noon. On the earth you will receive
less half the solar energy as compare 12 hours of daylight every
where on the Moon. Moon receives 12 hours times 1361 watt,
whereas earth receives average of about 1000 watts times 6 hours
and maybe 500 watts for morning and evening hours- giving a total
of about 9 kW per square. Moon 12 hours: 16 kW per square meter.
So if Earth had 1/2 it’s current atmospheric mass it would get closer
to what the moon receives per square meter of solar flux. Earth would
closer to 1361 watts per meter and more the sunlight would be closer
to noon time intensity.
But despite this the air temperature on average would be cooler, because
the air pressure would be lower. There is half the number of molecules
per cubic meter. You could have slighter higher molecule velocity but the
total energy per cubic meter would be lower. Higher daytime sidewalk
temperature and lower air temperature.

December 29, 2011 11:25 pm

Whatever the eventual merits of the Unified Theory proposed are shown to be, the figures A and B above are less than convincing criticism. Contrasting an uninsulated but leak proof container in the two senarios is bogus. it is obvious that had both been perfectly insulated as well as leak proof, the results would have been identical.

December 29, 2011 11:32 pm

One small quibble:
Your scenarios A and B are not really comparable.
Scenario A is really delta n >> Causes Pressure >> Causes Temperature. The temperature would indeed remain elevated if the system were adiabatic. The overall energy of the system is increased by adding molecules.
Scenario B is just a demonstration of the ideal gas law.

December 29, 2011 11:46 pm

Humm?, you folk are way above my pay grade. Some questions and assertions. Our atmosphere has no container, like in the “B” experiment. It is the volume of matter compressed by gravity that appears to create the medium which responds to insolation. Therefore the more masss in the atmosphere, the denser the reactive volume of matter is. (Like fuel and oyegen in a car cylinder, but contained only by gravity)
A car that revs it engine increases its heat, true that, however it also increases its water and air cooling flow. Can the earth’s heat engine do the same thing? Sure some of the energy goes to heat, but some goes to a more rapid cooling through convection and evaporation, an acceleration of the hydrologic cycle. (A negative feedback if you will)

Frank White
December 29, 2011 11:50 pm

The point of your post is well made. I too found places where I felt the “unified theory” has holes, but skipped over them because the holes do not seem to be fatal and might be resolved by improved presentation.This was after all a poster presentation rather than a fully-developed exposition. One example, the statement of the theory mentions that the atmosphere has little heat capacity, which is true of dry air. However water vapor is one gas in the atmosphere that stores considerable energy as latent heat that is released on condensation. This be a presentation problem because the authors do consider clouds, which are condensed water vapor.
Your comments have two problematic aspects:
1) They do not address cooling since the Eocene, which the model does account for.
2) Your models A and B are completely open systems that are not reasonable analogies for planetary systems, in the sense that planetary atmospheres are subject to gravity which tends to enclose the systems with some degassing into space.
A model like this might consider drawing inspiration from a different analogy: planetary atmospheres as heat engines that vary in efficiency depending on the pressure gradients within the systems and the temperature differentials at the front and back ends of the engines. Such engines radiate heat from engine bodies and also move heat between front end and back ends. Power input to run the systems tends to heat the systems but heat losses to the environment tend to maintain temperatures constant.

Cherry Pick
December 29, 2011 11:51 pm

Climate is a system which has multiple positive and negative feedbacks with time lags. It is quite hard to separate causes and effects because causation might go to both directions like warming > moisture > clouds > cooling. Instead of simplified cause and effects we should have systems thinking. There are multiple simultaneous equations that work seamlessly together.
In physics we love simplicity and ignore minors factors and still get great theories to describe Nature. It would be great if we can explain the observations of the climate in our solar system by thermodynamics alone.

December 29, 2011 11:52 pm

You say: ‘The figure shows two cases involving a sealed, non-insulated container’.
The atmosphere is not constrained in the manner that you suggest. The suggestion that density will increase in response to an increase in temperature is erroneous. In the case of a planetary body with an atmosphere that acquires more kinetic energy the density close to the surface will fall while the surface pressure remains unchanged.
If you double the number of molecules in the atmospheric column (by adding atmosphere) the surface pressure doubles, the energy from the sun that arrives on a daily basis will produce an increase in the temperature of the atmospheric medium close to the planetary surface in direct proportion to its density (via conduction and radiation). Reduce its density to non significant values and the medium can not conduct or accept radiation.So, its temperature will fall.
From the point of view of an object located within the atmospheric medium the chance of acquiring energy from the atmospheric medium is related quite simply to the density of the gaseous medium and its ability to conduct energy.

Theo Goodwin
December 29, 2011 11:59 pm

The word ‘energy’ is ambiguous. Your analysis turns on such an ambiguity. You quote Nikolov:
“NTE should not be confused with an actual energy, however, since it only defines the relative (fractional) increase of a planet’s surface temperature above that of a SPGB. Pressure by itself is not a source of energy! Instead, it enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating. [Emphasis added]”
Nikolov is trying to take account of the ambiguity but he does so clumsily. In comparing NTE with the energy from the Sun, he is careful to say that the former is not an actual energy while the latter is actual energy. This is correct, as I will explain.
In the Earth-Sun system of radiation balance, no energy is created on Earth. All energy comes from the Sun. This presents a problem. What is one to say when talking about energy that is created on Earth? But we do that all the time. We say that windmills create electrical energy and we know perfectly well what we mean. And we know that we are not talking about the Earth-Sun system of radiation balance. If we want to be technical we can present the equations (physical hypotheses) that explain how windmills create energy. Now our problem of ambiguity is solved. We can subscript our words and explain that ‘energy1’ takes its meaning from the physical hypotheses that explain the Earth-Sun system of radiative energy and that ‘energy2’ takes its meaning from the physical hypotheses which explain generation of electricity. Nikolov needs to do the same.
Nikolov should specify the physical hypotheses, in this case simple equations based on the Ideal Gas Law, and explain that when he claims that energy is created from atmospheric pressure he is referring to these physical hypotheses. Unfortunately, Nikolov’s set of physical hypotheses might not pan out as he had hoped, as Dr. Glickstein explained above. But someday someone just might come up with a set of physical hypotheses which explain how energy is created within Earth’s atmosphere and apart from any consideration having to do with the Earth-Sun system of radiative balance. When that happens, we must not make the error of citing the Earth-Sun system and criticizing them for misunderstanding the concept of energy.
Warmists insist that energy cannot be created on Earth. Anyone who says otherwise is criticized as misunderstanding physics. This authoritarian insistence on definitions, if taken seriously, rules out the possibility of any system of physical hypotheses which explain creation of energy in Earth’s atmosphere. Of course it also rules out creation of electrical energy on Earth, but they would be unwilling to discuss that matter.
The lesson here is that when someone asserts that energy is created in Earth’s atmosphere, and apologizes by calling it ‘energy2’, we should not be like the Warmists and jump down his throat. Instead, we should encourage him to explicate his set of physical hypotheses and ask if we find the meaning of “create energy” in those physical hypotheses. The physical hypotheses that make up a science are always the ultimate source of the meaning of terms in that science. The terms are never the source of meaning because terms are subject to ambiguity.

December 30, 2011 12:04 am

Sorry Ira, you are still confusing people. How is a pressure change temporary, but a temperature change permanent? Doesn’t it depend on how you define the system? In other words, is the system insulated against temperature flow or not? Or, can the volume increase and allow the pressure to fall after a temperature rise? There are three variables, assuming the mass is constant, in PV=nRT. Consequently, two variables can respond to a change in one.
The part I find intriguing is the apparent correlation of temperature, pressure, insolation and so on, of different solar system bodies with and without atmosphere. The post above doesn’t address these observations in any detail. In the UCT, convection was named as the prime driver of heat flow, not radiation. We know weather is a dynamic interplay of P, V and T. There is a lot of heat capacity in the ocean, and lucky we are for that. Given how quickly the surface cools on a clear night, I’m not convinced a change in IR absorption due to a rise in atmospheric CO2 has made any difference at all. My cars still get just as frosty radiating to clear fall and winter night skies as they did 30+ years ago.
Let’s not forget the dynamics of our system. Rising moist air cools and produces clouds. Rain falls and cools the surface. Wind blows and drives masses of air of different temperatures around the planet. The sunlit side of Earth warms and the night side cools. Too many of us believe we live in a static world. It is easier to think that way. It just isn’t how living systems work, or more generally, how systems work where energy flows.
I hate to say it, but modeling might help. A first approximation is the rate of heating in the day versus the rate of cooling at night. Or, with somewhat more complexity, energy is absorbed at the surface, and its temperature rises. Subsequently, the atmosphere heats either by contact with the surface or by water vapor leaving the surface (cooling the surface, but heating the air). The dynamically balanced rates of heating and cooling between day and night lead us to think of an average temperature, but the temperature is constantly changing, as are P and V, locally. Day and night, energy from the Earth radiates to space. NZ suggest changes in IR absorption and reradiation may be a virtually insignificant component in the energy flow of our system.
The part not discussed is gravity. That force sets up the pressure gradient. Until the temperature falls sufficiently to liquefy N2 and O2, insolation, surface area, atmospheric mass, and gravity may very well establish a sort of equilibrium described by the observed curve. Other changes perturb the system like moving weights connected by springs. A centroid of motion would exist, considered the average. Changes in P, V and T deviating from the average could be called weather. If the weight masses change or the spring constants change, or the driving force changes, perhaps call that climate change. The UCT addressed the latter by suggesting atmospheric mass changes over millions of years led to sea level pressure and temperature changes.
Yes, we all need to think about these ideas further, but it seems NZ are on the right track.

December 30, 2011 12:15 am

FergalR says: “I’ve thought a lot about this and it still makes my brain hurt: Jupiter gives out more energy than it receives from the Sun – surely gravity is the source of this energy?”
My astronomy professor said it was likely radioactivity, Fergal. There was a school of thought that Jupiter was approaching the limit of planetary mass. It hasn’t gone stellar on us yet, 2001 A Space Odyssey, notwithstanding.

Brian H
December 30, 2011 12:29 am

Theo Goodwin says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:59 pm

Theo, your intent is laudable, but I think you get hoist on your own petard. The ‘energy2’ of which you speak is transformation from one form to another, not creation. So would be any possible future on-Earth energy source, even nuclear or fission, etc.
As for atmospheric temperature changes, I think a fair simplification per N&Z’s POV would be that whatever energy is present in a given mass of air can be concentrated (pressure and density) or diluted (expansion, rarification), resulting in temperature variations locally or globally. But the ‘master forcing variable’ is atmosphere mass.

Brian H
December 30, 2011 12:30 am

typo: “nuclear (fission) or fusion”

Brian H
December 30, 2011 12:33 am

other typo: rarefication (rarefaction)

December 30, 2011 12:55 am

“Nevertheless, I congratulate Nikolov and Zeller for having the courage and tenacity to put this theory forward. Perhaps it will trigger some other alternative theory that will be more successful.”
What theory is needed and for what?
I believe it would nice and useful if we had a theory allowing us to predict habitable zones
for any star system. I think if Nikolov, Zeller, or anyone else wants to apply their theory, I would like their input on modeling at atmosphere of dwarf planet starship:
For purpose of climate policy it seems to me we enough knowledge.
We currently in a warm period. This warm period wasn’t caused by
human activity. The amount of warming caused by humans is insignificant
globally. Human activity does cause a significant amount warming
on local or regional basis. This is loosely called Urban Heat Island affect.
Human could not cause significant global warming or cooling, if they
were trying to do this. We lack the technology and wealth to cause
global warming or cooling by say 10 C. And probably unable to change
global temperature by a mere 1 C.
Due to our apparent incompetence we see ourselves in an automobile
as passenger traveling down a road-having no able to control the car,
and this causes backseat driverism.
If we can drive this car, we would not be panicking.
Fortunately, we don’t actually need to control global temperatures, but
if we did need to do this, we wouldn’t hire the current crop clowns attempting
to do this by amateur hour soapboxing.
To summarize the human species has been existing in ice age period lasting
million of years. Some theories suggest that this cold period “explains” how we
evolved as humans. But few deny we have been in this colder period for
millions of years, or that during this period there been shorter periods of
warming and cooling, which called glacial and interglacial periods.
A significant aspect involved with this cold period and it’s cyclical cooling
and warming is explainable due to the location of land masses. The slow
movement of plate tectonic relates to the millions of years of colder climate.
The short cycles are related to orbital variation- specifically earth’s axis
procession. Those affects due to plate tectonic and procession are not
wild ideas, rather they are accepted. The amount or scale of these affects
can be quibbled about, but there general dominates is undeniable scientific
facts. And one has to start with these as one’s starting point.
A very relevant fact in regard to 20th and 21st century climate is we recovering
from cool period which was probably caused by the Sun’s activity, period
is called the Little Ice Age. The LIA is clearly marked by advancement and retreat
of glaciers around the world. And generally the present global temperatures
indicate we have or nearly have recovered globally from this period of cooler

Bruce Cunningham
December 30, 2011 12:57 am

As a few others have stated, your analogy with a planetary system is not valid for the ideal gas law. The atmospheres of Earth and Venus are not contained in a fixed volume container. They are open to space. If you raise the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, it merely expands upward into space. The pressure will not go up as it would in a container. This is borne out in the fact that the atmosphere is far taller at the equator than at the poles, due to the increased temperature there, even though the surface pressures are the same. Some mountain climbers know this as there is far less oxygen at 20,000 feet at the top of Mt. McKinley than at 20,000 feet in the Himalayas or Andes nearer the equator..McKinley is a tough climb. Much tougher than a climb to 20,320 feet in the Himalayas.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 1:03 am

I think that Ira has misunderstood. The cause of the heating at the surface is gravity constraining molecular kinetic energy most strongly at the bottom of the atmospheric column by creating pressure. Work is done and heat generated due to the kinetic energy fighting to overcome the gravitational and pressure constraint.
Pressure is a consequence of gravity acting on the mass of molecules and at a specific temperature the kinetic energy manages to defeat the pressure constraint and escape to space.
Adding GHGs inroduces more kinetic energy by virtue of their higher thermal capacity but if the pressure remains the same that extra kinetic energy just escapes to space faster and temperature (or rather the energy content of the mass of molecules) fails to increase.
To put that in a more general context:
i) AGW theory states that the greenhouse effect is caused by gases in the air with a high thermal capacity warming the surface by radiating energy downwards.
ii) The Nikolov paper describes the greenhouse effect in the way I have always understood it i.e. ALL the molecules near the surface (of whatever thermal capacity) jostle more tightly together under the influence of gravity (and the pressure that it induces) and share kinetic activity (provoked initially by solar irradiation but actually being a consequence of all energy transfer mechanisms combined) amongst one another until that kinetic energy can escape to space by radiative means albeit slightly delayed by all the jostling about.The delay results in a temperature rise because more energy is packed into a smaller space by the effects of gravity and the consequent pressure.
The beauty of ii) is that it decouples the greenhouse effect from the matter of composition leaving atmospheric density as the controlling factor at any given level of solar irradiation. It is the matter of composition that so distresses AGW proponents but in fact it is irrelevant. ALL molecules at or near the surface are involved whether they be GHGs or not.
There has been some confusion caused by Harry Huffman, Claes Johnson and others by virtue of their contention that there is no greenhouse effect when actually they mean that i) above is untrue whilst they accept ii) to be true (I think).
So there is a greenhouse effect but it is not significantly affected by GHGs. In so far as GHGs do have an effect it is negated by faster removal of energy to space by various means (especially evaporation on a water planet) because pressure places a limit on the amount of kinetic energy that can be retained by gases at the surface and as soon as that limit is reached the excess energy immediately leaves the system by whatever means is most readily available.

Roger Knights
December 30, 2011 1:10 am

However all this shakes out, we’re not dealing with “simple physics.” What an absurdity.

December 30, 2011 1:11 am

Sorry, but the suggested logic: Accident >>CAUSES>> Traffic Jam >>CAUSES>> Police is the correct interpretation, is manifestly inadequate.
Accident >> causes >> traffic Jam A, which traffic jam has theoretical life cycle of its own.
Accident >> causes >> taffic jam A, Plus Police >> causes >> traffic jam B, which traffic jam has a unique life cycle all of its own and which may be radically different (the police certainly hope so!) than traffic jam A.
Love the WUWT blog, but have to rush off for a cold beer, as it has finally warmed a little in Sydney!!
Oh, Happy New Year everyone,
The Bear

December 30, 2011 1:14 am

I thought warm air was lighter than cold so how dose wamer air have a higher pressure cold.
As air warms it get ligher or have i got it wrong?.

Philip Mulholland
December 30, 2011 1:24 am

You say:

In case (A) Pressure >>CAUSES A TEMPORARY>> increase in Temperature.
In case (B) Temperature >>CAUSES A PERMANENT>> increase in Pressure

I say:
In case (A) a PERMANENT increase in Pressure >>CAUSES A TEMPORARY>> increase in Temperature.
In case (B) a PERMANENT increase in Temperature >>CAUSES A PERMANENT>> increase in Pressure
Amounts to the same thing? Well of course, but what my statements emphasise is that in a gravitationally bound planetary atmosphere there is a balancing relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy. Note that potential energy (mgh) makes no mention of particle velocity (temperature) whereas kinetic energy (1/2mv^2) makes no mention of particle position.
Gravitationally bound planetary atmospheres store energy because the lower layers are compressed by the weight of the atmospheric mass bearing down on them from above.

December 30, 2011 1:36 am

Oh the gates are open, feedbacks, er no, clouds,water vapour – good, next you’ll be on about ‘hotspots’.

December 30, 2011 1:44 am

The Poles have higher airpressure than the equator.

December 30, 2011 1:48 am

Sorry, Ira, but you have constructed a straw man refutation of the Nikolov & Zeller paper by erroneously comparing a planetary atmosphere to a bounded container when it is patently not…
“…It (our atmosphere) is fully contained only at the bottom. At the top, it is partially contained by the ionosphere and then the magnetosphere. And to the sides it is partially contained by the nature of the shell.
The gas cannot escape to the side, that is, but it can more easily be deflected to the side, since only other gas is resisting it. There are no walls to the side. Unless the gas is very dense, sideways freedom is nearly infinite (as a gravitational curve). Since the atmosphere is not very dense, we may imagine that the gas is nearly unconstrained “to the side,” this “side” being a full 360 degrees no matter where in the gas you are. In this way, the atmosphere is freer to move to the side than up and down. One obvious side-effect of this is winds, which more often move laterally than up and down…”
If you want a better understanding of how atmosphere works, have a look here…

December 30, 2011 1:49 am

The most important point about the Unified Climate Theory is that it exposes an assumption in CAGW theory that may not be true: that the mass of the atmosphere is or has been constant over geologic time. The logical source of gases that would increase the mass of the atmosphere is volcanism. About 60 to 65 million years ago, there was apparently a great deal of volcanic activity, as evidenced by the Deccan Traps. If you refer to Figure 8 in the Unified Climate Theory post, the increased volcanism evidenced by the Deccan Traps appears to have happened in the period before global temperatures increased. Whether the volcanic emissions then were sufficiently large to materially increase Earth’s total atmospheric mass is a good question. Just food for thought. Also important is the loss of atmosphere in geologic time proposed in the UCT as influencing cooling in the recent geologic past. However, loss of atmosphere would probably not be relevant at century scales of time.

John Marshall
December 30, 2011 2:01 am

This ‘new’ theory, in reality a rewrite of old theories forgotten in the route to political correct policies by governments and the scientists in their pockets. It is good to see that courage to reveal what is actually happening has overcome the norm of following everyone else down the road of lies.
There is so many research papers available pointing the way for this excellent paper to be published. Let us hope that the correct people actually read and understand it to make a difference and change all the policies riding on the back of the GHG lies.

December 30, 2011 2:21 am

Man, this kind of nonsense makes my head ache. When I read things like …

Atmospheric Near-Surface Thermal Enhancement should not be confused with an actual energy, however, since it only defines the relative (fractional) increase of a planet’s surface temperature above that of a Standard Planetary Gray Body. Pressure by itself is not a source of energy! Instead, it enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.

I defy anyone to tell me what that means. It’s not energy, just a “relative enhancement” but it “manifests itself as an actual energy in the presence of external heating”.
Say what? Do people just swallow that content-free doubletalk in one big gulp, or is it easier to keep from gagging if you down it a word at a time?
I was quite depressed to see the Nikolov claims published on WUWT, but I didn’t comment on that thread. Like I said, it makes my head hurt to read this kind of handwaving. Very bad science, no cookies.
Thanks, Ira,

December 30, 2011 2:25 am

You’ve missed the point of the Nikolov and Zeller presentation.
The energy coming into a planetary atmospheric system is a combination of solar proximity and albedo, and is equal to the outgoing. What we and they are concerned with is not the transport of that energy, but the distribution of it within the atmosphere, as thermal energy at the surface, converting to potential energy as we go higher in the atmosphere. Thermometers measure the distribution, not the movement.
Nikolov and Zeller doesn’t have anything to do with “increased pressure” or “increased temperature” shown in your illustration and experiment. We aren’t increasing anything. Atmospheric temperatures and pressures are stable, arranged according to the lapse rate, or when upset, attempt to return to the lapse rate schedule.
Nikolov and Zeller have shown that an uncomplicated formula based on surface pressure and adiabatic lapse rates accurately predicts observed temperatures on four planets. Greenhouse gases aren’t needed.
To really raise temperatures, then, you would need not ghg’s, but either an increase in solar input, or a change in the lapse rate, which is determined by planetary gravity and atmospheric specific heat. Gravity isn’t changing on earth, and it would take much more CO2 than even Dr Hansen is contemplating to change the air’s specific heat to the point where it would make any difference in the lapse rate.
PV = nRT doesn’t work well with atmospheres because the gradual fade to vacuum at the top makes it impossible to define the volume, and the equation doesn’t take gravity into account. Even in a closed container, the gas pressure at the bottom of the container is higher that at the top due to the weight of the gas.

December 30, 2011 2:25 am

Ira Glickstein,
I read the “UCT” by Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller in terms of a scientific paper explaining long term climatic events not as an explanation of any sort of correlations. As temperature is of consequence incurred between the processes of pressure interactions not as cause or effect, remove the result from the process and the process will still be there, I’m not saying your interpretation is wrong, I understand what your explaining and I agree, just that any measurement (such as temperature) of an on going process does not explain the process, I’d like to see less use of “temperature” in scientific papers as a cause or effect or as part of a conclusion because it is after all just a temporary aperture from the start and end point of measurement, also temperature measurements could be then used as an indicator, but only once a process is understood, but I still believe temperature can not be used an indicator for trends in long term climatic changes as it would be like trying to count all the hairs on a persons head by plucking a random amount at a time, counting them and trending the amount of hairs.
I’m a bit rushed this morning, very interesting, lots of ideas and counter debate that I could read for hours.

December 30, 2011 2:27 am

I wrote yesterday that this paper re-invents lapse rate heating.
3/10 for effort.

December 30, 2011 3:20 am

Dr. Glickstein – you state that the average temperature of the moon is 250 degrees absolute.
Dr. Nikolov and Dr. Zeller – you state that it is 150 degrees absolute.
Which is correct?

Edward Bancroft
December 30, 2011 3:25 am

Fraizer says:
“Your scenarios A and B are not really comparable.
Scenario A is really delta n >> Causes Pressure >> Causes Temperature. The temperature would indeed remain elevated if the system were adiabatic. The overall energy of the system is increased by adding molecules.
Scenario B is just a demonstration of the ideal gas law.”

There is also another issue with the scenario A, in the way that you increase the pressure of the container. The pressure source will be at a higher pressure than the container and if it is at the same temperature as the container gas, it will lose temperature on expansion into the container. The net result is a container with higher pressure, but lower temperature.
For the sake of your argument, it would be better if scenario A increases its pressure and temperature by reducing the volume, for example a piston in a cylinder. It would also have the advantage of also keeping ‘n’ the same for scenarios A and B.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 3:32 am

I am puzzled by the debate here about ‘creation’ of energy within the Earth system.
Surely it is obvious that when solar irradiation reacts with matter constrained within the Earth’s gravitational field there will be a conversion of some of that solar irradiation to kinetic energy (vibrational movement of the molecules) and some of that energy to heat.?
The proportions are pressure dependent.
In the absence of gravitationally induced pressure ALL the solar irradiance would get converted to kinetic energy instantly and the molecules would fly off into space.
The higher the gravitationally induced pressure the more kinetic energy is required to break the gravitational bond between the body of the Earth and the molecules of gas.Thus one observes more heat as evidenced by a higher temperature.
At Earth’s atmospheric pressure of 1 bar some goes to kinetic energy and some to heat and it is that atmospheric pressure which determines the proportions. That isn’t ‘creation’ of heat or of ‘new’ energy. It is simply an apportionment of the solar irradiation into different forms dependent on the prevailing level of gravitationally induced pressure.
That is the true greenhouse effect as I have always understood it and it is therefore pressure dependent and not composition dependent.
If the gas molecules have a higher thermal capacity then those specific molecules will accrue more kinetic energy than others and add disproportionately to the pool of kinetic energy that is available to defeat the gravitationally induced pressure which is restraining their exit to space.
However if pressure does not change then the only outcome will be more radiation to space and NOT a rise in system energy content.That increased radiation to space is achieved by energising ALL the available means of energy transfer namely conduction, convection, radiation and on a water planet the phase changes of water which greatly accelerates the efficiency of the other energy transfer mechanisms.
As Nikolov says, the effects of GHGs are thus cancelled out.
One does however observe that faster outflow of energy from the watery Earth due to GHGs in the form of a larger or faster water cycle which brings me to my broader work available elsewhere.
Nonetheless that faster outflow of energy from more GHGs is infinitesimal compared to the consequences of solar and oceanic variability as I have explained in detail previously.

December 30, 2011 3:34 am

R. Gates says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:04 pm
“Greenhouse gases warm the planet above a level it would otherwise be without them. The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels, and the key area of uncertainty here is the full nature of feedbacks, slow and fast, and more specifically the role of clouds.”
If you took two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, both quantities had a temperature of 1°C and mixed them both together what would the temperature be as a result of doubling one quantity of CO2 with the other?

December 30, 2011 3:34 am

Dr. Glickstein – when a gas is heated, it tends to rise.
Gravity exerts a counter force, trying to pull it down.
In so rising, work is done.
The temperature of the gas increases.
As the gas rises, it has more room, as each succeding layer of the atmosphere has a larger dimaeter.
An expanding gas gives up heat.
Half of this is radiated out to space, half reflected back down (to simplify).
The cooled air declines and is replaced by warmer air which in turn etc etc.
Is this not why the atmosphere is warmer nearer the surface than higher up.
The circulation is a perpetual motion maching, fuelled by the incoming radiation from the sun.
So in a laboratory, a gas that has been pressured and left, will cool down again, because the work done in compressing it is ended.
In the atmosphere the process never ends.
That is why it is hotter lower down in a real world atmosphere.

December 30, 2011 3:49 am

Frank White says: “One example, the statement of the theory mentions that the atmosphere has little heat capacity, which is true of dry air. However water vapor is one gas in the atmosphere that stores considerable energy as latent heat that is released on condensation. ”
The atmospheric mass of earth is 5.1 x 10^18 kg with air molecules traveling at around
500 meters per second [1000 mph- each molecule travels very short distance and time before hitting another molecule. http://www.ems.psu.edu/~bannon/moledyn.html ].
Or the heat or energy required to cause 5.1 x 10^18 kg mass traveling at 500 meters per second is 1/2 mass times velocity squared.
6.3 x 10^23 joules.
So this being roughly amount energy needed to raise that much quantity of oxygen or nitrogen gas from near absolute zero to 270 K. [from gas molecules moving slow, up to speeds they are currently moving at]
In comparison the Sun’s total energy is 174 petawatts [wiki]. Petawatt (10^15 watts) and
so 1.74 x 10^17 watts. So energy needed would be 3.6 x 10^6 seconds [1000 hrs- 41 days].
So if sun defying physic become a blackhole or simply disappears, the atmosphere without considering heat capacity of land, ocean, and water vapor, and so just the air capacity would remain somewhat warm for about week- average temperature would drop at most by 49 K. So basically you have at least week before things got really interesting- by interesting I mean winter polar region having the sky collapse and liquifying and possibility of snowfall in the tropics.

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 4:07 am

erl happ says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:52 pm
“Reduce its density to non significant values and the medium can not conduct or accept radiation.So, its temperature will fall.”
The thermosphere has an insignificant density and it’s temperature is reaches into the thousands of degrees.
What’s up with that, Erl?
PLEASE do not make stuff up as you go along. THINK McFly!

December 30, 2011 4:07 am

Ah, the big guns of the lukewarmer camp are out in force today. 🙂
More work and more clarification of terms is definitely needed, but I sense value in the work of Nikolov and Zeller.
I wonder if we might find yet another mechanism amplifying solar variation lurking in this somewhere…
“Of course, one would expect planets and moons in our Solar system to have some similarities.”
Indeed, despite the large variation in their atmospheric compositions.
The observations of late C20th changes on Mars got the ‘we have to get rid of the medieval warm period’ treatment, but this shouldn’t be allowed to deter investigators. Neither should statements such as:
“Do people just swallow that content-free doubletalk in one big gulp, or is it easier to keep from gagging if you down it a word at a time?”
Content free condemnation has little value. I don’t have a problem understanding what Nikolov and Zeller are saying in the passage quoted by Willis. They are simply explaining why it is that in a gravity well supplied with external power, the more highly compressed gas near the surface will be warmer than expected by a gray body calc which doesn’t take atmospheric pressure gradients into account. Simples.

December 30, 2011 4:08 am

Ok Ira, I have noticed that you have a bit of trouble reading “between-the-lines” of another person’s written words, especially when their words gets in the area of physics. So here is what I read within their text after applying everything in context.
You read it as:

According to Nikolov, our Atmosphere
“… boosts Earth’s surface temperature not by 18K—33K as currently assumed, but by 133K!”

I read it as:
According to Nikolov, the pressure of our Atmosphere at the surface

“… is the sole factor, in conjunction with limited volume by the gravitational field, that allows a higher level of stored static (constant) kinetic energy in the air at the Earth’s surface (P•V is energy as joules) and this higher static level in the stored kinetic energy also likewise manifests, by the ideal gas law, as a corresponding increase in temperature at Earth’s surface, not by 18K—33K as currently assumed, but by 133K! This increase in the stored static kinetic energy is maintained by the constant radiative field flowing through this matter from both the sun and from the surface.”

Something close to that.
Maybe you should take a course in how to apply context when you read such deep material. I saw the same flaw in your understanding in radiative energy transfer within our atmosphere in your previous posts months ago.

Robert of Ottawa
December 30, 2011 4:10 am

The gas cannister example is just wrong. The “unified” theory may have holes but I’d be careful of throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 4:14 am

Stephen Wilde says:
December 30, 2011 at 1:03 am
“I think that Ira has misunderstood. The cause of the heating at the surface is gravity constraining molecular kinetic energy most strongly at the bottom of the atmospheric column by creating pressure. Work is done and heat generated due to the kinetic energy fighting to overcome the gravitational and pressure constraint.”
I think you misunderstand what “work” is, Stephen. If work can be accomplished merely by being located within a static gravity field at a constant location we’re talking abouty a perpetual motion machine. Ding ding ding. Red flag! No free lunches. The only way to get useful energy from gravity is to move through the field towards the center of mass. It takes energy to move away from the center of mass. If you think you’ve found a way to get around that then you’re wrong and need to think again. Think again, Stephen. You’re smarter than that.

December 30, 2011 4:19 am

I’m not too convinced by the thought experiment in the above post.
PV = nRT
After you have compressed the air in the container, n is constant. Therefore n, R and V can form a constant of proportionality, k = nR/V, and
P = kT
When you allow the container to cool in the fridge, there is an energy transfer which drops T (proxy for kinetic energy in the molecules) and therefore P will reduce. The latter point seems to be overlooked and the analogy may be misleading.
A different thought experiment is to start with n molecules of air just above the atmosphere, at a place where P and T are small, but not zero (avoid the singularity). R and n are fixed, so the constant of proportionality is K=nR, and
Assume the molecules are thermally insulated (no heat transfer from surrounding gas). Move the parcel of molecules down to the surface with minimum work on the molecules (there has to be work because their kinetic energy is increasing as pressure increases and volume reduces). At the surface, P = 10^5 Pa, so there is considerable energy in the parcel. T must have increased because specific volume of the parcel at the surface must be consistent with ambient pressure (the reduction in V is not enough to hold T at its starting value).
When the parcel reaches the surface, it is at the same pressure as the rest of the atmosphere, but that should also mean the same temperature, if the air is close enough to an ideal gas. Further changes in temperature or pressure as this would involve further work or heat transfer, but there is no analogy for these.
Isn’t the second thought experiment more closely aligned to the arguments in the original post?
This does not resolve why T is where it presently sits at the surface (there are different reasons for surface temperature – not limited to radiative physics). But it should be possible to postulate a relationship between P and T so that some general trend in surface T ought to br confirmed by a trend in P if surface air behaves approximately as an ideal gas.

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 4:21 am

tallbloke says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:07 am
“Ah, the big guns of the lukewarmer camp are out in force today. :)”
Yeah, funny how that happens when cranks get published on high profile skeptic blogs. This is what gives us a bad rep.
“More work and more clarification of terms is definitely needed, but I sense value in the work of Nikolov and Zeller.”
Well isn’t that just special. Is that like sensing a disturbance in the force, Obi Wan?
Or maybe it’s like the bobbies sensed clues in your router.
For crying out loud. Just because you like the conclusion doesn’t mean you need to agree with the source. Even Willis called it the right way this time.

December 30, 2011 4:22 am

Man, this kind of nonsense makes my head ache. When I read things like …
Atmospheric Near-Surface Thermal Enhancement should not be confused with an actual energy, however, since it only defines the relative (fractional) increase of a planet’s surface temperature above that of a Standard Planetary Gray Body. Pressure by itself is not a source of energy! …
It is saying, pressure is not source of energy.
Which is obvious as is higher pressure will be higher temperature, but doesn’t add energy.
You pump up a tire [and this is different cause you are adding energy and atmosphere isn’t like a container or tire] it cools off but is under higher pressure [once cooled off]
That pressurized air will higher density but molecules will be going slower [it’s same temperature
as room temperature but in terms molecule speed it’s colder- it’s lost energy.
Higher pressure gas at room temperature is colder, it’s what makes a refrigerator able to cool.
To continue the quote:
“….Instead, it enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.”
Not saying much. Another way say it differently: the higher pressure gas [it’s not like a container but is “contained” by an atmospheric gravity gradient is “amplified” due to increased density.
Or all the gases are going roughly the same velocity- one has a biggest traffic jam nearer the surface of planet. [and traffic jams don’t in any way, slow down gas molecules].

December 30, 2011 4:23 am

The article states “While it is true that rising CO2 levels do have a positive feedback that contributes to slightly increased Temperatures” – but it is not true and we have now moved beyond this. Back radiation has been proven to have no warming effect. See: http://climate-change-theory.com/RadiationAbsorption.html
Hence, since both your theory and the “Unified Climate Theory” incorporate a false concept, the remaining logical fails.
One of the best examples of the failure of carbon dioxide to have any effect can be seen in Arctic temperature records which show (a) higher temperatures in the 1930’s and early 1940’s than at present and (b) a huge rise prior to 1930. Yet carbon dioxide is supposed to have its greatest effect in the Arctic. Also Northern Ireland records from 1790 show a long term linear trend of 0.6 deg.C per century with absolutely no hint of a hockey stick. (See links and plots at http://climate-change-theory.com )
So we know that carbon dioxide is not the cause of any warming. But in addition, we now have Prof.Claes Johnson’s proof that backradiation cannot warm the surface and Prof Nasif Nahle’s experiment (soon to be plural) confirming it..
So, without any warming effect at all for any trace atmospheric gas, or water vapour (a bit of a mouthful now that we need to refrain from using the term GH) the power source is switched off and those “models” grind to a halt, while the so-called “greenhouse effect” crumbles into tiny little pieces. I never knew I was so sadistic.

December 30, 2011 4:24 am

The average temperature of an airless Earth is a big deal. We can look at the average temperature of the Moon to get some idea of what it would be.

Temperatures on the Lunar surface vary widely on location. Although beyond the first few centimeters of the regolith the temperature is a nearly constant -35 C (at a depth of 1 meter), the surface is influenced widely by the day-night cycle. The average temperature on the surface is about 40-45 C lower than it is just below the surface. (http://www.asi.org/adb/m/03/05/average-temperatures.html)

The above quote has the average surface temperature of the moon as -75 to -80 deg. C. So, what is the average temperature of the Earth?

The average temperature of Earth according to NASA figures is 15°C. (http://www.universetoday.com/14516/temperature-of-earth/)

If we assume that the Moon is not generating its own heat, we could argue that its average temperature is -35° C. (We can’t make that assumption about Earth because it does generate its own heat.) That implies that the Earth is at least 50° C above what it would be without an atmosphere. If we look at the surface temperature, based on the above quote, the average temperature of the Moon could be 90° C below the surface of the Earth.
There is good reason to believe that the temperature increase due to the Earth’s atmosphere is greater (perhaps much greater) than the value usually given. Proving the 133° figure is probably worth a PhD thesis though. 😉

December 30, 2011 4:25 am

The causation chain B makes sense, but the causation chain A seems contrived (Frazier above touched on this). Work has to be expended to add delta n moles to the cylinder. The pressure and temperature do not wait for each other as to who goes first. To shoe-horn it into a linear causation chain with ione branch is a bit much.
And Willis, please do write a response to the original post of “Unified” theory. I usually enjoy your insight. But your response here is just hit and run and does not become you.

December 30, 2011 4:25 am

They now exit the woodwork while too close fails to describe
(how’s that kim?☺)

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 4:39 am

“I think you misunderstand what “work” is, Stephen. If work can be accomplished merely by being located within a static gravity field at a constant location we’re talking abouty a perpetual motion machine.”
The molecule is not static. It is constantly in motion as it vibrates with kinetic energy. The gravitational field is constraining that energy so work is being done via the constant interaction between the two forces involved.

December 30, 2011 4:59 am

Ira, did you unplug the refrigerator in trial A and if the refrig is perfectly insulated would Tr not increase permanently to Tr+?

Steve Keohane
December 30, 2011 5:05 am

A couple of questions regarding pressure. Will a faster rotating planet have less atmospheric pressure than identical one spinning more slowly? Centrifugal vs gravitational forces. What effect does solar wind fluctuations have on atmospheric pressure?

Bill Illis
December 30, 2011 5:09 am

Let’s take the example of a lone Brown Dwarf star – a star too small to initiate hydrogen fusion – a star light-years away from the nearest fusion star – generally less than 5% of the Sun’s mass.
These lone stars/objects will still heat up so that their cores get up to 7 million Kelvin. Surface temperatures can be up to 2000K. The lone Brown dwarf will still emit 90,000 W/m2 of near-infrared light – that’s without receiving energy from a fusion Star.
Now over billions of years, the dwarf will cool off but it will never reach the cosmic background radiation temperature of 3K.
Particle physics has some unusual characteristics when it comes to mass, energy and gravity.

Paul Bahlin
December 30, 2011 5:10 am

I propose an experiment…
Go outside, place several 1 meter tall closed glass cylinders on a black surface. Start with the following contents:
Nitrogen at 1 bar
Nitrogen at 2 bars
CO2 at 1 bar
CO2 at 2 bars
Measure the gas temperatures. Refine the experiment based on what you learn. Repeat.
When you learn something, write a paper.

December 30, 2011 5:10 am

This may be one of the poorest articles I have ever seen at WUWT. I am shocked it was posted with such obvious flaws in logic as demonstrated in figures A and B. I realize that there is not alot of editorial oversight but this article screams out for an editor.

TBear (Sydney, where it has finally warmed up, but just a bit ...)
December 30, 2011 5:25 am

OMG, sharing a blog with `Tallbloke’.
What an honour!
And nice to be able to deduce the British constabulary did not take all of his computers!
The Bear

December 30, 2011 5:28 am

Willis, I have huge respect for your “Earths Thermostat” hypothesis. It actually provided me with a clear mechanism for how the atmosphere is not static as per the GHG hypothesis, but dynamic. That alone convinced me that the enhanced warming due to CO2 would likely be so small as to not be measurable. Now the”unified” hypothesis adds classical fuild dynamics.(Boyles Law). The proof is its ability to explain temperatures on other solar planets.
Together with your hypothesis I get sweet music. Finally!
Please don’t get put off by the very confusing fluid dynamics concepts. During my university time, It was very very tricky stuff for me to grasp. You are much brighter than I am, so I expect you will make quicker work of it.
I don’t expect you to play every instrument in the orchestra, but knowing you, I suspect that you will end up doing just that.
I sure am enjoying the music!

December 30, 2011 5:35 am

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:21 am
“Yeah, funny how that happens when cranks get published on high profile skeptic blogs. This is what gives us a bad rep.”
Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along, for all I know, you have just popped into existence – I would remember a person or thing called Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along had I encountered it before. So, Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along, you have NO reputation by now. And, may I say that, Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along, somebody who calls himself Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along goes right into the “obnoxious” bin for me.

December 30, 2011 5:37 am

“In case (A) Pressure >>CAUSES A TEMPORARY>> increase in Temperature.
In case (B) Temperature >>CAUSES A PERMANENT>> increase in Pressure.
I do not believe any reader will disagree with this highly simplified thought experiment.”
On the contrary, I would strongly disagree with it. At least the way you have set it up- In case A you are talking about the state of the gas in the cylinder (Tc, Pc) with a constant ambient temp (Ta). In case B you are talking about the pressure in the cylinder, but you are changing the ambient temperature. In other words, if you just changed the temperature in the cylinder (with a fire perhaps) but left the ambient the same the plots would look identical.

December 30, 2011 5:38 am

Ira says:
“The only heed Nikolov seems to give to GHG and those measured radiative energies is that they are insufficient to raise the temperature of the Surface by 133K.”
This is not right. They don’t deny the radiative heating of the surface due to heat trapped and re-emitted by greenhouse gases. In fact their equation (3) describes the effect for the one layer model they start with. However they claim that this radiative heating of the surface is entirely offset by convective cooling – and they give a pair of equations (4) modifying (3) to include an additional term for convective cooling. They also claim: “This decoupling of heat transports is the
core reason for the projected surface warming by GCMs in response to rising atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations. Hence, the predicted CO2-driven global temperature change is a model artifact!” That is the GCM’s solve equation 3 and then (I assume) handle convection separately instead of using their equation (4). This is actually a pretty extraordinary claim!
My own concern with this is that the extra term introduced into equation (4) is hardly explained at all. The term it looks like cp * rho * (Ts – Ta) * gbh and the value of ‘cp’ is not given and gbh=0.075m/s is not supported. Still it’s only a poster so work in progress and quite likely the interpretation is well-known!
Another thing is that the one layer model is an approximation – to overthrow the existing theory you would certaily need to work it though using a continuous thick model of the atmosphere.
I’ll study it some more because it is the first thing I have seen since Svensmark to offer a different view of long term climate change. And it is pretty accessible too. They should not call it UTC though because those letters are taken for Universal Coordinated Time!
In the Gas Law PV = nRT the ‘n’ stands for the number of moles of the gas not the number of molecules as Ira said.

December 30, 2011 5:39 am

This integral giving 133K is wrong. If you create a spreadsheet under excel to approximate this integral, in which you cut the earth surface in parts, and calculate temperature for each part using the black body…the average is about 250K and is consistant with average temp of the moon.

December 30, 2011 5:42 am

Another way to look at it is that if you change the ambient pressure, the temperature rise in the cylinder would be permanent, similar to case B.

December 30, 2011 5:48 am

Glad to see Ira debunk the UTC proposed. FWIW, radiative physics as describes our atmosphere over long time periods (millions of years) is CORRECT. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the climate theory or basic models. The error is the application of these oversimplistic climate models to shorter time periods (decades) and, given such broadbrush assumptions, to a ridiculous degree of accuracy (a few degrees) and without any proper way to account for albedo changes (clouds) and the completely childish assumption that there is such a thing as a global mean temperature when the water cycle, ocean currents and winds are creating havoc with regional surface temperatures as heat is moved around continuously.
Anyone who is real scientist or a real engineer can see that the whole global climate Modelling effort to a is just childish STUPIDITY. It is akin to studying “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?”, there simply is no answer…

Chris B
December 30, 2011 5:50 am

Generalizing, it sounds like in addition to cause and effect juxtaposition, the argument is between atmospheric pressure/heat generation in the UTC paper versus atmospheric density/heat retention in the Glickstein paper.
There are still so many variables and interpretations preventing “settled science” from breaking out.
In our area the ground temperature 2 or 3 meters below the surface stays at a fairly constant 10 degrees Celsius, and rises as the measurement goes deeper ( to a few thousands of degrees below the crust, not millions as Algore estimates. LOL ). This in spite of atmospheric temperatures of +35 or -15 degrees C.
Our planet still contains a vast amount of slowly decreasing internal latent heat caused by gravitational pressure/friction during planet formation, and radioactive decay. I haven’t seen an energy balance equation that accounts for the dissipation of this energy. Surely it’s not constant, and has an impact on the atmospheric and oceanic energy balance.

December 30, 2011 5:53 am

“predicting a planet’s mean surface temperature as a function of only two variables – TOA solar irradiance and mean atmospheric surface pressure”
But is the mass (and density) of the covering blanket more important than its composition? The alarmist industry is based upon a specific gas in the mix, while this formula is less sensitive to the composition of the atmosphere. However, a blanket of wool may behave differently than a blanket of aluminum with the same mass and density.

December 30, 2011 5:59 am

sorry for all of the posts but now that I look closer your case A cannot satisfy the ideal gas equation and therefore must be false- assumming n,V and R are constant, T and P simply MUST be proportional or you are not in a gaseous system. or, you have disproven the IGE which would be quite remarkable.
the exception here would be for a liquid-gas system, like in a propane tank, where the IGE does not apply.

Chris B
December 30, 2011 6:05 am

I guess I answered my own question. Latent and Radioactive heat dissipation is 1/10,000 of solar irradiation.
Heat flow
Heat flows constantly from its sources within the Earth to the surface. Total heat loss from the earth is 44.2 TW (4.42 × 1013 watts).[12] Mean heat flow is 65 mW/m2 over continental crust and 101 mW/m2 over oceanic crust.[12] This is approximately 1/10 watt/square meter on average, (about 1/10,000 of solar irradiation,) but is much more concentrated in areas where thermal energy is transported toward the crust by convection such as along mid-ocean ridges and mantle plumes.[13] The Earth’s crust effectively acts as a thick insulating blanket which must be pierced by fluid conduits (of magma, water or other) in order to release the heat underneath. More of the heat in the Earth is lost through plate tectonics, by mantle upwelling associated with mid-ocean ridges. The final major mode of heat loss is by conduction through the lithosphere, the majority of which occurs in the oceans due to the crust there being much thinner and younger than under the continents.[12][14]
The heat of the earth is replenished by radioactive decay at a rate of 30 TW.[15] The global geothermal flow rates are more than twice the rate of human energy consumption from all primary sources.

December 30, 2011 6:19 am

Excellent intro (will go back and finish reading in a bit, but had to get this thought down). “Something”>>>Temp>>>CO2. And that “Something”=Energy.
I mean duh. The problem with the green house gas theory (if you want to turn it on its head) is that GHG is similar to H20, in other words they both play temporary heat sink. The GHG does not for-all-time trap thermal energy, any more than H2O does. It holds it up for a while.
As I noted in the unified climate theory, you have to look at:
(1) the different mechanism and surface area for energy loss (and please don’t forget ‘work’)
(2) the actual total solar and core energy flux value (the solar is only coming in on a fraction of the hemisphere at full strength, the rest attenuated by the angle of incidence)
(3) the physical structures doing the absorbing and emitting in layers (beginning with oceans and land, going to atmosphere and finally dealing with the radiation and plasma belts).
All of these factors hold some solar energy from direct re-emission into space and provide a Tc baseline (temp of core) that gives us our balanced climate.
This is so obviously the case given the seasons! While all the factors on the Earth are the same (core temp, ocean volume, air mass, radiation and plasma belts) what happens is the solar flux is reduced as the angle of incidence increases in the NH winter, and increases at the same time as the solar angle of incidence increases in the SH. What drives this change in basic atmospheric. SST and land temps?
Solar flux. If there was going to be a heat trap that effected temp it would be the oceans first, by a couple billion tons. CO2 – by mass – cannot compare to the Earth’s water in terms of trapping energy. It is so obvious it is still hard to believe people have not worked it out.
Look at the mass of CO2 in the atmosphere and compare it to the mass of H2O in the atmosphere and the oceans, and then do some computations on how much stronger a heat sink CO2 would have to be to overwhelm the mass of Earth’s water. You will quickly find yourself in science fiction land.
Your relationship goes Solar Flux>>Regional Temperature>>CO2, which when integrated over many years and significant changes in the solar flux being emitted at the source (or getting through the barriers of Earth’s atmosphere) you will see global changes on long time scales.

December 30, 2011 6:21 am

Best laugh for ages!
The comments here and the whole of
Unified Theory of Climate
There is just too much non science to even go about debunking in a comment!
Still, it can always be turned into a learning exercise
Damn it, I even agree with Willis!!!

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 6:27 am

I was looking for more of what Nikolov and Keller had done in the past and ran into something odd.
Google nikolov keller and check out the 3rd link from the bottom of the second page of hits.

Leonard Weinstein
December 30, 2011 6:28 am

There have been many interesting blogs and comments on this issue. However, the physics is actually fairly straightforward for the basics of the so called planetary greenhouse effect, and Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller and Ira got it part right and part wrong. The actual uncertainty in the whole issue of importance is not the basic greenhouse effect, but on the cause of the albedo variation, and on effects of storage and movement of surface energy (cosmic rays, clouds, aerosols, wind and ocean currents). Some of these may be part of a feedback to increased greenhouse gas levels, and this feedback may modify simple analysis.Those are not discussed here and so the present discussions are off base.
Lord Monckton had the basic greenhouse discussion basically correct even though he uses overly simplified models. Long wave absorbing gases and aerosols and clouds move the average location of outgoing thermal radiation to a greater altitude above the surface. The lapse rate does the rest. Increasing the altitude of average outgoing radiation with more “so called” greenhouse gases (this is a misleading term, and just refers to the absorbing gases, but it is used commonly) increases the temperature by simple virtue of setting a temperature on the lapse rate gradient at a higher altitude. Thus total atmosphere pressure (which is a measure of total mass) does affect possible temperature, in that it allows the level of outgoing radiation to be at a higher altitude due to a taller atmosphere, but the absorbing gas is necessary to move this level up. An example is Venus, where the high mass of its atmosphere AND presence of greenhouse gas and aerosols make the altitude of outgoing radiation very high (about 50 km). The lapse rate than results in the high temperature.
Please look up in google what the lapse rate is and where it comes from. It is a GRADIENT not a level of temperature. The gradient is only dependent on gravity and the specific heat of the atmospheric gas (but can be modified by a condensable gas such as water vapor to give a wet lapse rate rather than dry lapse rate). Locking any point on the gradient to a particular temperature then defines the entire temperature variation. With no absorbing gas or aerosols or clouds, the curve is locked to the ground. With absorbing gases or aerosols or clouds, it is raised up in altitude. The average level where outgoing radiation equals incoming absorbed solar radiation defines the temperature at that point. It is true that actual radiation leaves from many altitudes (including some directly from the ground), but an average level can be obtained.

December 30, 2011 6:29 am

The processes of evaporation/condensation/freezing/melting control temperature and the rate of loss of energy to space. Water vapor does not behave as a perfect gas. Think wet adiabatic laps rate. Water vapor is lighter than air and transports the energy gained in evaporation upward to condense into clouds, further transported upwards to freeze near the TOA where the energy radiates to space. Also, these processes transport CO2 up to the TOA by absorption in clouds and being released as the water freezes. Think about radiation as “line of sight and speed of light”. These other processes are slowing down the rate of energy loss.

December 30, 2011 6:30 am

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:07 am
What are you? Shy? Or have you forgotten the name that you posted under last time?
If you can’t engage in the discussion why not entertain yourself somewhere else where your magisterial pretensions might be, (hard to imagine) less of a burden.
You say: “The thermosphere has an insignificant density and it’s temperature is reaches into the thousands of degrees.”
The thermosphere is energized by very short wave radiation from the sun. The lower atmosphere is energized by long wave radiation from the Earth, contact with a warm surface or release of latent heat. Are you suggesting that long wave radiation from the Earth (or its atmosphere) is responsible for the temperature of the thermosphere?
Willis…..”your response here is just hit and run and does not become you.”
I don’t think of it as hit and run. You are avoiding the issue. Does the relationship between planetary surface temperature and atmospheric pressure hold up or not?
Is your conviction that GHG influence surface temperature just too hard to shake?
Now, where are the rest of the lukewarmers?

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 6:38 am

Chris B says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:50 am
“Our planet still contains a vast amount of slowly decreasing internal latent heat caused by gravitational pressure/friction during planet formation, and radioactive decay. I haven’t seen an energy balance equation that accounts for the dissipation of this energy. Surely it’s not constant, and has an impact on the atmospheric and oceanic energy balance.”
Rocks are such good insulators the rate at which internal heat leaks out to the surface and the rate at which it dissipates once it reaches the surface makes it negligible for most purposes. It averages 65 milliwatts/m2 for continental crust and 100 mw/m2 for oceanic crust.
On Venus it’s a different story. The top of the rocks there are blanketed with CO2 at 1400psi surrface pressure. CO2 has a strong absorption band at 4um and the surface temperature of Venus happens to be 900F which has a peak thermal emission frequency of 4um. The high insulation coefficient of rock doesn’t end at the surface on Venus. 90 bar of CO2 with thermal emission right in its absorption sweet spot makes it a highly effective insulator. This is why the surface temperature of Venus is so high. The temperature gradient from molten core of the planet to top of the crust isn’t as steep as it is on the earth because there’s a continuing layer of very effective insulation on top of the rocks on Venus where on earth the insulation is very poor after the rocks stop.

December 30, 2011 6:40 am

Dennis Nikols said …..”I think this discussion is valuable and important if for no other reasons then it illustrates or reminds us that we know far less then any of of think we do.” And I hope that all such work in the future keeps reminding us of this fundamental point and the need for humility. I wonder what the scientists in the year 2222 will be saying about us all/

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 6:44 am

peter2108 says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:38 am
“In the Gas Law PV = nRT the ‘n’ stands for the number of moles of the gas not the number of molecules as Ira said.”
There’s a fixed number of molecules (or atoms) in a mole called Avagadro’s Number which is something you learn in the first week of chemistry class in high school. So N actually is the number of molecules but the units are, as you said, in moles. The distinction is pedantic in nature IMO.

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along
December 30, 2011 6:47 am

[SNIP: Someone who posts under an anonymous handle and who supplies a false e-mail address has no right to belittle other commenters. Supply a valid e-mail address and maintain civility or you will not be permitted to post again. -REP]

December 30, 2011 6:53 am

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:21 am
Yeah, funny how that happens when cranks get published on high profile skeptic blogs. This is what gives us a bad rep.

Ah, another badmouther who doesn’t address the scientific content.

Scott Covert
December 30, 2011 6:54 am

The theory might be wrong but not for the reasons stated in the post. I think Ira misunderstood the basic logic of the paper as did about half of the commenters.
The use of the word pressure is the key to this misunderstanding. The change in mass of the atmosphere which changes the surface pressure is the effect that causes the new equilibrium temperature at the specified energy input from all sources.
It’s simple to understand this premise. A low mass atmosphere with trace pressure has no greenhouse effect. The higher the pressure (gravity vs mass) the stronger the greenhouse effect. An infinite mass atmosphere would capture 100% of the energy and never release it. Think of the entropy on the moon vs a black hole.
I’m not endorsing the paper but using fixed volume gas calculations on an open top container does not debunk this paper.

December 30, 2011 7:02 am

I’ve never seen Jupiter’s excess heat being attributed to radioactivity before – there’s an awful lot of it. It’s commonly blamed on “contraction” which I assume is fuelled by gravity and the same process that gives birth to stars.

December 30, 2011 7:04 am

Good work, Ira.
I’ve been teaching physics for 30 years, and have taught thermodynamics many times. It is just about the easiest subject to get confused about, and as I looked through the Unified Theory paper I found it hard to trace any valid argument — the authors are just deeply confused about what causes what. The authors have PhDs, but don’t have the relevant expertise to be making the arguments they are making. It actually reads like the work of cranks. You’ve been very diplomatic.

December 30, 2011 7:09 am

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:07 am
erl happ says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:52 pm
“Reduce its density to non significant values and the medium can not conduct or accept radiation.So, its temperature will fall.”
The thermosphere has an insignificant density and it’s temperature is reaches into the thousands of degrees.
What’s up with that, Erl?
PLEASE do not make stuff up as you go along. THINK McFly!
Please tell the rest of the story. One would not experience temperatures at this level in the thermosphere because there is virtually no gas pressure thanks to the rarified atmosphere (presumably the medium to whih erl happ is referring). From Wikipedia (sorry)
“The highly diluted gas in this layer can reach 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) during the day. Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat. A normal thermometer would read significantly below 0 °C (32 °F), due to the energy lost by thermal radiation overtaking the energy acquired from the atmospheric gas by direct contact.”
Interesting that you would borrow a line from a famous fictional bully to end your missive.

December 30, 2011 7:12 am

PV = nRT is not the whole story. There are three different types of expansion. They are isothermal, adiabatic, and polytropic. An isothermal expansion happens when the work of compression is wasted, as when you let air out of a tire. For an ideal gas this takes place at constant temperature. At pressures less than atmospheric for most purposes air can be considered an ideal gas.
An adiabatic expansion takes place at constant entropy. That is, the ability to do work is somehow recovered (a “reversible process”). This is what happens during convection when a parcel of atmosphere rises. Because the work that is done against the surrounding atmosphere will be recovered when the parcel descends again, convection is a reversible process, and is accompanied by cooling. A polytropic expansion is an intermediate case. Work is recovered but there is some loss of ability to do work (waste heat), as in an automobile engine.
This is the equation that describes the temperature change for an adiabatic expansion, and also defines the temperature profile for a planetary atmosphere.
T2 = T1 * (P2 / P1) ^ ( ɤ – 1 / ɤ)
For details and definition of gamma, etc., please visit
Thermodynamics is a difficult subject as I can relate from my own experience. Until you understand it you are doomed to spout nonsense and you cannot be a genuine climate scientist.
Sorry for the boring tutorial, but it seems to be needed here.

December 30, 2011 7:24 am

Actually, that helps explain one of the things about the original post that confused me. I roadrace motorcycles and tire pressure is a ~very important~ performance parameter. Tire pressures are checked and adjusted religiously. Pressures are always checked both cold and hot. Setting front tire to 29psi cold (say ambient 80F) gives a tire pressure of 34.5 to 35psi hot when you first get off the track (depending on how hot you got the tire, in the 190-200F range). As the tire cools, the pressure will drop back to its originally set 29 (a way to check for leaks, which would be bad). So in my own experience, temperature effects pressure.

December 30, 2011 7:24 am

Foundations tremble,
Collapsing superstructure,
Dust blows all about.

December 30, 2011 7:25 am

Many months ago in guest posts here Steven Goddard was pounding this atmospheric pressure drum using Venus as an example. It didn’t make a lick of sense then, either.
Tanks used for SCUBA diving become very hot as they are filled. They do not remain hot once the filling has stopped – they assume ambient temperature. If you open the valve wide open and quickly release the air the tank becomes too cold to touch. These temperature excursions are in energy balance depending and the heating/cooling depends on changing pressure, not static pressure. More specifically, it depends on the instantaneous energy state of the molecules being acted on by the creation and release of compression by energy entering and leaving the system. Energy, the compressor = cause. Heating = effect while the compressor is running.
In the atmosphere, air that is descending is warmed by compression – but the place it left is immediately replaced by displaced air that is rising and so cooling. It is in balance for pressure and energy. This is independent of the initial energy state of the affected air masses which may be, and in fact certainly are different owing to solar heating near the surface. This difference is one way the vertical movement of air happens in the first place, but that energy imbalance is caused by external radiative heating, or by mechanical transfer – convection.

Don K
December 30, 2011 7:27 am

R. Gates says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:04 pm
“The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels,”
An important issue to be sure, but hardly the only one. Some other questions one should probably think worthy of attention.
1. What is the complete list of factors (“forcings” in climate-speak) that affect global climate?
2. What is the approximate magnitude of each?
3. What causes glaciations?
4. What causes glaciations to end?
5. Why does the behavior of the “Offical Climate Team” more closely resemble that of a doomsday cult than that of a scientific community?
6. What will a warmer (or cooler) world actually look like?
7. Given the need later in this century to support some 9 or 10 billion humans — (hopefully in reasonable comfort), what is the optimum global temperature?

December 30, 2011 7:28 am

Both Glickstein and Nikolov & Zeller seem to be amateurs.
Of course, the planet surface temperature is defined by the gas pressure.
This is trivial. We live in the TROPOSPHERE = mixed (and continously being mixed!) layer of the atmosphere. For this reason the example of a gas container of Ira is IRRELEVANT. The troposphere is always being compressed continously. That is why the temperature in the troposphere follows the adiabate ds/dz = 0, where s is the entropy density (wet adiabate!): the larger the pressure, the higher the temperature.
Of course, it is stupid to calculate the surface temperature by the “radiation balance” or “disbalance”. The earth surface is well isolated by the GHG and clouds. The RADIATING surface is much higher. It is defined either by the clouds level or by the IR transparency level – wavelength dependent.
For this reason, Venus has extremely high surface temperature: the pressure there is very high.
And Mars has low temperature, although it has 20x more CO2 than the Earth.
And Jupiter and Saturn have the same 20 degrees C at the atmospheric level of a few bars.
And if you go to a deep coal mine, the temperature rises as well> not because of the “Earth warmth”, but just because you go deeper and you have the same lapse of about 1 degree C per 100 meters.

December 30, 2011 7:33 am

I think you have missed a bit here, or are looking at the same phenomenon in a different direction. When solar radiation introduces energy into the atmosphere, in an open system, the natural desire of the gas is to expand. If there is no other force operating on the gas then all it would do is expand, and not heat.
Gravity is, for all intense and purposes an elastic restraint on the expansion of that gas. It isn’t as final as a piston or sealed jar, it does allow some expansion, but it all restricts free expansion and forces the atmospheric pressure to rise in comparison to a free state.
The increase in temperature can indeed be categorized as temporary as you say, but that is no different than the temporary heating provided by the GHE. Absent solar radiation the Earth would cool off rather quickly. It’s Gravity, in effect, that amplifies the effect of solar radiation on climate in this Unified Theory.

Im Dating A One-Percenter
December 30, 2011 7:37 am

this is a lot of information for non-science girl like me, but appreciate the post very much!! the nerd inside me got excited to read this.

Doug Burr
December 30, 2011 7:46 am

Ira, Thank you for your enlightening post. I appreciate the thought and polite open discourse of all participants.
I know just enough science to follow the arguments, but not enough to predict. I do think the example is slightly off, where A is an open system (or more open) by allowing heat to leave the tank, and B is a closed system, even though in the example it is obviously a larger, but still a closed system because the pressure increase remains constant. Can you comment?
Thanks again and keep up the good work.

December 30, 2011 7:55 am

Peter 2108 says:
In the Gas Law PV = nRT the ‘n’ stands for the number of moles of the gas not the number of molecules as Ira said.
A mole is fixed number of molecules known as Avagadro’number which is 6.023 X 10 to the 23rd Ira is not wrong in the sense that n is in fact a finite number of molecules.

Tim Folkerts
December 30, 2011 8:00 am

I tend to agree with Ira & Willis. Let me propose a few scenarios that get to the core issues and see what conclusions people reach …
1) Earth with no atmosphere (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would be ~ 255 K, as required by Stephan-Boltzmann calculations.
2) Earth with a pure N2 atmosphere with a surface pressure of 1 atm (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would STILL be ~ 255 K (as required by Stephan-Boltzmann calculations, since radiation at the surface is unchanged from Scenario 1), with the N2 above the surface cooling off at a rate of ~ 10 C/km (the dry adiabatic lapse rate).
2) Earth with a NEARLY pure N2 atmosphere but with 390 ppm CO2, with a surface pressure of 1 atm (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would be pretty close to the current average of 288 K.
(NOTE: “average surface temperature” is not a simple concept – either experimentally or theoretically, but I don’t want to get bogged down in that right now in this discussion. I’m looking at the general temperature ranges: Scenario 1 Temp ≈ Scenario 2 Temp < Scenario 3 Temp).

Barefoot boy from Brooklyn
December 30, 2011 8:04 am

I’ve never seen such a confused welter of comments, brought on by the confusing presentation by Nikolov & Zeller, but not helped very much by Glickstein, who I am sure knows his thermodynamics, but who hasn’t made his central point(s) stand out either while losing track of what may be correct in the Nikolov & Zeller article. One of their points–again, it is their bad for not making more clear what their main points ARE– may have something to do with the response of an atmosphere at density to insolation and other “forcings,” –gad, I hate that term– rather than to the forces which have put the atmosphere under pressure in the first place. Hope that it gets straightened out before the RC crowd pile on in an attempt to bury the good with the bad.

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 8:14 am

thetempestspark says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:34 am
R. Gates says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:04 pm
“Greenhouse gases warm the planet above a level it would otherwise be without them. The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels, and the key area of uncertainty here is the full nature of feedbacks, slow and fast, and more specifically the role of clouds.”
If you took two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, both quantities had a temperature of 1°C and mixed them both together what would the temperature be as a result of doubling one quantity of CO2 with the other?
What about the volume? Did you force one into the volume of the other? If you did, then of course work was done on “the system” by the application of a force over a distance and of course the temperature would go up. Pv=nrt, but work must be done when compressing a gas! If however, you simply open a valve between the two containers then of course nothing would happen.

Luther Wu
December 30, 2011 8:24 am

R. Gates says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:04 pm
Some excellent points, and I think that this “Unified Climate Theory”, will be fairly quickly placed into the “hmmm…interesting” dustbin of quirky science sidebars. Your desire to see the so-called “Official Climate Team” put into its proper place belies the undercurrcent of thought shared of course by many skeptics, but I fear such desires shall go unfulfilled. Greenhouse gases warm the planet above a level it would otherwise be without them. The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels, and the key area of uncertainty here is the full nature of feedbacks, slow and fast, and more specifically the role of clouds.
Pardon, R. Gates, but the effects of a doubling of CO2 is not the only issue, but is merely a question on the way to the only issue.
The issue becomes: are any effects from a doubling of CO2 actually harmful and if so, what do we do about it?
In the freely- accessible dialogue and literature of the CAGW advocates, there is a continuous undercurrent of and calling for a rush to tyranny and attendant death to many millions, if not billions of human beings. Indeed, the desire to implement the loss of individual freedoms and willful depopulation of the planet is often explicitly and boldly stated, as if the rest of us should willingly acquiesce and thus relinquish our lives and freedoms to make life better for a self- aggrandizing class of elites who would (in their vision) remain untouched and without need of remorse.
Using your terms, “Your Desire” to implement dark days for mankind becomes the only issue.

Dan in Nevada
December 30, 2011 8:26 am

I think a better simple example would be a pressure cooker. They work by causing the pressure in the vessel to rise which results in a higher cooking temperature, which is essentially what Nikolov is suggesting a change in atmospheric pressure does on earth. The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature and without any change in energy input (stovetop burner remains at same setting). Once equilibrium is reached, there will be as much energy leaving the “system” as is being input. Some of that will be radiative, but most will be through the pressure relief valve in the form of steam (not sure if that qualifies as convective). Nobody would argue that the extra pressure is creating energy, but it does allow the temperature to be a lot higher than would be the case at a lower pressure. It’s not important that the pressure rise is caused by the energy input by your stove, you see the same thing cooking at various elevations.
I believe the major reason a pressure cooker works is that the higher pressure increases the boiling point of the water in your polar bear stew. What I’m wondering is whether the same thing applies to, say, air. Will air heated in a pressure cooker reach a higher temperature at higher pressures? Or does the whole effect rely on increasing the temperature at which a phase change takes place? Can any of this be related to the mechanism Nikolov is trying to describe?
Finally, I don’t think I’ve seen anybody verify/falsify Nikolov’s primary assertion that the greenhouse effect has been underestimated by about 100 degrees K. They offer their equation (2) as a better way of doing things. I know most WUWT readers drift off to sleep contemplating Hölder’s inequality between non-linear integrals, but I don’t have a clue what that means. Is there any merit to their argument?.
Thanks as always for the entertaining discussion.

James Sexton
December 30, 2011 8:31 am

This is just silly. Temperature and Pressure are just ways of expressing things. They are not things in and of themselves. For instance pressure is simply an expression of force over an area. It doesn’t say what the force is or what caused the force. Temperature is simply an expression of heat transfer. It doesn’t say what’s causing the transfer. Temperature is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy associated with microscopic motion of atoms and molecules. The flow of heat is from a high temperature region toward a lower temperature region. Temperature is proportional to the average kinetic energy of each atom….
The argument of pressure causing or not causing temp change is vapid. Look at the force, look at what is being transferred and look as to why. Temp and pressure is just shorthand for expressing other things.
Next up in the argument, Amps and volts! Which is more important to watts!?!

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 8:31 am

Don K says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:27 am
R. Gates says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:04 pm
“The only issue is how much warming we can exspect from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels,”
An important issue to be sure, but hardly the only one. Some other questions one should probably think worthy of attention.
1. What is the complete list of factors (“forcings” in climate-speak) that affect global climate?
2. What is the approximate magnitude of each?
3. What causes glaciations?
4. What causes glaciations to end?
5. Why does the behavior of the “Offical Climate Team” more closely resemble that of a doomsday cult than that of a scientific community?
6. What will a warmer (or cooler) world actually look like?
7. Given the need later in this century to support some 9 or 10 billion humans — (hopefully in reasonable comfort), what is the optimum global temperature?
I don’t disagree with.the importance of some of your additions, but 1-4 are being studied every day, 5 is unimportant to the actual science, and answering 1 through 4 should answer 6 & 7.

Jim G
December 30, 2011 8:32 am

“Correlation does not prove causation.” Keep repeating this over and over.
How very true. How many times have various posts pointed this out? In addition, multivariate analyses suffer from so much multicolinearity (as in the accident, traffic jam, police example) because there are sooooo many variables impacting upon climate, and simultaneously upon one and other, that predicting climate is, at the present time, with present data and technology, pretty much a fools errand. This applies to both AGW fanatics and all of the various theories proposed here by skeptics.
The real answer is that climate is changing but the causes are presently undefined and not predictable. Time series cyclicality can be somewhat interesting but since even the dependent variable measurements are suspect, such are not extremely enlightening.
The crime is basing public policy which negatively impacts real people and the world economy upon fantasy science.

Roger Longstaff
December 30, 2011 8:36 am

The Nikolov and Zeller paper is badly writen in parts, but the basic message is that the “climate” of a planet is determined by the mass of its atmosphere, insolation, gravity, rotation and nothing else – NOT chemical composition. This hypothesis has been under consideration for several years, but “climatologists” choose to ignore it. For example, if Earth’s atmosphere was primarily composed of carbon dioxide (molecular weight = 44) rather than nitrogen (atomic weight = 14) and oxygen (atomic weight = 16) the atmosphere would be about two orders of magnitude more massive, and the surface temperature much hotter, according to the gas laws.
The bottom line is that if we doubled the Earth’s atmospheric CO2 content from 0.04% to 0.08% ppmv (for example) it would haver no measurable effect upon the Earth’s climate.

December 30, 2011 8:41 am

@Joe Zeise December 30, 2011 at 4:59 am
That’s the first thing that hit me about Ira’s experiment as well. The inside of the refrigerator is not a system at equilibrium, as it uses external energy (probably from Evil Coal) to remove the additional heat from pressure increase and vent it to the outside. Of course the temperature is going to revert to whatever the refrigerator is set to.

December 30, 2011 8:42 am

Is a solar wind from the north (?) of earth colder than a solar wind from the south (?) of earth, how does that affect glaciers?
Does the pressure increase from said solar winds cause the clouds to disburse water vapors faster thus causeing cooling of the earth.

December 30, 2011 8:44 am

Here’s the spherical cow model that I think N&Z are roughly trying to present:
1) Draw an envelope that coincides with the tropopause.
2) Greenhouse radiative physics govern above the envelope (tropopause).
3) Below the tropopause, convection governs transport, and adiabatic compression governs temperature.
In this model, you determine the tropopause temperature by greenhouse calculations, and then you determine surface temperature by adiabatic compression. So while you don’t get any heat out of raising the pressure, you do increase the temperature.
At least that’s what I think N&Z were trying to say. If so, it’s plausible, but needs more work to be sure. But the increase in temperature as you go down doesn’t require addition of heat.

December 30, 2011 8:44 am

Paraphrasing the new theory is it’s not the reflection of radiation that increases the temp at the surface but the simple partial rebound of kinetic energy at the atomic/molecular level the allows the heat energy to be higher. So the compressor analogy that IRA is posting is irrelevant. I also think of the BB gun where you compress the air in it which makes the chamber hotter which if you shoot right away the BB will go through much more of the phone book. But let the temp in the chamber go down, the amount of air is still in there and compressed but not with as much pressure and the BB won’t go through as much of the phone book.
In other words the BB gun and the compressor example IRA is using the temp rise is a one time event caused by forcing more air into a closed chamber than the surrounding air.
None of this is relevant to the new climate theory. The new climate theory is more like this: the air is transparent to much of the radiant energy but is going to delay return of that energy back to outer space. Anything that creates a delay be it the radiative feedback of classical CO2 theory or the simple delay in a return from a mostly transparent convective gas under pressure will delay the energy return increasing the temperature at the surface.
We generate heat and use a blanket to delay the rate of return so we are warmer at our surface. The surface of the earth has a blanket of air covering the surface that is being heated so it’s warmer. Anything creating a delay increases the temperature equilibrium point.
Think blanket, not bottom of a bike pump getting heated when used and you’ll see the difference between what IRA thinks they are saying and what they are actually saying.

Darkinbad the Brightdayler
December 30, 2011 8:46 am

In a word: Synergy?

December 30, 2011 8:49 am

Ira said:
“OK, Scott Covert, consider the following. Say someone dumped a load of pure O2 and N2 into our Atmosphere, doubling its volume but not increasing the GHGs (water vapor, CO2 , CH4, etc.) I know that O2 absorbs LWIR in a small portion of the spectrum near 10μ, so remove a bit of the CO2 to compensate for that such that the effect of GHGs remains constant.
The Atmospheric pressure would approximately double, and things would get warmer for a while (as in case A of my simple thought experiments where more air is pumped into the container). After time to for steady state to settle in, and the warming from the work we did dumping the extra pure air to dissipate, I think the Atmospheric pressure would remain double, but the temperatures would return to about the same levels as before.”
THis simply isnt true- if you double V and the number of air molecules the pressure and tempeature will remain the same
PV = nRT
P 2V = 2n RT
the IDeal Gas Law is a state equation- it will be true at any time for your model assuming it applies
the problem is your model is wrong but plenty of people have already said that

Mark Hladik
December 30, 2011 8:56 am

Still working my way through the original paper. There are many good comments here.
Perhaps our focus should be a form of “peer-review” which will work to improve/correct that which is lacking, and reinforce that which is good. We have the expertise, in this blog, to accomplish this goal. Once we have thrashed it all out, the authors can present a ‘revised’ version, taking into account the comments, and making corrections to that which we find inconsistent.
Let us recall that Wegener was ridiculed for not having a mechanism for “mobile” continents, but in the end, his basic premise was found to be correct. We might be in a similar situation here; let us work together to improve, and if the original hypothesis is eventually found to be incorrect, we can discard it, and chalk it up to experience.
Best regards to all, and thanks to the mods and Anthony, and the purveyors of thoughtful comments,
Mark H.

Gary Pearse
December 30, 2011 8:58 am

‘This makes the GH effect a thermodynamic phenomenon, not a radiative one as presently assumed!’ (Nikolov)
“I just cannot square this assertion with the clear measurements of UW and DW LWIR, and…”
Ira- good experiments you did, but I like their assertion (noted by many others in other posts) that a locale heated by whatever will then rise as a convection current to upper troposphere where it will then dump more energy back into space. Also, it seems to me your experiment has a flaw. The refrigerator in the actual earth case is the surrounding air. I think this takes the container of gas out of the refrigerator to the ambient (elevated temp) of the close to earth warmth (ATE?). I believe all they are appealing to is the average density of the close to earth layer presents a higher mass (higher heat capacity).

December 30, 2011 8:58 am

Definition: STP corresponds to 273 K (0° Celsius) and 1 atm pressure. STP is often used for measuring gas density and volume.
If you take the time and use PV=nRT with standard P (14.73psi), a V up 62 miles, figure n and plug in R you get a T of 273 K. Although Ned and Karl may or may not be correct in the figure they use there is some level of internal energy in the atmosphere caused by gravity/pressure, work. So the GHE maybe only 15 K not 33.
Ira says:”Due to the work done to compress the air in the fixed…”
“Downwelling Long-Wave Infrared (LW DWIR) from the so-called “Greenhouse” gases (GHG)..”
Ira you use the word work when talking about Ned and Kar’sl post, but have not recognized what many have said when talking of DWLWIR that it has no ability to do work. Mr. MyDog….Nose, several PE’s and myself have mentioned this before.
To me the atmosphere seems to look like a Carnot cycle.

J Martin
December 30, 2011 9:02 am

Ira, I think you’ve not addressed the central issue. You should look at Dale Huffman’s clearer, though more basic explanation of what is going on at;
Comparing the known science of a sealed container of even pressure and density, to the open system of the atmosphere with gravity, higher pressure and temperature at the surface, which decline with altitude is in no way valid. Sorry.
You need to falsify / invalidate the Huffman Venus paper first, then re-address yourself to the Niklov Zeller paper.

December 30, 2011 9:02 am

James Sexton says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:31 am
Temp and pressure is just shorthand for expressing other things.
Next up in the argument, Amps and volts! Which is more important to watts!?!

Lol! Class – Thanks James.

December 30, 2011 9:05 am

R. Gates;
I don’t disagree with.the importance of some of your additions, but 1-4 are being studied every day, 5 is unimportant to the actual science,>>>
Unimportant? The behaviour of “the team” is unimportant to the actual science? Tell that to the researchers whose actual science never got funded because of “the team”, tell that to the editors of academic journals that lost their jobs because of “the team” and tell that to the next generation of scientists who will begin their careers based on a completely false premise.

December 30, 2011 9:06 am

The black body temperature of a planet is not necessarily its temperature at ground level. Some planets do not have a ground. I would guess it is the temperature at the “average altitude” of emissions to space. I don’t know how the “average altitude” is calculated, but it is probably somewhere over the ground. Now, under this “average altitude”, you expect to find an adiabatic lapse rate. So the ground will automatically be warmer than the black body temperature.
Here’s a thought experiment. Let’s say we build an opaque membrane at the top of our atmosphere. The temperature of this membrane would be calculated like the temperature of a planet without an atmosphere because there is no atmosphere on top of the membrane. But you would still have an adiabatic lapse rate under the membrane. So the ground would be warmer than the membrane.
The pressure and the temperature of a given gas are in fact a single quantity. The bottom of the atmosphere is warmer just like it has a higher pressure. This higher temperature cannot be used to produce energy just like its higher pressure. In fact, the pressure/temperature by molecule(momentum) is higher at a higher altitude. It is only the sum of pressure/temperature that is higher at the bottom. If you could build a huge tower containing a gas with a different adiabatic lapse, there would be heights where the temperature inside the tower would be different than the temperature outside. So it would be possible to create energy. But this is only because the adiabatic lapse represent an insulation and you can create energy between two points that are insulated differently from a hot body. This insulation might be explained by the fact that pressure/temperature of a gas is a property of single molecules that are attracted by gravity, therefore pressure/temperature is attracted by gravity. Just like the spin of a particle is a property of that particle. So it is more probable to detected the spin of a particle near a massive object than midway to the moon.
In conclusion, it is not surprising for a planet with an atmosphere to be warmer. The exact explanation and how much warming you should expect seems to be a subject of debate to this day.

Dan in Nevada
December 30, 2011 9:07 am

JPS says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:49 am
JPS, I’m sure you are wrong here. As the number of air molecules increase, the weight (gravity’s pull on the mass of molecules) would compress them, resulting in higher pressures. To get Ira’s theoretical doubling of volume would take much more than twice the number of molecules due to this compression. Ira’s assertion that temperatures would ultimately equilibrate back to what they formerly were is the real question.
[JPS, I meant to double the WEIGHT by doubling the number of molecules. You are correct that doubling the volume would require adding more than twice the number of molecules. I am sorry that my poor choice of words caused confusion, Thanks for the correction. Ira]

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 9:13 am

Theo Godwin says:
“In the Earth-Sun system of radiation balance, no energy is created on Earth. All energy comes from the Sun.”
This is simply not true. The earth’s surface radiates LW radiation that has nothing to do with energy that originated on the sun. All objects in the universe above 0 degrees Kelvin generate radiation, and certainly the earth is no different. Even if the earth were suddenly ejected from the solar system into interstellar space it would still continue to emit its own radiation, but of course at at much different wavelength than it does now.

December 30, 2011 9:16 am

unwittingly you have rebutted your own rebuttal- I dont see a gravitation term in the IGL- the way it is being applied here is for is for a CLOSED, HOMOGENEOUS system. the atmosphere is clearly not that. Im not arguing the practical result of what he proposes, I am saying his model is wrong.

Theo Goodwin
December 30, 2011 9:16 am

Brian H says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:29 am
Theo Goodwin says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:59 pm
“Theo, your intent is laudable, but I think you get hoist on your own petard. The ‘energy2′ of which you speak is transformation from one form to another, not creation. So would be any possible future on-Earth energy source, even nuclear or fission, etc.”
All talk about energy is ultimately talk about energy transformation because energy is neither created nor destroyed. My point is that people will want to say that energy is created in our atmosphere, just as we say it is created in our windmills or when we build the right kind of battery, and that we should not slap them down with the Warmist definition.

December 30, 2011 9:17 am

Old one on this thing of grinding down the point of needles to two or less atoms.
Clean 8 1/2″ X 11″ blanch white paper.
100,000 grains of black pepper.
100,000 grains of house fly dung.
Sort by size and report the size distribution.

December 30, 2011 9:28 am

I have a thought experiment that I have been working through to see if I can understand this properly (at least in a nonquantitative manner). Let’s say that a comet hits the Earth and vaporizes in the atmosphere which raises the temperature of the atmosphere as a whole by 1C(due to increased compression of the atmosphere). By my understanding of the S-B law, the Earth still would only need to radiate the 235 w/m2 it receives from the sun, even though the *total* kinetic energy in the atmosphere is now much higher than before the comet hit. This on its face does seem to suggest that that the UCT is on to something.
However, as others have mentioned, adding mass to the atmosphere doesn’t just increase pressure it also raises the height of the atmosphere (which will tend to decrease pressure and temperature) subject to the constraints of gravity.
Finally, there is the issue of condensation. If the comet entered the atmosphere as water vapor, it would quickly condense out of the atmosphere lowering the atmospheric pressure to the pre-comet levels.
WHat do people think of this thought experiment? Am I missing any important factors? Does anyone have any idea how we would go about quantifying the relative strength of the these factors?
Cheers, 🙂

Philip Peake
December 30, 2011 9:30 am

My initial thoughts were along the same lines as Ira. Its absolutely true that pressure is not temperature. In the gas phase, they are related, but that’s all, one is driven by the other, not *caused* by the other.
Let me give my interpretation of what I think the original paper was saying:
I will start by trying to remove what I see as some red-herrings. First talk of heat when pumping up a tire, warmth from rapidly descending air masses etc. These are temporary imbalances, they are the result of work being done. Work being done implies that energy is coming from somewhere else to perform that work. On the macro scale, there is only one source of energy for the Earth (the sun), and for our purposes, I think we can regard it as constant.
The other red-herring is convection vs radiation vs conduction.
I think there has been enough discussion in the past for most to agree that at the wavelengths at which the Earth (re-)radiates, the atmosphere is opaque. Radiation from the Earth itself doesn’t make it directly into space, it is transferred from the earth, via the atmosphere, and radiated from the atmospheric gasses into space.
Effectively, the atmosphere conducts the heat away. When thinking about conduction here, there are three methods of moving the energy, one is plain old molecular conduction, excitation of a molecule being passed on to adjacent molecules. Its not a super-efficient mechanism in gasses, especially at lower pressures. Convection is much more efficient, it moves the excited molecules to an area of less excited molecules to allow the faster transfer of energy. Given the depth of the atmosphere, and the relatively small convection cells, I think we can ignore the actual mechanism (moving gas) and simply regard this as an enhancement of conduction — as a black box, (internal) convection will simply make the black box appear to conduct better. Finally, there is “radiation” (as in downwelling radiation) which actually radiates in all directions, not just down — this may actually be the same thing as conduction in a gas. For our purposes, I don’t think it matters if it is or not. The point is, in a black box containing gas, apply heat at one end, and it will be transferred at some rate to the other end.
So back to the plot …
What we have is a solid body (the Earth), with a layer of gas around it.
If there is no energy input, the gas undergoes a couple of phase changes and ends up as a crust of solid material on the surface of the planet. At the other extreme, apply enough energy, and for a planet of the size and density of the Earth, the gas will achieve enough kinetic energy to escape the gravity well and “boil off” into space.
We are interested in what happens between these two extremes.
As energy is applied, the solid gas becomes gaseous gas and forms an atmosphere.
The atmosphere will have a depth and (surface-level) pressure which is determined by the total volume of gas, the gravitational constant and the temperature of the surface of the planet. The gravitational constant and the volume of gas are fixed, so temperature alone determines the pressure of the gas.
Now, its tempting to think that we can apply PV=nRT to determine the relationship between pressure and temperature, but since the gas is not contained in a fixed volume (V) it doesn’t apply. There is also the small issue of the different gas temperatures at the outside and bottom of the atmosphere, and the fact that we have a pressure gradient, not a fixed pressure.
However, if we look at a small enough portion of the atmosphere, say the first few feet, given the weight of the atmosphere above it (think of a solid sphere contained within a spherical shell, with gas filling the space between the two), we can consider that it is approaching a fixed volume, and so its pressure will be closely related to temperature, and PV=nRT will (almost) apply.
The same principle can be applied to the next “layer” of atmosphere. In this case the “base” of the (spherical) container) is the underlying layer of atmosphere, and the “container” is all the atmosphere above. From PV=nRT, since this layer of gas is at a lower pressure, its temperature will be lower.
Continuing this process, we begin to see why there is a temperature gradient between the bottom of the atmosphere and the top.
For ANY planet with ANY gas as an atmosphere, there has to be a higher temperature at the surface than higher up in the atmosphere. You physically can’t have a uniform temperature, because the pressure is different.
The temperature/pressure is determined by the amount of energy being put into the system (sun) and the rate at which heat is conducted away away from the surface and into space.
So surface temperature is going to depend on how much gas is in the atmosphere (fixed), how much energy is put into the system (fixed — according to AGW theory) and the conductivity of the atmosphere.
Conductivity of gasses varies depending upon the gas and its density. Denser gasses tend to be better conductors.
I would argue that adding CO2 to the atmosphere improves its conductivity. It is a denser gas, and its property of absorbing radiated energy means that it will warm, and so begin convection, which will improve the conductivity (in the black box sense). Now, a denser gas will lead to higher pressure, and hence higher temperature, but this is offset by improved conductivity, which will lower temperature (and pressure).

December 30, 2011 9:35 am

Wow, I went to bed with no comments having cleared moderation and now all of this. It is great stuff too. This is all very much like the continental drift discussions in the late 50’s and early 60’s or perhaps the Hoyle-Hawking and others of about the same time. In this case we are more like the drift business but seem to be trying to make it into cosmology. Unified theories of anything are nothing more then computerizes that satisfies no one. The drift thing got more or less solved as soon as we realized how continents move. That took a discovery based on empirical measurements. The key was the age/magnetic reversal/geographic distribution of ocean crust to show the way.
In climate, I suspect we know what to measure and we know where to measure it now we need to put a lid the predictive models and focus on the geoscience relationships and making those measure. If we are diligent about it we will some day understand the relationships of all the components that make up what we all love and live with our climate.

December 30, 2011 9:49 am

“Paul Bahlin says: December 30, 2011 at 5:10 am
I propose an experiment…
Go outside, place several 1 meter tall closed glass cylinders on a black surface. Start with the following contents:”
The thing that dooms all of these Woods – type experiments is Local Thermal Equilibrium.
Whatever apparatus you assemble, it comes to LTE with its immediate surroundings. If you have a box with a plate glass cover opaque to IR, the sun heats the plate and the plate heats the inside of the box and the enclosed air. If you have a box with a salt plate cover (transparent to IR) the sun heats the inside of the box and the box heats the air inside and the air heats the plate which radiates the same as the plate glass. The experimenter becomes confused thinking that he has disproven the Greenhouse Effect. Yes, Virginia, Greenhouse Gases do radiate downward, but this is important only at night when convection ceases so that cooling rates are reduced in certain regions of the globe.

Richard M
December 30, 2011 9:53 am

Brian H says:
December 29, 2011 at 10:16 pm
The core assertion is that the mass of the atmosphere varies, and this results in temperature change. Add 1 bar of CO2 to the atmosphere, or 1 bar of N2, and the results therefore should be the same. According to C. Jinan’s theory, however, the CO2-rich version would be cooler, as it radiates into space more readily. What say you?

Very interesting. This is essentially a formalization of the concept I have putting forth for almost a year. My idea that GHGs must have a “cooling effect” has also been put forward by others. I will have to look at this closer, but I think, if valid, this paper is even a bigger dagger in the heart of AGW than the UTC. It removes the physical cause for warming that warmists are so quick to claim.
It is nice to have the UTC at this time so when warmists try to complain that something must be causing the warming and hence Coa’s paper must be wrong, we have an answer.

December 30, 2011 10:02 am

Thanks, Ira – the venusian gasball stuff is hansen’s leftovers with sagan backwash.
temperature and pressure have this relationship: PVT = PVT
heat is nowhere in that formula mmk?
you can’t convert watts to degrees, mmk?
pressure in an enclosed space is determined by temperature. pressure without enclosure is determined by gravity.
so the venus freaks who believe in post normal reversals of cause and effect have gravity creating heat (heat isn’t created, either – it comes from somewhere it was previously).
this kind of very fundamental error in the ability to think (disregarding the temporal relationship of cause and effect – nothing more basic than that) is a property of a very broken brain – so badly broken that it can be said to be reliable – reliably insane.

December 30, 2011 10:04 am

Ok, tell me where I have this wrong, because the N&Z simplification of the system makes prefect sense:
When energy is introduced into the atmosphere the sum total of gasses in the atmosphere want to expand rather than heat up. Gravity resists expansion at a constant rate, and the atmosphere heats to the extent that it can not expand.
CO2 has a greater expansion potential than other gasses in the atmosphere, but it isn’t subjected to more gravity than other gasses are so the end result of heating CO2 in the atmosphere is the greater expansion of the CO2 compared to these other gasses, not more heat.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 10:07 am

A few , perhaps 3 or 4 contributors here have got the point. The rest are thrashing about in the dark.
I here repeat an earlier post that has got lost in the ‘noise’ I have amended it slightly for,I hope, greater clarity.
If it is flawed would someone please say why or how because the issue is integral to the entire AGW hypothesis.
“Surely it is obvious that when solar irradiation reacts with matter constrained within the Earth’s gravitational field there will be a conversion of some of that solar irradiation to kinetic energy (vibrational movement of the molecules) and some of that solar irradiation to heat.in the form of more longwave radiation passing between those molecules and the larger environment.?
The proportions are pressure dependent.
In the absence of gravitationally induced pressure ALL the solar irradiance would get converted to kinetic energy instantly and the molecules would fly off into space.
The higher the gravitationally induced pressure the more kinetic energy is required to break the gravitational bond between the body of the Earth and the molecules of gas.Thus the molecules can carry more kinetic energy in a hotter environment without flying off to space and so one observes more heat as evidenced by a higher temperature.
At Earth’s atmospheric pressure of 1 bar some goes to kinetic energy and some to heat and it is that atmospheric pressure which determines the proportions. That isn’t ‘creation’ of heat or of ‘new’ energy. It is simply an apportionment of the solar irradiation into different forms dependent on the prevailing level of gravitationally induced pressure.
That is the true greenhouse effect as I have always understood it and it is therefore pressure dependent and not composition dependent.
If some of the gas molecules have a higher thermal capacity than other molecules then those specific molecules will accrue more kinetic energy than others and add disproportionately to the pool of kinetic energy that is available to defeat the gravitationally induced pressure which is restraining the exit of the kinetic energy to space.
However, if pressure does not change then the only outcome will be more radiation to space and NOT a rise in system energy content.That increased radiation to space is achieved by energising ALL the available means of energy transfer namely conduction, convection, radiation and on a water planet the phase changes of water which greatly accelerates the efficiency of the other energy transfer mechanisms.
As Nikolov says, the effects of GHGs are thus cancelled out.
One does however observe that faster outflow of energy from the watery Earth due to GHGs in the form of a larger or faster water cycle which brings me to my broader work available elsewhere.
Nonetheless that faster outflow of energy from more GHGs is infinitesimal compared to the consequences of solar and oceanic variability as I have explained in detail previously.”

Scott Covert
December 30, 2011 10:11 am

Thanks Ira. What you said makes sense. Like I said, I don’t endorse the paper. I don’t get the connection they claim about pressure causing temperature without GHGs. And the discussion about IGL on fixed volumes is just a distraction.
The connection between equilibrium temperature, atmospheric mass, and water vapor, seems clear and must be a first order influence completely outweighing all non-condensable GHGs.
It is easy to visualize a trend in atmospheric mass causing a trend in the water cycle which is the strongest atmospheric energy transport mechanism.

Luther Wu
December 30, 2011 10:18 am

Dennis Nikols, P. Geol. says:
December 30, 2011 at 9:35 am
In climate, I suspect we know what to measure and we know where to measure it… If we are diligent about it we will some day understand the relationships of all the components that make up what we all love and live with our climate.
If modern climate research was directed at finding what role the various components actually play, rather than trying to reach an apparent goal of securing more funding by reaching predetermined conclusions, then your comment would be more than just wishful thinking.
Take heart! The young turks are beginning to make their presence felt.

December 30, 2011 10:19 am

As as analogy, regarding the N&Z theory, there is a sort of escape velocity in atmospheric heating that is related to the planetary gravitational pull. If the energy is insufficient to overcome gravitational force, the added energy simply raises atmospheric temperature, but at some point the pressure to expand is greater than the gravitational counterbalance and from that point on added energy results in expansion, not heat.
This is a rather elegant explanation with many examples in the physical world. If you turn the heat up on a pot of water the water will heat so long as the vapor pressure doesn’t exceed the surrounding environment. However, when the heat reaches a specific level,100° C at sea level, the water starts to release steam (expand to a gas) and the water stays at 100° C. The more energy you add to the system at that point only accelerates the rate at which the water turns to steam.
In the N&Z theory the same general process is taking place in the atmosphere, except that gravity is applying pressure on atmospheric gasses that, once overcome, result strictly in expansion, rather than heat.

December 30, 2011 10:25 am

Strewth, am i the only one that gets it. It is as they said nothing to do with energy or work.
Analogy. A lens provides neither work nor energy but use it to focus light and you raise the local temperature to cause a fire to ignite.
Second analogy, in your microwave, the power passes through the air, leaving it cool but heats the denser molecules of water in the food such that it cooks.
This is all that they are saying, a denser air at ground level causes increased temperature from the same heat radiation passing through it. Matters not it constituent gas parts.
We know from the time of the dinosaurs that it was warmer and they air must have been denser because of the huge insects and flying reptiles. Both of which needed denser air to perform.

December 30, 2011 10:29 am

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along said @ December 30, 2011 at 6:27 am
“I was looking for more of what Nikolov and Keller had done in the past and ran into something odd.
Google nikolov keller and check out the 3rd link from the bottom of the second page of hits.”
I did:
“Lazar Nikolov on Yahoo! Music
Lazar Nikolov music profile on Yahoo! Music. Find lyrics, free streaming MP3s, music videos and photos of Lazar Nikolov on Yahoo! Music.”
WTF has this to do with the discussion?

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 10:29 am

davidmhoffer says:
December 30, 2011 at 9:05 am
R. Gates;
I don’t disagree with.the importance of some of your additions, but 1-4 are being studied every day, 5 is unimportant to the actual science,>>>
Unimportant? The behaviour of “the team” is unimportant to the actual science? Tell that to the researchers whose actual science never got funded because of “the team”, tell that to the editors of academic journals that lost their jobs because of “the team” and tell that to the next generation of scientists who will begin their careers based on a completely false premise.
The laws of physics don’t change because of the actions of a group of scientists. Thousands of scientists are conducting research every day that have nothing to do with the behavior of the so-called “Team”. Skeptics need their demons and distractions and so they focus on the “evils” of the Team. All this does not change the science.

richard verney
December 30, 2011 10:30 am

I completely fail to understand why anyone would consider that a planetary atmosphere devoid of GHGs would have no bearing at all upon the planet’s temperature. That seems wholly illogical to me since it affects the surface area over which heat is lost and absorbed and acts as a transport medium which will distribute heat both laterally and vertically.
If we accept that pressurising a gas causes the gas to gain temperature, it seems to me that the starting point is to consider why having gained temperature is the temperature lost? The obvious answer is heat loss from the system which in turn begs the question as to how is the heat lost?
Obviously in the case of IRA’s illustration A, of the gas cylinder placed in the fridge, this is due to conduction and radiation (the metal cylinder being able to both radiate and conduct heat).
Reverting to a planetary atmosphere, if the atmosphere is composed entirely of non GHGs (ie., gases which the warmist maintain cannot radiate), how would such a planetary atmosphere lose heat? Ie., how would this planetary atmosphere lose the heat that it acquired when it was compressed by gravity?
If we were to add GHGs to such an atmosphere (and remove an equivalent mass of non GHGs) would this speed up the cooling process since the atmosphere now has limited capacity to radiate away its heat, or would it slow the heat loss since GHGs ‘trap’ heat?
Reverting to the planetary atmosphere devoid of all GHGs and assuming that the planet surface was not smooth but instead consisted of mountains and valleys of various and different gradients such that the sunlight hit the surface at many different angles and the surface was a mixture of jet matt black rock and white rock with high iridescent sheen (perhaps much like a chess board), would not the atmosphere be heated by conduction and convection? Indeed, would there not be swirling air currents which would aid the heating of the atmosphere?
Now if the daily heat loss from the atmosphere to space (however that may occur) is entirely balanced by the daily heat gain received by the atmosphere from conduction and convection of some part of the solar input being received by the planetary surface, the temperature of the atmosphere will never be lost and will at all times equal the temperature that was brought about by gravitational compression of the atmosphere. Obviously, if there is an imbalance between the heat loss and heat gain there will be a change to the temperature of the atmosphere (as inevitably would be the case).
I have issues with the N&Z paper and do not fully understand what they are saying. However my understanding is that they claim PRESSURE >>CAUSES>>TEMPERATURE such that in broad terms this sets the ‘planetary atmospheric base temperature’ (my expression) which temperature is then subject to changes from heat loss and/or heat gains. My understanding is that they claim that if the heat gains (whatever be their source) equal the heat loss from the system then the planetary atmospheric base temperature will be maintained indefinitely. On the other hand, if the heat loss is more than the heat gain then the planetary atmospheric base temperature will decrease, alternatively the planetary atmospheric base temperature will increase if the heat gains exceed the heat losses. My understanding is that they postulate that that solar energy is sufficient to make good the heat loss and that being the case the planetary atmospheric base temperature is maintained. They suggest that changes in cloud cover for example result in a change to the amount of solar irradiance received by the Earth system and this accounts (or largely accounts) for temperature variations to the planetary atmospheric base temperature seen in recent times.
In principle, I can see the merit in such an argument.
Ira I do not consider your illustration to be analogous to the planetary condition and it is missing a vital component, namely the equivalent of the sun. It has the coldness of space without the warmth of the sun. Accordingly, Ira, in your illustration A, the cylinder should in its base be fitted with a heater. The fridge represents space (which is <3K) and the warm cylinder will tend to lose heat to the fridge and cool. The heater in the base of the cylinder represents the sun. This inputs some extra heat into the system. When the heat from the sun (the heater in the base of the cylinder) equals the heat being lost from the cylinder to the fridge, the gas in the cylinder maintains its temperature (which was brought about by pressure) indefinitely.
Thereafter, slight changes to the amount of heat being inputted by the heater in the base (changes in solar irradiance for example due to changes in TSI, cloudiness or a slight temporary reduction in power due to a volcano or what have you) will cause the temperature of the gas within the cylinder to rise slightly or fall slightly.
This is certainly a planetary model that requires consideration. Whilst I have little doubt that the title to the N & Z paper overstates the case, I think that it was entirely appropriate to publish the paper on WUWT so that it can be disseminated by a wide audience who hold different views and different specialities, and so that the authors may reflect upon points raised by the readers of WUWT and incorporate changes that may appear appropriate in the light of those comments.

December 30, 2011 10:46 am

richard verney says:
December 30, 2011 at 10:30 am

I completely fail to understand why anyone would consider that a planetary atmosphere devoid of GHGs would have no bearing at all upon the planet’s temperature.

Can you explain away my example? Gravity is a constraint on the free expansion of atmospheric gasses, without gravity would the planet even have an atmosphere? Of course not.
As such, gravity, in resisting free expansion, is responsible for solar energy turning to heat, otherwise the atmosphere, absent a planet, would simply expand. This is a more elastic version of the closed jar CO2 example so misused by warmists where CO2 heats more rapidly than air simply because CO2 has a great expansion pressure when energized.
But at some point gravity is insufficient to hold back the expansion of atmospheric gasses, and at that point (like water at 100° C) added energy doesn’t contribute to heat, it contributes to expansion. As such, CO2, Nitrogen, and any other gas in existence has a set ability to be heated under normal atmospheric conditions before it breaks the surly bonds of gravity and simply expands instead.
In some way, however, there is room for AGW in this theory, but only if humanity is releasing enough CO2 (or any gas) into the atmosphere to increase to atmospheric mass in a non-negligible way.

December 30, 2011 10:54 am

R. Gates;
The laws of physics don’t change because of the actions of a group of scientists. Thousands of scientists are conducting research every day that have nothing to do with the behavior of the so-called “Team”. Skeptics need their demons and distractions and so they focus on the “evils” of the Team. All this does not change the science.>>>
But it does change the science, because the science isn’t reality. Science is the study of reality. If the science becomes corrupted, reality doesn’t change, but the science upon which our society rests does. Muzzling Galileo didn’t change the reality that the earth circles the sun, but it set science backwards by a considerable amount.

December 30, 2011 10:55 am

Ira, nice effort, but does not apply exactly nor correctly.
Not to insult your intelligence, or the others here who are brilliant thinkers, however; as a pilot with advanced degrees in aeronautics the following is partially why I disagree with your container example through simple observations.
Death Valley vs. surrounding mountains. I ask why it is warmer in the basin than the hill tops that surround. The atmosphere is thicker, deeper and more dense. Correct?
Gravity pulls atmospheric high pressure air downward, compressing it. It warms on the way down. As it descends it causes low pressure areas to form through the Coriolis effect. Cause and effect. Correct?
Thunderstorm are produced by an accelerating column of rising air that does not cool relative to the temperature of surrounding air that the rising air passes through, as that air returns to the surface, it compresses and forms a hot spot leading the storm, which helps feed the system. Correct?
Consider the SCUBA tank being filled and vented; the air heats through compression and cools when decompressed. Gravity is the atmosphere’s compressor, the sun heats the surface inconsistency causing different rates of heating. Correct?
Across the planet valleys are warmer than hill tops, across the planet high pressure areas are descending air masses that compress. The atmosphere is thicker and thus warmer at the equator adding to the warmth in that band. Correct?
Venus has a thicker atmosphere than earth: warm place. Earth has less atmosphere, cooler than Venus. Mars has even less atmosphere, much colder than both Venus and Earth. Both Venus and Mars have greater than 90% CO2 atmosphere, yet one is hot, one is cold due atmosphere density. Correct?
Jupiter has massive atmosphere, hot. In all instances, the atmospheres are warmer at lower altitudes. Correct? It might be colder way out at Neptune, but the same applies. Correct?
We are not in a closed canister. We are in a system of chaos with unforeseeable variables.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 11:00 am

richard verney says:
December 30, 2011 at 10:30 am
“I completely fail to understand why anyone would consider that a planetary atmosphere devoid of GHGs would have no bearing at all upon the planet’s temperature.”
Even without non condensing GHGs (those are the ones we are concerned about) the molecules of Oxygen and Nitrogen despite their low thermal capacity would still warm up to match the surface temperature (or close to it) not because of direct radiative heating but from gravitational compression, conduction and convection from water vapour and portions of the surface that ARE heated by insolation such as the land and the oceans. They then lose that energy to space not primarily by radiation but by conduction, convection and especially the phase changes of water.
Non condensing GHGs do not affect ocean heat content but they do affect atmosphere heat content though mostly in latent form because of the water cycle since their energy in the air causes more evaporation. However the atmospheric temperature is controlled by the oceans on Earth so a balance between sea surface and surface air temperatures must be maintained.
If the air cannot heat the oceans then it is the atmosphere that has to shift in order to maintain sea surface and surface air energy balance.
It does so by way of a shift in the surface pressure distribution involving a change to the speed of the water cycle and a shift of the permanent climate zones.
System energy content varies barely at all but the faster throughput of energy from surface to space manifests itself in a surface redistribution of energy which is perceived as regional climate change.
So non condensing GHGs have no significant bearing on the planet’s temperature (which must include the oceans) but they do have a bearing on temperatures at the surface where specific locations experience changes in the air flow across them.
But the effects from CO2 are infinitesimal compared to the natural variations caused by sun and oceans which is another story.
That is what I call a Unified Climate Theory especially when one goes on to link it to solar and oceanic variability which this paper does not do and which I have already tried to do.

Luther Wu
December 30, 2011 11:11 am

R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 10:29 am
The laws of physics don’t change because of the actions of a group of scientists. Thousands of scientists are conducting research every day that have nothing to do with the behavior of the so-called “Team”. Skeptics need their demons and distractions and so they focus on the “evils” of the Team. All this does not change the science.
The ‘Laws of Physics’ have nothing to do with your post. Instead, you’ve fashioned the phrase into another of your typical red herrings. Your post is just one more of your attempts to denigrate skeptics and downplay the legitimacy of their concerns, while you try to deflect criticism of “the team”.
While you have repeate4dly demonstrated a remarkable talent as a rhetorician, the thrust of your efforts has unmasked you and revealed you as nothing more than a shill.

December 30, 2011 11:14 am

“1) Earth with no atmosphere (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would be ~ 255 K, as required by Stephan-Boltzmann calculations.”
Question suppose had a blackbody- 1 meter diameter sphere in space.
Is it warmer or cooler in average temperature than compare to say solid steel 1 meter sphere?
“2) Earth with a pure N2 atmosphere with a surface pressure of 1 atm (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would STILL be ~ 255 K (as required by Stephan-Boltzmann calculations, since radiation at the surface is unchanged from Scenario 1), with the N2 above the surface cooling off at a rate of ~ 10 C/km (the dry adiabatic lapse rate).”
First radiation to the surface would less. Second surface would warm the air and therefore preventing surface from reaching as high of a temperature. But unless you have a surface which has a heat capacity- such as surface being a solid metal or even solid rock [which is more conductive than, say sand] and therefore in similar way is slow or never reaching hottest temperature because it’s losing energy via conduction [really isn’t actually losing but is storing heat]. So if your surface doesn’t store much heat, and since atmosphere could store weeks or months worth of heat, despite getting less energy to surface, it could have higher average temperature.
It should also to be noted that you might measuring two different things- first example there is no air to measure average air temperature [which how earth temperature is normally measured- average of 15 C is not ground temperature it’s air temperature. And if you continued to measure surface temperature in second example- the surface temperature would be higher [always] than the air temperature. It would always higher because during sunlight [with no moisture] it will be considerably warmer and at nite the surface will be same temperature as air temperature.

December 30, 2011 11:14 am

I’m glad Ira’s response was posted, and it seems he has some solid objections. But it worries me when he writes, “I would love it if the conventional understanding of the Atmospheric “Greenhouse” Effect…could be overturned.”
What he ought to love, like everyone, is that the science be correct, regardless of its implications. Climatologists just didn’t glom onto the GH effect for the fun of it — it’s the result of nearly 200 years of scientific investigation, going back to Fourier. A LOT of very smart people have spent a LOT of time thinking about it, and it has experimental support in the observed outgoing spectrum and the changes in that radiation over time (Harries et al, Nature, 2001, and follow-ups).
Any alternative theory has to pass such standards. It was dismaying yesterday to see so many people write comments like ‘I can’t follow all the math, but it sounds right to me.’ If you can’t follow the math you don’t get an opinion on the science, period. Science doesn’t need cheerleaders, it needs people who understand it.

December 30, 2011 11:23 am

DEEBEE says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:25 am

… And Willis, please do write a response to the original post of “Unified” theory. I usually enjoy your insight. But your response here is just hit and run and does not become you.

I started out to do so, but it is all of a piece with the bit that I quoted. I can’t make enough sense of it enough to even comment. Take just this small part of what I quoted above:

Instead, [pressure] enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.

So he’s saying that pressure is either enhancing or amplifying solar energy through the rate of molecular collision … and while that is indeed good to know, what does it mean? Here were my questions on reading those two sentences:
• How on earth does one either “enhance” or “amplify” energy through ‘molecular collisions”?
• Why do the “molecular collisions” only “relatively enhance” energy?
• How does “relatively enhanced” energy differ from “actually enhanced” energy, or from plain-vanilla garden variety “enhanced energy”?
• How does “relatively enhanced” energy “manifest as an actual energy”?
• Why does it only manifest itself when there is “external heating”?
• Why does anyone pay the slightest attention to this pseudo-science?
DEEBEE, that’s why I don’t review this kind of carpola. It makes my head hurt, but more to the point, IT DOESN’T MAKE A LICK OF FREAKIN’ SENSE … how can I comment sensibly on something that makes no sense at all? When a guy starts raving about “relatively enhanced energy”, I tune out and go read some actual science.

December 30, 2011 11:32 am

@R. Gates
thetempestspark says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:34 am
If you took two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, both quantities had a temperature of 1°C and mixed them both together what would the temperature be as a result of doubling one quantity of CO2 with the other?
R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:14 am
What about the volume? Did you force one into the volume of the other? If you did, then of course work was done on “the system” by the application of a force over a distance and of course the temperature would go up. Pv=nrt, but work must be done when compressing a gas! If however, you simply open a valve between the two containers then of course nothing would happen.
“Did you force one into the volume of the other?”
Under earths physical condition, mix the two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, no compression of gases, just an normal atmospheric factor of displacement.
“If however, you simply open a valve between the two containers then of course nothing would happen.”
Is your answer that There would be no temperature rise for a doubling of CO2 of equal volume under equal conditions?
Good to hear!

December 30, 2011 11:39 am

I don’t have a great English, so my first comment might not be very clear. I will try to make it clearer. Let’s look at the phenomenons of temperature and pressure of a gas at the molecular level. In a gas, a high temperature means that a lot of heat transfer events happen in a short time. A high pressure means that a lot of pressure transfer events happen in a short time. Your skin would not feel the heat or pressure without theses events. Nobody is surprised to find that pressure transfer events are more frequent at the bottom of a heavy atmosphere of a heavy planet. But, a lot of people are surprised to find that heat transfer events could be more frequent in the same condition. The problem is that every pressure transfer event in a gas is also a heat transfer event.
Does it mean that we can make free energy from gravity? No, it is much easier to make energy from pressure than from heat and nobody run their car from atmospheric pressure. On the other side, it is possible to make energy from nuclear fission and this form of energy is more frequent near of massive object. Does it mean that gravity enhances nuclear fission? No, not directly at least. So, even if gravity was able to indirectly increase the amount of potential energy, it would not mean that some basic law of physics is violated.
In practical terms, in an atmosphere of a planet, the temperature varies with altitude, and there’s an altitude where the temperature is equal to what the black body theory predicts. Jupiter might not have a ground, so it is not necessarily ground level. And then, everything under this altitude has to be warmer. In the piston example, the temperature of the air in the piston that is allowed to exchange heat with the material of the piston will get to the same temperature as the piston.

December 30, 2011 11:41 am

Willis, refer to an appendix that defines the terms in terms presently accepted as common to relatively enhanced vernacular amplifications, actual to external dependence with internal manifestations. 🙂

December 30, 2011 11:44 am

There is a conceptual error in scenario A. If temperature of a constant volume of gas decreases, the pressure must perforce also decrease. Or, more rigorously, if energy dissipates from the gas, then whatever that energy was maintaining must also go away. Pressure is caused by the energetic collisions of atoms or molecules with the walls of the container. Make the particles less energetic, and you get less pressure.

December 30, 2011 11:45 am

Ira Glickstein;
I agree with your article for the most part though the analogy is limited in that, as others have discussed, there’s no lid on the earth’s atmosphere. So, while the relationship between T and P is as you explained it, the earth’s atmosphere can expand and contract as it is not constrained to a finite volume which makes calculating the actual end result of any given combination of T and P rather complicated.
But two other points, first to your comment on average T vs T^4, I think this is much more significant because without proper explanation it distorts the perception the public has of the science. For example, the IPCC claims a sensivity of 2 to 4 degrees for CO2 doubling, based on 1 degree coming directly from CO2 doubling = 3.7 w/m2. To get to two degrees, they assume a minimum of an additional 3.7 w/m2 from positive feedback. What they are vague about is at what temperature they are calculating this, the average reader assuming they mean relative to earth surface. They do not. Their calculation is versus the “effective black body temperature of earth” which is about -20C. So using their numbers we can demonstrate how misleading T versus T^4 actually is by calculating the effect of an extra 7.4 w/m2 (the lower limit of their estimate) on various temperatures using SB Law:
T = -20C = 253K
+7.4 w/m2 = +1.99 degrees
T = +30C = 303K
+7.4 w/m2 = +1.17 degrees
t = -40C = 233K
+7.4 w/m2 = +2.54 degrees
In other words, sensitivity on a nice hot day is (+30) is less than half of the sensitivity on a bitterly cold day. I think that is significant.
Switching gears and going back to energy balance, there’s another way of looking at things that I’ve always advocated. If we assume that increases in CO2 affect upward bound LW radiation from earth, but that the amount of energy abosrbed by the earth system from the sun remains unchanged, then once a new equilibrium is established, the “temperature” of the earth as an “everage” remains UNCHANGED.
Suppose earth is in energy balance recieving about 235 w/m2 “on average” from the sun and radiating the same, 235 w/m2. Then CO2 doubles, throwing the energy balance out of whack temporarily. Provided that the energy being received doesn’t change as a result (which is debatable) and that pressure and volume of the atmosphere alse stay the same (even more debatable) what would be the before and after equilibrium radiance of the earth?
Before => 235 w/m2
After => 235 w/m2
Provided we assume no change in the amount of energy absorbed in the first place, no change in pressure, and no change in the over all thickness of the atmosphere, there would be (at equilibrium) a change in the “effective black body temperature of earth” of precisely zero. What WOULD change is the altitude at which the “effective black body temperature of earth” occurs (currently roughly 14,000 feet above sea level). This in turn would affect the temperature gradient from earth surface to TOA, but not the “average” temperature of earth as seen from space.
Of course, pressure DOES change, thickness of earth atmosphere DOES change and absorption of downward LW originating from the sun DOES change. But calculating those changes is a couple of degree levels above my skill set.

December 30, 2011 11:55 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 11:23 am
“• How on earth does one either “enhance” or “amplify” energy through ‘molecular collisions”?”
Coming in cold here, so I may be OT, but the answer to this specific question should be: by maintaining the energetic particles in a bounded volume. That volume will then store more energy than it would if the energetic particles were allowed to escape. It’s not creating energy, it is merely impeding its outward path to freedom.
I’m not endorsing nor dismissing the UCT – with gravity gradients, an expandable container, and diurnal forcing and mixing, it’s all a lot more complicated than PV = nRT.

Dan in Nevada
December 30, 2011 12:01 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 11:23 am
Willis, I really appreciate your analyses, but here you’re just throwing up your hands. You are probably right, but it would help folks like me to know why. I asked a while ago why a pressure cooker might not kinda sorta be a way to look at what they are talking about. It seems to me that, at least in the case of pressure cookers, pressure “enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source” (i.e. by causing the temperature to be higher, which is what I think they are saying).
This addresses all of your bullet list:
• How on earth does one either “enhance” or “amplify” energy through ‘molecular collisions”? I’m assuming they mean that at higher pressures, the higher densities retain more heat. For a given volume, this is expressed as a higher temperature. (In the case of a planetary body, the volume is somewhat constrained by gravity).
• Why do the “molecular collisions” only “relatively enhance” energy? I’m guessing (literally) that they mean a larger input will result in a larger output. The temperature gain from the higher pressure is relative to the energy being input.
• How does “relatively enhanced” energy differ from “actually enhanced” energy, or from plain-vanilla garden variety “enhanced energy”? It’s actually enhanced, but relative to the input energy?
• How does “relatively enhanced” energy “manifest as an actual energy”? I think they meant to say it manifests as a higher temperature.
• Why does it only manifest itself when there is “external heating”? With a pressure cooker, if you turn the stove off, the whole process stops and the pot cools down to ambient temperature.
• Why does anyone pay the slightest attention to this pseudo-science? Because this is fascinating and interesting to me and others, even if Erinome says we should just trust Phil, Michael, Gavin, and the rest of the team that can follow the math.

December 30, 2011 12:02 pm

Bart says:
December 30, 2011 at 11:55 am
Willis Eschenbach says:

December 30, 2011 at 11:23 am

“• How on earth does one either “enhance” or “amplify” energy through ‘molecular collisions”?”

Coming in cold here, so I may be OT, but the answer to this specific question should be: by maintaining the energetic particles in a bounded volume. That volume will then store more energy than it would if the energetic particles were allowed to escape. It’s not creating energy, it is merely impeding its outward path to freedom.

Bart, perhaps you could start by defining “enhanced” energy, and how I would recognize it if I see it. Does it have a different color or flavor from regular energy?

December 30, 2011 12:06 pm

Ira says: “The warm black surface also heats the bottom of the glass cylinder by conduction.” I do not agree with this statement because I recall that glass is not much of a conductor of heat, therefore the bottom of the glass warms via the gas being in contact with it. Example: molding glass parts in laboratory work with the old gas burners along with a few burnt fingers from not remembering which end was hot. 🙂
Ira says: “Would the “Enhanced” effect due to double Atmospheric pressure cause great permanent warming? Answer: we already know that increasing the size of the atmosphere increases the surface temperature all else being equal. We have both Venus and Mars as example. We have variations in our atmospheric pressure that exhibit the change in temperature based on altitude.
Ira says: “Perhaps a “tipping point” even? I do not think so but I would like your opinions.Answer: I agree, there is not a run-away “tipping point” as suggested by AGW advocates. however an increase in atmosphere mass will cause warming, all else equal. If there was this tipping point issue, Venus would exhibit an accelerating warming, which it is not. Thus an equilibrium is presently the case, all else equal.

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 12:11 pm

thetempestspark says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:34 am
If you took two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, both quantities had a temperature of 1°C and mixed them both together what would the temperature be as a result of doubling one quantity of CO2 with the other?
R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:14 am
What about the volume? Did you force one into the volume of the other? If you did, then of course work was done on “the system” by the application of a force over a distance and of course the temperature would go up. Pv=nrt, but work must be done when compressing a gas! If however, you simply open a valve between the two containers then of course nothing would happen.
“Did you force one into the volume of the other?”
Under earths physical condition, mix the two quantities of CO2 of equal volume, no compression of gases, just an normal atmospheric factor of displacement.
“If however, you simply open a valve between the two containers then of course nothing would happen.”
Is your answer that There would be no temperature rise for a doubling of CO2 of equal volume under equal conditions?
Good to hear!
Of the course, the radiative “greenhouse” properties of CO2 in terms of warming the earth are quite separate from pressure and volume issues. The best estimate for the temperature effects from a doubling of CO2 from 280 to 560 ppm is about 3C globally, with of course more amplification of this at the polar regions.

Luther Wu
December 30, 2011 12:21 pm

R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:11 pm
Of the course, the radiative “greenhouse” properties of CO2 in terms of warming the earth are quite separate from pressure and volume issues. The best estimate for the temperature effects from a doubling of CO2 from 280 to 560 ppm is about 3C globally, with of course more amplification of this at the polar regions.
Would you care to prove that assertion (3C globe temperature rise)?

December 30, 2011 12:23 pm

R. Gates;
Of the course, the radiative “greenhouse” properties of CO2 in terms of warming the earth are quite separate from pressure and volume issues. The best estimate for the temperature effects from a doubling of CO2 from 280 to 560 ppm is about 3C globally, with of course more amplification of this at the polar regions.>>>
1. Best estimate according to who? You?
2. The temperature record combined with the CO2 records falsify this as they indicate a sensitivity well below 1 degree.
3. If you mention “amplification” at the poles, then one must also mention that the opposite (whatever the oppsite of “amplification” is) is also true in the tropics.
4. Since the direct effects of CO2 doubling is only one degree, you cannot claim an over all sensitivity estimate of 3 degrees without including feedback effects. Are you suggesting that changes in atmospheric pressure and volume are zero? Or that they should be left out of the feedback calculation?
That’s an awful lot of total bunk to wrap up in just two sentences. I’m very impressed.

December 30, 2011 12:23 pm

Oh for word parsing. If I have a light bulb cooking at some given voltage amperes (watts) and I increase the er ah I mean enhance the voltage, then does the wattage increase and it become brighter, warmer? What voltage increase, I mean, enhancement is significant? And what is significant?
I might be inclined to copy / paste to a word doc, then replace the words enhance and enhanced with increase and increased or whatever word makes us happy campers. Same with other word choices that help with understanding the writer. Best of all, it is the responsibility of the writer to take care to be clear, as Willis is making point of.

Colin in BC
December 30, 2011 12:25 pm

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 6:47 am
[SNIP: Someone who posts under an anonymous handle and who supplies a false e-mail address has no right to belittle other commenters. Supply a valid e-mail address and maintain civility or you will not be permitted to post again. -REP]

Thank you REP. As a layman, it’s difficult enough sifting through the concepts being presented in the original article, and the following comments. Having to deal with bomb-throwing trolls adds unneeded difficulty.

December 30, 2011 12:26 pm

So, earth 4.5 billion years old or so, so sun shine on earth said 4.5 billion years.
So, how much sun transfered energy remains stored in/on/within said 4.5 bilion year old earth.
So, how does this amount of 4.5 billion years of stored energy get free of taxes and the earth?
This energy lust to be free for sure.

Frank White
December 30, 2011 12:35 pm

One other commentator mentioned the Carnot cycle, which I think needs to be considered for inspiration concerning the physics of the climate system.
The following web site has a lot of interesting stuff related to this discussion; http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/theta/

December 30, 2011 12:36 pm

Death Valley vs. surrounding mountains. I ask why it is warmer in the basin than the hill tops that surround.>>>
There are most likely multiple factors but I would guess the big one would be lack of convection. Death Valley being encircled by steep mountains, convection is supressed. Cool air that would normally flow sideways across the ground from elsewhere and cause the hot air to rise just has no entry point like it would on a prairie or seaside landscape. “Wind” is just air moving from a high pressure zone to a low pressure zone, with convection causing a low pressure zone at the bottom that ought to pull surrounding (cooler) air into it which in turn allows the hot air to rise. No source of cool air to come in at the bottom, and the low pressure zone in turn inhibits the rise of the hot air.
Less convection = less cooling = hot hot hot temps. Same effect can be observed at, for example, the Dead Sea.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 12:37 pm

Will says:
December 30, 2011 at 12
“You have repeated in almost every one of your posts that CO2 has a higher “thermal capacity” than O2 and N2. By this I assume you mean specific heat capacity. If so then I’m afraid that as usual, you have things arse about face.”
Thank you for correcting me on that bit of incorrect terminology. I seem to have picked it up from somewhere without realising.
The correct term should have been radiative forcing capability or something similar but I think that is apparent from the context and makes no difference to the scenarios set out in my posts.
I am concerned about the phrase ‘as usual’. What else do you consider to be incorrect?

December 30, 2011 12:41 pm

R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:11 pm
“Of the course, the radiative “greenhouse” properties of CO2 in terms of warming the earth are quite separate from pressure and volume issues. The best estimate for the temperature effects from a doubling of CO2 from 280 to 560 ppm is about 3C globally, with of course more amplification of this at the polar regions.”
…and Zig Zags are doubling the CO enhancement effect, raising the global polar lunar amplification pressure gradient by a thermal factor quantifier base modifier.

Theo Goodwin
December 30, 2011 12:47 pm

I will use a simple and obvious example to explain “enhanced energy” or whatever you want to call it.
Start with the physical hypotheses that govern the Earth-Sun radiative system. Notice that the Sun cannot ignite ordinary paper. Buy yourself a good quality microscope, take it outside, and focus it on some crumpled computer paper. The focused sunlight will burn the paper.
If you tell a Warmist that you have a method for focusing sunlight that causes it to burn paper, being always in attack dog mode they will tell you that this is impossible. They might cite the physical hypotheses governing the Earth-Sun system and explain the impossibility.
You respond by pointing out that the focused sunlight has nothing to do with those hypotheses but requires introduction of an additional set of hypotheses that govern the effects of sunlight traveling through a magnifying glass. The important thing here is the reference to the additional set of hypotheses.
When Warmists tell you that ENSO cannot cause heating or cooling or that clouds cannot cause heating or cooling, they are doing the same thing as ignoring the physical hypotheses governing the magnifying glass. They are making the mistake of thinking that your additional hypotheses must substitute for part of the Earth-Sun system rather than adding to that system.
We all know that there must be additional physical hypotheses to explain how ENSO causes heating or cooling and how clouds cause heating or cooling. At this time, there are no such well confirmed physical hypotheses.
People who talk about “enhanced energy” are struggling to articulate hypotheses that will be additional to the Earth-Sun radiative system of energy but not a replacement for part of it.
None of this is to say that I agree with Nikolov’s article. However, I understand his struggle to shift the focus to additional physical hypotheses and avoid the Warmist smackdown.

December 30, 2011 12:49 pm

Well, Ira, you have been much kinder to this article than I would have been. Someone on the Judith Curry site once said
“Actually, the Gerlich and Tscheuschner, Claes Johnson, and Miskolczi papers are a good test to evaluate one’s understanding of radiative transfer. If you looked through these papers and did not immediately realize that they were nonsense, then it is very likely that you are simply not up to speed ”
And I must confess, this was my reaction to this article. I lost count of the posts that say something like ” I don’t understand the maths (or I haven’t bothered to read it) but I think this is a ground-breaker (or deserves a nobel prize). It is disappointing to see that such posts vastly outnumber those that point out that the article is simple nonsense.
So, what’s wrong with it? First we get a diagram of the Idealized Greenhouse Model, which is not explained and seems to play no further part in the discussion [Maybe it is there to give a bit of scientific credibility]. Then we get to calculate the Earth temperature without an atmosphere. It is pointed out that using average insolation is not accurate (correct) and uses the rather pretentious term of Hölder’s inequality, no doubt to impress the scientifically illiterate who are lost already.Given that, it is not clear how we got from equation(1) to equation(2). An extra pi seems to have crept in without explanation and the denominator 4 has moved outside the fourth power term. There is a double integral but only one parameter Mu to integrate over, although it indicates a phi term should be included as well. So I have to unpick this myself. One integral is over the range 0 to 1, it doesn’t say what this is so I assume it to be the range of cosine values. The first integral is over 0 to 2pi. What is this? Perhaps rotation in the plane of the surface of the incident radiation? But is this valid anyway? Are all angles of incident radiation equally likely? What is the angle of incidence on the dark side of the planet? Does not the albedo vary with the angle of incidence as well – seeing that we are doing it ‘properly’? This whole section needs to be clarified, otherwise it looks likes a smoke and mirrors exercise.
Never mind, after all that we end up with the ‘wrong’ answer 133K instead of 255K. I say wrong because no other textbook on physics agrees with this. But now comes the amazing bit. Based on this wrong answer Nickalov and Teller resort to the argument of inconceivability, “Can a handful of trace gases which amount to less than 0.5% of atmospheric mass trap enough radiant heat to cause such a huge thermal enhancement at the surface? Apparently Nickolov and Teller cannot conceive this so they announce that Greenhouse Gas Theory must be wrong (although that came to the correct answer).
There may be valid objections to the theory of catastrophic run-away global warming, but this is not one of them.
So what do you think the reaction to this ground-breaking, nobel prize post will be on ‘realclimate’, for example? Do you think they will be trembling in their boots or rolling in the aisles with laughter?
I do not think the sceptic argument is in anyway advanced by proving that most of those who espouse it do not understand basic physics.

December 30, 2011 1:02 pm

I enjoyed your comments on the “Mythical Man-Month” and on the “Nikolov & Zeller” poster too.
Some time ago I participated in a discussion on “Science of Doom”:
Back then it seemed that the surface temperature of Venus could be explained in terms of the adiabatic lapse rate in the convective part of the atmosphere (from the cloud tops to the surface). Leonard Weinstein calculated that replacing the if the CO2 in the atmosphere with Nitrogen would have a minimal effect on the surface temperature and I came to the same conclusion using Helium.
Several other people have made similar calculations including:
Harry Dale Huffman: http://theendofthemystery.blogspot.com/
Steve Goddard: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/05/06/hyperventilating-on-venus/
Counting Cats: http://www.countingcats.com/?p=4745
Nikolov & Zeller have improved the mathematics and extended the analysis to other planets. I was pleased to find that my “back of the envelope” calculations based on adiabatic lapse rates came pretty close to N&K’s numbers.

December 30, 2011 1:07 pm

Oh for word parsing. If I have a light bulb cooking at some given voltage amperes (watts) and I increase the er ah I mean enhance the voltage, then does the wattage increase and it become brighter, warmer? What voltage increase, I mean, enhancement is significant? And what is significant?>>>
Good question. You’ll hate the answer….
E (volts) = I (current in amps) * R (resistance in ohms)
P (watts) = E * I
given that E=IR
P = IR * I
P = I^2*R
If we double E, then I doubles, and if I doubles, then P increases by a factor of 4. Right? Nope.
When E doubles the insantaneous power would rise by a factor of 4, but then would fall off. As the temperature of the filament increases, R of the filament also increases, reducing I until some new equilibrium is reached. You can demonstrate this to yourself with a cheap ohm meter and an incandescent bulb. A 100 watt bulb ought to draw just under 1 amp at 120 volts giving it a resistance of a bit over 100 ohms. Measure the actual resistance of the bulb “cold” and you’ll find it is a fraction of that. When you flip on the power switch, the initial current is enormous until the filament heats up and increased resistance reduces the current. This is the reason that incandescent bulbs almost always burn out right when you turn them on. The stress on the filament of the sudden heating eventually snaps the filament.
Now, if you increase the voltage to say double, does it become brighter and warmer? Of course it does. But not as brighter and warmer as one might think. Plus, define “brighter” and “warmer”. Since all frequencies contribute to “warmer” any additional watts are by definition included in “warmer”. But is you are relying on LW to do the cooking and classing visible light (SW) as “brighter” one gets a slightly different answer. At higher temperatures, the filament would emitt in a spectrum biased more toward SW than at lower temps.

R. Gates
December 30, 2011 1:29 pm

davidmhoffer says: (to R. Gates)
“Since the direct effects of CO2 doubling is only one degree, you cannot claim an over all sensitivity estimate of 3 degrees without including feedback effects. Are you suggesting that changes in atmospheric pressure and volume are zero? Or that they should be left out of the feedback calculation?”
They are likely not zero, but more likely not as important as other feedbacks effects in the overall sensitivity mix. If, as I believe, 3C is a pretty good estimate for the effects on global temperatures for a doubling of CO2, then the effects from pressure and volume are probably so small as to be a nearly non-measurable part of the 3C.

Dr Burns
December 30, 2011 1:31 pm

Ira’s opening discussing a closed system is clearly misleading. A couple of commenters have pointed out the effect of pressure on the lapse rate. Any atmosphere will warm a planet. What is not clear is the relative impact of GHGs. Nikolov’s paper suggests the impact is zero, which to me doesn’t ring true.

December 30, 2011 1:36 pm

I am encouraged to see that atmospheric pressure is being considered with regard to modeling climate. So, now we have two out of three factors of the ideal gas law. I do hope someone starts to think about changes in atmospheric “volume” as it is influenced by fluctuations in solar wind and gravitational influences, among others.
Keep up the good work!

Gary Pearse
December 30, 2011 1:38 pm

I’m impressed how intensive the criticism is of the central issue of Nikolov paper (people will always be complaining about peripheral aspects). Many of us are prepared to go to war over 350ppm CO2 and its affect now the Ideal Gas Law applied to our gaseous atmosphere is a heresy! Surely someone considered the Ideal Gas Law to have some relevance in climatology. Where would we stand if the equation were to predict the temperature (as accurately as is done for Mars, Venus, Triton…) of an as yet unmeasured planetary body with an atmosphere. And exactly what is wrong with the equation and the results they did get? AGW scientists are happy with R^2 of more than about 30.

December 30, 2011 1:44 pm

The police analogy falls apart, because when a Police officer is directing traffic and there is no accident or construction or increased traffic quantity, they still foul up the traffic.
So I think it is fair to say that a police officer makes traffic worse, that is not to say an accident doesn’t make traffic worse. Many things make traffic worse and a policemen is just one of them.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 1:47 pm

Will says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:59 pm
Hmmm. I must be getting something right to attract an ad hominem of that intensity.

December 30, 2011 1:52 pm

R. Gates;
They are likely not zero, but more likely not as important as other feedbacks effects in the overall sensitivity mix. If, as I believe, 3C is a pretty good estimate for the effects on global temperatures for a doubling of CO2, then the effects from pressure and volume are probably so small as to be a nearly non-measurable part of the 3C.>>>
As I pointed out earlier, the temperature and CO2 records falsify your belief. As to pressure and volume being insignificant, coming from someone who suggested that the globes in Al Gore’s on air experiment were “superfluous”, I am reluctant to rely on your “belief” alone. Can you justify your position on the matter with anything other than your “belief”?

December 30, 2011 1:59 pm

The thermosphere is the biggest of all the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere directly above the mesosphere and directly below the exosphere.
The temperature of this layer can rise to 1,500 °C (2,700 °F)
the pressure of this layer is virtually zero.
hot – but no pressure…
how about the ideas of thermal conductivity and thermal mass. so what if there are no thermometers, just joules and watts? heat is heat. temperature is not.

December 30, 2011 2:00 pm

[SNIP: Once was enough, Will. Making it personal over several comments is not productive. -REP]

December 30, 2011 2:15 pm

I defy anyone to tell me what that means. It’s not energy, just a “relative enhancement” but it “manifests itself as an actual energy in the presence of external heating”.
I’m with you on this Willis. This kind of hand waving sets off my crank detector.
The assertion that increased molecular collision rates allow an extenal energy source to provide an enhanced temperate is at odds with simple molecular physics and the kinetic theory of gases.
The claim that thermodynamics explains things is just put out there with no explanation.
Elementary mistakes like Jules and degrees Kelvin speak of people whose background in physics is weak.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 2:23 pm

““radiative forcing capability”. Perhaps you are unaware Stephen but this claim is still at the unproven hypothesis stage.”
I’m happy to use the term ‘alleged radiative forcing capability’.
My point was not that I necessarily accepted CO2 to be a more powerful GHG than Oxygen and Nitrogen but rather that even if it were it would have little effect on anything other than the rate of energy flow through the system for little of no effect on total system energy content.
And even that effect would be miniscule compared to natural changes in the rate of flow induced by solar and oceanic variations.
I take it, Will, that you are a member of the so called ‘Slayer’ group which does not accept the existence of a greenhouse effect at all ?

December 30, 2011 2:26 pm

Because I work with spectrometers on a daily basis, I have to say that phrases such as the following;
“(4-CO2) The CO2 absorbs some of the LWIR, and warms.”
constantly appearing in blogs on both sides of this “debate”, not to mention the Wiki article on the “greenhouse effect”, are REALLY starting to tick me off.
So here is a little challenge for ALL of you savants. Nearly 150 years ago, the likes of Kirchhoff, Stokes, Bunsen, Maxwell, and others realized and confirmed experimentally certain characteristics of the interactions of EM waves with particles. First was that resonance lines are particle specific, for instance, CO2 CANNOT absorb the resonance line emissions of an H2O molecule. Second was the equivalence of emission/absorption resonance lines. If you identify an absorption line of a particular species of particles, you have also found an emission line. These apply to ALL ranges of the EM spectrum, INCLUDING the thermal infrared, but, to be clear, NOT to the acquisition of INTERNAL “thermal” energy by means other than radiatively. This is only about EM RADIATION.
So here is the challenge, to ANYONE. Please give the name of the person(s), the year, the specific particles, and the specific wavelengths involved, which were found to violate these principles, along with the name of the journal(s) in which this proof was published.
I won’t hold my breath.

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 2:27 pm

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
December 30, 2011 at 6:38 am
Chris B says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:50 am
“Our planet still contains a vast amount of slowly decreasing internal latent heat caused by gravitational pressure/friction during planet formation, and radioactive decay. I haven’t seen an energy balance equation that accounts for the dissipation of this energy. Surely it’s not constant, and has an impact on the atmospheric and oceanic energy balance.”

Not gravitational pressure/friction (pressure is force per area, and fraction is a force–neither of which are energy), but gravitational work. This work could have left the young Earth nearly completely molten. Most of the heat remaining from this original work is probably still below the mantle because It is such a far distance from the lower mantle to the surface and heat conduction is a very slow process. However heat flow out the Earth’s surface is exceedingly small in comparison to solar irradiance.

…On Venus it’s a different story. The top of the rocks there are blanketed with CO2 at 1400psi surrface pressure. CO2 has a strong absorption band at 4um and the surface temperature of Venus happens to be 900F which has a peak thermal emission frequency of 4um. The high insulation coefficient of rock doesn’t end at the surface on Venus. 90 bar of CO2 with thermal emission right in its absorption sweet spot makes it a highly effective insulator. This is why the surface temperature of Venus is so high….

Mike McMillan and I have both commented on this point of runaway greenhouse effect on Venus. If one bothers to look at temperature versus height in the Venutian atmosphere, one will note a very long linear increase of temperature from the surface to very great height. This linear profile is not consistent with radiative exchange but is rather the hallmark of convection and lapse rate. In effect the Venutian atmosphere attains a high temperature quite high in the atmosphere, and the small irradiance that reaches the surface causes convection, and the lapse rate leads to very high surface temperature.

December 30, 2011 2:31 pm

Dr Burns says
Ira’s opening discussing a closed system is clearly misleading. A couple of commenters have pointed out the effect of pressure on the lapse rate.
Ira is correct but I think there is some general confusion between two separate issues.
1. The surface temperature of the planet determined by the planet’s energy balance.
2. The temperature profile between the surface and top-of-atmosphere, determined by, as you say, the lapse rate and which in turn is determined by atmospheric convection.
I think it would be useful if people toddled over to Wikipedia and picked up the lapse rate formula, plugged it into a spread sheet and graphed the temperature profile for different surface temperatures T0 and atmospheric densities.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 2:43 pm

Lazy Teenager said:
“The claim that thermodynamics explains things is just put out there with no explanation. ”
The explanation has been supplied several times over, first in the Nikolov paper, then in perfectly acceptable paraphrasing by several other contributors and by me twice before as follows:
“Surely it is obvious that when solar irradiation reacts with matter constrained within the Earth’s gravitational field there will be a conversion of some of that solar irradiation to kinetic energy (vibrational movement of the molecules) and some of that solar irradiation to heat.in the form of more longwave radiation passing between those molecules and the larger environment.?
The proportions are pressure dependent.
In the absence of gravitationally induced pressure ALL the solar irradiance would get converted to kinetic energy instantly and the molecules would fly off into space.
The higher the gravitationally induced pressure the more kinetic energy is required to break the gravitational bond between the body of the Earth and the molecules of gas.Thus the molecules can carry more kinetic energy in a hotter environment without flying off to space and so one observes more heat as evidenced by a higher temperature.
At Earth’s atmospheric pressure of 1 bar some goes to kinetic energy and some to heat and it is that atmospheric pressure which determines the proportions. That isn’t ‘creation’ of heat or of ‘new’ energy. It is simply an apportionment of the solar irradiation into different forms dependent on the prevailing level of gravitationally induced pressure.
That is the true greenhouse effect as I have always understood it and it is therefore pressure dependent and not composition dependent.
IF some of the gas molecules have a higher radiative forcing capability than other molecules (that possibilty is disputed by some) then those specific molecules will accrue more kinetic energy than others and add disproportionately to the pool of kinetic energy that is available to defeat the gravitationally induced pressure which is restraining the exit of the kinetic energy to space.
However, if pressure does not change then the only outcome will be more radiation to space and NOT a rise in system energy content.That increased radiation to space is achieved by energising ALL the available means of energy transfer namely conduction, convection, radiation and on a water planet the phase changes of water which greatly accelerates the efficiency of the other energy transfer mechanisms.
As Nikolov says, the effects of GHGs are thus cancelled out

December 30, 2011 2:46 pm

UncertaintyRunAmok says:
December 30, 2011 at 2:26 pm
“So here is a little challenge for ALL of you savants. Nearly 150 years ago, the likes of Kirchhoff, Stokes, Bunsen, Maxwell, and others realized and confirmed experimentally certain characteristics of the interactions of EM waves with particles. First was that resonance lines are particle specific, for instance, CO2 CANNOT absorb the resonance line emissions of an H2O molecule. Second was the equivalence of emission/absorption resonance lines.”
You are right and WUWT has addressed Kirchhoff’s Law here.
When Ira says “CO2 absorbs some of the LWIR” he conveniently forget the near-instantaneous and COMPLETE re-emission of the energy. CO2 is not a heat-trapping gas.

Don K
December 30, 2011 2:50 pm

R. Gates says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:31 am
I don’t disagree with.the importance of some of your additions, but 1-4 are being studied every day, 5 is unimportant to the actual science, and answering 1 through 4 should answer 6 & 7.
OK. To sum it up, you don’t actually know anything useful about climate. Or if you do, you prefer to keep your knowledge secret. Do I have that about right?
And actually, if you think about it, answering questions 1 thru 4 will not necessarily answer question 6 — what would a warmer or cooler world look like? although it would quite likely help. Neither will it answer question 7 — optimum temperature — as that probably involves a lot of land use issues and maybe some trade offs.
But thanks for confirming that in your opinion “settled” climate science can not currently answer even very basic questions.

December 30, 2011 2:53 pm

UncertaintyRunAmok says
“(4-CO2) The CO2 absorbs some of the LWIR, and warms.”
Unfortunately I don’t understand your point.
The statement about CO2 is good enough.
Your claim about resonance lines is not quite correct. It would be correct if absorption/emission lines had zero width, but they don’t. Zero width emission lines is an approximation for atomic spectra and by the time you deal with molecular species you have to deal with significant band overlap.
Given the gas kinetic collision rates and vibrational state lifetimes it’s fair to say that CO2 molecules absorb IR, transfer that energy to the air via collisions, pick up that energy again via random collissions and remit that energy again as IR. In short it’s a soup of molecules and radiation.

December 30, 2011 3:01 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:18 am
I believe you and Paul are correct in proposing empirical experiments. However the experiments proposed will not answer the questions raised by the Nikolov & Zeller claims. What is first needed is a clear understanding of what they were claiming. Few people on this thread or the previous one seem to understand.
Tallbloke does –
“I don’t have a problem understanding what Nikolov and Zeller are saying in the passage quoted by Willis. They are simply explaining why it is that in a gravity well supplied with external power, the more highly compressed gas near the surface will be warmer than expected by a grey body calc which doesn’t take atmospheric pressure gradients into account. Simples.”
An experiment designed to test this is not too difficult. All that is needed is to simulate a column of atmosphere.
1. A tall (2m tall x 200mm diameter) pressure cylinder internally insulated with 5mm of white EPS foam with ultra thin reflective foil covering. All surfaces insulated except on underside of matt black alloy top cap.
2. A second internal cylinder of 5mm foil coated EPS foam 1945mm long 140mm external diameter suspended inside the foam lining of the pressure cylinder 25mm away from all walls and end caps.
3. A matt black grey cast iron target disk 125mm diameter 5mm thick placed internally in the centre of the pressure cylinder base.
4. A pressure tight glass window 20mm diameter in the top cap of the pressure cylinder.
5. Peltier or cryogenic cooling for the top cap of the cylinder.
6. High intensity external light source focused through the window in the top cap to illuminate only the cast iron target disk in the base of the cylinder.
7. Valves for the input of various dry gasses
8. temperature sensors for the target disk and various points up the atmospheric column.
9. Air speed sensor for the convection loop
How it works –
1. the external light source is intermittently switched on and off to simulate the planets rotation.
2. The target disk heats up and thereby heats the gasses in contact with it and also emits LWIR.
3. Heated gasses rise up the centre of the internal cylinder, are cooled by the top cap and descend outside the internal cylinder in a convection loop.
4. The foil covered insulation also bounces LWIR until it impacts the cooling cap and is absorbed.
If a higher internal pressure of dry nitrogen yields higher internal temperatures with the same external light source then Nikolov and Zellers claims are proved correct. A further slightly expensive variation on the experiment would be to mount the cylinder on a centrifuge arm an spin it to such speed that a significant pressure gradient were created along the length of the cylinder, with the light source and cooling cap being at the low pressure end.

December 30, 2011 3:12 pm

Kevin Kilty says
This linear profile is not consistent with radiative exchange but is rather the hallmark of convection and lapse rate.
I have puzzled about this myself. My provisional answer is that the IR and atmosphere are strongly coupled to each other. While the IR could in principle determine the temperature profile, it is coupled to the atmosphere and the atmosphere simply undergoes convection to remove to perturbations caused by IR absorption and emission.
This is consistent with the idea that in the lower atmosphere the air is able to transfer heat more rapidly than radiation. I should probably verify that last statement.
Currently I am at the point where I need to write some computer code with some actual physics to completely understand all of the factors and I don’t have the time.

December 30, 2011 3:13 pm

LazyTeenager says:
December 30, 2011 at 2:31 pm
“I think it would be useful if people toddled over to Wikipedia and picked up the lapse rate formula, plugged it into a spread sheet and graphed the temperature profile for different surface temperatures T0 and atmospheric densities.”
You’re interested in the lapse rate? Joseph E. Postma:

December 30, 2011 3:23 pm

highflight56433 says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:23 pm

… I might be inclined to copy / paste to a word doc, then replace the words enhance and enhanced with increase and increased or whatever word makes us happy campers.

Sure, you could do that, replace “enhances” with “increases”. But that just leaves you with a new problem, which is explaining what the new sentence means:

Instead, [pressure] increases (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative increase only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.

It doesn’t make any more sense with your suggested replacement than it did without it. How does pressure increase solar energy? What is a “relative increase” in energy, that is not actual energy, but only manifests itself as energy when it is externally heated?
This is not science. This is nonsensical handwaving. It is no more intelligible after your replacement than it was before.

December 30, 2011 3:26 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:02 pm
“Bart, perhaps you could start by defining “enhanced” energy, and how I would recognize it if I see it. Does it have a different color or flavor from regular energy?”
I agree it is sloppy terminology. Enhanced energy retention might be better. But, if you get the gist of it, you can criticize the terminology separately, without throwing the entire argument out the window.

December 30, 2011 3:32 pm

Is there a Unified Theory as to the definition of “heat” ?
Last I heard, it seemed rather unsettled ?
I must say that the comments on this thread seem to confirm its fleeting qualities 🙂
Good stuff everyone.

December 30, 2011 3:35 pm

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along says:
Our planet still contains a vast amount of slowly decreasing internal latent heat caused by gravitational pressure/friction during planet formation, and radioactive decay. I haven’t seen an energy balance equation that accounts for the dissipation of this energy. Surely it’s not constant, and has an impact on the atmospheric and oceanic energy balance.”
The flux of this internal heat is only 80 milliW/m2 at the Earth’s surface — about 0.02% of that received from above, or only 1/5th of solar irradiance variability. It’s a negligible factor — and, in any case, does not vary (as far as I know).

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 3:36 pm

LazyTeenager says:
December 30, 2011 at 2:15 pm …
Elementary mistakes like Jules and degrees Kelvin speak of people whose background in physics is weak.

You know, I still use the term “degrees Kelvin” because it was what we said way back when I was going to school. Now we are supposed to simply say Kelvins–old habits never die. And jules rather than joules might be just a typo, so I wouldn’t put too much stock into those “mistakes” meaning all that much. However, these two posts, one yesterday and one today, have set off a storm of criticism for good reason. I don’t see this as a bad thing, though, because they do cause lots of discussion and there is probably more learning that goes on than you might imagine. I, for one, got a bit of insight into how people view the ideal gas law that might help me teach thermodynamics this coming semester.

December 30, 2011 3:39 pm

Bart says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 12:02 pm

“Bart, perhaps you could start by defining “enhanced” energy, and how I would recognize it if I see it. Does it have a different color or flavor from regular energy?”

I agree it is sloppy terminology. Enhanced energy retention might be better. But, if you get the gist of it, you can criticize the terminology separately, without throwing the entire argument out the window.

My problem is that I don’t get the the gist of it. And I fear your suggestion doesn’t help. Suppose we do call it “enhanced energy retention”. Then his idea is as follows:

Instead, [pressure] enhances (amplifies) the retention of energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This enhanced retained energy only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.

Now you have a new problem. Why does the retained energy only manifest itself as “actual energy” when it is externally heated? How can there be energy that doesn’t manifest itself as energy? How does pressure increase the unmanifested “retained energy”?
Finally, what does “… retained energy only manifests itself as actual energy …” mean? What would be an example of “unmanifested energy”
I’m not trying to be picky here, Bart. I’m pointing out the incoherency and lack of sense of his statement. Even with your changes it still makes no sense.

December 30, 2011 3:41 pm

Kevin Kilty says:
If one bothers to look at temperature versus height in the Venutian atmosphere, one will note a very long linear increase of temperature from the surface to very great height.
Uh, no:

December 30, 2011 3:44 pm

“If, as Nikolov claims, the Atmosphere boosts the surface temperature by 133K, then, absent the Atmosphere the Earth would be 288K – 133K = 155K. This is contradicted by the fact that the Moon, which has no Atmosphere and is at the same distance from the Sun as our Earth, has an average temperature of about 250K. Yes, the albedo of the Moon is 0.12 and that of the Earth is 0.3, but that difference would make the Moon only about 8K cooler than an Atmosphere-free Earth, not 95K cooler! Impossible!”
Maybe not correct. But you missing a few factors.
Have our airless moon same size as Earth. It will receive more solar energy than Earth,
because the Earth’s atmosphere stops sun energy from getting to Earth surface.
On airless world at earth distance from sun, you get the solar constant of 1321 Watts per square meter. The atmosphere of earth on a clear day blocks about 300 of the 1321 watts.
So the sun directly overhead on Moon and Earth with clear sky on Earth and the Moon surface gets 30% more energy than earth surface.
When the sun is at angle in the sky, there is more atmosphere from sunlight to go thru and more energy is prevented from reaching the Earth’s surface.
So our earth size Moon on the sun facing side would receive *more* than 30% more sunlight on it’s surface as compare Earth. How much more:
Earth receives it’s radius squared times pi and this spread over a hemisphere: radius squared time p times 2. So the energy is spread over twice the area, but it’s not spread over the area evenly.
Both with airless world and with world with 1 atm of atmosphere it’s not spread evenly- evenly meaning, with regards to watts of energy per square meter of surface.
So regarding this hemisphere facing the sun, the middle part receives about 1/2 of of the Sun’s
energy. This middle part east to west is 45 degrees longitude both east and west from noon. Or in terms of time 9am to 4 pm. 3 hr before noon and 3 hrs after noon would the period when you get most of solar energy for solar panels.
So at equator at noon, 45 degree longitude east it’s 9 am and 45 degrees west it’s 4 pm. And 180 degrees is half the world. So the diameter of “middle” is 1/4 of earth circumference, or about 10,000 km. And it’s circular extend 5000 km north and 5000 km south. With area of about 78 million sq km. The surface of earth’s sphere is 510 million sq million and one hemisphere would be 255 million sq km. 255 minus 78 is 177 square km.
So you 78 million sq miles in the middle receiving a nearly full portion of the sun, and remaining
177 sq km “sharing the remainder”. Or the disc is half of 255 million sq km, which 127.5 million sq km. Very roughly “the middle” gets 78 million sq miles of the 127.5 million sq km. Or easily “gets more than half”. While in daylight and the further you from the middle solar energy is spread over
more land area.
So that is true of airless world and one with atmosphere, except the one with atmosphere has more atmosphere to travel thru before it hits the surface in the “outer area”.
This additional “atmospheric loss” is less at 8:30 or 4:30 pm but progressively getting worst thereafter. So roughly 25% of total sunlight getting 50% or more in atmospheric losses.
Resulting in earth size airless moon getting around 40% more solar energy than earth.
Another factor I didn’t include is at lower angle the sunlight would also be more reflected/refracted away from earth surface.
Oh other thing is with Moon you using surface temperature and comparing to Earth which
is a air temperature in the shade temperature.

December 30, 2011 3:44 pm

Lets be 100% honest here. Who fell for this moronic argument that increased temperature causes increased pressure? Seriously? The Earths atmosphere is contained in a non flexible fixed volume container? I missed that part of my science lessons.
My science tells me that high pressure systems are generally cold air. When air cools, more particles fit in a specified space at a specified pressure. When air warms up, fewer particles fit in a specified space at a specified pressure. If it is contained in a fixed volume, it will exert more pressure, but its mass will not increase but an infinitesimally small amount from the mass of the energy to increase its temperature. So, looking at the Earth Atmosphere, what happens when something gets further from the center of the planet? If you answered that its weight is reduced, your right. What happens to the Earths Atmosphere as it warms? It expands to fill a larger volume. The only direction that the atmosphere has to expand is to increase out towards space. But since the actual mass of the atmosphere did not increase simply because of the temperature increase, the actual weight of the air (pressure) at ground level will decrease, not increase.
Now, maybe I read what I wanted to in the unified theory page, but what I got from the unified theory page is that it is not changes in pressure of the whole atmosphere that causes there to be a true black-body surface temperature of the Earth with an Atmosphere with no greenhouse gasses that is higher than the supposed 254.6k. That effect is due to the fact that the full radiating surface of the Earth includes the entirety of the volume of the atmosphere. Thus raising the true black-body surface above the surface of the Earth by 5 KM and placing that as the location where where the 254.6k black-body calculated temperature forms. Using adiabatic lapse for 5KM and increasing the 254.6K by this amount gives the no greenhouse gas black-body earth with Atmosphere surface temperature.
It all makes absolute perfect sense. The argument presented on this sheet seems to be trying to poke holes in that perfect sense by throwing straw men at the problem. They never claimed that pressure is what causes the temperature, they argued that the atmosphere all on its own with no need for greenhouse gas effect changes the location of where the black-body calculated temperature will be found.

James Sexton
December 30, 2011 3:58 pm

lol, still at it? Questions: Can force cause work? And, does work cause heat exchange? Even in the microscopic?

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 4:01 pm

LazyTeenager says:
December 30, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Dr Burns says
Ira’s opening discussing a closed system is clearly misleading. A couple of commenters have pointed out the effect of pressure on the lapse rate.
Ira is correct but I think there is some general confusion between two separate issues.
1. The surface temperature of the planet determined by the planet’s energy balance.
2. The temperature profile between the surface and top-of-atmosphere, determined by, as you say, the lapse rate and which in turn is determined by atmospheric convection.

What is this “pressure” effect on lapse rate? Lapse rate in an ideal gas atmosphere is determined by gravitational acceleration, and specific heat of gas at constant pressure…pressure does not enter directly. Proof of this that the lapse rate remains essentially constant with elevation even as pressure constantly declines.
Point number 1: Lets go a bit farther. Temperature everywhere on a planet is determined by energy balance. Pressure does not determine temperature, temperature results from considerations of energy in versus energy out.
Point number 2. The lapse rate might be principally the result of convection, but there are other influences too. Near the surface even conduction becomes important, and radiation is always present, there is absorption of some portions of solar irradiance and IR, and here and there is the release or absorption of latent heat . An interesting complication in a planetary atmosphere is that vertical convection transfers not only some heat, but does quite a lot of work as well. In the case of the adiabatic lapse rate, work explains the entire picture as “adiabatic” means no heat transfer.

December 30, 2011 4:26 pm

Sorry I somehow missed that thread, but the paper you linked to further down is also incorrect.
We have been using a very simple method in molecular IR spectroscopy for many decades which does exactly one of the things that the paper claims is impossible. The radiative output of molecules CAN be increased ABOVE the level of the input energy without increasing the relative concentration of the species AND without increasing the input energy. It’s not theory, it is done on a daily basis in labs all over the world.

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 4:53 pm

pochas says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:12 am
PV = nRT is not the whole story. There are three different types of expansion. They are isothermal, adiabatic, and polytropic. An isothermal expansion happens when the work of compression is wasted, as when you let air out of a tire. For an ideal gas this takes place at constant temperature. At pressures less than atmospheric for most purposes air can be considered an ideal gas….
This is the equation that describes the temperature change for an adiabatic expansion, and also defines the temperature profile for a planetary atmosphere.
T2 = T1 * (P2 / P1) ^ ( ɤ – 1 / ɤ)

True what you say about the ideal gas law. I’d just want to point out that PV=nrT and T2 = T1 * (P2 / P1) ^ ( ɤ – 1 / ɤ) are very different things. The Ideal Gas Law is an equation of state. It relates the variables P,V,n, and T to one another in all instances (as long as the gas is ideal). The relationship of temperature to pressure in an adiabatic expansion that you cite is not an equation of state, but rather a path on a curve in P,T space–a path on a curve, or, if you wish, a process. An example of an adiabatic process that would obey the equation you give is the compression stroke of a diesel engine. It is important to keep in mind that a path or process and an equation of state are not at all similar things, and I think some of the confusion on this thread stems from this. For instance, temperature is the result of a process (energy balance), and at equilibrium it is also a state variable related to others through the IGL. But the ideal gas law does not describe a process.
By the way, a number of people have commented on when is a gas “ideal”. There are two things to avoid if a gas is to be ideal. One has to avoid instances where the gas condenses, which is very non-ideal behavior; so saturated water vapor is not ideal. The other is among states close to the critical point. For air the critical temperature is -140C and critical pressure is 39 atmospheres. Obviously dry air in the earth’s atmosphere is always ideal because the pressure is so much below critical.

December 30, 2011 4:53 pm

Drs Nikolov and Zeller have discovered a tight correlation from the pressure at a planetary body’s surface to this body’s Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE). Does the exisence of this correlation imply that the level of the pressure causes the level of the ATE?
In response, Dr. Glickman recites the familiar rule that correlation does not imply causation. One could recite the same rule in reference to the conjecture that the CO2 concentration causes the equilibrium global surface air temperature. There is a relation from one of the variables to the other but not necessarily a cause and effect relation.
If the correlation from the pressure to the temperature were to imply a cause and effect relationship then we would have the basis for making public policy; the appropriate policy would be to deregulate CO2 emissions. If the correlation from the CO2 level to the temperature were to imply a cause and effect relationship, then we would have the basis for making a different public policy. However as Glickman points out, correlation does not imply causation. How then can a basis be created for making public policy on CO2 emissions?
A basis can be created through recognition of the fact that each of the two relations is an example of an idea that plays a central role in logic. This idea is called an “inference.”
A scientific model (aka scientific theory) is a procedure for making inferences. On each occasion in which an inference is made, there are alteratives a, b,… for being made. Logic is the science of the rules under which the one correct inference may be discriminated from the many incorrect inferences. These rules are called “the principles of reasoning.”
Very few researchers know anything about the principles of reasoning. The ignorance of climatological researchers regarding the principles of reasoning leaves them unable to discriminate correct from incorrect inferences in the construction of their models. Thus, they are unable to provide us with a logical basis for the formation of public policy. The US$100 billion or so which the taxpayers of the world have spent on the inquiry of climatological researchers into the AGW conjecture has not provided us with such a basis. Before providing us with such a basis, climatological reseachers must learn about the principles of reasoning. It seems to me that it is high time they did so.

December 30, 2011 4:54 pm

Well, yeah Willis, that’s kind of muddled. I assume the idea is that, by confining the atmosphere into a thin shell about the Earth and inducing pressure in it, gravity induces retention of heat near the Earth, with the heat being derived from an external source. Basically, it would work in the same way GHGs are believed to heat the Earth – by impeding the outflow of energy.
That’s my interpretation, and it seems reasonable to me, at least on the surface (no pun intended).

Bill Illis
December 30, 2011 5:00 pm

The warmest places on the planet are those below sea level, those with the highest atmospheric pressure – the Dead Sea, Death Valley, the Danakil Depression.
If atmospheric pressure is not the reason for this, then one needs to invoke a stonger response of back-radiation caused by GHGs as one goes lower.
Take your pick,
– back-radiation varies by atmospheric pressure/altitude; or
– the basic weight of the atmosphere/the density varies the rate by which longwave radiation escapes from the surface.

December 30, 2011 5:51 pm

Heh, Ira:
The honest commenters have said it all. Those with vested interested (including ego) are repeating their noise (trouble is, they are toast and they know it). You are again “in over your head” on this, Ira!

Joel Shore
December 30, 2011 6:13 pm

Kevin Keity says:

This linear profile is not consistent with radiative exchange but is rather the hallmark of convection and lapse rate. In effect the Venutian atmosphere attains a high temperature quite high in the atmosphere, and the small irradiance that reaches the surface causes convection, and the lapse rate leads to very high surface temperature.

Your first statement is correct and your second is wrong. In the lower part of an atmosphere that is strongly heated from below and cooled from above, the lapse rate will assume the adiabatic lapse rate. This is due to the fact that the lapse rate in the absence of convection would even be higher but a lapse rate higher than the adiabatic lapse rate is unstable to convection, which then transports heat upward until the lapse rate is brought back down to the adiabatic lapse rate.
Your second statement is wrong because the lapse rate alone does not determine the surface temperature. If I tell you that a line has a slope of m and then ask you what the value of y is at x=0, you can’t tell me: You also have to know the value of y at one particular x. This is true of temperature vs height: The fact that you know the lapse rate does not uniquely determine the surface temperature. If you know two things, such as the lapse rate and the “effective radiating height” in the atmosphere (where the temperature is equal to the ideal blackbody temperature) then you can determine the surface temperature; however, the effective radiating height is determined by the opacity of the atmosphere to radiation emitted by the Venusian surface…Or, in other words, by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

December 30, 2011 6:17 pm

Fact is: heat storage by the oceans and atmosphere, plus the lapse rate, can easily explain the extant temperatures on this planet. We don’t need some silly radiation diagrams with magic back-radiation to explain anything. (BTW, Willis, et. al., I am NOT denying that the back-raidiation exists; I simply maintain that it means nothing)
IF the back-radiation from greenhouse gases actually causes some kind of “radiative greenhouse effect,” then just where is this magic effect for the last 15 years?? OCO levels are ever increasing….
Just where the hell is that warming at about 10 km in the tropical atmosphere? Where is the Artic and Antartic warming?
Oh, maybe the volcanoes are messing with the theory? soot? the Sun?
Need some explanation, Willis and all you backradiation-enhanced-blanket-insulation freaks. It looks to me like the scientists that offered an alternative explanation have WAY, WAY more evidence on their side!!

Phil's Dad
December 30, 2011 6:28 pm

In the original poster “case A” would be that the ongoing work done (by gravity) to maintain a given pressure in an open ended container (such as is the outer surface of our sphere) results in a higher temperature than would be the case at a (permanently) lower pressure for a given energy balance. “Case B”, that at an increased temperature equilibrium and a given mass of atmosphere in our open but gravitationally constrained system; pressure would temporarily rise and then fall back while volume increased to a higher “permanent level”. I see no confusion in cause and effect here. The cause, according, to the original poster, of temperature fluctuations at the surface for a given energy balance over the long term is changes in mass.
PS I still can’t see why people object to the 133k of GHG warming. It does not mean the atmosphere free world would fall to -118C. It means there are other factors (such as the water cycle and more) currently keeping our temperature as low as 15C – which factors, in the absence of atmosphere, would also disappear.

Phil's Dad
December 30, 2011 6:54 pm

Please Do Not Make Stuff Up As You Go Along (AKA Chesty Puller) says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:07 am
The thermosphere has an insignificant density and it’s temperature is(sic) reaches into the thousands of degrees.

In fact the individual molecules of the thermosphere reach into the thousands of degrees (and are in themselves relativly dense). On average the thermosphere is pretty chilly.
PS Ned Nikolov is commenting over on the original thread.

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 7:25 pm

Joel Shore says:
December 30, 2011 at 6:13 pm
Kevin Keity says:
This linear profile is not consistent with radiative exchange but is rather the hallmark of convection and lapse rate. In effect the Venutian atmosphere attains a high temperature quite high in the atmosphere, and the small irradiance that reaches the surface causes convection, and the lapse rate leads to very high surface temperature.
Your first statement is correct and your second is wrong. In the lower part of an atmosphere that is strongly heated from below and cooled from above, the lapse rate will assume the adiabatic lapse rate. This is due to the fact that the lapse rate in the absence of convection would even be higher but a lapse rate higher than the adiabatic lapse rate is unstable to convection, which then transports heat upward until the lapse rate is brought back down to the adiabatic lapse rate.
Your second statement is wrong because the lapse rate alone does not determine the surface temperature. If I tell you that a line has a slope of m and then ask you what the value of y is at x=0, you can’t tell me: You also have to know the value of y at one particular x. This is true of temperature vs height: The fact that you know the lapse rate does not uniquely determine the surface temperature. If you know two things, such as the lapse rate and the “effective radiating height” in the atmosphere (where the temperature is equal to the ideal blackbody temperature) then you can determine the surface temperature; however, the effective radiating height is determined by the opacity of the atmosphere to radiation emitted by the Venusian surface…Or, in other words, by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Read your second paragraph carefully, Mr. Shore. 1) I stated that there was a small irradiance reaching the surface to run the convection. So, it is you saying that lapse rate alone determines surface temperature, not me. 2) You can determine surface temperature from the temperature high in the atmosphere plus lapse rate to the surface. One point and one slope is a straight line. 3) I didn’t say the “greenhouse” effect isn’t important on Venus, I am pointing out that it doesn’t operate as it does on Earth, and implying that there is not much danger of Earth becoming like Venus. You are so determined to make the greenhouse on Venus an analogy to that on Earth, that don’t pay attention to what I say. Your second paragraph, more or less, says exactly what I was saying.
BTW, the name is Kilty…use cntrl-C.

Bill H
December 30, 2011 7:26 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
December 30, 2011 at 10:07 am
I think it would be easier to understand if you used density of the atmosphere as and example.
IE: at 50,000 feet the density of molecules is very sparse. thus the heating (vibration) energy they transfer has long travel times and is easily lost to the coldness of space. At sea level that same mix of gases is very compacted and close together (dense) thus the same level of heating would be retained longer as adjacent molecules will react to the energy transfer.
The pressure (and thus the density) of gases at seal level will hold, retain, and reflect heat in direct proportion. As the gas pressure decreases so does the density. Thus proportionally less heat will be retained.
This is how I understand the N&K theory. The mix of gases is relatively irrelevant to the calculations as in a convecting atmosphere the weight (density) will not significantly change given dispersion. Even dumping of huge amounts of CO2 will not increase the temp as the Black Body LWIR heat escape is increased. While warming might increase initially during day time hours the loss will counter balance at night. The convection process and water transfer will simply self correct.
just a layman’s take on the problem..

ferd berple
December 30, 2011 7:32 pm

Bill Illis says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:00 pm
The warmest places on the planet are those below sea level, those with the highest atmospheric pressure – the Dead Sea, Death Valley, the Danakil Depression. If atmospheric pressure is not the reason for this, then one needs to invoke a stonger response of back-radiation caused by GHGs as one goes lower.

December 30, 2011 7:32 pm

jae says:
IF the back-radiation from greenhouse gases actually causes some kind of “radiative greenhouse effect,” then just where is this magic effect for the last 15 years?? OCO levels are ever increasing….
And temperature is increasing too. UAH LT temperatures have a trend of 0.072 +/- 0.033 C/decade from Dec 1996 to Nov 2011.

December 30, 2011 7:32 pm

Terry Oldberg said @ December 30, 2011 at 4:53 pm
“A scientific model (aka scientific theory) is a procedure for making inferences.
Very few researchers know anything about the principles of reasoning.”
While I agree with the second statement, the first is clearly incorrect.
A scientific model is not a scientific theory. Consider the following statement by Stephen Hawking: “A theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations.” Note the words “on the basis of a model”.
Consider the first scientific model most of us are presented with in school: a stick in the ground casting a shadow. The model of this, drawn on paper, or blackboard, shows a straight line from the end of the shadow furthest from the sun directly towards the sun and grazing the top of the stick. The various parts are labelled in order to facilitate talking about the model. To describe this drawing as a theory makes no sense whatsoever. The theory is: Just because light always travels in a straight line (a law of optics), we can calculate the height of any arbitrary vertical object by measuring the length of the shadow, the angle between the light ray and the ground using the mathematical laws of trigonometry.
This is pedantic I know, but it’s a little frustrating at times when the word “theory” is so often misused. A “model” is usually a diagram, or set of mathematical statements along with simplifying assumptions such that the “theory” can be adequately explained.

ferd berple
December 30, 2011 7:36 pm

Ira, your compressed gas cylinder fails to model the situation because of heat exchange between the walls the cylinder and the air. There is no such convective loss on a planetary scale.
To model a planet correctly, your cylinder walls need to be perfectly insulating so they do not model a situation that does not exist.
What is missing from your model is the effects of convection, which duplicates continuous pumping.

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 7:36 pm

Erinome says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:41 pm
Kevin Kilty says:
If one bothers to look at temperature versus height in the Venutian atmosphere, one will note a very long linear increase of temperature from the surface to very great height.
Uh, no:….

Uh, yes. And thank you for the graph reference, it looks very linear right up to 60km above the surface.

Kevin Kilty
December 30, 2011 7:42 pm

ferd berple says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:32 pm
Bill Illis says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:00 pm
The warmest places on the planet are those below sea level, those with the highest atmospheric pressure – the Dead Sea, Death Valley, the Danakil Depression. If atmospheric pressure is not the reason for this, then one needs to invoke a stonger response of back-radiation caused by GHGs as one goes lower.

You might note that these places are in the subtropics and have sun at near zenith practically the whole year. Also, since these are the very lowest of places on the planet, the air that reaches here was hot to begin with in the neighboring land, and then has been subject to gravitational work during its descent–6F per thousand feet.

Bill H
December 30, 2011 7:47 pm

ferd berple says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:32 pm
Bill Illis says:
December 30, 2011 at 5:00 pm
The warmest places on the planet are those below sea level, those with the highest atmospheric pressure – the Dead Sea, Death Valley, the Danakil Depression. If atmospheric pressure is not the reason for this, then one needs to invoke a stonger response of back-radiation caused by GHGs as one goes lower.
they are also the coldest at night and the area has one of the highest High to Low temp ratios. the gain is lost at night… Dont you just love a self correcting planet… the mean temp remains the same….

Joel Shore
December 30, 2011 7:54 pm

Bill Illis says:

The warmest places on the planet are those below sea level, those with the highest atmospheric pressure – the Dead Sea, Death Valley, the Danakil Depression.
If atmospheric pressure is not the reason for this, then one needs to invoke a stonger response of back-radiation caused by GHGs as one goes lower.

You have created a strawman. Nobody is disputing the existence of the lapse rate. The point is, however, that the lapse rate does not uniquely determine the surface temperature. You also need the temperature at some other point in the atmosphere, such as the effective radiating level, which is, in turn, dependent on atmospheric composition…in particular, the opacity of the atmosphere to radiation emitted by the surface …i.e., the greenhouse effect.

December 30, 2011 7:55 pm

Your comments regarding our paper contain so much misunderstanding and conceptual errors that I could not explain them all in a simple reply. You seems to have been unable to follow consistently our arguments and the logic behind it. That’s OK, because, as I commented in my reply to the other thread, this is a NEW paradigm that requires a cognitive SHIFT in order to grasp it. We are committed to do our best in helping scientists in this regard… Watch for an formal ‘reply paper’ from us sometime next week.
I’d like to make only one comment here in regard to your main premise – ‘confusing cause with effect’. Towards the end of your paper you state:
Yes, TOA solar irradiance would be expected to be important in predicting mean surface temperature, but mean atmospheric surface pressure, it seems to me, would more likely be a result than a cause of temperature. But, I could be wrong.
Unfortunately, you are wrong! On a planetary level, the mean surface pressure is completely INDEPENDENT of temperature or solar heating. It is only a function of total atmospheric mass, the planet surface area, and gravity. That is why, the average thermodynamic process at the surface is isobaric in nature (meaning it operates under nearly constant pressure) … Read carefully Section 3.1 (on p. 6) of our paper. Most of your arguments fall apart from there … This is really a high-school level physics … 🙂

Joel Shore
December 30, 2011 7:59 pm

Kevin Kilty says:

Your second paragraph, more or less, says exactly what I was saying.

Sorry, Kevin. I seem to have misinterpreted what you are saying as trying to make the argument of those who believe that the “greenhouse effect” is unnecessary to explain why the Earth’s average surface temperature is at 288 K rather than 255 K. If you were just saying basically what I am saying, then I misinterpreted what you said.

December 30, 2011 8:06 pm

Willis says: “This is not science. This is nonsensical handwaving. It is no more intelligible after your replacement than it was before.”
There is a great amount of nicky picky that goes on here. I just try to make it a bit lighter and simpler: As pointing out that Death Valley is warmer relative to higher altitudes because of the depth of the atmosphere, which is then picked apart by a lecture on the surrounding terrain which of course is not the point. The point is from the FACT that denser atmosphere increases the temperatures that was point out in the example of Venus compared to counterparts.
So much for poor examples on my part. 🙂
Happy New Year to all of you!

December 30, 2011 8:37 pm

There is a great amount of nicky picky that goes on here. >>>
Welcome to WUWT!
As pointing out that Death Valley is warmer relative to higher altitudes because of the depth of the atmosphere, which is then picked apart by a lecture on the surrounding terrain which of course is not the point.>>>
Ah, but it is! One of the things the alarmawarmists rely on is presenting only part of the story in order to support their conclusions. Should a skeptic get the answer to a highly complex matter 99.9% correct, they will be shredded on this site for their egregious error. Were the alarmawarmists held to the same standard, their arguments would wilt in the face of an encyclopaedia of refutation for every page they write. The more rigorous the standards we apply to ourselves, the stronger our collective voice becomes in presenting actual science versus their puffed up pretentious magic disguised as science.
In this case, the temps in Death Valley are in part driven by altitude, and in part by terrain. The more complete the answer, the better, else we succomb to the inverse of Arthur C Clarke’s famous statement, which would have to be reworded to say:
Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science.

December 30, 2011 8:42 pm

highflight56433hi says:
December 30, 2011 at 8:06 pm

Willis says:

“This is not science. This is nonsensical handwaving. It is no more intelligible after your replacement than it was before.”

There is a great amount of nicky picky that goes on here. I just try to make it a bit lighter and simpler: As pointing out that Death Valley is warmer relative to higher altitudes because of the depth of the atmosphere, which is then picked apart by a lecture on the surrounding terrain which of course is not the point. The point is from the FACT that denser atmosphere increases the temperatures that was point out in the example of Venus compared to counterparts.

Since neither you nor anyone else has been able to explain the paragraph I highlighted, it’s hardly “nicky picky”.
Regarding lower altitudes being warmer than higher altitudes … that’s always been true. It’s called the “lapse rate”. Surely you don’t think the fact that that mountains are cooler than foothills proves anything about what heats them?

December 30, 2011 8:47 pm

Happy New Year Anthony, Contributors, Mods, Rockers, Trolls and Ne’er-do-wells. Remember, it’s more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?”, or “Would you like a nice cold beer?”

December 30, 2011 8:54 pm

Kevin Kilty says:
Uh, yes. And thank you for the graph reference, it looks very linear right up to 60km above the surface.
It’s a linear *decrease* in temperature, not an increase.

December 30, 2011 9:10 pm

Kevin Kilty says:
December 30, 2011 at 4:53 pm
“The Ideal Gas Law is an equation of state. It relates the variables P,V,n, and T to one another in all instances (as long as the gas is ideal). The relationship of temperature to pressure in an adiabatic expansion that you cite is not an equation of state, but rather a path on a curve in P,T space–a path on a curve, or, if you wish, a process.”
Good point.

December 30, 2011 9:13 pm

Ned Nikolov says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:55 pm

Your comments regarding our paper contain so much misunderstanding and conceptual errors that I could not explain them all in a simple reply. You seems to have been unable to follow consistently our arguments and the logic behind it. That’s OK, because, as I commented in my reply to the other thread, this is a NEW paradigm that requires a cognitive SHIFT in order to grasp it. We are committed to do our best in helping scientists in this regard… Watch for an formal ‘reply paper’ from us sometime next week.

Dr. Nikolov, like Ira I can’t understand what you are doing. Could you give us a very, very short (a few sentences) explanation of the core idea of your work? Because as I indicated upstream, I find your descriptions totally impenetrable. What is your main point in brief?
Many thanks,

December 30, 2011 9:19 pm

thepompousgit (Dec. 30, 2001 at 7:32 PM):Thanks for taking the time to reply and for giving me an opportunity to clarify! There are contexts in which it is important for one to distinguish between a theory and a model. However, logic is not one of these contexts.
In both cases, there is the need for the one inference that is correct to be distinguished from the many inferences that are incorrect. It can be shown that the principles which distinguish the correct inference from the incorrect ones are identical with respect to a theory and a model.
As it turns out, an inference has the unique measure that is called its “entropy.” The entropy of an inference is the information that is missing in it for a deductive conclusion. Its “entropy” is the missing information in this inference for a deductive conclusion.
In view of the existence and uniqueness of the measure of an inference, the correct inference can be identified by an optimization in which the correct inference minimizes the entropy or maximizes it under constraints expressing the available information. That was a briefing on a more complicated topic.

December 30, 2011 9:35 pm

Theo gets it, the rest still like watermelons not opening their eyes. Authors response sheds some more light for those that wish to see.
A column of air at one bar. heat it, the column height increase but its mass and hence pressure stays the same.
But if you mix in heavier gases, the pressure increases and for a given input of heat, the temperature rises.

December 30, 2011 9:35 pm

Willis Eschenbach;
Since neither you nor anyone else has been able to explain the paragraph I highlighted, it’s hardly “nicky picky”.>>>
The paragraph as written is meaningless.
Now…if we put aside what they said and try and figure out what they meant…
Seems to me that the gist of it is that the higher the pressure, the more temperature increase to be expected from a given energy input. Now me and gas don’t much get along, I try and avoid gas as much as possible, despite which I am frequently accused of being full of hot air. I’m also accused from time to time of being full of “it” and I surmise from the comments that “it” and “hot air” are not the same thing, but may share a similar cause…
That said, at the highest level, does what they meant (or at least what I think they meant) not make a certain amount of sense? The higher the pressure, the more densely packed the molecules are. So…for low pressure gases, a given energy input would not raise temperatures as measured by conductance because while the molecules increase their vibrational states, the number of collisions doesn’t increase much. But under high pressure, the exact same energy input to a given volume would raise the chances of collisions and therefor temperature as measured through conducatance (such as a thermometer).
The mesosphere would be a good example of a very low pressure gas. Technically, the “temperature” of the mesosphere is very high. Stick your average thermometer into it though, and you won’t get a very high temperature. There simply aren’t enough molecules colliding with the thermometer to raise the thermometer’s temperature to the average temperature of the molecules. Hence the thermometer says it is “cold” even though the individual molecules in the mesosphere are seriously hot. Double the amount of energy flowing into the low pressure mesosphere and the thermometer reading just won’t change a lot. But compress that mesosphere to the same density as air at earth surface, and then stick the thermometer into it. Ooops, melted thermometer. OK, get a new thermometer made for ugly high temps. Now double the energy input. I’d expect to see the thermometer record a rather large jump in temperature.

December 30, 2011 9:42 pm

ah- quantum misinformation theory, eh?
wherein the atom of misinformation is discovered to be made of subinformative particles called morons… this is vital to artificial stupidity research. the supercomputer designed for the purpose has a petabye of write only memory and code runs in base 1.
it may be that if fuzzy logic can be made wooly enough it will be worth harvesting

December 30, 2011 10:17 pm

Terry Oldberg said @ December 30, 2011 at 9:19 pm
“thepompousgit (Dec. 30, 2001 at 7:32 PM):Thanks for taking the time to reply and for giving me an opportunity to clarify! There are contexts in which it is important for one to distinguish between a theory and a model. However, logic is not one of these contexts.”
Thank you Terry. I hope to respond to this as time permits (it’s New Year’s Eve here in the Land of Under). I suspect there is much to learn from you. I have preserved a link to your website.

Tim Folkerts
December 30, 2011 10:40 pm

Lord Kelvin once said

“In physical science the first essential step in the direction of learning any subject is to find principles of numerical reckoning and practicable methods for measuring some quality connected with it. I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of Science, whatever the matter may be.”

I apply this idea to the oft quoted paragraph

NTE should not be confused with an actual energy, however, since it only defines the relative (fractional) increase of a planet’s surface temperature above that of a SPGB. Pressure by itself is not a source of energy! Instead, it enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision. This relative enhancement only manifests as an actual energy in the presence of external heating.

I like to see definitions, measurements and equations when new ideas are introduced. What equation defines, and what experiments could be performed to measure:
* “enhancement” of the energy supplied by an external source, as a function of density, rates of molecular collisions, and external heating.

December 30, 2011 10:49 pm

Ned Nikolov,
Don’t get me wrong, I liked your poster but you are being a little hard on Ira Glickstein.
I got results comparable to yours for the planet Venus with its actual atmospheric composition and when CO2 was replaced by a gas that was more transparent in the IR (Helium or Nitrogen). The only problem was that if one used the “Dry Adiabat” the surface temperature came out too high so I assumed a lapse rate intermediate between the wet and dry rates as works on planet Earth.
While your analysis is superior to mine it still does not deal properly with planets that have vapours present.

Tim Folkerts
December 30, 2011 11:00 pm

After all the worrying about minutia, I come back to the simple question.
Suppose you have a planet similar to the earth in terms of mass and orbit. This planet has no water and an albedo at the surface of 0.3 (ie 70% of the sunlight is absorbed by the surface). What would the average surface temperature be (at equilibrium) if
1) there was absolutely no atmosphere
2) an atmosphere with 1x the mass of earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2
3) an atmosphere with 2x the mass as earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2
4) an atmosphere with 10x the mass as earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2
(Bonus: would the answer matter if I added liquid N2, thereby cooling the atmosphere as it evaporated, or if I added hot N2, thereby warming the atmosphere as it was released?)
I maintain these would all have very nearly the same average surface temperature, because the radiative energy balance at the surface is the same. If anyone disagrees, then I ask what mechanism warms/cools the gas molecules near the surface above/below 255 K? Specifically, I am interested in the predictions that would be made by Nikolov and Zeller’s Unified Climate Model.

Tim Folkerts
December 30, 2011 11:04 pm

Ira says: “Agreed again, but only WITH WATER because you need the GHE effect of water vapor to get the 288K. I do not believe that 390 ppm of CO2 in an otherwise pure N2 Atmosphere would generate much GHE unless you add water vapor comparable to current levels. ”
Good catch. The CO2 by it self would only provide a fraction of the total warming. My guess would be 1/4 to 1/2 of the warming (about 8-16 K) but that is just an educated guess. O3, CH4 and H2O would be needed to get up to 33 K.

Dr Burns
December 30, 2011 11:09 pm

Kevin Kilty says:
>>What is this “pressure” effect on lapse rate?
Have a look at the derivation of the dry adiabatic lapse rate.

Stephen Wilde
December 30, 2011 11:41 pm

“Seems to me that the gist of it is that the higher the pressure, the more temperature increase to be expected from a given energy input..”
That seems to be about it.
That also resolves an inadequacy in my previous and more wordy contribution but enough contributors are now seeing Nikolov’s point that I don’t need to revisit it.
There is a good analogy though.Note that all energy has mass and all mass is energy as per Einstein’s equations. If a specific package of energy with any mass at all passes through empty space without encountering a gravitational field then no heat will be generated from it. If that same package of energy/mass falls into a black hole then 100% will be converted into heat and if it becomes hot enought it will come out as light.
Thus the amount of heat generated as the package of energy/mass passes through a gravitational field will depend on the strength of that gravitational field and the pressure that the field induces.
The interaction is dependent on the amount of mass and the strength of the gravitational field and NOT on the atomic structure of the mass. It is the atomic structure of GHGs that are alleged to make them more capable of responding to irradiation in the infra red but as can be seen from Ninolov’s paper and the example above the atomic structure is irrelevant to the quantity of energy released from that mass within a gravitational field.
So unless someone better at physics than me can point out a flaw it seems logical that the greenhouse effect results from density and not composition of the atmosphere around a planet for a gravitational field of a given strength.

Viv Evans
December 30, 2011 11:55 pm

One thing has become crystal clear to me, reading the Nikolov/Zeller post, and the ensuing comments as well as this post:
the original contribution has been written in such a way that the actual meaning has become so obscure that one would need a phrase book to make any sense out of it.
Hence the misunderstandings, hence the need for Dr Glickstein’s post here, hence the frustration expressed by Willis, whose essays provide the best examples of how to convey difficult concepts in accessible language.
For the sake of clarity, may I suggest that Drs Nikolov and Zeller work hard on expressing themselves in plain English?
That goes for some of the comment posts as well.

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 12:04 am

Joel Shore said:
“the temperature at some other point in the atmosphere, such as the effective radiating level, which is, in turn, dependent on atmospheric composition…in particular, the opacity of the atmosphere to radiation emitted by the surface …i.e., the greenhouse effect.”
There is the nub of the problem. No mention of gravity, pressure or mass at all and therefore utterly wrong.
Joel and all other alarmists put the greenhouse effect down to atmospheric composition alone whereas Nikolov, myself and a few others here see that it is atmospheric mass plus gravitationally induced pressure alone.
It comes back to my two descriptions of the greenhouse effect above namely:
i) AGW theory states that the greenhouse effect is caused by gases in the air with a high thermal capacity warming the surface by radiating energy downwards.
ii) The Nikolov paper describes the greenhouse effect in the way I have always understood it i.e. ALL the molecules near the surface (of whatever thermal capacity) jostle more tightly together under the influence of gravity (and the pressure that it induces) and share kinetic activity (provoked initially by solar irradiation but actually being a consequence of all energy transfer mechanisms combined) amongst one another until that kinetic energy can escape to space by radiative means albeit slightly delayed by all the jostling about.The delay results in a temperature rise because more energy is packed into a smaller space by the effects of gravity and the consequent pressure.
You takes your pick 🙂
This is a paradigm shift for some but to me it is simply a return to the classical physics of 50 years ago which seems to have been thrown out of the window when someone (who?) in a position of authority within the climate establishment suddenly announced that atmospheric composition rather than quantity was the determining factor for the power of the greenhouse effect.
How is it that nobody challenged that ?

Tim Folkerts
December 31, 2011 12:08 am

Stephen Wilde says: “Thus the amount of heat generated as the package of energy/mass passes through a gravitational field will depend on the strength of that gravitational field ”
I agree completely. This is what heats a collapsing nebula to get it hot enough to become a star. This also heats planets as they form (along with radioactive decay), causing the early earth to be molten on the surface.
But this is not all there is too it. The surface of the earth did not STAY molten. As the bombardment of asteroids/meteors tapered off, this source of energy also tapered off. The warm surface radiated MUCH more energy than it received from the sun. This high temperature was NOT an equilibrium condition. Eventually, the earth cooled off until it was indeed radiating as much as it received from the sun.
Similarly, any atmosphere that collected would have warmed by compression INITIALLY. However, over eons, it, like the hot magma, would have had to reach a radiative equilibrium.

December 31, 2011 12:40 am

Erinome says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:32 pm
“And temperature is increasing too. UAH LT temperatures have a trend of 0.072 +/- 0.033 C/decade from Dec 1996 to Nov 2011.”
And, almost all of it from the 1998 El Nino. Cherry picking a wee bit early in the season, aren’t we? Probably nobody else has commented on your post because it is so glaringly preposterous.

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 12:56 am

Firstly, I write to say what I said in the other thread; i.e.
“In the abstract to their paper Nikolov & Zeller wrongly claim;
“We show via a novel analysis of planetary climates in the solar system that the physical nature of the so-called GH effect is a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement (PTE), which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition.”
Their analysis is NOT novel.
It is a repeat of the Jelbring Hypothesis
(ref. Jelbring H, ‘The Greenhouse Effect as a function of atmospheric Mass’, Energy & Environment,• Vol. 14, Nos. 2 & 3, (2003)).
Jelbring’s 2003 paper can be read at
Secondly, the Jelbring Hypothesis does NOT confuse cause and effect. At December 30, 2011 at 6:28 pm, Phill’s Dad gives a good explanation of why it does not provide such a confusion.
The Jelbring Hypothesis (now also presented by Nikolov & Zeller) amounts to the following.
‘All the radiative, convective and evaporative effects in a planet’s atmosphere adjust such that the atmosphere obtains a temperature lapse rate close to that defined by –g/cp, and this lapse rate defines the planet’s average surface temperature. The average surface temperature is observed to agree with the Jelbring Hypothesis on each planet with a substantial atmosphere that has a mass which varies little through the year.’
Clearly, some atmospheric effects (e.g. convection) do adjust in response to gravity. At issue is whether the interaction of all the radiative, convective and evaporative effects provides the suggested adjustment.
Happy New Year
At December 30, 2011 at 4:53 pm itemises some basic clarifications that several commentators in this thread would benefit from reading.

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 1:48 am

“Similarly, any atmosphere that collected would have warmed by compression INITIALLY. However, over eons, it, like the hot magma, would have had to reach a radiative equilibrium.”
To this day the wamth of the atmosphere (which I define to include the oceans) remains derived from the Earth’s gravitational field acting on the moving molecules in that atmosphere.
Not the movement as they drift around but the kinetic movement induced by solar irradiation.
It is the interaction between the kinetic activity of the molecules and the gravitational field of the Earth that sets and maintains the level of the misnamed greenhouse effect.
(I have explained seperately why the gravitationally induced pressure at the Earth’s surface controls the energy cost of evaporation and thus the rate at which energy can flow from oceans to air.)
More solar irradiation, more kinetic activity and a higher temperature.
More mass, more kinetic activity and a higher temperature.
Gravity is blind to the atomic structure of molecules because mass is all it cares about. Thus for a greenhouse effect derived from this phenomenon the composition of the mass in the atmosphere is not relevant and the proportion of so called GHGs has no contribution to make.
Where GHGs DO have an effect is in influencing the speed of throughput of energy( through the air alone, not the oceans) in order to help to maintain thermal stability for the system as a whole.
On the surface of Earth changes in speed of throughput are reflected in the climate regionally because we experience such changes in throughput of energy as warmer or colder winds crossing a point on the surface. Shifts in the permanent climate zones reflect such changes.
However the system energy content does not change unless solar input or the strength of the gravitational field change. Therefore in the absence of a change in solar input, the mass of the atmosphere (or the mass of something else within the system) must change in order to raise the system energy content. GHGs do not make a significant difference to mass.
The limited effect of GHGs which I do concede as regards the speed of energy throughput is infinitesimally small compared to the changes in speed of energy throughput from other causes which are induced by variability in sun and oceans.
I have dealt with that elsewhere.

Jasper |Gee
December 31, 2011 1:53 am

Grey lensman says:
December 30, 2011 at 9:35 pm:
“A column of air at one bar. heat it, the column height increase but its mass and hence pressure stays the same.”
This seems wrong to me. Instead, I think it should say “A column of air at one bar. Heat it, the column height increases but its mass stays the same. Its weight however decreases, due to less gravity further out. Hence pressure decreases.”

The iceman cometh
December 31, 2011 2:00 am

I was very stirred by the new theory, but had great pause for thought when Ira Glickstein said
“This is contradicted by the fact that the Moon, which has no Atmosphere and is at the same distance from the Sun as our Earth, has an average temperature of about 250K. ”
However, there was some relief when commieBob said: December 30, 2011 at 4:24 am
“Temperatures on the Lunar surface vary widely on location. Although beyond the first few centimeters of the regolith the temperature is a nearly constant -35 C (at a depth of 1 meter), the surface is influenced widely by the day-night cycle. The average temperature on the surface is about 40-45 C lower than it is just below the surface. (http://www.asi.org/adb/m/03/05/average-temperatures.html)”
This would make the surface of the moon about 193-198 deg K, somewhat closer to the new theory than Ira believed – so perhaps it is worth more exploration than the outright rejection Ira recommends.

December 31, 2011 2:24 am

“Suppose you have a planet similar to the earth in terms of mass and orbit. This planet has no water and an albedo at the surface of 0.3 (ie 70% of the sunlight is absorbed by the surface). What would the average surface temperature be (at equilibrium) if
1) there was absolutely no atmosphere”
Mars has albedo of .24
It seems like it’s world like Mars. And won’t like the Moon because it will have
plate tectonic and active volcanic activity. So it won’t a world covered in regolith
though it have fair amount regolith in some areas. Won’t millions of year overly
oxided surface.
So tropical zones one will temperature similar to the Moon, and one should have
generally more thermal capacity of the ground.
Daytime highs of temperature 400 K
and an hour after sunset it will be about 300 K
And nite low of 200-250 K
Polar winter temperatures: 100 K
Temperate and polar average temperature: 300 K to 150 K
“2) an atmosphere with 1x the mass of earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2”
Tropics, daytime high surface temperature: 340 to 350 K
Air temperature 320 K
an hour after sunset it will be about: 320 K
Night time low: 300 K
Polar winter temperatures: 150 K
Temperate and polar average temperature: 300 K to 250 K
“3) an atmosphere with 2x the mass as earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2”
Tropics, daytime high surface temperature: 330 K
Air temperature: 325 K
an hour after sunset it will be about:325 K
Night time low: 325 K
Polar winter temperatures: 175 K
Temperate and polar average temperature: 290 K
“4) an atmosphere with 10x the mass as earth’s atmosphere, but 100% pure N2”
Tropic surface and air temperature: 310
Polar winter temperatures: 200 K
Temperate and polar average temperature: 250 K
I think highest average temperature would be
about 1/2 an earth atmosphere
Tropics, daytime high surface temperature: 350K to 370K
Air temperature 330 K
an hour after sunset it will be about: 340
Night time low: 320 K
Polar winter temperatures: 150 K
Temperate and polar average temperature: 320 K to 260 K

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 2:33 am

A small but important addition to my previous post is necessary.
GHGs cause a faster throughput of ‘processed’ solar energy IN THE AIR ALONE. They first absorb more solar energy than other non GHG gases then re radiate within the air to cause more evaporation of surface water or soil moisture and convection resulting in a faster or larger water cycle. Thus they first slow down the rate of solar energy loss back to space but the increased size or speed of the water cycle speeds it up again for a zero net effect.
The important point though is that in so far as GHGs produce a faster processing of incoming solar energy IN THE AIR that energy is then denied to the oceans which are therefore a fraction cooler than they otherwise would have been.
GHGs therefore reduce total energy content in the oceans but increase it in the air (mostly in latent form) for a zero net effect on total system energy content.
The whole thing gets balanced out as necessary by changing surface air pressure distribution for a shift in the permanent climate zones.
That is a Unified Theory.

December 31, 2011 2:43 am

Richard S Courtney says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:56 am
Richard, thank you for the hint of the Jelbring paper. It is fantastic to read about this.
This plus the Nikolov & Zeller paper is very interesting.
I see that someone (N.Shore was it?) says it is “rejected by the scientific community”, and I wonder who that community is. Could it possibly be …..The Team?
But it will not go away that easily. The cat is out of the sack?

December 31, 2011 2:55 am

I always knew some defining moment would soon occur in “climate science”, though taking years to occur. It’s seems we now may be there. Time for everyone, even Willis (hint), to decide if you really have a proper scientific mind, or are you going to allow your ego to get in the way.

December 31, 2011 3:00 am

Well, I suggest a little experiment:
Bottle A is a Dewar bottle, witch is closed with a movable but gas tight piston, it is _thermal_ isolated.
Bottle B is a very stiff bottle witch is isolated from the outside pressure, it should be made from a well thermal conducting material, f.e. aluminiumoxide. This bottle is _pressure_ isolated.
Inside both bottles are pressure and temperature measurement equipment and of course a third set is outside, this testbed is situated onto a cage, similar to the meteorologigical observation points.
Now, we go up to sea level over a depression (let’s say above Jericho), with a heli. We fill both bottles with the air in that level, seal them accordingly and fly down to ground. We fly to ground and measure pressure and temperature, the thermal conducting bottle we must let settle until the gas inside has the same temperature as the air on the ground.
This different times to settle (pressure==immidiate, temperature==counduction dependent) would be an extra term in our (we hope to create) world-climate-formula.
And we should keep the walls of Jericho in our eyes too… 😉
Funny experiment, see You in Israel/Palestine…

December 31, 2011 3:38 am

This post and the recent Unified Climate theory post have sharpened my thinking. Thanks all round.
Current conclusion is, BOTH pressure AND greenhouse-gas effects matter. And you have to look at the temperature profiles of Earth, Venus, Jupiter and Mars to see this.
Venus, Jupiter and Mars clearly show the lapse-rate phenomenon of temperature increase due to increasing pressure. At this point, Huffman is correct.
Mars also shows something else that’s important: IMO, the effect of conduction of heat from the surface, on atmospheric temperatures close to the surface.
But Earth shows something else again that is, to me, strong evidence of at least one greenhouse gas effect: ozone. Our atmospheric temperature profile is a “W”, each leg of which denotes a different layer:
* Troposphere up to 0.1 bar: temperature decreases with pressure, comparable to Venus & Jupiter. Inherently unstable.
* Stratosphere up to 0.001 bar: temperature increases with height, owing to the formation of ozone – most strongly at the highest levels where incoming solar radiation is least blocked by the ozone’s effect. Inherently stable.
* Mesosphere up to 0.001 bar: temperature again decreases with height, layer therefore inherently unstable and open to cloud formation again (noctilucent clouds).
* Thermosphere: temperature again increases with height, due to absorption of the strongest incoming radiation, causing ionization (the old name, ionosphere) and providing a radio-wave reflection layer.
It’s the stratosphere that shows GHG activity predominating, IMHO. But please, feel free to show me wrong.

richard verney
December 31, 2011 5:23 am

Forgive me for raising what is probably a stupid point, but how do we know the temperature of the moon?
How confident should we be in the 250K figure and that that figure is truly representative of the temperature of the Moon as a whole.? I have always assumed this figure to be correct without questioning it , but now I consider that I should at least ask myself whether the assessment is correct and reliable.
Is the 250K an equitorial figure, a polar figure etc. I am aware that not having an atmosphere will mean that there is no atmosphere absorption on sunlight such that there will not be the same variation in solar irradiance as experienced on Earth. I presume that there is no such thing as a half shaddow on the Moon and it is either in full sunlight or in complete darkness
How many reference points of measurement are taken and what is their distribution? Is this eneough to have a proper handle on the lunar temperature or is it that we merely have an indication of possible highs and possible lows which we then average out and assume that this is representative of the temperature of the Moon as a whole.
Of course, it is easier to get an idea of temperature of a body like the Moon compared to the problems in assessing the temperature of the Earth given the very much more variable nature of the Earth, its axis, and, of course, the fact that the Earth has an atmosphere.
I am just curious, how do we know accurately the temperature of the Moon. I welcome feedback on this.

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 5:25 am

Stephen Wilde says:

There is the nub of the problem. No mention of gravity, pressure or mass at all and therefore utterly wrong.
Joel and all other alarmists put the greenhouse effect down to atmospheric composition alone whereas Nikolov, myself and a few others here see that it is atmospheric mass plus gravitationally induced pressure alone.

I am not sure what you mean by “composition” alone. The amount of each substance that absorbs IR is important and perhaps even the amount of non-IR absorbing substances because they could determine the lapse rate.

This is a paradigm shift for some but to me it is simply a return to the classical physics of 50 years ago which seems to have been thrown out of the window when someone (who?) in a position of authority within the climate establishment suddenly announced that atmospheric composition rather than quantity was the determining factor for the power of the greenhouse effect.

Since such a paradigm shift would seem to involve throwing out the First Law of Thermodynamics, I don’t think it is a return to anything but nonsense.

To this day the wamth of the atmosphere (which I define to include the oceans) remains derived from the Earth’s gravitational field acting on the moving molecules in that atmosphere.
Not the movement as they drift around but the kinetic movement induced by solar irradiation.
It is the interaction between the kinetic activity of the molecules and the gravitational field of the Earth that sets and maintains the level of the misnamed greenhouse effect.
(I have explained seperately why the gravitationally induced pressure at the Earth’s surface controls the energy cost of evaporation and thus the rate at which energy can flow from oceans to air.)

This all sounds so groovy and wonderful…but can you explain how it satisfies the First Law of Thermodynamics? I.e., how does a surface without an atmosphere that absorbs radiation from its surface maintain a temperature higher than the temperature at which the surface would be emitting back into space as much energy as it is receiving from the sun? Are you maintaining the gravitational field is a continual source of energy…i.e., that the earth and its atmosphere are undergoing gravitational collapse?

richard verney
December 31, 2011 5:30 am

Further to my last post about the assessment of the temperature of the Moon, presumably I should have added a query about the uniformity of albedo. If there are variations in the uniformity of albedo then unless we have temperature measurements taken at places that properly represent that variation in albedo, night not an error creep in as to the assessment of temperature. Further it is conceivable that some rocks (possibly due to their mineral content) although having the same albedo may have exhibit differences in latent heat capacity.
Just throwing some thoughts into the mix since although my question is very probably a stupid one, it is important in the context of the present discussion..

The iceman cometh
December 31, 2011 5:35 am

I can’t show Lucy wrong, but I can raise a question that has long puzzled me (and a few others). She says “temperature increases with height, owing to the formation of ozone”. This is the received wisdom. However, the usual photolysis of oxygen to make an oxygen atom that then, in a three body collision with another oxygen molecule produces ozone and a recoiling third body doesn’t work – the photolysis requires shorter than 241nm uv, and there are essentially no photons of these wavelengths below about 0.000 01bar, i.e well above the stratopause. So what is the process that makes ozone (and heats the stratosphere)?
Incidentally, I think the pressure at the mesopause is more like 0.000 001bar

Richard M
December 31, 2011 5:38 am

I think one problem a few people may be having is they have studied and accept the warming effect of GHGs. As such they cannot accept another theory until someone points out why the warming effect is wrong. IMO it is not wrong, it is just not complete. That is, there is a complimentary cooling effect that has long been downplayed or ignored. I believe that once people look harder at the cooling effect they will have less problem accepting the UCT.

December 31, 2011 5:42 am

I’m often surprised by the Eschenbach/Watts/Shore/Glickstein/Mosher lovefest. Modulation of the rate of cooling is not heating. Atmospheric feedback creates a Finite Impulse Response system, not an Infinite Impulse Response system. Our climate system response to solar input is not under damped or critically damped. Of course, its over damped.

Richard M
December 31, 2011 5:52 am

My view of the cooling effect of GHGs has always been to look at the emission of radiation of energy from the atmosphere that came from sources other than surface radiation. I had difficulty quantifying it’s strength. However, Brian H provided a link to an essay that combines both the warming effect and the cooling effect into one simple idea based on first principles:
With this in mind it appears that CO2 will favor emitting over absorbing radiation at temperatures over -78C and overall CO2 provides a mild cooling effect in the atmosphere. I’m sure the same exercise could be done for any GHG.

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 6:28 am

wayne says:

Time for everyone, even Willis (hint), to decide if you really have a proper scientific mind, or are you going to allow your ego to get in the way.

Yes, because it surely is our egos that are the problem and not the fact that we are being asked to uncritically embrace a “theory” that does not even obey the First Law of Thermodynamics!

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 6:36 am

Lucy Skywalker:
I am not disputing the bulk of your post at December 31, 2011 at 3:38 am but I write to point out that the hypothesis under discussion does not apply to Mars.
The hypothesis suggests a planet’s atmosphere adjusts to form a lapse rate according to the mass of that atmosphere. Such an adjustment is not possible to achieve on Mars because the mass of that atmosphere is constantly changing.
The Mars atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide which freezes on the winter pole. The frozen gas is not part of the atmosphere. The frozen carbon dioxide sublimes in the Spring so becomes part of the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide then freezes on the other pole as the Martian year progresses.
Hence, drawing conclusions pertinent to the discussed hypothesis is not possible by comparisons of the atmosphere of Mars to the atmosphere of other planets. It would be like drawing a conclusion by comparison to the atmosphere of the Moon (yes, the Moon does have an atmosphere but with a mass so small that it is usually ignored).

Paul Bahlin
December 31, 2011 6:53 am

The intent of my (admittedly rather snarky) posting on doing an experiment with glass cylinders was to simply make the observation that this new theory has (at least so it seems) the potential for some experimental work that would further its hypotheses. You already picked up the torch in your reply by refining my hypothetical experiment.
Their (the authors) premise seems to be that gaseous environments delay vertical heat transport (mainly) as a function of their pressure, independent (relatively) of their molecular mix. Whether or not that is true is way beyond my capabilities to determine but I love the refocus towards energy analysis and away from temperature. It seems to me that temperature focus is a trap for those who mistake temp for heat.
The authors have taken a stab at an ‘experiment’ by analyzing other planetary bodies. I’d like to see more experimenting and less jawboning I guess.
BTW: I’ve never seen a kinetic energy ‘budget’ for the atmosphere. One of the things I’ve never seen discussed is the energy in things like hurricanes, tropical storms, or just general weather systems that would seem to contain huge amounts of both potential and kinetic energy. Aren’t these also important mechanisms of vertical heat transport delay? What about the kinetic energy in the gulf stream? Any incoming radiation that is converted to horizontal energy flow constitutes a diversion of vertical transport doesn’t it?

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 8:02 am

At some point someoe seems to have decided that atmospheric composition involving radiative processes makes a significant difference to the temperature set by thermodynamic and gravitational influences.
I think one can deal with the resulting confusion by accepting BOTH scenarios but putting them in proper proportions.
As I see it the GHG aspect is in the air only and the gravitational pressure aspect is in air and ocean but mostly in ocean.
Gravity is blind to anything other than mass so the thermal characteristics of GHGs are an irrelevance to that portion of the story.
Since downwelling IR from GHGs cannot get into the oceans it is limited in its effects to the air but the oceans control air temperaure.
The only way the system could deal with the GHG portion of the effect is to alter the rate of energy flow from surface to space.
In other words the GHGs fractionally alter the balance between sea surface and surface air temperatures by increasing the energy content of the air (mostly in the form of latent heat) and reducing the energy content of the oceans by converting incoming solar energy to longwave before it can get into the oceans.
The system then has to correct that GHG induced imbalance between sea surface and surface air temperatures and must do so by shifting the surface air pressure distribution and the positions of the permanent climate zones.
I think that tops and tails it very effectively.
But the GHG effect remains miniscule compared to what sun and oceans achieve on multicentennial timescales.

ferd berple
December 31, 2011 8:04 am

astonerii says:
December 30, 2011 at 3:44 pm
The Earths atmosphere is contained in a non flexible fixed volume container? I missed that part of my science lessons. …. That effect is due to the fact that the full radiating surface of the Earth includes the entirety of the volume of the atmosphere. Thus raising the true black-body surface above the surface of the Earth by 5 KM and placing that as the location where where the 254.6k black-body calculated temperature forms. Using adiabatic lapse for 5KM and increasing the 254.6K by this amount gives the no greenhouse gas black-body earth with Atmosphere surface temperature.
It all makes absolute perfect sense.
Agreed!! It also explains why the lowest spots on earth are the warmest, and the highest are the coldest. Something the radiation model does not explain.

richard verney
December 31, 2011 8:13 am

I am one of those who think that the jury is out on whether CO2 actually cools the atmoshere. I consider that there is insufficient evidence to draw a firm conclusion one way or the other. In my first comment on this article I suggested that if you had an atmosphere with no GHGs that atmosphere would be unable to radiate away any heat and if you were then to add CO2 to that atmosphere this would allow the atmosphere to radiate some of its heat. This would suggest that CO2 can have cooling properties (depending upon the make up of the atmosphere).
It seems to me that CO2 blocks incoming solar light (at three wave lengths) and this reduces slightly the amount of solar energy reaching the oceans and being absorbed by them. This leads to a cooling. CO2 may block outgoing LWR thus slowing down it’s path leading to a warming but CO2 also helps radiate away some energy in the atmosphere that would otherwise find it difficult to radiate away thereby promoting/facilitating cooling. It seems to me that CO2 operates in three different ways and whether these in totality result in a net plus or a net negative is presently not established.
Water vapour is, of cours, very different to CO2 in that it has a high latent heat content and therefore holds a lot of energy.

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 8:17 am

“Are you maintaining the gravitational field is a continual source of energy…i.e., that the earth and its atmosphere are undergoing gravitational collapse?”
The gravitational field interacting with the kinetic movement of molecules is a constant source of heat for so long as energy is supplied to the molecules. If no energy s supplied to the molecules they cool to absolute zero, all kinetic activity stops and no heat is generated.
It is an energy conversion process not an energy creation process so the Laws of Thermodynamics are complied with.

richard verney
December 31, 2011 8:29 am

Joel Shore says:
December 31, 2011 at 5:25 am
You do not need gravitational collapse to create heat, just gravitational interaction. Look at Io which is heated by gravitational interaction.
On Earth both the Sun and the Moon are pulling the oceans creating tides. They do the the same but with less noticeable effect to the atmosphere. All of this is work and as a by product creates heat.

December 31, 2011 8:36 am

Lucy Skywalker says:
December 31, 2011 at 3:38 am
‘It’s the stratosphere that shows GHG activity predominating’
I like to see someone stick their neck out as you regularly do.
As I see it ozone responds to radiation at about 10 micrometers and emits at a wave length readily absorbed by CO2 which absorbs at shorter and longer wave lengths than ozone. The presence of ozone at up to 10ppm in the stratosphere accounts for the reversal of temperature at the tropopause but it achieves this in large part because it is partnered by CO2 at 400ppm. Ozone traps a portion of the radiation that would be otherwise freely transmitted and emits at a wave length that energizes CO2. So, above the tropopause the composition of the long wave radiation is altered to favor atmospheric heating. The reversal of the lapse rate above the tropopause is a spectacular demonstration of the capacity of radiation at various wave lengths to energize atmospheric gases.
Below the tropopause convection counters the downward propagation of that energy and according to Nikolov and Zeller the ‘countering’ is complete. Hence via mathematical calculation surface temperature relates to energy intake and atmospheric pressure alone. There is no radiative effect from above, neither from the troposphere or the stratosphere. Incidentally, the lack of a radiative effect from the stratosphere on the troposphere is discernible from the temperature profile in the near tropical southern atmosphere where the stratosphere experiences a peak temperature in winter while at the surface and all the way up into the troposphere the peak is in summer. The heating of the stratosphere in winter relates to a strengthening of the high pressure cells in winter. More radiation emanates from below as the air descends and is compressed.
What is not generally realized is that ozone is driven into the troposphere, particularly in the winter circulation at high latitudes where the entire atmospheric column is coupled in convection. The coming and going of ozone in the upper troposphere affects atmospheric temperature, relative humidity and cloud cover, changing on interannual and longer time scales in accordance with geomagnetic activity. This is a feature of the Nikolov and Zeller analysis that has been ignored by all those who have commented here and at the talkshop. It is this mechanism that accounts for the changes in surface temperature experienced on solar cycle and 100 year time scales. It appears in figure 10 above. It is this process that must be understood if we wish to understand the climate change that has been of concern.
Its just nice to know that we can cross the GHG idea of the list as completely inoperative. Man is off the hook. More CO2 will help to green the planet. The planet can sustain more people. We can all stop worrying about our carbon footprint. It’s wholly desirable.

Schrodinger's Cat
December 31, 2011 8:45 am

The GHG effect has always troubled me because like many aspects of AGW it is a half-truth, distorted to support the cause. This discussion has helped my understanding to crystallize, so thank you all for that. I guess that Stephen Wilde’s comment above is about right.
The spectroscopic and black body aspects of the concept are true. The AGW interpretation of the consequences is wrong.

December 31, 2011 8:51 am

thepompousgit Dec. 30, 2011 at 10:17 pm):
The article at http://judithcurry.com/2011/02/15/the-principles-of-reasoning-part-iii-logic-and-climatology/ might interest you. In it, I examine the relationship between logic and the methodology of the inquiry into AGW. I conclude that this methodology is neither logical nor scientific but that the ambiguity of reference of terms in the language of climatology can create the appearance that it is both logical and scientific.

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 8:54 am

“The coming and going of ozone in the upper troposphere affects atmospheric temperature, relative humidity and cloud cover, changing on interannual and longer time scales in accordance with geomagnetic activity.”
I think the effects of ozone might be more extensive than that given the recent finding that ozone quatities above the stratopause (around 45km) vary in response to solar variabiliy oppositely to below the stratopause.The entire vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere seems likely to be affected with consequential effects on the height of the tropopause and the surface pressure distribution throughout the troposphere.
Also I think the level of geomagnetic activity and the amount of cosmic rays may just be proxies for different solar causation.
But that is for another day. AGW theory is dead once one puts the radiative effects of GHGs in their proper place (in the air alone) and in their proper proportion (miniscule compared to natural solar and ocean induced changes).
Good progress made in the past few days due to Nikolov’s paper giving the issue a kick start even if it might be ‘old’ science at least in part.
I’m sure I learned about the gravitational field effects interacting with the kinetic energy of vibrating molecules around planets to produce heat in the form of a greenhouse effect some 50 years ago.
Yet of late many have been brainwashed into thinking it is all or mostly a radiative phenomenon occurring only in the atmosphere.
Someone took a very sharp wrong turn at some point and it was never challenged at the time.

December 31, 2011 9:00 am

Richard S Courtney;
The hypothesis suggests a planet’s atmosphere adjusts to form a lapse rate according to the mass of that atmosphere. Such an adjustment is not possible to achieve on Mars because the mass of that atmosphere is constantly changing.
The Mars atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide which freezes on the winter pole. The frozen gas is not part of the atmosphere. The frozen carbon dioxide sublimes in the Spring so becomes part of the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide then freezes on the other pole as the Martian year progresses.
Hence, drawing conclusions pertinent to the discussed hypothesis is not possible by comparisons of the atmosphere of Mars to the atmosphere of other planets.>>>>
This would still result in an “average” over the course of the Martion year. The mass of the atmosphere would simply fluctuate in a given band with a max and min. If the theory is correct, then the Martian temperature would also fluctuate within a given band, and around the annual average. Further, I would expect that band to be fairly narrow. Even with the longer Martian year, the heat capacity of the planet would easily reduce the fluctuations to a rather narrow band.

Bill Illis
December 31, 2011 9:01 am

Obviously, the non-GHGs (N2, O2 and Argon) have energy in the atmosphere – the temperature of the atmosphere is the temperature of the non-GHG molecules because they are 99% of it. They are not at Absolute Zero, they are, on average, at the temperature that our thermometres measure. So, non-GHG molecules absorb energy; at the very least, through collisional energy exchanges.
So the question becomes, without GHGs absorbing certain long-wave frequencies, what would the atmospheric temperature / the lapse rate be.
Without GHGs, the N2, O2 and Argon molecules would be thermalized by contact with the surface (they are colliding with the surface at something on the order of billions of times per second). The non-GHGs apparently have no way to emit that energy away except through further collisional energy exchanges with other non-excited non-GHG molecules. So the energy gradually builds up from the immediate surface to the higher levels of the atmosphere over a given short period of time.
The atmosphere continues heating until there is some method for the thermalized non-GHG molecules to release their energy to space.
N2, O2 and Argon have a few emission lines but these are weak and are not at the temperatures that would be expected in such a thermalized atmosphere. [Perhaps blackbody radiation, but physics seems to think that these “diatomic gas molecules” don’t exhibit blackbody radiation].
The atmosphere would continue heating up, perhaps expand far into space, and it wouldn’t stop. The surface might be emitting large quantities of long-wave energy through the large atmospheric windows that exist now without GHGs, but the atmosphere is constantly warming up by the thermalization. A large fraction of the photons from the Sun would eventually get permanently thermalized into the emmissionally-inert diatomic gas atmosphere.
The GHGs, therefore, cool the atmosphere by allowing stong emission of the energy at certain long-wave frequencies. It is the opposite of the theory. The lapse rate is a function of how efficient the GHGs are at emitting long-wave energy to space (which depends on the density of the atmosphere – at 10 kms high, CO2 is 60% efficient at emitting energy directly to space).

December 31, 2011 9:10 am

Stephen Wilde;
I think one can deal with the resulting confusion by accepting BOTH scenarios but putting them in proper proportions.>>>
There are many threads on this site about sensitivity, and the data is increasingly indicating that sensitivity to changes in CO2 concentration is very low. It isn’t that the concept of CO2 as a GHG is wrong, but that in the context of the earth system as a whole, the exact components of the atmosphere and their ratios in regard to each other are not nearly as significant as the total mass of the atmosphere.

December 31, 2011 9:21 am

Richard M says:
December 31, 2011 at 5:38 am
I think one problem a few people may be having is they have studied and accept the warming effect of GHGs. As such they cannot accept another theory until someone points out why the warming effect is wrong. IMO it is not wrong, it is just not complete>>>
Another BINGO!
The alarmist view of GHG’s is very one dimensional. At best, they allow for secondary effects only in terms of estimating positive feedbacks. What real world system has positive feedbacks!?!!?
The effect of GHG’s cannot possibly be a straight forward direct relationship to concentration. Secondary effects of convection alone would cancel most of the warming from the GHG effects. The system is chaotic in that we don’t even know what all the variables ARE let alone how they are interelated!

Stephen Wilde
December 31, 2011 9:22 am

“It is the opposite of the theory. The lapse rate is a function of how efficient the GHGs are at emitting long-wave energy to space (which depends on the density of the atmosphere – at 10 kms high, CO2 is 60% efficient at emitting energy directly to space).”
Nice one Bill.
And remember that most GHGs are condensing water vapour which makes the cooling effect highly efficient.
That would go on perfectly well without any non condensing GHGs at all because the gravitationally induced portion of the greenhouse heating PLUS the entry of solar shortwave into the oceans would keep the oceans liquid just as they are now.
Without water on our world the heat build up would have blown the atmosphere off into space and Earth would just be a rock with a very thin residual atmosphere like Mars.
Venus is a different case in some way but I’m not sure why. I’d guess it is because the average weight of the molecules forming the Venusian atmosphere is much greater than our preponderance of Oxygen and Nitrogen so it hasn’t been blown out to space despite the high temperature that has developed.
Unless AGW proponents can find a substantial flaw it is just a mopping up exercise from now on.

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 9:27 am

Thank you for the response to me that you provide at December 31, 2011 at 9:00 am. I had pointed out how and why the mass of the Martian atmosphere varies by more than 50% over the course of a year and, I said, this would preclude the effect of atmospheric mass determining an average global temperature on Mars.
You have replied;
“This would still result in an “average” over the course of the Martian year. The mass of the atmosphere would simply fluctuate in a given band with a max and min. If the theory is correct, then the Martian temperature would also fluctuate within a given band, and around the annual average. Further, I would expect that band to be fairly narrow. Even with the longer Martian year, the heat capacity of the planet would easily reduce the fluctuations to a rather narrow band.”
You may be right. I am not an astronomer and, therefore, I am not adequately knowledgeable of variations in the mean global temperature of Mars over a year. Perhaps somebody here can provide a link to a reliable source of the pertinent data.
However, we do know that the mean global temperature of the Earth rises by 3.8 K from June to January and falls by 3.8 K from January to June each year. This variation results from the different coverage by land of the northern and southern hemispheres.
In my opinion, this seasonal variation of the Earth’s mean global temperature is the main reason to doubt the hypothesis which is the subject of this thread.

December 31, 2011 9:32 am

Richard S Courtney;
Their analysis is NOT novel.
It is a repeat of the Jelbring Hypothesis
(ref. Jelbring H, ‘The Greenhouse Effect as a function of atmospheric Mass’, Energy & Environment,• Vol. 14, Nos. 2 & 3, (2003)).>>>
I was originaly rather negative about Nikolov and Zellar, but I’m starting to warm up to it 😉
If they arrived at a nearly identical hypothesis to Jelbring via a completely independant thought process, does that not lend credence to BOTH papers?

Schrodinger's Cat
December 31, 2011 9:33 am

Black body radiation is a function of temperature so the different gases in the atmosphere radiate depending on how hot they are, regardless of composition or whether they are GHG or not. Of course, the GHG component may have higher energy due to absorbed IR. Collisions between all molecules will spread the kinetic energy around more evenly.
So, most of the GHG effect warms up the atmosphere, getting more convection going. The downward component cannot penetrate the oceans since it is absorbed by the surface molecules of water resulting in faster evaporation.
Basically, the GHG effect gives some heating but also initiates a range of negative feedbacks which result in the global temperature stability that has made life viable.

Schrodinger's Cat
December 31, 2011 9:48 am

Warmed gases rise due to convection and the blackbody radiation from these gases will diminish as they lose temperature. The proportion of that radiation which is downwards will increasingly encounter more atmospheric molecules as opposed to land and sea. The land/sea target area will also effecively decrease with the altitude of the gas.
If the gas happens to be water vapour it wll condense at some stage, releasing latent heat.

December 31, 2011 9:49 am

If I am understanding the issues here at all, the crux of the issue seems to how changes in atmospheric pressure(mass of the atmosphere) affect the radiation of heat to space.
I am having a hard time understanding why an injection of matter into the atmosphere causing higher pressures and temperatures would not also cause more energy to be lost to space and, thus, ultimately, a return to lower temperatures.
Can anyone help me out here?
Cheers, 🙂

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 9:50 am

At December 31, 2011 at 9:32 am you ask me:
“I was originaly rather negative about Nikolov and Zellar, but I’m starting to warm up to it 😉
If they arrived at a nearly identical hypothesis to Jelbring via a completely independant thought process, does that not lend credence to BOTH papers?”
In my opinion, yes, it does. But we should always keep in mind that ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’.
I again stress that I do not know if the hypothesis is right or wrong, but I am certain that it deserves much more – and more proper – evaluation than it has obtained since it was first published in 2003.
Happy New Year.

December 31, 2011 9:53 am

Did Miloszcki (sp?) get it wrong?
I just went hunting for his paper and couldn’t find it, if someone has a link?
My recollection though is that he accurately predicted the temps of both Venus and Earth based on optical depth of the atmosphere. Is it possible that he got cause and effect reversed? After all, my expectation would be that mass of the atmosphere and optical depth would vary in a nearly 1:1 relationship?

December 31, 2011 10:00 am

Mr. Shore please state the first law as you understand it and the violation of which you spoke. Please add the equation and where in the equation the violation takes place. I trust this is a simple request.

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 10:02 am

At December 31, 2011 at 9:49 am you ask;
“If I am understanding the issues here at all, the crux of the issue seems to how changes in atmospheric pressure(mass of the atmosphere) affect the radiation of heat to space.
I am having a hard time understanding why an injection of matter into the atmosphere causing higher pressures and temperatures would not also cause more energy to be lost to space and, thus, ultimately, a return to lower temperatures.
Can anyone help me out here?”
I will try to help.
The hypothesis is that the mass of the atmosphere affects the rate of change of temperature with altitude (i.e. the lapse rate). Thus, the altitude at which the emission to space effectively occurs is altered. The amount of the emission is not changed (it equals the amount of heat the planet gets from the Sun).
But if the effective emission height changes then the distance from that height to the surface changes. And temperature increases with distance below the effective emission height (i.e. temperature decreases with distance from the surface in the lower atmosphere).
I hope this helps.
Happy New Year.

ferd berple
December 31, 2011 10:12 am

The compressed gas cylinder model does not match the earth. Heat is lost from the gas cylinder through the metal walls. On earth the walls of the cylinder are formed by the air and the surface of the planet. The heat lost from the air to the air has no effect on temperature. Heat lost from the air to the surface would warm the surface.

December 31, 2011 10:16 am

Richard S Courtney;
However, we do know that the mean global temperature of the Earth rises by 3.8 K from June to January and falls by 3.8 K from January to June each year. This variation results from the different coverage by land of the northern and southern hemispheres.>>>
I’m not an astronomer either, but you are effectively making my point.
The earth’s temp is X… +/- 1.9 degrees. The orbit is elliptical, the hemisphere’s have different land/ocean ratios, and the Gore effect moves from one hemisphere to the other depending on where he’s spending his time.
But the temperature of the earth is on average X and varies in a narrow band by plus or minus 1.9 degrees.
I would expect Mars to also have a temperature of X that varies within a narrow band, and that if Nikolov and Zellar are correct, that they would be able to predict the average. In fact, might that no make a rather interesting method of verification? If one can quantify in a meaningful manner the fluctuation in the mass of the Mars atmosphere, then that should correlate to the fluctuation in temperature (with orbital parameters etc layered on top of course).
PS – If we could stuff Al Gore into a spaceship and send him off to Mars, we could then also quantify the Gore Effect by observing the changes induced by removing him from Earth and also the changes induced by adding him to Mars!

ferd berple
December 31, 2011 10:20 am

“Richard S Courtney says:
December 31, 2011 at 10:02 am
The hypothesis is that the mass of the atmosphere affects the rate of change of temperature with altitude (i.e. the lapse rate). Thus, the altitude at which the emission to space effectively occurs is altered. The amount of the emission is not changed (it equals the amount of heat the planet gets from the Sun). But if the effective emission height changes then the distance from that height to the surface changes. And temperature increases with distance below the effective emission height (i.e. temperature decreases with distance from the surface in the lower atmosphere).”
Agreed. The atmosphere affects the surface temperature by moving the point at which incoming and outgoing radiation are in balance. On a planet with no atmosphere, this point is at the surface. But on a planet with and atmosphere that point is higher up, in the atmosphere.
The point at which incoming and outgoing radiation are balanced is the black-body temperature. Something like 285K depending on which formula you use. The additional 33K of warming observed at the surface (at sea level) is a result of the lapse rate, which is a function of gravity not radiation. If you are on a mountain top, the increase is less. If you are below sea level, the increase is more.

Steve Garcia
December 31, 2011 10:26 am

December 31, 2011 at 9:53 am
“Did Miloszcki (sp?) get it wrong?”
You should find it at

ferd berple
December 31, 2011 10:28 am

The radiation model of surface temperature proposes that radiation determines surface temperature. However, this is a result of the radiation model ignoring convection. When radiation tries to increase the surface temperature above the lapse rate, convection increases to balance the temperature at the lapse rate. When radiation is less than what is require to maintain the lapse rate, convection decreases to balance the temperature at the lapse rate.
Thus, surface radiation cannot change the surface temperature beyond what is provided for by the lapse rate, except temporarily, as it will lead to an increase/decrease in vertical circulation, which will re-establish the lapse rate.
So, for example, when the sun shines on the earth in the morning, this creates a vertical movement of warm air, and a corresponding down-flow of cool air, which bring the surface temperature back into line with the lapse rate.
By decoupling convection, the radiation model has overstated the role of radiation in determining surface temperature and ignored the role of gravity in establishing the lapse rate.

ferd berple
December 31, 2011 10:45 am

Stephen Wilde says:
December 31, 2011 at 9:22 am
Venus is a different case in some way but I’m not sure why.
The magnetic fields of earth and venus slow the rate at which the atmosphere is lost to space due to solar radiation. Otherwise as you correctly point out, the atmosphere of both planets would have been blasted into space by the solar wind. Out-gassing from the molten interior of both planets helps replenish atmosphere that is lost, but even then earth is losing its atmosphere. Current oxygen levels are 21% as compared to 35% a couple of hundred million years ago. It is unlikely the giant insects of the past for example could survive in the present atmosphere.

December 31, 2011 10:52 am

Stephen Wilde says:
December 31, 2011 at 1:48 am
“I have explained seperately why the gravitationally induced pressure at the Earth’s surface controls the energy cost of evaporation and thus the rate at which energy can flow from oceans to air.”
I must have missed it the first time around. But, I thank you for clearly elucidating the “why” of my inchoate thoughts as to why this matters.
“However the system energy content does not change unless solar input or the strength of the gravitational field change.”
You pricked something in the back of my mind with that. What we call gravity at the surface is not just mass attraction alone. It also includes the “centrifugal force” from the spinning Earth. With Earth rate of 15 deg/hour and radius of 6378 km, that subtracts 6378e3*(15*pi/180/3600)^2 = 0.033 m/s^2 from the gravity effect, resulting in the 9.81 m/s^2 value which we call 1g at the surface. I’m wondering – the difference is small, but might this tie in with observations such as here which suggest a correlation between climate cycles and length of day? The variations in length of day are also really small, so probably not. But, I thought I’d toss it out there.
Joel Shore says:
December 31, 2011 at 5:25 am
“I.e., how does a surface without an atmosphere that absorbs radiation from its surface maintain a temperature higher than the temperature at which the surface would be emitting back into space as much energy as it is receiving from the sun?”
You are confusing energy with power. In steady state, the energy reradiated over a lengthy interval has to equal the incoming, or the planet would eventually burn to a crisp. The average temperature is related to the average amount of energy retained.
Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
December 31, 2011 at 9:19 am
“In case (A), increasing the pressure within the container, and holding it at a constant high setting will cause only a TEMPORARY increase in the temperature within the container.”
And, therefore, a TEMPORARY increase in the pressure as well! I explained this at December 30, 2011 at 11:44 am.

December 31, 2011 11:00 am

Willis: Sorry I did not make my contention clear. I am merely making the point that atmosphere mass and density altitude allow for warmer temperatures at the surface relative to altitude, all things equal. I am supporting the UTC paper because the cause and effect is great in scope, broader than the AGW CO2 fanatical drum beating; putting them at risk of extinction. The nick picking is around my observation that when ever a new theory hits the street, right away there is a rash of nay saying to bring out from others a response. Thus doing a off handed method of peer review via stirring the bees. Just like the cloud theory and others before it.
Veuve Clicquot Brut for the masses!
Or this vesper delight:
3 parts gin
1 part vodka
1/2 part Lillet
drop of range bitters
wedge of orange

December 31, 2011 11:03 am

Ira Glickstein;
In particular, I await your explanation of how an Atmosphere-free (and water-free) Earth would be about 100K cooler than the similarly situated Moon. That was my first, simplest, and most critical “red flag” on your theory.>>>
They got it right!
I made the exact same mistake as you and very nearly dismissed this paper out of hand for the very same reason. A quick SB Law calc falsifies the -100K number. NOT!
P doesn’t vary with T!
P varies with T raised to the power of 4!
SB Law is:
P = 5.67*10^-8*T^4
To illustrate why -100K is probably far more accurate than -33K, let’s demonstrate by using SB Law on a “two grid point” model using an “average” of 230 w/m2.
Scenario One
Grid Point A
P = 230 w/m2
Via SB Law
T(GP.A) = -20.6 Deg C
Grid Point B
P = 230 w/m2
Via SB Law
T (GP.B) = -20.6 Deg C
P(average) = 230 w/m2
T(average) = -20.6 Deg c
Now let’s run the exact same calcs but for a very hot grid point and a very cold grid point:
Scenario Two
Grid Point A
P = 380 w/m2
Via SB Law
T (GP.A) = +13.1 Deg C
Grid Point B
P = 80 w/m2
Via SB Law
T (GP.B) = -79.2 Deg C
P(average) = (380 + 80)/2 = 230
T(average) = (13.1 + (-79.2))/2 = -33.1
I have neither the math skills nor the data to arrive at a mathematical analysis of what the total effect should be. But I do know that incoming radiance varies from nearly 500 w/m2 in the tropics to ZERO at he poles (for months at a time!). Solve for average T^4 from pole to pole and season to season and from day time high to day time low and THEN convert to T!
I’m betting that is what Nikolov and Zellar have done…
And I’m betting they got it right.
-100K is the number.

December 31, 2011 11:05 am

davidmhoffer says:
December 31, 2011 at 10:16 am
“If we could stuff Al Gore into a spaceship and send him off to Mars, we could then also quantify the Gore Effect by observing the changes induced by removing him from Earth and also the changes induced by adding him to Mars!”
Finally, a compelling reason to develop a manned mission to Mars! You may have single-handedly saved the US space program from its aimless wandering.

December 31, 2011 11:08 am

ferd berple (Dec. 31, 2011 at 10:28 am):
When you say “lapse rate” I think you mean “adiabatic lapse rate.” It’s the adiabatic lapse rate that is maintained by convection.

December 31, 2011 11:15 am

In fact my 500 w/m2 at the tropic vs 0 at the poles isn’t even a big enough range!
The right range is 1365 * 0.7 ~ 1000 watts.
Solve for day time high at the tropics of 1000 watts/m2 cycled with night time average of 0 watts/m2. Then solve for increasingly high latitudes until you get to a daily fluctuation at the poles from a high of 0 w/m2 to a low of 0 w/m2 for six months at a crack!
Suddenly, -100K looks VERY reasonable!

Richard M
December 31, 2011 11:26 am

Bill Illis says:
December 31, 2011 at 9:01 am

Bill, your description is very close to what I getting at on the GHG-less atmosphere thread. I wondered if the heat would build and build without GHGs or whether the heat would build to a certain point and then the surface also warm and hence radiate to a higher level bringing the system into equilibrium.
I think the whole issue of conduction between the surface and the atmosphere has been successfully hidden by the team. If you look at what they did they provide only the NET energy flow in the KT papers. However, for GHGs they use the GROSS energy flow.
The GROSS flow of energy is probably even higher for conduction but it mostly evens out. Same is true for the radiation if you compute the NET flow.

Richard M
December 31, 2011 11:32 am

As for Miskolczi … I think he had a couple of items of interest. One was that the atmosphere maintained a constant GHE. He thought that as CO2 increased that H2O would decrease to maintain a constant optical depth (1.87 IIRC).
He may have been right about the constant optical depth and there may have been no need to go any further. With the UTC I would expect a constant optical depth as he had found experimentally. One more piece of evidence supporting the UTC.

December 31, 2011 11:52 am

Terry Oldberg said @ December 31, 2011 at 8:51 am
“The article at http://judithcurry.com/2011/02/15/the-principles-of-reasoning-part-iii-logic-and-climatology/ might interest you. In it, I examine the relationship between logic and the methodology of the inquiry into AGW. I conclude that this methodology is neither logical nor scientific but that the ambiguity of reference of terms in the language of climatology can create the appearance that it is both logical and scientific.”
Many, many thanks Terry. It’s amazing what comes from Aristotle’s three laws of thought 🙂

December 31, 2011 12:03 pm

davidmhoffer says:
December 30, 2011 at 9:35 pm

Willis Eschenbach;

Since neither you nor anyone else has been able to explain the paragraph I highlighted, it’s hardly “nicky picky”.

The paragraph as written is meaningless.
Now…if we put aside what they said and try and figure out what they meant. …

Not me. Not for an instant. I’ve played that “let’s guess what they mean” game before, it’s nothing but wasted time. Unless he can tell us what he means, I’m not chasing his ideas around to try to pin them down.

December 31, 2011 12:09 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
December 31, 2011 at 11:51 am
“That is why the second illustration in case (A) shows the pump and meter still attached, which we use to maintain the Pressure at the given high pressure.”
The number one rule of physics is you can’t get something for nothing. To maintain the pressure, you are going to have to keep pumping, imparting as much energy as that fleeing due to the heat dissipation. And, that extra pumping will keep you at the same temperature.

December 31, 2011 12:18 pm

Of course, in a realistic system, there will be a limit cycle of pressure and temperature about the induced equilibrium. Temperature will drop. That results in a pressure drop. You sense the pressure drop and pump it back up. As a result, the temperature rises, and the cycle repeats.
But, won’t you eventually pump an infinite amount of gas in? No. Because the pumping action is not adding to the volume of gas, just exchanging it with more energetic gas molecules.
[Bart, I am sorry to say that you simply do not understand. Keep pumping those “more energetic gas molecules” to replace the ones that got less energetic? If you pump a container up to some pressure and maintain that pressure by pumping a bit more until the temperature stabilizes to that of your kitchen, you can disconnect the pump and the pressure will stay exactly the same unless there is a leak in the container or unless you change the ambient temperature in your kitchen. You can take that to the bank. – Ira]

December 31, 2011 12:20 pm

“A small but important addition to my previous post is necessary.
GHGs cause a faster throughput of ‘processed’ solar energy IN THE AIR ALONE. ”
Yes but needs more emphasis. GHG are all about radiant energy- as in the Sun.
Sun is huge huge blazing ball of very hot gas. Huge blazing ball of very hot gas
can transfer a fair amount of energy, and GHG are very faint echo of something
important. Photons aren’t “naturally” a good way to heat things- you make a
laser and that’s impressive. But room temperature radiant energy isn’t impressive.
The blazing ball of intense energy, does not warm gases. It causes none of them
to increase their velocity- and their velocity is what makes them warm. For gas
you need fast moving molecules and you need them confined [you need pressure].
A zillion gas molecule going light speed, all in same direction is not warm gas.
Though very hot if hits something. A zillion gas molecule traveling fast and gravitation
held together is to some extent warm. Heat when talking about gas is velocity and pressure- and that is all.
You can excite a gas molecule with photons- but that isn’t warming the gas.
Such excited gas will not warm your device that measures temperature- direct their
excitement and you have laser- which will warm your device that measures
But a small amount [size of house and 1 atm of gas] randomly being
excited doesn’t add much if any heat. The speed these zillions of gas molecules
are traveling is the heat.
The Sun’s radiation [photons] does heat up solid or liquid matter- makes this matter excited
and if excited enough gas molecules fly away from it- generally at very fast speed and
if enough them do this it’s hot gas [immediately crashing into zillions of other gases molecules or other matter].
“They first absorb more solar energy than other non GHG gases then re radiate within the air to cause more evaporation of surface water or soil moisture and convection resulting in a faster or larger water cycle. Thus they first slow down the rate of solar energy loss back to space but the increased size or speed of the water cycle speeds it up again for a zero net effect.”
The GHG are going radiate [send photon] to other GHG in random directions. The total sum of this randomness isn’t going to get much work done- cause evaporation. I think it’s biggest affect could be slowing heat radiation of surface and it’s radiating energy into the universe.
My biggest question is how much photon energy can GHG rob from other gas molecule velocity
and thereby actually cool the gas. But seems to me a sizable amount surface energy is radiated directly to space- it’s mostly microwave and microwaves generally punch thru any atmosphere fairly easily. You use radio/microwave to see thru Venus thick atmosphere.
Or in other words, I have doubts of whether CO2 warms or cools a planet. And bigger doubts about CO2 as trace gas is going to much any significance.
“The important point though is that in so far as GHGs produce a faster processing of incoming solar energy IN THE AIR that energy is then denied to the oceans which are therefore a fraction cooler than they otherwise would have been.
GHGs therefore reduce total energy content in the oceans but increase it in the air (mostly in latent form) for a zero net effect on total system energy content.
The whole thing gets balanced out as necessary by changing surface air pressure distribution for a shift in the permanent climate zones.
That is a Unified Theory.”

December 31, 2011 12:24 pm

Richard S Courtney says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:56 am

… Their analysis is NOT novel.
It is a repeat of the Jelbring Hypothesis
(ref. Jelbring H, ‘The Greenhouse Effect as a function of atmospheric Mass’, Energy & Environment,• Vol. 14, Nos. 2 & 3, (2003)).
Jelbring’s 2003 paper can be read at

Thanks, Richard. I hesitated to bring Jelbrings name into this, because of my extensive discussions with him about his mistaken ideas.
The clearest I can put it is that Jelbring (and the current authors) have the following theory:
1. The bottom of the atmosphere is warmer than the top of the atmosphere.
2. The top of the atmosphere is at the temperature of space, call it a few Kelvin. The bottom of the atmosphere is heated well above that temperature by gravitational compression (PV=nRT). This means the planetary surface has to be a certain amount warmer than the top of the atmosphere.
3. The final temperature of a planet is a combination of direct heating and atmospheric heating.
4. For a given thickness of atmosphere, the larger the planet, the greater the difference in temperature between the top and the bottom of the atmosphere.
Let’s call this greater temperature the “relatively enhanced gravitational pressure energy”. Because there is more pressure from increased gravity, it increases the rate of … hang on, what did he call it … oh, right, it increases the density-dependent rates of molecular collision, which in turn leads to …
Just kidding, that’s how they’re misdirecting your attention from the great reveal, which is …
5. Gravity is heating the earth. You can tell by looking at the bigger planets, more gravity = more heat.
Me, I always get stuck at the “therefore” part. As I commented to Hans Jelbring at the time, if his theory were true, then the surface of a dead planet with an atmosphere and no sun near it should be warmer than the empty space around it … and that sounds like perpetual motion to me.
He had no answer.

December 31, 2011 12:29 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:03 pm
“Unless he can tell us what he means, I’m not chasing his ideas around to try to pin them down.”
Then, take what he said, interpret it in a way that makes sense to you, and put that forward as your own working hypothesis. You are being counterproductively punctilious.

December 31, 2011 12:39 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:24 pm
“… if his theory were true, then the surface of a dead planet with an atmosphere and no sun near it should be warmer than the empty space around it”
There has to be a source for the heat. This is like saying a capacitor should build up a charge of its own even when not connected to an electrical circuit.
And, this is an appropriate analogy. A larger capacitor in a series RC circuit connected to a constant voltage will build up a greater charge than a smaller one. Short the voltage to ground, and the charge will dissipate.

Dan in Nevada
December 31, 2011 12:42 pm

Dr. Glickstein: PLEASE HELP!
I have what I hope is a very simple question for a physicist and the answer will really help me understand what is being talked about here. First, a little setup, then the question.
I earlier suggested that a pressure cooker might be a more appropriate analogy than your pressure vessel thought experiment. The reason is that your analogy would only be good if we were talking about an earth that had no sun (or some other external source of heat). Of course the planet would cool down to close to space temperatures regardless of the the amount of atmospheric pressure or even the existence of an atmosphere. The pressure cooker example provides an external heat source (sun) that provides energy that is absorbed a lot by the vessel, but very little by the surrounding air (which anyway is convected off), much in the same way that the earth absorbs solar radiation and space does not.
OK, here’s the question: create a pressure-cooker-like vessel with a relief valve that keeps the pressure at whatever pressure you choose. You have a way of measuring the temperature in the middle of the vessel. Put the vessel over a constant heat source and inject, say, N2 into the vessel at various pressures. Each time, allow the vessel to reach a steady-state outflow of heat. Meaning the vessel has reached a thermal equilibrium. (If I’m not stating this correctly, I think you still get what I mean). Will the internal temperature at steady-state conditions be the same or different depending on the pressure of the N2 in the vessel?
I really don’t know the answer to that. It seems obvious that there would be more retained heat owing to the higher density of the gas at the higher pressures. Does this manifest as a higher temperature?
Yes or no would be fine, but if you’d like to explain your answer, please pretend you are talking to an eight-year-old so there’s some chance I might understand.

December 31, 2011 12:46 pm

Willis, you are missing the point. The more mass and pressure that the planet’s atmosphere has the greater potential for heating compared to a planet with a less massive atmosphere given an equal source of solar energy.

December 31, 2011 12:48 pm

Bart says:
And, almost all of it from the 1998 El Nino. Cherry picking a wee bit early in the season, aren’t we?

I’m not cherry picking — the time interval, 13 years, was set by the original commenter, not me.
Of course there was a strong El Nino in 1998 — there was also a strong La Nina in 2010. This is precisely why climate scientists calculate trends over a few decades (usually 3) instead of just one — there are too many short-term fluctuations in a decade that can mask the long-term trend.

December 31, 2011 1:08 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:24 pm
“Me, I always get stuck at the “therefore” part. As I commented to Hans Jelbring at the time, if his theory were true, then the surface of a dead planet with an atmosphere and no sun near it should be warmer than the empty space around it … and that sounds like perpetual motion to me.”
Well, I think they answered that. If I am not mistaken, they say the sun’s input is enough to keep the energy “at bay”. If there is no sun, its energy will “die out”, if you wait long enough. Dont kknow how long you must wait, though.
So, in your test-setup, how long did you wait? Before measuring?

December 31, 2011 1:09 pm

Willis Eschenbach (Dec. 31, 2011 at 12:24 pm):
From your description of the two papers, I gather that you’ve overlooked the key idea in them. The idea is that the possibility of free convection heat transfer sets up a feedback mechanism which persistently forces the lapse rate toward the adiabatic lapse rate. As the adiabatic lapse rate is insensitive to the composition of the atmosphere, the atmospheric temperature profile is insensitive to atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. As the adiabatic lapse rate is sensitive to the pressure at Earth’s surface, the temperature profile is sensitive to this pressure.

December 31, 2011 1:23 pm

“Willis, you are missing the point. The more mass and pressure that the planet’s atmosphere has the greater potential for heating compared to a planet with a less massive atmosphere given an equal source of solar energy.”
If Earth had twice it’s gravity it would warmer.
How much warmer?
You would have 14.7 times 2 = 29.4 psi
double temperature. But increases amount radiated
Wild guess adds more than 20 C
[there change laspe also]
If Earth had 1/2 it’s gravity, the pressure would 7.3
increases laspe rate
pressure halves temperature
would radiate less.
Hmm, wouldn’t be likely earth could keep such a high elevation atmosphere.
Assuming it did, I think it reduce temperatures by less than doubling gravity
increases, so around 5-10 C less??

December 31, 2011 1:44 pm

Thanks for getting back to me Richard!
“Richard S Courtney says:
The hypothesis is that the mass of the atmosphere affects the rate of change of temperature with altitude (i.e. the lapse rate). Thus, the altitude at which the emission to space effectively occurs is altered. The amount of the emission is not changed (it equals the amount of heat the planet gets from the Sun).
But if the effective emission height changes then the distance from that height to the surface changes. And temperature increases with distance below the effective emission height (i.e. temperature decreases with distance from the surface in the lower atmosphere).”
Ok. That makes sense so far as it goes. However, it raises some more questions to my mind. Going back to the calculation of the lapse rate, I find that the dry adabiatic lapse rate can be calculated by dividing the specific gravity (g) by the specific heat of the air at constant pressure.
Since g is a constant, a lower lapse rate necessitates then that the specific heat of the air goes up as the air pressure goes up, right? And that changes in specific heat of the atmosphere will be directly proportional to changes in temperature at the surface? Couldn’t we then use measured changes in the specific heat capacity of air under different pressures to calculate the changes in the lapse rate directly as an alternative to the authors ATE/NTE approach?
To me, this puts the authors’ equations 7 & 8 in serious doubt. If we know that changes in atmospheric specific heat capacity are what (predominantly) determine the surface temperature of a planet, then a model or expression that does not refer to that property will only appear right accidentally.
Happy New Year to you as well!
Cheers, 🙂

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 2:16 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

The gravitational field interacting with the kinetic movement of molecules is a constant source of heat for so long as energy is supplied to the molecules. If no energy s supplied to the molecules they cool to absolute zero, all kinetic activity stops and no heat is generated.
It is an energy conversion process not an energy creation process so the Laws of Thermodynamics are complied with.

What does “…so long as energy is supplied to the molecules” means? A miracle occurs? Look, you have 240 W/m^2 of energy coming in and 390 W/m^2 going out. Where is the extra 150 W/m^2 coming from? Be specific.

Unless AGW proponents can find a substantial flaw it is just a mopping up exercise from now on.

Apparently, violating the Law of Conservation of Energy is not a substantial enough flaw for you guys! The worship of complete nonsense by many on this website, including some who really should know better, has gone from silly to pathetic.

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 3:13 pm

Just to add a bit more specificity to my last comment: If you propose that energy is coming from the gravitational field, that means that the gravitational potential energy is decreasing (at some rate like 150 W/m^2 of earth’s surface). What is causing this large decrease in gravitational potential energy?

December 31, 2011 3:17 pm

PV=nRT, implies that heat or energy doesn’t change, and unfortunately that thing called weather is pretty much about how heat, P, V and T change spontaneously and continuously in the atmosphere.

December 31, 2011 4:07 pm

Ira said “Case (A): If we do nothing more, the Temperature will be low forever and the Pressure will remain high forever
Case (B): if we do nothing more, the Temperature will be high forever and the Pressure will also remain high forever
Please notice the difference between raising Pressure vs raising Temperature”
I really think this is a such a red herring Ira.
Consider the molecular interpretation of both temperature and pressure. They are a consequence of the kinetic theory. If we could take away all of the energy, molecular motion would drop to zero ( no internal energy) and both P and T would reach an absolute zero. As soon as there is either a temperature or pressure, there would be molecular motion and both would be greater than zero.
In your example, temperature is a transitory phenomenon because you created a potential difference and then allowed heat to flow from the pressurised gas to the surroundings. This illustrates the first law of thermodynamics, but the additional cooling process has no analogy in a uniform atmosphere at equilibrium.
Please have a look at my earlier post where the gas is pressurised, but there is no potential difference and therefore no further transfer of energy. Would be good to get your views on what that means for the original post you were responding to.

December 31, 2011 4:55 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
December 30, 2011 at 7:18 am
I believe you and Paul are correct in proposing empirical experiments. However the experiments proposed will not answer the questions raised by the Nikolov & Zeller claims. What is first needed is a clear understanding of what they were claiming. Few people on this thread or the previous one seem to understand.
Tallbloke does –
“I don’t have a problem understanding what Nikolov and Zeller are saying in the passage quoted by Willis. They are simply explaining why it is that in a gravity well supplied with external power, the more highly compressed gas near the surface will be warmer than expected by a grey body calc which doesn’t take atmospheric pressure gradients into account. Simples.”
An experiment designed to test this is not too difficult. All that is needed is to simulate a column of atmosphere.
1. A tall (2m tall x 200mm diameter) pressure cylinder internally insulated with 5mm of white EPS foam with ultra thin reflective foil covering. All surfaces insulated except on underside of matt black alloy top cap.
2. A second internal cylinder of 5mm foil coated EPS foam 1945mm long 140mm external diameter suspended inside the foam lining of the pressure cylinder 25mm away from all walls and end caps.
3. A matt black grey cast iron target disk 125mm diameter 5mm thick placed internally in the centre of the pressure cylinder base.
4. A pressure tight glass window 20mm diameter in the top cap of the pressure cylinder.
5. Peltier or cryogenic cooling for the top cap of the cylinder (~ -50c).
6. High intensity external light source focused through the window in the top cap to illuminate only the cast iron target disk in the base of the cylinder.
7. Valves for the input of various dry gasses
8. temperature sensors for the target disk and various points up the atmospheric column.
9. Air speed sensor for the convection loop
How it works –
1. the external light source is intermittently switched on and off to simulate a planets rotation.
2. The target disk heats up and thereby heats the gasses in contact with it and also emits LWIR.
3. Heated gasses rise up the centre of the internal cylinder, are cooled by the top cap and descend outside the internal cylinder in a convection loop.
4. The foil covered insulation also bounces most LWIR until it impacts the cooling cap and is absorbed.
If a higher internal pressure of dry nitrogen yields higher internal temperatures with the same external light source then Nikolov and Zellers claims are proved correct. A further slightly expensive variation on the experiment would be to mount the cylinder on a centrifuge arm and spin it to such speed that a significant pressure gradient were created along the length of the cylinder, with the light source and cooling cap being at the low pressure end.
This topic has generated over 700 comments at WUWT, yet no one has sought out conclusive empirical data. This illustrates the problem with climate science quite well, too many try to do science from their keyboard , not in the lab or the field. Now get Mum or Dad to help with the scissors and do the experiment.

December 31, 2011 5:18 pm

Joel Shore says:
December 31, 2011 at 2:16 pm
“…you have 240 W/m^2 of energy coming in and 390 W/m^2 going out.”
I don’t know where you pulled these numbers from. I do not know why you are having trouble with the concept, when it is the same deal with GHGs, but just a different hypothesized mechanism for increased energy retention by the atmosphere.
I do know that Watts is a measure of power, though, and it is making me grit my teeth when you use such imprecise language, and I suspect it may be the root of your confusion.

December 31, 2011 5:33 pm

Erinome says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:48 pm
“This is precisely why climate scientists calculate trends over a few decades (usually 3) instead of just one — there are too many short-term fluctuations in a decade that can mask the long-term trend.”
And, there are long term fluctuations which can mask it in three decades, particularly when that is very close to the half period of the obvious ~60 year quasi-cyclical component in global average temperature readily evident to the naked eye in plots of yearly averages. Thirty years is almost precisely the interval guaranteed to give you the maximum indicated warming during the upswing of this component. Is that an accident? I suspect not.
Linear regressions are not truth. They are not magic. They do not reveal something which cannot be seen with the naked eye with proper filtering and perspective. But, the naked eye can discern patterns which such elementary canned routines cannot. And, it is quite apparent that we have recently simply reached the peak for the ~60 year period, and are now poised for the next ~30 year decline.
I would hardly be surprised if you disagree. Indeed, I would be astounded if you did not. But five, maybe ten years from now, you will look back and wonder why you failed to allow yourself to admit the obvious, painful truth – there is no anthropogenic global warming of any significance.

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 5:37 pm

(1) The numbers come from Trenberth and Kiehl ( http://chriscolose.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/kiehl4.jpg?w=480&h=350 ) and are good to within several W/m^2. The 390 W/m^2 can also be estimated from the average surface temperature. The greenhouse effect mechanism presents a very clear explanation of what happens: Some of the ~390W/m^2 from the Earth’s surface is absorbed by the atmosphere; hence, not all of it escapes to space. (The atmosphere emits too, but since it is at a colder temperature, it emits at a lower intensity.) All of the alternative mechanisms seems to rely on some vague magic involving things like “the gravitational field interacting with the kinetic movement of molecules” with no quantitative calculations to accompany it and, in fact, no quantitative accounting of energy at all. Do you see the difference?
(2) Sorry…Would you be happier with “…you have energy coming in at a RATE of 240 W/m^2 (or really an INTENSITY of 240 W/m^2…”? And, while I may be a bit sloppy with the terminology (as nearly everyone is), I don’t think I am the one getting confused.

Joel Shore
December 31, 2011 5:38 pm

…I should also add to (1) that for the greenhouse effect, we have detailed empirical evidence like actual spectra both of “back-radiation” and of the radiation from the Earth as seen from space, with the “bites” taken out of it at the known absorptions wavelengths of the various greenhouse gases.

December 31, 2011 5:56 pm

Bart says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:29 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:03 pm

“Unless he can tell us what he means, I’m not chasing his ideas around to try to pin them down.”

Then, take what he said, interpret it in a way that makes sense to you, and put that forward as your own working hypothesis. You are being counterproductively punctilious.

That sounds fine, but there’s no way I’ve found to twist it so that it makes sense. Nor am I being counterproductive. We have something called “enhanced energy” which supposedly is activated by “external heat”. If that makes sense to you, run with it. Me, I need definitions and examples of those concepts before I go further.

December 31, 2011 5:58 pm

Joe Zeise says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:46 pm

Willis, you are missing the point. The more mass and pressure that the planet’s atmosphere has the greater potential for heating compared to a planet with a less massive atmosphere given an equal source of solar energy.

That also makes no sense. Please define “potential for heating”. If you mean “thermal mass” … so what?

December 31, 2011 6:00 pm

kwik says:
December 31, 2011 at 1:08 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:24 pm

“Me, I always get stuck at the “therefore” part. As I commented to Hans Jelbring at the time, if his theory were true, then the surface of a dead planet with an atmosphere and no sun near it should be warmer than the empty space around it … and that sounds like perpetual motion to me.”

Well, I think they answered that. If I am not mistaken, they say the sun’s input is enough to keep the energy “at bay”. If there is no sun, its energy will “die out”, if you wait long enough. Dont kknow how long you must wait, though.

Have I wandered into another dimension? How on earth does one keep energy at bay? Where does energy go when it “dies out”?

December 31, 2011 6:27 pm

Bart, of course linear regressions aren’t truth. But it disproves the original commenter’s contention that there has been no warming for the last 13 years, which was all I was doing.
There is no obvious 60-year cycle in global average temperature — when I look at the HadCRUT3 data starting in 1850, my naked eye does not see an obvious 60-year cycle.. Because it might appear in spectral analysis does not make it real — any Fourier analysis of data over a finite range will find frequencies that stick out simply due to the boundaries. What is the physical mechanism?
I would hardly be surprised if you disagree. Indeed, I would be astounded if you did not. But five, maybe ten years from now, you will look back and wonder why you failed to allow yourself to admit the obvious, painful truth – there is no anthropogenic global warming of any significance.
Now there’s a novel way to win an argument — assume the future does what you predict, and then blame me today. Brilliant!

December 31, 2011 6:36 pm

Hey, Willis, and ilk, are you really being objective here?
“Let’s call this greater temperature the “relatively enhanced gravitational pressure energy”. Because there is more pressure from increased gravity, it increases the rate of … hang on, what did he call it … oh, right, it increases the density-dependent rates of molecular collision, which in turn leads to …”
Is it not possible that you do not understand this statement? Is it wrong, if you don’t understand it?. But, of course, I don’t quite understand it, either, and the authors should come forth and explain it. But…you tread on a very unscientific Pravada style theme here, wherein you slam a whole concept because of some verbiage about which you have some QUESTION.
And I find it fascinating for such a brilliant person to challenge ONLY one little part of the treatise! How about all the empirical stuff, Willis???
Facts are, at this point, there is still NO frigging empirical evidence for some silly “radiative atmospheric greenhouse effect.” Period.
And Ira is totally ignoring all evidence contrary to his “science.,” as far as I can tell. He is presenting the same old tired idea of energy stored up in a “bomb.” You have pressure, temperature, or some combination. It has absolutely no connection with the Planet Earth. The FACT is that the atmosphere and the oceans STORE energy, and that is ALL there is to the “greenhouse effect.” That is being demonstrated to be true with each passing year, as the quantity of “greenhouse gases” keeps increasing, while the World does not seem to care or express any change!
The heat stored by the planet, replenished each day by our Sun, is sufficient to keep the gases at the magic temperature at which we live, thanks to the Great Almighty. GHG radiation has absolutely nothing to do with this, which is EXACTLY what the subject article demonstrates!

December 31, 2011 6:41 pm

After doing a bit more research, I don’t think substantial variations in the lapse rate are possible with realistic changes in atmospheric pressure. The variations in specific heat listed here:
imply a lapse rate(and hence, a surface temperature) that only changes trivially with changes in atmospheric pressure (the lapse rate is defined as the acceleration due to gravity divided by the specific heat of air).
Unless there is some novel way of calculating the lapse rate that I am unaware of, the heating proposed by this theory cannot be due to changes in the lapse rate. IMO, unless it can lay out specifically the means by which a temperature increase due to an injection of atmosphere can *persist*, I think this is a dead end.
Cheers, 🙂

December 31, 2011 6:44 pm

“…you have 240 W/m^2 of energy coming in and 390 W/m^2 going out.”
I don’t know where you pulled these numbers from.
I think they standard numbers from the team.
Something solar energy per meter of diameter of earth divided.
Hmm try 1321 W per meter before the atmosphere.
1.74 x 10^17 watts
12,756 6378 km 1.27 x 10^8 km 1.27 x 10^14 sq meters
So total solar power: 1.74 x 10^17 watts divided by area: 1.27 x 10^14 sq meters
gives: 1370 divide 4 [so whole globe] gives 342.5 W then times .7 gives 239.7 W
And times by .7 because 30% cloud cover [or some other idiocy].
Anyways it makes no sense.
Suppose you had planet like Mars at Mars distance [solar flux around 600 W per sq meter] from
equal two stars which some keep on opposite side- giving Mars constant day globally.
How warm is Mars going to get? No doubt it will be warmer.
My guess is you will still a frozen polar cap- or maybe both poles would summer- so maybe if it would wouldn’t case. But I would say you could have surface temperature of 27 C [80 F]. Or you are never going to get close frying eggs on a sidewalk.
Earth with this Mars. It should even cooler sidewalks.
Lets go wild and have four suns surrounding the Mars or Earth and the fours are giving
250 W per sq and shining there isn’t any nite anywhere- and there overlap so you would see two stars in the sky at various times and/or locations. Would this be warmer?
Jupiter distance is 50 watts per square meter. So it’s at some distance between Mars and Jupiter.
Hmm. here: Ceres: The solar irradiance of 150 W/m2 (in aphelion). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonization_of_Ceres
According wiki the highest surface temperature on Cere is 235 K
And aphelion is 2.9 AU and perihelion is 2.5 AU. Perihelion would be close to 250 W.
“The Cererian surface is relatively warm. The maximum temperature with the Sun overhead was estimated from measurements to be 235 K (about −38 °C, −36 °F) on 5 May 1991”
So I would guess four suns the sidewalk would never get above freezing and a Mars like planet would get warmer than earth like planet.

December 31, 2011 7:13 pm

My back of the envelope calc was for the tropics ONLY and would not be valid for the earth as a whole. My discussion of the temperate and arctic zones was to illustrate how much more complex doing the same for areas outside the tropics would be. I did NOT average the poles with the equatorial regions as you assumed! I arrived at an equilibrium temp of 150K for the tropics ONLY based on a simple SB model solved across a 24 hour period of the insolation rising from 0 at dawn to 1000 w/m2 at noon and falling back to 0 at sunset. That would in fact, be roughly the equilibrium temperature of the tropics via SB Law under those circumstances.
As to your statement:
“The radiance at the poles does go down to zero, but, using the SB Law, that would correspond to a temperature of 0 K or -273ºC, and, due to conduction and convection, the poles never get down that low”>>>>
EXACTLY! But WITHOUT the atmosphere conducting, convecting, absorbing and re-radiating, what would the equilibrium temperature of the poles be if they were at zero insolation for months ata time? Answer: -273! Calculating the “base” temperature of the earth exclusively on SB Law and a uniform 235 w/m2 yields a temperarure of about 253K. That calculation IGNORES conduction, convection as well. To have an apples to apples comparison, one either ignores those factors in Both calcs, or INCLUDES them in both calcs.
By ignoring them, and using a uniform 235 w/m2 24x7x365 insolation, we get about 253 degrees which compared to 288 yields around 35 degrees for warming from the atmosphere.
BUT, if we treat insolation as 12x7x365, rising from 0 to 1000 w/m2 over the day light hours, the tropics yield a base temperature of about 150K. The temperate and arctic zones would be WAY more complicated to calculate via a back of the envelope calc because AVERAGE insolation declines as latitude increases, but VARIANCE of the insolation INCREASES. Add to that the fact that “day” is sometimes much longer than night, and sometimes the reverse. Plus albedo changes dramaticaly as well.
So what’s the “right” number? Well, if the whole earth was just like the tropics, the “right” number would be in the area of 138 degrees K attributed to the atmosphere. My rough guess being that the temperate and arctic zones would yield a lower number than that, but still far higher than the currently accepted 35 degrees, it seems to me that N&Z’s calculation of 100 degrees due to atmospheric warming is FAR more realistic than 35 degrees.

December 31, 2011 7:16 pm

Bart says:
December 31, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Ira says:
“If you pump a container up to some pressure and maintain that pressure by pumping a bit more until the temperature stabilizes to that of your kitchen…”
Ira, forgive me, I must be harsh. This is a nonsensical statement. Pressure is created by molecular motion. Molecular motion is temperature. Boyle’s law is a statement of equivalence. You have made a conceptual error. You cannot separate these variables so. They are intimately intertwined in a 1-1 relationship. You simply cannot have an arbitrary temperature with an arbitrary pressure. It cannot be done.

December 31, 2011 7:24 pm

Erinome says:
December 31, 2011 at 6:27 pm
“But it disproves the original commenter’s contention that there has been no warming for the last 13 years, which was all I was doing.”
He said 13 years. Thirteen years ago right now was December 30, 1998. So, no, you did not disprove it.
There is no obvious 60-year cycle in global average temperature…”
There is to my eyes. But, I have had a LOT of experience in such data analysis.
“…any Fourier analysis of data over a finite range will find frequencies that stick out simply due to the boundaries.”
Ah, no. Or, at least, not without predictable structure.
“What is the physical mechanism?”
Random excitation of a modal response of the Ocean-Atmospheric-Solar system. Such processes are very common, nay expected, in a system described by elliptical partial differential equations with regular boundary conditions and random forcing.

December 31, 2011 7:26 pm

Ok, we have had a perfect cloudless sunny day and I have just conducted my first very basic empirical experiment to check Nikolov and Zellers claims. Initial results indicate they may be correct.
What was done –
– 2 identical 1.25L PETG drink bottles recovered from the new years party detritus had one side spray painted black.
– One bottle had a input port with tap attached though it’s lid
– Both bottles had small holes drilled in their base and probe thermometers force fitted (0.1 degree resolution)
– The lower ends of both bottles were shielded with foam and foil to prevent solar heating of the thermometer probes.
– A fish tank pump capable of aprox 0.1 bar was attached to the input port of one bottle with 1m of pvc tubing coiled though a tub of ice water.
– The bottle without the pump was squeezed slightly be fore the cap was attached firmly
– The bottle with the pump was pumped up until rigid and the tap closed
– Both bottles were left to equalise with indoor room temperature
– Both bottles were placed in full sun on a sheet of EPS foam with their dark side down
– Temperature rise in both bottles was observed
– The experiment was repeated several times, swapping bottles, caps and thermometers to eliminate rig or instrument bias
What was observed –
– Both bottles internal temperature quickly rose around 25C above ambient air temperature reaching around 50C
– The bottle with the higher internal pressure exceeded that of the low pressure bottle by around 1.5 degrees (typical readings 50.5C verse 49C)
– When bottles were warmed then shielded from the sunlight with a sheet of EPS foam, the high pressure bottle appeared to initially cool quicker
I was surprised to see such a small pressure differential created by a fish tank pump actually cause a measurable temperature differential. While the partial pressure of radiative greenhouse gasses would be raised in the higher pressure bottle, this could not account for the observed temperature difference between the bottles. This experiment, while crude, indicates that if the Earth had a higher pressure nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere, the surface air temperature may be higher for the same amount of solar input. Nikolov and Zeller may well be correct. I believe that it would now be appropriate for those disputing the Nikolov and Zeller claims to back their arguments with empirical evidence.

December 31, 2011 7:29 pm

How does a microwave cooker work?
It heats the dense water molecules in the food but not the low density air surrounding the food.
It is so simple

Richard M
December 31, 2011 7:36 pm

Here’s another way to look at “enhanced energy”. Compare 3 identical sized planets with different mass. Assume one is Earth, the second has 2x Earth’s mass and the other 1/2 the mass (yeah, it’s a thinking experiment). One would expect the atmosphere on the 1/2 mass planet to cool more by expansion of the atmosphere while the atmosphere on the 2x mass planet would not be able to expand near as much and hence would be unable to cool as much.
If all the planets were receiving the same solar heat then why wouldn’t they have the same temperature? Gravity. The “enhanced energy” is really a suppression of cooling by reducing the volume of atmosphere that contains the energy. There’s no more energy, it’s just contained in a smaller volume which raises the temperature.
OK, I’m a math guy so I could be completely wrong.

Bob Fernley-Jones
December 31, 2011 7:53 pm
December 31, 2011 8:16 pm

I think you are being very obtuse:
“There are a few people in this thread who have contributed far, far more heat than light. They are welcome to continue posting here if they meet the Moderator’s criteria, but I do not have to, nor do I intend to read beyond their display names. That is my New Year’s resolution. Happy New Year.”
Dear Ira, PhD: I hope you are smart enough to realize that your statement added nothing at all toward this thread. Sorry, Doktor!
I would suggest that you have some serious learning problem if you “stop reading” posts/articles/etc. when you get nervous/anxious/disgusted/mad about some comments. Could it be a sign of immaturity/doubt/religion? DEFINITELY NOT a sign of SCIENCE, for sure! You really should know, if you really have that PhD that the science has absolutely nothing to do with your “feelings” here. Were you a graduate student of Michael Mann? Do you quit reading literature in your field (which is what??) that “bugs you?”
You DO need to read things that you don’t agree with, right? Anyone who says he/she “stops reading” at some point suggests to me that he/she is scared or very, very unscientific. You can have your opinions, but you cannot have your own facts, sir!
PS: I have a very high regard for Willis, but I think his ego is on the line here, also. There is NO empirical proof of any “atmospheric radiative greenhouse effect.” AND, UNTIL THERE IS SOME EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FOR SUCH, THERE IS NO SCIENCE.
All the empirical evidence points in the OPPOSITE direction. Sorry, but you have failed to refute this elementary proposition, so you don’t have ANY science! BUMMER, HEY?

December 31, 2011 8:32 pm

Konrad says:
“This experiment, while crude, indicates that if the Earth had a higher pressure nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere, the surface air temperature may be higher for the same amount of solar input. Nikolov and Zeller may well be correct. ”
Good to have someone here with a practical rather than a simply theoretical habit of mind.

December 31, 2011 8:44 pm

Bart says:
December 31, 2011 at 7:16 pm
I should caveat that I am talking about the regime in which pressures and temperatures are relatively low, as in the Earth’s atmosphere. In other situations, the pressure/temperature relationship becomes affine. But, the variables are still not arbitrarily decoupled.

December 31, 2011 9:14 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
December 31, 2011 at 7:53 pm
jae @ December 31, 6:36 pm
Nicely put JAE!
Agree. Thank JAE for being able to understand. Bob, you do see deep enough in this matter to see what it means don’t you. It means that, as JAE was implying, that the lapse rate is anchored at the surface, not at the TOA as Joel Shores et al have been preaching. Exaggerate to get some insight. Let’s say the sun was suddenly twice as bright, what would that mean? One, what would be the temperature at the surface and two, what would be the lapse rate and three, where would then be the TOA? Look at the units of the terms in the equations to shout at you.
As far as the temperature you can see by my chart above it is computed by parameters that have nothing to do with radiation, none, period.
As Richard S Courtney was saying, the natural lapse rate is –g/cp and neither, gravitational acceleration and the specific heat, have nothing to due with radiation, none, period.
Those two mean the TOA would be higher, much higher but the surface temperature would remain the same. This is not saying temporary shifts in albedo would not put the earth system away from this natural point but if pushed it would return as fast as additional energy was either accumulated or dispersed by rates such as conductivity of the ocean water or soil, or additional or reduced radiation to space to return it to equilibrium.
And I’m not taking about short lived weather events as the energy here in the system fluxes from point to point. In fact, I can find no factor that could possibly cause ANY permanent movement of this equilibrium point but variances in the atmosphere’s mass. Do you?
Keep your eyes on the units of these terms tossed about. That where the truth lies.
( I spent almost a year on dimensional analysis and if you don’t know exactly what that is, review this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_analysis )
Good to see you around Bob_FJ. Want hear how your efforts on the science shows is coming. And on horizontal radiation, hand on to that thought, that is key in explaining just why the above occurs, how it works.
So, yes if you question, I am drawn to Dr. Nikolov & Zeller’s work. They have already shown real, absolutely real physics sense in the first part of their theory (I haven’t gotten all of the way through yet). But, it does mean hundreds or even thousands of ship-shod climate science theories and hypotheses just bit the dust and their flaws were all in simple, flawed logic, had a feeling it was there. That is undeniable and the screams are going to get loud!
Let me know if you can see what I laid out above.

December 31, 2011 9:37 pm

Konrad says:
December 31, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Ok, we have had a perfect cloudless sunny day and I have just conducted my first very basic empirical experiment to check Nikolov and Zellers claims. Initial results indicate they may be correct. …

First, my congratulations, gotta love a man who actually does some experiments.
I’d be cautious in the interpretation of this one. I suspect that a slight pressure would expand the sides of the bottles slightly. It wouldn’t take much to change the temperature, for two reasons. One is that the more swollen bottle will intersect more sun. The second is that the rate of heat loss is proportional to the ratio of surface to volume. So in the pressurized bottle the expanded volume with the same surface area would lose heat more slowly.
Bear in mind that at 50°C, one degree of temperature difference is a change of only 0.3% (three tenths of one percent). The calculation is (273.15 + 51) / (273.15 + 50) – 1, you have to use Kelvin.
So a change in cross sectional area of the bottle of only 0.3% could be at the root of the problem. I’d try it again with glass containers before declaring victory.
Keep us posted if you continue, and well done.

December 31, 2011 10:17 pm

“What was observed –
– Both bottles internal temperature quickly rose around 25C above ambient air temperature reaching around 50C
– The bottle with the higher internal pressure exceeded that of the low pressure bottle by around 1.5 degrees (typical readings 50.5C verse 49C)
– When bottles were warmed then shielded from the sunlight with a sheet of EPS foam, the high pressure bottle appeared to initially cool quicker”
The bottle squeezed after heating was also higher pressure than ambient, due to heating?
I think you create more vacuum by squeezing bottle than most people would expect- of course
it depends on structural strength of container- but I say easily more than 1 psi, and wouldn’t too surprise if got 4-5 psi reduction.
So went up 25 K, got to 50 C. so started from 25 C or 298 K to 323K which is 11-12% increase
so heat would pressurize by about 1.6 psi.
So removed pressure by squeezing and didn’t have pressured after heat, you removed more
than 1.5 psi.

December 31, 2011 10:30 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 31, 2011 at 9:37 pm
It would indeed be prudent to be cautious about the interpretation of such a basic test. The point you raise about the expansion of the bottles is relevant as PETG bottles are elastic, especially at elevated temperatures.
Previously on the thread I did describe a more involved experiment with apparatus that would eliminate some of the issues with the crude experiment just conducted. However the “atmospheric column simulator” would be expensive to build. In particular the desire for a centrifuge to create a pressure gradient along the test chamber would be rather costly. Where are those “Big Oil” dollars when you need them? 😉
Unfortunately I will be unable to progress any refinements to the basic test for a week or so due to work commitments. However the results from the test conducted were interesting enough that I will try to build a further test chamber, more like the test chamber I proposed earlier on the thread. I would maintain that I now see the Nikolov and Zeller claim as plausible and would be unwilling to dismiss it without firm empirical evidence disproving it.
One other point I would raise is that Nikolov and Zeller are proposing several papers about this theory. Given the simplicity (but not necessarily low cost) of possible empirical experiments in this area of study, it is possible they have already conducted some.

December 31, 2011 10:55 pm

Fernley-Jones: I forgot I posted to you on this thread without my simple Venus, Earth, Mars table that I referenced. If you have not seen it already check either link:
http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/30/feedback-about-feedbacks-and-suchlike-fooleries/#comment-848012 or
(both have some explanations above)

Richard S Courtney
December 31, 2011 11:05 pm

Joel Shore:
It is reasonable for you to evangelise your faith in the AGW hypothesis.
And it is reasonable for you to dispute the Jelbring Hypothesis.
But it is NOT reasonable for you to defend your faith by misrepresenting anything – including the Jelbring Hypothesis – which challenges your faith. And that is what you are doing in this thread.
Firstly, at December 31, 2011 at 2:16 pm and again at December 31, 2011 at 2:16 pm, you attempt to refute the hypothesis by asking:
“Look, you have 240 W/m^2 of energy coming in and 390 W/m^2 going out. Where is the extra 150 W/m^2 coming from? Be specific.”
And you compound that at December 31, 2011 at 3:13 pm saying;
“Just to add a bit more specificity to my last comment: If you propose that energy is coming from the gravitational field, that means that the gravitational potential energy is decreasing (at some rate like 150 W/m^2 of earth’s surface). What is causing this large decrease in gravitational potential energy?”
Only you has mentioned the radiative energy imbalance of 150 W/m^2 suggested by Kiehl & Trenberth, and only you has suggested that the imballance “is coming from the gravitational field”.
The answer to your question, of course, is that the radiative energy imbalance of 150 W/m^2 results from back radiation. But so what?
I remind that I wrote at December 31, 2011 at 12:56 am
“The Jelbring Hypothesis (now also presented by Nikolov & Zeller) amounts to the following.
‘All the radiative, convective and evaporative effects in a planet’s atmosphere adjust such that the atmosphere obtains a temperature lapse rate close to that defined by –g/cp, and this lapse rate defines the planet’s average surface temperature. The average surface temperature is observed to agree with the Jelbring Hypothesis on each planet with a substantial atmosphere that has a mass which varies little through the year.’
Clearly, some atmospheric effects (e.g. convection) do adjust in response to gravity. At issue is whether the interaction of all the radiative, convective and evaporative effects provides the suggested adjustment.”
So, the hypothesis says that any effect of your asserted very, very disputable “extra 150 W/m^2” is to increase evaporation and conduction that cool the surface such that –g/cp is maintained.
So, what relevance of any kind does your question have to any consideration of the hypothesis? Be specific.
Secondly, at December 31, 2011 at 2:16 pm you assert:
“Apparently, violating the Law of Conservation of Energy is not a substantial enough flaw for you guys!”
Where have we guys who support and adhere to the scientific method violated the Law of Conservation of Energy? Be specific.
PS I again remind that I do not know if the Jelbring Hypothesis is right or wrong. I am writing to object to your behaviour that is very wrong.

December 31, 2011 11:19 pm

“As Richard S Courtney was saying, the natural lapse rate is –g/cp and neither, gravitational acceleration and the specific heat, have nothing to due with radiation, none, period.”
You are right about this, however, I think you are barking up the wrong tree(I just finished doing that myself). It turns out that even large changes in atmospheric pressure cause very small changes in specific heat(less than twenty 20% increase in cp for a change from 0.01 atm to 100 atm for air) . As such, for all intents and purposes lapse rate can be treated as constant.
Cheers, 🙂

December 31, 2011 11:42 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD shouts to jae (and he very well knows many others):
December 31, 2011 at 7:22 pm
“They [who dare disagree with IRA’s view of ‘science’] are welcome to continue posting here if they meet the Moderator’s criteria, but I do not have to, nor do I intend to read beyond their display names. That is my New Year’s resolution.”
There you go Ira, keep them shut good and tight, it is your personal right after all. Anyway, seems you will need that ignorance very soon (then of course, you really should remove that PEE ACH DEE, a keeper of science, from behind your name). But, I don’t think you have the right to play God projecting your power to all of the commenters here on your posts. Yes, many have been watching your sly tactics.
[Wayne, your comment above misrepresents my reason for ignoring further comments by jae. As I make clear in my comment (December 31, 2011 at 7:22 pm) I object to jae’s charge that “Hey, Willis, and ilk, are you really being objective here?” That is a personal attack on Willis, one of the most informed and objective Guest Contributors at WUWT. In the above comment, you misrepresent my willingness to read and rationally consider postings of those who disagree with my view of science. I do read every comment on my threads and many on other threads, and, you may notice, I reply to many who disagree with my views. And, I try to do so courteously and without questioning motives. I accept that I may be wrong on some scientific issues, which is far from playing God. Have a Happy New Year! – Ira]

Bob Fernley-Jones
December 31, 2011 11:44 pm

Tim Folkerts @ December 30, 8:00 am
Hi Tim, it’s good to see a real physicist join in here, but please let me ask a few questions upon your assertions, in which you start with:

I tend to agree with Ira & Willis. Let me propose a few scenarios that get to the core issues and see what conclusions people reach …

AND then in part:

2) Earth with a pure N2 atmosphere with a surface pressure of 1 atm (and consequently no clouds), somehow “painted” so that the albedo is 0.3 (emissivity = 0.7 for incoming solar radiation). I conclude the “average surface temperature” would STILL be ~ 255 K (as required by Stephan-Boltzmann calculations, since radiation at the surface is unchanged from Scenario 1), with the N2 above the surface cooling off at a rate of ~ 10 C/km (the dry adiabatic lapse rate).

A) You assert that if all GHG’s, [and by implication all surface water?], are removed from the atmosphere, the surface temperature would be 255K. However, when I do an S-B calculation for outgoing radiation at 255K, I get about 240 W/m^2, and of course, this must ALL escape directly to space in a transparent atmosphere. (the alleged net radiative heat transfer from the surface is 240 W/m^2.) BUT; according to Trenberth et al, this greatly exceeds the incoming surface absorbed energy from the Sun, given as ~161 W/m^2. Would you please answer on what seems to be a major paradox?
B) So you agree that there is a lapse rate, regardless of GHG’s?

December 31, 2011 11:47 pm

Perhaps the basic experimental proof is simple. Arrange some glass cylinders around an IR lamp, equidistant from the lamp. Fill each with a different gas, heavier than air. Thus the density of each will be different.
then measure the equilibrium temperature in each.

January 1, 2012 12:07 am

we all seem to be getting bogged down with words (both pro and con).
I suggest that you settle down and work your way through the maths, summarised in Table 1 and equations 2, 7 and 8.
You will then see what N&Z did not highlight.
They have created a set of interlocking equations which agree with the data.
They may be right or wrong, I am not an expert on atmospheric physics.
But any critism or modifications must also balance in the way that N&Z have done.
Hi Willis as well.
I also suggest that you go beyond the (perhaps) loosely or incorrect termonolgy.
Do the maths.
Then comment.
That’s why we always look forward to your contributions.
This paper deserves either confirmation or destruction.
Regards and a Happy New Year

January 1, 2012 4:21 am

“Previously on the thread I did describe a more involved experiment with apparatus that would eliminate some of the issues with the crude experiment just conducted. However the “atmospheric column simulator” would be expensive to build. In particular the desire for a centrifuge to create a pressure gradient along the test chamber would be rather costly. Where are those “Big Oil” dollars when you need them? ;)”
You don’t need many gees- 4 or say 10 gees.
Spin cycle on washing machine does 114.6 gees:
And bicycle tire at around 100 rpm could give about 5-6 gee – equal to tire speed when riding
at 10 mph. But is maybe overly complicated. How about A 24″ box fan motor, with a stick, hmm would have remove fan motor from box. Or a drill, secured- making secure could hard). A threaded bolt with 4 nuts and two washers. A short stick- say less than 2′. 2 Somethings that attach to each end of stick and can balanced some way. Balance stick first, Then two of something which will be the test chambers- a short piece of PVC pipe?
So jam PVC pipe on end of stick, then bolt, clamp, glue, whatever. Balance that. Then you can glue a PVC adapter to this. Use strong and light material. And I assume you want to spin horizontally rather vertically..
Hmm, I say rather than try to heat it while spinning, cool it, and allow to warm??
Here’s paint gun using PVC and coke bottle:
Guy says coke bottle can have up to 160 psi .
Come to think about all need to do is pressurize and spin it. And measure temperature.
If you don’t pressure it, it will create vacuum at one end of bottle.

J Martin
January 1, 2012 5:23 am

Would there be any extra benefit in carrying out a matching experiment on the Moon as well as Earth ? Perhaps Mars as well.
OK it would add some cost, but we have spent $100b on climate science for precious little benefit. A suitable experiment could help to answer some pretty fundamental questions. It would either reinforce conventional wisdom or broaden our understanding of something we thought was done and dusted. NASA may not be up for it though, which could be a problem.
It’s time we reduced wasteful spending on simplistic climate models that never come close to reality and spent some money on actual boundary pushing research.
There is nothing wrong with questioning established science, that’s one way progress is made; flat Earth, Sun goes round the Earth, Newton, Einstein, etc etc.
Today we even have orbital maths that we thought was correct but now we find that there is a difference between theory and measurement. There is always room for new theories and advancement of our understanding of the complexities of life.

Stephen Wilde
January 1, 2012 6:02 am

Why do I still hold a conviction that the N&Z / Selbring descriptions of the greenhouse effect as being gravity / pressure dependent were well known 50 years ago ?
Certainly it is the impression I had held since my schooldays until AGW introduced the issue of atmospheric composition as being relevant some 20 years ago.
The widespread apparent ignorance over this critical issue also reminds me of many heated discussions with AGW proponents over the past few years which hinged upon their apparent ignorance as regards the thermal effects of the phase changes of water and especially the peculiar nature of latent heat and of evaporation as a powerful net cooling process.
Taking just those two points together as lapses into ignorance due to past knowledge having been forgotten explains the entire AGW kerfuffle as a sad decline in scientific education over the past half century.
We have too many people knowing a lot about very little and not enough people knowing a little about a lot. The advantage of the latter group is the ability to put varied scientific concepts into a wider picture which is exactly what we need to do in order to get a grip on climate variability and to avoid daft misapprehensions such as AGW.

January 1, 2012 6:12 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 11:23 am
“When a guy starts raving about “relatively enhanced energy”, I tune out and go read some actual science.”
Now why being so hostile, Eschenbach?
It is funny how certain groups of scientists refuse to understand what others write, just because they arent using the exact wording of the other “camp”. A human trait, I suspect.
Maybe you need some more time to ponder on it.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 6:20 am

Bart says:

Ira, forgive me, I must be harsh. This is a nonsensical statement. Pressure is created by molecular motion. Molecular motion is temperature. Boyle’s law is a statement of equivalence. You have made a conceptual error. You cannot separate these variables so. They are intimately intertwined in a 1-1 relationship. You simply cannot have an arbitrary temperature with an arbitrary pressure. It cannot be done.

Your statement is completely wrong. The ideal gas law contains pressure, temperature, and number density of molecules. So, in fact, the pressure does not uniquely determine the temperature.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 6:29 am

jae says:

And I find it fascinating for such a brilliant person to challenge ONLY one little part of the treatise! How about all the empirical stuff, Willis???

Yeah, Willis! Are you going to let some minor little thing like the fact that their theory violates conservation of energy stand in the way of the fact that they can do a 4-free-parameter fit (which they never actually show) to what essentially amounts to 4 significantly-different-than-zero data points for data wrongly calculated? 😉

Facts are, at this point, there is still NO frigging empirical evidence for some silly “radiative atmospheric greenhouse effect.” Period.

Yeah…Once you take away the fact that the surface emits 390 W/m^2 while the Earth and its atmosphere absorb only 240 W/m^2, the measured absorption spectra of the various greenhouse gases, the measured radiation from the atmosphere at the earth’s surface, and the measured spectra of the Earth’s emissions as seen from space with “bites” taken out of them at just the wavelengths that are expected, there is hardly any empirical evidence left for the radiative atmospheric greenhouse effect!
Man, Willis is clearly one biased dude! It’s good we have clear, unbiased thinkers like jae here to put things in perspective!

Paul Bahlin
January 1, 2012 7:22 am

Thank you and well done. Should you get flamed for your crude apparatus, take comfort in the knowledge that you’re the first on the scene with actual scientific discovery. It doesn’t matter whether you prove or disprove anything at all. What matters is that the result contributes knowledge and is therefore a sign as to a way forward.
Here’s a conjecture to work with. Take two containers and fill them with different quantities of dry nitrogen. Put them in the sun hanging from strings. Let them both reach a steady state temperature. My conjecture is that the container with the most molecules is the one that reaches the highest steady state temperature differential over ambient.
More collisions (in higher density container) for same energy content (of each molecule) leads to higher pressure doesn’t it? With higher pressure induced by the dynamic energy environment out there in your back yard the temperature has to be higher in the container with the most critters.

January 1, 2012 7:36 am

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 6:20 am
“So, in fact, the pressure does not uniquely determine the temperature.”
You are right. In Ira’s artificial setup, there is a reservoir of additional gas molecules upon which to draw from the outside. I was sloppy in not pointing out that, in a planetary system, there is no such reservoir.

Peter Czerna
January 1, 2012 7:40 am

@Willis Eschenbach, passim
Everything you have written about the nonsensical ‘Unified Theory of Climate’ is spot on.
Anyone with any sense would not even bother to get beyond the ridiculously pompous title.
For all those jumping in demanding a chapter and verse refutation, it is just not worth it. This post is pure snake oil. You don’t need a mathematical analysis of this ‘paper’ – there is no sense there to analyze in the first place.
Considering all the real good that WUWT has done over the years it is such a pity that arrant nonsense like this post gets published here. Having this stuff kicking around just harms the reputation of the site.
Please, Mr Watts, do not publish any more contributions from Nikolov and Zeller.

January 1, 2012 7:59 am

jae says:
December 31, 2011 at 6:36 pm
“Facts are, at this point, there is still NO frigging empirical evidence for some silly “radiative atmospheric greenhouse effect.” Period.”
There is, but don’t look for it in daytime when convection is active. I have two thermometers (really), one at the 1 foot level and 1 at the 6 foot level. At night the 1 foot thermometer reads several degrees lower than the 6 foot thermometer, especially under clear skies. In daylight that difference goes away and the 1 foot thermometer tends to read higher.
This new paradigm will be resisted furiously by anybody who thinks they know what they are talking about vis a vis climate, even skeptics. The simple truth is that in daylight hours convection limits maximum temperatures, and at night greenhouse effect limits cooling rates. CO2 has nothing to do with maximum temperatures, but will limit cooling rates in cold, dry climates, so can contribute a small amount of warming in certain regions of the globe.
I will now look at weather charts with a new appreciation. Low pressure, cooler and wetter. High pressure, warmer and dryer. They say that correlation does not prove causation. This statement gives me heartburn every time I see it, but I will save that rant for another time.

January 1, 2012 8:45 am

For those who are interested – Roy Spencer has a good (IMO) takedown of this theory on his website.
Cheers, 🙂

Baa Humbug
January 1, 2012 9:22 am

From Iras article..

In case (A) Pressure >>CAUSES A TEMPORARY>> increase in Temperature.
In case (B) Temperature >>CAUSES A PERMANENT>> increase in Pressure.

The above is absolutely true in a situation where the variable, Volume (V) in the equation PV = nRT is kept constant by the gas cylinder.
For this to apply to the Earth Atmosphere system, it has to be shown that V is or can be considered to be a constant.
Furthermore, in case (A), P is increased artificially by way of introducing more mass (n), but in our equation PV = nRT as it applies to the Earth Atmosphere system, we assume n is close enough to be a constant. In other words, it is NOT POSSIBLE to increase P in the real world without FIRST changing T.
I think that means case (A) is irrelevant.
Case (B) is mathematically identical to case (A) in that we need to introduce an artificial influence i.e. we are adding value to the equation which results in T staying high, instead of falling as in case (A)
Take the Earth with an atmosphere so whispy thin that whatever influence it has on Earths energy budget can be taken as a constant.
This Earth will reach equilibrium temperature when the out going radiation is equal to the incoming radiation.
Now add enough atmosphere to match that of current Earth. In relation to PV = nRT, we have increased n, we have increased P, R is a constant and according to the authors of the ‘unified theory’, T also increases.
How much it increases depends on how much V changes.
The Earth still reaches thermal equilibrium when the outgoing radiation is equal to incoming radiation. No different to when it had a whispy thin atmosphere. Though now either V or T or both are a higher value.
We know that adding more atmosphere will lead to higher P and higher n in PV = nRT. Since R is a constant, we need to know if V is a constant or close enough to be considered a constant.
If the variability of V is too small (say due to gravity limitations), then T may rise even though both incoming and outgoing radiation hasn’t altered.
If the variance in V is big enough to balance the equation, there is no need for T to rise. According to some, volume V DOES vary enough to keep Ts relatively constant.
In the real Earth Atmosphere system, we know n doesn’t change in the time frames we are interested. And because gravity is constant, V can’t change unless P or T changes. We also know that P can’t change whilst n, V and gravity are constant unless T changes.
This means in the real world, temperature must change first. Whether temperature changes due to changes in solar influx, or changes to the composition of the atmosphere, or changes to the amount of energy released by the oceans during a given time frame, whilst this change is taking place, either P or V or both MUST CHANGE since n and R are constant.
In a closed system such as that in a gas tank, increasing T by however means will increase pressure only, due to V being constant. If the container was flexible and allowed some expansion (like a balloon), then P will still rise but not as much since V also rises to a new limit.
In an open system like that of the Earth, V only has gravity as a restriction, this means gravity and n (the numbers of molecules) are the key variables in the equation PV = nRT as applied to the Earth Atmosphere system.

ferd berple
January 1, 2012 9:43 am

There was an Israeli paper awhile back using unit root statistical analysis, as developed for economic forecasting, that analyzed temperature data and CO2 . What it showed was that increasing CO2 increased temperatures, but the increase was not permanent.
At the time there was no mechanism by which a temperature increase from increased CO2 could be temporary. By linking surface temperature gravitationally to the black-body temperature at top of atmosphere, such a mechanism is now provided.
The unit root analysis of CO2 provides confirmation that gravity and pressure controls surface temperatures, while increasing GHG leads to increasing convection.

Dan in Nevada
January 1, 2012 10:13 am

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
December 31, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Dr. Glickstein (can I call you Ira?), After your lengthy and polite response, you say “Sorry Dan”. I don’t have a dog in this fight – I just want to understand and I appreciate your helping me so please don’t apologize.
So, while I appreciate your opinion, what I was hoping for was a more definitive answer. I think this is probably basic thermodynamics but I’ve retained very little. I think my old textbook is out in the shed somewhere with my disco shoes and I doubt it would do me much good anyway.
Intuitively, it seems reasonable that any gas’s specific heat is higher at higher pressures, simply because you are heating more mass. From what I remember of thermodynamics, when heat is added the temperature goes up, work is done, or (more commonly) a combination. So it seems reasonable to me that a denser gas (higher pressure) will absorb more heat than a less dense gas and hence do more work and/or reach a higher temperature. Konrad’s experimentation seems to imply that this is the case.
But the most important thing is that I believe this is the crux of Drs. Nikolov’s and Zeller’s argument. If it’s not true, then they don’t have a case.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 10:13 am

Bart says:

You are right. In Ira’s artificial setup, there is a reservoir of additional gas molecules upon which to draw from the outside. I was sloppy in not pointing out that, in a planetary system, there is no such reservoir.

Bart: You are talking nonsense. If you think you can uniquely determine the temperature from the pressure by using the ideal gas law, then by all means, demonstrate this.

January 1, 2012 11:12 am

Joel Shore;
Yeah…Once you take away the fact that the surface emits 390 W/m^2 while the Earth and its atmosphere absorb only 240 W/m^2>>>
But Joel…
The whole point is that 390 w/m2 is WRONG!
Demonstrably WRONG!
P = 390 w/m2 is arrived at by taking the “average” temperature T of earth surface of 15 C and calculating P via SB Law. THAT IS A COLOSSAL MATHEMATICAL MISTAKE!
Yes, I’m yelling! With just cause!
P = 5.67 * 10^-8 * T^4
Is that the right equation, or isn’t it?
You CANNOT first average T, and then calculate P!
The ONLY valid mathematical approach is to average T^4 and THEN calculate P!
Joel, please, look at the equations! You cannot dispute what I have just said and get to keep your degree! Ignore your belief system for a moment, JUST DO THE MATH!
Is the average of T converted to T^4 the same as the average of T^4 converted to T?
Here is a dead simple, easy to understand example that proves my point. Take two data points on earth, one at +30C and one at 0C for an average of 15 C:
D1 = 30C = 303K = 478 w/m2
D2 = 0C = 273K = 315 w/m2
“average” T = 15C
“average” P = 396 w/m2
Where did 390 go?
Let’s make it more obvious and use +40 and – 10C. DO THE MATH!
D1 = 40C = 313K = 544 w/m2
D2 = -10C = 263K = 271 w/m2
“average” T = 15C
“average” P = 408 w/m2
You’re rebuttal relies on 390 w/m2 squared being right. But given that it is calculate by averaging T and then converting to P, the only way it can POSSIBLY be right is by pure coincidence!

January 1, 2012 11:27 am

kwik says:
January 1, 2012 at 6:12 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
December 30, 2011 at 11:23 am

“When a guy starts raving about “relatively enhanced energy”, I tune out and go read some actual science.”

Now why being so hostile, Eschenbach?
It is funny how certain groups of scientists refuse to understand what others write, just because they arent using the exact wording of the other “camp”. A human trait, I suspect.
Maybe you need some more time to ponder on it.

Hostile? This is me being bored. I’m bored because I can’t understand the raving. Instead of answering my questions (like what is “relatively enhanced energy”), you want to bitch about my point of view? Come back when you have something to add. Until then, lead, follow, or get out of the way. Complaining about my mental state is meaningless.

January 1, 2012 11:36 am

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 10:13 am
“If you think you can uniquely determine the temperature from the pressure by using the ideal gas law, then by all means, demonstrate this.”
Given n, V, and R, of course you can. What are you thinking?

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 11:46 am

davidmhoffer says:

P = 390 w/m2 is arrived at by taking the “average” temperature T of earth surface of 15 C and calculating P via SB Law. THAT IS A COLOSSAL MATHEMATICAL MISTAKE!
Yes, I’m yelling! With just cause!

For heaven’s sake, David. Everybody in the field already understands the correct way that the average should be done. I alone have mentioned this and Holder’s Inequality probably a thousand times (slight exaggeration). The point is that it does not make a very large difference for Earth-like temperature distributions. You may be able to argue about whether 390 W/m^2 or 396 W/m^2 is a more accurate measure of the emission (and, in fact, I believe this is a large part of the reason why the estimate of the emission did change by a few W/m^2 between Kiehl and Trenberth’s original paper in the late 1990s and the recent update), but it ain’t going to be anywhere close to 240 W/m^2. Another point is that the emissivities of most terrestrial surfaces in the infrared are very close to 1 but not exactly 1. This effect and the difference between the average of T^4 and the (average of T)^4 error act in opposite directions and tend to at least partly cancel each other out.
These considerations are important if you are worried about getting the emission from the Earth down to better than a few W/m^2 but they are of zero importance for what we are talking about.
David: In real science, approximations are always being made. It is useful to assess those approximations and figure out what the potential errors are. But scientists do not go around talking about colossal mathematical mistakes every time someone makes an approximation. That is what people who desperately want the answer to come out a certain way do.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 12:18 pm

shawnhet says:

For those who are interested – Roy Spencer has a good (IMO) takedown of this theory on his website.

While I am not always Roy’s biggest fan, I must say that he has done a very good job in that post. I sort of feel sorry for Roy (and Willis and Ira) having to deal with so many people on their side (in the larger debate about the importance of AGW) who are willing to believe complete and total nonsense! Folks who fall into this category should realize that, while they may convince a few who are similarly confused about the basic science, you make the AGW skeptic community look really, really bad in the eyes of real physical scientists!

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 12:20 pm

Bart says:

“If you think you can uniquely determine the temperature from the pressure by using the ideal gas law, then by all means, demonstrate this.”
Given n, V, and R, of course you can. What are you thinking?

…Which is demonstrating exactly what I said: that the pressure does not uniquely determine the temperature because you also have to know the number density. (What not having an enclosed box gets you is that you don’t have to know n and V independently, but only need n/V.)

January 1, 2012 12:21 pm

davidmhoffer says:
January 1, 2012 at 11:12 am

Joel Shore;

Yeah…Once you take away the fact that the surface emits 390 W/m^2 while the Earth and its atmosphere absorb only 240 W/m^2>>>

But Joel…
The whole point is that 390 w/m2 is WRONG!
Demonstrably WRONG!

David, the 390 can be estimated from the average temperature of the earth. It is also a part of the overall energy budget of the planet, so it can be estimated as a “missing term” in that balance.
However, it also has been measured by satellites. Many satellites. Many times. It always gets measured at about the same, an average of somewhere around 390 w/m2.
So if you wish to say it is wrong, you need to:
1. Locate and understand the satellite records, and
2. Show why they are incorrect.
You are not arguing against theory as you seem to believe, David. You’re arguing against both theory and observations.
PS – I find it hilarious that you say “DO THE MATH!” regarding averaging using T^4 rather than T … but you haven’t done the math for the planet to show your point.
The HadCRUT3 global absolute temperaature data is here (zipped ascii file). I’ve just taken that data, converted it to the equivalent Stefan-Boltzmann radiation temperature, and area averaged the radiation temperatures as you recommend. Care to guess what the average radiation temperature is, using the HadCRUT3 absolute temperature data?
391.6 W/m2.
See, the scientists got there ahead of you … about 390 W/m2 is the answer we get when we do the average the way you recommend.
If I average the temperature in the normal way, on the other hand, and then converted it to S-B radiation temperature in W/m2, the answer is …
385.4 W/m2.
The T^4 average is larger than the T average, which is as we’d expect. as for example the RMS average is greater than the regular average.
In either case, however, Joel Shore’s point is still valid … as you would know if you had just decided to actually DO THE MATH rather than recommend that others do it.

January 1, 2012 1:35 pm

Your hostility is palpable, you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater and your math is wrong.
1. My point was to demonstrate that averaging T is mathematically incorrect, which I did.
2. At no time did I make any claims as to what the “right” number should be. As per your own calculations, you have shown a 6.1 w/m2 difference between the two approaches. In the context of the climate debate, 6.1 w/m2 is huge.
3. If you are going to caculate average P from a global data set, then to do it right, one cannot use the average annual T for a given grid cell. “T” for any given grid cell is an annual average derived from the monthly averages derived from the daily averages derived from the hourly averages. Given that daily fluctuations in T are often in the range of 20 degrees, and annual fluctations in T in temperate zones can be in the range of 80 degrees, simply calculating average P from an annualy averaged data set of T is making the exact same mathematical error I was trying to illustrate in the first place.
4. FURTHER to the above, in order to arrive at any meaningful understanding of energy balance, one would have to calculate P by averaging T^4 on an hourly basis and global basis and then trending those values collectivelly over time. Doing the same with average T masks the fact that an increase (for example) of several degrees in the Antarctic could easily be more than off set by a decrease in T in the tropics of just a few tenths of a degree.
I have a lot of respect for you Willis (though it is increasingly clear you have none for me) but in this case you are wrong and you are not being objective.

Dan in Nevada
January 1, 2012 1:44 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
January 1, 2012 at 11:26 am
Ira, thanks again for bearing with me. I should know better than showing up at a gunfight with only a knife, but here I go again:
You said: “Since specific heat is related to the heat capacity of a given mass of gas, we [are] heating or cooling exactly the same mass of gas M molecules in #1 as #2, so, to a first approximation, both will take the same amount of energy to heat to a higher temperature and will release the same amount of energy when cooled to a lower temperature.”
I do get that both containers have the same heat content if the same amount of energy is added to each (duh). But the same temperature? The authors made reference to the ideal gas law (which of course received a lot of criticism), but here’s where I think it might matter. Using PV=T (n and R are the same for each), you are essentially saying that when adding equal amounts of energy to each container, only the T term is affected. We’re assuming fixed volumes (one twice the other’s), but P can certainly be affected as well. It seems intuitive that the larger container, having less pressure, would manifest a larger portion of the heat input as increased pressure while the smaller container, at higher pressure, would increase temperature faster.
Does this make any sense?

January 1, 2012 1:51 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 12:20 pm
Which is demonstrating exactly what I said: that the pressure does not uniquely determine the temperature because you also have to know the number density.
Which is confirming exactly what I said at January 1, 2012 at 7:36 am. No external reservoir of gas molecules, no increase in “n”.

January 1, 2012 1:57 pm

TWIMC: I really haven’t taken a position one way or the other on whether GHGs or gravitationally induced dynamics are responsible for “greenhouse” warming. I’ve only been trying to get people to argue the question. It seems everyone is trying to avoid the real issues, either by arguing technicalities, or proposing weaknesses in the latter hypothesis which, if genuine, would also be weaknesses in the GHG hypothesis.

January 1, 2012 2:21 pm

davidmhoffer says:
January 1, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Your hostility is palpable, you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater and your math is wrong.

Yeah, and I’m ugly in the bargain …
David, you were responding to, or more accurately you were dodging Joel Shore’s question regarding the difference between ~ 240 W/m2 coming in from the sun, and the ~ 390 W/m2 upwelling from the surface.
In response you have been trying to say the problem is averaging T rather than T^4. But it’s not. It doesn’t matter which way you average. You are still a long ways from 240, whether you are using 386 or 391 W/m2.
So … what’s the answer to Joel’s question?

January 1, 2012 2:34 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 1, 2012 at 2:21 pm
“You are still a long ways from 240, whether you are using 386 or 391 W/m2.”
Are you guys arguing about this? I did not think that diagram was meant to show a complete energy budget. Also, W/m^2 is still a density, and may not integrate over the same area.

Richard S Courtney
January 1, 2012 2:44 pm

I agree much of what you say in your post addressed to Willis E. at January 1, 2012 at 1:35 pm.
But I write to dispute your stated opinion that he is not being “objective”.
Willis has disputed the Jelbring Hypothesis (JH) since it was published in 2003. He has rehearsed all the arguments over several years and he reached a conclusion long ago. And the same is true of me.
Willis and I have repeatedly and vigorously disagreed about the JH. He assesses it to be wrong and I assess that I have yet to see anything which would confirm it or deny it.
Our disagreement does not mean either of us is not being “objective” about the JH. Our different assessments indicate the different weightings we each apply to the evidence and the arguments.
Please note that I am not writing to defend Willis: he is more than capable of looking after himself.
I write to ensure that we all recognise objectivity can – and does – result in different conclusions when available evidence is not conclusive. (Incidently, when the evidence is conclusive then obtaining additional evidence may reveal our conclusion is wrong.)
This is important because when a claim that those with whom we disagree must be failing to be objective then our objectivity is lost: we are then guilty of claiming “the science is settled”.

January 1, 2012 3:11 pm

If it is an ugly contest you want, sorry, but you’re not in my league 😉
“David, you were responding to, or more accurately you were dodging Joel Shore’s question regarding the difference between ~ 240 W/m2 coming in from the sun, and the ~ 390 W/m2 upwelling from the surface.”
I was neither responding nor dodging. Joel is of course correct that there is a big difference that can only be accounted for by GH effect. My point to him was that he was relying on 390 w/m2 which is the value derived from SB Law using 15 C as the average, and that this is not a reliable calculation. In this case the wrongly calculated number happens to be the same order of magnitude as the actual number. Coincidence in this case masks the error, but it is still an error.
Further, the point of the climate debate at day’s end is not how much the actual difference is due to GH effect. That number is only usefull in the context of trying to determing if we are in fact causing a significant energy balance by increasing levels of CO2. If we calculate changes to that number in order to determine if we have a positive or negative energy balance, and we calculate it via average of T instead of average of T^4, we’ve arrived at a meaningless number that only looks potentially usefull because it happens to be the right order of magnitude.
Further still, if we measure P directly, we don’t NEED to know what the actual GH effect number is to determine if the energy balance is positive or negative. By measuring and trending P directly, we can make exactly that determination. Provided that we can measure P directly, why would we rely on indirect determinations of energy balance via calculation of the GH effect in the first place?
Further still (sorry, I’m on a bit of a rant) what evidence is being presented to us nearly daily showing that the energy imbalance is positive (ie heating up the earth)? Let’s go through the list:
NASA/GISS – average of T ona global basis.
Hadcrut – average of T ona global basis.
UAH/RSS – I expect they probably have data for P available, but casual glance at their web sites shows they display average of T first and foremost.
KNMI Climate Explorer – how many T related data bases are there on that site? Lots. Is there even ONE that gives you P? Not last I checked (which has been a while I will admit).
Paleo data – purports to provide a reconstruction of average T on a global basis.
These are all trends in T. Without a mathematically accurate method of converting T data to P data, we can’t possibly come to any conclusions regarding the earth accumulating energy or losing it, which is at day’s end THE question we want to answer. That in turn cannot be achieved by averaging T and converting to P.

ferd berple
January 1, 2012 3:44 pm

Whether the radiative transfer theory or the gravity theory of surface temperature is correct cannot be resolved through argument. That approach has repeatedly led to scientific blunders throughout history.
Cause and effect lead to circular arguments in science, because every cause has its own cause. Eventually you run into a wall called the unknown – those things we have not yet discovered. Such is the case with gravity for example – we can predict the effects but the cause remains unknown.
At the end of the day, the only tests that is meaningful in science is the ability to make predictions that are unexpected and can be verified. If a theory fails any test, it is likely incorrect. The leveling off of temperatures in the face of record increases in GHG is the mark of a failed theory.
Had surface temperatures continued to increase and accelerate as was largely expected, then the gravity theory of surface temperature would not have gotten even a first look. Whether it is going to gain traction largely depends on the ability of the theory to predict things that are not obvious or expected.
The CET shows something like a 0.7 C temperature increase per century for 3 centuries. So, a prediction of rising temperatures on its own is not unexpected. The observation that Argo is not showing an increase in ocean temperatures was unexpected and flies in the face of GHG theory. Falling oceans levels also fly in the face of GHG theory.
All it takes to prove any theory wrong is a single example of where it is wrong.

ferd berple
January 1, 2012 4:14 pm

Here is a series of plots of Argo data that demonstrates the GHG theory of AGW is likely a failed theory:
If the earth is warming, then why do we see no warming in the oceans? Why specifically do we see no warming in the top 100, 200, 1000 meters? If the globe was warming, then the surface of the oceans should be warming. This directly contradicts GHG theory, given the record levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
These plots were made with the Argo viewer downloaded from their site. One of the images gives an example of the typical settings to recreate the plots. The plots are mostly made in units of dbars, which are roughly equivalent to meters.

Stephen Wilde
January 1, 2012 4:22 pm

The task now is to split the gravitational component from the radiative component.
I agree with N & Z that the negative system responses to GHG thermal properties are likely to cancel the effects of GHGs mostly or entirely thereby leaving the gravitational component dominant.
In several articles I have explained how and why I think that that process occurs within the climate system.
The implication is that the total system energy content varies hardly at all being closely tied to the gravitational portion of the greenhouse effect.
Climate change therefore boils down to changing rates of energy flow across the surface on its way to space and that will be a function of the average positions of the permanent climate zones as they shift to and fro over time in response to ANY changes that try to force a change in the balance between sea surface and surface air temperatures.
Shifting climate zones is all we need to explain all observed climate changes to date.
New science can now opren up before us. AGW theory has been falsified by the acknowledgment of alternative mechanisms to GHG quantities in the atmosphere.
The big mistake was to prime the climate models with a weighting for the assumed effects of CO2 simply because no other cause for the observations was known.
That could be sustained during the late 20th century but only for so long as we had an active sun and warm ocean oscillations.
The disjunction now developing is too big to ignore R.I.P. AGW.

ferd berple
January 1, 2012 4:59 pm

Ira, your model is faulty. On earth, the containers will not “settle down to ambient Temperature”, because the walls of the container are the contents of the container – the atmosphere – or the surface. Any energy lost from the container to the surface would warm the surface, which would warm the contents. Any energy lost from the container to the air would warm the air which would warm the contents.
You model leads to a misleading conclusion due to the energy lost to the surrounding environment through the walls of the container not being accounted for in your model.

January 1, 2012 5:18 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 12:18 pm
“…while they may convince a few who are similarly confused about the basic science, you make the AGW skeptic community look really, really bad in the eyes of real physical scientists!”
That’s OK. “Real” physical scientists who predicted unrelenting warming from GHGs are looking worse and worse everyday, too. I highly recommend this book to you.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 6:35 pm

Just to try to get back to the big picture, the point is this: The question is not an either-or dichotomy between “the gravitational component” (really, the lapse rate) and “the radiative component”. Both the radiative properties of the atmosphere and the lapse rate play a role in determining the greenhouse effect.
And, in an indirect way, pressure itself plays a role: Atmospheres with higher surface pressures tend to have higher quantities of greenhouse gases. And, even the non-greenhouse-gases could be important because, for example, if you took our current atmosphere and removed all of the non-greenhouse gases, then I believe that because of the lapse rate, the difference in temperature between the effective radiating level and the surface would be less and hence the greenhouse effect would be smaller. (I say this last part tentatively because I haven’t really thought it all through that carefully…It is an interesting hypothetical question and might even be directly addressed in Ray Pierrehumbert’s book.) [It is also true that pressure can cause broadening of the absorption lines of the greenhouse gases, although I think that this is an effect that is still pretty small at Earth-like pressures.]
And, the main point to realize is that to the extent that these thermodynamic aspects are important, they are already included in the models…And, they are included CORRECTLY, not in the frankly-incorrect way that Nikolov and others who have a very confused picture of the system are trying to include them!

January 1, 2012 7:12 pm

David (or anyone else, Richard, anyone):
Could someone please explain to me the Nikolov hypothesis in a few pithy sentences?
Here’s an example of what I mean. For the greenhouse explanation of the fact the earth is warmer than its corresponding blackbody radiation, I would offer the following pithy sentences.

Part of the upwelling longwave radiation (ULR) from the surface is absorbed by the atmosphere. When it is re-radiated, part of the energy returns to the earth as downwelling longwave radiation (DLR). This leaves the earth warmer than it would be in the absence of that DLR.

So what is the basic mechanism for the Nikolov hypothesis? I asked Nikolov, but he didn’t reply.

January 1, 2012 7:14 pm

Sorry guys, I just do not know what the fuss is about. Literally the old “how many angels can dance on the head of a needle”.
Willis, how many clouds of hot gas are there in the cosmos? Why are they hot.
Joel, what has the laws of conservation of energy got to do with it.
Very simply, its just another expression of E=Mc2, the density of air at the surface equating to mass. Just a simple illustration.
Now i put a bowl of gas in the microwave, apply power for one minute, and little happens.
So i increase the density.
Put a bowl of water in the microwave and supply the same power.
Bloody hell it gets hot. Yes i know it has technical flaws but it is a mere parable
That is all that N and Z are saying with the atmosphere. No laws broken, no missing energy or increased energy input, same energy but comparing different atmosphere compositions.
Ok so in terms of atmospheric density the effect is really small but what are we considering, 0.5 degrees over 150 years, is that not a small effect compared with the size of the earth and the Kelvin scale.
The supporters of man made global warming have caused so much damage, diverted and yeh stolen so much money resources and time, the need is to get them to cease now, not fight amongst ourselves and what better way to do that than just use simple science.and calmness.
I look forward to N and Z responding with their clarification.

January 1, 2012 7:28 pm

i’ll be waiting, too.
so far, it just seems like confusion about temperature vs density similar to the confusion between temperature and heat. maybe the same…except that it has the words ‘lapse rate’ mixed in.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 1, 2012 7:39 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD @ January 1, 5:37 pm
Ira, extracted from your long comment:

…I have no evidence of any kind of new theory, aside from some interesting correlations between Atmospheric parameters between Earth and a few planets and moons. I anxiously await further input from N&Z’s promised posting to WUWT next week. My mind is definitely not made up, but I am sceptical…

That is an interesting comment that I’ll not labour on other than to say that maybe the “difficult language” so far from N&Z could be clarified next week after what amounts here to a peer review, which I reckon is a great process that they will appreciate. Meanwhile, concerning your opinions and analogies on cause and effect, let me go through something related that has me puzzled.
a) The lapse rate in our real-world atmosphere is generally considered to be a significant average of ~6.5 C/Km. Thus, since the several energy inputs from the surface are continuous, there must be heat (thermal energy) loss with increasing altitude and the associated reducing pressure. So, how does that heat escape? No problem; the GHG’s apparently emit it as EMR to space as a consequence substantially of collisions with the vastly greater previously thermalised non-GHG molecules.
b) Yesterday, Tim Folkerts, (a physicist of some fame at WUWT), claimed on a different thread that in an imaginary transparent Earth atmosphere of N2, the lapse rate would be about ~10 C/Km. Shrug, I have no problem with the value, and simply agree that there must be a lapse rate, both with and without GHG’s. The difficulty I have is: what is the mechanism by which an allegedly non emitting gas loses such heat? (within the temperature range being considered)
c) BTW, your analogy in using pressure vessels does NOT simulate a column of the Earth’s atmosphere. (unrestrained in a gravitational field with a pronounced lapse rate and varying P etc.)
I would appreciate your clarification on these issues.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 1:22 am

Bob Fernley-Jones asks:
“So, how does that heat escape? No problem; the GHG’s apparently emit it as EMR to space as a consequence substantially of collisions with the vastly greater previously thermalised non-GHG molecules. – – – The difficulty I have is: what is the mechanism by which an allegedly non emitting gas loses such heat?”
The focus on greenhouse gases seems to have obscured the fact that all bodies radiate – even gases – and that a hot gas can lose heat by radiating it away. Does that answer your difficulty?
The interesting question to me is how much energy a gas at a particular pressure can radiate. We need to understand how the 380W/m^2 (or whatever) leaves the planet. Convection can deliver this energy, but at a certain point above the surface the atmospheric pressure will be too low to radiate 380W/m^2.

January 1, 2012 7:46 pm

Heh, Hoel shore:
“Man, Willis is clearly one biased dude! It’s good we have clear, unbiased thinkers like jae here to put things in perspective!”:

January 1, 2012 7:50 pm

“Just to try to get back to the big picture, the point is this: The question is not an either-or dichotomy between “the gravitational component” (really, the lapse rate) and “the radiative component”. Both the radiative properties of the atmosphere and the lapse rate play a role in determining the greenhouse effect.”
Just frigging fascinating that you are FINALLY realizing that you have been very mistaken. Congrats.

January 1, 2012 7:55 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 6:35 pm
“And, they are included CORRECTLY, not in the frankly-incorrect way that Nikolov and others who have a very confused picture of the system are trying to include them!”
I don’t think it is necessary to insist on such a bellicose categorical imperative, nor that the statement is demonstrably true. I think the simple fact of the matter is that what they have shown is not sufficient to invalidate the theory of greenhouse gas warming, so really the whole argument is rather moot.
It is already well known that simple assumptions using the ideal gas law and adiabaticity produce a power law relating pressure and temperature in the troposhpere, and that the necessity of a lower atmospheric heat sink to make everything balance is what leads to the GHG hypothesis (yes, I have done a little reading). That Nikolov has found a more complicated expression which apparently links pressure to temperature for a number of celestial bodies is thus not, ipso facto, a refutation of the GHG argument.
So, as best I can tell, what we are left with is the discovery of an empirical relationship which appears to improve upon simplistic models in predicting the temperature/pressure relationship. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s not particularly Earth shattering, at least not yet unless it leads to further understanding, IMHO.

January 1, 2012 7:57 pm

Joel, you are very concerned with the laws of thermodynamics. So have you considered this.
In terms of its energy balance, the earth is a closed system. It inputs energy from the sun plus any residual heat from the core. Inputs and outputs must balance except if the earth is still cooling.
Thus any increase in heat from so called greenhouse gasses must be balanced by an energy reduction elsewhere within the system.

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 8:06 pm

jae says:

“Man, Willis is clearly one biased dude! It’s good we have clear, unbiased thinkers like jae here to put things in perspective!”:

Try reading the two paragraphs above what you quoted that shows why your arguments are utter nonsense: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-849716

Just frigging fascinating that you are FINALLY realizing that you have been very mistaken. Congrats.

It is not a matter of having been mistaken. Everybody who has read anything about the greenhouse effect that goes beyond the most basic picture understands that the lapse rate plays a role in determining the magnitude of the effect. That you seem to think this is something new shows that you, after all this time, don’t even have a clue about the science you have been criticizing!

Joel Shore
January 1, 2012 8:13 pm

I said:

And, even the non-greenhouse-gases could be important because, for example, if you took our current atmosphere and removed all of the non-greenhouse gases, then I believe that because of the lapse rate, the difference in temperature between the effective radiating level and the surface would be less and hence the greenhouse effect would be smaller. (I say this last part tentatively because I haven’t really thought it all through that carefully…It is an interesting hypothetical question and might even be directly addressed in Ray Pierrehumbert’s book.)

Actually, a quick perusal of Ray Pierrehumbert’s book shows that the scale height of the atmosphere does not change when one reduces the number of molecules, so the distance between the effective radiating level and the surface would not be expected to change. Thus, for the most important aspect that I was considering, removing all of the non-greenhouse gases would not appear to change the magnitude of the greenhouse effect. (The magnitude could still change somewhat due to other effects, e.g., due to the change in adiabatic lapse rate because the specific heat is different for an atmosphere without N_2 and O_2 than with it and due to there being less pressure broadening of the absorption lines.)

January 1, 2012 8:57 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 1, 2012 at 7:12 pm
“David (or anyone else, Richard, anyone):
Could someone please explain to me the Nikolov hypothesis in a few pithy sentences?”
1. All planets with gas atmospheres experience a greenhouse effect.
2. Just like a real greenhouse most of the effect is due to the blocking of convective cooling and part due to the blocking of outgoing LWIR.
3. Convective flows occur slower in thicker fluids for a given gravity field.
4. If you increase the mass and surface density of nitrogen and oxygen around Earth you will slow convective cooling and increase the amount energy that can be retained in the fluid shell around the planet.
This would appear to be what Nikolov and Zeller mean by thermodynamic greenhouse effect. There would still be a radiative greenhouse effect on Earth. However much of this would be balanced by the ability of condensing greenhouse gasses to transport heat through the atmosphere and the ability of so called greenhouse gases in general to radiate energy acquired through conduction from non radiative gasses out to space. Further to this, the ability of radiative greenhouse gasses to back radiate the Earth’s surface and thereby slow cooling is limited over the oceans which are 71% of the surface. LWIR has a very limited ability to slow the cooling of liquid water that is free to evaporatively cool.
I would be interested in any further thoughts you would have on empirical experiment design to test the Nikolov & Zeller hypothesis.

January 1, 2012 8:58 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 1, 2012 at 8:13 pm
“…the scale height of the atmosphere does not change when one reduces the number of molecules…”
But, it does change with the average mass of the air molecules, so changing the composition will affect the scale height.

January 1, 2012 10:15 pm

Konrad says:
January 1, 2012 at 8:57 pm

I would be interested in any further thoughts you would have on empirical experiment design to test the Nikolov & Zeller hypothesis.

I’d love to give my thoughts, my friend, but I don’t understand the hypothesis yet. You start by saying:

1. All planets with gas atmospheres experience a greenhouse effect.

Let me stop there to ask … including planets with atmospheres which contain no greenhouse gases? I ask because this is a crucial question that determines the further direction of inquiry.

Stephen Wilde
January 1, 2012 10:46 pm

This is the simplest explanation of what N & Z are confirming with their equations but I see that Konrad has put forward a neat alternative:
“A warming effect in the atmosphere arises because between coming in and going out the radiant energy is ‘processed’ by the molecules in the atmosphere into heat energy and then back again, often many times for a single parcel of radiant energy, the number of times being directly proportionate to the density of the atmosphere. It is the density, not the composition which gives more or less opportunities for such collisions between radiant energy and molecules whilst the incoming and outgoing radiant energy is negotiating the atmosphere. When an atmospheric molecule absorbs radiant energy it vibrates faster thereby becoming warmer. It is momentarily warmer than the surrounding molecules so it releases the radiant energy again almost immediately. The speed of release is again dictated by overall atmospheric density because greater density renders it less likely that the neighbouring molecules are cool enough for a release of radiant energy to occur. However the time scales remain miniscule on the level of an individual molecule BUT on a planetary scale they become highly significant and build up to a measurable delay between arrival of solar radiant energy and it’s release to space.
It is that interruption in the flow of radiant energy in and out which gives rise to a warming effect. The warming effect is a single persistent phenomenon linked to the density of the atmosphere and not the composition. Once the appropriate planetary temperature increase has been set by the delay in transmission through the atmosphere then equilibrium is restored between radiant energy in and radiant energy out.”
from here:
“Greenhouse Confusion Resolved” July 16th 2008.
Now interestingly in about 2003 Hans Jelbring came to much the same conclusion:
And even more interestingly I have always taken the proposition as read since my schooldays. I don’t know when the radiative processes became regarded as more influential but whenever it was it seems to have been wrong.
N & Z’s calculations also support the supplementary proposition that the radiative component is completely ejected by the system leaving the gravitational component dominant. As it happens I concur with that and have always believed that to be the case intuitively.
Anyway, the entire body of my work over the past 4 years has been based on those two propositions, namely:
i) The gravitational component is dominant and
ii) The radiative component is ejected by the system.
So. if anyone does read my work they will find what I consider to be an almost complete climate description based on those two propositions.
Jelbring, Nikolov and Zeller have provided me with the theoretical and quantitative underpinning for all that I have been working on.

January 1, 2012 10:59 pm

I’m a scientist with a background in the methodology of scientific research. Wattsupwiththat and its columnists are weak in this area. This afternoon I spent a couple of hours in composing a comment on the significance of the Nicolov and Zeller paper. When I submitted this comment to Wattsupwiththat for publication, it disappeared without a trace. My comment was polite, pithy and on target but the opinion which it expressed differed from the opinions of recently published Wattsupwiththat columnists that include Willis Eshenbach and Ira Glickman. Recently, I’ve twice had similar experiences. Have other wouldbe critics of the views of Wattsupwiththat columnists had similar experiences? Is Wattsupwiththat following RealClimate down the road of censuring criticism for self gain?
[Sorry Terry that your comment disappeared. When that happens to me I suspect it is my own action (my fingers too close to the keyboard :^) and I try again. As far as I know, WUWT (unlike RC :^) does not censor contrary views unless they have bad words or personal attacks, which I am sure your comment did not contain. If any further of your comments disappear in one of my threads on WUWT, feel free to email them to me at ira@techie.com and I will post them for you. – Ira (Glickstein :^)]

Stephen Wilde
January 1, 2012 11:30 pm

“Is Wattsupwiththat following RealClimate down the road of censuring criticism for self gain?”
Unlikely.I am also disagreeing with Willis and Ira amongst others but have no problem.
In the past I have had lengthy posts with numerous links blocked by the spam filter so perhaps the Mods could look there
Always save lengthy comments before posting.

Stephen Wilde
January 1, 2012 11:32 pm

“Let me stop there to ask … including planets with atmospheres which contain no greenhouse gases? I ask because this is a crucial question that determines the further direction of inquiry.”
Yes, absolutely. Gravity only recognises mass, not thermal characteristics.

January 2, 2012 12:21 am

“David (or anyone else, Richard, anyone):
Could someone please explain to me the Nikolov hypothesis in a few pithy sentences?
Here’s an example of what I mean. For the greenhouse explanation of the fact the earth is warmer than its corresponding blackbody radiation, I would offer the following pithy sentences.
Part of the upwelling longwave radiation (ULR) from the surface is absorbed by the atmosphere. When it is re-radiated, part of the energy returns to the earth as downwelling longwave radiation (DLR). This leaves the earth warmer than it would be in the absence of that DLR.”
I would respond in one way, by saying this radiant processes within earth atmosphere does not increase the planet temperature 33 K. But more precisely it does not make a planet without greenhouse gases 33 K warmer.
“So what is the basic mechanism for the Nikolov hypothesis? I asked Nikolov, but he didn’t reply.”
If Nikolov hypothesis is correct, it warms a planet by increasing the molecule speed of atmospheric gas. Or said differently, it’s how to capture more Kinetic energy in the molecules speeds of the gases.
A blackbody is suppose to absorb all energy. The earth does not adsorb much of the sunlight that reaches earth. Humans using solar water heaters adsorb more energy per square meter as compared to earth surface These solar water heaters don’t get 90% or 80% but instead around 70% of the available solar energy, but it’s a marked improvement compare to the ground.
So as a machine to absorb the sun’s energy, earth ground [not going get into discussing the ocean] Is very inefficient, Nikolov hypothesis provides clues of how to increase earth’s efficiency in retaining/absorbing solar energy.

January 2, 2012 12:46 am

Terry Oldberg,
If the comment disappeared instantly upon submission it just means that the “bad word” filter caught it. Itz usually only a matter of time before the mods notice and restore it provided that the “bad word” which triggered the filter isn’t being used in a way that the filter was designed to prevent. We call it the “hidey hole”. When it happens to me, I just add another comment saying “mods – another down the hidey hole. Please rescue? TIA” and it is invariably back in minutes.
If you will note, I have disputed both Ira and Willis in this thread, and my comments are there for all to see.

January 2, 2012 12:58 am

“I’d love to give my thoughts, my friend, but I don’t understand the hypothesis yet. You start by saying:
1. All planets with gas atmospheres experience a greenhouse effect.
Let me stop there to ask … including planets with atmospheres which contain no greenhouse gases? I ask because this is a crucial question that determines the further direction of inquiry.”
Good point.
I agree that all planets with any gas or atmosphere experiences what is badly named “greenhouse effect”.
Not only is this known but it’s considered an unresolved problem.
Spencer discribes it this way [discussion in refuting, Nikolov & Zeller hypothesis:
“One of the first things you discover when putting numbers to the problem is the overriding importance of infrared radiative absorption and emission to explaining the atmospheric temperature profile. These IR flows would not occur without the presence of “greenhouse gases”, which simply means gases which absorb and emit IR radiation. Without those gases, there would be no way for the atmosphere to cool to outer space in the presence of continuous convective heat transport from the surface.”
To repeat: “Without those gases, there would be no way for the atmosphere to cool to outer space”
But he is wrong. A way for non-greenhouse gases to radiate energy into space is by warming the surface [land or water] and the surface can radiate energy to space.
And regardless of greenhouse gases and/or non-greenhouse gases this is the main mechanism to radiating the earth energy into space.
I would say most of the sun’s energy which has been adsorbed [or since the term absorbed is misused, solar energy converted and kept as potential energy for more than one second [or a nanosecond] does leave the planet from liquids or solids rather any atmospheric gas radiation.

January 2, 2012 1:13 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 1, 2012 at 10:15 pm
“Let me stop there to ask … including planets with atmospheres which contain no greenhouse gases? I ask because this is a crucial question that determines the further direction of inquiry.”
Yes, that would be what the Nikolov and Zeller hypothysis indicates. A boring grey basalt planet with no atmosphere can radiate a wide IR spectrum freely. Add an atmosphere of “non” greenhouse gasses and things change. The added gas layer now removes energy from the basalt surface faster than it would have been radiated, however that energy now leaves the planet (basalt sphere with gas layer) at a slower rate, as it has been convected away from the solid surface that could most easily radiate it. A gas layer with even greater density and mass will conduct and trap even more of the energy that would have been radiated away from from an atmosphere free planet. Nitrogen and Oxygen may therefore be Earth’s primary greenhouse gasses.
In this scenario it becomes difficult to quantify the effects of non condensing “greenhouse” gasses such as CO2. They do absorb and re-radiate LWIR as can be seen in Tyndall tube type experiments. However the effects of back radiation are not uniform for all Earth’s surface regions. Ocean cooling rates are only marginally effected. However the addition of these gasses to the atmospheric mix also improves the radiative ability of the atmosphere above microwave frequencies.
From this I would hope you can understand my concerns. No amount of hand waving or black board scribbling will answer the questions at hand. Better empirical experiments are required.

January 2, 2012 1:24 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 1, 2012 at 7:12 pm
David (or anyone else, Richard, anyone):
Could someone please explain to me the Nikolov hypothesis in a few pithy sentences?>>>
Given that they’ve committed to coming back next week with a follow on article to clarify matters, I’m inclined to just wait until then. That said, a large part of my job actually involves listening carefully to highly technical people and determining the gap between what they said and what they meant. So, given the opportunity to practice a primary skill set, I may as well take a crack at it.
From the original thread, this comment by Nikolov wraps it up nicely in my opinion:
“Instead, think about how is it possible for Equation 8 in our paper to predict so accurately mean surface temperatures of planets over such a broad range of atmospheric and radiative environments by using ONLY 2 independent variables – average surface pressure and TOA solar irradiance?”
Going back to equation 8 in their article we see them explain the following:
“Equation (7) allows us to derive a simple yet robust formula for predicting a planet’s mean surface temperature as a function of only two variables – TOA solar irradiance and mean atmospheric surface pressure, i.e.
T(s) = 25.3966(S(o)+0.0001325)^0.25*Nte(Ps)”
[apologies, I don’t know how to copy their formula with the super and sub scripts so reproduced it as best I could, please refer to their article for the original]
So, their hypothesis seems pretty straight forward:
The atmosphere raises surface temperature by an amount dependant upon only two factors, these being insolation and mean atmospheric pressure.
I think a lot of the confusion lies in the fact that they’ve included a considerable amount of discussion which has no direct bearing on proving this hypothesis. They’ve attempted to demonstrate both that their hypothesis is accurate, and at the same time, have tried to explain why other long standing accepted norms such as GH effect on Earth being 33 degrees are innacurate. To expand on the above and re-word it a bit:
Atmosphere raises the surface temperature of a planet by an amount dependant upon insolation and mean surface pressure. All other factors including composition of the atmosphere appear to be immaterial, or so small as to make them insignificant. While the processes of convection, conduction, and even absorption/re-radiation of of surface radiance are clearly active, they appear to be tied together in a system of feedbacks in such a manner as to arrive at the same amount of warming of the planetary surface regardless of the actual ratios of atmospheric gases such as O2, N2, CO2 and so on.
They then use equation 8 to predict the surface temps of 8 celestial bodies using only insolation and mean surface temperature. Much of the additional discussion has nothing to do with proving their hypothesis, it has instead to do with discussing why earlier assumptions such as the GH effect on Earth being 33 degrees (which would cotradict their results) are flawed.
I know you asked for a few pithy sentences but getting an answer like the above in just a few sentences from me is a lost cause. I’m verbose. So sue me! But thatz my answer.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 1:29 am

Terry Oldberg @ January 1, 10:59 pm
Hi Terry,
Concerning your “disappearing posts”, I think you may have just been unlucky, maybe involving pressing the wrong buttons. I’ve sometimes experienced two kinds of difficulty:
1) Making a post on the wrong thread
2) Making a post that does not immediately appear with the advice; “…awaiting moderation”. Upon resubmitting it there is a message something like: “that looks like a repeat post”. Oh, OK, it seems like the spam filter has blocked it, but upon waiting the post ultimately appears.
In short, I’ve never lost a post at WUWT, but have on other sites, and have even been excommunicated.
If you still feel that you may have been victimised, perhaps you could discuss it with Ric Werme…. Just click: Ric Werme’s guide to WUWT in the RH sidebar, from where you can Email him

January 2, 2012 1:30 am

“But more precisely it does not make a planet without greenhouse gases 33 K warmer.”
It meant: A planet with greenhouse gas is not made 33 K warmer, as compared to planet exactly
the same but without these greenhouse gases.

January 2, 2012 2:03 am

Konrad says:
“1. All planets with gas atmospheres experience a greenhouse effect.
2. Just like a real greenhouse most of the effect is due to the blocking of convective cooling and part due to the blocking of outgoing LWIR.
3. Convective flows occur slower in thicker fluids for a given gravity field.
4. If you increase the mass and surface density of nitrogen and oxygen around Earth you will slow convective cooling and increase the amount energy that can be retained in the fluid shell around the planet.”
I agee with 1
Don’t agree with 2.
“3. Convective flows occur slower in thicker fluids for a given gravity field.”
Thicker fluids doesn’t mean much to me. Liquid or gases with higher density- or are talking about viscosity?
A problem is Convective flows are movement of gas or liquid. And is addition include conduction and energy transfer of molecular gases.
What is unmentioned is buoyancy. And buoyancy is required for movement
of gas “packets” or bodies of liquids. Viscosity does slow speed of movement of liquids- but in term planetary climate issues, not significant.
So higher gravity means faster buoyancy. On 2 gee world balloon go up faster, The air resistance or “viscosity” or density of air, will not change this. Buoyancy and upward flow of air or liquid is mostly about gravity.
“4. If you increase the mass and surface density of nitrogen and oxygen around Earth you will slow convective cooling and increase the amount energy that can be retained in the fluid shell around the planet.”
No, you will increase the amount energy transferred per second. The atmospheric gas will take more energy from the surface and give more energy to the surface.
Convection heat transfer would more significant on 2 gee world as compared to 1 gee world [Earth] and is also true on a world higher higher air density.
With 1 gee world and more density the “power” of buoyancy is increased.
With 2 gee world, and same amount of atmosphere as earth, one has a bit more higher density- loosely you say you get both more speed and power.

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 2:16 am

Willis Eschenbach:
At January 1, 2012 at 7:12 pm you ask:
“David (or anyone else, Richard, anyone):
Could someone please explain to me the Nikolov hypothesis in a few pithy sentences?”
“So what is the basic mechanism for the Nikolov hypothesis? I asked Nikolov, but he didn’t reply.”
Willis, as you usually do, you have put your finger on the nub of the issue and, therefore, I will give my responses to your questions.
Firstly, (as I repeatedly point out above), the Nikolov Hypothesis (Nh) is a repeat of the Jelbring Hypothesis (Jh) which (as I repeatedly point out above) says (see my post above at December 31, 2011 at 12:56 am);
“‘All the radiative, convective and evaporative effects in a planet’s atmosphere adjust such that the atmosphere obtains a temperature lapse rate close to that defined by –g/cp, and this lapse rate defines the planet’s average surface temperature. The average surface temperature is observed to agree with the Jelbring Hypothesis on each planet with a substantial atmosphere that has a mass which varies little through the year.’
This is a hypothesis and it is not a theory because (as is also the case with the AGW hypothesis) to date it has failed to provide predictive information that can be verified.
However, in this thread davidmhoffer has made two suggestions as to such predictive verification. These are:
(a) The hypothesis should predict the seasonal range of the global temperature on Mars
(b) The hypothesis should predict the +/- 1.9 K seasonal variation of the Earth’s global temperature as being related to variations in atmospheric mass (i.e. variations in atmospheric moisture content) between summers in the northern and southern hemispheres.
I most sincerely thank davidmhoffer for this because I have been seeking any possible predictive verifications of the Jh since 2003. Indeed, in my opinion, these suggestions of his are by far the most important outcome of this thread.
And, Willis, I do not know the answer to your question;
“So what is the basic mechanism for the Nikolov hypothesis?”
Nobody knows that.
Clearly, some atmospheric effects (e.g. convection) do adjust in response to gravity. At issue is whether the interaction of all the radiative, convective and evaporative effects provides the suggested adjustment.
The fascinating fact is that (as Jelbring and Nikolov have each independently observed) the planets each seems to fulfil the hypothesis. This fulfilment may be pure coincidence and, therefore, it may merely be a curiosity. But the curiosity does deserve investigation as to whether it has a governing mechanism.
Almost all science has progressed by the following sequence:
1. observation of a curiosity,
2. formulation of a hypothesis to explain the curiosity,
3. acceptance, rejection or modification of the hypothesis, and
4. determination of the mechanism(s) that generate the curiosity.
And the ‘greats’ in science (e.g. Newton, Pasteur, Faraday, etc.) are those whose hypotheses were proven ‘true’ by their successful predictive verifications. But few ‘greats’ exist because most hypotheses fail the test of predictive verification.
Importantly, identification of a mechanism is pointless at this stage in investigation of the Jh/Nh because we have yet to determine if the hypothesis can pass the test of predictive verification. So, at present we only have a conjecture which has not been empirically supported or disproved. The conjecture deserves to be put to the test of predictive verification.
The sadness is that the AGW hypothesis has failed all predictive verification tests but there are people who reject the Jh/Nh hypothesis before it has been subjected to any such tests.
Anyway, that is my view, and I hope it helps the discussion.

January 2, 2012 7:53 am

“The focus on greenhouse gases seems to have obscured the fact that all bodies radiate – even gases – and that a hot gas can lose heat by radiating it away. Does that answer your difficulty?”
Any gas that can absorb radiation, will radiate the same wavelength.
Same statement: Any gas molecule which can receive a photon and emit same photon.
Gas which is transparent to certain wavelength is not “receiving certain photons”. It may interfere with certain photons, such as bend or refract the path of photons.
Does the alteration of path of a photon involve any kind energy transferred?
It may. But being transparent is saying a particular gas is not absorbing a wavelength/photon of certain type of electromagnet radiation.
I would say if gases radiated all their energy, stars could not form.
Or we would not exist.
Or a significant component of the energy of a gas is it’s velocity.
And if a gas is emitting photons it’s not slowing it’s velocity. Nor is gas which
absorbs a photon increasing it’s velocity.
The energy of gases in your atmosphere is largely about the velocity of the molecules.
Gas molecules can very obviously lose to velocity, by hitting slower gas molecules, or
“colder” or lower temperature solids or liquids.
[One can slow a molecule of gas by hitting with a laser [intense and directed radiation [an intense beam of photons]- that has been done.
But a molecule of gas is going in a random directions, one photon is insignificant in terms it’s energy as compared to mass and velocity of a molecule. The energy density of sunlight has a weak affect upon molecules and the molecules going in all directions.
Though if you consider the gas molecules as mass they could have average direction, and from this prospective if one concerned small affects, it’s possible that sunlight could decrease or increase the velocity of the molecules of gas. It’s possible that sunlight could slow the average velocity of gas [cool the gas]. This require that on average the motion of gas molecules heading in the direction of the Sun. If instead on average the molecules to heading away from the sun, then the sunlight could increase the velocity [slightly]. This affect because it is minor, should probably be ignore.]
If you ignore the above mentioned affect, then the only thing affecting a gas molecule velocity
is slower moving gas molecules [colder gas] or colder liquids or solids. Of course hotter gas, liquids, and solids increases a gas molecules velocity.
Gas molecules within a container which has same temperature as the gas, never lose their velocity- so you can zillions molecules bouncing of each other and the container and in billion of years not slow down. Gas molecules [clouds of gas] in space bounce off each other and will make all the gases the same temperature [same velocity] and as long as nothing warmer or colder comes along will bounce off each other for forever.
“The interesting question to me is how much energy a gas at a particular pressure can radiate. We need to understand how the 380W/m^2 (or whatever) leaves the planet. Convection can deliver this energy, but at a certain point above the surface the atmospheric pressure will be too low to radiate 380W/m^2.”
I used to wonder a similar thing. The gas in your atmosphere is obviously low pressure at high elevations. A significant aspect of gas at high elevation is that for “a molecule” to “remain” up there it generally has to be moving fast. Molecules have mass and therefore must obey gravity.
At low elevation molecules of gas sort of support themselves, but it’s not like a solid chunk of matter, which is using binding strength molecules to “defy gravity”. Nor is it like a pile of sand [also using “binding strength molecules”]. It’s super balls that bounce forever, but the infinite capability to bounce doesn’t defy gravity- gravity must be obeyed by gas molecules.
Have a vacuum and bounce a molecule of gas from 1000′, and with the same temperature surface, it bounce forever- goes back up to 1000′ over and over again.
But I am ignoring factors. Say you bounce the ball in direction of the spinning planet, the ball would gain it’s bouncing height, it would eventually bounce to escape velocity [leave earth though probably enter orbit. So a single molecule could achieve somewhere around 7.8 km/sec [orbital velocity]. If same moecule bounced in opposite direction it would loss it’s bounce.
Now with atmosphere with zillion of bouncing balls, in the lower atmosphere, none of them bounce far, all them of bouncing fast. But say looking at 5 km up. Here there less bouncing balls, the bouncing balls are still bouncing at same velocity, but can go further before hitting another ball. Go higher, say 10 km, same thing less balls, roughly same speed, and even further before they hit another ball. At some point one going reach place where all balls are not bouncing “equally”. We going have “unjust society” at higher in the atmosphere- there is going to be “income discrepancy”. We going get higher velocity balls and balls moving slower than balls are traveling at lower elevation. So as you go up, there will very few of the fat cats and lots at equal income, but the higher you go, you get less low income, and more fat cats.
This because to “survive” at higher elevation you need to go faster. But you can get upward mobility among the poor, a fast molecule can hit them, and steal the wealth. But as you higher, one gets more the fat cat and there hitting at longer distances, but they have obey gravity, they tend to fall more, but they hit more fat cats than the poor and tend stay higher and going on average much faster.
Low elevation molecule speed is 500 meters per second. Fat cats could tend to be more than say 1000 meters per second on average. One could have a few molecules going say 2000 or 4000 meters per second. At some point you going to have some molecules traveling at orbital speed 7800 meters per second. They can’t goes say 10,000 meters per second or they leave earth. But the fat cats at this level are going to start to meet crazy super rich, molecules which could traveling at say 100,000 to 400,000 meter per second [solar wind]. The fat cats could leave the earth because of a rare enounter, or they transfer some this wealth by heading in direction of earth with gained velocity from the super rich.
So anyways, at some velocity above 500 meters second, you could greenhouse gases or non-greenhouse reacting different when they get hit, maybe up to 2000 m/s doesn’t do anything strange, but some velocity on the way to 100,000 to 400,000 it seems likely something different occurs.
Is this important in terms of climate- probably not.

January 2, 2012 8:03 am

Richard S Courtney says:
January 2, 2012 at 2:16 am
“‘All the radiative, convective and evaporative effects in a planet’s atmosphere adjust such that the atmosphere obtains a temperature lapse rate close to that defined by –g/cp, and this lapse rate defines the planet’s average surface temperature. The average surface temperature is observed to agree with the Jelbring Hypothesis on each planet with a substantial atmosphere that has a mass which varies little through the year.’
Thank you for that simple and easy to understand hypothesis. Unfortunately, however, it is fairly easy to falsify this as a cause of the GH effect (at least on Earth) IMO.
If you look at that website, you see that the specific heat of air(cp) at 0.01 atmospheres(approximately 1/2 the surface pressure of Mars) is only about 0.16% more than the current surface pressure of the Earth. IOW, if the Earth’s GH effect acted based on alterations to the lapse rate alone, there has been almost no change in the GH effect from the point where Earth’s atmosphere was less than that of Mars to its current surface pressure. This does not describe the *effects* predicted under the Unified Climate Theory nor, I assume the Jelbring hypothesis.
In any case, respectfully, unless my reference above is wrong, your description of the mechanism producing the GH effect on Earth must be wrong.
Cheers, 🙂

Joel Shore
January 2, 2012 8:12 am

Bart says:

So, as best I can tell, what we are left with is the discovery of an empirical relationship which appears to improve upon simplistic models in predicting the temperature/pressure relationship. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s not particularly Earth shattering, at least not yet unless it leads to further understanding, IMHO.

The empirical relationship had so many free parameters that it is very doubtful that it is anything but a fit to the available data…i.e., that it has any significant predictive power for out-of-sample data. (Furthermore, since their calculation of T_gb seems to be erroneous, it is a fit involving an incorrectly determined value.)

“…the scale height of the atmosphere does not change when one reduces the number of molecules…”
But, it does change with the average mass of the air molecules, so changing the composition will affect the scale height.

Good point…I had missed that because Ray Pierrehumbert uses “R” in a rather non-standard way (as the ideal gas constant divided by the molecular weight rather than just the ideal gas constant). So, for that reason in addition to the other reasons that I mentioned, there will be SOME dependence of the greenhouse effect on the non-greenhouse gases present…although likely not the kind of dramatic dependence that I thought there might be if, for example, the scale height were in some way proportional to the total mass of atmosphere.

January 2, 2012 8:21 am

The adiabatic lapse rate is defined by the “gas Laws” not by gravity (other than of course high gravity gives high pressure!).
The adiabatic lapse rate requires that a fixed number of molecules be moved between pressure differences. Once at a new pressure the new temperature will stabilise to the surroundings (but that is not what adiabatic lapse rate is about).
However, for every molecule transported from high to low pressure there MUST be a molecule transported from low to high pressure. This means there is NO net flow of energy.
Where the atmosphere blends into a vacuum there can be no convective/conductive transfer of energy (there is nothing to transfer the energy to!)
Radiation is the only option. N2 H2 O2 etc. have little propensity to absorb and therefore to emit the required radiation. It has to be mainly from GHGs (CO2 H2O CH4 etc.)
At the other end of the air column you have similar problems. The ground/sea warms through absorption of the shorter wavelengths of TSI (where most of the solar energy is). The heat is radiated from the ground/sea as LWIR and by contact at the boundary between earth and atmosphere. The heat must be transferred from molecule to molecule by contact or by convection. A slow process. Conduction will be enhanced by high pressure, convection will be slowed.
The radiated energy is NOT significantly absorbed by O2 N2 H2 etc. no matter what the pressure. Even a solid glass fibre can be made extremely low loss 0.2dB per km and the molecules are pretty solidly packed http://www.fiberoptics4sale.com/wordpress/optical-fiber-loss-and-attenuation/ . Without a GHG this radiation would escape without attenuation straight to space. GHGs will “absorb” this LWIR at certain frequencies and re-emit it in all directions. The time for this energy to be “reabsorbed” in another molecule is dependent on the path length which is dependent on the proximity of other GHG molecules which is dependant on the pressure of the atmosphere.
The time taken for the radiation to bounce from molecule to molecule increases the time it takes for the energy to travel from ground to space.
The energy input to the system is at a constant rate. Slow down the output and the system gets hotter. A hotter system will radiate more energy (BB radiation).
Where does the energy from static pressure difference come in to this?

Bill Illis
January 2, 2012 8:29 am

We are not taking to this right level – the Quantum level where energy and photons operate.
The Earth receives 2.7 X 10+40 photons from the Sun each day (27 with 39 Zeros behind it).
The Earth emits 1.6 X 10+41 infrared photons each day to space (yes there are more of them).
The energy represented by those solar photons will spend time in about 32 billion different molecules on average before it finally emitted to space. That take TIME. A large fraction (35% perhaps) spend just a few seconds in the Earth system while a small, small fraction may take 1000 years to exit the system.
Its not solar emission, hit surface, atmospheric window IR photon emitted directly to space, 15 um photon intercepted by CO2, half back-radiated, atmospheric window IR photon emitted directly to space.
The energy represented by the solar photon is random walking around for 44 hours on average and spending picoseconds in 32 billion different molecules before it is emitted to space.
Now we are talking about truly monstrous numbers and TIME. This all happens in TIME and at the quantum level and noone has taken that into account.

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 9:18 am

Concerning your post at January 2, 2012 at 8:03 am, I shall not bother to look-up your link.
Firstly, the hypothesis is NOT mine but your post repeatedly suggests it is.
And, secondly, in my above post at December 31, 2011 at 6:36 am I explained why the hypothesis does not apply to Mars, but your post uses comparison with Mars “to falsify” the hypothesis.
Hence, I suspect your post is an attempt at disruption of the thread.

Paul Bahlin
January 2, 2012 9:25 am

Anytime I read a thread on this topic it seems there are people who get hung up, conceptually, long before they get to the math. The hang up seems to go like this, “Pressure increases can’t cause temperature increases.” When I think about the lapse rate I think of it differently because I agree that increasing pressure doesn’t ‘create’ higher temperature in anything more than a transitory manner. Sure there may be some effects from diurnal pressure changes but overall they can’t justify the observed gradients on their own, can they?
I like to think of it more like this…. Higher pressures ‘support’ higher temperatures.
If you isolate a column of air extending from the surface upwards it will have a pressure lapse rate totally dependent on mass. If you further assume that the column isn’t exchanging energy horizontally then it is solely the energy content of each, say, meter of gas that is holding up all the gas above it. From these assumptions isn’t it reasonable to assume that there is an energy lapse rate in the column that is dependent on mass? It’s also true that there is a density lapse rate dependent on mass of the column.
Now each meter in the column will always (in practical terms or at least as an initial assumption) have the same differential pressure measured on its ends regardless of its temperature. If you heat the column at the bottom, the gas in that first meter will get more energetic. It will want to increase its differential pressure but it can’t because the column will simply expand upwards. So what happens? Well its density goes down. Each meter has a constant differential pressure, a constant volume and a variable number of molecules. So this energy is transferred all the way up the column. Each one meter chunk has to expel some molecules (upward, they’re going to seek lower pressure) as they get more energetic. Each meter gets less energy than the one below it. Each meter gets lower density.
If that column had an ideal gas in it with absolutely no radiative absorbtion qualities you have little one meter chunks of constant pressure, constant volume, and a molecular lapse rate. Yielding a temperature lapse rate totally dependent on the mass of the column, no?
Changing the column to nitrogen would be a pretty close approximation to ideal and nitrogen has very low radiative absorbtion. You would still get this lapse rate as long as you keep the heat on. You do have to keep the heat on because this descriptive process is NOT in equilibrium. There’s heat being applied at the bottom all the time. Take the heat away and each meter will eventually acquire enough molecules at appropriate energy levels to level out its temps.
In fact I would conjecture that a column in equilibrium would in fact be isothermal (no temperature lapse rate) and that is a large part of why these threads go haywire. The fact that it is not in equilibrium (heat at the bottom) is what causes the mass dependent temperature lapse rate.

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 9:26 am

At January 2, 2012 at 8:21 am you say:
“The adiabatic lapse rate is defined by the “gas Laws” not by gravity (other than of course high gravity gives high pressure!).
The adiabatic lapse rate requires that a fixed number of molecules be moved between pressure differences. Once at a new pressure the new temperature will stabilise to the surroundings (but that is not what adiabatic lapse rate is about).
However, for every molecule transported from high to low pressure there MUST be a molecule transported from low to high pressure. This means there is NO net flow of energy.”
That is nonsense!
There is a net upward flow of energy. It is the thermal energy in a ‘parcel’ of air being greater than the surrounding air which causes it to rise. The parcel would not rise if it did not contain greater energy per unit volume than its surroundings. And it does rise (i.e. bouyancy) so it carries its greater energy upwards.
I wonder where you obtained your strange idea; RealClimate?

ferd berple
January 2, 2012 9:44 am

We know that at the TOA there is no convection to space. Thus radiation in = radiation out.
However, lower in the atmosphere this is not true. Convection enters the equation so:
(radiation + convection) in = (radiation + convection) out
The question then becomes, what drives convection? As radiation increases the temperature of air, the air expands and becomes lighter than the surrounding air. WHY? Because of gravity. Without gravity giving weight to air, there would be no convection. This is the underlying reason why there is a lapse rate and why gravity determines temperature below the TOA.
Convection in the atmosphere is a result of gravity. The rate of convection is controlled by radiation. The more radiation, the more convection. The less radiation, the less convection. All directed at maintaining the lapse rate which is a result of gravity.

Paul Bahlin
January 2, 2012 9:44 am

I’d like to add, after more thought, a question. I don’t think of the mechanism I’ve described as convection. It’s more like a dynamic process brought about strictly by molecular collisions. It doesn’t need convection to work. In fact if you have convection in this column it’s because of air parcels at a certain height that have somehow acquired more energy than the height would ‘support’ due to the mass dependent lapse rate. Those parcels have to seek a proper level appropriate to their energy ( density) content.
Does this make sense?

ferd berple
January 2, 2012 9:57 am

Try this thought experiment yourself. Imagine one of Ira’s cylinders at the start of this post, in space orbiting the earth. These cylinders have a clearly defined top and bottom. The valve end is top.
Apply a blow torch to heat the bottom up the cylinder. In which direction will the heated air inside the container travel? Will it in fact rise to the vale end? No, it will not.
Convection in the absence of gravity does not take place. Convection is a result of gravity, plus the addition of heat (radiation). Gravity causes convection. Radiation determines the rate of convection. The more radiation, the more convection, until the rate of convection matches the lapse rate determined by gravity.

January 2, 2012 10:08 am

Richard S Courtney says:January 2, 2012 at 9:26 am
However, for every molecule transported from high to low pressure there MUST be a molecule transported from low to high pressure. This means there is NO net flow of energy.”
That is nonsense!
I’m sure you agree the parcel that moves from zero altitude to 10km must be balanced by a parcel of the same size moving from 10km to zero?
The adiabatic lapse rate is the same in both cases. 10K/km
wiki: The adiabatic lapse rates – which refer to the change in temperature of a parcel of air as it moves upwards (or downwards) without exchanging heat with its surroundings. The temperature change that occurs within the air parcel reflects the adjusting balance between potential energy and kinetic energy of the molecules of gas that comprise the moving air mass.
Is this statement in doubt?
If so I need an explanation to be able to exist.
In my books the potential energy+kinetic energy in both parcels is the same so n molecules at 10km will loose 10km worth of “potential energy” but gain 10kms worth of “kinetic energy”.

January 2, 2012 10:31 am

Richard S Courtney says:
January 2, 2012 at 2:16 am
Richard, I am impressed by how you explain everything in this post. It seems like those who at first refused to even read the paper now finally understand how important it is to have an open mind about it. Even though one isnt sure about its correctness. Thanks!
When observing how some, even in the sceptic camp, refused to even discuss it, it occured to me that the IPCC might not have been any better if they had been “in charge” there, either.
Makes me wonder of it is a good idea at all to have an international body of “thruth-keepers”.
A very soviet-like idea.

January 2, 2012 10:36 am

jjthoms says:
January 2, 2012 at 10:08 am
Richard S Courtney says:January 2, 2012 at 9:26 am

However, for every molecule transported from high to low pressure there MUST be a molecule transported from low to high pressure. This means there is NO net flow of energy.”
That is nonsense!
I’m sure you agree the parcel that moves from zero altitude to 10km must be balanced by a parcel of the same size moving from 10km to zero?

Of course not – the handful of air that goes up to 10 km can be adequately balanced by a minuscule amount lowering of the entire rest of the atmosphere. In actuality, something in between happens, of course. A helium balloon, err, hot air balloon will rise. The upper part of the balloon will push air up and to the side, the lower part will suck (okay, the ambient air pressure of the surrounding air) will fill the space being vacated by the lower half of the balloon and gondola.
The net effect is that hot air rises, air in a surrounding cylinder will sink a variable amount as the balloon passes through.

January 2, 2012 10:41 am

Folks, as I watch this discussion I keep seeing people get lost in the details. Stand back and look at the big picture.
N&Z have provided a formula that appears to have predictive skill. One CANNOT falsify it by arguing the details! Sure radiative absorption and re-emission happens in a certain way. Sure convection happens in a certain way. Sure lapse rate works in a certain way.
So What?
If there is one thing we’ve learned over the last few years of the climate debate it is (or should be) that our understanding of the mechanisms and how they interact with one another is woefully incomplete. If we were anywhere near to understanding all the pieces of the puzzle and how they fit together, we’d have climate models with predictive skills coming out the yin yang. But the fact is we don’t.
I liken this discussion to being given a pail full of gravel and being asked to determine the weight of the gravel. I could thoroughly mix the gravel, extract a representative sample, weigh each rock, pebble and grain of sand, extrapolate the expected change in distribution of the rocks, pebbles, and sand from top of the bucket to the bottom of the bucket based on known paramaters for the settling of gravel over time, and from there arrive at an estimate of the weight of the gravel in the pail.
Or I could weigh the gravel and the pail, then pour the gravel out, and weigh the pail.
What N&Z are purporting to do is the latter. One cannot falsify their results by arguing about what the proper distribution of grains of sand is or how gravel does or does not settle when poured into a pail. The only way to determine if they are on to something is to weigh the gravel.
What they have said is that for a given TOA radiance, and a given mean surface atmospheric pressure, they can calculate the average surface temperature of a planet. They’ve even published their predictions for no less than EIGHT planetary bodies!
The only question we should be interested in at this point (it seems to me) is this:
Did they get the surface temps of those planetary bodies right or not?
If no, then their formulas are wrong.
If yes, then it seems to me there are only two possibilities.
1. Their formulas are correct, we just don’t know exactly WHY they are correct.
2. They successfully predicted the surface temps of 8 celestial bodies by coincidence.
If the latter, that’s one awfull big coincidence!
So, would it not make sense to dispense with the arguments about the life time of a photon in earth atmosphere, how convection changes with pressure, what absorption bands various gases have and just answer the question:
Did they nail the temps of those planetary bodies? Or not?

January 2, 2012 10:42 am

Richard S Courtney says:
January 2, 2012 at 9:18 am
I seem to have given offence, but I can assure you it was not intentional nor was I intending to “derail” the thread. Respectfully, it may’ve been helpful if you actually took a look at my link. You would’ve seen that it was talking about (Earth) air not the Martian atmosphere. I only mentioned Mars to give a context to the range of changes in cp versus atmospheric pressure provided.
Regardless of whose theory the idea that -g/cp accounts for the GH effect is, I believe that I have provided pretty convincing evidence that it cannot do so. Surely that is the core of the debate and not an attempt to “derail” it?
In any case, how about it? Why doesn’t the link I provided demonstrate that hypothesis that the GH effect is solely an artifact of the lapse rate is false?
Cheers, 🙂

January 2, 2012 10:44 am

Richard S Courtney (January 2, 2012 at 2:16 am):
I second your remarks regarding the”Nikolov hypothesis” (which as you rightly point out is no more than a conjecture) and AGW (which as you also rightly point out is no more than a conjecture). As neither conjecture is at this time predictive, neither can be properly labelled as a “hypothesis.”
I’d like to add a bit of detail on the processes by which a conjecture can be elevated to the status of a hypothesis and a hypothesis to a theory, as both IPCC Working Group I climatologists and bloggers in wattsupwiththat exhibit misunderstanding of these processes.
A conjecture is elevated to a hypothesis by: a) referencing the associated model to a statistical population whose elements are statistically independent events and b) adapting the model to predicting the probability of the various possible outcomes with repect to each event in the population.
A hypothesis is elevated to a theory by statistical testing in which it is not invalidated by the evidence. This can be accomplished by: a) drawing from the populationj a sample of observed events that is independent of the construction of the model b) comparing the predicted probabilities of the outcomes to the observed relative frequencies of these outcomes and c) elevating the hypothesis to a theory if the predicted probabilities match the observed relative frequencies and the model passes various other statistical tests.
IPCC climatologists and wattsupwiththat bloggers exhibit confusion of model “predictions” with model “projections.” Often in this way they reach the false conclusion that a conjecture has been elevated to a theory when in fact a statistical population has not yet been identified. In its 2007 report, IPCC Working Group I entices the readers of the report into making a false conclusion of this type by presenting a comparison of model projections of the global surface temperature to a global surface temperature time series. In truth, this sort of comparison serves neither to statistically validate the model nor to statistically invalidate it.

January 2, 2012 10:51 am

“A large fraction (35% perhaps) spend just a few seconds in the Earth system while a small, small fraction may take 1000 years to exit the system.”
Any reflected sunlight would less than one second. The energy of a photon could make coal and coal could in the ground for millions of years, is the photon which converted [or used] considered to “die” or is it going followed in whatever form of energy it becomes?
Suppose we look at a day of a rock- 3 diameter boulder, granite. Starting at midnite on earth during summer. the rock has warmed and is radiating energy. A portion of that energy can absorbed by CO2, and it radiate from the rock. How far does it get? An inch, a meter, a kilometer?
It has a 50% chance of getting some distance.
The smaller something is and the faster it goes the less chance it has of hitting anything. A proton [huge as compared to photon] can travel at the speed of light thru a human body without hitting anything- odds favor it not hitting the human body.
Is this infrared light a wave or a particle, as photon particle it’s quite small. Could it be 1/2 the time a wave or particle?
Let’s say it’s a wave:
“CO2 is an important greenhouse gas as the main greenhouse-related frequency associated with absorption is at or near the planet’s black body emission peak, that being roughly 15 micrometers.”
Compare to proton 15 micrometers is huge. Therefore maybe it has 50% chance in going 1 inch, and since so close to the rock, a 50 chance of returning to the rock. This takes how long?
It could take a 1 billionth of a second. But let’s suppose it has 50% chance emit in one second.
Maybe the time is dependent on how long it take to receive another photon.
How of these photons does our rock emit in a hour?
1.6 X 10+41 infrared photons. hmm well we have 510 million km miles, or 5.1 X 10^8 square meters. Or 5.1 X 10^12 square centimeters, therefore per square centimeter we have roughly
1.6 X 10+41 divided by 5.1 X 10^12, so zillions per second and probably at billions per second
of this particular wavelength.
This seems to indicate that even shortest distance, the time traveled will somewhere around 1 billionth of second, to go a inch and back again. And then to go again.
Hmm, I think it would nice to know how many CO2 molecules there was. So roughly 2 x 10^16.
If we were to imagine 2 x 10^16 molecules were to transfer 1.6 X 10+41 photon in one day
that mean. Well there are 86400 seconds, round to 100000 second wipes out 5 orders.
One second 2 x 10^16 molecules need to transfer 1.6 X 10+36. What is 10^20 that the fraction of second it has to do it in, one transfer, if needs bang off 32 billion molecules. It is 10*20 times 32 billion of a second. Which seems, unlikely. One 10^20 is unlikely, adding 32 billion is 32 billion times more unlikely.

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 10:51 am

In your post at January 2, 2012 at 10:08 am you say;
“In my books the potential energy+kinetic energy in both parcels is the same so n molecules at 10km will loose 10km worth of “potential energy” but gain 10kms worth of “kinetic energy”.”
Yes, but so what?
The parcel that rises has more thermal energy than the parcel that replaces it by falling. So, the net result is upward movement of thermal energy.
The only reason the lower parcel rises is because it has more thermal energy. Think about it.
And, on average, parcels in contact with the Earth’s surface gain thermal energy because they are heated by conduction from the surface.

Tim Folkerts
January 2, 2012 10:58 am

Stephen Wilde says:
December 31, 2011 at 8:02 am
“At some point someoe seems to have decided that atmospheric composition involving radiative processes makes a significant difference to the temperature set by thermodynamic and gravitational influences.”
Well … yes. Since the “radiative process” of absorption of thermal energy from IR photons by the atmosphere IS “a thermodynamic influence”, then it WILL make a difference in the temperature set by thermodynamic influences. The amount of absorption & emission is measured to be several 100 of W/m^2, so that is certainly significant.
I’m just following your own logic.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Tim Folkerts
January 2, 2012 12:19 pm

.You said “Since the “radiative process” of absorption of thermal energy from IR photons by the atmosphere IS “a thermodynamic influence”, then it WILL make a difference in the temperature set by thermodynamic influences.” Aren’t you forgetting uv absorption? Ozone is always first in our minds, but nitrous oxide also adsorbs and I’m sure there are others. We are so stuck on the ir story that we tend to forget other energetics.

January 2, 2012 11:04 am

davidmhoffer says:
January 2, 2012 at 1:24 am
“The atmosphere raises surface temperature by an amount dependant upon only two factors, these being insolation and mean atmospheric pressure.”
Unfortunately, this is not dispositive. It is known that there is a relationship between pressure and temperature. Formulas for the relationship can be derived using various assumptions which lead to expressions which are not extremely different from what Drs. Nikolov and Zeller have proposed.
The question, as Ira has asked, is which is the cause, and which is the effect?
I think the question is, do you need to invoke greenhouse gases to explain the retention of heat, and the inversion of temperature such that it is hotter lower down and colder as altitude increases? And, is there a dependence on density, and how does it come into play?
I think the answer is, there surely could be a dependence on density, as this quantity does figure prominently in the heat equation. Moreover, if you solve the heat equation in spherical coordinates, it is quite possible for the solution to show an inversion as a function of altitude.
So, I think you do not need GHG forcing, but that is not the same as saying it does not exist. The problem I have always had with the concept is that the absorption lines, even with Doppler broadening, are extremely narrow, and I have a hard time seeing that they can appreciably absorb and re-emit the total radiation.
Have actual experiments been conducted which demonstrate precise agreement between theory and prediction, or has everyone always assumed that, since the idea is consistent with observations, it is factual? Because mere consistency with an hypothesis is not enough for proof. It is always shocking to me when people point to consistency as proof, yet it happens alarmingly often. And, would we even be having this discussion if someone could point to actual experimental proof of the planetary greenhouse effect? How could you conduct a representative experiment, anyway?

January 2, 2012 11:36 am

Bill Illis
January 2, 2012 at 8:29 am:
“The energy represented by those solar photons will spend time in about 32 billion different molecules on average before it finally emitted to space. That take TIME. A large fraction (35% perhaps) spend just a few seconds in the Earth system while a small, small fraction may take 1000 years to exit the system.”
This is an interesting idea – would you care to elaborate a bit more? What relationship does this have to the effective height of emission, for instance?
Cheers, 🙂

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 11:48 am

Your post at January 2, 2012 at 10:42 am says to me:
“I seem to have given offence, but I can assure you it was not intentional nor was I intending to “derail” the thread. Respectfully, it may’ve been helpful if you actually took a look at my link. You would’ve seen that it was talking about (Earth) air not the Martian atmosphere. I only mentioned Mars to give a context to the range of changes in cp versus atmospheric pressure provided.
Regardless of whose theory the idea that -g/cp accounts for the GH effect is, I believe that I have provided pretty convincing evidence that it cannot do so. Surely that is the core of the debate and not an attempt to “derail” it?
In any case, how about it? Why doesn’t the link I provided demonstrate that hypothesis that the GH effect is solely an artifact of the lapse rate is false?”
If your post was genuine then I apologise for my misunderstanding and consequent response.
I have been seeking a proof or disproof of the Jelbring Hypothesis since 2003 so I did look at the link you provided; i.e.
The only things I found there were an advertisement for Preston Air Con Systems together with a Table and graph showing
“Air – Specific Heat at Constant Temperature and Various Pressures
Specific Heat of air at constant temperature 20oC and pressure ranging 0.01 to 100 atm”
I fail to understand how your link provides any support or opposition of any kind pertaining to the Jelbring Hypothesis. And, therefore, I am not convinced by your saying your original post was not an attempt to disrupt this thread.

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 12:12 pm

Terry Oldberg:
Thankyou for your very fine post at January 2, 2012 at 10:44 am that introduces its argument saying;
“I’d like to add a bit of detail on the processes by which a conjecture can be elevated to the status of a hypothesis and a hypothesis to a theory, as both IPCC Working Group I climatologists and bloggers in wattsupwiththat exhibit misunderstanding of these processes.”
If you check you will find that I have repeatedly tried to explain these and similar issues on WUWT.
I write this in hope that it will encourage people to read your post and take note of what it says because I would like to think you have more success than I have had.
And I would be grateful if you were to keep providing explanations of what is – and what is not – the scientific method.

Tim Folkerts
January 2, 2012 12:39 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones asks several interesting questions:
“A) You assert that if all GHG’s, [and by implication all surface water?], are removed from the atmosphere, the surface temperature would be 255K. However, when I do an S-B calculation for outgoing radiation at 255K, I get about 240 W/m^2, and of course, this must ALL escape directly to space in a transparent atmosphere. (the alleged net radiative heat transfer from the surface is 240 W/m^2.) BUT; according to Trenberth et al, this greatly exceeds the incoming surface absorbed energy from the Sun, given as ~161 W/m^2. Would you please answer on what seems to be a major paradox?”
The difference would primarily be the solar energy absorbed by the atmosphere (eg UV absorbed by the O3). This amounts to 78 W/m^2 on the relatively recent version of the Trenberth diagram I have handy. In my hypothetical transparent atmosphere, this energy would get to the surface. 161 + 78 = 239, which is close enough for our work here.
“B) So you agree that there is a lapse rate, regardless of GHG’s?”
Yes. Wikipedia shows a derivation of the the dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR), getting the very simple result of DALR = g / Cp. The specific heat of air (and pure nitrogen) is very close to 1000, and g is very close to 10, so DALR ~ 0.01 K/m or 10 K/km. Changes in either the gravitational field or the composition of the atmosphere would change the DALR. Phase changes (ie condensation of H2O) will also affect the lapse rate (but then it is no longer “D” so DALR would not apply).
As I believe Joel mentioned earlier, the lapse rate should depend on the presence/absence of GHGs. “Adiabatic” specifically means “no heat transfer”, which is a pretty good approximation for heat transfer by conduction, since the thermal conductivity of air is small, and adjacent parcels of air are usually about the same temperature. GHGs can and do transfer energy among different parcels of air (via IR radiation) so the “adiabatic” approximation would be less valid. I also suspect this will decrease the actual lapse rate, but that is just a gut feeling that I have not verified.
“The difficulty I have is: what is the mechanism by which an allegedly non emitting gas loses such heat?”
When I was first coming to grips with the DALR, I imagined an atmosphere with a single molecule! Suppose the molecule is released at the surface of a warm planet. It will have some considerable average (or “typical”) kinetic energy due to its interactions with the surface. That molecule will act as a “projectile” flying upward at several 100 m/s as it leave the surface. The higher it flies, the slower it will be going as it loses gravitational potential energy. So the average KE higher up will be smaller ==> lower temperature. Of course, as it falls back downward, it will regain the KE ==> higher temperature. (The interactions with other gas molecules complicate the simple thought experiment, although the derivation at wikipedia is remarkably simple).
Near the ground: Low PE ==> high KE ==> high temperature
Higher up: High PE ==> low KE ==> low temperature.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Something has to determine the temperature at some elevation before you can predict any specific temperature at any specific altitude. With no GHGs, the radiation of ~ 240 W/m^s would come from the surface, leading to the ~ 255 K temperature at the surface with the lapse rate decreasing from there. If some of the radiation comes from high in the atmosphere where the temperature is well below 255 K, then some of the radiation must come from a source (the surface or clouds) with a temperature well well above 255 K (with the caveat that has been discussed numerous times that the we are averaging T^4, not T). The temperature profile between the surface and the high levels will be determined by the lapse rate.

January 2, 2012 1:35 pm

Richard S. Courtney:
January 2, 2012 at 11:48 am
Ok, I broke down and did a quick scan of the Jelbring paper as posted on tallbloke’s website. From the abstract he says”The distinguishing premise[of this hypothesis] is that the bulk part of a planetary GE depends on its atmospheric surface mass density.” brackets added by me.
then Jelbring goes on to say that “The temperature lapse rate in our model atmosphere also has to be –g/cp, since its atmosphere is organized adiabatically. Hence, it is possible to calculate the
temperature difference (GE) between the surfaces with areas A and S in our three thought experiments. The solution is identical in all three experiments and its value is simply Dg/cp. Thus, the temperature difference (GE ) between the surfaces with areas A and S is independent of density in the atmosphere. It also follows that it is independent of the absolute average temperature of the model atmosphere since the initial constant energy content of the atmosphere can be chosen arbitrarily.”
However, the very next paragraph Jelbring says that “The greenhouse effect (GE ), expressed as temperature lapse rate per meter, in a model atmosphere postulating energetic equilibrium, is constant and independent of the radiative properties of the ideal gases. It is also independent of the density of the atmosphere and of the absolute average temperature of the same.”
Now maybe its just me but I think he describes the Greenhouse Effect in inconsistent ways in his paper. In the abstract he says that the GE depends on the surface mass density of the atmosphere. Then in the second section quoted it is a “temperature difference” but the expression for it is given as Dg/cp (I assume the D is for density). The units don’t make sense here though (so I could be mistaken what D stands for).
Finally, in the last section quoted, he claims that the GE is “independent of the density of the atmosphere” which is in direct contradiction to the abstract (by the language I use anyways 😉 ).
My verdict: TRespectfully, this paper is a dog’s breakfast: The relationships between his variables seem to be contradictory and he doesn’t do a **single** calculation to prove his points. The Nikolov paper is head and shoulders over this one. My best guess is this hasn’t been falsified because it is too big a mess to evaluate properly.
However, just in case I have missed something that puts this in context that you might understand. Can you show me algebraically how one calculates the GE under Gelbring? By that I mean can you give me an expression that would allow me to calculate the GE as defined by Gelbring? I don’t need actual numbers, just the algebra will be fine.
Cheers, 🙂

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 1:50 pm

The iceman cometh @ January 2, 1:22 am

Bob Fernley-Jones asks:
“…So, how does that heat escape? No problem; the GHG’s apparently emit it as EMR to space as a consequence substantially of collisions with the vastly greater previously thermalised non-GHG molecules. – – – The difficulty I have is: what is the mechanism by which an allegedly non emitting gas loses such heat? [within the temperature range being considered]…”
The focus on greenhouse gases seems to have obscured the fact that all bodies radiate – even gases – and that a hot gas can lose heat by radiating it away. Does that answer your difficulty?…

Thanks for that, but as I understand it, emissions are partly dependent on the temperature of the subject gas, which is N2. In the terrestrial temperature range, the following graphic suggests zero or negligible emission from N2. Do you agree?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 2:26 pm

Dear Bob – you are confusing transmission with emission. Think of a glass globe filled with air here on earth, then blasted into space. It will cool to a few degrees K because the gas will radiate – it cannot conduct (except through the glass) and it cannot convect.
Our globe has a sphere of gas round it held there by the force of gravity. That gas can radiate into space just as the glass globe would. Hope that clarifies the question. You are not alone – everyone thinks of a black body as a solid and the ultimate radiator. They forget gases can radiate as well – the sun is surrounded by a gaseous photosphere and it is the radiation from that which keeps us going!

Richard S Courtney
January 2, 2012 1:59 pm

Your post at January 2, 2012 at 1:35 pm is a complete confirmation of my expressed fears concerning your posts here.
You say you read the Jelbring 2003 paper posted today at tallbloke’s blog and not at the link I provided days ago in this thread.
You rant against his paper saying e.g. it is “a dog’s breakfast”.
You ask me;
“By that I mean can you give me an expression that would allow me to calculate the GE as defined by Gelbring? ”
Yes, I can, but I won’t.
Hans Jelbring is answering questions on tallbloke’s blog where you say you read his paper. Clearly, you can ask him for his equations and there is no reason for me to provide equations that I (rightly or wrongly) think he would provide.

January 2, 2012 2:44 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 2, 2012 at 12:39 pm
““Adiabatic” specifically means “no heat transfer”, which is a pretty good approximation for heat transfer by conduction, since the thermal conductivity of air is small, and adjacent parcels of air are usually about the same temperature. GHGs can and do transfer energy among different parcels of air (via IR radiation) so the “adiabatic” approximation would be less valid.”
Also, from “Introduction to Space Sciences”, Haymes, 1971:
“If we make the adiabatic assumption (that there is no heat input except from the ground and that there is no heat “sink”), we may estimate what the lapse rate should be. Although the very fact that cloud formation takes place tells us that this assumption is hardly valid; considerable heat is released wherever water-vapor condensation occurs.”
He then goes on to derive the usual temperature-pressure relationship from this assumption and the ideal gas law. But, it appears to me he is acknowledging that it is not an especially rigorous analysis. So, I really want to know – is there genuine experimental proof backing all this up, or is it just seat-of-the-pants, this-is-the-way-we-kinda-think-it-should-be and observations are consistent with the idea?
“The higher it flies, the slower it will be going as it loses gravitational potential energy.”
Only if you launch it straight up, or nearly so.

January 2, 2012 2:50 pm

Honestly, Richard, don’t be so sensitive. My last post was not a personal attack or an attempt to derail this discussion or a rant or whatever. *It was my honest opinion*. Am I not allowed to say something looks like a dog’s breakfast if I think it does?
In any case, all I was asking for was a formula. It would’ve taken much less time to provide that formula than to go off on a tangent assuming that I was planning to derail this discussion or what have you.
So, in the interests of productive debate, I ask again: Can you provide me with the formula for the GE per Jelbring?
I can’t promise will be exactly in the style or with the wording you are looking for, but I promise to do my best to give it a fair hearing.
Cheers, 🙂

Tim Folkerts
January 2, 2012 3:24 pm

>>“The higher it flies, the slower it will be going as it loses gravitational potential energy.”
>Only if you launch it straight up, or nearly so.
Delta(PE) = mg(delta(y)). At any angle, the projectile gains PE as it gets higher and consequently loses KE (and temperature). If the particle goes up 1 m at any speed or angle, it will gain the same PE and lose the same KE..

Joel Shore
January 2, 2012 3:28 pm

davidmhoffer says:

2. They successfully predicted the surface temps of 8 celestial bodies by coincidence.
If the latter, that’s one awfull big coincidence!

As I have pointed out in another thread that you posted this to, they have not PREDICTED anything. They have simply done an empirical fit to the data. And, since their fit involves 6 free parameters relating T_S to P_S, it is not at all surprising that they can fit things reasonably well.

January 2, 2012 3:38 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 2, 2012 at 3:24 pm
“Delta(PE) = mg(delta(y)). At any angle, the projectile gains PE as it gets higher and consequently loses KE (and temperature). If the particle goes up 1 m at any speed or angle, it will gain the same PE and lose the same KE.”
You are quibbling. Yes, exchanging KE for PE will always reduce the velocity at least a little. But, not necessarily by a significant fraction. Launched tangent to the Earth with enough energy, it theoretically could go all the way around before hitting the Earth again, and with very little variation in velocity.

January 2, 2012 3:46 pm

Really, don’t bother responding to that. I’m just needling you for your imprecision in language. But, I’m far more interested in actual evidence for the “Greenhouse Effect”.

January 2, 2012 3:50 pm

Richard S Courtney says: January 2, 2012 at 10:51 am
“In my books the potential energy+kinetic energy in both parcels is the same so n molecules at 10km will loose 10km worth of “potential energy” but gain 10kms worth of “kinetic energy”.”
Yes, but so what?
The parcel that rises has more thermal energy than the parcel that replaces it by falling. So, the net result is upward movement of thermal energy.
The only reason the lower parcel rises is because it has more thermal energy. Think about it.
And, on average, parcels in contact with the Earth’s surface gain thermal energy because they are heated by conduction from the surface.
Richard We are talking about adiabatic lapse rate i.e. no input/output of energy to the system
So yes the n molecules rising to 10km through convection is ok but now there are 2n molecules at 10km – something has to give or else all molecules congregate at 10km which is not sensible.
There is no change in lapse rate going up or going down it is the same (providided one considers only dry lapse rates).
From Wiki lapse rate = -dT/dz = 9.8K/km
so for every molecule at 290K assending to 10km and losing 100K in temperature to reach the temperature (190K) you claim is set by gravity at that air pressure one molecule at 190K will fall to zero altitude (to balance the molecule counts) and gain 100K to reach a temp of 290K. Where is the energy change (adiabatic – there is none by definition)?

January 2, 2012 4:00 pm

If nobody from the “anti-Nikolov/Zeller” camp can answer my question as to experimental backing for the “Greenhouse Effect”, I will be forced to assume it is a kluge which has been used to explain a phenomenon, much as the ancients invoked Gods to explain the weather (because “we” can’t think of or won’t accept any other cause), and put it as an hypothesis on an equal footing with N-Z et al.
Anyone? Bueller?

January 2, 2012 4:09 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
January 2, 2012 at 7:52 am
From a response over at Dr. Spencer’s blog, Ned Nikolov does seem to be in agreement at least with the basic direction of the physical experiment I conducted.
With regard to the questions of blocking convection, I am suggesting that while convection cannot occur without a fluid layer, for a given gravity field the speed of convection will be governed by the density of the fluid. Our atmosphere has mass, and the speed of convection is limited by inertia and friction. “blocked” was a poor choice of word on my part, “speed limited” may have been a better description. The higher the density of a fluid, the lower that speed limit.
As to your concerns about the impact of DW LWIR, I have based this conclusion again on empirical experiment. The Trenberth / Keihl diagram makes no distinction with regard surface type for the effects of DW LWIR, however I have found that evaporatively cooled water does not have Its cooling rate significantly altered by incident LWIR.
This would appear to be in agreement with one of your earlier posts about the Schmittner 2011 paper on multi-modal sensitivity.
Like yourself I am waiting to see Ned Nikolov’s reply paper for clarification of many points.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 5:08 pm

Tim Folkerts @ January 2, 12:39 pm
Tim, good to hear from you again, and thanks for your interest. I thought that item A) would grab your attention, but your solution only proves that Trenberth et al can do simple arithmetic. There are some other issues as we have discussed extensively before, but let’s not go there.
I’m more interested in item B) or the implications of lapse rate. Putting aside some hesitations about whether it is adiabatic in an atmosphere with convection and whatnot going on, your explanation of KE at the surface converting to PE with altitude is good as far as molecular velocity is concerned. A key point is that you say this is a consequence of decelerating gravitational force. Other issues include that the mass per unit volume, pressure, and temperature, is greatest at the surface as a consequence of gravity acting upon the air-column above. (which seems to support N&Z)
Whilst Ira’s suggestions about cause and effect are interesting, I cannot see the value of his analogy of pressure vessels responding to foreign environments. (very different ambients to a real atmosphere with lapse rate and stuff)
To me, it seems a real possibility that Ira has confused cause and effect himself.
Can you add to this Tim?
You seem to have read my expansion on this issue in my comments to Ira here:

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 2, 2012 5:37 pm

The iceman cometh @ January 2, 2:26 pm

Dear Bob – you are confusing transmission with emission. Think of a glass globe filled with air here on earth, then blasted into space. It will cool to a few degrees K because the gas will radiate – it cannot conduct (except through the glass) and it cannot convect.

Sorry pal, but there need not be any radiation from whatever gas you enclose in your glass container for its T to drop, and the allegedly non-terrestrially emitting nitrogen (N2) was the topic. At low temperatures the glass itself would be very close to a black body. (and opaque to a lot of the important longer wavelengths?). The glass would be subject to conductive heat transfer from any entrapped gas, so the gas would still get cold by that means.
I’m interested, so had a sniff around for emission spectra for N2 at terrestrial temperatures, but couldn’t find anything. Do you have something?

January 2, 2012 6:37 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 2, 2012 at 3:28 pm
“And, since their fit involves 6 free parameters relating T_S to P_S, it is not at all surprising that they can fit things reasonably well.”
From your lips to the climate modeler’s ears. How many free parameters in a typical GCM?

January 2, 2012 8:19 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 2, 2012 at 5:37 pm
I’m interested, so had a sniff around for emission spectra for N2 at terrestrial temperatures, but couldn’t find anything. Do you have something?

There’s a very weak band between 4 and 5 microns, about 10 orders of magnitude weaker than CO2.

Baa Humbug
January 2, 2012 8:43 pm

I am hoping someone might like to help me with the following hypothetical.
I have 2 identical boxes with an identical heating device in each.
My task is to increase the rate of warming in one of the boxes (Box 1) whilst decreasing the rate of warming in the other (Box 2).
I have available to me 2 types of paint. One is a High Thermal Emissivity (HTE) paint whilst the other is a Low Thermal Emissivity paint.
Which box should be painted with which paint?
p.s. disregard conduction and convection

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Ira Glickstein, PhD
January 2, 2012 9:51 pm

Am I the only one out of step, or what? My thought experiment – a thin glass globe filled with air at NTP and tossed into deep space. It will cool by radiation only. It has a low emissivity, but it will radiate. We happen to inhabit a globe where the gas is contained by gravity, but it can still emit. Jupiter is all gas, and it emits. Long live Max Planck!

January 2, 2012 9:29 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 2, 2012 at 5:37 pm
I’m interested, so had a sniff around for emission spectra for N2 at terrestrial temperatures, but couldn’t find anything. Do you have something?
Bob, be careful what that spectrum ‘is’ once or if you ever find one. Think at a machine or instrument level what you would be looking at. The spectrums are created by instruments and they are usually at ambient room temperature I assume, and in order to even show any lower lying gray-body radiation from N2, hopefully not rarified to magnify, the instrument would need to be cooled WAY down, near zero K. (another way to put it, the gray-body portion is zero’ed out) They are made to read and display stronger emission ‘lines’, for everything in the room and the instrument itself is also radiating as gray-bodies at the same temperature and any from the N2 would be invisible.
The reason you never see one is that is that generally it is not what any experiment would ever be questioning, therefore, no experiments, and no papers, and nothing on the web.
Maybe someone not pushing AGW “science” so we could trust it could clarify if I am wrong above. I too want to know conclusively, with a real experiment and paper to back it up. I could never find one either.

Joel Shore
January 2, 2012 9:30 pm

Ira: 3000 Angstroms is not 3 microns. It is 0.3 microns. Hence, this chart is showing emission in the visible and very-near-infrared. One can get emission from N_2 in the mid/far infrared part of the spectrum but it occurs due to collisions and hence increases as you make the density higher. At Earth-like densities, I am quite confident that any emissions in the infrared are many orders of magnitude smaller than emissions from greenhouse gases, not just a factor of 13!
[OOPS! Thanks for the correction, I will apply it to my original comment above (at January 2, 2012 at 8:51 pm). – Ira]

January 2, 2012 9:37 pm

So, I might as well lob this stink bomb in as long as the discussion is continuing: The Wood experiment. This guy says his results contradict it. This guy says he repeated Wood’s results. The first guy’s test seems suspect to me in that he measured very different time constants for his boxes, which appears to me to suggest the boxes did not have similar heat capacities.
An additional reason I find it suspect, and a knock on the experiment in general: As I mentioned previously, the absorption bands are really narrow. In Lebesgue terms, they have effectively zero measure. How, then, will an integral of an intercepted distribution leave you with anything but a net zero response?
Would not the key to an atmospheric Greenhouse effect, in fact, be the Doppler broadening which occurs due to the wide distribution of relative velocities of absorbing particles?

January 2, 2012 9:43 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones:
January 2, 2012 at 5:37 pm
And along that same line of thought on N2 spectrums… think… you said it in your own words.
Getting a gray-body emission spectrum from a gas seems nearly impossible to even be performed, for the gas has to be in a glass container, and the glass itself would ALSO be radiating gray-body at whatever temperature the instrument was at. So, how would you ever separate the gray-body emissions from the glass from the gray-body emissions from the gas within? That hit my mind on the way to get some hot coffee and had to add that.

The iceman cometh
January 2, 2012 10:02 pm

I agree that my hypothetical glass globe will be warmed by the gas and it too will radiate – but there is also the radiation that will pass through the glass (if it is transparent – of low absorbtivity) at the wavelength of the emission. And another gaseous emitter is called the sun – and its photosphere is clearly gaseous.

January 3, 2012 12:44 am

“I agree that my hypothetical glass globe will be warmed by the gas and it too will radiate – but there is also the radiation that will pass through the glass (if it is transparent – of low absorbtivity) at the wavelength of the emission.”
The glass globe would warm and largely control the temperature- empty globe should around same temperature as one filled with nitrogen. If filled CO2 this would also be the case.

The iceman cometh
January 3, 2012 1:38 am

Mea Culpa! I had forgotten Kirchoff’s Law – emissivity = absorbtivity, and the symmetrical diatomics like O2 and N2 don’t absorb

Brian H
January 3, 2012 2:05 am

About saving comments, lest they disappear or get wiped while composing, two steps:
1) Use FireFox;
2) Install the Lazarus add-on.

Richard S Courtney
January 3, 2012 2:42 am

At January 2, 2012 at 3:50 pm you say to me:
“We are talking about adiabatic lapse rate i.e. no input/output of energy to the system.”
We are talking about how a planet heated by a Sun maintains a lapse rate that always ‘seeks’ the adiabatic lapse rate. The Sun provides an input of energy to the system. And an equivalent flux of energy is radiated from the planet.
So, the Sun heats the Earth’s surface, the surface heats the air it contacts, the heated parcel of air expands so rises (buoyancy), and the parcel carries the heat up with it until the profile of the adiabatic lapse rate is recovered.
Are you trying to adopt the Joel Shore method of obfuscation: i.e. pretend an imaginary reality then claim reality must obey your imagination?

January 3, 2012 7:14 am

Brian H says: January 3, 2012 at 2:05 am
Install the Lazarus add-on.
You bloody beauty! Thanks!

January 3, 2012 7:24 am

Bart says:
January 2, 2012 at 2:44 pm
I’m not sure I saw the quote you’re referring to in Hayme’s book. (talking about obscure books to reference). Note that the book is a textbook at the graduate / senior undergrad level and its purpose is to educate, providing a survey course for space sciences. Note that Haymes was not an atmospheric specialist either (not that I saw anything wrong with his chapter on the atmosphere).
You might prefer to dig up a vintage physical meteorology textbook instead.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 7:38 am

Bart says:

If nobody from the “anti-Nikolov/Zeller” camp can answer my question as to experimental backing for the “Greenhouse Effect”, I will be forced to assume it is a kluge which has been used to explain a phenomenon, much as the ancients invoked Gods to explain the weather (because “we” can’t think of or won’t accept any other cause), and put it as an hypothesis on an equal footing with N-Z et al.

(1) The major piece of experimental evidence is that the temperature of the Earth’s surface is such that it is emitting 390 W/m^2 while the entire Earth-atmosphere system is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun. There is no way that I can think of to explain this except to claim that there is some huge magical source of energy OR that some of the 390 W/m^2 is absorbed by the atmosphere. And, no, the N-Z hypothesis is not on equal footing with the latter explanation because the N-Z hypothesis violates a bedrock principle of physics – conservation of energy, or at least, the proponents of the hypothesis are utterly unable to explain using any known physics how it does not violate this principle.
(2) The fact that there is no such magical source of energy is confirmed by the fact that, as observed from space, the Earth is in fact only emitting energy at a rate of ~240 W/m^2 (not the higher amount that it would emit if there was a magical additional source of energy). This demonstrates that in fact it is the absorption by the atmosphere that is allowing the surface to be at an elevated temperature. And, then you have the fact that the spectrum of the observed emissions is in good agreement with what is expected on the basis of radiative transfer calculations using the empirically-measured absorption lines of the IR-absorbing elements in the atmosphere.
(3) Finally, you also have the observed spectrum of radiation emitted by the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 7:51 am

Richard S Courtney says:

We are talking about how a planet heated by a Sun maintains a lapse rate that always ‘seeks’ the adiabatic lapse rate. The Sun provides an input of energy to the system. And an equivalent flux of energy is radiated from the planet.

If it does always seek the adiabatic lapse rate, it is doing a piss-poor job in the stratosphere! In fact, the lapse rate does not always seek the adiabatic lapse rate. Rather, the adiabatic lapse rate is a stability limit…i.e., lapse rates greater than the adiabatic lapse rate lead to convection, which indeed then does drive the lapse rate to the adiabatic lapse rate. However, lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are stable.
As I have noted in the other thread on Nikolov’s “theory”. Here is the correct picture of what is going on:
The adiabatic lapse rate matters but rather in sort of the opposite way as people are contending: The radiative effects are what provide the greenhouse effect and the adiabatic lapse rate is what limits the extent to which the radiative greenhouse effect can be offset by convection. So, in other words, if the adiabatic lapse rate were zero, i.e., any temperature decrease with height spurred convection, then the greenhouse effect would basically be canceled out by convection. However, the fact that the adiabatic lapse rate is non-zero is what allows the atmosphere to maintain a temperature profile which decreases with height and hence insures that the radiative greenhouse effect is not canceled out by convective effects (although its magnitude is reduced somewhat).
This also explains where Nikolov has screwed up in Section 2.1B) where he discusses convection: His Equation (4) has put in convection in such a way that it tries to equalize the temperatures T_a and T_s even if they are such that the lapse rate is less than the adiabatic lapse rate. This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 7:54 am

H – Just wanted to add my thanks to those who are singing your praises by making us aware of that Lazarus add-on. It’s awesome!

January 3, 2012 8:08 am

I thought you did a good job explaining things here.
As for the N2, it will depend upon the T which determines the velocity of the gas molecules compared to the gravitational pull of the material, escape velocity.

January 3, 2012 8:23 am

Richard S Courtney says: January 3, 2012 at 2:42 am
Are you trying to adopt the Joel Shore method of obfuscation: i.e. pretend an imaginary reality then claim reality must obey your imagination?
There ain’t no such animal as adiabatic lapse rate in the real world – there is always exchange of energy with the surroundings – there is always moisture in the air. You may be comnfusing environmental lapse rate. A very variable quantity nominally abot 6,5K/km.
If you take a suitably proportioned (to allow for correct volume change with altitude) tube of aerogel 10km long.
Rotate it to be horizontal the temperature will eventually stabilise to some average.
Now rotate it to be vertical (big end at top)
The air at the bottom will compress (and heat) and the air at the top will expand (and cool).
I would suggest that eventually – because of the molecular collisions and motion the air temperature will average out over the full height to the same value as when horizontal.
What do you suggest would happen?

January 3, 2012 9:00 am

Joel Shore says:”…entire Earth-atmosphere system is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun.”
Several folks have stated above so not directed specific to Mr. Shore.
Avogadro’s number = 6.0221415 × 10^23
molecules per mole of gas
One mole of an ideal gas at STP occupies 22.4 liters
1000 L per m^3
1000/22.4=44.6 moles per m^3
44.6 x 6.022E23=2.69E25 molecules
cubed root of above 299,569,488 moles per m^2
number of CO2 in above 113836 molecules
240 W/m^2/113839 molecules per m^2 = .0021 W per CO2 molecule
390 W/m^2/113839 molecules per m^2 = .0034 W per CO2 molecule
I doubt this highly.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  mkelly
January 3, 2012 10:02 am

CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas. Water is the dominant absorber.

January 3, 2012 9:03 am

cubed root of above 299,569,488 moles per m^2
Should read molecules per m^2 not moles.

January 3, 2012 9:15 am

Joel Shore says:
January 3, 2012 at 7:38 am
“The major piece of experimental evidence is that the temperature of the Earth’s surface is such that it is emitting 390 W/m^2 while the entire Earth-atmosphere system is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun.”
Thank you, Joel. But, is the entire Earth-atmosphere system really only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun? This, again, seems to be a calculation without experimental confirmation. I’d print more of my thoughts on this, but it is a sidetrack from the main thing I want to bring up at this moment.
Anyway, the calculations appear assume that temperature is wholly determined by incoming flux minus outgoing S-B. This ought to be able to be expressed as an ordinary differential equation, something like
dT/dt = f(S – sigma*eps*T^4)
where T is temperature, S is incoming flux, and the rest is S-B radiation, and f() is a monotonic function which converts from energy flow to temperature. Setting dT/dt to zero then gives the quasi-steady state temperature.
However, the heat equation says there is another term proportional to thermal diffusivity and the Laplacian of the temperature distribution, so that we would get a partial differential equation for the temperature as a function of time and space, perhaps of the form
pT/pt = f(S – sigma*eps*T^4) + alpha*del^2(T)
where “p” denotes the partial differential operator. That extra term would capture the influence of the energy required to establish temperature gradient divergence, which must be substantial for the spherical Earth if temperature isosurfaces are to exist at given altitudes. The “alpha” term is the thermal diffusivity, which very much depends on density.

January 3, 2012 9:23 am

It may be of interest for someone to try calculating (I might work on it a little when I have time):
A) a representative thermal diffusivity coefficient for the Earth’s atmosphere
B) the Laplacian of T assuming an isosurface at Earth radius
C) the effective energy flux the term would represent which, wouldn’t it be fascinating if it came out to something near 150 W/m^2?

January 3, 2012 10:32 am

Konrad says:
January 2, 2012 at 1:13 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 1, 2012 at 10:15 pm

“Let me stop there to ask … including planets with atmospheres which contain no greenhouse gases? I ask because this is a crucial question that determines the further direction of inquiry.”

Yes, that would be what the Nikolov and Zeller hypothysis indicates. A boring grey basalt planet with no atmosphere can radiate a wide IR spectrum freely. Add an atmosphere of “non” greenhouse gasses and things change. The added gas layer now removes energy from the basalt surface faster than it would have been radiated, however that energy now leaves the planet (basalt sphere with gas layer) at a slower rate, as it has been convected away from the solid surface that could most easily radiate it. A gas layer with even greater density and mass will conduct and trap even more of the energy that would have been radiated away from from an atmosphere free planet. Nitrogen and Oxygen may therefore be Earth’s primary greenhouse gasses.

Great, thanks, Konrad, we’re getting somewhere. Now all I need is a few numbers and an explanation.
1. You say that if there is an atmosphere with no ghgs, the planet will be warmer than a planet with no atmosphere. What is the actual series of steps by which this happens?
2. How much does an atmosphere raise the planets temperature?
For example, you say:

A gas layer with even greater density and mass will conduct and trap even more of the energy that would have been radiated away from from an atmosphere free planet.

I fear that is no explanation at all. Other than the trivially small amount of energy needed to initially warm the denser gas, why and how will a denser gas “trap more energy”?
My basic question is this. The nature of non-GHG gases is that they don’t absorb or radiate in either the shortwave or longwave bands. So how do they slow down the radiation to space of the energy of the planet’s surface? Because that’s what you have to do to raise a planet’s temperature. The GHGs slow it down by absorbing some of it, then radiating part of that back to the surface.
But how are non-GHG gases supposed to slow down radiation to space? It’s not by the warming and cooling of the atmosphere, that’s a net-zero process, and trivially small to boot because of the small thermal mass of the boundary layer.
Because that is your claim, that somehow perfectly transparent gases slow down radiation to space … but neither you nor anyone else has explained how transparent gases slow down radiation to space. Saying that they will “conduct and trap more energy” is just handwaving.
What energy do they “trap”, and how do they “trap” it, and what happens when the “trap” is full, and how much do they “trap”?
PS—Like many folks, Nikolov seems to have misunderstood the lapse rate. The lapse rate does not ensure that the bottom of the atmosphere is warmer than the top.
It ensures that the top of the atmosphere is cooler than the bottom. And since the temperature of the bottom-most layer of the atmosphere is set by the surface temperature …

Stephen Wilde
January 3, 2012 11:16 am

Willis, I think I see your oversight as regards non GHG gases.
They warm up from conduction from the solar irradiated surface below and from each other.
Gravity holds more of them near the surface so there are more of them bouncing around sharing energy with each other by collision and conduction.
Every collision and sharing of energy between molecules reduces the rate of energy loss to space and the delay builds up in proportion to the number of molecules in a given space.
So the greater the density, the greater the delay in energy loss to space and the higher the temperature can get.
Meanwhile radiative energy loss occurs from the ground below and if the non GHG molecules get hotter than the ground they pass it back to the ground via conduction before the ground can radiate it out to space.
So they do ‘trap’ energy.
They ‘trap’ it by a process of passing the parcel between themselves and the ground via conduction over a period of time.
When the ‘trap’ is full they pass the energy back to the surface which radiates it out to space.
They trap an amount proportionate to density.
Do you see it now ?

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 11:56 am

Bart says:

Thank you, Joel. But, is the entire Earth-atmosphere system really only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun? This, again, seems to be a calculation without experimental confirmation. I’d print more of my thoughts on this, but it is a sidetrack from the main thing I want to bring up at this moment.

It is measured, or at least based on various measured quantities…and the amount that the Earth is actually emitting to space, as seen from satellites, is also measured and is the same (within the experimental errors, which are not more than 5 or 10 W/m^2.

Anyway, the calculations appear assume that temperature is wholly determined by incoming flux minus outgoing S-B.

No…what I am saying is that if the entire earth-atmosphere system is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 and the surface is emitting 390 W/m^2 back out into space by radiation then you’ve already got a problem. It doesn’t matter how the heat is moving around within the atmosphere. The only solution is that the atmosphere is absorbing some of the surface’s emissions, a fact that is well-confirmed, in spectral detail, by satellite measurements.
Look, at this point you are simply flailing about wildly. Show at least a little scientific objectivity and admit when nonsense is nonsense. This “unified theory” is really exposing how desperate many people are to believe what they want to believe at all costs!

Richard S Courtney
January 3, 2012 12:01 pm

Joel Shore and JJThoms:
At January 3, 2012 at 2:42 am I wrote:
“We are talking about how a planet heated by a Sun maintains a lapse rate that always ‘seeks’ the adiabatic lapse rate.”
Joel Shore responds at January 3, 2012 at 7:51 am by saying;
“If it does always seek the adiabatic lapse rate, it is doing a piss-poor job in the stratosphere! In fact, the lapse rate does not always seek the adiabatic lapse rate. Rather, the adiabatic lapse rate is a stability limit…i.e., lapse rates greater than the adiabatic lapse rate lead to convection, which indeed then does drive the lapse rate to the adiabatic lapse rate. However, lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are stable.”
That is absolutely classic Joel Shore obfuscation. It is a distinction which makes no difference.
“Lapse rates greater than the adiabatic lapse rate … drive the lapse rate to the adiabatic lapse rate”.
“lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are stable” but conditions which permit them are transient.
JJThoms says at January 3, 2012 at 8:23 am
“ There ain’t no such animal as adiabatic lapse rate in the real world – there is always exchange of energy with the surroundings – there is always moisture in the air. You may be comnfusing (sic) environmental lapse rate. A very variable quantity nominally abot 6,5K/km.”
Seeking the adiabatic lapse rate (which is what I said) is NOT achieving the adiabatic lapse rate.
I am not confusing anything (n.b. I am not Joel Shore), and your point is why conditions permitting lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are transient.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 12:48 pm

The iceman cometh:

CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas. Water is the dominant absorber.

It is what it is. The radiative effects of each element making up the natural greenhouse effect can be calculated. CO2 contributes either ~9% or ~25% (if I remember correctly), depending on whether you measure by how much the forcing falls if you remove or measure by how much the forcing goes up if you start with an IR-inactive atmosphere and add it in.
However, CO2 and the other non-condensable gases play a very important role because they control the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere (because that is a strong function of the temperature). Hence, the best available evidence that we have is that if you remove the condensable greenhouse gases, you lose most of the greenhouse effect once such feedbacks are taken into account (see http://www.sciencemag.org/content/330/6002/356.abstract )

January 3, 2012 12:56 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 3, 2012 at 11:56 am
“Look, at this point you are simply flailing about wildly.”
Ah, no. If I were insisting that I knew that the current prevailing paradigm is wrong, and pulling everything but the kitchen sink in to try to maintain my intransigence, then I would be flailing. But, I am not doing that. I am discussing alternatives which may or may not have been previously considered to make sure something is not missing.
I am not saying greenhouse theory is wrong, though I have suggested that I think Doppler broadening has to be key to it if it is right – I do not see how you can absorb more than a negligible width (or widths) out of the radiation distribution without it. Nor am I saying the alternative is right. I am just trying to look at the problem from all sides before forming a conclusion. That is what real scientists do.
It is more or less an academic exercise because I do not think the increase in GHGs would be driving temperatures higher for a variety of reasons, particularly the negative feedback from clouds. Or, for that matter, that recorded temperatures to date have been observably anomalous. In fact, every indication right now is that we are heading into another ~30 year cooling cycle, such as is evident in the temperature record every ~60 years.
“…what I am saying is that if the entire earth-atmosphere system is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 and the surface is emitting 390 W/m^2 back out into space by radiation then you’ve already got a problem.”
The 390 W/m^2 figure is a derived quantity based on temperature. It is potentially balanced to some extent by the divergence of the temperature gradient which is part of the standard heat equation. I am suggesting this may well be the term which actualizes the principle which Stephen Wilde @ January 3, 2012 at 11:16 am somewhat inchoately describes as “the greater the density, the greater the delay in energy loss to space and the higher the temperature can get.” It doesn’t require any new heretofore undiscovered physics. It’s a known effect. And, I do not see anywhere it has been taken into consideration.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 12:57 pm

Richard S Courtney says:

That is absolutely classic Joel Shore obfuscation. It is a distinction which makes no difference.
“Lapse rates greater than the adiabatic lapse rate … drive the lapse rate to the adiabatic lapse rate”.
“lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are stable” but conditions which permit them are transient.

Given the confusions that exist around here, it is important to clearly understand WHY the lapse rate in the troposphere tends to be near the adiabatic lapse rate. And, the reason is a combination of the fact that the troposphere is strongly heated from below and cooled from above (because of the combination of much of the sunlight being absorbed at the Earth’s surface and of the radiative effects of greenhouse gases) AND that lapse rates higher than the adiabatic lapse rate are unstable to convection.
The reason it is important to have this understanding is so one does not then fall prety to ignorant statements (made by people like Postma, among others) to the effect of “The adiabatic lapse rate is all you need to explain the elevated surface temperature of the Earth; there is no need to consider greenhouse gases.”

January 3, 2012 1:07 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 10:32 am
“Now all I need is a few numbers and an explanation.”
First, about the numbers. It should be clear from the huge number of comments about the Nikolov and Zeller hypothesis over several blog sites that none of the numbers being used are answering the question. This seems to be because the physical system at play is not clearly understood. The first step to resolution is empirical testing to confirm the mechanism. Numbers to quantify this come second. It should be clear after over a thousand comments without resolution that this question will not be answered from behind a computer keyboard. I would also note that more money has now been spent on internet connection fees and electricity by all involved in commenting than a simple and robust empirical experiment would have cost.
As to the question “how does an atmosphere raise a planets temperature”, the answer appears to be by transferring energy from a part of the planet that can radiate energy easily (the solid surface) to another part of the planet that cannot radiate easily (the gases in the atmosphere).
Conduction by gas in contact with the surface removes heat from the surface faster than it would have been lost by radiation alone. The heat in the gas atmosphere then leaves the planet slower as the gas atmosphere is a poor radiator. The denser the atmosphere, the more heat it can absorb. The denser the atmosphere the higher the viscosity, and the slower the convection speed.
The important question here is the one Ira is asking a few comments earlier. By what means do nitrogen and oxygen lose heat to space?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Konrad
January 3, 2012 9:46 pm

“The important question here is the one Ira is asking a few comments earlier. By what means do nitrogen and oxygen lose heat to space?” It is not an important question, because the answer is known – they can’t. I thought they could, but when I dug deeper I realized I was wrong.
The only means by which they could lose heat to space is by radiation (or by leaving the planet). For radiation, at thermal equilibrium absorption = emission, which is known as Kirchoff’s Law. Once you have differences in temperature, then heat is transferred according to T^4 law. But if you don’t have absorption, then you can’t have emission, and the symmetrical diatomic gases O2, N2 etc don’t absorb radiation – therefore they don’t heat up by radiation and they don’t cool by radiation. I hope that answers the question.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 2:16 pm

I said:

And, I plainly admit when I am wrong about something. For example, in this very thread, when cba claimed that Nikolov et al had made a calculational error in determining their T_sb, I said that he was wrong and that they had made only a poor assumption but had implemented their poor assumption for the surface temperature distribution correctly ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-849077 ). I believed this because Gerlich and Tscheuschner had gotten almost the same numerical answer making the same poor assumption. However, cba persisted that they had in fact made calculational errors and then, after looked more closely, I realized that he seemed to be correct…and I told him so: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-849744

Well, having looked yet again at this issue, I am apparently now in the position of not only admitting that I was wrong, but admitting that I was wrong twice (i.e., wrong about being wrong) and I am now going back to my original claim on this! I just looked over Gerlich & Tscheuschner and, more importantly, Arthur Smith’s very nice reply to them ( http://arxiv.org/abs/0802.4324 ), and I now realize the mistake that cba and I were both making: We were imagining the polar angle theta to denote latitude and phi to denote longitude. However, the integral is more easily carried out if you make theta = 0 correspond to the point on the earth where the sun is directly overhead because you have symmetry about such an axis. And, in fact, the integral is then what Nikolov et al have written down.
So, my conclusion is back to this: Nikolov et al.’s calculation of T_sb is carried out correctly but uses an extremely questionable approximation, namely that the planet’s temperature distribution is determined by that necessary to balance the local (in both space and time) insolation. I.e., it assumes no heat storage and no movement of heat about the planet. [The whole necessity of having to make any assumption at all about the temperature distribution could be eliminated by performing a fit of the pressure vs the ratio of the amount of power emitted by the surface to the total amount absorbed by the planet and its atmosphere from the sun, although these values for the various celestial bodies might be more difficult to come by.]
At any rate, this problem is relatively minor in relation to the more serious problems that we have identified with their “theory”.

January 3, 2012 2:17 pm

Here’s some simple numbers that are averages. There’s 341W/m^2 coming in to the Earth system from the Sun when averaged over the whole Earth. There is about 30% reflected back to space which is the albedo. That means about 239 W/m^2 average is absorbed. For the Earth to be in balance at a temperature, the average radiated power leaving the Earth system has to balance the incoming 239 W/m^2. The average current surface temperature is around 288k and for an emissivity of 1 in the IR, that means the surface radiates away 390W/m^2. Note a 0.95 emissivity would radiate away 370 W/m^2. Earth nowadays has about a 62% cloud cover which is responsible for the vast majority of the albedo but is also responsible for blocking a good deal of surface radiation that would otherwise pass through the atmosphere to space. Clouds aren’t the only factor as there are particulates floating around which are not molecules with line spectrums.
What all of these tidbits boil down to is that the surface emits around 390 W/m^2 on average and the Earth system must emit to space only about 239W/m^2 on average. That means the atmosphere must block 390-239 = 151 W/m^2 more than it contributes to outgoing radition. About 2/3 of this amount is attributed to ghg absorption and the rest must be clouds and non ghg factors. Essentially, co2 contributes about 28 W/m^2 of absorption and h2o vapor contributes the lion’s share.
Note that these are all averages of the real world except for the detailed line by line calculations for the total and specific contributions to the 151 W/m^2. A black body airless object with a reasonable distribution of incoming power and relatively low average temperature variation would have to radiate the average 239 W/m^2 corresponds to 255K indicating a 33 deg C rise due to the atmosphere. Also, there is no reference as to how much impact conduction and convection have somewhere in the atmosphere nor is there a model of the atmosphere.
These combine to show that 33 deg C / 151 W/m^2 = 0.218 deg C rise per W/m^2 increase in absorbed power or increased average incoming power or due to the decrease of albedo. This is a sensitivity to small changes. Multiplying by the 3.7 W/m^2 increased absorption due to a co2 doubling results in a 0.8 deg C rise. Note that this has all of the feedbacks (average) present in the atmosphere. A straight radiative calculation assuming 61% of the surface emission escapes to space indicates that for a 1 W/m^2 increase in outgoing power would raise the temperature by 0.3 deg C/W/m^2 increase or 1.1 deg C rise for a co2 doubling. Here’s the evidence that the actual feedbacks in the atmosphere are net negative on average and result in a temperature increase only 73% of the required temperature change for a simple model calculation without feedbacks.
When one looks at what is involved in the modeling estimates by Lacis and Hansen that claim significant positive feedbacks, it get’s even more interesting. They use one dimensional modeling and choose assumptions that maximizes the feedback. The most offensive is the assumption that a rise in temperature results in less cloud formation. That means, among other things, that Earth is currently at its maximum sustainable cloud cover. Why? At lower temperatures, there is less h2o vapor present and the evaporation cycle must diminish. Because of their assumption, warmer temperatures will result in less cloud formation and that leaves us at some magical maxima. Hence, there is no way to achieve a cloud cover greater than 62% and a decrease in cloud cover will increase the average temperature. That, along with efforts to minimize cloud cover albedo effects and maximize thermal blocking are combined to imply that it really doesn’t have a significant effect. Amazing how the average cloud albedo is taken by these guys to be the minimum cloud albedo of the one cloud type which has the lowest reflectivity. I suspect that if you call them on it there will be some claim of it being best to err on the ‘safe’ side when dealing with poorly known details.

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 2:53 pm

cba says:

These combine to show that 33 deg C / 151 W/m^2 = 0.218 deg C rise per W/m^2 increase in absorbed power or increased average incoming power or due to the decrease of albedo. This is a sensitivity to small changes. Multiplying by the 3.7 W/m^2 increased absorption due to a co2 doubling results in a 0.8 deg C rise. Note that this has all of the feedbacks (average) present in the atmosphere.

Nope.,.It does not have the feedbacks included. Monckton is confused about the same point (as was Willis in a post a few months ago) and I have explained to him in gory detail with analogies why he is incorrect ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/30/feedback-about-feedbacks-and-suchlike-fooleries/#comment-848206 and http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/30/feedback-about-feedbacks-and-suchlike-fooleries/#comment-848211 ).
The basic point is this: The 151 W/m^2 includes the greenhouse effects of water vapor (and clouds). However, in doing this calculation, you are making the assumption that all of the water vapor is a forcing, not a feedback. Or, to put it another way, you are assuming that you have to remove all the water vapor explicitly in order to get that 33 deg C temperature drop. What the climate scientists, backed by various experimental evidence, theoretical considerations, and climate model simulations ( http://www.sciencemag.org/content/330/6002/356.abstract ), would say is that if you remove just the condensable greenhouse gases (which are just some fraction of the 151 W/m^2), most of the water vapor would also condense out and you would lose most of the warming effect of the water vapor, hence dropping by almost that fall 33 deg C. (You would also increase the ice albedo of the planet.) Even if you don’t believe this scenario, you can’t prove that it does not occur by assuming that it does not occur…That is a circular argument.
So, you are not correct in thinking that you have done a calculation that includes all of the feedbacks (as feedbacks). The only feedback that you have clearly included properly as a feedback is the negative feedback due to the lapse rate (because you calculated the temperature change at the surface). So, your 0.8 deg C result is the result that you get including the one known negative feedback and NONE of the known positive feedbacks (nor the cloud feedback, of unknown sign).
[By the way, Monckton quotes a different number (or range), 86-125 W/m^2 for the total forcing from the Kiehl and Trenberth paper and I am a bit confused about which one of the various numbers in that paper is the most sensible to use. I kind of think that yours is, but then, as I say, you have clearly included the negative lapse rate feedback while not including any of the others. With the number that Monckton quotes, he does get an answer that is closer to the actual no-feedback value of 1.1 deg C, although whether this is meaningful or just due to fortuitous cancellations of the lapse rate feedback and an erroneous choice for the total forcing is unclear to me. But, at some point, this is all a mootpoint because the real problem is that you are not calculating a sensitivity that includes feedbacks in the proper way.]

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 2:57 pm

P.S. – cba, You might want to read my recent post here too, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-852111 , as I have concluded that the calculational error that we thought Nikolov was making in computing T_sb is not a calculational error but is due to a different definition of the “polar angle” theta than you and I were assuming: I.e., if one takes theta = 0 the point on the Earth where the sun is overhead then you get symmetry that makes the integration easier (i.e., the integration of the azimuthal angle is trivial). That is what Nikolov did.

January 3, 2012 3:57 pm

Konrad says:
January 3, 2012 at 1:07 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 10:32 am

“Now all I need is a few numbers and an explanation.”

First, about the numbers. It should be clear from the huge number of comments about the Nikolov and Zeller hypothesis over several blog sites that none of the numbers being used are answering the question. This seems to be because the physical system at play is not clearly understood.

Thanks, Konrad. But if the physical system at play is “not clearly understood” … then what are they writing the paper about?

The first step to resolution is empirical testing to confirm the mechanism. Numbers to quantify this come second.

Couldn’t disagree more. First I need a crystal clear explanation of what you call “the mechanism”. Only then can I design an experiment to determine if said mechanism works.

As to the question “how does an atmosphere raise a planets temperature”, the answer appears to be by transferring energy from a part of the planet that can radiate energy easily (the solid surface) to another part of the planet that cannot radiate easily (the gases in the atmosphere).

I’m sorry, but I can’t make sense of that. If there is only nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere, then the only thing that can radiate is the surface. That means that (on average) the surface is pinned to a temperature determined by emissivity and TSI/4.
It has to stay at that temperature. If there were a mechanism such as you/Nikolov propose that warmed the surface, it would immediately be radiating more energy than it is intercepting … sorry, no can do.

Conduction by gas in contact with the surface removes heat from the surface faster than it would have been lost by radiation alone. The heat in the gas atmosphere then leaves the planet slower as the gas atmosphere is a poor radiator. The denser the atmosphere, the more heat it can absorb. The denser the atmosphere the higher the viscosity, and the slower the convection speed.

If there are no GHGs, then the only way for the atmosphere to warm and cool is to exchange heat with the surface. In such a situation, during the day the surface warms the atmosphere. During the night the atmosphere warms the surface.
But that is a zero sum game. What the atmosphere gains during the day, it loses during the night.

The important question here is the one Ira is asking a few comments earlier. By what means do nitrogen and oxygen lose heat to space?

If there are no GHGs, then it is by heat exchange to the surface. Say a planet with no GHGs is receiving, on average, 235 W/m2 of solar energy. The planet’s been there a long time so it’s at some kind of equilibrium.
1. The only thing that can radiate energy to space in that system is the planetary surface.
2. At equilibrium, that planet’s surface must emit on average 235W/m2 of energy. This means that the temperature of the surface is fixed. No matter what the atmosphere does, the surface will still be radiating 235 W/m2 of energy.
So what Jelbring and you and Nikolov propose can’t happen by the laws of thermodynamics. If a GHG-free atmosphere could somehow warm the surface of such a planet, it would be emitting more energy than it is absorbing. Can’t do that.
All the best,

Joel Shore
January 3, 2012 4:39 pm

Bart says:

The 390 W/m^2 figure is a derived quantity based on temperature. It is potentially balanced to some extent by the divergence of the temperature gradient which is part of the standard heat equation.

What the heck does that mean? Are you saying that heat flows from the (generally) colder atmosphere to the (generally) warmer earth’s surface in violation of the 2nd Law? [And, even if it did, that wouldn’t solve the problem because the 240 W/m^2 represents all of the energy absorbed by the Earth + atmosphere. Really, the deficit for the earth’s surface is 390 W/m^2 out by radiation vs. 160 W/m^2 in via radiation. I’m giving you another 80 W/m^2 absorbed by the atmosphere as a freebie, because for example one could argue that some of it will reach the Earth’s surface once the greenhouse gases are removed..]
Look, you guys can wave your hands around all you want but it won’t get you around conservation of energy. The fact that we even have to have this conversation is embarrassing!

January 3, 2012 4:39 pm

Joel Shore (January 3, 2012 at 7:51 am):
Correction. Lapse rates less than the adiabatic lapse rate are unstable under downward movement of energy by the back radiation. This movement continues to increase the lapse rate until it exceeds the adiabatic lapse rate. While the system is in this state, convection drives the lapse rate downward.

January 3, 2012 5:13 pm

The only plot I could find of the measured Earth emission spectrum was here in figure 3. It appears from this that the spectrum is following something closer to a 300 degK isocline. So, why are people calling out numbers in the high 300’s?
At lower wavenumbers, it appears more like following the 275K isocline. Then comes the H2O/CO2 dip, and suddenly we are at 300K. Why?
Is it possible that the greenhouse effect, rather than masking out the emissions in the given wavenumber range, is actually just shifting them up (i.e., lower in frequency/energy?)

January 3, 2012 5:21 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 3, 2012 at 4:39 pm
“What the heck does that mean?”
If you do not know what it means, how can you criticize it? Maybe reading my comment at January 3, 2012 at 9:15 am would help. I’m asking for information to help make a judgment. I do not know why you think that is embarrassing. I do not know how you think scientific innovation happens, but it is not by accepting everything you are told without question or full understanding.

January 3, 2012 6:09 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
“My basic question is this. The nature of non-GHG gases is that they don’t absorb or radiate in either the shortwave or longwave bands. So how do they slow down the radiation to space of the energy of the planet’s surface? Because that’s what you have to do to raise a planet’s temperature. The GHGs slow it down by absorbing some of it, then radiating part of that back to the surface.”
Konrad says:
“As to the question “how does an atmosphere raise a planets temperature”, the answer appears to be by transferring energy from a part of the planet that can radiate energy easily (the solid surface) to another part of the planet that cannot radiate easily (the gases in the atmosphere).”
re: Willis Eschenbach
if greenhouse affect only refers to radiant aspect, then it’s not a greenhouse affect.
But a greenhouse has little to do radiant aspects- a greenhouse works by preventing convection.
So, I think the use of term “greenhouse effect” is referring keeping a planet warm- by whatever means.
And there are different ways this can be done.
But before going on, I get the idea that the only way heat can leave earth is by radiation.
What seems to missing generally is that infrared heat [as in not hot balls stars- as in room temperature heat] does not radiate quickly into space.
A human in spacesuit has lots of warmth- spacesuit have be designed to shed heat- having blocks of ice is an easy way to do this.
Same goes for all spacecraft- they are designed to passively get rid of heat.
Only because of spacecraft design were the Apollo 13 crew cold- a in simple tin can they would have been sweating.
So space itself is a “greenhouse”- it stops all convection and conduction, leaving rather inefficient way getting rid of heat- radiation.
How earth gets rid of all it’s heat, could a bit of mystery. Except, that earth doesn’t absorb “all this heat”. It absorbs a small fraction of the sunlight. It absorbs a small amount of sunlight that hits the ground.
Which brings us to the point, any atmosphere allows for more energy to be absorbed.
Denser atmosphere allows [generally] more energy from sunlight to be absorbed.
And the energy absorbed in the ground or in the air, does not vanish as soon as the sun isn’t shining- if it did, it would require a massive surge of energy to leave the planet.
The planet stores far more energy than the cumulative heating from the Sun for centuries of sun shining on earth.
If the true average temperature [not just the atmosphere] were to lower by 10 C, it would take centuries to warm back up to “normal temperatures”.
So the earth storing heat is a “greenhouse effect” [for want of a better term].
Or the heat capacity of earth.
This is for daily cycles and long term, if you have more atmosphere, then atmosphere will have more heat capacity.
Which means in a desert, the temperature would drop less during the nite.
Next point about denser atmosphere. [Denser than say an identical earth with 1/2 of Earth’s current atmosphere.]
It could absorb heat and give heat quicker. It’s a better battery.
Now, for me, I am unresolved about what sheds the most heat- atmosphere or land and ocean surface. It doesn’t matter much, because I think people mostly believe the atmospheric heat loss occurs in less dense air. Or with twice the atmosphere it losing heat at about same air density as less dense atmosphere.
At different factor, because the surface will have higher loses from convection, the ground will be slighter cooler- even less chance of frying eggs on a sidewalk.
One factor is heat inversion- this in general inhibits convection. And with denser air, perhaps one has more heat inversion [don’t know].

January 3, 2012 7:27 pm

Come on, folks, this is not that complicated. The Sun radiates energy, and the surface AND the IR-interactive gases (the “GHGs”) absorb energy. The surface and the air both absorb energy. The surface radiates and the GHGs help “spread” all the IR energy to the non-GHGs through collisions (It does not matter what percentage of GHGs there is–same difference–reason for all the confusion). The air gets warmer and STORES HEAT, but the convection ensues. The GHGs high in the atmosphere emit directly to space, as does the surface in the “window.” It gets warmer in the day and colder at night. It is no more complicated than that!
AND the water also STORES a lot of energy for “tomorrow.”
There is no need for some “backradiation” to help this very simple process.
The end.

January 3, 2012 7:45 pm

Well, my apologies if my rambling while trying to find any weakness I could in the greenhouse argument offended anybody. I’ve chased down every lead I could find. I’ve looked at all the evidence I could find, and I’ve made calculations based on density considerations which I believe are in the ballpark of what to expect. I see no mechanism of significant size relating to atmospheric density which can lead to significant impedance (or capacitance, for a better electrical analogy) of heat. It looks to me that the greenhouse interpretation is very likely to be correct.
The main bit of evidence that convinces me is that yawning gap in the outgoing radiation measured by satellites where the water vapor absorption spectrum lies. That energy’s got to go somewhere, and if it isn’t coming out the top of the atmosphere, it’s going to heat things up.

January 3, 2012 7:51 pm

…and create clouds which will counteract the heating by reflecting more sunlight out. I haven’t lost my marbles by becoming a climate alarmist or anything 😉

Stephen Wilde
January 3, 2012 8:16 pm

In the spirit of jae’s comment at 7.27pm I’d like to throw in a new concept.
ANY system containing both radiative and non radiative processes is ALWAYS dominated by the non radiative processes such that the radiative processes only ever provide a mopping up activity for work that the non radiative processes fail to perform.
Let’s apply that principle to the Earth system.
Energy in equals energy out.
Non radiative processes namely conduction, convection and the water cycle do their best to achieve equality of energy in and energy out by shifting energy through the system as fast as it comes in so that ultimately it can be radiated out.
Only if the non radiative processes fail to do their job will purely radiative processes become relevant by raising the system temperature.
Heat builds up as a result of energy accumulation within the system which increases until the job is done with energy coming in equal to energy radiated out.
The interesting implication of that is that the gases around the Earth will only ever get hot enough to deal with the failure of non radiative processes to deal with any disequilibrium.
Thus the composition or thermal characteristics of the gases is irrelevant. However high the so called radiative forcing capability of any single molecule might be it will never carry more energy than is required to allow the Earth system to achieve thermal equilibrium.
Such molecules might try to achieve more but because NO additional energy is needed they will fail due to the sharing of the energy that IS available amongst ALL the molecules in the atmosphere whether GHGs or not. That sharing results from collisional activity which is density dependent hence the relationship with pressure noted by N & Z.
So the feared radiative forcing capability of GHGs is never used. They simply perform at reduced capacity like a fast car keeping to the speed limit on a motorway.
And that is why N & K are right and their equations are correct.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 3, 2012 8:56 pm

Willis Eschenbach @ January 3, 3:57 pm
Your comments sound devastatingly good on the surface, (pun intended), however, consider this thought exercise: Place a suitable thermometer ~1.4 metres above the surface on a totally airless planet, and confirm the ambient temperature is only a few degrees. Now add a substantial atmosphere of pure nitrogen, and wait a few years. Check the temperature again, and won’t it be warmer, as Konrad and others have said? There is other stuff going on you know.

January 3, 2012 9:33 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 3, 2012 at 8:56 pm
Willis Eschenbach @ January 3, 3:57 pm

Your comments sound devastatingly good on the surface, (pun intended), however, consider this thought exercise: Place a suitable thermometer ~1.4 metres above the surface on a totally airless planet, and confirm the ambient temperature is only a few degrees. Now add a substantial atmosphere of pure nitrogen, and wait a few years. Check the temperature again, and won’t it be warmer, as Konrad and others have said? There is other stuff going on you know.

Yes, you have clearly shown that a planet can heat the atmosphere.
What you haven’t shown is that an atmosphere can heat the planet, as Nikolov/Jelbring claim.

January 3, 2012 10:00 pm

the heat sink doesn’t make the cpu warm? wot a concept

January 3, 2012 10:02 pm

I did not make that mistake. The paper was clear in that integration was over the zenith angle. They still integrate over a hemisphere not the whole sphere and it looks like there’s a 4 pi factor for a whole spherical area present. They then have the totally unreal assumption that the other hemisphere is at 0 K with no heat capacity or heat flow present.
As for the other post, the 151 w/m^2 and 33deg C rise are not really based upon any models nor are they contraversial values. 33/151 = 0.218 deg C rise per W/m^2 increase in power absorbed. Read through it more carefully. There’s not even a way to separate out the feedbacks, which are shown to be net negative since the 0.218 value is less than what a simple radiative solution would offer, 0.3 deg C rise per W/m^2.

January 3, 2012 10:19 pm

OK, guys, let me try it this way. The Jelbring/Nikolov claim is that with a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere, the planet will be above Stefan-Boltzmann greybody (or blackbody) temperature because of (insert handwaving explanation here about gravity and pressure induced alterations in the molecular collisions due to increased mass and viscosity and …)
Suppose we have such a planet, but without an atmosphere, in thermal equilibrium. The surface will radiate at the same rate that it is absorbing energy. Lets assume the surface is absorbing 235 W/m2. It has to be radiating the same amount, 235 W/m2.
Now, lets assume that the Jelbring/Nikolov hypothesis is true. We add an atmosphere to the planet, an atmosphere that is totally transparent to long- and shortwave. Somehow, the Jelbring mechanism warms up the surface to say 250 W/m2 or something. Note that in the entire system, the surface is the only thing capable of absorbing/emitting radiation. So when the Jelbring Mechanism kicks in and the surface warms, it starts emitting more energy than it’s receiving. And because the atmosphere is totally transparent to longwave, all that 250 W/m2 is emitted from the surface to space. [NOTE: numbers for purposes of illustration only.]
At that point … the planet is emitting more energy than it is absorbing. It’s absorbing 235W/m2, and emitting 250 W/m2.
And yet by some unknown mechanism, according to Jelbring/Nikolov, the planet doesn’t cool back down to equilibrium. Instead, presumably because the atmospheric pressure “enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision” or somesuch doubletalk, the surface stays warmer indefinitely, despite the planet emitting more energy than it is absorbing.
Anyone care to explain to me how that’s not a violation of the laws of thermodynamics? I asked Konrad, with no answer, so let me throw the question to the crowd.
If the Jelbring Hypothesis is true, and a perfectly transparent atmosphere can heat a planet’s surface so that it is emitting more energy than it is absorbing … where is the extra energy coming from?

Reply to  Willis Eschenbach
January 3, 2012 11:36 pm

Willis Eschenbach (January 3 2012 at 10:19 pm):
Several of your contentions state false propositions.
First, That Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 in infrared readiation at the bottom of the atmosphere does NOT imply that Earth is radiating 235 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
Second, there is no violation of energy conservation in the circumstance that Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the bottom of the atmosphere and is emitting 250 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
Third, though Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 at the bottom of the atmosphere and is emitting 250 W/m^2 at the top of the atmosphere, it does not follow that the Earth will cool.
If you need them, I’ll provide proofs.
[Reply: Provide your proofs ~dbs, mod.]

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 3, 2012 11:17 pm

Willis Eschenbach @ January 3, 9:33 pm

[Bob_FJ to Willis] Your comments sound devastatingly good on the surface, (pun intended), however, consider this thought exercise: Place a suitable thermometer ~1.4 metres above the surface on a totally airless planet, and confirm the ambient temperature is only a few degrees. Now add a substantial atmosphere of pure nitrogen, and wait a few years. Check the temperature again, and won’t it be warmer, as Konrad and others have said? There is other stuff going on you know.
W’s REPLY: Yes, you have clearly shown that a planet can heat the atmosphere.
What you haven’t shown is that an atmosphere can heat the planet, as Nikolov/Jelbring claim.

Hey Willis, for most people on the planet, the bit of the biosphere that they sense for hot and cold is within several metres of the surface, and then of course there is other stuff at higher altitudes that are less apparent, but very important. I don’t think people go around patting their hand on the ground to sense how cold or hot it is do they? FACT: the really important stuff in the biosphere is made warmer by an atmosphere, even hypothetically with one devoid of GHG’s or particulates.
I’ve not read the N&Z poster thing mainly for the reason that it is difficult and it seems that a more language-clear version is to appear soon in which I hope they will consider the comments made here. Are you sure that they say what you claim they say? Didn’t you also say that you don’t understand what they are trying to say? Uh?

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 3, 2012 11:43 pm

Willis Eschenbach @ January 3, 10:19 pm
Further to my response to your post @ 9:33 pm
Very quickly, you might also care to consider this:
When you assert that the surface under a transparent atmosphere can only radiate directly to space what it receives from space, (in equilibrium), would you also elaborate how at the same time it heats a non-absorptive atmosphere? There is other stuff going on apart from radiation you know.

January 3, 2012 11:54 pm

Terry Oldberg says:
January 3, 2012 at 11:36 pm
1.That Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 in infrared readiation at the bottom of the atmosphere does NOT imply that Earth is radiating 235 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
2. there is no violation of energy conservation in the circumstance that Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the bottom of the atmosphere and is emitting 250 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
3. though Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 at the bottom of the atmosphere and is emitting 250 W/m^2 at the top of the atmosphere, it does not follow that the Earth will cool.

So – for the condition to met (maintaining temperature) – the ‘missing energy’ is simply absorbed and emitted by the atmosphere – considering the earth/atmosphere as a ‘whole’?
Seem logical enough to me.

January 4, 2012 12:00 am

Willis Eschenbach, January 3, 2012 at 10:19 pm :
I’ll have go at that, Willis, but I’ll have to dispense with the idea of a perfectly transparent atmosphere. Such a thing doesn’t really exist, and even our present atmosphere, consisting primarily of O2 and N2, manages to give us a blue sky (caused by those molecules being affected by incoming light, primarily the blue end of the spectrum, but by all other colors as well, i.e. Rayleigh scattering). We also have an ozone layer (caused by those molecules being affected by incoming light, primarily the ultraviolet portion). There’s also random junk in the air, so it’s a soup, and can’t be perfectly transparent, and neither can any other atmosphere be perfectly transparent.
One other thing: To keep it simple, I’d like to have an atmosphere consisting only of Argon, atomic weight 44, the same as the molecular weight of CO2, but with no possibility of complications due to rotational and vibrational modes.
So then, can a parcel of Argon gas emit radiation? Sure thing. All it needs to do is be above absolute zero. How much will it radiate? I dunno, but not zero. What happens when it does this? The atoms slow down and bunch up, the parcel becomes more dense, and it tends to descend from whatever height it’s at.
Next, can a parcel of Argon gas receive energy from the surface? Sure thing. All it needs to do is be in contact with it. How much will it absorb? I dunno, but not zero. What happens when it does this? The atoms speed up and spread out, the parcel becomes less dense, and it tends to rise above the ground.
All right then, we have conduction, convection, radiation, and lapse rate. The only thing missing is latent heat, but I think all the other ingredients are there, Willis.

January 4, 2012 1:30 am

Terry Oldberg says:
January 3, 2012 at 11:36 pm (Edit)

Willis Eschenbach (January 3 2012 at 10:19 pm):
Several of your contentions state false propositions.
First, That Earth is absorbing 235 W/m^2 in infrared readiation at the bottom of the atmosphere does NOT imply that Earth is radiating 235 W/m^2 in infrared radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
Second …

The Earth? I made it very clear that I’m talking about a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere … how is that the Earth?

January 4, 2012 1:33 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 3, 2012 at 11:43 pm

Willis Eschenbach @ January 3, 10:19 pm
Further to my response to your post @ 9:33 pm
Very quickly, you might also care to consider this:
When you assert that the surface under a transparent atmosphere can only radiate directly to space what it receives from space, (in equilibrium), would you also elaborate how at the same time it heats a non-absorptive atmosphere? There is other stuff going on apart from radiation you know.

Umm … by conduction? Yes, that’s it. If there are no GHGs, the planet heats the atmosphere by conduction.
But despite you saying that there is “other stuff going on apart from radiation”, a planet can’t lose heat to space by conduction. For that, there is no other stuff going on apart from radiation.

Richard S Courtney
January 4, 2012 2:20 am

Willis Eschenbach:
At January 3, 2012 at 10:19 pm you mistakenly assert:
“The Jelbring/Nikolov claim is that with a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere, the planet will be above Stefan-Boltzmann greybody (or blackbody) temperature because of (insert handwaving explanation here about gravity and pressure induced alterations in the molecular collisions due to increased mass and viscosity and …)”
“If the Jelbring Hypothesis is true, and a perfectly transparent atmosphere can heat a planet’s surface so that it is emitting more energy than it is absorbing … where is the extra energy coming from?”
Sorry, but No!
The Jelbring/Nikolov claim is that with a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere, the planet will be above THE TEMPERATURE OF A SIMILAR PLANET WITH NO ATMOSPHERE.
That is NOT the same as being “above Stefan-Boltzmann greybody (or blackbody) temperature” because both the hypothetical planets are below that temperature.
I think the basis of your misunderstanding may be in the fact that Jelbring did an analysis which considered a uniformly heated planet (which would be at greybody temperature). But that is a hypothetical limiting case which Nikolov does not consider.
I addressed this issue on the other thread where I wrote at January 3, 2012 at 5:41 am saying:
“IR is emitted as an energy flux proportional to the fourth power of the temperature of the emitting surface (i.e. the flux is proportional to T^4). And a planet has a wide range of surface temperatures.
A small change to hot planetary surface (e.g. in a tropical region) provides a large change to emitted IR (because the flux is proportional to T^4). But a large change to cold planetary surface (e.g. in a polar region) provides a small change to emitted IR (because the flux is proportional to T^4).
Atmospheric convection transfers heat from the tropics and day-time surfaces to the polar and night-time surfaces.
An average surface temperature of a planet can be obtained by an infinite number of temperature distributions over the surface. Therefore, the average surface temperature can change while the emitted flux of IR energy remains constant (and vice versa). And, thus, the equilibrium average surface temperature of a planet with an IR-transparent atmosphere is governed by atmospheric convection.”
Holder’s Inequality defines that the hottest global temperature is obtained when the planet has uniform temperature.
The planet gains temperature uniformity as a result of convective and conductive transfer of heat from it hottest to its coldest regions. And THIS RAISES ITS AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE.
There is NO “extra energy” but there is a redistribution of temperature across the planet’s surface.
And, thus, the transparent atmosphere increases the average surface temperature of the planet by reducing the temperature range of its surface and THIS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO THE RADIATIVE FLUX FROM THE PLANET.
I hope this helps understanding of the issues. Please note that my comment does not ‘prove’ Jelbring and Nikolov are right or wrong: it merely shows that your objection to their hypotheses is mistaken.

January 4, 2012 2:32 am

“Suppose we have such a planet, but without an atmosphere, in thermal equilibrium. The surface will radiate at the same rate that it is absorbing energy. Lets assume the surface is absorbing 235 W/m2. It has to be radiating the same amount, 235 W/m2.”
The energy budget must balance.
But your statement “surface is absorbing 235 W/m2. It has to be radiating the same amount, 235 W/m2.” Lacks any element of time. Let’s add some.
A surface absorb 235 W/m2 for 10 hours. The next statement is “it has to radiating the same energy, 235 W/m2 for 10 hours”. This means this surface hasn’t absorb any energy during those
10 hours.
I am going to guess what you meant to say. The sun provides 235 W/m2 for 10 hours to a surface.
This surface heat up to such a temperature so it’s emitting the same amount energy it’s receiving from the sun [it’s no longer gaining/absorbing any net energy]. Say it takes 1 hour to heat up, and doesn’t heat up for the remaining 9 hours.
After the 10 hours of day, it become nite, and it will radiate the heat it has gained during the 10 hours of sunlight. This amount of energy is 1 hour times 235 W/m2. In joules/watts it is 235 times 3600 seconds. 846,000 watts/joules.
Now how long does it take to emit the 1 hour of gained energy?
Suppose this material heated up to 300 K. We know that at 300 K it radiates 235 Watts per second. As it radiates at this temperature it lower in temperature and therefore radiate less than 235 Watts per second. So we know it loses heat over a period longer than 1 hour.
“Now, lets assume that the Jelbring/Nikolov hypothesis is true. We add an atmosphere to the planet, an atmosphere that is totally transparent to long- and shortwave. Somehow, the Jelbring mechanism warms up the surface to say 250 W/m2 or something. Note that in the entire system, the surface is the only thing capable of absorbing/emitting radiation. So when the Jelbring Mechanism kicks in and the surface warms, it starts emitting more energy than it’s receiving. And because the atmosphere is totally transparent to longwave, all that 250 W/m2 is emitted from the surface to space.”
Well, let’s use the other number you a gave: 235 W/m2, instead of 250 W/m2.
So in above it take 1 hour to warm the surface so it’s longer longer absorbing energy.
With an atmosphere to heat up, it will take longer than 1 hour to heat up. Or atmosphere slows the heating of surface, let’s instead 1 hours, it takes 2 hours.
Therefore it takes more 2 hours to lose the energy it gained from the day.
Now let’s change things, suppose the cools for whatever reason, and therefore instead of 2 hours to warm up so it’s radiating the same energy it’s receiving, it takes 4 hours to warm up to this level. At nite It’s going to lose heat the same rate- longer than 4 hours. The colder the surface the less energy is emitted.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 3:26 am

Willisd said:
“Now, lets assume that the Jelbring/Nikolov hypothesis is true. We add an atmosphere to the planet, an atmosphere that is totally transparent to long- and shortwave. Somehow, the Jelbring mechanism warms up the surface to say 250 W/m2 or something. Note that in the entire system, the surface is the only thing capable of absorbing/emitting radiation. So when the Jelbring Mechanism kicks in and the surface warms, it starts emitting more energy than it’s receiving. And because the atmosphere is totally transparent to longwave, all that 250 W/m2 is emitted from the surface to space. [NOTE: numbers for purposes of illustration only.]
At that point … the planet is emitting more energy than it is absorbing. It’s absorbing 235W/m2, and emitting 250 W/m2.”
At its higher equilibrium temperature the planet emits exactly what it receives.
Incoming solar energy in the form of photons and fast moving particles interacts with the gravitational field and is converted to vibrational energy AT the surface AND in the non GHG atmosphere via conduction FROM the surface. The total system energy content becomes higher the more mass is present in the atmosphere resulting in a higher system temperature despite the input and output being the same.
This is how happens:
Without the non GHG atmosphere 100% hits the surface and radiates straight out. The surface temperature is what it is for the particular composition of the surface.
When you add the non GHG molecules a proportion of the incoming gets diverted to the atmosphere via conduction and for a while the amount of energy radiated out drops until the non GHG gases get as hot as the surface. So heat energy builds up in the system until equilibrium is restored and again energy in equals energy out.
At that new hotter equilibrium the surface is being supplied with the original solar incoming PLUS additional energy being returned to the surface from the non GHG gases in a constant cycling process that continues for as long as the incoming energy flow is maintained. Thus it is a permanent change all else being equal.
THAT is why the surface temperature is higher with the non GHG gases than without them for the same energy input but balance is in fact maintained albeit at a higher surface temperature.
And it is gravitational pressure concentrating the number of non GHG gas molecules at the surface which makes that possible.
What has happened is that one has simply slowed the transmission of solar energy in and out of the system which generates heat within the system exactly like the heating element in an electric bar fire.
It is an energy conversion process and not an energy creation process so no breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics.
Gravity in the universe is analogous to an electrical resistor. Wherever there is gravity there is conversion of mass to energy because gravity acts with mass as a sort of energy exchange converting momentum (usually of photons or fast moving particles) to kinetic energy. Hence e = mc2.
And the more mass the greater the pressure hence N & Z’s results..

January 4, 2012 3:52 am

dr.bill says:January 4, 2012 at 12:00 am
I think Dr Bill sums it up …
…. otherwise we have a conundrum with those gaps in the atmospheric absorption spectrums …
Even just considering an O2, N2, CO2 atmosphere; and the CO2 absorption spectrum … IF those wavelengths (of outgoing LWIR) are completely absorbed in the lower atmosphere by CO2 (which according to the ‘rules’ can only emit in those wavelengths, or can only pass the energy to another molecule, 02 or n2, which according to the ‘rules’ cannot emit energy as radiation ) …… AND we know they are not re-gathering the heat ad radiating it at the TOA in those wavelengths, so THEN that energy is retained forever in the atmosphere then inevitably we have a spiralling heat problem with ANY amount of CO2 …. The heat can never escape.
Interestingly the earth goes through static or cooling phases, even though apparently those heat windows (H20 and CO2 absorption spectrums) are closed … the heat is escaping somewhere even if measures show it is not radiated in those spectrums, (it ain’t ALL going into the ocean ALL the time, especially during ice ages)… so the other gases MUST be doing their little bit of radiating.

January 4, 2012 4:47 am

Dr Bill learn some physics of gases, your Argon atmosphere won’t emit by virtue of being above absolute zero! Also its atomic mass is 40 not 44. So you have an atmosphere which will conduct and have a lapse rate but no absorption or emission.

January 4, 2012 4:50 am

“So then, can a parcel of Argon gas emit radiation? Sure thing. All it needs to do is be above absolute zero. How much will it radiate? I dunno, but not zero. What happens when it does this? The atoms slow down and bunch up, the parcel becomes more dense, and it tends to descend from whatever height it’s at.”
I think this similar to throwing a brick, and because it emits light, it will cause slow down.
If an atom of Argon could affect it’s velocity by radiating energy, it seems it has 50% chance of increasing it’s velocity.
But atoms of gas in gravity field will fall- they are bricks that lose no energy when the bounce off things which are the same temperature [velocity]. The gases in your atmosphere are traveling fast and going chaotic directions, so really for one atom or molecule the odds slightly favor falling, but other factors are also adding to the odds.

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 5:35 am

I thought EVERYTHING above absolute zero radiates energy. Just because nitrogen doesn’t capture and subsequently radiate radiant energy doesn’t mean it can’t capture energy through conduction and collisions and radiate that as infrared.

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 5:40 am

Can you even have an atmosphere that is ‘transparent’ to long wave radiation? Isn’t it PART of the long wave radiation as soon as a single molecule warms from contact with the surface? Just because long waves from the surface don’t get intercepted by nitrogen doesn’t mean they aren’t, themselves, part of the long waves leaving the atmosphere.
Put a bag of warm nitrogen in orbit. Will it radiate?

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 6:06 am

cba says:

I did not make that mistake. The paper was clear in that integration was over the zenith angle. They still integrate over a hemisphere not the whole sphere and it looks like there’s a 4 pi factor for a whole spherical area present. They then have the totally unreal assumption that the other hemisphere is at 0 K with no heat capacity or heat flow present.

Actually, cba, they say “μ is the cosine of incident solar angle at any point,”. And, the reason that they only integrate over the hemisphere is if you define your coordinates in this way, polar angles beyond 90deg are on the dark side. I have now read 2 other papers, G&T and Arthur Smith’s who get the same result for this calculation and I am convinced that, given the assumptions, it is correct. However, I am totally with you that the assumption that there is no heat capacity or heat flow is a poor assumption…at least for a planet with any significant atmosphere or liquid water around.

As for the other post, the 151 w/m^2 and 33deg C rise are not really based upon any models nor are they contraversial values. 33/151 = 0.218 deg C rise per W/m^2 increase in power absorbed. Read through it more carefully. There’s not even a way to separate out the feedbacks, which are shown to be net negative since the 0.218 value is less than what a simple radiative solution would offer, 0.3 deg C rise per W/m^2.

Your answer provides more evidence for my point: You say, “There’s not even a way to separate out the feedbacks.” That is exactly my point: You can’t separate them out from the forcings, so you have treated them completely as forcings. That is, you have divided by 151 W/m^2 even though some of that 151 W/m^2 is likely due to a feedback, not a forcing; that is to say, if you remove just the non-condensable greenhouse gases, you will lose not only their radiative effect but also the radiative effect of much of the water vapor. Read what I have said carefully ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-852150 )and read the analogy that I have linked to in the other thread if you need to…And think about what “feedback” and “forcing” actually mean and how they depend on context. This is really important stuff and it comes up again and again.
As for why your answer is lower than the simple radiative solution would offer, I explained that too. The one feedback that you clearly are including as a feedback is the negative lapse rate feedback, because you computed the temperature change at the surface, rather than some place up in the troposphere. (The lapse rate feedback is kind of an odd-man-out in terms of feedbacks because most “feedbacks” are changes in the atmosphere or surface that change the radiative properties, like the water vapor feedback that adds the greenhouse gas of water vapor to the atmosphere, but the lapse rate feedback is just a name given to the fact that the simple radiative solution gives the temperature change needed at the height where the radiation is escaping to space and what we want to know is the temperature change at the surface.)

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 6:07 am

An even better question might be this….
Find an altitude where the temperature of the atmosphere is 273K. How much energy is being radiated by a molecule of nitrogen? How much energy is being radiated by a molecule of carbon dioxide?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 8:20 am

“Find an altitude where the temperature of the atmosphere is 273K. How much energy is being radiated by a molecule of nitrogen? How much energy is being radiated by a molecule of carbon dioxide?”
The answer is none from nitrogen – it isn’t an absorber or emitter unless excited by energies sufficient to raise its electrons to higher orbitals, which are far higher than the energies of even ultra-violet photons. And some from CO2 – how much depends on the temperature of the environment to which it is radiating.

Alan D McIntire
January 4, 2012 6:18 am

Mars, Triton, Europa, and Mercury have very little atmosphere, so their surface.temperature was completely determined by albedo and distance from the sun.
You have only 3 independent sources with atmospheres- Earth, Titan, and Venus.
The equation has 2 parts (K1 e^-x + K2 e^-y)
A two variable equation can ALWAYS be found to fit 3 points. We;ll have to wait until we have date on extraterrestrial planets, that may be centuries, before we can determine whether the formula has any validity or is merely curve fitting, like Mann’s treemometers.

January 4, 2012 6:26 am

The iceman cometh says:
January 3, 2012 at 9:46 pm
“The important question here is the one Ira is asking a few comments earlier. By what means do nitrogen and oxygen lose heat to space?” It is not an important question, because the answer is known – they can’t. I thought they could, but when I dug deeper I realized I was wrong.
The only means by which they could lose heat to space is by radiation (or by leaving the planet). For radiation, at thermal equilibrium absorption = emission, which is known as Kirchoff’s Law. Once you have differences in temperature, then heat is transferred according to T^4 law. But if you don’t have absorption, then you can’t have emission, and the symmetrical diatomic gases O2, N2 etc don’t absorb radiation – therefore they don’t heat up by radiation and they don’t cool by
radiation. I hope that answers the question.
Iceman, the N2 or O2 molecules can heat up via conduction with the surface. So if they cannot rid themselves thru radiation, as you say, of the heat then the atmosphere will continually warm? Or is convection sufficient?
I have brought this up before that we seem to ignore 99% of the atmosphere.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  mkelly
January 4, 2012 8:12 am

M Kelly said “Iceman, the N2 or O2 molecules can heat up via conduction with the surface. So if they cannot rid themselves thru radiation, as you say, of the heat then the atmosphere will continually warm? Or is convection sufficient? I have brought this up before that we seem to ignore 99% of the atmosphere.”
Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. For oxygen, nitrogen, neon, argon, helium etc in the air which are non-absorbers they can only gain heat by conduction and convection, and can only lose it by the same ways. So, yes, a heated surface of the earth will constantly lose energy to the atmosphere by conduction to the non-absorbers and radiation to the absorbers, and that energy be redistributed by convection. But when you say “the atmosphere will continually warm” I have a problem – I don’t really understand quite what you are trying to say. Energy will only pass from the surface to the atmosphere as long as the temperature of the atmosphere is below that of the surface; once they are at the same temperature there will be no driving force to transfer energy and warming of the atmosphere will cease. So it can never ‘continually warm’ in the sense that its temperature will go on rising – it will reach an equilibrium with the source of energy, the surface of the earth in this case.

Gary Pearse
January 4, 2012 6:51 am

Willis: Another thought experiment: the pressure at the planet’s surface is built up until the layer ceases to approximate an ideal gas and finally it becomes liquid air, say 1 meter thick. The sun now passes through this layer of liquid air to strike the earth’s surface. What will happen to this liquid air. If it heats up and converts 50cm back to gas, would it not also heat up the non-ideal gas layer above the liquid? Would it not heat up the rarer gas above that. Does the heat capacity of the gas not increase as it is compressed to a denser state? I’m simply asking if an atmosphere without GHGs has zero heat capacity. If this is so, then how does one account for the chinook winds that heat up as the air flows down the eastern slopes of the Rockies and compresses. You can ride a horse across the boundary of below zero air and air well above freezing. Is it because of water vapour/ CO2 content? I believe the air is pretty dried out at the higher altitude of the mountains. Or is it because the air possesses heat according to its heat capacity?

Gary Pearse
January 4, 2012 7:57 am

Further to GPearse discussion on heat capacity of air- a table on the heat capacity of dry air shows it to differ with temperature (rising with temp), also, since the heat capacity is given in terms of kg of gas, it also tells us the heat capacity increases with pressure (isn’t this the central point being made by Nikolov et al?):
Finally, how (otherwise) does one explain the high temp of the surface of Venus – the same sun is doing the heating although at a higher wattage because of closeness to the sun. Are we arguing its in fact CO2 concentration? The only other variable of significance would be the pressure. J. Marshal on an earlier post on WUWT noted that the temp on Venus at the layer having 1 earth atmosphere was comparable (difference the higher incident energy of the sun on Venus). Convince me that the pressure does not affect warming at the surface layer.

January 4, 2012 8:37 am

I think that the supporters of Nikolov’s view of the GH effect need to spend some time focusing on how the atmosphere cools. The atmosphere might get warm with an increase in atmospheric pressure, but won’t *stay* warm unless the change in pressure changes how the atmosphere cools. As point of comparison, the mainstream theory of GH warming assumes that the atmosphere near the surface cools less efficiently than the atmosphere further up. Can someone give me a short statement laying out how increases in atmospheric pressure or mass affect the rate of cooling?
Cheers, 🙂

January 4, 2012 8:43 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 10:19 pm
This is an idealized scenario which neglects a number of real world conditions.
However, proponents need to move beyond handwaving and try to formulate consistent equations to support their intuition and plug in the numbers and see what results. I am by no means claiming I have done so completely and rigorously, but the sense I have gotten from playing with various formulas and the constants involved has convinced me that other effects are relatively small. I could be wrong, but somebody has to come up with numbers which prove the case for it to be accepted.
Increasing density of the atmosphere does increase heat capacity, and there will be more heat retained, but if heat content increases in tandem with heat capacity, temperature does not have to change. And, there’s that very substantial water vapor gap in the emitted radiation which has to be dealt with. Clearly, the atmosphere is absorbing a lot of the outgoing energy. Where does it go?

January 4, 2012 9:03 am

You keep asking for a plausible physical mechanism to underpin N&Z and I submit to you that our current knowledge base makes this impossible.
We simply do not know enough about all the physical processes and how they interact with each other to answer that question. If we did, we would be able to build climate models that exhibit skill in both forecasting and hindcasting. I know of no such model. We can’t build such a model because we lack the detailed knowledge of science required to do so, and hence we cannot answer your demand for a physical mechanism for N&Z anymore than we can build a climate model that works.
Nor do we need to. I can build a boat out of steel and demonstrate that it will float despite being constructed entirely of materials more dense than water. I need neither an understanding of the physical processes nor the ability to articulate them in order to prove that the boat floats.
That said, I think there is an excellent article that appeared on WUWT a while ago that, while in my opinion is incomplete, makes an excellent start in terms of what the physical processes (or at least some of them) are that would lead to a stable temperature independant of atmospheric composition due to the dominance of the proposed processes over radiative transfer. I expect you’d be familiar with:
The Thermostat Hypothesis
by Willis Eschenbach

January 4, 2012 9:15 am

It occurs to me that there is, in fact, a nice analogue to the “greenhouse effect” in optical cavity resonators. Lasers depend on such resonators to store additional energy so as to establish the population inversion necessary for lasing.
So, I think the idea is very well established. The only question would have to be the relative magnitudes of the effects of “greenhouse” reflection versus… whatever else.

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 9:43 am

@The iceman cometh
Do you really mean that nitrogen at 273K emits NO radiation? When was that discovered?

January 4, 2012 10:16 am

Richard S Courtney says:
January 4, 2012 at 2:20 am

Willis Eschenbach:
At January 3, 2012 at 10:19 pm you mistakenly assert:

“The Jelbring/Nikolov claim is that with a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere, the planet will be above Stefan-Boltzmann greybody (or blackbody) temperature because of (insert handwaving explanation here about gravity and pressure induced alterations in the molecular collisions due to increased mass and viscosity and …)”


“If the Jelbring Hypothesis is true, and a perfectly transparent atmosphere can heat a planet’s surface so that it is emitting more energy than it is absorbing … where is the extra energy coming from?”

Sorry, but No!
The Jelbring/Nikolov claim is that with a planet with no GHGs in the atmosphere, the planet will be above THE TEMPERATURE OF A SIMILAR PLANET WITH NO ATMOSPHERE.

Richard, sorry for my lack of clarity. I said “Suppose we have such a planet, but without an atmosphere, in thermal equilibrium.” I assumed that when people read that, they would think I was talking about, well … as you put it, they would think I was talking about THE TEMPERATURE OF A SIMILAR PLANET WITH NO ATMOSPHERE.
I then compared it to a planet with an atmosphere.
C’mon, guys, this should not be hard. Imagine a planet with no atmosphere. At equilibrium, it emits exactly the radiation it receives from its sun, whatever that might be.
Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.
I say no because if the surface warms, since the surface is is the only thing in the system that can absorb or emit radiation, it will be emitting more energy to space than it receives from its sun.
Where is that extra energy coming from?
How about somebody trying to ANSWER MY QUESTION, instead of answering a bunch of other stuff?
PS—Actually, Stephen Wilde tried to answer the question, so he gets points for that. Unfortunately, he said:

Incoming solar energy in the form of photons and fast moving particles interacts with the gravitational field and is converted to vibrational energy AT the surface AND in the non GHG atmosphere via conduction FROM the surface. The total system energy content becomes higher the more mass is present in the atmosphere resulting in a higher system temperature despite the input and output being the same.

“Interacts with the gravitational field and is converted into vibrational energy”? He loses points for that, although he gains plenty of points for imagination and his hand-waving style. I would like to get an answer, however, from someone who seems to understand that energy cannot be either created or destroyed …

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Willis Eschenbach
January 4, 2012 1:06 pm

“I was talking about THE TEMPERATURE OF A SIMILAR PLANET WITH NO ATMOSPHERE. I then compared it to a planet with an atmosphere. C’mon, guys, this should not be hard. Imagine a planet with no atmosphere. At equilibrium, it emits exactly the radiation it receives from its sun, whatever that might be. Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.”
I agree with you. What happens when you add the gas (a non GHG gas) is that you disturb the equilibrium; the new atmosphere picks up heat by conduction and convection from the planet and so the planet cools. Then the system moves to equilibrium as the planet picks up heat from the “sun” (the irradiating source of first instance) which it will do because it is slightly cooler than before, and you will end up with the planet at the same temperature as before and a warm atmosphere. Is that the answer you sought?

January 4, 2012 10:45 am

davidmhoffer says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:03 am

You keep asking for a plausible physical mechanism to underpin N&Z and I submit to you that our current knowledge base makes this impossible.
We simply do not know enough about all the physical processes and how they interact with each other to answer that question. If we did, we would be able to build climate models that exhibit skill in both forecasting and hindcasting. I know of no such model. We can’t build such a model because we lack the detailed knowledge of science required to do so, and hence we cannot answer your demand for a physical mechanism for N&Z anymore than we can build a climate model that works.
Nor do we need to. I can build a boat out of steel and demonstrate that it will float despite being constructed entirely of materials more dense than water. I need neither an understanding of the physical processes nor the ability to articulate them in order to prove that the boat floats.

Well, heck, if it’s that easy then just build a planet and demonstrate that it will heat despite not having any GHGs in the atmosphere …
You can’t build a planet, you say? Yes, that’s why your analogy with boatbuilding doesn’t work.
So what we are left with is an unknown physical mechanism causing an unseen phenomenon that no one can show exists, a phenomenon that thermodynamic considerations show to be impossible.
Science at its finest.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 10:48 am

“Incoming solar energy in the form of photons and fast moving particles interacts with the gravitational field and is converted to vibrational energy ”
If a package of mass (say a photon) enters a gravitational field the field slows it down in the same way as an electrical resistor slows down an electric current. In the process the momentum of the photon is partially converted to kinetic energy (heat) just like the process that occurs within the element of an electric bar fire.
So if one slows down the passage of solar energy by running it through a planet with an atmosphere then the mass of the planet AND atmosphere will together provide the necessary resistance by way of the gravitational field that they generate.
Part of the momentum of the solar energy is converted to kinetic energy in the molecules of the surface and of the atmosphere so the temperature of both rises.
Elementary particle physics as I recall though my description might be a bit rusty.
No extra energy is created. Some of the energy is converted to heat. The Laws of Thermodynamics are complied with.
Note that solar energy reaches the Earth as a range of wavelengths, some of which are very energetic. But the whole lot then departs as much less energetic longwave.
In the process of being converted from solar shortwave radiation to outgoing longwave radiation momentum is lost by the incoming solar shortwave. The energy of that lost momentum turns up as increased kinetic energy (heat) within the Earth system.
This was all basic physics in the UK Grammar Schools of the 1960s.

January 4, 2012 10:54 am

davidmhoffer says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:03 am
“You keep asking for a plausible physical mechanism to underpin N&Z and I submit to you that our current knowledge base makes this impossible.”
It’s not that it is impossible, its just that we refuse to educate ourselves.

January 4, 2012 10:59 am

Gary Pearse says:
January 4, 2012 at 6:51 am

Willis: Another thought experiment: the pressure at the planet’s surface is built up until the layer ceases to approximate an ideal gas and finally it becomes liquid air, say 1 meter thick. The sun now passes through this layer of liquid air to strike the earth’s surface. What will happen to this liquid air. If it heats up and converts 50cm back to gas, would it not also heat up the non-ideal gas layer above the liquid? Would it not heat up the rarer gas above that. Does the heat capacity of the gas not increase as it is compressed to a denser state? I’m simply asking if an atmosphere without GHGs has zero heat capacity. If this is so, then how does one account for the chinook winds that heat up as the air flows down the eastern slopes of the Rockies and compresses. You can ride a horse across the boundary of below zero air and air well above freezing. Is it because of water vapour/ CO2 content? I believe the air is pretty dried out at the higher altitude of the mountains. Or is it because the air possesses heat according to its heat capacity?

Thanks, Gary. To answer your questions:
1. Yes, all gases have heat capacity.
2. Yes, a denser gas has more heat capacity than a less dense gas.
But none of that warms the surface. On a rotating planet with a non-GHG atmosphere, the only way for the atmosphere to gain or lose energy is to/from the surface. During the day the surface heats the atmosphere. During the night, the atmosphere loses that same heat back to the surface. Once the system is in equilibrium, the amount gained and lost daily will be exactly equal. It has to be equal, or the atmosphere would continue to warm (or cool) indefinitely.
But that’s a zero sum game. Doesn’t matter about the atmospheric density. That just changes the amount of energy gained and lost daily. That makes no difference to the balance. At equilibrium, the amount gained still has to equal the amount lost.

January 4, 2012 11:02 am

pochas says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:54 am

davidmhoffer says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:03 am

“You keep asking for a plausible physical mechanism to underpin N&Z and I submit to you that our current knowledge base makes this impossible.”

It’s not that it is impossible, its just that we refuse to educate ourselves.

pochas, how about answering my question above then?

January 4, 2012 11:05 am

The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 8:12 am
“So it can never ‘continually warm’ in the sense that its temperature will go on rising – it will reach an equilibrium with the source of…”
You are correct I should have caveated my “continually”. However, it will be the temperature of the tropics and will take years to reach equalibrium. Given an atmosphere of none radiation absorbing gases.

January 4, 2012 11:06 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am
“Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no. I say no because if the surface warms, since the surface is is the only thing in the system that can absorb or emit radiation, it will be emitting more energy to space than it receives from its sun.”
Radiation depends on temperature at the surface. What is the surface? The surface of the planet? An effective surface at some altitude within the enclosing gas? What are the effects of the interface, the boundary between planet and atmosphere, which inserts a discontinuity into the equations? Which variables are continuous across the boundary, and which suddenly shift?
I think it is a kluge to apply the S-B equation for such a problem, and it is not the same as the idealized circumstances for which the equation is formulated. If the atmosphere is able to soak up energy from the surface, then total energy retained within the system has increased. The question is then, does that increase in retained energy increase the temperature of the surface? I believe it must. But, I do not think it is by much.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 11:12 am

Stephen Wilde says:

In the process of being converted from solar shortwave radiation to outgoing longwave radiation momentum is lost by the incoming solar shortwave. The energy of that lost momentum turns up as increased kinetic energy (heat) within the Earth system.

Stephen, you are just flailing about here in a way that is particularly painful to watch. We are already accounting for the energy contained in the radiation when we talk about the incoming insolation in W/m^2 and the outgoing radiation in W/m^2.
I am reminded of the Rich Little sketch where Brinckley interviews Reagan and after Reagan explains in a long soliloquy how he will balance the budget by analogy to an apple pie, Brinckley responds something to the effect, “But, Mr. President, your pie has three halves and a real pie has only two halves.”

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 11:20 am

Ira Glickstein said:
“given GHGs in the Atmosphere, there is more radiation absorbed by the Surface than if there are no GHGs”
“Thus, even if non-radiative effects dominate (which is far from proven by N&Z and you), there will be some temperature effect, perhaps minor, of additional GHGs in the Atmosphere. Agreed?”
Not if the GHGs share their energy promptly with the non GHG molecules around them by collision and conduction there won’t.
The thing is that all the molecules appear to be at much the same ambient temperature at a given height whether they are GHGs or not so conduction is in command not radiation. Any radiation that is emitted downward by the GHGS is at no different a temperature than the temperature at which the conduction is operating so there is no temperature effect due to the different mechanism.
In fact the GHGs should have less effect on surface temperature than non GHGs because half of their radiated energy is going upward and out to space whereas ALL the energy of the same temperature non GHGs is going back down to the surface by conduction otherwise it has no means of escape (unless one does accept some radiative properties for non GHGs but that is a seperate issue)
Furthermore even the downward portion gets radiated out to space faster because it gets back to the surface faster and the surface then radiates it back up again whilst the conducted energy from the non GHGs is playing catchup.
Energy will always take the easiest route and with well mixed GHGs and non GHGs it appears that conduction and convection between individual molecules are favoured over radiation across distances such that the radiation has no greater power than the conduction process that it is competing with and probably has less because of the upward component.

Richard S Courtney
January 4, 2012 11:22 am

Willis Eschenbach:
I am extremely disappointed in your answer to my post at January 4, 2012 at 2:20 am.
Your answer at January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am. completely ignores my point.
My post said and explained why;
“The planet gains temperature uniformity as a result of convective and conductive transfer of heat from it hottest to its coldest regions. And THIS RAISES ITS AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE.
There is NO “extra energy” but there is a redistribution of temperature across the planet’s surface.
And, thus, the transparent atmosphere increases the average surface temperature of the planet by reducing the temperature range of its surface and THIS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO THE RADIATIVE FLUX FROM THE PLANET.”
You have completely ignored that and its explanation.
Instead, you say;
“C’mon, guys, this should not be hard. Imagine a planet with no atmosphere. At equilibrium, it emits exactly the radiation it receives from its sun, whatever that might be.
Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.
I say no because if the surface warms, since the surface is is the only thing in the system that can absorb or emit radiation, it will be emitting more energy to space than it receives from its sun.
Where is that extra energy coming from?
How about somebody trying to ANSWER MY QUESTION, instead of answering a bunch of other stuff?”
I DID answer your question.
I explained that there is NO “extra energy” but there is an increase to the planet’s average surface temperature.
And I explained WHY there is no “extra energy”.
How about addressing my argument instead of ignoring it?
Years of interaction with you have led me to expect much, much better from you.

January 4, 2012 11:27 am

Stephen Wilde says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:48 am
“If a package of mass (say a photon) enters a gravitational field the field slows it down in the same way as an electrical resistor slows down an electric current. In the process the momentum of the photon is partially converted to kinetic energy (heat) just like the process that occurs within the element of an electric bar fire.”
Photons have no mass. Absent absorption in the atmosphere, they speed up, their paths get bent, and they get redshifted to balance everything out.

January 4, 2012 11:30 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:02 am
“pochas, how about answering my question then?”
Sorry, Willis. I never should have made that comment. Any response would be futile.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 11:35 am

“We are already accounting for the energy contained in the radiation when we talk about the incoming insolation in W/m^2 and the outgoing radiation in W/m^2”
Nothing I said is inconsistent with that.
The incoming shortwave that is converted to heat by the gravitational field ultimately leaves the system as longwave radiation to preserve the balance between insolation in and longwave radiation out with both being measured in W/m2.

January 4, 2012 11:41 am

Bart says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:06 am (Edit)

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am

“Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no. I say no because if the surface warms, since the surface is is the only thing in the system that can absorb or emit radiation, it will be emitting more energy to space than it receives from its sun.”

Radiation depends on temperature at the surface. What is the surface? The surface of the planet?

Of course the surface of the planet.

An effective surface at some altitude within the enclosing gas?

There are no GHGs, so there is no “effective surface”. There’s just the surface.

What are the effects of the interface, the boundary between planet and atmosphere, which inserts a discontinuity into the equations? Which variables are continuous across the boundary, and which suddenly shift?

You are way over thinking it. None of that matters to my question.

I think it is a kluge to apply the S-B equation for such a problem, and it is not the same as the idealized circumstances for which the equation is formulated.

We are discussing a thought experiment using idealized gases and surfaces. How is this not the “idealized circumstances for which the equation is formulated”?

If the atmosphere is able to soak up energy from the surface, then total energy retained within the system has increased. The question is then, does that increase in retained energy increase the temperature of the surface? I believe it must. But, I do not think it is by much.

Energy retained has increased … but we added atmosphere, so we added mass. As a result, no net surface temperature change.
Here’s the problem. Even if it is only by one watt/m2, your hypothesized surface temperature increase still ends up emitting more energy than it is absorbing, so my question is the same:
Where is your hypothetical additional energy coming from?

January 4, 2012 11:43 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:59 am
“Once the system is in equilibrium, the amount gained and lost daily will be exactly equal. It has to be equal, or the atmosphere would continue to warm (or cool) indefinitely. “
The key phrase there being “Once the system is in equilibrium”. The question is, how is the equilibrium affected by the presence of an atmosphere?
Joel Shore says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:12 am
“But, Mr. President, your pie has three halves and a real pie has only two halves.”
But, the pie can be made bigger. Grow it 50%, and you will have three halves of the original pie.
“Stephen, you are just flailing about here in a way that is particularly painful to watch. “
If it pains you, don’t watch.
Bart says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:27 am
“…they speed up…”
Well, they accelerate, which is not the same thing.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 11:43 am

“Photons have no mass.”
It isn’t that simple. They have no mass at rest but in fact they are always moving which gives them ‘relativistic mass’.
Whether one calls it mass or not they get absorbed by planets and atmospheres and heat is released in the process of conversion to a different wavelength .

January 4, 2012 11:47 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:41 am
“We are discussing a thought experiment using idealized gases and surfaces. How is this not the “idealized circumstances for which the equation is formulated”?”
The interface. You’re an EE. Surely you’ve done impedance matching?
The point is, you’re aiming for a knock out blow, and it isn’t happening. Your opponent is already staggering on the ropes, and I’m calling a TKO. Isn’t that enough?

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 11:54 am

“A GHG-atmosphere is like that relatively honest chap, about half the energy is returned to the Surface.”
A non GHG atmosphere is like a completely honest guy returning ALL the energy to the surface because it can’t get out any other way.
Which should be warmer ?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 1:23 pm

“A non GHG atmosphere is like a completely honest guy returning ALL the energy to the surface because it can’t get out any other way. Which should be warmer ?”
Errmm! With respect, NO! The NON GHG atmospherereturns none of the energy to the surface. It doesn’t, by definition, absorb, so it cannot radiate. It just lets the radiation through without any taxes or other hindrances, so it goes, never to return.

January 4, 2012 11:57 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:41 am
“Energy retained has increased … but we added atmosphere, so we added mass. As a result, no net surface temperature change.”
Depends on the relative heat capacity. But, you see, here you want it both ways. You say only the surface of the planet matters in S-B, yet there is additional mass retaining energy above the surface. And, the only difference between that mass and the mass below it is proximity of neighboring constituents.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 11:58 am

Stephen Wilde flails:

Nothing I said is inconsistent with that.
The incoming shortwave that is converted to heat by the gravitational field ultimately leaves the system as longwave radiation to preserve the balance between insolation in and longwave radiation out with both being measured in W/m2.

But, we’ve already talked about that. We have ~240 W/m^2 of power coming in from the sun’s photons and ~390 W/m^2 of power going out from the longwave radiation. What is supplying the missing ~150 W/m^2?

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 12:08 pm

Richard S Courtney says:

My post said and explained why;
“The planet gains temperature uniformity as a result of convective and conductive transfer of heat from it hottest to its coldest regions. And THIS RAISES ITS AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE.
There is NO “extra energy” but there is a redistribution of temperature across the planet’s surface.
And, thus, the transparent atmosphere increases the average surface temperature of the planet by reducing the temperature range of its surface and THIS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO THE RADIATIVE FLUX FROM THE PLANET.”

Let me try to explain it differently than I did in the other thread because I now think I understand your confusion: You are correct that the some of the 133 K deficit that Nikolov et al identified in Section 2.1A) of their paper is fictional in that you can get a higher surface temperature simply by moving heat around so that the surface temperature is more uniform. However, the highest temperature that can be obtained by doing this is 255 K, which is the temperature at which a spherical surface with a uniform surface temperature would be emitting ~240 W/m^2.
Hence, that still doesn’t explain the 288 K average surface temperature that we have, and in fact it provides a good argument as to why everybody else in the world except for Nikolov talks about the temperature deficit that needs to be explained as being 33 K (=288 K – 255 K) rather than using the unrealistic temperature distribution that he does and saying that the deficit that needs to be explained is 133 K!

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 12:13 pm

“C’mon, guys, this should not be hard. Imagine a planet with no atmosphere. At equilibrium, it emits exactly the radiation it receives from its sun, whatever that might be.
Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.”
Your planet with no atmosphere reaches some equilibrium temperature. Call it T1. Fine.
Now to keep it simple just add some nitrogen; enough to make 1 cm of atmosphere with negligible surface pressure and mass change. At time zero all the incoming radiation is matched by outgoing radiation. Soon though, the nitrogen equilibrates to T1 strictly by conduction with the surface.
Now the nitrogen is producing back radiation isn’t it? It’s at T1 so it will radiate (UV ???) isotropically. Won’t that mean the surface still has the incoming solar radiation plus the back radiation? Won’t that raise the temperature of the surface? Sounds like a runaway greenhouse effect, eh?
How is the backwards radiation from the nitrogen that has been heated by contact with the surface any different than backwards radiation due to infrared absorption by a GHG?
Radiation balance is maintained. The outgoing IR spectrum would change but the outgoing IR would still equal the incoming solar radiation where the reduction in surface IR is exactly replaced with nitrogen IR.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 1:19 pm

“Now the nitrogen is producing back radiation isn’t it?”
Sadly, I have to tell you that you are mistaken. Nitrogen don’t produce no radiation, none, nadda. Therein lies the rub (Will Shake).

don penman
January 4, 2012 12:18 pm

as we are talking about a hypothetical planet then I am sure I can use my hypothetical elementary particle physics knowledge here .Perhaps pressure broadening of spectral lines could lead to nitrogen and oxygen acting in some way as greenhouse gasses ,someone told me that this is possible.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  don penman
January 4, 2012 1:28 pm

Spectral lines are produced by high energy interactions that can raise electrons to excited states. We are talking low energy photons which cannot do that.

January 4, 2012 12:21 pm

there is a co2 molecule (500 ppm) wants to hit me where the good lord split me but it just can’t because there are a thousand water molecules (1%) ahead of it blocking the way.
and all of them are just jostling each other in a crowd of 100,000 pickpockets.
but hey- co2 is wearing makeup, so she’s askin for it. lock her up.

January 4, 2012 12:26 pm

ok, on the bare rock planet, it radiates only. it has a specific ‘temperature’.
now, if we put a conductive fluid in contact with it – a heat sink on it – it gets warmer?
orly? srsly? cuz a conductive evaporative radiative bigger radius, more surface area fluid is an insulator?

January 4, 2012 12:28 pm

and the denser material i make my heat sink out of, the better insulator it is?

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 12:39 pm

“Where is your hypothetical additional energy coming from?”
Where does it come from under the exact same scenario with GHG. The GHG increases surface temp therefore the planet has more energy, therefore energy has been created by CO2 magic gas hasn’t it?
Seriously though this is a problem. If surface temp goes up then a first cut says you’ve increased the energy of the planet. The only explanation I have (again a first cut) is that in my 1 cm atmosphere at time t+1, the planet’s energy has been robbed of exactly the amount that the nitrogen took away by conduction. This would imply that the surface temp should actually go down. This occurs with either N or CO2 magic gas doesn’t it?
I think what a lot of us are doing is confusing equilibrium, equilibration, and steady state energy flow. Since the entire system is dynamic, with energy essentially flowing through it all the time, it never really equilibrates does it? You can reach a steady state without equilibrating. If I heat a steel rod with a blow torch on one end it will reach a steady state where its temp profile reaches a constant state but it will certainly not equilibrate until I take the torch away.
As long as I pour solar energy into the little atmosphere I can’t expect some part of it down inside to behave like a black body anymore.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 1:10 pm

Paul Bahlin says:

How is the backwards radiation from the nitrogen that has been heated by contact with the surface any different than backwards radiation due to infrared absorption by a GHG?

It is different in that the former is fictional and the latter is real: Kirchkoff’s Rule of Radiation says that at each wavelength emissivity = absorptivity, If a substance is not a greenhouse gas, it will not absorb radiation but it also will not emit radiation. (In reality, because of collisional effects, nitrogen will absorb and emit tiny amounts of radiation…i.e., it is a very, very weak greenhouse gas at terrestrial pressures, but so weak that it will only be able to raise the surface temperature by a tiny amount.)

Where does it come from under the exact same scenario with GHG. The GHG increases surface temp therefore the planet has more energy, therefore energy has been created by CO2 magic gas hasn’t it?

No…It is not magic. It is physics. The problem that Willis speaks of only occurs if we assume that all of the radiation emitted by the surface escapes into space. If some of it is absorbed by the atmosphere, i.e., the atmosphere contains greenhouse gases, then there is no longer a problem with conservation of energy.
(And, yes, the atmosphere will also emit radiation, but it turns out that some of the emitted radiation goes back to the surface rather than out into space. This both decreases the emission back out into space AND increases the amount that the surface receives and thus the amount that it can emit and still have radiative balance at the surface.)

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 1:11 pm

Bart said:
“Absent absorption in the atmosphere, they (photons) speed up, their paths get bent, and they get redshifted to balance everything out”
Redshifting means that they lose energy so that the wavelength increases and the light emitted shifts towards the red end of the spectrum.
They. Lose. Energy. Which part of that do you, Willis Joel, Ira et al have a problem with ?
In the process of the interaction with any gravitational field photons slow down, lose energy and release heat. Unless they get accelerated into a black hole. If out in space the heat release is dissipated in space.
Now, if the photon hits a planetary surface or enters an atmosphere it gets stopped in its tracks and ALL its energy is converted to kinetic energy in the molecules of the surface or the atmosphere. All the momentum is converted to kinetic energy and and in due course radiated back out as longwave.
THAT is where your ‘extra’ energy is coming from.
The issue then is as to how long it is before on average the energy is radiated out again. The longer it takes for the energy to depart the higher the energy content of the system will get.
As it happens under current atmospheric pressure the energy builds up to about 150 W/m2 if one goes by Joels figures and that balances the budget at equilibrium.
Atmospheric pressure results from the strength of the planet’s gravitational field and that is mass dependent.
The more powerful the gravitational field the greater the surface pressure and the more dense the atmosphere relative to volume.
The more dense the atmosphere the more collisions there will be, the longer it takes energy to escape and the higher the temperature will get.
The source of the energy retained by the atmosphere is the ‘waste’ heat from the solar irradiation that has been downpowered from shortwave to longwave. ALL the molecules in the atmosphere are affected whether GHGs or not.
It is nothing to do with radiative downwelling from atmosphere to surface.
The presence of GHGs actually increases the upward flow and makes the system less hot than it would be if reliant only on non GHGs acting via conduction alone.
The opposite to the standard theory.

January 4, 2012 1:35 pm

“Joel Shore says:
January 4, 2012 at 6:06 am

What one gets is the temperature calculation based upon the W/m^2 of blocking. What is not present is the feedback of any change. The effects are present for the initial condition of being 33 deg C above the 255 K. Like the definition of sensitivity being defined as the temperature rise due to one doubling of CO2 from dawn of the industrial era, breaking down forcing effects into forcings and feedbacks is beyond idiotic. A proper definition of sensitivity should have been simply the rise in temperature due to a 1 W/m^2 increase (or actually increase or decrease). As the ipcc has claimed, they assume a W/m^2 is a W/m^2 regardless of how it comes about.
If you get down to it, there is no such thing as a forcing that isn’t also a feedback. Raise the T due to co2 and you’ll get more co2 as it comes out of solution in the ocean. Also, all so called feedbacks have to be functions of temperature.
The best way to deal with this is to checkout the ipcc’s proclaimed major feedback – h2o vapor. Using the common assumption of relative humidity staying the same for temperature changes, one sees that there is more actual h2o vapor present in warmer conditions. The actual IR effects are dependent upon absolute humidity and they are a log just like co2. A doubling of h2o vapor at constant RH has an absorption effect of about 2 to 3 times that of a co2 doubling. A 5 deg. C rise in T amounts to something like a 30% increase in h2o vapor present at constant RH. A two degree C rise is closer to 13% (as I recall from the absolute charts that can be found easily on the web). At a sensitivity of 0.218 deg C per W/m^2, one finds that increased h2o vapor amounting to a 30% increase is just under the same W/m^2 value as a co2 doubling. That leaves the ‘forcing’ plus the primary feedback to contribute 1.6 deg. C rise – but we’re still missing 3.4 deg C ( 15.5 W/m^2 of required power increase) in order to generate the 5 deg C rise. do it for a 2 deg C rise and the h2o vapor increase is closer to 13% increase – a long way from a doubling. One has 0.8 deg C rise for the co2 but now the h2o vapor is providing closer to 1 W/m^2 than 3 or 4 W/m^2 and so now we’re around 1 or 1.2 deg C for a forcing and primary feedback of h2o vapor that can be brought about by a 2 deg C increase in T. But now we’re only shy around 0.8 to 1.0 deg C of required W/m^2, roughly an additional 4.7 W/m^2, which is about the amount of forcing + feedback we start with.
The ipcc may or may not be right about h2o vapor being the primary feedback. They are totally whacked out about sensitivity.
Note that the numbers I use don’t care about where in the atmosphere things happen or how much is actually blocked versus blocked and reradiated or for that matter, how much is due to clouds or gh gases. It is quite insensitive to minor errors.
If you want to get to the nitty gritty, it’s burried in earlier hansen’s and lacis’ papers where they admit to making assumptions about the reduction of cloud cover. They also use 1-d modeling to get their results as it is far too complex to run such calculations in a gcm even on a supercomputer.
The real primary feedback – neither based on reality or on gcm modeling is the assumption that cloud cover reduces as average temperature goes up. In their discussions in the papers they also admit it is not the only legimate assumption possible. Since lower temperatures result in less h2o vapor in the atmosphere and less energy to go into the water vapor cycle, one sees that the cloud cover must decline as it gets colder. If Hansen and Lacis were somehow correct, slight increases in average temperature would mean that cloud cover decreases as well and that makes our roughly 62% current cloud cover the maximum it can possible be. That means we could never have 75% or 100% cloud cover.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 1:47 pm

“Errmm! With respect, NO! The NON GHG atmospherereturns none of the energy to the surface. It doesn’t, by definition, absorb, so it cannot radiate. It just lets the radiation through without any taxes or other hindrances, so it goes, never to return.”
It receives energy from the surface by conduction until it returns it by conduction as fast as it receives it.
Radiation not necessary. Non GHGs return everything they receive back to the surface before it can be radiated out by the surface.
All around the Earth the Oxygen and Nitrogen is at the same temperature as the GHGS mixed up with it.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 1:48 pm

cba: It sounds like you at least implicitly admit now that your calculation based on the 151 W/m^2 producing a 33 K temperature rise basically assumed that all feedbacks are absent (as feedbacks) except for the negative lapse rate feedback. Hence, your calculation of a low sensitivity was a completely circular argument.
You are now trying to go on to explain why you don’t believe the feedbacks are what they are. Fine, but that is getting us too far afield as this is already a hijack of the subject of this thread.
I just wanted to make it clear that your calculation of the sensitivity based on the total radiative effect of greenhouse gases and the 33 K rise it produces was a completely bogus way to derive a climate sensitivity relevant to the current “experiment” of increasing CO2 levels and other greenhouse gas levels. I think that you have at least implicitly admitted that now…or, at least, you are no longer contesting it.

don penman
January 4, 2012 1:51 pm

Joel shore
Who made the assumption that the atmosphere was at earth pressure?Why can’t we use real planets that you can’t tinker with the assumptions to get the results you want.

January 4, 2012 1:52 pm

“The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 1:28 pm
Spectral lines are produced by high energy interactions that can raise electrons to excited states. We are talking low energy photons which cannot do that.

I’m not sure what your conversation is about but your statement is totally wrong. Spectral lines can be produced by changes in vibrational and rotational states of molecules in addition to electron states.
BTW, just because a diatomic molecule like n2 or o2 isn’t a strong absorber / radiator in the IR doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any emission / absorption lines in the IR all the way down to the microwave region.
Also, when dealing with molecules bouncing around banging into each other, a collision can result in raising the energy state to a higher level which can then radiate or another collision can deactivate the state and bring it down to ground state or to a different energy state higher or lower than what it was in. Also, a molecule that absorbs a photon can be raised to a higher state and then re-radiative that photon, a combination of lower energy photons, possibly a higher energy photon if it was not in the ground state at the time it absorbed the photon, or a collision can sap out the energy deposited by the photo either completely or partially. Pressure helps determine the average time between collisions and quantum mechanics determines the time a molecule might remain in a higher energy state before radiating a photon but these too are averages that only suggest how many molecules might deactivate by collision rather than by photon emission.

January 4, 2012 2:11 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 3:57 pm
“Couldn’t disagree more. First I need a crystal clear explanation of what you call “the mechanism”. Only then can I design an experiment to determine if said mechanism works”
>600 comments on this thread alone and the issue is still unresolved. This is why empirical experiments are required. Forget “crystal clear explanations”, it clearly time to get some IR transparent pressure vessels, sunlight, thermometers and a compressed air source and start testing.
I say that my initial tests indicate that Nikolov and Zeller may be correct. For those saying they are incorrect my simple question is –
“What empirical experiments have you conducted?”

January 4, 2012 2:26 pm

“Now, if the photon hits a planetary surface or enters an atmosphere it gets stopped in its tracks and ALL its energy is converted to kinetic energy in the molecules of the surface or the atmosphere. All the momentum is converted to kinetic energy and and in due course radiated back out as longwave.”
A photon which hits the energy surface might convert into kinetic energy- most photon that hit the earth do NOT don’t get converted into KE.
If all photons did this, no human could see anything. And earth would not appear as blue marble in space but instead it would appear as black emptiness.
Someone should figure out how energy efficient LED lights would be required to make earth night side as bright as daylight. Or say you lit a 1 sq km area at night so it was as bright as daylight.
“Full, unobstructed sunlight has an intensity of approximately 10,000 fc”
“Let me try to illustrate how light diffuses with an example. Let’s assume we build a pyramid whose base is 8 feet by 8 feet and it’s height is 8 feet. The construction is such that no light escapes from the inside and no light penetrates from the outside.
At the inside top of this pyramid there is a 1,000 watts light bulb emitting approximately 9,230 fcs of light (now remember that’s the measure of light on a one square foot area at a distance of one foot from the light source). ”
So would need one 1000 watt light bulb per sq foot.
With LED I would get more efficient light- it will not require 9 1000 watts per square meter. Or 9 times more energy per sq meter as compare to sunlight.
“This produced a commercially packaged white light giving 65 lm/W at 20 mA, becoming the brightest white LED commercially available at the time, and more than four times as efficient as standard incandescents. In 2006, they demonstrated a prototype with a record white LED luminous efficacy of 131 lm/W at 20 mA. Nichia Corporation has developed a white LED with luminous efficacy of 150 lm/W at a forward current of 20 mA.[38] Cree’s XLamp XM-L LEDs, commercially available in 2011, produce 100 lumens per watt at their full power of 10 watts, and up to 160 lumens/watt at around 2 watts input power. ”
So it could possible to light area for about the same power as sunlight. And so a square km could be lit as bright as sunlight if used about 1000 watts per square meter using lastest in LED technology, so 1 Megawatt of electrical power is needed for a square km.

Stephen Wilde
January 4, 2012 2:41 pm

“Now, if the photon hits a planetary surface or enters an atmosphere it gets stopped in its tracks and ALL its energy is converted to kinetic energy in the molecules of the surface or the atmosphere. All the momentum is converted to kinetic energy and and in due course radiated back out as longwave.”
I agree in part, some of that is poorly worded.
In particular there is a lot of bouncing of photons and molecules around and partial conversion that I didn’t make clear.
Nonetheless the general process is correct.

January 4, 2012 2:43 pm

The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 1:06 pm
“I agree with you. What happens when you add the gas (a non GHG gas) is that you disturb the equilibrium; the new atmosphere picks up heat by conduction and convection from the planet and so the planet cools. Then the system moves to equilibrium as the planet picks up heat from the “sun” (the irradiating source of first instance) which it will do because it is slightly cooler than before, and you will end up with the planet at the same temperature as before and a warm atmosphere. Is that the answer you sought?”
Hi iceman,
I can only see three ways that the surface can warm and the planet still emit the same amount of radiation. It seems to me that any other way of warming the surface will cause the Earth to emit more radiation.
#1. you can (like Richard S. Courtney suggests) increase temperature uniformity at the surface (unfortunately this would not get us to the magnitude of the observed 33K difference)
#2. you can reduce the lapse rate
#3. You can increase the effective height that radiation is emitted from the Earth.
Which option(s) do you favor? Or is there a fourth option?
Cheers, 🙂

The iceman cometh
Reply to  shawnhet
January 4, 2012 3:39 pm

Shawnet said”I can only see three ways that the surface can warm and the planet still emit the same amount of radiation. —. #1. you can (like Richard S. Courtney suggests) increase temperature uniformity at the surface (unfortunately this would not get us to the magnitude of the observed 33K difference) #2. you can reduce the lapse rate #3. You can increase the effective height that radiation is emitted from the Earth. Which option(s) do you favor? Or is there a fourth option?” But I said if you carried out the requested experiment, and introduced some nitrogen as an atmosphere to a planet that previously had none, the planet would first cool because energy was transferred to the gas, and only then would it warm because it would revert to radiative equilibrium. Lapse rate and the effective height have nothing to do with it because our hypothetical atmosphere is not radiative at the wavelengths we are talking about. At first, therefore, the planet would emit less radiation than before it gained an atmosphere, because it was cooled, and then it would warm until it emitted just the same as before. The warm atmosphere would be the result of conduction and convection.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 2:55 pm

don penman says:

Joel shore
Who made the assumption that the atmosphere was at earth pressure?Why can’t we use real planets that you can’t tinker with the assumptions to get the results you want.

Well…That’s the whole point, don. Nikolov claims to have a theory that works for any planet. So, we are considering the case that illustrates a case where his theory and the conventional theory would predict different results. And, what we are finding is that his theory seems to be predicting something that violates conservation of energy.
A theory that predicts violations of conservation of energy on ANY planet is not a good theory.

Baa Humbug
January 4, 2012 3:00 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am

Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.

I’ve been waiting a couple of days for someone to answer Willises question to no avail.
Seen that the question is from one of my Climate Blogosphere Heroes, I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability.
Take a hypothetical planet called Esch. When it had no atmosphere, Esch received enough energy from its sun to cause its equator to be 30DegC and its poles to be 0DegC. (an average of 15DegC and lets say that that equates to the 235Wm2 number).
Now we add non-ghg gasses as an atmosphere.
At the equator, conduction warms the air immediately above the ground. This air rises and is replaced by cooler air which in turn also warms and rises. This goes on all day.
At night (Esch is a rotating planet just like Earth), the ground cools which in turn cools the air just above it. However, cool air does not rise nor does warm air fall, so we end up with a temperature inversion. The air at altitude, which was warmed during the day whilst at ground level, stays warm because it can’t radiate.
We now reach the 2nd day BUT we have a portion of the atmosphere that was warmer than the day before.
As the above process continues day after day, year after year, the air that is warmed by the ground is distributed around the planet via temperature differential.
How warm will this planet get? The whole planet, including the poles, will attain a temperature of 30DegC (the same as the equator).
Esch WITH a non-ghg atmosphere would still emit directly from the ground that incoming 235Wm2, (since non-ghgs are transparent to ULWR) however it now has an atmospheric temperature of 30DegC.
No thermodynamic laws broken.
I had posed a question at 8:43pm Jan 2nd, http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-851272 which no one has answered yet. I really would appreciate an answer from someone who knows these things.

January 4, 2012 3:05 pm

The more I watch this debate the more blindingly obvious it becomes that N&Z are right.
Willis et al, you’ve asked for a physical mechanism and Richard S Courtney gave it to you. If I may, here is his explanation in slightly different terms.
Rocky planet.
atmosphere that neither absorbs nor emitts
average insolation of 240 w/m2
Mechanism by which the presence of the atmopshere raises average T without raising average P.
By SB Law, we expect an average T of -17.9 C
However, we CANNOT calculate average of T for a given average P since P doesn’t vary with T but with T^4!
FURTHER, the atmosphere, while it cannot absorb or emitt, must still participate in energy transfer via conductance and convection. This has no possible result but to remove energy from the “tropics” (which receive higher than average insolation and are at a higher than average T) to the “arctic zones” (which receive lower than average insolation and so are at a lower than average T)
Example calculation
Without presence of atmosphere:
Tropics are subject to an average P of 2 x 240 = 480.
Vis SB Law, T = 30 C
Arctic Zones are subject to an average P of 0
Via SB Law, T = -273 C
WITH presence of atmosphere
Some portion of P at the tropics is transferred to the atmosphere via conduction. This in turn causes convection. The convection in turn moves warm air from the tropics to the arctic zones, and cool air the other way. This cools the tropics and warms the arctic. For the purposes of simplicity, let us assume equal areas between the tropics and the arctics. Let us further assume that the net effect is to cool the tropics by 50 w/m2 and warm an equal area of the arctics by 50 w/m2. Let us apply SB LAw to see affect on temperatures.
Tropics = 480 – 50 = 430
Via SB Law, T = 22 C
Change = -8 degrees.
Arctics = 0 + 50 = 50
Via SB Law, T = -100 C
Change = + 173 degrees
And there you have your mechanism. By removing 50 w/m2 from the tropics, that area sees a reduction in temperature of 8 degrees. The 50 w/m2 added to an equal area in the artic sees an increase in temperature of 173 degrees. Since the areas are equal in size, and one decreased in P by the same amount as the other increased in P, the laws of thermodynamics are intact.
Average T however is higher. MUCH higher.
Of course you’d never actually get 0 degrees K at the poles even in a planet with no atmosphere because the planet ITSELF will conduct heat from the tropics to the poles to some extent. There are other minutia I can think of that would throw the numbers off, but this should serve to illustrate a mechanism by which the presence of an atmosphere increases average T simply by redistributing energy from the “hot” zones to the “cold” zones via conduction and convection.
And that is why relying on the average of T instead of the average of T^4 has bolloxed up this entire conversation for the last several decades. average of T means diddly squat. average of T^4 is the ONLY way to determine if the planet is in an energy imbalance and by how much.

January 4, 2012 3:06 pm

Paul Bahlin says:
January 4, 2012 at 5:35 am
I thought EVERYTHING above absolute zero radiates energy. Just because nitrogen doesn’t capture and subsequently radiate radiant energy doesn’t mean it can’t capture energy through conduction and collisions and radiate that as infrared.

A common misconception on this site, gas molecules (or atoms) are only going to emit at atmospheric temperatures as a result of vibrational/rotational transitions, Argon atoms don’t have vibrational/rotational energy levels so they can’t absorb/emit via this mechanism. Similarly homonuclear diatomics like N2 and O2 don’t have a dipole so they can’t absorb/emit via this mechanism even though they vibrate and rotate. (There are some incredibly weak bands for both O2 and N2 in the vicinity of 5μm but they are ~10 orders of magnitude weaker than CO2/H2O)

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 4, 2012 3:07 pm

Willis Eschenbach @ January 4, 1:33 am
Ah good Willis, I think we are making progress in that you admit that a planet with an atmosphere of nitrogen will be warmer than one without an atmosphere. Well that’s what you appear to be saying, I think. An outstanding issue is that with a nitrogen atmosphere, you say that all of the insolation is radiated directly to space from the surface, but meanwhile there are a bunch of other energy related things going on, such as those mentioned by Richard Courtney @ January 4, 2:20 am. Is this perhaps behind your question, where does the extra energy come from? Of course it’s all a tad difficult, but perhaps you can make a few assertions on that too.

January 4, 2012 3:13 pm

mkelly says:
January 4, 2012 at 6:26 am
The iceman cometh says:
January 3, 2012 at 9:46 pm
“Iceman, the N2 or O2 molecules can heat up via conduction with the surface. So if they cannot rid themselves thru radiation, as you say, of the heat then the atmosphere will continually warm? Or is convection sufficient?
I have brought this up before that we seem to ignore 99% of the atmosphere.

And the people like yourself who bring this up ignore half of the planet’s rotation, during the night the planet’s surface will cool down and will now be cooler than the atmosphere and so will cool the atmosphere by conduction.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 3:42 pm

Baa Humbug,
That is an interesting scenario, but I disagree with a few things.
1) If 1/2 the world is 30 C and 1/2 is 0 C, then the outgoing radiation would average to
(315 W/m^2 + 478 W/m^2) = 396.5 W/m^2. Other distributions (eg 1/3 @ 30C, 1/3 @ 15C, 1/3 @ 0Cof temperature would give slightly different numbers, but still in this ballpark. So off the bat, Esch must receive way more power than Earth. That’s fine — it has a different orbit, or orbits a hotter star.
But 396.5 W/m^2 would be the starting point, not 235 W/m^2
2) Whatever mechanism brought the planet to your hypothesized uniform temperature would have to radiate ~ 396.5 W/m^2 uniformly from all points, which would be ~ 289 K or ~ 16 C. This slight increase is due to the whole “Holder Inequality” thing related to averaging T^4 rather than averaging T.
So the planet would warm, but only by ~ 1 C to ~ 16 C, not by 15 C to 30 C.
3) If the planet actually did reach a uniform temperature everywhere, the convection would stop, causing the poles to cool and the equator to warm. The equilibrium condition would be somewhere in between these two extremes, This in turn would decrease the effective temperature a little bit from the value in Part 2 (ie 16C).

Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 3:46 pm

First off EVERYTHING that has a temperature above 0 radiates energy. Just because something can’t absorb IR very well doesn’t mean that if it has heat it won’t radiate. Put a hot bag of nitrogen and a hot bag of CO2 in space and they’ll get to 3K very quickly. By radiation! They’ll have different spectral signatures but they will radiate away their energy content. There’s more ways to heat a gas than absorption of IR.
If you think differently about this then please link me to a paper or reference. I’d love to read it.
Here’s another question for all. If I had a long bar of steel sitting in the shade of a tree for a long long time (humor me here) it would have some internal energy constant throughout its length. If I then observed it from the moon with super secret radiation detector I could measure its radiation emission. Correct?
Now let’s apply some temperature to its ends for a very very long time; elevating one end, while lowering the temperature of the other, such that the bar has the exact same energy content when everything settles down. My super secret moon based detector sees no change in radiation (I think). At the same time, an ordinary public knowledge radiation detector aimed at the hot end during this experiment would see an increase in radiation from the hot end. Now if my only point of reference was that ordinary detector aimed at the end I would hypothesize that the energy content of the bar has to be higher than it was before. Right?
There’s a huge paradox with the GHG warming scenario. It goes like this. Surfaced generated IR energy wades through a maze of super abundant IR transparent gas until it hits a GHG which thereupon absorbs an re-radiates it as IR, thereby warming the very same IR transparent atmosphere the energy just avoided on the way up. Its like the transparent gas is only transparent when you want it to be. All the while this is happening the energies in the transparent gases are assumed to be at 0K except where they hit a thermometer.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Paul Bahlin
January 4, 2012 9:38 pm

Let me quote Phil with Real Approval:
“A common misconception on this site, gas molecules (or atoms) are only going to emit at atmospheric temperatures as a result of vibrational/rotational transitions, Argon atoms don’t have vibrational/rotational energy levels so they can’t absorb/emit via this mechanism. Similarly homonuclear diatomics like N2 and O2 don’t have a dipole so they can’t absorb/emit via this mechanism even though they vibrate and rotate. (There are some incredibly weak bands for both O2 and N2 in the vicinity of 5μm but they are ~10 orders of magnitude weaker than CO2/H2O)”
I made the same mistake as you have done, and came to realize the error of my ways. Phil is absolutely correct – they don’t emit.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 4:13 pm

I agree with pretty much all of what you said at January 4, 2012 at 3:05 pm, but this explanation still leaves you way short what is needed.
For your hypothetical world with an average of 240 W/m^2, the two most extreme cases I can semi-reasonably imagine are
1) all of the sunlight falling on 1/4 of the surface, corresponding to noontime sun on 1/4 of the world, and no sunlight on the other 3/4. Furthermore, there is no thermal conduction around the globe. This gives 960 W/m^2 = ~ 90 C for the hot zone and -273 C in the cold zone for an “average temperature” of (1*90 + 3*(-273)) = ~ -185 C = ~ 90 K
2) all of the energy distributed uniformly, in which case the temperature is 255 K = -18 C
If the atmosphere succeeded in transforming World 1 into World 2, then the non-GHG atmosphere would indeed have rasied the average temperature by ~ 170 C (while keeping the “effective radiating temperature” at 255 K the whole time.
But this leaves 2 problems
1) World 1 & World 2 are unrealistic. The extreme would is too extreme; the uniform world is too uniform. This would raise the average temperature of World 1, and lower the average temperature of World 2. The non-GHG atmosphere would create a much smaller change than 170 C.
2) More importantly, the pressure STILL has no way to raise the temperature from -18 C to 15 C. The BEST this mechanism could do is create a world with an average temperature of -18 C.
So, yes, a non-GHG atmosphere will have SOME effect at raising the average temperature, but no, it cannot raise the temperature enough. Only a GHG atmosphere can get you above and average of -18C.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 4:17 pm

davidmhoffer says:

Average T however is higher. MUCH higher.

Read this: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-853148 , many times if you have to.
What you have just shown is why the vast majority of climate scientists talk about the “surface temperature enhancement” being 33 K and not 133 K (as Nikolov et al say it is): Those scientists understand that you can get different values by having a different temperature distribution. Hence, if you have a surface emitting 240 W/m^2 and having the distribution that Nikolov et al. talk about, the temperature will be ~155 K. If you move the heat around, you can indeed raise the average temperature up further. In fact, you can get it up to 255 K by having a perfectly uniform temperature distribtuion. But, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to get a surface emitting 240 W/m^2 to have a higher average temperature than that (for a surface with emissivity approximately equal to 1).
I think you are learning the hard way that climate scientists are a little smarter than you think and you and Nikolov might be just a little bit less smart than you think.

January 4, 2012 4:52 pm

Phil., January 4, 2012 at 4:47 am :
That’s nonsense, Phil.
Take a blob of anything and put it in “deep space” away from anything like a star, and it will eventually cool down to a few kelvins. It doesn’t matter what it’s made of.
A planetary atmosphere is just a more complicated example of something like a “gas in a box”, where the “box” is the gravity well of the planet. This box is large, and thus the allowed energy levels for the molecules are very closely spaced, allowing for absorption and emission at very fine graduations of Kinetic Energy. Again, it doesn’t matter what it’s made of.
Learn some Physics yourself.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  dr.bill
January 4, 2012 9:45 pm

Dear dr.bill
I made the same mistake – but what happens in deep space to your box of gas is that the gas conducts heat to the box, and the box then cools by radiation. Phil is not talking nonsense – the diatomic gases really don’t absorb. At best, they scatter and refract.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 4:54 pm

Paul Bahlin says: January 4, 2012 at 3:46 pm
“First off EVERYTHING that has a temperature above 0 radiates energy. Just because something can’t absorb IR very well doesn’t mean that if it has heat it won’t radiate. Put a hot bag of nitrogen and a hot bag of CO2 in space and they’ll get to 3K very quickly. “
Sort of … The power radiated by an object is P/A = (emissivity)(SB constant)T^4. So a sphere of highly polished silver (emissivity = 0.02) will loose energy at 1/50 of the rate of the same silver sphere painted flat black (emissivity = 1.0). The object with the high emissivity will cool “quickly”, but the object with a low emissivity will cool “slowly”.
Defining the emissivity of gasses is a bit tricky, since it depends on volume, pressure, and temperature. But under similar circumstance, the emissivity of CO2 in the IR region of interest (>4um) is orders of magnitude larger than the emissivity of N2, so CO2 will cool orders of magnitude faster. For most practical purposes, the emissivity of N2 can be considered so close to zero that it does not emit significant IR energy.
The rest of your post also contains a few errors, but I don.t have time to address it sufficiently now — sorry.

January 4, 2012 5:12 pm

All that I admitted was additional feedbacks due to a rise in temperature from some increase in the W/m^2 variations are not ‘counted’. That is if one has a co2 doubling which changes the w/m^2 by 3.7 w/m^2, the temperature will rise due to that plus any other ‘feedback’ such as that due to the h2o vapor increase caused by an increased temperature. It was mentioned that the co2 contribution would be about 0.8 deg C rise and also that the contribution for a 2 deg C rise from h2o vapor would be on the order of yet another W/m^2 increase, making the total around 1 deg C – except that the h2o cannot contribute that much of an increase for only a 1 deg C rise – so in reality, the final T decreases below 1 deg C. However, if we leave it at 1 deg C, there are other smaller feedbacks (smaller according to the ipcc who claims the h2o vapor is the largest) which might make up for the difference.
Now, if you want to insist on there being problems because of things that don’t enter in to the considerations made for this, good luck. perhaps Anthony will set up some side thread somewhere to discuss it. BTW, that number 151 w/m^2 is not just for the ghgs but also aerosols cloud cover etc. It is the difference between what is emitted from the surface and what escapes into space. Note that there is more absorption going on that is countered by re emission outbound so it’s a wash. what is radiated is almost 2/3 of what is emitted from the surface. Small changes in values will not change this ratio.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 5:18 pm

Dr Bill,
The “gas in a box” energy levels correspond to allowed values of momentum for the gas molecules. The fact that the “box is large” means the allowed values of speed of the molecules are very closely spaced. This has nothing do do with the allowed vibrations of the molecule itself, which is what determines the IR properties (along with the distribution of charge within the molecule).

January 4, 2012 5:18 pm

The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 3:39 pm
“But I said if you carried out the requested experiment, and introduced some nitrogen as an atmosphere to a planet that previously had none, the planet would first cool because energy was transferred to the gas, and only then would it warm because it would revert to radiative equilibrium. Lapse rate and the effective height have nothing to do with it because our hypothetical atmosphere is not radiative at the wavelengths we are talking about. At first, therefore, the planet would emit less radiation than before it gained an atmosphere, because it was cooled, and then it would warm until it emitted just the same as before. The warm atmosphere would be the result of conduction and convection.”
I don’t really understand what you are saying here. By my logic, any process that causes the atmospheric temperature to increase will also increase the radiation of energy proportionally to T^4. In short, anything (nitrogen, CO2 whatever) that warms will radiate more energy and anything that emits more energy than it absorbs will cool. Moving heat around(or convection and conduction) can produce an overall temperature increase (as per my #1), however, even on an atmosphere conduction and convection were perfect and instantaneous (ie temperatures were completely uniform over the whole surface of the Earth) this would not add up to anywhere close to the 33K difference we experience on the Earth.
Cheers, 🙂

The iceman cometh
Reply to  shawnhet
January 4, 2012 9:57 pm

Hi shawnhet,
I think the mistake you make (and I made the same one, so you are not alone!) comes in:
“By my logic, any process that causes the atmospheric temperature to increase will also increase the radiation of energy proportionally to T^4. In short, anything (nitrogen, CO2 whatever) that warms will radiate more energy and anything that emits more energy than it absorbs will cool.”
Nitrogen or oxygen or argon or other symmetrical diatomic gases really do not emit. Read Phil’s post on the subject – I cannot express it better. It came as a surprise to me, but they are as absolutely transparent to radiation as you could wish. And what doesn’t absorb cannot emit (Kirchoff). So my hypothetical planet which suddenly acquires a nitrogen atmosphere will only lose heat by radiation once it is equilibrated with its new atmosphere, and its new atmosphere will not lose heat by radiation. Hope that helps.

Baa Humbug
January 4, 2012 5:22 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
January 4, 2012 at 4:07 pm
Thankyou for replying.

You assume the atmosphere will remain vertically unmixed since the warmer non-GHG gas will rise and stay there, causing a stable temperature inversion and the lower atmosphere to be the same temperature as the surface (mean 15ºC), while the upper atmosphere gets warmer (30ºC).

No, I do assume the atmosphere will mix. That’s how the 30DegC is distributed around Esch including the poles..
I also don’t assume the lower atmosphere to be the same T as the surface mean (15DegC). I assume the lower atmosphere AT THE EQUATOR will be 30DegC, the same as the surface T.
I’d like you to think about my scenario a little longer.
We need to stop thinking about mean Ts. The equator of Esch receives enough DSWR to reach 30DegC. Inevitably, some of this energy/warmth will transfer to the air via conduction.
Since the non-ghg gasses of this air cannot radiate away it’s newly found energy, it can only shed it via conduction with the ground.
Therefore, unless it can be argued that overnight cooling via conduction is just as fast/efficient as daytime warming via conduction, the atmosphere must accumulate heat.
And the longer we allow this process to continue, the more heat will be accumulated until a maximum is reached. that maximum on Esch is 30DegC.
I contend that warming via conduction is faster than cooling via conduction because we are looking at an interface between a solid (Esch surface) and a freely moving gas which expands and rises when warmed.

As I understand it, while the polar atmosphere would be warm, the polar surface would still be cold, at about 0 ºC. Given that difference in temperature, would not the polar atmosphere tend to conduct heat energy to the polar surface, which would reduce the temperature of the polar atmosphere?

That is an excellent point which gives me something to think about. The rate of transfer from atmosphere to surface at the poles would be much greater. The question then would be; Would this rate of transfer cancel out the rate of transfer at the equator. If it does, then my hypothesis is shot. However if it doesn’t, however slight, then my hypo is alive.
p.s. I’m still waiting for an answer to my Q at 8:43pm 2nd January. Respondents would be appreciated.
p.p.s. Regarding the poles, I think we would end up with permanent temperature inversion there.

Baa Humbug
January 4, 2012 5:28 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 4, 2012 at 3:42 pm
Thanx for the reply Tim (I’ve read most of your comments and I appreciate your contribution)
But alas, the numbers I used (e.g. 235Wm2) were just plucked from Willisses posts. The numbers are really irrelevant at the stage my scenario is in.

January 4, 2012 5:39 pm

Tim Folkerts, January 4, 2012 at 5:18 pm :
Tim: The momentum and energy of a particle are inextricably linked, and I mentioned neither IR nor vibrations. Where, for example, are molecular vibrations involved for the case of a monatomic gas (such as Argon)? Masses can gain or lose energy simply by gaining or losing ordinary speed. The gains and losses can involve radiation of any wavelength. That’s how we measure the “temperature” of the cosmic background, a very long wavelength indeed, right?

January 4, 2012 5:43 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
January 4, 2012 at 1:11 pm
“Redshifting means that they lose energy so that the wavelength increases and the light emitted shifts towards the red end of the spectrum.”
You have forced me to dig out old notes. The shift depends on the position of the observer with respect to the radiating object. In fact, if the radiating object is the Sun, and the observer is on Earth, there is a blue shift. Gravitational red shift is associated with a photon leaving a massive body.
In any case, photons do not release heat, and the speed with respect to coordinate time does not change. Heat results when a photon is absorbed by a massive particle. But, why are we arguing about this? That radiation is intercepted and heats the atmosphere and the Earth is not a subject of contention.
Stephen Wilde says:
January 4, 2012 at 1:47 pm
“Radiation not necessary. Non GHGs return everything they receive back to the surface before it can be radiated out by the surface.”
That may be a plausible mechanism, to some extent. But, you need to find a way to quantify it – words alone are just not going to suffice. I doubt it is very large, because there is a really large yawning gap in the emission spectrum from the planet which clearly results mostly from water in the atmosphere, and I think it is large enough to explain the lion’s share of excess heating.

January 4, 2012 5:49 pm

“Tim Folkerts says:
January 4, 2012 at 4:54 pm ”
A really good real example is hydrogen atoms. One sees them in pink in sky when there are hot uV emitting stars radiating the hydrogen gas cloud. To go from ground state to 1st excited state requires a uV photon but once there, the atom can easily be excited to higher states that can emit visible red light – the pinkish red of the emission nebula. Even lower energy photons are possible although somewhat unlikely, requiring beginning and ending states to be rather high order. However, when one considers that the proton in the nucleus has a spin as does the electron and that there is a difference in energy states between when the spins are parallel and antiparallel, one can understand that far lower energies can be absorbed and radiated by the hydrogen atom. This is the famous 21cm microwave line which is well below the energies required for infrared.
N2 has 120 known lines in the 2-100 um wavelength range and O2 has 1397 lines. These must be compared to 56138 lines of co2 and 28673 known lines of h2o spectrum in the same 2-100 um range.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 5:56 pm

Baa Humbug,
I’m not an expert on the atmosphere, but it seems that something like Hadley Cells would still be set up on the various hypothetical worlds, resulting in continuous convective energy transfer from the equator to the poles, with a continuous temperature gradient from the poles, eliminating the possibility of a uniform temperature. I suspect there would ALWAYS be convection, with the descending air near the poles cooling toward the surface temperature of 0 C (using your numbers) as it travels along its path from the poles toward the equator. Meaning you would NEVER reach anything approximating a uniform 30 C in the atmosphere

January 4, 2012 6:09 pm

To those who believe the energy flow balance argument disqualifies the idea of non-GHG heating, I wish again to point out my discussions with Willis at 11:57 am, 11:47 am and 11:06 am. Where is the surface? The surface of the planet is at about 290K, which S-B says should radiate at 400 W/m^2 or so. But, the top of the troposhpere is at about 220K, which would give 133 W/m^2.
There is no reason arbitrarily to pick the surface as the reference point, since the atmosphere is part of the system. If we pick the midpoint of the troposhpere, that is at 255K which, hey, presto! yields 240 W/m^2.
So, I think using SB and energy flow imbalance in the argument is invalid. For me, the major bit of evidence for the GHG theory is the huge chunk of energy taken out of the planet’s emission spectrum, which can be seen in Figure 3 here. I do not find it plausible that such a large masking of outward radiation can fail to have an enormous effect.

January 4, 2012 6:16 pm

Bart says:
January 4, 2012 at 6:09 pm
Note: Figure 3 in the link I gave labels that gap with “CO2”, but the CO2 part of that gap is actually fairly narrow. It’s mostly water vapor.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 6:18 pm

Baa Humbug asks: “p.s. I’m still waiting for an answer to my Q at 8:43pm 2nd January. Respondents would be appreciated.”
I would say that the high emissivity coating will increase the net transfer from warm objects to cool objects. So I conclude that if the “box” is cooler than the “room” the high emissivity coating will help it absorb more energy, increasing the overall rate of temperature rise. Conversely, if the “box” is warmer than the “room”, then a low emissivity coating decreases energy loss from the “box”, also increasing the overall rate of temperature rise.

January 4, 2012 6:19 pm

“What you haven’t shown is that an atmosphere can heat the planet, as Nikolov/Jelbring claim.
That is NOT what they claim (or SHOULD be claiming). They are just sayin’, as I have been for several years, that you simply CANNOT have an atmosphere with the properties of ours, unless it has enough energy to exhibit the properties that ours has. Sorry to be so vague, but I don’t know how else to explain it. You simply cannot have our system without the temperatures that we have, as provided by the Sun.
I know, no comprehendo….

January 4, 2012 6:32 pm

If anyone knows where to find a better graph of actual measurements of radiative emissions, I would appreciate being directed to it.

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 6:44 pm

dr.bill says:
>The momentum and energy of a particle are inextricably linked,
Certainly: KE = p^2/m
>and I mentioned neither IR nor vibrations.
But you should have. Thermal IR radiation from molecules comes from vibrations within the molecules. With no vibrations, there are no IR emissions. The speed/momemtum/KE of the molecule cannot directly produce thermal IR radiation.
>Where, for example, are molecular vibrations involved for the case of a
>monatomic gas (such as Argon)?
There ARE no molecular vibrations, which is exactly why they do not emit thermal radiation (in any appreciable quantities).
>Masses can gain or lose energy simply by gaining or losing ordinary speed.
>The gains and losses can involve radiation of any wavelength.
Only when there is a net charge involved. For example, accelerating electrons can produce synchrotron radiation, but accelerating neutral atoms would not. Neutral atoms in the atmosphere would not radiate when they accelerate.
>That’s how we measure the “temperature” of the cosmic background,
>a very long wavelength indeed, right?
The CMBR is indeed a rather long wavelength (compared to thermal IR at least), but I am not sure what your point is. Perhaps you can clarify.
Dr. Tim

Tim Folkerts
January 4, 2012 6:45 pm

oops — that should have been KE = p^2/2m of course.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 7:00 pm

Bart says:

There is no reason arbitrarily to pick the surface as the reference point, since the atmosphere is part of the system. If we pick the midpoint of the troposhpere, that is at 255K which, hey, presto! yields 240 W/m^2.

Yes…There is reason t pick the surface: That is where the emission is coming from. The surface is nearly a blackbody emitter and hence it is emitting about 390 W/m^2. If there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, none of this 390 W/m^2 would be absorbed (also, the atmosphere would not be emitting greenhouse gases) and hence all of it would escape to space.
You are right that in an atmosphere WITH greenhouse gases, the total (spectrally-integrated) emission as seen from space behaves as if the emission is not from the surface but from some level up in the atmosphere where the temperature is about 255 K. Of course, in reality, what is happening is more complicated: The surface is still emitting about 390 W/m^2 but the atmosphere is absorbing most of that and then emitting some itself. That, as you note, is seen in the emission spectrum, which is not similar to that of a 255 K blackbody, but rather of a warmer blackbody with “bites” taken out of it.

Baa Humbug
January 4, 2012 7:05 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 4, 2012 at 6:18 pm
Thanx Tim, at last an answer.
Just to be clear, the “box” is warmer than the “room”. Lets say the “room” is near absolute zero.
So what you are saying is the box painted with the Low Emissivity Paint (LEP) will end up being warmer than the box painted with the High Emissivity Paint (HEP) simply because the HEP will radiate away the warmth provided by the internal heater of the box quicker than the LEP would.
I agree with that. I wonder if anybody disagrees?

January 4, 2012 7:41 pm

Tim Folkerts;
I used an extreme example to illustrate the issue, and I made a couple of mistakes along the way. Better would have been (using round numbers here just to simplify things) if I’d supposed insolation to be 1000 w/m2 after albedo, the scenario would look more like this:
“Average” insolation = 250 w/m2
“Average” insolation at tropics = 500 w/m2
“Peak” insolation at tropics = 1,000 w/m2
“Average” insolation at poles = 0
(because my pretend rock has no inclination to the orbital plain. Since it is MY make believe rock I can give it any inclination I want 😉 )
“Peak” insolation at poles = 0
This would provide for a power curve of “average” insolation of 250 w/m2 at the tropics that declines with altitude until you get to the poles where it is zero. It wouldn’t be a linear decline since my rock has a curved surface, but the exact power curve isn’t important in terms of understanding the concept.
However, “peak” insolation would be 1,000 w/m2 at the tropics, and decline to zero at the poles. This brings up a series of concepts. While the poles would obviously trend toward an equilibrium temperature of zero, calculating the equilibrium temperature of the tropics is not so straight forward. At night, insolation is zero, and so the tropics would cool toward zero at night. Assuming a 24 hour day, they’d never get anywhere near zero of course, the sun would rise long before that could happen. So what equilbrium temperature do the tropics tend toward in the day?
If we assume that P starts at zero, peaks at 1000 at noon, and then falls back to zero in evening, we could justify a rough estimate of 500 w/m2 average which would yield via SB Law an “average” temperature of 33.4 C. But for over half the daylight hours, insolation would actually be more than that. Briefly at noon, insolation would be at 1,000 w/m2 which would translate to 91.4 C. Of course it would never get to 91.4 C anymore than it would get to zero at night. The point being that the 250 w/m2 = -15.3 C is no more accurate than 500/33.4C or 1000/91.4 C. You’d have to integrate across the daylight curve to arrive at the equilibrium temperature for the tropics, and it would NOT be the same as what one would get by simply calculating from the “average” insolation.
With that in mind, let’s throw in an non absorbing non emitting atmosphere. What happens?
In my illustrative comment above, I invented some equilibrium temperatures at poles and tropics and tried to show what would happen if the processes of conduction and convection moved 50 w/m2 away from the tropics and to the poles. That’s not realistic of course. A better model would be that considerably more than 50 w/m2 would be removed from the tropics.
Again, just to illustrate the concept, I’m picking numbers here. Since the temperate zones and arctic zones are far cooler than the tropics simply due to angle of inclination to the sun, the atmosphere has little choice but to warm by conduction and convect. The warm air must rise, pulling cold air beneath it from the poles. The hot air rises to some height, then spill toward the poles.
Now we have a whole bunch of things happening at the same time. For starters, we can now suggest that the “average” temperature of the tropics themselves would be higher than without an atmosphere, and that not one single extra watt is required to accomplish that.
Since the atmosphere is warmed by conduction during the day, at night, it must give back by conduction. But because P varies with T^4, the number of degrees that the atmosphere “gives back” is greater than what what it took in the first place. The tropics have no choice but to warm the atmosphere, which then redistributes the energy absorbed in two ways. One is via convection which drives energy toward the poles, and the other is conduction BACK to the tropics as soon as night time temperatures fall below the temperature of the atmosphere.
So again, I’m making up rough numbers to illustrate the point that there is in fact a mechanism for a non absorbing, non emitting atmosphere to raise surface temps without violating the laws of thermodynamics.
Suppose for argument’s sake that the atmosphere removes an average of 100 w/m2 from the tropics during the day. It must distribute that energy absorbed in two ways. Convection forces some energy to be distributed toward the poles, and the night/day cycle means that some gets sent back to the surface at night time. For illustrative purposes, let’s suppose that 25 w/m2 of the 100 w/m2 get redistributed via conduction back to the tropics when they cool off at night.
So… the target equilibrium P during the day for the tropics with no atmosphere might have been 500 w/mw, but with an atmosphere it is only 400 w/mw. From SB Law:
500 w/m2 = 33.4 C
400 w/m2 = 16.8 C
The atmosphere reduces the “target” equilibrium temperature by 16.6 degrees. But what happens at night when the atmosphere “gives back” via conduction, 25 w/m2?
0 w/m2 = -273 C
25 w/m2 = -128.1 C
See what happened? Moving 100 w/m2 away from the tropics during the day reduces the equilibrium target temperature by 16.6 degrees, but taking just 25% of those watts/m2 back at night increases the night time equilibrium temperature by a whopping 144.9 degrees! All we need do is average the tropics night time and day time equilibrium temperatures to see that a miniscule 25 watts moved by conduction via the atmosphere to the night time results in a massive temperature increase without any change in the energy balance at all. But I said the atmosphere would in this example move 100 w/m2 away from the tropics in day time, and I only sent 25 w/m2 to the night time, let’s figure in them other 75 watts.
Convection ensures that warm air moves toward the poles, heating the earth below via conductance. The night time “temperature boost” applies across all latitudes. The day time temperature boost is lowest in the south temperate zones, higher in the north temperate zones and highest (on a degrees per watt/m2 basis at least) in the arctic zones. Surface areas being different, angle of incidence varying, and so on, we can actually say that our remaining watts/m2 are going to be distributed in a fashion that adds up to 75w/m2. Unless of course my invented rock has surface area irregularities that result in this being the case. Since it is my rock that I invented, and I’m way too lazy to do the math properly, I’m going to go with that.
Suppose that our south temperate, north temperate, and arctic zones each get a 25 w/m2 boost from conduction from the atmosphere, and that the areas equal out such that the square meters match that of the tropics (I know, rather addly shaped rock, but just ignore that and stick with the arithmetic).
The night time temperature boost of all three zones (the target equilibrium temperature they would now tend toward, though they would be unlikely to actually get there before sunrise) would be plus 144.9 degrees. The 100 watts/m2 we liberated via conduction from the tropics in the first place only dropped the temperature of the tropics by 16.6 degrees!
The day time equilibrium temperature of the arctic (previously with zero insolation) would now also be higher by 144.9 degrees. The temperature boost in the temperate zones would depend on what their “average” temperature without an atmosphere would be. Let’s guestimate that the “average” P of the south temperate zones was 300 w/m2 and the north temperate zone 200 watts/m2, and that each get a boost of 25 w/m2 from conduction from the atmosphere.
300 w/m2 = -3.3 C
325 w/m2 = 2.2 C
“warming” = 5.5 degrees
200 w/m2 = -29.3 C
225 w/m2 = -22.0 C
“warming” = 7.3 degrees
So we now have a planet that fluctuates between day time warming and night time cooling. Each day the warming tends toward the equilibrium high, but never makes it before cooling sets in. Each night, the cooling tends toward the equilibrium low, but never makes it before sunrise and warming starts again. In return for reducing the day time equilibrium high of the tropics by just a few degrees, the night time low equilibrium point of the entire planet increases by over 100 degrees. The equilibrium day time highs of the south temperate, north temperate and arctic zones also increase, collectively “on average” more than what the tropics lost, even though the tropics lost 4 times as much in watts/m2 as the other zones gained.
I’m getting bleary eyed and I’m pretty certain I’ve got some messed up math in there on all sorts of issues, but I think by now the mechanism that everyone is screaming cannot exist without breaking the laws of thermodynamics, does in fact exist, and need not add or substract a single joule of energy from the system to still arrive at higher surface temperatures, and without emitting or absorbing a single photon.
Which has what to do with surface pressure? Glad someone asked. I’ve made up the numbers to illustrate how surface temperatures can be increased without adding or subtracting energy from the system. But how much conductance actually occurs for any given atmosphere.
Well, that’s dependant upon one thing. The density of the gas. Which is dependant upon…
mean surface pressure. Exactly how N&Z have said it.

January 4, 2012 7:53 pm

Joel Shore;
What you have just shown is why the vast majority of climate scientists talk about the “surface temperature enhancement” being 33 K and not 133 K (as Nikolov et al say it is): Those scientists understand that you can get different values by having a different temperature distribution.>>>
Nope. What I have just shown is that the majority of climate scientists get +33K by starting with an “average” surface temperature calculated from an “average” insolation. By taking an “average” insolation of 240 w/m2, they get an “average” black body T of -18 C and an “average” surface T of +15 and conclude GHG’s account for +33. Nonsense!
The ONLY way to caclulate is to take the average of T^4th of both scenarios. When you do that, you absolutely will get a number on the order of 133K!
You cannot advocate averaging T to calculate that number while still agreeing that P varies with T^4!!
If P varies with T to the 4th, then averaging T to calculate average P is good reason to have your degree revoked as it appears you didn’t make it past high school algebra.
Seriously Joel, do the arithmetic.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 7:55 pm


I’m getting bleary eyed and I’m pretty certain I’ve got some messed up math in there on all sorts of issues, but I think by now the mechanism that everyone is screaming cannot exist without breaking the laws of thermodynamics, does in fact exist, and need not add or substract a single joule of energy from the system to still arrive at higher surface temperatures, and without emitting or absorbing a single photon.

You think wrong: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-853398
You have created a strawman of our arguments. The question is not whether you can change the average temperature without changing the power output by changing the temperature distribution. Everybody KNOWS you can do that. The question is whether you can ever find a temperature distribution such that the average temperature is above 255 K when the emitted power is 240 W/m^2. And, the answer to that question is NO.

January 4, 2012 8:18 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm
“Yes…There is reason t pick the surface: That is where the emission is coming from.”
Uh-uh. The surface is in contact with the atmosphere. There is conduction and convection going on there at the interface. Ergo, it does not satisfy the requirements of a black body radiator with anything like the conditions for which the S-B equation was derived.
If you’re going to attempt such a kluge, the effective radiating surface has to be somewhere up above the solid surface.

January 4, 2012 8:31 pm

Tim Folkerts, January 4, 2012 at 6:44 pm :
Tim: Regarding the microwave background, I made a too-hasty comment there, and I stand corrected. My mind was thinking of the 21cm line of Hydrogen, which is produced by neutral atoms, but my evil fingers got off on another tangent.
Regarding the rest: Any time two atoms or molecules collide, there is a short-lived change in the distribution of charge within the atoms, even in mono-atomic ones. This gives you the dipole or rotations or vibrations you’re looking for, and depending on the nature of the collision, can produce radiation with a wide variety of wavelengths.
The point that I have been trying to make is that you don’t need multi-atom molecules, nor rotational and vibrational modes, to produce radiation. I am, however, tired of flogging the whole thing, and it isn’t likely contributing anything useful to the discussion of Nikolov and Keller anyway.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 8:35 pm

Bart says:

Uh-uh. The surface is in contact with the atmosphere. There is conduction and convection going on there at the interface. Ergo, it does not satisfy the requirements of a black body radiator with anything like the conditions for which the S-B equation was derived.

Are you under some misconception that the existence of conduction and convection at a surface changes the rate of radiative emission? The rate of emission is determined by the area of the surface, the temperature, and the emissivity. Whether or not there are other forms of heat transfer occurring is irrelevant.

Joel Shore
January 4, 2012 8:40 pm

davidmhoffer: You are getting bogged down in irrelevancies, probably because they are the only thing that can possibly save you fat this point. You can argue all day about how averages should or should not be done.
But, you are avoiding the substance: A surface of emissivity 1 that emits 240 W/m^2 cannot have an average temperature higher than 255 K…End of story.

January 4, 2012 9:56 pm

Joel Shore;
What you have just shown is why the vast majority of climate scientists talk about the “surface temperature enhancement” being 33 K>>>
What I have just shown is that calculating surface temperature enhancement from an average of T is mind bogglingly wrong.

January 4, 2012 11:53 pm

Ira Glickstein, PhD says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:06 pm
Thanks, Ira!
Joel Shore says:
January 4, 2012 at 8:35 pm
“Are you under some misconception that the existence of conduction and convection at a surface changes the rate of radiative emission?… The rate of emission is determined by the area of the surface, the temperature, and the emissivity.”
I am under no misconception, but yes, it absolutely does. SB is an idealization. It is an expression for a volume with enclosing surface which has no way of dissipating energy other than radiation, and in which the energy states have settled out to a characteristic steady state distribution. When you start influencing those energy states externally, you change the distribution.
At best, SB serves only as an approximation for a surface which is capable of dissipating energy through other means than radiation. So, what surface are we talking about? One which substantially has only one outlet for energy dissipation, that outlet being purely radiative.
Calculating an equivalent flux based on temperature at the surface is a little like saying resistors in series must combine not by addition, but by the value of whichever one is closest to ground. Why? Because if you remove the others, the voltage across that one will be the source voltage, and since the voltage drop across the combination cannot be greater than the source voltage, the others can have no effect.
You can’t just wing these things. Formulas derived under specific conditions only hold precisely under those conditions, and approximately in conditions “near” those, and you have to verify whether it is “near” before you use it. I see no reason to believe that a surface through which massive non-radiative heat exchange is taking place would bear a close relationship with a formula derived under the assumption that there was no such outside influence.
The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:45 pm
“I made the same mistake – but what happens in deep space to your box of gas is that the gas conducts heat to the box, and the box then cools by radiation.”
Are you responding to this?
dr.bill says:
January 4, 2012 at 8:31 pm
“Any time two atoms or molecules collide, there is a short-lived change in the distribution of charge within the atoms, even in mono-atomic ones. This gives you the dipole or rotations or vibrations you’re looking for, and depending on the nature of the collision, can produce radiation with a wide variety of wavelengths.”
Collisions do often produce radiation. That much is true.

January 5, 2012 12:16 am

Richard S Courtney says:
January 4, 2012 at 11:22 am

Willis Eschenbach:
I am extremely disappointed in your answer to my post at January 4, 2012 at 2:20 am.
Your answer at January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am. completely ignores my point.
My post said and explained why;
“The planet gains temperature uniformity as a result of convective and conductive transfer of heat from it hottest to its coldest regions. And THIS RAISES ITS AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE.
There is NO “extra energy” but there is a redistribution of temperature across the planet’s surface.
And, thus, the transparent atmosphere increases the average surface temperature of the planet by reducing the temperature range of its surface and THIS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE TO THE RADIATIVE FLUX FROM THE PLANET.”
You have completely ignored that and its explanation.
Instead, you say;

“C’mon, guys, this should not be hard. Imagine a planet with no atmosphere. At equilibrium, it emits exactly the radiation it receives from its sun, whatever that might be.
Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.
I say no because if the surface warms, since the surface is is the only thing in the system that can absorb or emit radiation, it will be emitting more energy to space than it receives from its sun.
Where is that extra energy coming from?
How about somebody trying to ANSWER MY QUESTION, instead of answering a bunch of other stuff?”

I DID answer your question.
I explained that there is NO “extra energy” but there is an increase to the planet’s average surface temperature.

Richard, my bad. I couldn’t believe that you were seriously proposing that as the effect that either Jelbring or Nikolov were talking about, and not merely because they said nothing about it.
I couldn’t believe it because the effect you are talking about, although real, cannot warm a rotating planet even up to the blackbody temperature. Thus, there’s no possibility that it would warm a planet above the blackbody temperature..
For those not following it, here’s how it works. I’ll use day/night variations as an example. A planet with variations in temperature emits more radiation than a planet at the average of the daytime and night-time temperatures. This is because radiation varies as the fourth power of temperature (T^4), so increases in temperature have more effect than decreases. As a result, a planet with day/night temperature variations will run cooler than one without those variations. This, for example is the reason that the average temperature of the moon is so low—because the temperature swings are so great.
Richard’s point is that an atmosphere will serve to ameliorate the day/night variations. As a result, the average temperature of the planet will be slightly warmer than it would be without the atmosphere. And he is correct.
How big is the effect? Well, the maximum effect depends on the swings in temperature. The increase in radiation (in percent) from a temperature swing of plus/minus dT is equal to 6 * (dT/T)^2, where T is the average surface temperature (in kelvins) and dT is the amount of change up/down from that average. You can plug in the numbers.
In any case, Richard, thanks for raising that issue. However, it can’t be what Nikolov or Jelbring are talking about. At least as I understand it, they are discussing some mechanism by which a planet is warmed above its blackbody temperature.
The phenomenon you point to, on the other hand, can only warm a planet up to its blackbody temperature (in theory), and in practice cannot do even that, as the atmosphere cannot completely smooth out the day/night variations.
So it can’t be the phenomenon that Nikolov / Jelbring are discussing.

January 5, 2012 12:24 am

Konrad says:
January 4, 2012 at 2:11 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 3:57 pm

“Couldn’t disagree more. First I need a crystal clear explanation of what you call “the mechanism”. Only then can I design an experiment to determine if said mechanism works”

>600 comments on this thread alone and the issue is still unresolved. This is why empirical experiments are required. Forget “crystal clear explanations”, it clearly time to get some IR transparent pressure vessels, sunlight, thermometers and a compressed air source and start testing.
I say that my initial tests indicate that Nikolov and Zeller may be correct. For those saying they are incorrect my simple question is –
“What empirical experiments have you conducted?”

Konrad, I’m still waiting for an explanation of how it is supposed to work. Until then, how can you possibly test it with an experiment? What will you test, what experiment can you possibly do, if you don’t know how the warming is supposed to occur?

January 5, 2012 12:32 am

Joel Shore (Jan. 4, 2012 at 11:58 am):
The contention the 150 W/m^2 is “missing” without AGW is false. If you claim it is true, please supply logical proof.

January 5, 2012 1:16 am

The energy balance is such that (eneryg in = energy out + energy retained by the system). In the case of a planet wih atmosphere, or a dammed river, the (energy in = energy out) only when no charging or discharging is taking place.
Changes to an atmosphere can cause charging or discharging. Therefore the fact that a planet with atmosphere changes temperature compared to it’s black body equivalent seems reasonable. If a planet starts with no atmosphere, and slowly accumulates an atmosphere, then the charging or discharging of energy will continue until an equilibrium is reached.Clearly, changes to the atmosphere will cause changes to the energy flow as charging and discharging takes place.
A planet could emit more energy than it receives from the Sun in the sense of a discharge. It is of course stored energy that came from the Sun, but for a certain time the outgoing energy can be higher than the incoming, just as at one time the incoming was more than the outgoing. This charging and discharging is taking place every day and night, at most location of the Earth, and the average over 24 hours may be positive or negative. On a planetary scale, it would be suprising if this averaged out to zero over any timesacale. With the number of variables in the system, trends up and down have to be expected.
For me the only question is whether the CO2 increases of recent years can have any significant effect on the overall system.

Richard S Courtney
January 5, 2012 2:35 am

Joel Shore:
Your post at January 4, 2012 at 12:08 pm is a ‘bait and switch’.
You and Willis each claimed that a planet would have the same temperature
(a) with no atmosphere
(b) with a transparent atmosphere.
I explained how and why addition of the transparent atmosphere DOES raise the planet’s temperature.
You now say to me;
“You are correct that the some of the 133 K deficit that Nikolov et al identified in Section 2.1A) of their paper is fictional in that you can get a higher surface temperature simply by moving heat around so that the surface temperature is more uniform.”
Good, you are now admitting the truth (instead of showering me with untrue insults as you did on the other thread); i.e. you now admit “you can get a higher surface temperature simply by moving heat around”.
So, I am right and you were wrong. But you then try to switch the subject saying (presumably of the real Earth);
“However, the highest temperature that can be obtained by doing this is 255 K, which is the temperature at which a spherical surface with a uniform surface temperature would be emitting ~240 W/m^2.”
In that case either your sums are wrong or you now need to address the question that you and Willis keep posing; viz.
“Where is the extra energy coming from?”
You are saying that
energy distribution in the atmosphere by radiation does raise the temperature above 255 K
energy distribution in the atmosphere by convection and conduction cannot raise the temperature above 255 K.
Please explain why.

Richard S Courtney
January 5, 2012 2:46 am

Thankyou for your reply to me that is at January 5, 2012 at 12:16 am.
Please see my reply to Joel Shore that is at January 5, 2012 at 2:35 am and especially its conclusion which says;
“In that case either your sums are wrong or you now need to address the question that you and Willis keep posing; viz.
“Where is the extra energy coming from?”
You are saying that
energy distribution in the atmosphere by radiation does raise the temperature above 255 K
energy distribution in the atmosphere by convection and conduction cannot raise the temperature above 255 K.
Please explain why.

January 5, 2012 3:14 am

Something to throw out there.
In terms radiation, there isn’t a huge difference between 10 meters under water and above the surface. You could have garden and grow plants from natural sunlight. This garden could be native underwater plants. Or you could make an artificial environment- a greenhouse that can withstand 14.7 psi of water pressure. It not a good idea- there much easy ways to farm. And light levels would be reduced. It might be easier to put 10 meter water above you on some land location.
And you could do the same thing on the Moon [put 10 meters of water above you]. On the Moon
the water would weigh less [1/6th of 14.7, so 2.45 psi]. And on the Moon this might even have some practical value. Such as one would have safe levels of radiation. You need air pressure more than 2.45 psi for animals including humans to breathe. Etc.
And In terms of radiation there isn’t a huge difference between being under 14.7 psi of atmosphere and being in space. The sunlight levels are lower and harmful radiation is reduced significantly. And difference in all respects between being on the surface earth and being on the Moon with 10 meter of water above you are slight. You could live underwater on the moon in similar manner that live under water on earth. Fish could not feel the the difference- they live in weightless environment on earth and would so on the Moon. If you had deep water on the Moon, it would technically be easier for human to function under water because there is less problems due to high water pressure. on the Moon a human in scuba gear could dive 1000 feet under water. Etc.
My point in terms of radiation you are in the space environment- the difference is. There is gravity on earth, and one is in air which conduct heat better then a vacuum. Without gravity or with less gravity, air has no or less bouyancy- this affects the transfer of heat.
That amount of technology that would not work because one lacks gravity, is somewhat large.
Your car could modified to work [in terms of the engine] but driving it wouldn’t work. A gas stove, water heat, or furnace wouldn’t work. Fire doesn’t work- Combustion can work but man’s first “invention” doesn’t work. A refrigerator needs modification- needs a fan to blow warm away from radiative tubing. Electrical devices would generally work. As does the natural technology of living creatures- at least in short term, less than a year. But living without gravity on permanent basis, can’t done at the moment. and affects of living on low gravity worlds are not known either. Bone loss is known problem of living long term without gravity.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 3:21 am

Joel Shore said:
“Yes, to PRESSURIZE a system, you have to perform work, i.e., you have to input energy, and as a result the pressurized system has higher energy. However, the atmosphere of the Earth isn’t being pressurized.”
A gravitational field exerts constant force akin to the constant pressurisation of a container.
No one knows what gravity is, or how or why it occurs but it does.
In a sense a gravitational field is a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics because it appears to create a force from nothing.
However its existence is well established and it is an integral part of Einstein’s equations which have never been falsified.
So, a gravitational field exerts a constant force on the mass within it so as to constantly alter the momentum of that mass (work) and heat energy is released via conversion of momentum to kinetic energy.
Thus it is that within a gravitational field mass acquires kinetic energy and heats up and the more mass that aggregates the stronger the gravitational field and the more heat develops.
It affects ALL mass within the gravitational field regardless of the thermal characteristics of individual molecules .
It is a density and pressure related production of heat and is completely separate from any radiative phenomena.
That is why planets with atmospheres are hotter than those without regardless of the composition of the atmospheres.
Radiative greenhouse effects may be imposed on top of that gravitatonal greenhouse effect but the equations and observations appear to show that the radiative component gets negated by negative system responses.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 3:30 am

I should just add that the heat generated is dependent on continued energy input such as from a nearby star and the exit of that energy back to space needs to be slowed down by an atmosphere.. Otherwise the heat energy just dissipates to space straight away as with any lump of rock floating through space beyond the solar system.

January 5, 2012 4:46 am

“Are you under some misconception that the existence of conduction and convection at a surface changes the rate of radiative emission? The rate of emission is determined by the area of the surface, the temperature, and the emissivity. Whether or not there are other forms of heat transfer occurring is irrelevant.”
Convection (and evaporation) affect the rate of radiative emission, because they change the temperature of the surface.

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 5:15 am

Richard asks

You are saying that
energy distribution in the atmosphere by radiation does raise the temperature above 255 K
energy distribution in the atmosphere by convection and conduction cannot raise the temperature above 255 K.
Please explain why.

At the most fundamental level, the answer is that radiation can interact with the rest of the universe, but convection and conduction cannot. Radiation is NOT simply “energy distribution in the atmosphere” but it is ALSO “energy distribution to the rest of the universe”. That makes radiation have a much more dramatic effect on a planet’s overall temperatures than convection or conduction by themselves can.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 5:23 am

Stephen Wilde says:

In a sense a gravitational field is a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics because it appears to create a force from nothing.

No…It is not a breach of thermodynamics. A gravitational field can do work on the system but conservation of energy still has to be obeyed. In order for the gravitational field to be a source of thermal energy, one would have to have a net reduction in gravitational potential energy….i.e., one would have to be converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy. This can occur, for example, in a ball of gas undergoing gravitational collapse. However, we know this is not happening for the Earth and its atmosphere.
Furthermore, we know that the solution to our conundrum is not that there is a magical source of energy providing 150 W/m^2 because we know from satellite data that the Earth as seen from space is not emitting 390 W/m^2….It is only emitting about the same amount of power as it absorbs from the sun.
You are just floundering around, Stephen. Don’t you have any self-awareness of this?

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 5:32 am

Richard S Courtney says:

Good, you are now admitting the truth (instead of showering me with untrue insults as you did on the other thread); i.e. you now admit “you can get a higher surface temperature simply by moving heat around”.

I never denied that. However, I always pointed to Holder’s Inequality as limiting the extent to which the temperature can be raised. And, it is you who showered me with insults for saying this.

In that case either your sums are wrong or you now need to address the question that you and Willis keep posing; viz.
“Where is the extra energy coming from?”
You are saying that
energy distribution in the atmosphere by radiation does raise the temperature above 255 K
energy distribution in the atmosphere by convection and conduction cannot raise the temperature above 255 K.</blockquote.
Yes…The point is that you can have temperature distributions that have a variety of different average temperatures but all result in the emission of an average of 240 W/m^2 from the Earth's surface. However, the highest average temperature you can have with such emission is 255 K when the temperature distribution is uniform.
In the case of our current Earth, we have the surface at a temperature where it is emitting 390 W/m^2, which is considerably more than it receives from the sun. The reason radiation is the only solution is that the ONLY way this can be happening is if something in that atmosphere absorbs some of the 390 W/m^2, preventing it all from going out into space.
On a more philosophical "big picture" level: Convection and conduction move heat around within the earth-atmosphere system. It is only radiatively the system communicates with the rest of the universe. So, indeed, radiation is special in that way.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 5:44 am

davidmhoffer says:

What I have just shown is that calculating surface temperature enhancement from an average of T is mind bogglingly wrong.

Not a particularly new concept given that I said up-thread (in this or the other thread) that probably the best way to express things is by calculating the surface emission enhancement, i.e., the ratio of the amount that the surface emits to the amount that is being received by the Earth-atmosphere system from the sun.
However, you seem to think that Nikolov’s way of calculating the surface temperature enhancement is more correct…perhaps because it looks like he is averaging the power and not the temperature. However, what he is averaging is the local insolation at the surface, not the local power that the surface is EMITING due to its temperature. For a planet with almost no atmosphere at all and no liquid at the surface, there is little heat conduction or storage and hence the approximation that the local surface emission is equal to the local insolation is not bad. But, for a planet like Earth, as it current is, the approximation is a horribly bad one. The local emission bears very little relation to the local insolation and, in fact, a much better estimate of average temperature is obtained by just assuming that the temperature distribution is uniform.
Furthermore, Nikolov’s calculation leads one to assume that there is this huge surface enhancement of 133 K that needs to be explained. However, the fact of the matter is that we know the explanation for 100 K of it…I.e., we know that the explanation is simply that if you move heat around, the surface can still be emitting 240 W/m^2 from the surface when its temperature is 255 K. What we can’t explain, without invoking a greenhouse effect, is why the actual average surface temperature is 288 K (and the surface emission is ~390 W/m^2).
David, you are re-discovering things that nearly everyone else has already known and then coming up with incorrect and grandiose interpretations of what they say.

Paul Bahlin
January 5, 2012 5:48 am

I love that this site challenges me to think and perhaps no one so much so as Willis. Thank you for that. I’m still struggling with how you could get a surface temperature increase in the absence of GHG. It also seems my thinking was wrong on radiation of energy by nitrogen so taking that into account I will throw out another conjecture….
With an atmosphere free planet (grey body) incoming shortwave radiation is partially reflected and partially converted to long wave radiation through the process of heating the surface. Temperature will increase until such time as the surface gets hot enough to create enough escaping long wave energy such that it, in combination with the reflected shortwave energy, matches the incoming shortwave energy. Equilibrium.
Stated more generally, any mismatch between incoming energy and outgoing energy creates an energy imbalance that will be made up by increased surface temperature which leads to increase in long wave out until balance is achieved.
With a GHG component in the atmosphere you have a mismatch in energies induced by the GHG. The GHG ‘captures’ some of the surface long wave, shoots it back to the surface. The surface heats up creating more long wave, etc. Temperature goes up, no magic required.
The Willis challenge is; how does a GHG free atmosphere cause surface temp to go up? For surface temp to go up it is only necessary for the system to prevent some of the absorbed incoming energy from leaving as long wave. In a nitrogen (only) atmosphere, nitrogen will be heated at the surface and since the energy ‘robbed’ from the surface by this conduction can’t then radiate (ever) it will migrate throughout the nitrogen column. Absent anything else happening this would go on forever (almost). There would always be theft by conduction, creating the radiative energy imbalance. Temperature would increase constantly until there was enough energy in that column to blast it off the planet.
Long before that happens though, something else happens. Weather! All that hot nitrogen would get busy moving around beyond its internal kinetic energy and as soon as it does, the kinetic energy of the system increases, limiting the amount of internal nitrogen energy.
So Willis, here’s what I would conjecture. Any kinetic energy (induced by incoming radiation) in a planetary system ‘robs’ energy from what would have been the planet’s long wave emission, resulting in increased surface temperature to re-balance things. I’ve never seen it mentioned here but it seems to me there is a huge amount of solar induced kinetic energy on earth. Ocean currents, ocean waves, ocean circulations, hurricanes, thunder storms, evaporation, wind everywhere, and warm atmosphere, all have kinetic energy that (as far as I’ve seen in energy budgets) is ignored.
What is the contribution of all this mass moving around to energy balance?

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 6:25 am

Paul Bahlin:

So Willis, here’s what I would conjecture. Any kinetic energy (induced by incoming radiation) in a planetary system ‘robs’ energy from what would have been the planet’s long wave emission, resulting in increased surface temperature to re-balance things. I’ve never seen it mentioned here but it seems to me there is a huge amount of solar induced kinetic energy on earth. Ocean currents, ocean waves, ocean circulations, hurricanes, thunder storms, evaporation, wind everywhere, and warm atmosphere, all have kinetic energy that (as far as I’ve seen in energy budgets) is ignored.
What is the contribution of all this mass moving around to energy balance?

By coincidence, I was just reading the part of Ray Pierrehumbert’s textbook last night that made this comparison. And, the answer is that this contribution is quite small in comparison to thermal energies. After all, if you work out the thermal energies for the atmosphere, you’ll get speeds on the order of 500 m/s. This is very large in comparison to typical wind speeds. Even in a major hurricane, wind speeds we are talking about are maybe 45-70 m/s…and clearly averaged over the Earth as a whole, wind speeds are much less. And, kinetic energy goes as the square of the velocity.
However, there are more problems with your conjecture. It is not an issue of how much energy is stored in this mass moving around. In order to fix the violation of Energy Conservation, you would have to propose that this contribution is continually decreasing with time!!!!
Furthermore, as I have noted, we know that in fact the Earth is not emitting 390 W/m^2 as seen from space. It is only emitting what it is absorbing from the sun. Hence, we know without a doubt from empirical measurements what the answer to our conundrum is: the atmosphere is absorbing some of the 390 W/m^2 that the Earth’s surface is emitting. We call this “the atmospheric greenhouse effect”.

Alan D McIntire
January 5, 2012 6:25 am

David M Hoffer brought up some interesting points. We need conceptualized frictionless surfaces to understand Newton’s theory of motion even though there’s no such thing as a frictionless surface in the real world. Cars don’t stay in motion without burning extra gasoline, they gradually roll to a stop. Just as there’s no such thing as a frictionless surface in the real world, there’s no such thing as a blackbody, though we need to understand the concept to tackle real world problems.
A blackbody radiates away heat at the same rate that it is receiving heat.
A blackbody earth would have a temp of (1368/390.7)^0.25 * 288K= 394 K at the equator at noon, and a temp of about 2.7 K- the amount of radiation we get from the “big bang” at night.
As Mr Hoffer pointed out, an atmosphere reduces the day-night temperature difference through convection. The thicker the atmosphere, the less the tropics-poles difference in temperature and the less the day-night difference in temperature.
Some posters have stated that nitrogen and oxygen are not greenhouse gases, but this is like treating an icy surface as a frictionless surface. Just as there are no frictionless surfaces in the real world, there are no NON-greenhouse gases. EVERY gas will radiate in SOME frequencies,
In the case of Oxygen and Nitrogen, that radiation is insignificant in computing earth’s radiation balance, but it’s there.
In sum, a thicker atmosphere will increase surface temperature, though maybe only a small amount. More importantly, a thicker atmosphere will distribute equator-pole and day-night temperatures more equably
Since radiation is proportional to the 4th power of temperature, a surface with
constant temperature T will radiate away less energy than a surface with the same average
temperature distributed differently.
T^4 < 1/2(T+X)^4 + 1/2 (T-X)^4
That balancing out of temperature difference by a thicker atmosphere DOES have a greenhouse effect, lowering the loss of radiation to space.
Having said all that, the "Unified Climate" hypothesis is a case of curve fitting. You have only
3 independent cases, Earth, Titan , and Venus, and an equation
T= e (k1 e^X1 + k2 e^X2).
with only 3 independent data points, Earth, Titan, and Venus, you are GUARANTEED to be able to find a two part equation k1 e^X1 + K2e^X2 to fit that equation.

January 5, 2012 6:38 am

“For those not following it, here’s how it works. I’ll use day/night variations as an example. A planet with variations in temperature emits more radiation than a planet at the average of the daytime and night-time temperatures. This is because radiation varies as the fourth power of temperature (T^4), so increases in temperature have more effect than decreases. As a result, a planet with day/night temperature variations will run cooler than one without those variations. This, for example is the reason that the average temperature of the moon is so low—because the temperature swings are so great.”
Repeat your claim:
“A planet with variations in temperature emits more radiation than a planet at the average of the daytime and night-time temperatures.”
No, it doesn’t. That isn’t a rule.
The Moon with Bond albedo of 0.11 absorbs less energy than earth.
An airless world same size as earth with Bond albedo of 0.11 absorbs
less solar energy than earth does. It reflects less solar energy.
A world with same Bond albedo could have a difference of
how much solar energy is adsorbed.
One could make 100 meter square section on the Moon [or on earth]
absorb more solar energy than compared any other 100 meter square
section of land. And this section of land could the same Bond albedo
as average area.
Create a “natural lunar swimming pool”. Take a crater, coat surface so
waterproof- use a clear glue. Put clear lid on it- say 1 inch thick glass.
Fill it with cool water. All swimming pool to be in sunlight for 100 hours.
Lunar day is 28 days times 24 divide by 2= 336 hours, Therefore
100 hours is about 1/3 of a lunar day.
How warm will water be which started at say 10 C in 100 hours near
noon sunlight be?
So it’s 100 by 100 meter area and say 10 meters deep.
Look at one sq meter 10 meters deep. It receives 1300 watts of
sunlight and say absorbs at least 50% of that energy.
So 650 watts for 100 hours or 360,000 seconds
Which is 234 million joules
To warm one cubic meter of water 1 C requires 4.18 joules per gram
4180 joules per kg and 4.18 million joules per tonne- 10 tonne
41.8 million joules. And so after 100 hours I get water temperature
increase of 5.59 C.
Which was less than thought it would be, but anyhow. So my natural pool after
100 hours of sunlight is 10 plus 5.59 C or 15.59 C.
And natural terrain around it is somewhere around 100 C.
The swimming pool is obviously radiated less energy than the surround terrain-
and has less than Bond albedo of 0.11. Not because of it’s color but because it’s
radiating less energy.
Now, was counting only a 1/3rd of the day, let’s give it another 100 hours.
so it’s now, 11 C warmer than 10 C, so 21 C.
And of course by this time the surrounding terrain would still around 100 C.
The rest of the lunar day I would will not include- the sun’s is lower in morning and
lower toward evening, and who want to bother with the math. Sufficient to say the
total energy for be a bit more than the 200 hours- plus swimming would probably
absorb higher the 50% of the solar energy.
As the Sun goes down the lunar terrian temperature would drop significantly and after the sun goes down at some point the lunar will drop below the swimming pool’s temperature.
Because of it’s cool temperature, the swimming will warm less as sun goes down, and only start to cool went sunlight is fulled blocked [nighttime].
So beginning of nite the pool could be about 21 C. And as wild guess at same time, terrian could be 60 C.
The terrian will cool to 100 K during the long lunar nite.
The question is how cool would the swimming pool get?
How many watt per square meter will 21 C radiate into space.
One could make his more complicated by dealing heat loss of warming the ground around the swimming pool, but in way this has already been counted in the 50% efficiency of heating the pool- ground around it would have warmed. And because it’s such a large mass any of this cooling is rather insignificant. Or basically it is well insulated.
The most energy it could radiate is if it had emission of 1, if the swimming was a black body without energy being added. Some people may imagine it’s very close to a black body- it isn’t, but to kept everyone happy will think of it as a black body.
As black body it radiates, temperature in K.
Which is 294 K
Let’s get watts radiated for
294, and 283 [10 C the starting temperature]
So, 294 times 294 times 294 times 294 times .0000000567 [5.67 x 10 -8] is:
423 watts
And 283 is 363 watts
The average of 423 and 363 watts is 393 watts per square meter
Now I adsorbed 50% of solar energy of 2/3rd of lunar day
And will see what if radiate on average 393 watts for entire nite
Or 30% of of the intensity solar energy of 1300 watts per square meter.
1300 times .5 times 2 divide 3 is 433. Day: get 433 per watt and
for nite lose less than 393 watts. Resulting in water being warmer than it started.
So, that much water would not get cooler than 10 C and would get higher than
21 C – and this is assuming it radiated as a perfect emitter of radiation.
As swimming pool warmed over the years, it might reach say 26 C, but would
not get as cold as 10 C. Or the range of nite time low to daytime high could increase
from above 21 C to warmer than 10 C [11 C difference], it might be say around 12+ C
difference. If you increase the depth of the pool, you have less difference between
day and nite
But once it achieved this highest temperature, that swimming pool
would radiate the same amount energy on average as the rest of the planet.
A deeper pool would require longer to reach this state.
A shallower pool takes shorter time and has lower nite time temperature.
Extending this global over the moon- say pools depth being more than 10 meter deep.
One would get the temperature profile of earth- more than 15 C at tropics, cooler as one goes towards the poles. But more than half the Moon section near tropics: 80% of moon could have average temperature above 15 C. And radiate same energy as it does now.
Oh let’s do 100 C which daytime surface temperature:
373 K: which is 1097 watts per square meter. Since lunar can
higher than 100 C it’s absorbing around 20-30% of the solar energy.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 6:58 am

Alan D McIntyre says:

Since radiation is proportional to the 4th power of temperature, a surface with
constant temperature T will radiate away less energy than a surface with the same average
temperature distributed differently.
T^4 < 1/2(T+X)^4 + 1/2 (T-X)^4
That balancing out of temperature difference by a thicker atmosphere DOES have a greenhouse effect, lowering the loss of radiation to space.

But here is the basic flow of what is being said:
Climate scientists: The Earth has a 33 K greenhouse effect.
Nikolov: No, if I make this (hokey) assumption about the temperature distribution, I see there is a 133 K surface enhancement.
Alan McIntire, David Hoffer: And, look, we can raise that average temperature up from what Nikolov has computed by moving energy around so that much less than the 133 K surface enhancement is actually attributable to the radiative greenhouse effect.
Joel, Willis, Tim, etc: Yes, if the surface is emitting 240 W/m^2, you can raise it up so that the surface temperature is 255K and hence the amount attributable to the radiative greenhouse effect is 33 K.
So, in other words, after going around and around on this, we have arrived back where we started: There is a temperature enhancement of 33 K that can’t be attributed to anything else except the radiative greenhouse effect.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 7:01 am

By the way, to be fair, I should note that Nikolov’s assumption of the temperature distribution is hokey for the Earth. It is not hokey for planets with essentially no atmosphere. For those planets, the approximation that the local temperature is determined by the local insolation can be pretty good.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 7:04 am

“A gravitational field can do work on the system but conservation of energy still has to be obeyed. In order for the gravitational field to be a source of thermal energy, one would have to have a net reduction in gravitational potential energy….i.e., one would have to be converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy.”
There is no need to convert gravitational energy into anything. The gravitational field causes a slowing down of the photons that enter the gravitational field of the planet and the energy released by that loss of momentum is converted into kinetic energy with no breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics.
The force of the gravitational field is just there as a fact and as a constant. It doesn’t change unless one changes the amount of mass within it.
In this case we are concerned about the kinetic energy of each individual molecule of the atmosphere not the kinetic energy involved say in a gust of wind.

Paul Bahlin
January 5, 2012 7:13 am

How about ocean currents? Gulf stream alone in the Florida Straits moves sea water at the rate of 30 million cubic metres per second at about 6 KmH. That’s a lot of KE. Where does it come from? Is KE included in the LW radiation budget somehow? How about the Pacific Gyre? Lots of water there too. How about the water in the Amazon river? It seems to me there are boat loads of KE floating around that are utterly ignored in energy budgets.
All the fluids in our system are moving as a result of the solar insolation aren’t they? How does energy get conserved when taking these energies into account.
Which emits more long wave energy, a resting bar of steel at 288K or the same bar at 288K moving at 100 m/s? Which one has more kinetic energy?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Paul Bahlin
January 5, 2012 8:13 am

“How about ocean currents?” Yes, and how about tropical cyclones. Take a little one, say 5km radius with a 0.5km eye and winds accelerated to 120km/h before rising to 1km. It dissipates energy at something like 250TW even without taking the latent heat of water into account. Now do the same calculation for a Katrina, and you soon discover where some of the energy goes!

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 7:25 am

Tim Folkerts said:
“At the most fundamental level, the answer is that radiation can interact with the rest of the universe,”
Yes, but the reaction of the universe to the radiation flowing around and through it is via gravity.
There are two varieties of radiative process being conflated here.
The gravitational greenhouse effect is also radiative at base because it involves an interaction between solar photons and molecules held within a gravitational field.
In my view it is the gravitational process that is the cause of the atmosphere being warmer than it otherwise ‘should’ be.
The evidence is that Nikolov’s calculations have predictive skill without including a factor for the GHG induced radiative effect.

January 5, 2012 9:03 am

The iceman cometh says:
January 4, 2012 at 9:57 pm
“Nitrogen or oxygen or argon or other symmetrical diatomic gases really do not emit. Read Phil’s post on the subject – I cannot express it better. It came as a surprise to me, but they are as absolutely transparent to radiation as you could wish. And what doesn’t absorb cannot emit (Kirchoff). So my hypothetical planet which suddenly acquires a nitrogen atmosphere will only lose heat by radiation once it is equilibrated with its new atmosphere, and its new atmosphere will not lose heat by radiation. Hope that helps.”
I am reasonably sure that Nitrogen and Oxygen do not have an emissity of 0, but let’s assume they do just so I can follow your logic here. Given a completely nitrogen atmosphere then and a surface temperature of T, the surface will heat the air to T correct? Regardless of the processes involved you can’t heat to something more than T by using convection and conduction with a surface of temperature T. Further, if the atmosphere doesn’t radiate at all, how does it ever lose energy?
Cheers, 🙂

The iceman cometh
Reply to  shawnhet
January 5, 2012 9:58 am

Hi, shawnet
“I am reasonably sure that Nitrogen and Oxygen do not have an emissity of 0, but let’s assume they do just so I can follow your logic here. Given a completely nitrogen atmosphere then and a surface temperature of T, the surface will heat the air to T correct? Regardless of the processes involved you can’t heat to something more than T by using convection and conduction with a surface of temperature T. Further, if the atmosphere doesn’t radiate at all, how does it ever lose energy?”
Answering one by one:
1) I have really looked hard at the N2/O2 story, and on absolutely fundamental grounds I can assure you their emissivity is so low as to be negligible.
2) Yes, the surface and the ‘new’ atmosphere in the thought experiment I proposed will equilibrate and reach the same temperature, although heating up the new atmosphere will draw some energy from the surface, so initially the surface will be <T
3) Eventually both the planet and the atmosphere will reach T (and realize we are talking averages here – I don't want to wander into diurnal/seasonal/equatorial-polar stories at this juncture, to keep it simple). If at any stage the atmosphere needs to lose heat, the process will reverse – it will heat the planet, and the planet will do the radiation.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 9:15 am

Stephen Wilde says:

There is no need to convert gravitational energy into anything. The gravitational field causes a slowing down of the photons that enter the gravitational field of the planet and the energy released by that loss of momentum is converted into kinetic energy with no breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Frankly, this is nonsense. You can’t get more energy from the photons than the energy that they have, which we are already accounting for. [Besides which, the general relativistic effect of a gravitational field such as the Earth’s on the wavelength of the photons is miniscule.]
Moreover, we know your answer is incorrect because we know for the fact that the Earth is emitting 240 W/m^2 as seen from space. It is only the surface that is emitting 390 W/m^2.

The evidence is that Nikolov’s calculations have predictive skill without including a factor for the GHG induced radiative effect.

No…They do not have predictive skill. They are a 5-parameter fit and there is good reason to believe that in general the surface pressure enhancement will be positively correlated with surface pressure for the following three reasons:
(1) Pressure causes a broadening of the absorption lines of the greenhouse gases, increasing the greenhouse effect.
(2) Atmospheres with higher surface pressure have more of all substances that they consist of…and hence will tend to have a larger amount of greenhouse gases if any significant proportion of the atmospheric constituents are greenhouse gases.
(3) Since Nikolov has chosen to measure surface temperature enhancement by considering T_sb to be determined by the approximation that the local insolation determines the local temperature (no heat flow or storage), most of the “surface temperature enhancement” will occur due to the fact that larger atmospheric pressures means that the atmosphere will have more heat flow and heat storage in it. For example, Nikolov says the Earth’s temperature is enhanced by 133 K but we in fact know that the greenhouse effect only is responsible for 33 K. The other 100 K comes from the more uniform temperature distribution that results when one has a significant atmosphere and is most certainly correlated with pressure. In fact, of the 8 bodies considered, I think that the “surface temperature enhancement” only has any significant component due to the greenhouse effect in 3 of them (Earth, Triton, and Venus) and probably only in Venus is it the dominant component of the so-called “surface temperature enhancement”.
I hadn’t mentioned (3) before but in fact it is probably the most important reasons why there is a strong correlation between surface pressure and “surface temperature enhancement” defined as Nikolov has defined it.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 9:17 am

Sorry, that should have been Titan, not Triton, in my last post.

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 9:38 am

Life would be so much easier if we started using the term “effective temperature” instead of “average temperature.
The effective temperature of a body such as a star or planet is the temperature of a black body of the same size that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation. The effective temperature of the earth is T(Eff) ~ 255 K. End of story.
A vital point is to realize what “surface” we are discussing. Specifically, “surface” in this case means “those parts of the planet that emit radiation to space”. For the non-GHG atmosphere, the “surface” will always be ground level (or sea level). There is nothing at higher altitudes that can radiate (to any significant degree). So T(Eff) for the ground level will be 255 K. (and the “average temperature” at ground level would necessarily be below 255 K).
But when we add a GHG atmosphere, then part of the “surface” is several km up in the atmosphere because part of the emitted radiation comes from there. The “average altitude of the radiating surface” will clearly be somewhere above the ground level. This fact, along with the lapse rate, allows average temperature at “ground level” to be above the “effective temperature”

Richard S Courtney
January 5, 2012 9:41 am

Tim Folkerts and Joel Shore:
Joel Shore and Willis Eschenbach had each claimed a planet would have the same temperature
(a) with no atmosphere
(b) with a transparent atmosphere.
After much effort I finally managed to get them to admit they were wrong.
But Joel Shore then tried to change the subject by saying;
“However, the highest temperature that can be obtained by doing this is 255 K, which is the temperature at which a spherical surface with a uniform surface temperature would be emitting ~240 W/m^2.”
And I replied saying:
In that case either your sums are wrong or you now need to address the question that you and Willis keep posing; viz.
“Where is the extra energy coming from?”I then asked them:
You are saying that
energy distribution in the atmosphere by radiation does raise the temperature above 255 K
energy distribution in the atmosphere by convection and conduction cannot raise the temperature above 255 K.
Please explain why.
The answers I have obtained so far are from Tim Folkerts and Joel Shore.
Tim says at January 5, 2012 at 5:15 am:
“At the most fundamental level, the answer is that radiation can interact with the rest of the universe, but convection and conduction cannot. Radiation is NOT simply “energy distribution in the atmosphere” but it is ALSO “energy distribution to the rest of the universe”. That makes radiation have a much more dramatic effect on a planet’s overall temperatures than convection or conduction by themselves can.”
And Joel says at January 5, 2012 at 5:32 am:
In the case of our current Earth, we have the surface at a temperature where it is emitting 390 W/m^2, which is considerably more than it receives from the sun. The reason radiation is the only solution is that the ONLY way this can be happening is if something in that atmosphere absorbs some of the 390 W/m^2, preventing it all from going out into space.
On a more philosophical “big picture” level: Convection and conduction move heat around within the earth-atmosphere system. It is only radiatively the system communicates with the rest of the universe. So, indeed, radiation is special in that way.”
OK, taking the point that you both present first, your comment that “It is only radiatively the system communicates with the rest of the universe” is meaningless verbiage that explains nothing (unless you are saying astrology applies).
And Joel Shore again demonstrates his prejudice when he writes:
“The reason radiation is the only solution is that the ONLY way this can be happening is if something in that atmosphere absorbs some of the 390 W/m^2, preventing it all from going out into space.”
It is the “ONLY” way Joel Shore is willing to consider.
The radiative GHE warms the lowest part of the atmosphere (almost all the IR from the surface that O2 and H2O can absorb is absorbed in the lowest 100m of the atmosphere). This warming of the atmosphere in contact with the surface inhibits heat loss from the surface (by radiation, and – more importantly – evaporation and convection).
But the conductive/convective GHE also warms the atmosphere near the surface and, therefore, raises the surface temperature for the same reason as the radiative GHE (but not as much).
I have managed to get Joel Shore to admit horizontal atmospheric heat transfer changes a planets average temperature and
I now have to get him to renounce astrology and admit vertical atmospheric heat transfer changes a planets average temperature.

Richard S Courtney
January 5, 2012 9:44 am

OOps That should have been
“CO2 and H2O”
not “O2 and H2O”.

January 5, 2012 10:05 am

As a conservative process, gravity cannot heat things up. It can and would only influence energy flow by retaining energetic particles. It can pull energetic particles in so that they will collide with other particles which it has trapped, exchanging energy which is then retained in the system.
I am wavering a little. My discussion with Joel re the alteration of the energy distribution of the planetary surface via conduction and convection has led me to question, what if the energy distribution is altered such that it just happens to dip in (particularly) the H2O region of the spectrum? Is it possible that water laden air would tend to affect these particular energy states preferentially? And, is it possible that gap in outgoing radiation, rather than being wholly intercepted on the way out, is in fact broadcast at a lower level from the surface ab initio? How would we know? Do we have any data measuring emission at different altitudes, and seeing where the gap starts to grow?

January 5, 2012 10:24 am

“Oh let’s do 100 C which daytime surface temperature:
373 K: which is 1097 watts per square meter. Since lunar can
higher than 100 C it’s absorbing around 20-30% of the solar energy.”
What is highest temperature at earth distance and 1361 watts per square
meter as indicated using calculation of Stefan–Boltzmann constant?
Seems like interesting trivia question. Who knows the answer
without first doing the calculations?
I don’t, but nice to know, so,,, the answer is..
well got to be higher than 100 C or 373.
400 K is 1451.5 watts per sq meter
Now 1361 is average solar energy, it swings from 1.321 kW to
1.412 kW/m.
So sun never at earth distance cause something to heat up
more than 400 K [127 C or 261 F] anywhere within 1 million km
of earth from sunlight and without reflector or lens to amplify
the sunlight. It needs to more than 1451.5 watts per square and
it isn’t.
395 K is 1380 watts per square meter. And so 395 K is possible
according to Stefan–Boltzmann constant if not in earth atmosphere
and when sun is strongest.
390 K is 1311.7 watts sq/meter.
In Earth atmosphere generally the most one can get is 1000 watts.
That is a rough number- clear day, sun at noon. But with different
conditions and locations would could get higher.
It wouldn’t impossible to get say, 1050 watts per meter.
And so 370 K is 1062 watts
370 being 97 C or 207 F
Since one needs about 180 F to fry eggs, it should possible to
fry eggs on a sidewalk.
360 K being 180 K and 80 C
Which is 952 watts per sq/m
Let’s see you need something with low emissivity.
Concrete has 0.85-0.95
and silver has 0.02
According to wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_emissivity
And mild steel has 0.12
Different place:
Stainless Steel, polished 0.075
Silver Polished 0.02 – 0.03
Aluminum Highly Polished 0.039 – 0.057
Gold not polished 0.47
Gold polished 0.025
Copper Polished 0.023 – 0.052
I’m thinking copper or silver, because they conduct heat well- or gold, but
silver or gold fairly costly. And easiest would copper pot upside down.
Obviously using reflectors is cheating.
Let’s see if temperature was 165 F 347 K it could not work, so
350 K is only 850 Watts per sq/m
somewhere around 1062 watts is most one could expect: 207 F
952 watts per sq/m give max of 180 F
850 Watts give no chance- but getting more than 850 should any day in summer.

January 5, 2012 10:41 am

1. Do not draw the conversation into snarky witticisms. You are poorly equipped to compete with me in that regard. My mother taught me not to fight an unarmed man, but I think she will make an exception in this case. I suggest you stick to science.
2. There is no need to demonstrate a mechanism by which the average surface temperature of earth could exceed the black body temperature of earth. All that is required to support N&Z’s hypothesis is to demonstrate that there is a mechanism by which the average surface temperature of a planet could be increased by the presence of a non radiative atmosphere WITHOUT changing the EFFECTIVE black body temperature odf the planet. Not only I have I done so, but I have done so in language that should be comprehensible to anyone who passed high school algebra.
3. Your suggestion to Ned Nikolov that he should give his head a shake because the consensus amongst climate scientists is in disagreement with him is spurious. The fact that his writings have sparked spirited and intense debate in this and other forums amongst highly qualified scientists with PhD’s in a variety of directly and indirectly related fields while all we hear from the climate “scientists” is the sweetness and harmony of consensus should give you pause.
4. Your contention that Ned Nikolov’s background in forestry somehow undermines his credibility is egregious. If you cannot discredit him through science alone, then it matters not if his education ended with a hundred PhD’s or if he quit school in grade 2.
5. If you continue to contend that Ned Nikolov’s background in forestry discredits his opinion on climate issues, then I ask that you stick to your position and publicly ask Mssrs Briffa, Mann and Jones to withdraw their work on global temparature reconstructions from tree ring data on the basis that they have no background in forestry.

January 5, 2012 10:57 am

Richard S Courtney
Just wanted to say that you’ve clearly backed Joel Shore into a corner, just as you said in your last comment. He’s gone from refuting the need to average T^4 instead of T to claiming that “everyone knew that” and attempting some mental gymnastics to claim that there needs to be some mechanism to raise earth surface temperature higher than the black body temperature to support N&Z. Since he cannot refute what amounts to high school algebra, he’s asserted a need to prove something that not only could not be proven, actually has nothing to do with the issue at hand!
Going back to my bucket of gravel analogy, we’ve been asked to determine the weight of the gravel. Joel Shore et all seem determined to take a sample of the gravel, determine the distribution of sand, pebbles, and rocks in the sample, calculate the expected values for settling of the various components when poured into the bucket, and then extrapolating to arrive at an estimate of the weight of the gravel.
N&Z have simply weighed the bucket with the gravel in it, poured the gravel out, and weighed the bucket, then subtracted that from the weight of the bucket with the gravel in it.
Joel Shore now wants to persuade the rest of us that their results cannot be correct unless they can show a mechanism by which the potential weight of the gravel could exceed the capacity of the bucket! (and yes Joel, that is EXACTLY what you are demanding!)
Tim Folkerts
I like your idea of referring to “effective” temperature instead of “average” temperature! Unfortunately the casual reader would be completely lost by that referance and would most likely simply interpret it as “average” unless a concise definition was easily available.
MODS ~ this and the other threads are getting WAY too long. Loading a single new comment takes an extraordinary amount of time. Could we perhaps write lock the threads where this discussion (war?) is taking place and start a new thread that is the consolidated continuation of the rest of the threads?

don penman
January 5, 2012 11:02 am

the energy to give the molecules more kinetic energy in the lower atmosphere does not come from the earths surface now i have read the post again it comes from the sunlight before it reaches the earths surface,it could be that this energy is accounted for in the Earths radiation budget and energy in equals energy out , a planet with no greenhouse gases would still have a warmer lower atmosphere though.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 11:30 am

Richard S Courtney says:

Joel Shore and Willis Eschenbach had each claimed a planet would have the same temperature
(a) with no atmosphere
(b) with a transparent atmosphere.
After much effort I finally managed to get them to admit they were wrong.

Show me where I said that. I think this is an outright fabrication.

The radiative GHE warms the lowest part of the atmosphere (almost all the IR from the surface that O2 and H2O can absorb is absorbed in the lowest 100m of the atmosphere). This warming of the atmosphere in contact with the surface inhibits heat loss from the surface (by radiation, and – more importantly – evaporation and convection)..

The statement that Willis and I have made is that the surface can’t emit 390 W/m^2 if the atmosphere is transparent to radiation. Indeed, it can’t emit anything above ~240 W/m^2. What you are now saying is that it can if the atmosphere is not transparent to radiation. That is exactly what we are saying…The 33 K rise above a surface temperature of 255 K can only be attributed only to the fact that the atmosphere absorbs terrestrial radiation, i.e., that there is a radiative greenhouse effect.

I now have to get him to renounce astrology and admit vertical atmospheric heat transfer changes a planets average temperature.

I never said that vertical heat transfer is not important in determining a planet’s temperature. In fact, I have explained that the Earth’s atmospheric greenhouse effect would be EVEN GREATER than the empirically-observed 33 K if it were not for convection, which is able to offset some of it. The fact that convection is not able to offset essentially all of it is because the atmosphere is only unstable to convection if the lapse rate exceeds the adiabatic lapse rate. Hence, convection drives the lapse rate back to the adiabatic lapse rate but no further, allowing the temperature of the troposphere to still decrease with height…a situation that is necessary in order for the greenhouse effect to cause an increase in the surface temperature. (And, the reason why the way the Nikolov and Zeller added convection to a simple model of the greenhouse effect does offset essentially all of the greenhouse effect in their model is because they incorrectly assumed that convection drives the atmosphere to an isothermal profile with height.)

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 11:32 am

David: It is ridiculous that we are duplicating our conversation on two threads, so instead of copy my response to what you have posted above (and posted in the other thread), I am simply giving a link to my response in the other thread: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-854261

January 5, 2012 11:54 am

The iceman cometh says:
January 5, 2012 at 9:58 am
“3) Eventually both the planet and the atmosphere will reach T (and realize we are talking averages here – I don’t want to wander into diurnal/seasonal/equatorial-polar stories at this juncture, to keep it simple). If at any stage the atmosphere needs to lose heat, the process will reverse – it will heat the planet, and the planet will do the radiation.”
Ok, just following this along here then. If the sun were to heat the surface to -18C, the air would heat to -18C, right and no warmer? And even if we multiplied the amount of N2 in the atmosphere by 10 times the air would still only be -18C, right? Convection and conduction can’t raise the temperature of the surface to higher than the surface was originally in this example.
Cheers, 🙂

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 12:00 pm

David Hoffer says:

Just wanted to say that you’ve clearly backed Joel Shore into a corner, just as you said in your last comment. He’s gone from refuting the need to average T^4 instead of T to claiming that “everyone knew that” and attempting some mental gymnastics to claim that there needs to be some mechanism to raise earth surface temperature higher than the black body temperature to support N&Z. Since he cannot refute what amounts to high school algebra, he’s asserted a need to prove something that not only could not be proven, actually has nothing to do with the issue at hand!

Just to expose you rewriting of history for what it is, I am going to quote an entire post that I made 5 days ago ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-848676 ):

By the way, I have realized that Nikolov and Zeller’s calculation of the “natural greenhouse effect” (and, in particular, the temperature in the absence of a greenhouse effect) done here is basically the same as that performed by Gerlich and Tscheuschner in their paper and it is wrong for the same reason: It assumes no heat storage or transport, i.e., that the local temperature is determined purely by the local insolation. While an Earth without greenhouse gases might have a larger temperature range than the current Earth, it is hard to imagine it being particularly close to the assumption that is made. A better way to look at things is what actually is done by the climate science community: To calculate what the average temperature would have to be if the temperature were uniform across the Earth’s surface and then to note that to the extent that the temperature deviates significantly from this, Holder’s Inequality tells us that the average temperature would be lower than this value.

My position has always been the same: That the problem with N&Z is in the assumption that they make for the temperature distribution. They make an assumption that is nowhere near correct for the current Earth and seems unlikely a very good approximation even for even an Earth without greenhouse gases (unless you removed essentially the entire atmosphere also)….And that, at any rate, the way to consider what amount of temperature rise is really attributable to the greenhouse effect is to consider the case of a uniform temperature distribution…because that is what Holder’s Inequality tells you is the highest average temperature that you can get for a given amount of surface emission.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 12:25 pm

“Ok, just following this along here then. If the sun were to heat the surface to -18C, the air would heat to -18C, right and no warmer? And even if we multiplied the amount of N2 in the atmosphere by 10 times the air would still only be -18C, right? Convection and conduction can’t raise the temperature of the surface to higher than the surface was originally in this example.”
The original surface with no atmosphere has Mass 1. It will have temperature T1
Add a non GHG atmosphere and the combination will be Mass 2.
Mass 2 will lead to higher temperature T2 at the surface.
Add more non GHG atmosphere for Mass 3
Mass 3 will lead to higher temperature T3
And so it goes with no need for GHGs at all.
If one then replaces some of the non GHGs with GHGs mass remains the same as does temperature because the extra energy in the atmosphere from the GHGs gets removed from trhe surface by a mixture of faster non radiative processes for a zero or near zero effect on temperature.
Which is why one does not need a figure for the radiative aspect in order to reliably calculate the surface temperature of a planet with a given atmospheric pressure and distance from the sun.
That is and always was the true and accepted greenhouse effect (gravity driven) until someone in climatology who seems to have been unaware of the gravitational effect suddenly decided it was all due to the proportion of GHGs in the atmosphere and thus nothing to do with gravity.
As we see here, lots of people were never taught about the gravitational aspect so the false scenario took hold.

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 12:39 pm

Richard S. Courtney says:

OK, taking the point that you both present first, your comment that “It is only radiatively the system communicates with the rest of the universe” is meaningless verbiage that explains nothing (unless you are saying astrology applies).

I disagree with your conclusion 100%. The statement is highly meaningful and explains pretty much everything about the traditional understanding of the GHE if you understand what is being said.

January 5, 2012 12:45 pm

shawnhet says:
January 5, 2012 at 9:03 am
Given a completely nitrogen atmosphere then and a surface temperature of T, the surface will heat the air to T correct? Regardless of the processes involved you can’t heat to something more than T by using convection and conduction with a surface of temperature T. Further, if the atmosphere doesn’t radiate at all, how does it ever lose energy?
Cheers, 🙂

It heats up to a maximum of Ts,day during the day and is cooled by the surface to Ts,night during the night.

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 12:47 pm

Just to beat a dead horse, let me again point out part of what I said 5 days ago ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-848676 )::

To calculate what the average temperature would have to be if the temperature were uniform across the Earth’s surface and then to note that to the extent that the temperature deviates significantly from this, Holder’s Inequality tells us that the average temperature would be lower than this value.

Now, let’s fast-forward to last night when our good friend David M Hoffer had such an epiphany that he felt it necessary to post his entire long rambling post explaining it in both threads. His epiphany is best summarized by the statement he makes here ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-853333 ):

Average T however is higher. MUCH higher.

So, what David breathlessly discovered last night is what I said even before the New Year, i.e., that with a certain amount of emitted power, you can have a variety of different average temperatures. The only difference is that my statement already had more physics in it because I explained what the temperature distribution is that gives the maximum possible average temperature for a given amount of emitted power.

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 12:58 pm

Stephen Wilde,
I am having a harder and harder time replying to you because your claims seem to keep getting wilder.

The original surface with no atmosphere has Mass 1. It will have temperature T1
Add a non GHG atmosphere and the combination will be Mass 2.
Mass 2 will lead to higher temperature T2 at the surface.

* I contend that the effective temperature for both cases is T1 (based on radiation in & radiation out as shown here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_body#Temperature_relation_between_a_planet_and_its_star).
* I contend that the effective temperature must be at ground level in both cases (because the non-GHG atmosphere does not radiate)
* I contend that mass plays no (significant) role in radiation.
Therefore I contend the surface of both planets has the same effective temperature.
I have given my reasoning, along with the equation for calculating the effective temperature for either planet’s surface (in the link). Please state
1) why this equation is incorrect and
2) what equation (or even what principle) you use to reach your conclusion that mass of an invisible atmosphere can change the effective temperature of a planet.
Also please define “the gravitational effect” using an equation (or even a paragraph stating how it is derived from other fundamental principles).

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 1:16 pm

David Hoffer says: “I like your idea of referring to “effective” temperature instead of “average” temperature! Unfortunately the casual reader would be completely lost by that reference … ”
And there in a nutshell is one big reason why discussions in this sort of setting are doomed to be rather ineffective. If the goal is to understand subtle applications of advanced physics topics, then casual readers will always be lost. If the goal is to give a basic understanding to casual readers, then the physics must always be simplified. Here we are often trying to do both at once. 🙁

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 1:27 pm

davidmhoffer says:

He’s gone from refuting the need to average T^4 instead of T to claiming that “everyone knew that”

Sorry for the continued posts, but I keep realizing more and more misconceptions that you have. Your belief that N&Z have averaged T^4 and not T, whereas everyone else averages T is exactly backwards! N&Z have not averaged T^4. If they had averaged sigma*T^4 over a hypothetical (no surface-temperature-enhancement) earth, they would get P = 240 W/m^2. If they then used this to derive an average temperature by dividing by sigma and taking the 4th root, they would have gotten T = 255 K.
What N&Z have done is to assume a certain temperature distribution for the Earth (a very naive one where the local temperature is simply determined by radiative balance with the local insolation, i.e., neglecting all horizontal heat transfer processes and heat storage processes). They have then used this naive temperature distribution to compute an average T simply by averaging the temperature over the globe. [Look at the integral in Eq. (2) and see how they are taking the 4th root before they are doing the integration…That means that they are averaging T, not T^4.]
The problem with this method is that the average temperature you get is very dependent on the assumed temperature distribution, so much so that one can raise their average temperature by 100 K and still have the same average emitted power simply by making the temperature distribution uniform!
And, the temperature distribution they assumed, while pretty reasonable in the limit of no atmosphere, becomes worse and worse for planets with an atmosphere, which is why they find a “surface temperature enhancement” even for bodies with essentially no greenhouse effect.

January 5, 2012 1:58 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
January 5, 2012 at 12:25 pm
“The original surface with no atmosphere has Mass 1. It will have temperature T1
Add a non GHG atmosphere and the combination will be Mass 2.
Mass 2 will lead to higher temperature T2 at the surface.”
Let’s see where we disagree: 1.under your scenario M2 raises mass and pressure. 2.Then by the Ideal Gas Law raises air temperature to T2 3.which being greater that T1 raises the surface temperature so to T3 and 4.cools the air (by conduction) to T3. 5.The surface of the planet emits more heat and cools eventually sucking all the excess heat from the addition of mass to the atmosphere into the surface and where it is radiated out to space. The end temperature is T1.
Can you let me know which number(s) you disagree with?
Cheers, 🙂

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 5, 2012 2:09 pm

Stephen Wilde @ January 5, 2012 at 12:25 pm
I have difficulty with some things you have said, but concerning the influence of gravity and various cause and effect arguments, I find this earlier statement in part from Tim Folkerts @ January 5, 2012 at 12:25 pm to be interesting.

When I was first coming to grips with the DALR, I imagined an atmosphere with a single molecule! Suppose the molecule is released at the surface of a warm planet. It will have some considerable average (or “typical”) kinetic energy due to its interactions with the surface. That molecule will act as a “projectile” flying upward at several 100 m/s as it leave the surface. The higher it flies, the slower it will be going as it loses gravitational potential energy. So the average KE higher up will be smaller ==> lower temperature. Of course, as it falls back downward, it will regain the KE ==> higher temperature. (The interactions with other gas molecules complicate the simple thought experiment, although the derivation at wikipedia is remarkably simple).
Near the ground: Low PE ==> high KE ==> high temperature
Higher up: High PE ==> low KE ==> low temperature.

I find that rather interesting, since it may suggest that lapse rate is dependent on gravity, which again seems to be rather supportive of N&Z

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 2:18 pm

1) M2 raises mass and pressure.
2) Incoming solar irradiation interacts with the gravitational field to raise the temperature to T2 because the energy flowing through the system slows down more under the influence of increased gravity and the system energy content rises.
3) It stays at that new temperature T2 as long as the pressure (caused by the mass) and solar input stay the same.
4) GHGs make no difference to the surface temperature because unlike the gravitationally induced temperature they affect the atmosphere only and not the surface.
This is not new, it is established basic physics. Joel has already accepted that a thicker atmosphere produces a higher temperature. Thickness is related to mass and not thermal characteristics of GHGs.
I don’t have the time to respond further. It is obviously a waste of effort anyway.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 2:20 pm

“I find that rather interesting, since it may suggest that lapse rate is dependent on gravity, which again seems to be rather supportive of N&Z”
Exactly. Goodnight.

January 5, 2012 2:30 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 5, 2012 at 12:24 am
“Konrad, I’m still waiting for an explanation of how it is supposed to work. Until then, how can you possibly test it with an experiment? What will you test, what experiment can you possibly do, if you don’t know how the warming is supposed to occur?”
Initially a simple experiment is all that is required.
1. create a pressure vessel 100mm diameter 50mm high
2. insulate the interior walls with 5mm EPS foam and thin reflective foil
3. place a matt black cast iron target disk in the base of the cylinder 80mm diameter 5 mm thick
4. close the top of the cylinder with a double layer low density polyethylene window with vacuum between the layers
5. above the top of the cylinder but not in contact with it, place a matt black plate that is cryo cooled as cold as practical
6. through a small hole in the centre of the plate focus a strong light source so that the target disk but not the walls of the chamber are illuminated
7. include one thermometer to measure the target plate and one radiation shielded thermometer to measure gas temperature
8. fill the cylinder with 1 atmosphere pressure of dry nitrogen
9. allow the gas and target disk to reach a stable 20 degrees
10. switch on the light source for a set period of time
11. record temperatures
Then increase the gas pressure, allow internal temperatures to stabilise at 20 degrees and repeat the experiment. If Nikolov and Zeller are correct, the test with the higher gas pressure should result in more energy being retained by the combined mass of the gas and target plate.
The chamber may not be perfectly insulated, the polyethylene may not be totally IR transparent and the matt black cold plate will not be at 3K. However the effect should be strong enough to be detectable despite these limitations.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 5, 2012 2:31 pm

SORRY, my refernce to Tim Folkerts should have been http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-850945
This may be my last post here – unbearably slow – my computer

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 2:34 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

I find that rather interesting, since it may suggest that lapse rate is dependent on gravity, which again seems to be rather supportive of N&Z

Yes, the lapse rate is dependent on gravity…but I don’t see how this is supportive of N&Z except to the extent that they say some things that the scientific community agrees with. (For example: ***News Flash**** N&Z are not the first people to realize that the ideal gas law applies to the atmosphere!)
In particular, the dry adiabatic lapse rate is given by -g/c_p where g is the acceleration of gravity and c_p is the specific heat at constant pressure. And, in the troposphere, the actual lapse rate is basically pegged to the adiabatic lapse rate because the radiative effects are driving the lapse rate to a value higher than the adiabatic lapse rate but such a lapse rate is unstable to convection. Hence, convection lowers it back down to the adiabatic lapse rate. As a result of this, convection reduces the radiative greenhouse effect from what it would be in the absence of convection. [If the adiabatic lapse rate were zero instead of its actual value, convection would drive the troposphere all the way toward an isothermal profile with height…and the radiative greenhouse effect, which depends on the temperature decreasing with height, would essentially disappear.]

January 5, 2012 2:37 pm

“Ok, just following this along here then. If the sun were to heat the surface to -18C, the air would heat to -18C, right and no warmer? And even if we multiplied the amount of N2 in the atmosphere by 10 times the air would still only be -18C, right? Convection and conduction can’t raise the temperature of the surface to higher than the surface was originally in this example.”
So what explains Venus.
What is the hottest a planet at Venus distance could be warmed?
At Venus distance the Sun has average flux of 2700 watts per meter.
Venus is 737 K. And has average solar flux of 2700.
737 cubed times .0000000567 is 16726 watts per square meter.
With 1 atm of nitrogen Venus should be less than 470 K
Or 2766 watts per sq meter of solar flux could only get to 470 K [197 C]
Venus atmosphere is so large and such pressure water wouldn’t boil
at 197 C. Water at 197 boils at below 225 psi about 15 atms.
At Venus current temperature of 737 K with it’s 92 atm atmosphere
water would instantly boil. Spraying a water hose on Venus would
interesting. It’s not added energy- it’s endothermic. rather than explosion
it be an implosion.
I can’t think of anything like it occurring on earth.
You could two mechanism which bring non gaseous water to Venus.
Volcanoes and space rocks.
Anyways after brief calculation roughly for every molecule of water turning
into gas you have 4 -5 molecules of CO2 turning into liquid CO2. Not as
implosive as thought. If try to use a hose to fill a kiddie pool with water,
you get kiddie pool of liquid CO2.
Only thing I can think of that causes Venus to get so hot is interior heat.
With earth you lose even enormous amount of volcano heat, and with
Venus only small percentage of that heat leaves- so accumulation of millions
of years of internal heat.

January 5, 2012 2:41 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
January 5, 2012 at 2:18 pm
“2) Incoming solar irradiation interacts with the gravitational field to raise the temperature to T2 because the energy flowing through the system slows down more under the influence of increased gravity and the system energy content rises.”
Do you mean the mass of the atmosphere rather than the gravitational field? The gravitational field of Earth would not be changed very much even if the atmosphere was ten times as massive? IAC, I am interested in how this slowdown works. One could say that GH gases slow radiation down by causing the radiation to absorbed and emitted many times before it finally leaves the atmosphere. Is it the same basic process under your framework?
Cheers, 🙂

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 3:12 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

This is not new, it is established basic physics. Joel has already accepted that a thicker atmosphere produces a higher temperature.

To the extent that I have said that, it is as an explanation as to why the data that they plot generally shows a positive correlation between their defined “surface temperature enhancement” and the surface pressure.
It does not support any of the scientific nonsense that you write, and particularly your claim “GHGs make no difference to the surface temperature because unlike the gravitationally induced temperature they affect the atmosphere only and not the surface” which is utterly and completely ridiculous.

January 5, 2012 3:18 pm

While it’s true that a small increment in T will radiate incrementally more power than the same incremental decrease in radiation due to a small decrease in T of the same increment value, this difference amounts to very little when the difference in T is very small compared to the magnitude of T. T is nominally around 288k for the Earth. Assuming variations tend to be typically around 5% of this value, one can compare the SB (T+5%)^4 and (T-5%)^4 actual calculation with the approximation of Simga* T^4 * ( 1 + 4*5%) and Sigma *T^4 * (1-4*5%) and come out with values that are good to within 3% for the power. For differences in the neighborhood of 10%, the error with the approximation increases to around 12% on the low side and just over 6 % on the high side. 10% low corresponds to around -13 C

January 5, 2012 3:39 pm

if you are talking about a solid, then density has nothing to do wth temperature.
if you are talking about a liquid, then density has nothing to do with temperature.
if you’re talking about a refrigerant fluid in contact with a heat source, density improves the conductivity from the source to anywhere else – but does not increase the temperature.
and gas pressure is meaningless outside of PVT=PVT. raising p does not raise t. that’s not even passable algebra. there is no p without vt. p does not cause vt
reason can only rely on prayer when the basics of epistemology are blithely disregarded,

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 5, 2012 3:43 pm

Joel Shore @ January 5, 2:34 pm

…Yes, the lapse rate is dependent on gravity…but I don’t see how this is supportive of N&Z…

Perhaps you need to think outside the covers of Ray Pierrehumbert’s book(s). Perhaps even remove it from under your pillow and place it in storage to gather dust.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 3:47 pm

I just realised why GHGs have a zero net effect as per the Nikolov equations and observations.
Remember that a non GHG atmosphere cannot radiate out.
If one introduces GHG molecules then suddenly it can radiate out.
Half of the radiated energy goes up and out.
Half of the radiated energy goes down.
Net effect zero.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 3:52 pm

“Do you mean the mass of the atmosphere rather than the gravitational field? ”
Sorry, yes. Getting tired.
The solar radiation reacting with matter held within a gravitational field slows down the transmission of energy through the planetary atmosphere generating heat from momentum in the process.
I said previously that this is very old knowledge for me and my terms of expression are a bit rusty but the principles are clear and were once well known.

Stephen Wilde
January 5, 2012 4:26 pm

“and gas pressure is meaningless outside of PVT=PVT. raising p does not raise t.”
Hmm. I seem to recall Nikolov saying that temperature causes the increase in density at the surface but not sure so I’ll look into that.
It would make sense if the temperature rises first from the gravitational effect.
It would be heat released first then pressure increase from the greater kinetic energy in the molecules inside the same volume then a bit of atmospheric expansion but not enough to exactly compensate for the energy increase because the gravitational field would act against the expansion thus density would remain higher than before.
That could do it.

January 5, 2012 5:36 pm

Stephen Wilde:
“Remember that a non GHG atmosphere cannot radiate out.
If one introduces GHG molecules then suddenly it can radiate out.”
Even assuming that there is an atmosphere that cannot radiate out, the surface would still have to radiate out. However, when the atmosphere contains GHG energy hits the surfaces and radiates bouncing back down to the surface and then slowly making its way in 5 steps forward – four steps back type fashion effectively slowing down the amount of time energy stays in the atmosphere. The net effect is 0 (from a certain POV) – the total energy in = the total energy out.
“The solar radiation reacting with matter held within a gravitational field slows down the transmission of energy through the planetary atmosphere generating heat from momentum in the process.”
This is interesting. Are you talking about blueshifting here?
Cheers, 🙂

January 5, 2012 5:47 pm

Phil. says:
January 5, 2012 at 12:45 pm
“It heats up to a maximum of Ts,day during the day and is cooled by the surface to Ts,night during the night.”
Ok, I agree that this will have a slight increasing effect on temperatures. If the solar heating goes on in a non-emitting atmosphere, there will be warming phases (during the day or in the spring/summer) and cooling ones(at night or in the fall/winter). In warming phases some of the solar energy goes into heating the environment (either the air, ground or water) and in cool ones some of the energy from the environment goes into the surface. This will tend to produce more uniform temperatures and a higher overall average temperature. However, this won’t get us to the 33K difference in Earth temps.
Cheers, 🙂

Richard M
January 5, 2012 6:04 pm

I have been convinced that for a planet surface to warm above the incoming solar energy value it must have an effective temperature at some elevation above the surface. Otherwise, you run into the problem Willis put forth.
However, if we ignore the GHG-less planet for a moment, why does the interchange of energy have to be through radiation? If the lapse rate is what causes the temperature differential then could gravity itself be a bigger part of the size of that differential? IOW, while you need GHGs to create the altitude of the effective temperature, they may not be cause of the surface temperature which is due to the lapse rate. In addition, that height may not vary significantly with changes in GHG concentration once “enough” GHGs are present.
There are all kinds of possible contributors to the lapse rate including conduction, convection and radiation. But, what if they are all small potatoes compared to gravity?
This would mean the effective radiation altitude would be almost completely independent of the amount of GHGs (as long as you have “enough”). It could be another way of thinking about Miskolczi’s ideas of a constant optical depth as well. That is, the density of the atmosphere controls the effective radiation height, not the amount of GHGs.
Just some food for thought …

Joel Shore
January 5, 2012 6:13 pm

Stephen says:

I just realised why GHGs have a zero net effect as per the Nikolov equations and observations.
Remember that a non GHG atmosphere cannot radiate out.
If one introduces GHG molecules then suddenly it can radiate out.
Half of the radiated energy goes up and out.
Half of the radiated energy goes down.
Net effect zero.

Well, I’ll give you 50% credit on that one, since you are half right: That is indeed (at least more or less) the reason why GHGs have zero net effect as per the Nikolov Equations: if you set convection so that it drives the atmosphere to an isothermal state with height then indeed that is exactly what you get, i.e., a net effect of zero on the surface temperature.
Alas, in the real world, convection only drives the atmospheric temperature to the adiabatic lapse rate. With an atmospheric temperature that decreases with height, the greenhouse effect is not canceled out.
Bob Ferley-Jones:

Perhaps you need to think outside the covers of Ray Pierrehumbert’s book(s). Perhaps even remove it from under your pillow and place it in storage to gather dust.

Yes, because it is much better to arrogantly think that you know more than all the scientists in the field. It allows you to come up with the sort of brilliant insights that we see from Nikolov and Stephen Wilde. Whole new avenues of physics open up when you don’t need to worry about silly distracting details like energy conservation!

January 5, 2012 6:20 pm

gnomish says:
January 5, 2012 at 3:39 pm
if you are talking about a solid, then density has nothing to do wth temperature.
if you are talking about a liquid, then density has nothing to do with temperature.
I haven’t read all pertinent comments around your statement on density but be careful making such absolute statements. You must have meant P0V0T1=P1V1T0 and of course density has to do with temperature in a gravitational environment, but as compared to gases, that relationship is many magnitudes smaller, without digging I’d guess 4 to 5 or more. Those only manifest in solids and liquids at the planetary of stellar scale but they are there.
What all of this is saying is in a local lab or on the international space station all unperturbed volumes of matter has a constant relationship with space (meters) of locality. Not so of locality across a varying gravitational field as you go deeper and deeper into or out of a gravity well. If going into the potential energy will convert to kinetic and that increase in temperature WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT, go away without some OTHER cooler matter lowering its energy back to what it had further outside the gravity well. Don’t think that the increase in temperature is going to magically change by itself. Another good way to look at this is by keeping perfect account of the energy DENSITY within the matter under observation. An even better way is to track the mean molecular velocity of the molecules, for that is one aspect that does not change as you move in or out of a gravity well, the density does, the pressure does, but not the mean molecular velocity. Thermodynamics usually does not delve into that aspect directly. That’s the problem in current climate science in a nut shell.

January 5, 2012 6:27 pm

pressure is an attribute, not a force. pressure is a static observational measure, not a cause.
now if you meant to say compression – that would actually be decipherable. i mean to say, you aren’t even using english properly – the definitions of the terms you are using are completely disregarded, context is dropped, cause and effect are reversed, imaginary forces are conjured.
well, don’t worry about the monster under your bed. i have a fresh can of Nouminex – guaranteed to exterminate all noumenal entities, social shibboleths and platonic essences like pressure heat, warmcold, co2 pollution.
language is your tool of cognition – for thinking,. sloppy tools make sloppy jobs.
one is not doing thinking if the words one uses have no precise definitions. one is not even speaking – one is barking. u can’t make a sense pie with mud. don’t be surprised it’s gritty.

January 5, 2012 6:49 pm

I am so glad many here are getting acclimated to astrophysics at the planetary level, gravity, gravity, gravity… after all, it does affect our atmosphere. Having problems making the jump? GOOD! I had problems acclimating from astrophysics to climate and atmospheric physics… so here it is right back! ☺
Our new theme song… GRAVITY! (John Mayer)

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 6:55 pm

Stephen Wilde says: “I just realised why …”
I admire your tenacity and imagination, and your new “half up + half down = net effect of zero” hypothesis is interesting (but wrong for many reasons).
Brilliant new ideas certainly do happen in science. But usually these insights happen to well-educated, highly intelligent, exceptionally well trained individuals. It reminds me of a quote from Louis Pasteur: “Chance favors the prepared mind.”
And another quote that pops to mind is “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. You are making the extraordinary claim that thousands of trained scientist are wrong and that an idea that you “just realized” is the mistake they have all been making for 100+ years.
Set up even the simplest thought experiment you can where one “introduces GHG molecules”. Show how much energy is transferred to and from the ground-level/sun/space/atmosphere both before and after this introduction.
Until you can provide even “ordinary evidence”, will follow David Hume’s advice: “A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief to the evidence”.

January 5, 2012 7:33 pm

“Willis Eschenbach says:
January 5, 2012 at 12:24 am
Konrad says:
January 4, 2012 at 2:11 pm
Willis Eschenbach says:
January 3, 2012 at 3:57 pm
“Couldn’t disagree more. First I need a crystal clear explanation of what you call “the mechanism”. Only then can I design an experiment to determine if said mechanism works”
>600 comments on this thread alone and the issue is still unresolved. This is why empirical experiments are required. Forget “crystal clear explanations”, it clearly time to get some IR transparent pressure vessels, sunlight, thermometers and a compressed air source and start testing.
I say that my initial tests indicate that Nikolov and Zeller may be correct. For those saying they are incorrect my simple question is –
“What empirical experiments have you conducted?”
Konrad, I’m still waiting for an explanation of how it is supposed to work. Until then, how can you possibly test it with an experiment? What will you test, what experiment can you possibly do, if you don’t know how the warming is supposed to occur?
LOL, Willis, you are going to be called a “truther,” or something, if you keep this up.
These discussions again show that we have gone absolutely nowhere for 4-5 years now. Joel and the other AGW fanatic ilk pushes the same completely unproven, undocumented nonsense, as always. Too bad they are losing the fight, big time!
The “experiment” is actually ongoing, consistent, and easy to understand, as I have been saying for those 4-5 years:
IF the “radiative greenhouse effect” actually had some credibility, THEN peak temperatures in Miami would be hotter than peak temperatures in Phoenix during the year, since Miami has 4-5 times as much “GHGs” as Phoenix (same latitude and elevation, those sites). But the EMPIRICAL FACTS agree that even on a perfectly clear day in Miami, the temperatures get nowhere near those on a clear day in Phoenix (Same at night, BTW; please don’t fall for the “cold desert night” crap).**
The “atmospheric radiation GHE” is now dead, not only because of physical considerations, but because of observations.
Of course, another observation is that the temperature of the Planet is not increasing, despite ever increasing levels of the terrible GHG, OCO!
**I used to be able to link to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s repository for these data to prove my point, but, FOR SOME REASON, I cannot find it anymore. Hmmm.

Richard M
January 5, 2012 7:45 pm

Taking my previous comment and applying it to the N/Z proposal leads to an interesting thought. Since all the planets they viewed had “enough” GHGs to kick start the lifting of the effective radiation height, you would be able to compute the temperature from only the factors they used.
Essentially, the composition of the atmosphere is only relevant to a certain point and then the IDL takes over.

January 5, 2012 7:48 pm

Here is the closest I can come to the data now: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/redbook/HTML/redbook_HTML_index.html
Notice that you cannot access the actual data any more. Can someone help?

January 5, 2012 7:54 pm

“I admire your tenacity and imagination, and your new “half up + half down = net effect of zero” hypothesis is interesting (but wrong for many reasons). ”
I haven’t seen anyone offer a hypothesis on this thread. Instead we talking about Nikolov hypothesis. And btw we promised a more complete version which is apparently forthcoming.
What is wrong about “half up + half down” is the greenhouse gas doesn’t cause the surface to emit IR.
But if IR is emitted from collision with a gases which don’t emit [or emit less], then however much that is going on, means to that extent that those greenhouse gases are causing cooling- “half up + half down”. Though if these collision are occuring higher in atmosphere- say above 1/2 the atmosphere or +5 km, then more than 1/2 of energy is going into space.
But in general I don’t think any vibrating molecules are dealing with much energy. CO2 in the atmosphere is about meter pure CO2 at 14.7 psi. We suppose to believe a weak amount energy- 400 watts per square- is going that somehow “powerfully” excite a cubic meter worth of CO2 [or about 1-2 kg of the stuff per sq meter of earth entire surface].

The iceman cometh
Reply to  gbaikie
January 5, 2012 11:29 pm

I believe there may be an error in your thinking. You seem to believe that ALL the radiation from earth leaves via the greenhouse gases. There is a large window from about 14 to about 8microns where most of the radiation from the surface of the earth passes straight to space, and that is where we discharge most of the incoming energy that reaches the surface. Hope that helps!

Tim Folkerts
January 5, 2012 8:33 pm

No one is claiming the GHGs are the ONLY factor. You could perhaps argue that it is “dead” as the primary factor, but that is a far cry from your (apparent) claim that it is not a factor at all.
PS I assume you mean Atlanta, not Miami. Even then,
1) Atlanta is considerably lower elevation. It appears the highest spot in Atlanta is still below the lowest spot in Phoenix
1) there are many OTHER factors in play besides GHGs (like cloud cover) that are significantly different. Simply finding two factors that happen to be the same does not make all other important factors the same.
2) it is not simply the amount of GHGs, but the location and the mixture of GHGs that matter.
PPS “Same at night, BTW; please don’t fall for the “cold desert night” crap)”. Data here http://www.rssweather.com/climate/Georgia/Atlanta/ and here http://www.rssweather.com/climate/Arizona/Phoenix/ shows that the difference between monthly average highs and monthly average lows is consistently greater in Phoenix (21 to 23 F) than in Atlanta (18 to 20 F), refuting your claim that Phoenix does not cool more at night.
Also http://geography.about.com/library/faq/blqzcolddesert.htm and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_is_it_cold_in_the_desert_at_night and the personal experience of many readers.
So everyone, please don’t fall for the “please don’t fall for the ‘cold desert night’ crap)” crap.

Richard M
January 5, 2012 8:49 pm

Typo …. Obviously the Ideal Gas Law should IGL.
Now, is there a physical reason the IGL should set a limit on the greenhouse house effect? Maybe some of you physicists can help me out.

January 5, 2012 9:07 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
January 5, 2012 at 3:47 pm
‘I just realised why GHGs have a zero net effect as per the Nikolov equations and observations.”
If Nikolov and Zeller are correct then the effect of CO2 on temperature may in fact be negative. The effect of intercepting and re radiating 15 micron LWIR emitted from the planets surface has an inverse logarithmic relationship to rising CO2 concentrations. However the ability of CO2 to radiate energy obtained through conduction from the surface and conduction from nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere should continue to rise in a linear relationship with increasing CO2 concentrations.

January 5, 2012 9:17 pm

Richard S Courtney says:
January 5, 2012 at 9:41 am

Tim Folkerts and Joel Shore:
Joel Shore and Willis Eschenbach had each claimed a planet would have the same temperature
(a) with no atmosphere
(b) with a transparent atmosphere.
After much effort I finally managed to get them to admit they were wrong.

Horizontal atmospheric energy transport will marginally affect the temperature of a rotating planet. The same is true of atmospheric thermal mass, which is small, but the bottom of the atmospheric mass has to be heated/cooled each day/night cycle. Both will slightly reduce the cooling that results from the planetary rotation.
But you misrepresent what that means. All that either of them or both together can do is keep the rotation from cooling the planet quite as much. Neither one of those phenomena can stop the rotation from cooling the planet.
And more to the point, NEITHER ONE CAN WARM THE PLANET ABOVE BLACKBODY. Since the Earth is well above blackbody, it cannot be as a result of the phenomena you mention. I reject your idea that this is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov, I see no evidence for that at all.
To date, no one has explained to me how Nicolov says that gravity can warm a planet with a transparent atmosphere above the corresponding blackbody temperature. Richard, to get past your objection let us suppose that the planet is rotating very rapidly, so that there is no rotational cooling effect.
What in the Nikolov hypothesis will take it above blackbody temperature?
And if something did, how would that not be a violation of the laws of thermodynamics?

January 5, 2012 9:40 pm

Baa Humbug says:
January 4, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 4, 2012 at 10:16 am

Then a perfectly transparent atmosphere, no GHGs, is added to that planet. You guys claim the surface will warm. I say no.

I’ve been waiting a couple of days for someone to answer Willises question to no avail.
Seen that the question is from one of my Climate Blogosphere Heroes, I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability.
Take a hypothetical planet called Esch. When it had no atmosphere, Esch received enough energy from its sun to cause its equator to be 30DegC and its poles to be 0DegC. (an average of 15DegC and lets say that that equates to the 235Wm2 number). …

Thanks, Baa. Because radiation is proportional to the fourth power of temperature, when the temperature is changing with time (or location) the average temperature is not the average radiation. As you discuss in your post, this means that the planetary surface is cooled by rotating it. It is also cooled (on average) when the poles are colder than the equator. For the earth at present conditions, the polar/equator differences plus the annual differences add up to just over a degree C difference between the annual global temperature average and the annual global radiation average.
Anything that reduces those daily/annual temperature swings (or constant equatorial/polar temperature differences) will perforce reduce the cooling that results from such differences.
But that cannot be what Nikolov and Jelbring are talking about. They say that the planet is warmed above blackbody by their mechanism, whatever it might be.
But the mechanism you propose can only limit the cooling below blackbody. It can never warm the planet above blackbody.

January 5, 2012 10:18 pm

Konrad says:
January 5, 2012 at 2:30 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 5, 2012 at 12:24 am

“Konrad, I’m still waiting for an explanation of how it is supposed to work. Until then, how can you possibly test it with an experiment? What will you test, what experiment can you possibly do, if you don’t know how the warming is supposed to occur?”

Then increase the gas pressure, allow internal temperatures to stabilise at 20 degrees and repeat the experiment. If Nikolov and Zeller are correct, the test with the higher gas pressure should result in more energy being retained by the combined mass of the gas and target plate.
The chamber may not be perfectly insulated, the polyethylene may not be totally IR transparent and the matt black cold plate will not be at 3K. However the effect should be strong enough to be detectable despite these limitations.

Konrad, here’s what I would expect to find.
The basic equation relating energy input and temperature change is as follows:
∆T = Q / (m * c)
where ∆T is temperature change, Q is energy , m is mass, and c is the “specific heat” of the substance being heated.
I am not clear what you are calling “energy retained”. Do you mean “temperature rise”?
Let me suggest gently that if you increase the mass “m” of whatever is being heated and keep everything else the same, you will reduce ∆T, the amount the gas will be heated. So I would expect that you would find the compressed gas warmed up slightly less than the uncompressed gas.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 5, 2012 10:48 pm

Joel Shoe, after my missive to you @ January 5, 3:43 pm
You responded with:

…Yes, the lapse rate is dependent on gravity…but I don’t see how this is supportive of N&Z…

And, I in turn I responded with:

Perhaps you need to think outside the covers of Ray Pierrehumbert’s book(s). Perhaps even remove it from under your [bed] pillow and place it in storage to gather dust.

Then you to me @ January 5, 6:13 pm

Yes, because it is much better to arrogantly think that you know more than all the scientists in the field. It allows you to come up with the sort of brilliant insights that we see from Nikolov and Stephen Wilde. Whole new avenues of physics open up when you don’t need to worry about silly distracting details like energy conservation!

Have you just accused me of being arrogant? Hey listen sunshine, that’s not a good touché. I’m just suggesting that you ought to do some divergent thinking once in a while, rather than faithfully follow the dogma of the Church of Climate Calamity, including your great prophet Pierre’. I’ve previously stated that I’ve not properly read the N&Z poster thingy, primarily because I await their anticipated improved presentation, hopefully with more thought to the semantic issues raised here etc. It seems to me that they have a good point WRT the gravitational effects on the atmosphere, although I’m currently startled with the numbers that they allege. I suspect that they are only half-right, in that significant gravitational influences are additive to GHE, and that thus (NET)GHE may be even less trivial than already argued elsewhere. (but less than they claim)
If you don’t understand the following simple statement quoted from other comments above, and its implications, please ask:

Near the ground: Low PE ==> high KE ==> high temperature
Higher up: High PE ==> low KE ==> low temperature.

Richard M
January 5, 2012 11:03 pm

I really think my idea of a modified UCT solves almost all the problems presented so far. The findings of Nikolov and Jelbring are essentially based on the fact that multiple planets show the same basic warming profile which appears to be based on the IGL rather than on the current greenhouse theory. If we think of the theory as only being valid when a sufficient amount of GHGs are present in the atmosphere then we eliminate the concerns raised by looking at a GHG-less planet. All the correlations still hold.
From a skeptics viewpoint this has some nice features. We no longer need to discard all the work of climate scientists. Instead we add one new feature, a limit on the GHE, and we have a solution that fits all the evidence. The question is then … what causes this limit.
One possible thought is we reach a certain limit on the GHE when the footprint of GHGs reach a certain level. GHGs that end up higher in the atmosphere have a cooling effect. At some concentration it might just work out that additions balance this cooling effect with the well known warming effect (yeah, this is just a WAG).
In any event, I’d like to see some discussion.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 5, 2012 11:21 pm

Tim Folkerts @ January 5, 1:16 pm
Tim, I also much prefer your definition of; ”effective radiative temperature” rather than the simplistic lay comprehension of “average T”. However, neither of them satisfies me as being meaningful.
So the great prophet Trenberth does a surface S-B calculation on 288K.
How meaningful is that?

Richard S Courtney
January 5, 2012 11:22 pm

Willis Eschenbach:
Thankyou for your reply to me at January 5, 2012 at 9:17 pm.
Unfortunately, it does not answer the question which you first posed and I put back to you;
viz. where does the extra energy come from?
Instead, it poses more questions for me.
Please note that I am not claiming I know if the Jelbring and/or Nikolov hypotheses are right or wrong. You, Joel Shore, et al. are claiming you know it is wrong, and I am demanding that you justify your claims.
But all I get is assertions like dominoes in a row; I knock down one assertion and another assertion is put up that I am expected to knock down. That is not how science and logic work: those who make an assertion are required to justify it.
Your latest post to me says;
“Horizontal atmospheric energy transport will marginally affect the temperature of a rotating planet. The same is true of atmospheric thermal mass, which is small, but the bottom of the atmospheric mass has to be heated/cooled each day/night cycle. Both will slightly reduce the cooling that results from the planetary rotation.
But you misrepresent what that means. All that either of them or both together can do is keep the rotation from cooling the planet quite as much. Neither one of those phenomena can stop the rotation from cooling the planet.
And more to the point, NEITHER ONE CAN WARM THE PLANET ABOVE BLACKBODY. Since the Earth is well above blackbody, it cannot be as a result of the phenomena you mention. I reject your idea that this is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov, I see no evidence for that at all.
To date, no one has explained to me how Nicolov says that gravity can warm a planet with a transparent atmosphere above the corresponding blackbody temperature. Richard, to get past your objection let us suppose that the planet is rotating very rapidly, so that there is no rotational cooling effect.
What in the Nikolov hypothesis will take it above blackbody temperature?
And if something did, how would that not be a violation of the laws of thermodynamics?”
So, you have posed two more questions.
Question (n+1)
What in the Nikolov hypothesis will take it above blackbody temperature?
Answer (n+1)
The blackbody temperature assumes the planet is heated on one side (i.e. a quarter of its surface area) and loses heat over all its surface area. But the presence of an atmosphere distributes the heating to over all the surface area. This distribution reduces effective heating of the ‘hot’ side and provides effective heating of the ‘cold’ side while reducing heat loss over the entire surface.
Therefore, the ‘blackbody temperature’ is an effect of the geometry of the heated and cooling surfaces. The atmosphere changes that geometry.
Question (n+2)
And if something did, how would that not be a violation of the laws of thermodynamics?”
Answer (n+2)
The changed geometry violates nothing except the prejudices of those who have imagined certainty about how the climate system operates.
PS I will not be able to respond to further comments for a few days. Sorry.

January 6, 2012 12:06 am

pressure is static, it doesn’t disturb equilibrium.
it’s the process of work that makes heat – and pressure does none.
thermal mass is thermal mass, denser or less dense and at any temperature it feels like being,.
compression is dynamic, it produces responses in terms of temperature and volume. but that’s why they have a different word – cuz it’s a different animal.
btw- what exactly is ‘surface’ supposed to mean if it’s instantly conflated with atmosphere?
surface – that’s a solid or a liquid, NOT A GAS. gas has no surface.

Stephen Wilde
January 6, 2012 1:34 am

Ira said:
“Yes, the GHGs in the Atmosphere can radiate out, but they put obstructions in the path of outgoing radiation from the Surface to Space.”
The obstruction from non GHGs is 100% because they cannot radiate out. GHGs create an ability to radiate out so the upward transfer of energy to space is faster than for non GHGs. Thus GHGs REMOVE obstructions rather than putting them in the way.
“Instead of all of it being lost to Space, some is redirected back to the Surface. ”
Agreed, but only half as against 100% for non GHGs via conduction only.
“Once equilibrium is reached”
But if the half up and half down cancel out to zero in terms of net change in energy flow there is no need for any change in equilibrium temperature.
I don’t accept the analogy based on the day / night scenario because the planet is irradiated by the sun all the time and we are only concerned here with global average values.
Can you demonstrate empirically that the thermal effect of GHG molecules slowing down the rate of the energy flow below the height of the molecule is not fully offset by the thermal effect of GHG molecules accelerating the rate of the upward energy flow above the height of the molecule ?
And that needs to be on average globally and not dependent on the height of an individual molecule
At the very least there should be a substantial offset.
For a convincing piece of settled science the answer should be clear, obvious and incontrovertible not needing to be couched in gobbledegook or complex analogies.

Stephen Wilde
January 6, 2012 2:27 am

“To date, no one has explained to me how Nicolov says that gravity can warm a planet with a transparent atmosphere above the corresponding blackbody temperature.”
The fact that the atmosphere is transparent or nearly so to light has no relevance to the gravitational effect since it still has mass and gravity only recognises mass.
So the atmosphere increases total mass because the mass of the atmosphere must be added to the mass of the planet and the equilibrium temperature will rise.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 4:52 am

Richard S Courtney says:

Please note that I am not claiming I know if the Jelbring and/or Nikolov hypotheses are right or wrong. You, Joel Shore, et al. are claiming you know it is wrong, and I am demanding that you justify your claims.

I have explained in gory detail in post after post the various problems with Nikolov’s paper. And, Willis has basically just said this (as I understand his approach): “I don’t see how Nikolov’s argument can satisfy conservation of energy. Since conservation of energy is a bedrock principle of physics, it seems like the least that proponents of this hypothesis can do is explain how conservation of energy could be satisfied.” And, nobody has successfully done that.
[You may argue that you are not a “proponent of the hypothesis” but I would say that you in essence are: After all, if someone took the position that he didn’t know if it was correct if the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old or about 6000 years old and thus, and as a policy implication of this, one shouldn’t favor one or the other hypotheis in teaching in our public schools, would this “balanced approach” be reasonable? The fact is from creationism to tobacco, the goal of the anti-science forces is not so much to prove that they are right but to claim that there is sufficient doubt to go one way or the other, best summarized by the internal tobacco industry documents that “doubt is our product”.]

Answer (n+1)
The blackbody temperature assumes the planet is heated on one side (i.e. a quarter of its surface area) and loses heat over all its surface area. But the presence of an atmosphere distributes the heating to over all the surface area. This distribution reduces effective heating of the ‘hot’ side and provides effective heating of the ‘cold’ side while reducing heat loss over the entire surface.
Therefore, the ‘blackbody temperature’ is an effect of the geometry of the heated and cooling surfaces. The atmosphere changes that geometry.

Sorry but this is nonsense. No such assumption is made. It is just energy balance. The power from the sun that is intercepted by the Earth is (pi*R^2)*S where S is the solar constant at the radius of the Earth. There is no assumption here unless you think that this simple geometrical fact is unproven, in which case I really don’t know how to help you.
The power that is radiated from the Earth is the integral of radiated intensity I = sigma*epsilon*T^4 over the entire surface of the Earth. There is no assumption here. This is the recognized law for the thermal radiation of such a body.
Now, what is true is that one gets different values for the integral of I depending on the temperature distribution. However, the “blackbody temperature” that is conventionally calculated (as opposed to the one that N&K calculate) is that for a surface with a uniform temperature distribution…and it follows from Holder’s Inequality, a rigorous mathematical theorem, that the average temperature for any other temperature distribution emitting the same amount of power will be less than or equal to this.

January 6, 2012 4:59 am

What a mess!
1) One-way thermal radiation is not heat! If you want to calculate how much heat Earth’s surface is losing through radiation, you have to subtract the radiation that Earth receives. So it’s not 390 W/m2 or whatever – it’s 390 W/m2 MINUS the downwelling radiation. Only the net radiation counts.
2) The IGL argument is not an energy balance argument. It’s an STATE argument and it doesn’t even has to be the IGL – generally and more accurately there are equations of state for real gases (f(p,V,T) = 0). An equation of state is a relation between state variables (temperature, pressure, volume). If any 2 of the three are known, the third is fixed and can be calculated using equations of state. In case of air at atmospheric states, IGL should be accurate enough.
T = pM/(Rρ)
So, if you increase the pressure and keep the other variables constant, you will increase the temperature and permanently too, as long as the others remain unchanged. Energy balances and fluxes are irrelevant – it’s just an equation of state.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 5:30 am

It is a wonder why scientists had to go through such effort to experimentally confirm predictions of general relativity when our friend Stephen Wilde has determined that all they had to do was compare the temperature of the Earth to the blackbody temperature and they would have had all of the evidence right there!
Stephen is certainly impressive living testimony of just what extremes people will go in order to reject science that conflicts with their belief system!

Tim Folkerts
January 6, 2012 5:44 am

Edim says:
“So, if you increase the pressure and keep the other variables constant, you will increase the temperature and permanently too, as long as the others remain unchanged. ”
Sort of correct, but the stipulation “as long as the others remain unchanged” is unrealistic. The gas in question would have to be perfectly insulated from the rest of the universe to have a permanent change. Without perfect insulation you cannot keep the other variables constant (especially the internal energy of the gas, U). In reality, the temperature would be determined by interactions with the surroundings. If the box of gas is sitting in a tank of water at 300 K, the gas will gradually approach 300 K. Pressure and/or volume will adjust to fit the IGL at 300 K.
Planets and their atmosphere are definitely not perfectly insulated. Nor are they constrained to a particular volume. The thermal contact of the atmosphere via conduction and convection (with the ground) and via radiation (with the ground and space if there are GHGs present) will set the temperature. The mass of the atmosphere will set the pressure. The volume is the free variable that will adjust to make sure the equation of state is met.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 5:50 am

I think what has been going on here is an electronic form of brain-storming. As such, I think it’s great that many have thrown out raw ideas without necessarily thinking them through. I know much of what has been conjectured (word?) has been interesting.
However, there comes a point where some of these ideas must be discarded. I know I wanted to accept the UCT for many reasons, the strongest being the ability to predict the temperature on various planetary bodies. But, Willis and Joel have demonstrated why it takes some kind of GHE to raise the height of the effective temperature of a planet. Their arguments are formidable.
However, not all is lost. I would like to see the same kind of brain-storming applied to my modification of the UCT where the same formula defines the maximum GHE. I’ve thrown out one potential mechanism, but I feel it is weak. I’d like to see some other thoughts as to why a maximum GHE would exist and why it happens to be based on the atmospheric mass and surface pressure.

Tim Folkerts
January 6, 2012 5:59 am

Richard M says: “If we think of the theory as only being valid when a sufficient amount of GHGs are present in the atmosphere then we eliminate the concerns raised by looking at a GHG-less planet. All the correlations still hold.”
As Hamlet would say, “Ay, there’s the rub”. You see, EVERY planet with an atmosphere has a noticeable amount of GHG.
I suspect this is a large part of why the Unified Climate Model has some predictive power. Same for the predictive power of “just look at the altitude where the pressure is 0.1 bar” or “just look at the mid-point of the atmosphere”. The “top of atmsphere” for GHGs can’t be too far from the 0.1 bar altitude on any planet, so that SHOULD correlate to the temperature. The GHGs typically black about 1/2 of the outgoing radiation, so choosing the “midpoint of the atmosphere” as a short-hand for the “effective height of the radiating surface” is a very easy quick approximation. But IMHO any of these answers would be a RESULT of GHGs, not an independent alternate hypothesis.

Stephen Wilde
January 6, 2012 6:00 am

“So, if you increase the pressure and keep the other variables constant, you will increase the temperature and permanently too, as long as the others remain unchanged”
Correct. And if one increases mass then the gravitational feld increases and pressure rises.
No breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics because all that is happening is a slowdown of energy throughput such that the system retains more energy for longer and so gets hotter.
Isn’t that what the standard radiative greenhouse effect does too ?
Why is it acceptable if GHGs slow down the throughput for a higher eqilibrium temperature but somehow a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics if gravity causes the slowdown with the same outcome.
The ONLY question is whether the ‘extra’ warmth of the atmosphere is due to the gravitational effect or the radiative effect.
All else is chaff.

Stephen Wilde
January 6, 2012 6:06 am

” I’d like to see some other thoughts as to why a maximum GHE would exist and why it happens to be based on the atmospheric mass and surface pressure.”
Because the GHE set by mass and surface pressure cannot be reduced by non radiative energy transfer processes whereas the GHE effect from radiative processes can.
There has never been a planet where conduction, convection and evaporation have been able to negate the gravitational GHE but on every planet conduction,convection and evaporation have been able to negate the radiative GHE.
The reason is that the gravitational GHE is a product of the mass of the entire planet plus atmosphere.
The radiative GHE is just a feature of the fluid atmosphere.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 6:43 am

Tim Folkerts says:
January 6, 2012 at 5:59 am
I suspect this is a large part of why the Unified Climate Model has some predictive power. Same for the predictive power of “just look at the altitude where the pressure is 0.1 bar” or “just look at the mid-point of the atmosphere”. The “top of atmsphere” for GHGs can’t be too far from the 0.1 bar altitude on any planet, so that SHOULD correlate to the temperature. The GHGs typically black about 1/2 of the outgoing radiation, so choosing the “midpoint of the atmosphere” as a short-hand for the “effective height of the radiating surface” is a very easy quick approximation. But IMHO any of these answers would be a RESULT of GHGs, not an independent alternate hypothesis.

And, that’s exactly what I am saying. Once you have sufficient GHGs the maximum effect is defined by the equations used by Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller. They got the formula right, they just couldn’t figure out why it seemed to be independent of the atmospheric make-up. It’s not … completely. It’s just independent once you achieve a certain concentration of GHGs.
This idea meets all observations and data. Now what is needed is a physical mechanism as to why the maximum GHE is what Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller came up with.

January 6, 2012 6:46 am

gnomish says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:06 am
pressure is static, it doesn’t disturb equilibrium.
it’s the process of work that makes heat – and pressure does none.
I fully agree with your work/heat comment. But (yes you knew there was a but coming) PdV is work and as some here have noted there is a diurnal bulge. Also convection is a form of work (W(ork)=F(orce) X D(istance)) as it goes up against the force of gravity an opposing force. Work being a path function implies that PdV1-2 can be different than PdV2-1. Which could be a change in Q.
A small quibble.
I used a simple equation on purpose so all can follow.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 7:01 am

Tim Folkerts says:

As Hamlet would say, “Ay, there’s the rub”. You see, EVERY planet with an atmosphere has a noticeable amount of GHG.
I suspect this is a large part of why the Unified Climate Model has some predictive power.

A few comments on this statement:
(1) I wouldn’t even say it has been shown yet to have any predictive power. So far, what you have is a many-parameter fit to the data.
(2) I think you’ve got part of the reason why the trend seen in their plot is the way it is, but there are two other pieces that are perhaps even more important, as I have discussed here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-854148 In particular, my third point is ***VERY*** important, particularly given the fact that I think only 3 of the 8 bodies that they looked have even really have any significant greenhouse effect and, of those three, for only one [Venus] is the greenhouse effect expected to be the dominant contribution to what they call the “surface temperature enhancement”: What they are in large part looking at is just how, as pressure increases, you get an evening out of the temperature distribution on the planet. This results in an increase in the average temperature that is not associated with any increase in the surface emission from the planet! Actually, if one wanted to, one could probably come up with some sort of prediction of how one might expect the “surface temperature enhancement” to behave as a function of pressure just due to this evening out effect. I may try to think about that.

January 6, 2012 7:14 am

“Question (n+1)
What in the Nikolov hypothesis will take it above blackbody temperature?
Answer (n+1)
The blackbody temperature assumes the planet is heated on one side (i.e. a quarter of its surface area) and loses heat over all its surface area. But the presence of an atmosphere distributes the heating to over all the surface area. This distribution reduces effective heating of the ‘hot’ side and provides effective heating of the ‘cold’ side while reducing heat loss over the entire surface.”
“…while reducing heat loss over the entire surface.”
I would add [perhaps unnecessarily] it only reduces heat loss, until the point that the “average temperature” is not increasing. But other than “worrying” what is meant exactly by heat, I agree.
Saying it different, can everyone agree, that the Sun doesn’t warm above the sun’s blackbody temperature- that is dependent on distance from sun and the sun’s temperature.
An object must lose energy in order to gain any energy from the sun when the object is it’s black body temperature. Or an object cooler than it’s blackbody temperature, absorbs more energy than it’s losing.
When whatever object emits the same energy as it’s gaining, defintionally it’s at the object’s blackbody temperature. And obviously an object’s blackbody temperature is dependent on the object- a sphere were it to be considered as a blackbody- emits 4 times the amount energy it receive as it’s disk area.
So with a sphere the highest temperature it can receive is the sun’s blackbody temperature at whatever distance from it- or 4 times the amount a blackbody sphere would radiate.
Or in regards to Sunlight it’s energy only flows to a cooler temperature.
Which means at earth distance from the Sun, the Sun has limit to how hot it can make any object.
Which has to Mean that the Venus high temperature can’t be explained by this.
Something needs to be added to explain Venus.
The blackbody explanation doesn’t talk about gases- it’s a black body. There is correlation between gas temperature and solid/liquid temperatures. The correlation of temperature between solids and gas is the speed of molecules and how many there are [in a some volume- it’s pressure]. There is another aspects of gases- they absorb and emit photons. Emitting and absorbing photons is not the temperature of this atmosphere or any known non-stellar object.
The absorption and emission of gases may provide some answers regarding earth’s temperature. It seems to me it could have a lot to do with explaining Venus temperature.
But to jump from the idea that Venus could be caused mostly from gas emissions, to earth being somehow venus like in this respect, seems to me to be lacking in terms of scale. As in, how close Venus is to the Sun, how much atmosphere there is on Venus, and general lacking in appreciation of scale of energy and time involved.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 7:19 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

Have you just accused me of being arrogant? Hey listen sunshine, that’s not a good touché. I’m just suggesting that you ought to do some divergent thinking once in a while, rather than faithfully follow the dogma of the Church of Climate Calamity, including your great prophet Pierre’.

First of all, I would say that the arrogance rests primarily with N&Z and those who have jumped on their bandwagon.
Second of all, my point is this: Good science that challenges the scientific consensus is done by first making the effort to actually understand this science before critiquing it. Bad science is done by critiquing it when one has never even read a basic textbook in the field (or at least absorbed anything from it). The latter is clearly what N&Z are doing.
As for myself, I find your criticism rather bizarre. When I think about how I spend my time (or explain to other scientists how I spend my time), what I end up having a hard time explaining is why I waste so much more time reading and responding to misconceptions from the “skeptic community” than I do reading textbooks in the field. In fact, there is a very good case to be made that I should spend more time on the latter and less on the former!
Not only do I probably spend a lot of time reading the “skeptic” point of view, I clearly have a much better understanding of it than nearly everyone else here. I have pointed out details about the N&Z paper (like how they have put in convection and how their definition of the average temperature of a planet impacts the value they get for the “surface temperature enhancement) that seem to be completely lost on most of the commenters here (and even on N&Z themselves). And, this isn’t because I am brilliant but just because I am a physicist (and thus have the background and skills to understand the physics and mathematics) and have invested the additional time to actually learn some climate science too.

If you don’t understand the following simple statement quoted from other comments above, and its implications, please ask:
Near the ground: Low PE ==> high KE ==> high temperature
Higher up: High PE ==> low KE ==> low temperature.

And, you asked if you were being arrogant? What I understand is how such a statement does not get you around having to obey conservation of energy, i.e., it alone (i.e., without an IR-absorbing atmosphere) does not allow you to keep the average surface temperature of a planet above that temperature where a surface of uniform temperature is emitting as much power as the planet is receiving from the sun.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 7:55 am

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 7:01 am
(1) I wouldn’t even say it has been shown yet to have any predictive power. So far, what you have is a many-parameter fit to the data.

Maybe, maybe not. It does a good job of predicting the temperature of the planets looked at. And, it uses some pretty basic stuff to do it. Add to that the fact we’ve seen little correlation between Co2 and temperatures, I’d have to say their formula might just be important.
While they appear to have gotten the mechanism completely wrong let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. If their formula does represent a physical limitation of the GHE that would certainly be a major find.

January 6, 2012 8:34 am

“Richard M says: “If we think of the theory as only being valid when a sufficient amount of GHGs are present in the atmosphere then we eliminate the concerns raised by looking at a GHG-less planet. All the correlations still hold.”
As Hamlet would say, “Ay, there’s the rub”. You see, EVERY planet with an atmosphere has a noticeable amount of GHG. ”
Let’s go over EVERY planet. Venus, Earth, Mars, and what?
With those 3 planets, Earth has least GHG. Venus has more CO2, then earth has anywhere- oceans, wherever. There isn’t enough oxygen on in the atmosphere to make a tiny percentage
of CO2 atmosphere of Venus, so unless you make oxygen from rock- at best you have less than 1/10th of Venus CO2. With 3% of Venus atmosphere being nitrogen, it has more nitrogen in it’s atmosphere than earth. Venus has tiny amount water vapor in it’s atmosphere- but trace amount exceeds by a few factors the amount of water vapor in earth atmosphere. Earth has far more water, but less water in it’s atmosphere. So comparing Earth to Venus in regard to GHG problematical at the least.
Mars as far as Earthling are concerned lacks an atmosphere and lacks water. Mars is a pretty good vacuum. It’s not easy to make Mars’ atmosphere/vacuum on earth. Certain facility can make a mars atmosphere, and they can make an even better vacuum [can’t make a space vacuum, though].
So in this piss poor excuse for atmosphere, Mars has about 20 times more CO2 per square meter than Earth does- and total tonnage it more than earth- a smaller world, more total tons in than Earth much larger world Mars atmospheric mass: ~2.5 x 10^16 kg. And considering how little of an atmosphere there is it’s got fair amount of water vapor. It’s saturated with water- it’s just so cold and so thin, it can’t hold much. Actually holding any is a misconception- it may better to think Mars atmosphere as can’t hold any- water is just another gas. Or it’s like CO2- Earth can have a lot more CO2 before it starts to snow CO2 at our poles and needs a lot more than that before it could rain CO2. So water in atmosphere on Mars is like CO2 in your atmosphere. It’s even near Earth’s concentration of CO2:
“Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – 95.32% ; Nitrogen (N2) – 2.7% Argon (Ar) – 1.6%; Oxygen (O2) – 0.13%; Carbon Monoxide (CO) – 0.08% Water (H2O) – 210 ppm…”
Though Earth has somewhere around 40000 ppm of water vapor at the tropics below the troposphere, if go to places which vaguely get as cold as Mars- Antarctic you have very dry air.
Not sure hoiw much, but when earth is said to have 4 to 0% of vapor- place like Antarctic is what is meant by 0%- a rounding off- some number less the 5000 ppm.
Another way to look at it is, Mars atmosphere is like earth at 100,000′ [30 km] up. If you only
look at earth above the troposphere- mars has hundreds of times more CO2 and somewhere near the amount earth’s water vapor.
So Earth has no CO2 because life eats it. And both Mars and Venus have far more GHG.
But there other world than these 3. The problem is don’t know much about them.
The gas giants are unknown because their atmosphere can’t seen into- so those are basically theories. Titan has had some exploration- but it again, compared to earth it has massive amounts of GHG. Pluto has a mission going to it. Ceres has mission going to it.
And there are other planets we could look at.

January 6, 2012 8:56 am

gnomish says:
January 5, 2012 at 6:27 pm
Stop it. Stop it NOW. /can’t…breath…from…laughing…mode

Richard M
January 6, 2012 9:08 am

gbaikie points out the significant differences between the Earth and its nearest neighbors. I find it extremely profound that the GHE on all 3 can be described by one simple formula. Since they all have GHGs it really does point to a maximum limit on the GHE. All we need now is the mechanism and we can end the cAGW alarmism forever.

January 6, 2012 10:05 am

Tim Folkerts (Jan. 6 at 5:44 am):
Your observation that “the volume is the free variable that will adjust to make sure the equation of state is met” raises this issue of the mechanism (if any) which constrains the volume such that the empirical relationship found by N&Z is approximately satisfied. It seems to me that this mechanism is maintenance of the lapse rate at or near the adiabatic lapse rate by the natural feedback control mechanism which has been described elsewhere in this thread. While this mechanism constrains the volume, it does not determine the volume, producing fluctuations about N&Z’s regression line.

January 6, 2012 10:11 am

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 4:52 am
“Since conservation of energy is a bedrock principle of physics, it seems like the least that proponents of this hypothesis can do is explain how conservation of energy could be satisfied.” And, nobody has successfully done that.”
Oh, I soundly thrashed you on that point. Tim Folkerts agreed with me.

But when we add a GHG atmosphere, then part of the “surface” is several km up in the atmosphere because part of the emitted radiation comes from there. The “average altitude of the radiating surface” will clearly be somewhere above the ground level. This fact, along with the lapse rate, allows average temperature at “ground level” to be above the “effective temperature”.

You want to treat SB as a fundamental physical law, rather than one derived on the basis of a quite specific scenario. That is fundamentally wrong.

January 6, 2012 10:14 am

Tim Folkerts says:
January 6, 2012 at 5:44 am
“Sort of correct, but the stipulation “as long as the others remain unchanged” is unrealistic.”
But, this is fundamentally why N-Z have not proven their case. They found a relationship between temperature and pressure. Whoop-de-do. Of course there is a relationship between temperature and pressure.

January 6, 2012 10:19 am

“Of course there is a relationship between temperature and pressure.”
But, as Ira has made the point of this entire blog post, is temperature the chicken, or the egg? At this point, I see only handwaving with no rigorous conclusion one way or the other.
As Eliza says: words, words, words, I’m so sick of words. None of you are ever going to prove anything with words alone. You need equations, and data which shows the equations fit.

January 6, 2012 10:44 am

when the physician takes the patient’s temperature, does he hold the thermometer halfway between the bed and the ceiling? sure- that’s how to do it!
how about if he takes the temperatures of passersby in the hall and averages them? yeah! that’s what happened!
what if he puts thermometer in a cup of juice that’s been sitting on the table for half a billion years? the glass of juice will be warmer than the surroundings because of a new pet acronym? riight – that’s just how it happened.
sounds like jon lovetz schtick .
i’m going back to the good old ‘heat death of the universe’ eschatology before i get gangrene of the meme and require amputations…
gravitational thermal effect indeed…

January 6, 2012 11:00 am

gnomish says:
January 6, 2012 at 10:44 am
“…when the physician takes the patient’s temperature, does he hold the thermometer halfway between the bed and the ceiling?
So, if we take the patient’s temperature orally, rectally, whatever, that will tell us the heat flux radiating away from the room he is in? Equally if the room is the Royal Albert Hall or an airplane lavatory? Is that what you are saying?

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 11:13 am

Richard M says:

Maybe, maybe not. It does a good job of predicting the temperature of the planets looked at.

While they appear to have gotten the mechanism completely wrong let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. If their formula does represent a physical limitation of the GHE that would certainly be a major find.

Okay, I could have launched into a long-winded explanation about how there is no mechanistic reason to believe that it represents any fundamental limitation and so on and so forth, but I decided to do something a little bit different, along the lines of what James Randi does to debunk psychics: First, I duplicated N&T’s fit to the data shown in Figure 5. In fact, I first put in their values for the 4 free parameters and saw that my plot looked liked theirs. Then I let the nonlinear optimization routine vary them…It turns out that the parameters are not very well-constrained, so they settled to different values but ones that don’t improve the fit all that much, at least from a visual perspective.
Next, I did this: For the 3 bodies that have a substantial greenhouse effect, I replaced their actual observed temperature with the conventionally-calculated blackbody temperature (not N&Z’s unconventional calculation), which is 255 K, 82.7 K, and 232 K for Earth, Titan, and Venus, respectively. Now, I’ll admit that the data look squirrelier… because N_TE is no longer a monotonically-increasing function: N_TE for Venus is lower than for Titan and Earth! Nonetheless, the fitting routine was still able to get a good fit to the data…In fact, the sum of squares for this fit was even a tiny bit better than what I got for the real data. (I think visually, it looks a little worse, because it is a little worse for Earth and Titan, where one can easily see the errors, but is presumably better for those planets all squatched up on the y-axis where the errors are hard to see…. Nevertheless, it is still a fairly nice fit.)
So, by your logic, I think that we can now conclude that in fact, all of the “conventional” greenhouse effect on Earth, Titan, and Venus does not exist at all! The Earth can’t get any higher than 255 K and Venus is sitting at a chilly 232 K.
Brrrrr…I am feeling colder already!
Seriously though, I think this illustrates how one can fit data pretty well with several parameters. And note that I was at a disadvantage: It is quite likely that N&Z shopped around quite a bit with trying out different fitting forms…In fact, they could have even tried different estimates of the “surface temperature enhancement” (i.e., ways to compute their T_sb). I didn’t do that at all. I just took the exact functional fitting form and T_sb values that they had and tried the first thing that I could think of that would make a change to the data that would be dramatic enough to be illustrative but not so dramatic that one would expect it to completely change the sort of functional form expected. [I actually didn’t count on the fact that N_TE for Venus would lower than…in fact, less than half that…for Earth and Titan. That might have made me more nervous whether I would get a good fit if I had anticipated that!]
By the way, if anyone wants to duplicate my results, I already gave you the 3 modified “observational” surface temperature values above. The values for the 4 parameters in N&Z’s Equation (7) that the optimization routine converged to (in the order that they appear in that equation from left to right) are 0.228969, 0.0862835, -0.0009906245, 0.4062101.

January 6, 2012 11:16 am

Actually, SB is the radiation emanating from the surface, so you have to take the temperature there on the skin. Skin temperature is highly variable because the body regulates its temperature through the skin, and it is not the same on every part of the body. So, which temperature will you use, over what interval and in which surroundings, and what surface area determines to total energy flux? And, what is the spectrum of the emanations?

January 6, 2012 11:21 am

“You need equations, and data which shows the equations fit.”
If we had equations, we could do a fair job of predicting the climate.
Which can’t done at the moment. If it could there wouldn’t all talking:)
But one of latest wattsupwiththat posts:
Does have equations.
And it looks correct to me.
Which means I don’t see anything wrong with it.
But isn’t done yet. Need to put number in it- but it’s equations
rather than just words.

January 6, 2012 11:37 am

Joel Shore;
Not only do I probably spend a lot of time reading the “skeptic” point of view, I clearly have a much better understanding of it than nearly everyone else here.>>>
You arrogance knows no bounds. For the record, there is no such thing as the “skeptic point of view”. There are various people who describe themselves as skeptics and their reasons for doing so are as varied as the people themselves. In this very thread there are skeptics who have supported your position and skeptics who have decried it. Declaring yourself the emperor wrapped in the cloak of ultimate knowledge while parading around with no clothes on just doesn’t advance your position.

January 6, 2012 11:42 am

but heat is not temperature, is it? that’s how come you can’t convert degrees to watts. is that what i’m saying? or am i saying that the atmosphere is not exactly the planet surface? or am i saying that heavier women are hotter? i made a stupid analogy and analogies are always stupid one way or another.
i’m saying that ‘pressure’ IS the equilibrium state, not the cause of anything, but the observed relationship among p, v and t in an equilibrium state.
english is my first language. i respect definitions.
i’m saying that ‘gravitational thermal enhancement’ is part of that same supernatural world where you can fill a bucket full of holes and hang it on a sky hook. here’s the stupid analogies again…
i’m saying that the narrative surrounding the phony issue of co2 and radiation physics governing my tomatoes is characterised by false concepts produced by language abuse.
i’m saying that critical thinking can not be done with terms that are whimsical.
i’m saying that false distinctions are not useful for logic, too.

January 6, 2012 11:54 am

let’s just say that ‘effective radiative surface’ isn’t a surface, ok?
and the whole climate issue is about a refrigeration system. a refrigeration system does not have as its distinguishing characteristic that the working fluid be considered an insulator. the principles that apply are used all the time. but climatology lingo is just full of causal reversals, false distinctions and supernatural causes. did you ever hear the term ‘teleconnection’ used in physics before mann?
so yah, i suppose it was always a given that climatastrophe (neologism… ew..) was never about science – however, attempting to refute the nonscience on its own terms is just hugging the tar baby. (analogies… ew…) it seems to be metastatic. now i’m afflicted. time to stfu.

January 6, 2012 12:00 pm

OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.
1) Nobody has been able to explain the mechanism whereby Nikolov says that planetary temperatures can be raised above the blackbody temperature for the planet.
2) Nobody has answered my question. To recap the bidding, I’d said:
Suppose we a planet, but without an atmosphere, in thermal equilibrium. The surface will radiate at the same rate that it is absorbing energy. Lets assume the surface is absorbing 235 W/m2. It has to be radiating the same amount, 235 W/m2. (Let’s also assume it is rotating quite rapidly, so that daily heating/cooling is not an issue.)
Now, lets assume that the Jelbring/Nikolov hypothesis is true. We add an atmosphere to the planet, an atmosphere that is totally transparent to long- and shortwave. Somehow, the Jelbring mechanism warms up the surface to say 250 W/m2 or something. Note that in the entire system, the surface is the only thing capable of absorbing/emitting radiation. So when the Jelbring Mechanism kicks in and the surface warms, it starts emitting more energy than it’s receiving. And because the atmosphere is totally transparent to longwave, all that 250 W/m2 is emitted from the surface to space. [NOTE: numbers for purposes of illustration only.]
At that point … the planet is emitting more energy than it is absorbing. It’s absorbing 235W/m2, and emitting 250 W/m2.
And yet by some unknown mechanism, according to Jelbring/Nikolov, the planet doesn’t cool back down to equilibrium. Instead, presumably because the atmospheric pressure “enhances (amplifies) the energy supplied by an external source such as the Sun through density-dependent rates of molecular collision” or somesuch doubletalk, the surface stays warmer indefinitely, despite the planet emitting more energy than it is absorbing.
Anyone care to explain to me how that’s not a violation of the laws of thermodynamics? I asked Konrad, with no answer, so let me throw the question to the crowd.
If the Jelbring Hypothesis is true, and a perfectly transparent atmosphere can heat a planet’s surface so that it is emitting more energy than it is absorbing … where is the extra energy coming from?
Those were my questions:
1. How does the proposed Nikolov mechanism work?
2. If it does work, and it can raise a planet with a perfectly transparent atmosphere above the blackbody temperature, what is the source of the energy needed to do so?
As far as I know, no one has answered them, so I’m gonna say there’s nothing to discuss.
PS—Before someone says ‘where is the energy coming from in a planetary greenhouse’, the difference is that in the Nikolov situation (perfectly transparent atmosphere) the surface is the only thing emitting radiation. So it is constrained to be at the temperature specified by how much energy it is receiving.
When there are two things that can radiate (surface and atmosphere) the situation is different. The total radiation from the two needs to equal the incoming radiation. So the temperature of the surface is no longer constrained.
See my posts “The Steel Greenhouse” and “People Living in Glass Planets” for my explanation of how that affects things.

January 6, 2012 12:06 pm

Bart says:
January 6, 2012 at 11:00 am
“So, if we take the patient’s temperature orally,…”
Bart, since H2O and CO2 are both GHG’s and are in your mouth at atmospheric concentrations radiation leaving your inside cheeks, roof of mouth and tongue would be absorbed by the GHG’s and heat your thermometer above the actual body temperture. At least that is the theory. I think under the arm would also have the same problem. Rectally maybe the only way to get a proper reading.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 12:33 pm

Willis says:

When there are two things that can radiate (surface and atmosphere) the situation is different. The total radiation from the two needs to equal the incoming radiation. So the temperature of the surface is no longer constrained.

Just to be clear, what Willis means is that the total radiation ***escaping the Earth’s atmosphere*** has to equal the incoming radiation. The point is that some of the radiation from the surface is now absorbed by the atmosphere and, while the atmosphere emits some radiation into space too, it emits less into space than the amount it absorbs from the surface.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 12:40 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 11:13 am
So, by your logic, I think that we can now conclude that in fact, all of the “conventional” greenhouse effect on Earth, Titan, and Venus does not exist at all!

It appears your reading comprehension is a little off. I’ve been saying they all have a GHE. Yes, just the opposite of what you claimed. My point is the GHE may have a limiting physical basis which is why all the planets can be described by the same equation.
It could be your equation is a better description of that physical basis, I don’t know. But, misrepresenting what I said isn’t going to change anything.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 12:51 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:00 pm
OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.

I’m with you. However, I would caution that you read my comments a little closer. What I have been saying is the Jelbring/Nikolov conjecture may have some interesting material to chew on. The idea that multiple planets can have their temperature profile (which I agree is based on the standard view of the GHE) described by a simple equation just begs for some physical explanation. My conjecture is that explanation is a maximum GHE.
Look at the differences in the atmospheres and yet a simple equation can predict the temperature of each planet. Does that not make you curious? If my conjecture can be explained physically then we have no need to fear future emissions. The GHE can’t make it any warmer in and of itself.
PS. It was your little question that convinced me the Jelbring/Nikolov mechanism itself was flawed. Thanks for the insight.

January 6, 2012 12:55 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:00 pm
“At that point … the planet is emitting more energy than it is absorbing. It’s absorbing 235W/m2, and emitting 250 W/m2.”
Only if you assume a blackbody distribution for the planetary surface. But, because it is in contact with the atmosphere, and conduction and convection are acting on the surface, it will not be a Planck distribution, and the assumption is not justified. What distribution will it be? It does not appear that anybody knows.
Sorry, the proclamation of victory is premature. We went into overtime, and the ultimate conclusion remains in flux (pun intended).

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 12:57 pm

“Since conservation of energy is a bedrock principle of physics, it seems like the least that proponents of this hypothesis can do is explain how conservation of energy could be satisfied.” And, nobody has successfully done that.”
Oh, I soundly thrashed you on that point. Tim Folkerts agreed with me.

(1) No…You did not. Where do you think you did?
(2) No, Tim did not agree with you. He is talking about the case where the atmosphere has elements in it that absorb and emit radiation. What Willis and I (and Tim) are talking about is the fact that in the absence of such elements in the atmosphere, it is impossible for the Earth’s surface to be at a temperature where it is emitting more than ~240 W/m^2. In fact, it is currently at a temperature where it is emitting ~390 W/m^2.

January 6, 2012 1:04 pm

I want to say, I do not have a dog in this fight. I do not care if the GHG hypothesis is correct or not. It does not affect my broader view of the AGW debate. So, I am claiming the status of impartial observer, and trying to get to the bottom of the problem.
As anyone can see in my various posts, I have wavered from openness, to near certainty that the GHG hypothesis is correct, and back to agnosticism. Data is needed, quantitative relationships need to be expressed, and people need to dig deeper than standard formulas which are based on assumptions which do not hold for the system in question.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 1:08 pm

Richard M says:

It appears your reading comprehension is a little off. I’ve been saying they all have a GHE. Yes, just the opposite of what you claimed. My point is the GHE may have a limiting physical basis which is why all the planets can be described by the same equation.

And, I am demonstrating to you that we can come up with just about as good a fit using N&K’s form even if we change the data quite a bit! The exact way in which I changed the data isn’t so much important as the fact that we could still fit the wrong data pretty well. That doesn’t inspire much confidence that their good fit means anything whatsoever now, does it? [It is analogous to what James Randi does when he demonstrates that he can “bend spoons” just as well as Uri Geller can, but he tells you flat-out that the isn’t doing it using paranormal methods but rather by sleight-of-hand.]
(And, by the way, most of what N&K are calling their surface temperature enhancement is not due to the greenhouse effect. It is simply due to the redistribution of temperature across the planetary surface in a way that does not change the amount that the planet emits back out into space, which is what is fundamental.)

It could be your equation is a better description of that physical basis, I don’t know. But, misrepresenting what I said isn’t going to change anything.

I am not claiming my equation is a better description…In fact we know that it predicts a temperatures for the Earth and Venus that are wrong (but are close to the values that I fit to). My point is that getting a good fit with several parameters is no indication whatsoever of having a sound physical basis. And, the fact that their “theory” is nothing more than a curve-fitting exercise with various mumbo-jumbo and incorrect things thrown into the mix does little to suggest there is any sound physical basis.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 1:11 pm

Richard M says:

The idea that multiple planets can have their temperature profile (which I agree is based on the standard view of the GHE) described by a simple equation just begs for some physical explanation. My conjecture is that explanation is a maximum GHE.
Look at the differences in the atmospheres and yet a simple equation can predict the temperature of each planet. Does that not make you curious? If my conjecture can be explained physically then we have no need to fear future emissions. The GHE can’t make it any warmer in and of itself.

See…And, here you have given further examples of just the kind of nonsense that my little experiment was meant to demonstrate. The fact that I can also “bend spoons” should perhaps make you consider the likelihood that spoon-bending ain’t that difficult!

January 6, 2012 1:14 pm

I agree with Bart [@1:04 pm], whose comments have been consistently objective.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 1:27 pm

By the way, as a light-hearted aside, here is a fun proof of silliness of a claim by “I can do it too”: There was some guy named Richard Wallace who published a book advancing the theory that Lewis Carroll [Charles Dodgson] was Jack the Ripper on the basis of the fact that Dodgson is known to have enjoyed word games like anagrams and that Wallace could create anagrams from various passages of Carroll’s work that said various horrific descriptions of murder.
Now, the more conventional way to argue against this would be to try to explain to people how it is not that difficult to create anagrams out of passages of a certain length, and so on and so forth. However, two readers of Harper’s Magazine (Francis Heaney and Guy Jacobson), where an except of Richard Wallace’s book appeared, took a very different tack: They actually created an excellent anagram (honestly better than any of Wallace’s that I saw) out of the first few sentences of Wallace’s work!
Here is the original:

This is my story of Jack the Ripper, the man behind Britain’s worst unsolved murders. It is a story that points to the unlikeliest of suspects: a man who wrote children’s stories. That man is Charles Dodgson, better known as Lewis Carroll, author of such beloved books as Alice in Wonderland.

And, here is the anagram:

The truth is this: I, Richard Wallace, stabbed and killed a muted Nicole Brown in cold blood, severing her throat with my trusty shiv’s strokes. I set up Orenthal James Simpson, who is utterly innocent of this murder. P.S. I also wrote Shakespeare’s sonnets, and a lot of Francis Bacon’s works too.

When I saw this, it seemed too good to be true and so I wrote a MATLAB program to count letter occurrences just to verify that it is indeed a perfect anagram! These two people are now forever my heroes!

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 1:34 pm

Bart says:

Only if you assume a blackbody distribution for the planetary surface. But, because it is in contact with the atmosphere, and conduction and convection are acting on the surface, it will not be a Planck distribution, and the assumption is not justified. What distribution will it be? It does not appear that anybody knows.

What are you talking about? The radiative emission from a surface is independent of conduction and convection. It just depends on temperature. Besides which, there are measurements that the surface emission is at least somewhere around 390 W/m^2, and certainly not down anywhere near 240 W/m^2.

I want to say, I do not have a dog in this fight. I do not care if the GHG hypothesis is correct or not. It does not affect my broader view of the AGW debate. So, I am claiming the status of impartial observer, and trying to get to the bottom of the problem.

That hardly makes you impartial anymore than I would consider someone who was agnostic about whether the Earth is 4.5 billion years old or 6000 years old to be an impartial observer! The fact that you remain agnostic about the obvious shows us how partial you really are!

January 6, 2012 1:58 pm

Bart, disregard Joel Shore. His last paragraph above shows how he is trying to paint you into a creationist corner. Reprehensible. When Joel Shore fails to make a valid point and is called on it, his standard fallback position has been to label skeptics as “ideologues”. He’s done it more times than I can count.
In contrast to Joel Shore, your comments have little emotion and much thoughtful common sense. And like Willis’ comments, I read them all.

January 6, 2012 2:27 pm

“Suppose we a planet, but without an atmosphere, in thermal equilibrium. The surface will radiate at the same rate that it is absorbing energy. Lets assume the surface is absorbing 235 W/m2. It has to be radiating the same amount, 235 W/m2. (Let’s also assume it is rotating quite rapidly, so that daily heating/cooling is not an issue.)”
Any shaped body [including a sphere] which rotates can not receive an equal amount of energy per square meter.
The hemisphere of the Moon facing the sun does not receive an equal amount of sunlight equally on this hemisphere.
Second: If you spin the moon fast, you will cause the night time surface to be warmer- since you have given enough time to reach thermal equilibrium, it radiate same total amount energy as the moon rotating at current speed.
Said differently our Moon radiates far less energy on the nite side than compared to it’s day side- spinning it faster will allow more energy to get to the night side; resulting in more energy emitted on night side and less energy emitted on day side.
You can’t rotate the moon fast enough so daily heating/cooling is not an issue. If we ignore physics, and imagine one could spin it this fast [making 1 hour being a day] , then the surface temperature at the equator [and up to around 40 latitude {more half the total surface area}]
would be about 15-18 C from the Sun’s level of solar energy- about 1360 watts per square meter.
If one day were an hour, then this tropic zone would receive about 1300 watt for 15 mins- starting 7 1/2 mins of morning and followed by 7 1/2 of late afternoon, and 30 mins of nite,
“Now, lets assume that the Jelbring/Nikolov hypothesis is true. We add an atmosphere to the planet, an atmosphere that is totally transparent to long- and shortwave. Somehow, the Jelbring mechanism warms up the surface to say 250 W/m2 or something. Note that in the entire system, the surface is the only thing capable of absorbing/emitting radiation. So when the Jelbring Mechanism kicks in and the surface warms, it starts emitting more energy than it’s receiving. And because the atmosphere is totally transparent to longwave, all that 250 W/m2 is emitted from the surface to space. [NOTE: numbers for purposes of illustration only.]”
When you say warms up surface to say 250 W/m2, you saying in beginning of day the surface is emitting less than 250 W/m2, so say, 200W/m2, then warms so at some point so it emits 250 W/m2, and does so for some period of time and toward late afternoon the surface drops to say, emitting 245 W/m2, and in the during nite drops to say 200 W/m/2?
“If the Jelbring Hypothesis is true, and a perfectly transparent atmosphere can heat a planet’s surface so that it is emitting more energy than it is absorbing … where is the extra energy coming from?”
i don’t think Jelbring Hypothesis is saying this. The only way something can emit more energy than it absorbed is to cool- that is what cooling is.
Our sun is cooling itself- without doing so it would get to billions and billions of degrees:)
“Those were my questions:
1. How does the proposed Nikolov mechanism work?”
Imagine something one could make, that cools the surface.
How could you rob the heat from the surface? Got any ideas?
How about a heat pump- or refrigerator.
What you do is make cold gases, runs through pipe to heat exchanger, sun warms it then you could transport the hotter gas somewhere else. One could use the hot gas to do work or simply heat the ground a mile below the surface. Because you allowing the sun to do more work- by heating something cold, you are going to cause “global warming”.
Such a thing might be called green- and it would cost a lot money and be pointless- filling in that check box, but it also would slightly warm the planet. And it could be called “self-sufficient” in terms of not needing an external source of power. Though not “self-sufficent” in terms paying for the labor and materials cost needed- so obviously, it’s job creation.
“2. If it does work, and it can raise a planet with a perfectly transparent atmosphere above the blackbody temperature, what is the source of the energy needed to do so?”
The sun? Unless it’s something exotic fission or fusion, it’s generally the sun.
But I think it’s explained in wattsupwiththat recent post:
And I am waiting for more detailed paper on it.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 3:34 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 1:11 pm
See…And, here you have given further examples of just the kind of nonsense that my little experiment was meant to demonstrate. The fact that I can also “bend spoons” should perhaps make you consider the likelihood that spoon-bending ain’t that difficult!

Sorry Joel, that is just hand waving. Just because you could come up with a separate method of bending spoons doesn’t mean another valid method doesn’t exist. You’re using a fallacious analogy to try and support what is simply your opinion. Just because you can create a similar equation does not mean the given equation is invalid. Look, you may be right. I don’t really know. But, without further exploration we cannot know for sure.
OTOH, if there does exist a valid limit or maximum greenhouse effect it could explain a lot of problems. Co2 does not correlate well with temperature. If we’re at the peak of the GHE then we wouldn’t expect it to. It would also explain why GCMs are having trouble. Who knows, you could become famous by figuring out the physical mechanism.

Dan in Nevada
January 6, 2012 4:01 pm

Regarding Willis’s thought experiment comparing an airless planet to one that had a significant non-GHG atmosphere, can someone explain why the outgoing radiation (watts/mtr2) would have to correspond directly to temperature (Willis seems to be saying this; Stephen seems to be disagreeing)? I remember back in the 70s when I put a lower-temperature thermostat in my old Plymouth to try to keep it from boiling over during a really hot August. I always assumed I was using (roughly) the same amount of energy and my radiator was transferring the same amount of heat. In any case, I didn’t notice my gas mileage going up due to a cooler engine (I believe the reverse would be true if anything due to lower efficiencies).
I’ve tried Googling this on my own and the best I can find is that temperature does correlate directly to the movement of energy into or out of a system. But doesn’t having an atmosphere that is conducting away heat energy at the same time greatly complicate this? It seems possible, at least, that a higher temperature and an energy balance aren’t mutually exclusive. (I realize we’re all waiting to hear what the mechanism for that would be from N&Z.) Is the answer dependent on what you believe to be the truth about GHE, or is it a fact that a given surface will radiate at a rate proportional to temperature? This is really a sincere question.
Thanks in advance,

Richard M
January 6, 2012 4:19 pm

Dan in Nevada says:
January 6, 2012 at 4:01 pm
Regarding Willis’s thought experiment comparing an airless planet to one that had a significant non-GHG atmosphere, can someone explain why the outgoing radiation (watts/mtr2) would have to correspond directly to temperature (Willis seems to be saying this …

Dan, it has to do with the way this special situation has to work. If the atmosphere has no GHGs it cannot radiate any energy to space from the air itself. Hence, all the energy has to be radiated from the surface. In addition, the for the planet to be in balance (not gaining or losing energy) the energy in must equal the energy out. So, it’s go to be at the surface and it’s got to equal the incoming radiation. That’s what Willis stated.
Also note that any conduction into the atmosphere would have no way to radiate out since our assumption is the atmosphere has no radiating gases. So, it could only conduct back to the surface. I could come up with a dense atmosphere that might be warmer at higher altitudes but it wouldn’t be realistic and it still wouldn’t change the temperature of the surface.

Joel Shore
January 6, 2012 4:23 pm

Richard M says:

Just because you could come up with a separate method of bending spoons doesn’t mean another valid method doesn’t exist.

Well, sure that’s certainly that true and if you want to believe Uri Geller has paranormal powers, be my guest.
But, a lot of people here (including you, as I recall) have been pointing to their fit as some sort of mighty evidence that they must be on to something…It is not. And, given that this empirical evidence for their “theory” is found lacking, their justifications for believing it have been shown to be nonsense, and nobody can successfully explain how their “theory” even satisfies conservation of energy, I would say it is looking like belief in it at this point is based completely on the it telling some people what they want to believe anyway. It certainly isn’t based on science.

January 6, 2012 4:43 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 1:34 pm
“The radiative emission from a surface is independent of conduction and convection. It just depends on temperature.”
To use one of your favorite turns of phrases, Joel, this is becoming embarrassing. It appears you have little idea how SB is derived or what it means. My advice is to stop digging.
Smokey says:
January 6, 2012 at 1:58 pm
Thanks, Smokey. I enjoy your posts, too. The world seems awash in pseudo-scientists all over the place who think the idea of the scientific method is to find evidence to validate one’s intuition.

January 6, 2012 4:46 pm

“…who think the idea of the scientific method is to find evidence to validate one’s intuition.
Before I get flamed on that, yes, such people are found on both sides of the debate. It falls to the minority of thoughtful people to weigh the evidence, determine where it is wanting, and refrain from forming a conclusion until the evidence is… conclusive.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 6, 2012 4:55 pm

From what I’ve read here, and the way that you (and Joel) have evaded some issues raised, I think that you do not understand a basic premise in N&Z. You claim that an N2 atmosphere planet cannot have a surface effective T, greater than the BB equivalent arising from the insolation. However, I don’t think you have replied on what drives the conduction and various convective/advective energy transfers in said atmosphere. There is energy involved in doing that which implies that the surface could indeed be hotter than you intuitively assert. Richard Courtney has advised you that N&Z claim that as a consequence of atmospheric pressure, the surface T is higher than in the standard explanation, regardless of GHE. This concept does not require extra energy, just as the concept of GHE does not require extra energy. Tim Folkerts has suggested that an N2 atmosphere would have a lapse rate of ~10K/Km, and has eloquently described that near the surface, the molecules have higher KE than at altitude, where KE is converted to PE as a consequence of gravitational force deceleration, and thus colder. To me it seems that this supports the N&Z basic premise, although their derivations make me pause substantially, and I await their anticipated improved paper…

January 6, 2012 5:12 pm

“Regarding Willis’s thought experiment comparing an airless planet to one that had a significant non-GHG atmosphere, can someone explain why the outgoing radiation (watts/mtr2) would have to correspond directly to temperature (Willis seems to be saying this; Stephen seems to be disagreeing)?”
Temperature in Kelvin cubed * .0000000567
Stefan–Boltzmann constant
Lunar lunar in sunlight is 400 K
400 * 400 * 400 *400 * .0000000567
which is 1451.5 watts. Hmm 400 K equals 126.8 C.
Well, Lunar surface can’t be 400 K or 126.8,
nor can it be 399 K [it requires 1437 watts per meter]
though it can be 397 K [1408 watts per square meter].
Because sun at earth distance has 1412 watts to 1321 watts per square meter.
This because object at 400 K is radiating 1437 watts per square meter.
And this it’s not source of energy it can’t radiate more energy then it receives
from sun. Even if it adding it’s own heat, the Sun can’t heat hotter than than it’s
blackbody temperature at earth distance.
So something 397 K [123.8 C or 255 F] is emitting 1408 watts of energy.
Stop shining sunlight at lunar surface and in about 2 hours it’s lower
by 100 K- so 397 to 297 K.
And 297 * 297 * 297 * 297 * .0000000567 is:
441 watts per square meter.
The 14 day long lunar nite has surface temperate to dropping to
100 K:
100 * 100 * 100 * 100 * .0000000567 is:
5.67 watts per square meter
So in about 300 hours it goes from emitting 441 watts to 5.67 watts per square meter.
And it’s going drop quickly, most of the night time it emits, say 10 watts per square meter.
Hmm 150 K is 28.7 watts per square meter- so instead maybe it’s around 20 watts.

Dan in Nevada
January 6, 2012 5:18 pm

Richard M says:
January 6, 2012 at 4:19 pm
Thank you,

Richard M
January 6, 2012 5:27 pm

A comment over on another thread just got me thinking more about a possible mechanism for my maxGHE conjecture. I sort of mentioned this earlier that the GHG footprint could be the mechanism but it didn’t feel right at the time. It’s starting to feel better now.
So, let’s look at what is required for the GHE to increase and raise the temperature of the surface. The equilibrium height must go up which provides more room for the lapse rate to warm the surface. However, to go up it requires moving into a cooler, less dense portion of the atmosphere. In addition, the GHGs are mostly heavier gases. Gravity will make it tougher and tougher to find sufficient GHGs to absorb additional radiation. It will take a larger addition of GHGs to push more of them into higher elevations. In addition, since the areal surface is also expanding it takes more and more GHGs to produce the same effect. This works in concert with the saturation effect as well.
We can now see that the mass of the atmosphere and the density (based on gravity) will lead to a ever decreasing ability to increase the GHE. At some point it’s probably impossible to raise the equilibrium height any measurable amount. That would be maxGHE and I suspect there’s a way to calculate it.
It may be the equation in section 3.3.
Chances are we have already reached maxGHE on Earth and additional concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere will have little to no added warming capacity.

January 6, 2012 5:39 pm

“Olympus Mons is a shield volcano, similar in morphology to the large volcanoes making up the Hawaiian Islands. The edifice is about 600 km (370 mi) wide and stands nearly 22 km (14 mi) above the surrounding plains (a little over twice the height of Mauna Kea as measured from its base on the ocean floor). The summit of the mountain has six nested calderas (collapse craters) forming an irregular depression 60 × 80 km (37 × 50 mi) across” and up to 3.2 km (2.0 mi) deep.[8] The volcano’s outer edge consists of an escarpment, or cliff, up to 8 km (5.0 mi) tall, a feature unique among the shield volcanoes of Mars. Olympus Mons covers an area approximately the size of Arizona.”
Does Olympus Mons have any effect upon Mars global temperature? If so would
warm or cool?
If it was on earth, would it any effect upon Earth’s global temperature- assuming it was like Mars, somewhat near equator?

Baa Humbug
January 6, 2012 5:48 pm

@Tim Folkerts
Hi Tim
Seems you’re the only one who wished to answer my question at 8:43pm Jan 2nd

I have 2 identical boxes with an identical heating device in each.
My task is to increase the rate of warming in one of the boxes (Box 1) whilst decreasing the rate of warming in the other (Box 2).
I have available to me 2 types of paint. One is a High Thermal Emissivity (HTE) paint whilst the other is a Low Thermal Emissivity paint.
Which box should be painted with which paint?

You replied

I would say that the high emissivity coating will increase the net transfer from warm objects to cool objects. So I conclude that if the “box” is cooler than the “room” the high emissivity coating will help it absorb more energy, increasing the overall rate of temperature rise. Conversely, if the “box” is warmer than the “room”, then a low emissivity coating decreases energy loss from the “box”, also increasing the overall rate of temperature rise.

So basicall, an internally heated box will be warmer if painted with a low emissivity paint, and cooler if painted with a high emissivity paint.
Here are a couple of links. One is from AMF (funnily enough, I worked for this company for about 10 years but in a very different field) regarding low emissivity paints for the space shuttle nose cone.
The 2nd link is an energy efficiency fact sheet from the Energy Ideas Clearing House.
Basically, if we want to ‘keep heat where it is’ we use LEP. Conversely, if we wanted to ‘shed heat’ we use HEP.
So why am I fussing over this?
THE EARTH IS JUST LIKE THE BOX IN MY EXAMPLE. It’s ATMOSPHERE IS HEATED FROM THE INSIDE according to the GE hypothesis. The surface is the heat source inside the atmosphere (the box) which is surrounded by the very cold of space.
In view of that, if we wanted to cool the planet, we would paint the atmosphere with a high emissivity paint so that it could ‘shed’ it’s heat to space.
But since we can’t paint the atmosphere, what is the next best thing?
So unless I’ve gone terribly wrong somewhere, this simple example possibly demonstrates that more CO2 should lead to a cooler planet.
I would really like to be straightened out on this by anyone who cares to take the time to reply.

January 6, 2012 5:51 pm

Coming from a very shallow understanding here (disclaimer!):
Is it simply largely TIME that is the difference between a rocky world with no atmosphere sitting in a full vacuum under a radiative heat source, and a twin world with a mixture of radiatively absorbent and (mainly) radiatively transparent gases.
The denser the radiatively transparent component is, (the energy of which can only be transferred by conduction), the longer the energy takes to escape the rock/atmosphere system.
So the ‘system’ equilibrates at a higher average temperature directly related to the concentration of radiatively transparent gases. (?!!)

January 6, 2012 6:01 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:33 pm

Willis says:

When there are two things that can radiate (surface and atmosphere) the situation is different. The total radiation from the two needs to equal the incoming radiation. So the temperature of the surface is no longer constrained.

Just to be clear, what Willis means is that the total radiation ***escaping the Earth’s atmosphere*** has to equal the incoming radiation. The point is that some of the radiation from the surface is now absorbed by the atmosphere and, while the atmosphere emits some radiation into space too, it emits less into space than the amount it absorbs from the surface.

Thanks, Joel, correct on both counts.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Willis Eschenbach
January 6, 2012 10:48 pm

I entered this debate with a real hope that there would be something in this new theory that would clarify my doubts about the greenhouse gas case. Thanks to you, Willis, and people like Joel and Ira, my understanding of our atmosphere and its interaction with Earth has been enormously enhanced, and I now understand the role of greenhouse gases far better than I did before. I am still not convinced that a wiffly few ppm of CO2 can have an effect of the claimed magnitude, but I am now much better equipped to show why that doubt has a a strong basis.
Incidentally, the graph of CO2 with time is usually shown starting around 1960 at 335ppm and rising steeply. I now plot it as a hockey stick going back to 1900 and about 298ppm, with a zero on the vertical axis. Suddenly the human contribution doesn’t seem as important! But it does form the blade of the stick from round about 1950, which is when we started to consume more fossil fuels than before. And it also illustrates how CO2 can have had nothing to do with the 1910-1940 warming or the 1940-1980 cooling. Try it!
Thanks for all your help.

January 6, 2012 6:12 pm

Richard M says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:51 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:00 pm

OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.

I’m with you. However, I would caution that you read my comments a little closer. What I have been saying is the Jelbring/Nikolov conjecture may have some interesting material to chew on. The idea that multiple planets can have their temperature profile (which I agree is based on the standard view of the GHE) described by a simple equation just begs for some physical explanation. My conjecture is that explanation is a maximum GHE.

I hate like poison when people do what you just did. LINK TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Like a fool I thought I could find what you were referring to. The closest I found was this:

The findings of Nikolov and Jelbring are essentially based on the fact that multiple planets show the same basic warming profile which appears to be based on the IGL rather than on the current greenhouse theory.

Is that what you are referring to? I don’t know, but I’m not fool enough to dig any further. I have no clue what the “warming profile” of a planet even looks like. Give me a citation to the planetary profiles and I’ll take a look. Otherwise, I’m done, and I was an idiot to try to track down whatever you are talking about.
Folks, if you object to what I or someone else has said, QUOTE IT. If you have said something in this thread and you want to refer to it, QUOTE IT. And if you are basing your claim on something external like a “planetary warming profile” or a paragraph in the Nikolov document, CITE IT, INCLUDING CHAPTER AND VERSE, AND LINK TO IT.

January 6, 2012 6:28 pm

Bart says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:55 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:00 pm
“At that point … the planet is emitting more energy than it is absorbing. It’s absorbing 235W/m2, and emitting 250 W/m2.”
Only if you assume a blackbody distribution for the planetary surface. But, because it is in contact with the atmosphere, and conduction and convection are acting on the surface, it will not be a Planck distribution, and the assumption is not justified. What distribution will it be? It does not appear that anybody knows.
Sorry, the proclamation of victory is premature. We went into overtime, and the ultimate conclusion remains in flux (pun intended).

No, I’m not “assuming a blackbody distribution”. I am trying to understand how any process involving a transparent atmosphere could heat the planet above the bone-simple Stefan Boltzmann directly calculated blackbody temperature. That (as I understand it) is the claim that Jelbring/Nikolov are making—that their process will heat the planet above the theoretical blackbody temperature.
I note, however, that you can’t answer my questions either. That’s why I declared victory, because no one can answer them. You can’t tell me what Nikolov is claiming. You can’t explain how it’s supposed to work. Neither can anyone else.
Hey, don’t feel bad that you can’t explain it. I invited Ned Nikolov himself to explain his own theory, saying:

Dr. Nikolov, like Ira I can’t understand what you are doing. Could you give us a very, very short (a few sentences) explanation of the core idea of your work? Because as I indicated upstream, I find your descriptions totally impenetrable. What is your main point in brief?

… and he passed on the chance. Hardly inspires confidence in the man. I mean, this is likely the biggest public showing his theory will ever get. Nobody can even understand what he is claiming. If he doesn’t have the ability to explain his own theory, much less to defend it, I don’t foresee success.
And all of that, my friend, spells victory. I have not shown Nikolov to be incorrect. I have shown him to be impenetrable, and his ideas unexplainable, and thus not capable of even being discussed.
I would prefer to show he is wrong … but to date no one has shown up who understands Nikolov’s theory well enough to enable that to happen. Including Nikolov.

Paul Bahlin
January 6, 2012 6:28 pm

You stated that outgoing radiation MUST equal incoming radiation and I have a question regarding that. I’m assuming you are basing that on conservation of energy but what happens when some portion of the incoming energy is converted to kinetic energy? Isn’t it true that some portion of the incoming energy is converted to kinetic energy in the planetary fluids?
If (and it might be a big if) that kinetic energy is not insignificant then all that is required is that the incoming must equal the sum of the outgoing and the kinetic? Or stated another way it is possible for a planet to have a radiative imbalance where the difference is represented by the work that has been done in the system by the incoming radiation.
Is there an assumption that this KE is trivially small or somehow gives all its energy up as conversion back to heat somehow? Isn’t the planet a massive heat engine?

January 6, 2012 6:33 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 6, 2012 at 1:27 pm

By the way, as a light-hearted aside, here is a fun proof of silliness of a claim by “I can do it too”: There was some guy named Richard Wallace …

Sweet justice!

January 6, 2012 6:39 pm

Dan in Nevada says:
January 6, 2012 at 4:01 pm

Regarding Willis’s thought experiment comparing an airless planet to one that had a significant non-GHG atmosphere, can someone explain why the outgoing radiation (watts/mtr2) would have to correspond directly to temperature (Willis seems to be saying this; Stephen seems to be disagreeing)?

The relationship between the two is that if a “blackbody” (a perfect emitter and absorber of radiant energy) is at a certain temperature, it will radiate away a certain amount of energy. At temperatures typical of the earth’s surface and atmosphere, that radiation is in the infrared spectrum.
For a blackbody, the number of watts per square metre emitted at a certain temperature is given by 5.67E-8 * T^4, where T is the temperature in kelvins.
Of course, no real objects are “blackbodies”, it’s a theoretical construct. But in the infrared range, the earth absorbs about 95% of the energy that hits it. So for first order analysis like we’re doing here, it’s usually regarded as a blackbody.

January 6, 2012 6:54 pm

What’s with all this blackbody theory ?
We are living in the experiment, and can’t seem to determine the temperature.

January 6, 2012 7:12 pm

Willis, you say:
“OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.
1) Nobody has been able to explain the mechanism whereby Nikolov says that planetary temperatures can be raised above the blackbody temperature for the planet.”
WOW. Average temperatures on the moon are higher than the “blackbody temperature for that planetoid.” Do you have absolutely no concept of “heat storage?”
Then you say, later:
“I would prefer to show he is wrong … but to date no one has shown up who understands Nikolov’s theory well enough to enable that to happen. Including Nikolov.”
Yes, he should come forth. But he probably doesn’t because he does not have much more to say, since he is not presenting a “theory,” Willis. He is just presenting basic physics and data. Like scientists do. And the empirical gods are ALL with him. How else do you (or even the ever-present bloviating AGW nuts) explain the simple facts that he presents regarding the other planetoids? How else do you explain why EARTH did not “melt” when OCO concentrations were 2000 ppm? HOW do you explain the FACT that Earth has not warmed for the last 15 years, despite continually rising levels of the dangerous plant food?
And, of course, he is not alone. Huffman, as obnoxious as he is, has also presented a similar rebuttal of the “atmospheric radiative greenhouse concept.”
Sorry, Willis, et. al., but it takes far more “belief” to accept current “theory” than to accept the facts presented by these authors…..
(Disclaimer: I have not read all the comments, so maybe I’ve already been put down; if so, this message will self-destruct).
And then we have this disinformation from TF:
“PPS “Same at night, BTW; please don’t fall for the “cold desert night” crap)”. Data here http://www.rssweather.com/climate/Georgia/Atlanta/ and here http://www.rssweather.com/climate/Arizona/Phoenix/ shows that the difference between monthly average highs and monthly average lows is consistently greater in Phoenix (21 to 23 F) than in Atlanta (18 to 20 F), refuting your claim that Phoenix does not cool more at night.
Also http://geography.about.com/library/faq/blqzcolddesert.htm and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_is_it_cold_in_the_desert_at_night and the personal experience of many readers.
So everyone, please don’t fall for the “please don’t fall for the ‘cold desert night’ crap)” crap.”
TYPICAL OF ALL AGW affectionados, that response has nothing to do with my comment. Strawmen, strawwomen, strawchildren!

Dan in Nevada
January 6, 2012 7:29 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 6:39 pm
Thank you for your response. What I’m having a difficult time with is the concept of “temperature = radiated power (more or less)” (my paraphrase). I thought it was much more indirect. I can tell from a lot of the comments that I’m not alone.
Anyway, I’m learning a lot just watching the discussion, so thanks again.

Richard M
January 6, 2012 7:35 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 6:12 pm
I hate like poison when people do what you just did. LINK TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Like a fool I thought I could find what you were referring to. The closest I found was this:
[The findings of Nikolov and Jelbring are essentially based on the fact that multiple planets show the same basic warming profile which appears to be based on the IGL rather than on the current greenhouse theory.]
Is that what you are referring to? I don’t know, but I’m not fool enough to dig any further. I have no clue what the “warming profile” of a planet even looks like. Give me a citation to the planetary profiles and I’ll take a look. Otherwise, I’m done, and I was an idiot to try to track down whatever you are talking about.

My posts have been interspersed with yours these last couple of days. They are not anywhere but right here … I’m sorry I assumed you were actually reading this thread.
Typically you can use Ctl-F to activate the find function (at least on IE) and you can search through all of the posts of an individual in seconds. Just type in their name as the search argument. Since all my statements have been within this thread or refer to the UTC conjecture being discussed, I’m not sure what else I would reference that would get you any closer.
My use of “warming profile” was meant to be generic. That is, just a descriptive term for the GHE where it might differ somewhat based on the actual physical components of a planet. It’s the warming due to the standard GHE. That’s why I used this term, but I can understand how that might have been confusing if you didn’t understand my primary thrust. You could have just asked.
My primary thrust is trying to determine if there is a maximum limit to the real GHE, potentially based on equation 3.3 of the UTC. I’m trying to take something out of the UTC that may be useful.
I would have thought a maximum limit on the GHE would perk any skeptic’s interest. It would end the entire debate.
Sorry if I wasted your time.

January 6, 2012 8:07 pm

BTW, Folkerts: Where the hell is the NREL data that used to be online?

January 6, 2012 8:21 pm

Re quick search with “control F”
Simply highlight the text you want to seek …. THEN hit ctrl F – it fills in the seach field automatically.
God knows we already all type the same things too much…..

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 6, 2012 9:47 pm

Oh and another thing; Ira in his lead article used an analogy of pressure vessels to argue what might be going on in an unrestrained atmosphere having rather different reducing pressure with altitude and a lapse rate etc not demonstrable in those pressure vessels. I think it was a crap analogy.
Was sprechen sie?
If you sensibly respond to some earlier comments of mine to you, I may address stuff directly to you from hereon.

January 6, 2012 11:12 pm

jae says:
January 6, 2012 at 7:12 pm

Willis, you say:

“OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.
1) Nobody has been able to explain the mechanism whereby Nikolov says that planetary temperatures can be raised above the blackbody temperature for the planet.”

WOW. Average temperatures on the moon are higher than the “blackbody temperature for that planetoid.” Do you have absolutely no concept of “heat storage?”

WOW. Quite the opposite. The blackbody temperature of the moon is TSI / 4 * (1-albedo) ≈ 342 * (1 – 0.07) ≈ 318 W/m2. This is about 1°C, just above freezing.
The average temperature of the moon is way below that. This is because of the slow rotation of the moon, coupled with the T^4 relationship with radiation.
PS—In any case, “heat storage” does not increase the maximum possible temperature.

January 6, 2012 11:13 pm

Tim Folkerts (Jan. 5 2012 at 6:55 pm):
The authority of those thousands of trained “scientists” is tempered by the fact that in the 100+ years in which they have operated they have yet to state a theory that makes falsifiable claims.

January 6, 2012 11:16 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 6:28 pm
“No, I’m not “assuming a blackbody distribution”. I am trying to understand how any process involving a transparent atmosphere could heat the planet above the bone-simple Stefan Boltzmann directly calculated blackbody temperature. “
Aaarrrggggghhhhh!!! How can you even write something so self-contradictory in a single sentence like that and not see it??? When you use Stefan Boltzmann, you are assuming a blackbody, or more formally a Planck, distribution for the energy states. If that distribution does not exist, then Stefan Boltzmann does not apply!!!
There is nothing “bone-simple” about Stefan Boltzmann. The Stefan Boltzmann equation results by integrating the energy states in the steady state distribution to which they converge in a body which absorbs all input wavelengths and dissipates the accumulated energy via radiation, and only via radiation. The surface of the Earth, with its convective and conductive interface with the atmosphere, is nothing like that!!!
Stefan Boltzmann is not a fundamental law. It does not hold everywhere and in all situations. You must have the requisite energy distribution which results under the specific conditions which I have spelled out above.

January 6, 2012 11:28 pm

Richard M says:
January 6, 2012 at 7:35 pm
Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 6:12 pm

I hate like poison when people do what you just did. LINK TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Like a fool I thought I could find what you were referring to. The closest I found was this: … [smipped my comments]

My posts have been interspersed with yours these last couple of days. They are not anywhere but right here … I’m sorry I assumed you were actually reading this thread.
My friend, there are 823 responses on this thread, and it’s not even my thread.

Typically you can use Ctl-F to activate the find function (at least on IE) and you can search through all of the posts of an individual in seconds. Just type in their name as the search argument. Since all my statements have been within this thread or refer to the UTC conjecture being discussed, I’m not sure what else I would reference that would get you any closer.

What would get me closer? Either QUOTE YOUR OWN WORDS that you are discussing, or LINK TO THE WORDS. Otherwise, I’m just guessing what the heck you’re talking about.

My use of “warming profile” was meant to be generic. That is, just a descriptive term for the GHE where it might differ somewhat based on the actual physical components of a planet. It’s the warming due to the standard GHE. That’s why I used this term, but I can understand how that might have been confusing if you didn’t understand my primary thrust. You could have just asked.
My primary thrust is trying to determine if there is a maximum limit to the real GHE, potentially based on equation 3.3 of the UTC. I’m trying to take something out of the UTC that may be useful.

Is there a limit on the GHE? In my opinion, yes, because (as I’ve discussed elsewhere, I think that the “climate sensitivity” is not a constant but is inversely proportional to temperature. In other words, the warmer it gets, the less an additional w/m2 of forcing does. It’s the nature of a natural heat engine.

I would have thought a maximum limit on the GHE would perk any skeptic’s interest. It would end the entire debate.
Sorry if I wasted your time.

Use links. You can just type in the link, or copy it and paste it. To link to a comment on this page, right click on the date/time below the persons name and copy, then paste, like this:
All the best,

January 6, 2012 11:41 pm

Here is the Planck distribution for blackbody energy states. Here is how it is integrated to produce the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
The Planck distribution IS NOT INHERENT in every material body. It is a VERY SPECIAL energy distribution. There is no basis whatsoever, and given potent effects of conduction and especially convection from it, every reason to doubt, that the Earth’s surface supports a distribution of energy states which is ANYTHING LIKE a Planck distribution.
This is not hard, guys, if you take the time to learn your tools and what they do, and what they do not do.

January 7, 2012 12:12 am

Personally, I think the best one can say about the Nikolov hypothesis is that is not ready for prime time yet. Perhaps, Nikolov can answer the criticisms put to his and perhaps not, time will tell.
Just as a reminder to all the pro-Nikolov folks out there, though – the choice is not necessarily btw believing that the GH effect is non-existent and that full-scale CAGW is inevitable. Even if the GH effect operates substantially as currently conceived by the mainstream view, there is still a reasonable basis for assuming sensitivity is much less than the 3C per doubling number. You don’t need a whole new theory of GH warming to get to a lower sensitivity, you just need to postulate that some of the details (ie the water cycle, clouds or whatever) operate differently.
Cheers, 🙂

January 7, 2012 12:20 am

Bart says:
January 6, 2012 at 11:16 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 6:28 pm
“No, I’m not “assuming a blackbody distribution”. I am trying to understand how any process involving a transparent atmosphere could heat the planet above the bone-simple Stefan Boltzmann directly calculated blackbody temperature. “
Aaarrrggggghhhhh!!! How can you even write something so self-contradictory in a single sentence like that and not see it??? When you use Stefan Boltzmann, you are assuming a blackbody, or more formally a Planck, distribution for the energy states. If that distribution does not exist, then Stefan Boltzmann does not apply!!!
There is nothing “bone-simple” about Stefan Boltzmann. The Stefan Boltzmann equation results by integrating the energy states in the steady state distribution to which they converge in a body which absorbs all input wavelengths and dissipates the accumulated energy via radiation, and only via radiation. The surface of the Earth, with its convective and conductive interface with the atmosphere, is nothing like that!!!
Stefan Boltzmann is not a fundamental law. It does not hold everywhere and in all situations. You must have the requisite energy distribution which results under the specific conditions which I have spelled out above.

Thanks, Bart. I understand all of that. My question is, what is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov that can raise a blackbody planet’s temperature above the directly calculated S-B temperature value, the “blackbody temperature” corresponding to the radiation it is receiving?
To be clear about what that value is, the “blackbody temperature” is the fourth root of the impinging radiation divided by 5.67e-8. That gives you a temperature. They say their mechanism can warm a planet above that temperature. I don’t see how.
I also don’t see what your practical (and correct) considerations about S-B and out it plays out in the real world have to do with whether Nikolov’s putative mechanism can warm a planet above a theoretical temperature …
So I’m not clear what your objection is.

Stephen Wilde
January 7, 2012 1:06 am

It can all be made very simple as follows:
i) The Greenhouse Effect however caused results from a slowing down in the transmission of solar energy into the Earth system, through the system and out again to space.
ii) Due to that slowing down more energy accumulates within the system which heats up.
iii) The process is exactly the same whether the slowdown is caused by gravity or by GHGs. One cannot argue that one is a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the other not. Either both are or neither are.
iv) The gravitational effect involves every atom and molecule in the system including Oxygen and Nitrogen. It is too powerful for the non radiative processes such as conduction, convection and evaporation to negate it so radiative processes have to finish the job.
v) Thus the gravitational effect sets up the baseline lapse rate which is set as an inviolable minimum.
vi) The GHGs add another influence on top of the gravitational effect but it is the same effect in principle. However it is limited to the atmosphere and involves only a miniscule fraction of total mass.
vii) The thermal effect of those GHGs is to add energy to the atmosphere alone andt it does seek to increase the lapse rate over and above that set by gravity and pressure.
viii) Due to the GHG effect being limited to the air and being proportionately tiny compared to the gravitational effect the non radiative processes have little difficulty dealing with it and the vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere changes to on average and overall restore the baseline lapse rate set by gravity.
ix) Thus the radiative component of the greenhouse effect caused by GHGs is neutralised .
x) The climate consequence is a shift in the surface pressure distribution which has to occur in order to accommodate the change in the vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere but it is miniscule compared to natural variations caused by sun and oceans.
Even Joel accepts all that. See this exchange between him and me at Roy Spencer’s blog:
Stephen Wilde says:
January 6, 2012 at 5:00 PM
Joel Shore said:
“In the real world that we inhabit where convection only reduces the lapse rate down to the adiabatic lapse rate,”
Well Joel, are you aware that ‘adiabatic’ is another word for pressure driven.
You have elsewhere accepted that there is a pressure driven lapse rate.
So that pressure driven lapse rate is the baseline situation.
GHGs in the air seek to alter that lapse rate.
But you accept that convection can reduce reduce the actual lapse rate down to the adiabatic lapse rate.
Therefore you agree with me and Ned Nikolov that the variation from the adiabatic rate caused by GHGs can be negated by increased convection.

January 7, 2012 5:29 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 12:00 pm
OK, folks, I’m gonna unilaterally declare victory here.
1) Nobody has been able to explain the mechanism whereby Nikolov says that planetary temperatures can be raised above the blackbody temperature for the planet.
Well Willis, since we cannot have that, I guess I will have to explain it to you, and you might very well know the answer already deep down.
For one, radiation. Solar absorbed inbound in the atmosphere, solar radiation absorbed by and into matter at the surface, and infrared radiated by the surface and absorbed (not all, some goes via the ‘window’) also in the atmosphere. That energy is what warps the 9.8 K/km lapse to a gentle slope of 6.5 K/km and many times much lower, even negative in places. With mean surface pressure a constant at about 101325 Pa it is the density modulated by the energy level within an atmospheric column originating from the external energy source, the sun, that raises the temperature at the surface above the hypothetic mean black body temperature.
For two, density and pressure. If you have an questions of whether a very tall, 11 km, column of air will always naturally be warmer at the bottom, I got the answer last night by slowly dissecting that question. I had a bit of problem with it for a while. Then *bam*, I got it. A gas molecule is no different that a baseball. You drop it, it will speed up as its potential is converted to kinetic energy. Same with every molecule in the column. As they collide around, if they go up, they slow, if the go downward, they accelerate and speed up. Why don’t they all just fall and collect on the ground below? Energy! The energy they collectively posses. More energy, less density and vice versa. How much energy does the column hold, depends and is set by the available TSI flowing through it and being absorbed one way or the other, the direction, downward SW or upward LW does not matter really.
Think on that for a while. That seems the answer to Dr. Nikolov and Zeller’s theory, at least I saw it quickly except for the molecular speeds.
Keep up your excellent post bud, as I said years ago to you, you have a way with words that I wish I possessed, but then again, I wouldn’t be me.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 5:41 am

Bart says:

The Planck distribution IS NOT INHERENT in every material body. It is a VERY SPECIAL energy distribution. There is no basis whatsoever, and given potent effects of conduction and especially convection from it, every reason to doubt, that the Earth’s surface supports a distribution of energy states which is ANYTHING LIKE a Planck distribution.

To the extent deviation occurs form the Planck distribution, it is due to the fact that the emissivity is wavelength-dependent and can take on any value between 0 and 1. However, as Willis have pointed out, the actual emissivities in the mid/far-IR wavelength region over which the Earth’s surface has significant emissions are extremely close to 1 for most terrestrial surfaces. Willis says the average emissivity over the Earth is somewhere around 0.95, although from what I have seen, that is probably an underestimate.
Conduction and convection have nothing to do with radiative emission. Radiative emission is independent of any conduction and convection that is occurring, depending only on the temperature of the emitting surface. (Obviously, in a real physical problem, the temperature of the object itself might be lower than it would be without conduction and convection, but for the purposes of this discussion, we are noting what the temperature is with all heat transfer mechanisms that are occurring and then talking about what emission must occur given that temperature.)

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 5:54 am

Richard M says:

In addition, the GHGs are mostly heavier gases. Gravity will make it tougher and tougher to find sufficient GHGs to absorb additional radiation. It will take a larger addition of GHGs to push more of them into higher elevations. In addition, since the areal surface is also expanding it takes more and more GHGs to produce the same effect. This works in concert with the saturation effect as well.

There are various confusions present here. You are neglecting entropy: Gases will mix by diffusion and much faster by convection. So, in fact, theory predict and experimental data confirm, that CO2 is generally well-mixed in the atmosphere except at near-surface levels close to significant sources and sinks. Outside of those regions, deviations from uniformity in ppm are only a few percent at most.
Water vapor is a different story because there are big sources and sinks all over the place (even in the atmosphere itself, since it can condense out into liquid form). And, in fact, one of the reasons why CO2 has the radiative effect that it does is that in the upper parts of the troposphere, water vapor concentrations are a lot lower than they are closer to ground level…and so the CO2 is relatively more important there. (I am not saying it has more radiative effect there than water vapor, but it has more radiative effect there relative to water vapor than it does at the surface level.)
Anyway, the long and the short of it is that there is not a saturation effect.
As for the areal surface expanding, try computing how much larger the surface area is for a sphere having a radius at the upper troposphere than one at the surface…It ain’t a very big difference.

Richard M
January 7, 2012 5:55 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 6, 2012 at 11:28 pm
What would get me closer? Either QUOTE YOUR OWN WORDS that you are discussing, or LINK TO THE WORDS. Otherwise, I’m just guessing what the heck you’re talking about.

I realize that Willis. However, I was treating this more or less as a brain-storming thread. At the time my thoughts were still formulating and since you were commenting I just figured you were also following the thread. Bad assumption on my part as it turns out.
This is probably the closest I’ve come to summarizing my thoughts:
It’s really not all the complicated. The GHE works as climate science has described with an equilibrium height where energy in and out balance. This height determines the value of the GHE. However, it is kind of like a rocket ship blasting off. The higher you want that height to be the more energy is required. For the GHE replace energy with GHGs and my conjecture is the relationship is not linear and may in fact have a maximum value. This is due to the same factors that the UTC found to determine the temperature of multiple planets … atmospheric mass and gravity.
So, it seems to me that all the planets may have reached a maximum GHE and that is why the correlation K/Z found exists. Formula 7 in section 3.3 of the UTC defines that maximum. However, this would take some more in depth analysis which is beyond my abilities. Keep in mind, everything I current know about atmospheric physics right now has come from WUWT so my usage of terms may not be what you would expect.

January 7, 2012 6:54 am

World 1 – grey featureless, no atmosphere; under a constant radiative energy source.
Hit with an extra instantaneous defined burst of radiative energy, which is fully absorbed, raises the temperature of that world a certain amount, which, over time, returns to ‘baseline temperature’as the world re-radiates that energy at its ‘own’ wavelength.
World 2 – Add a dense, radiatively transparent atmosphere (ie, a single non-radiative gas); (quantity NONGHGx1) repeat the experiment – exactly the same result. Same rise in temperature, same rate of return to normal.
World 3. (W3) As per World 2, but with a quantity (GHGx1) of a single radiative gas (GHG) also present, which only absorbs the planets emitted wavelength. (quantity of non-radiative gas remains at NONGHGx1) The gas is present in an amount that ALL of the radiative energy from the planet is absorbed on its way through the atmosphere. Repeat experiment. The system takes longer to revert to baseline T, as surface emitted radiative energy is absorbed by the GHG, passed by collision to the non GHG, then, eventually, lost at the top of the atmosphere as radiation from the GHG. (insulated?)
World 4: as per World 3, but with double the amount of GHG (GHGx2). (quantity of non-radiative gas remains at NONGHGx1) Repeat experiment, World 4 takes a ‘tiny bit longer’ than world 3 to return to normal, or PERHAPS the same time as World 3. (twice as much GHG absorbs the energy 2X more quickly than W3, but passes to the non GHG 2X more quickly than W3, and receives it at the same rate, and emits from the top of the atmosphere at 2X more quickly than W3).
World 5: As per World 3, (but with double the amount of NON GHG atmosphere (ie, 2X the NON-radiative gas) (quantity of non-radiative gas increased to NONGHGx2) and the original quantity (GHGx1) of GHG. Repeat experiment. World 5 takes LONGER to revert to baseline temperature. The GHG has twice the chance of passing its energy parcel off to the non GHG, but a lower chance of receiving it back, so the energy takes longer to exit (to be radiated at the top of the atmosphere. (more non GHG, more insulation?).
Or …..!!???

January 7, 2012 7:01 am

Willis, if you were going to raise the subject of conduction, convection, evapo-transpiration… good… I did leave them out didn’t I? But they are in the very same category as the radiation as I explained above, right? Just another way for energy to get into that column of air. Where that energy goes determines where the lapse rate curve is warped from it’s static dry adiabatic linear path of 9.8 K/km, and the environmental lapse rate is always warped away from it, that is why we are warm.
I hope you were able to follow that, please don’t pick at my words. I know you are more than capable.

January 7, 2012 7:08 am

“This height determines the value of the GHE. However, it is kind of like a rocket ship blasting off. The higher you want that height to be the more energy is required.”
If temperature on earth were lower, say, -18 C the atmospheric height would be lower. It’s easy to see that the troposphere would lower. And strength of gravity affect atmospheric height.
Over here:
Chris Ho-Stuart liked the idea of modeling a world [dwarf planet] without sunlight.
The dwarf planet is a starship, in which the atmosphere is heat with nuclear power.
It required a lot nuclear reactor. Point is Chris Ho-Stuart made excel program:
He still working on it, but point is it shows what happens with different inputs of
temperature or different gravity. The dwarf planet with 1/10 earth gravity has very high
atmosphere. It has lower pressure and lower temperature and far higher than earth-
pressure is made low but breathable- so atmosphere isn’t beyond extremely high.
The model isn’t using “new theories or something” it rules accepted- Chris says
regarding latest verison:
“My major reference for much of the theory I am applying is Principles of Planetary Climate by Ray Pierrehumbert. The integration sheet now includes also an additional column for an alternative calculation of the all-troposphere grey atmosphere using evaluation of a direct integral. There’s a comment on the page describing how this works. It gives the same result as my original more direct layer by layer method, which is reassuring that I have the maths correct.”
Anyways if you use excel, this esay way to see amount of atmosphere and amount gravity
Which is related to topic here.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 7:33 am

Stephen Wilde says:

iii) The process is exactly the same whether the slowdown is caused by gravity or by GHGs. One cannot argue that one is a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the other not. Either both are or neither are.

No…There is a well-described process using known laws of physics by which GHGs reduce the amount of radiation escaping into space relative to the amount that is emitted by the surface.
There is no known process by which this occurs due to gravity. The nearest thing you seem to have come up with is some sort of general relativistic effect. Unfortunately, general relativity is sufficiently obscure that one can get a physics PhD without studying it in any detail, and I am a living example of that. However, I am quite confident that the redshift of radiation leaving the Earth’s surface will not be great enough to account for the observation that 390 W/m^2 is emitted at the surface and only ~240 W/m^2 escapes to space; if you believe otherwise, show us the equations and then forward them to the Nobel Committee since this would certainly be a revolutionary discovery. Besides which, we know from the spectrum of the emitted radiation seen from space what is actually happening: Radiation is being absorbed at specific wavelengths that correspond to absorption bands of the various greenhouse elements of the atmosphere.

Even Joel accepts all that. See this exchange between him and me at Roy Spencer’s blog:

But you accept that convection can reduce reduce the actual lapse rate down to the adiabatic lapse rate.
Therefore you agree with me and Ned Nikolov that the variation from the adiabatic rate caused by GHGs can be negated by increased convection.

Yes, I accept what you say about the lapse rate. But, the point is that it is not “the variation from the adiabatic rate caused by GHGs” that is responsible for the greenhouse effect or for changes in that effect with the addition of more GHGs. The mechanism by which the surface temperature increases with the addition of greenhouse gases is this:
(1) Initially, the “effective radiating level” in the atmosphere (that level from which radiation can on average escape to space without being absorbed again) is at an average temperature of 255 K and the system is emitting the same amount as it is absorbing from the sun.
(2) A sudden addition of some greenhouse gases to the atmosphere causes additional absorption of terrestrial radiation which means that the “effective radiating level” in the atmosphere rises to higher levels where, because of the lapse rate, it is colder. As a result, less radiation is now escaping into space.
(3) This radiative imbalance (Earth + atmosphere absorbing more than its emitting) causes warming until the new effective radiating level is at 255 K.
(4) At this point, you have (approximately) the same lapse rate in the troposphere as you had before but temperatures are ishifted. For example, if the radiating level was initially at 5 km and shifts up to 6 km, then with a lapse rate of 6.5 K per km ( a typical compromise rate between the dry and saturated adiabatic lapse rate), the surface temperature would warm from 255 K + (6.5K per km)*(5 km) = 287.5 K to 255 K + (6.5K per km)*(6 km) = 294 K.
It is correct that to the extent that convection drives down the lapse rate from what it would be in its absence, it reduces the greenhouse effect. That is why simple radiative models overestimate the greenhouse effect and convection has to be included to get quantitatively correct numbers.
Note that in part 2.1B) of their poster, Nikolov et al. added convection to the radiative model in a way that, by their own description, forced the temperatures T_a and T_s to be virtually equal. This means that they allowed convection to drive the lapse rate down to essentially ZERO. In the real world, convection only drives the lapse rate down to the adiabatic rate. Everybody agrees that in a universe where the atmosphere was driven by convection to an isothermal temperature distribution with height, the greenhouse effect would disappear. However, that is not the universe that we happen to inhabit.


I would advise a little more humility than this given that you are still so confused on the basic concepts. You are nowhere near proving your claims…and you will never be close to it…because they are without scientific foundation.

Richard M
January 7, 2012 7:34 am

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 5:54 am
There are various confusions present here.

Yes, to a certain extent. But, I’m not trying to be precise. I’m just tossing out factors that *could* have a limiting factor on the GHE. Don’t try to read anything more into them than that.
There are probably many factors that all net down to the impact of the gravitational field of a sphere. I suspect if we could plot the GHE against GHG concentration we would see something like a exponential decay that reaches very close to its maximum value at fairly low levels of GHGs (<5% of the mass of the atmosphere). I could be wrong, but it kind of makes sense when you understand increasing the height is fighting against the downward acceleration due to gravity. The greater the atmospheric mass the easier but it still has its limit. This is why the K/Z formula is a good approximation. It may not be absolutely correct but I think they are on to the factors that limit GHE growth.

January 7, 2012 7:39 am

“WOW. Quite the opposite. The blackbody temperature of the moon is TSI / 4 * (1-albedo) ≈ 342 * (1 – 0.07) ≈ 318 W/m2. This is about 1°C, just above freezing.
The average temperature of the moon is way below that. This is because of the slow rotation of the moon, coupled with the T^4 relationship with radiation.
PS—In any case, “heat storage” does not increase the maximum possible temperature.”
But these all ways to increase average temperature.
Your moon is not -18 C or lower.
One can not say earth would -18 C if it did not have greenhouse gases.
Now I move on to your PS.
That is the harder part.
What explained in above post with 100 by 100 Km swimming pools is that you lower
the Moon highest temperature- instead of 123 C you lower it to around 20 C.
And maintain that temperature. So going form 1 C to say 15 C.
I used water, by any transparent liquid would work also.
But you asking for something else- can you make the surface get
above 123 C.
And that is question I have wondered about but don’t have
ready answer.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 7:40 am

Richard M says:

So, it seems to me that all the planets may have reached a maximum GHE and that is why the correlation K/Z found exists. Formula 7 in section 3.3 of the UTC defines that maximum.

As I have shown, if the data had been different, they would have gotten a fine fit showing a different correlation but with lower values for the maximum GHE for Earth, Titan, and Venus. (In fact, values so low that they would correspond to no GHE at all the way everybody in the world defines it.) So, their supposed correlation proves NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING in regards to the current GHG being at some maximum value. This is purely a religious belief on your part.

January 7, 2012 7:55 am

“I used water, but any transparent liquid would work also. ”
You don’t need to use any transparent material- you could anything
that conducts energy- thick steel plating, or even if Moon was solid
particular type of rock as compared to being covered with regolith [a very poor conductor
of heat].
If you have a mechanism that allows high conduction solar energy, and at
night time limit the conduction of heat [by put regolith over it] then you
keep more heat. Now, rather than the artificial way to retain heat, there
could some kind “natural process” that would do a similar thing.
But none of this is about increasing temperature above 123 C.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 8:03 am

Richard M says:

There are probably many factors that all net down to the impact of the gravitational field of a sphere. I suspect if we could plot the GHE against GHG concentration we would see something like a exponential decay that reaches very close to its maximum value at fairly low levels of GHGs (<5% of the mass of the atmosphere).

Well, you can suspect anything you want. The Greeks and Romans suspected that there was a God that drove the sun across the sky in his chariot. However, science is a method by which we can determine what explanations are supported by empirical evidence and which aren’t. Your suspicions are irrelevant without evidence to back them up…and the extent to which they could even conceivably be true are limited by the current scientific understanding that is actually confirmed by empirical evidence.

This is why the K/Z formula is a good approximation.

No…The primary reason why the K/Z formula is a good approximation is that the expression relating the surface pressure to the surface temperature enhancement is a 4-parameter fit…And, it is worse than that given that they had additional flexibility in how they chose to define their “unenhanced” temperature T_sb.
Furthermore, their “surface temperature enhancement” is not even a measure of what scientists call the greenhouse effect. It includes that but also includes an effect due to the fact that even for a given amount of power emitted by the surface, the distribution of temperature on the surface can affect the average temperature. In fact, I think that only 3 of the 8 bodies they studied have a significant greenhouse effect at all AND only in the case of one of the bodies (Venus) is the greenhouse effect the dominant contribution to their “surface temperature enhancement”. It is not at all surprising that one would find that the surface temperature tends to even out as the atmospheric pressure goes up, which is the primary thing that is driving the increase in the average temperature above their T_sb in all the planets except for Venus. (There are also good reasons to expect that pressure will tend in a general correlative sense to increase the actual greenhouse effect, since higher pressures allow for higher quantities of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and pressure also broadens the absorption lines of these gases.)
You are making all sorts of conjectures that are frankly based on ignorance: You’ve demonstrated no evidence that you even understand what N&Z have done in computing their “surface temperature enhancement” and fitting it to some functional form with 4 free parameters, yet you seem to think that your conjectures of what their fit means should carry some weight. I don’t see why they should carry any more weight than the conjecture that the Sun God drives the sun across the sky in a chariot.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 8:18 am

By the way, it turns out that the gravitational redshift is not hard to calculate ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift ). I just calculated it for light leaving the Earth’s surface and escaping to infinity and I got that the wavelength (or frequency) shift is approximately on part in 6.9 x 10^(-10). [Others are welcome to check I plugged in the numbers correctly.] So that means that the correction to the energy (which is proportional to frequency) from this effect is less than 1 part in a billion.
So, you have successfully explained how 390 W/m^2 of light emitted at the surface is reduced to ~389.9999997 W/m^2 once it gets out into space. (In fact, the reduction would be less than this at the point where the satellites measure it…I don’t know what their orbits are…but I’ll give you the full amount as a freebie.)
Unfortunately, this does not go very far toward explaining how 390 W/m^2 is reduced to 240 W/m^2.

Richard M
January 7, 2012 8:33 am

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 7:40 am
[Richard M says:
So, it seems to me that all the planets may have reached a maximum GHE and that is why the correlation K/Z found exists. Formula 7 in section 3.3 of the UTC defines that maximum.]
As I have shown, if the data had been different, they would have gotten a fine fit showing a different correlation but with lower values for the maximum GHE for Earth, Titan, and Venus. (In fact, values so low that they would correspond to no GHE at all the way everybody in the world defines it.) So, their supposed correlation proves NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING in regards to the current GHG being at some maximum value. This is purely a religious belief on your part.

I didn’t say it “proves” anything. I simply have been pointing out an interesting correlation that may have a physical basis.
I believe any non-invested party would have to admit that a gravitational field *could* have an impact on a value that just happens to be a height within that field. I’m attempting to get people with more knowledge than myself to start thinking about what that might be. It’s fine for you to be skeptical as that will keep us honest. Just try to keep it less personal.

January 7, 2012 8:38 am

Willis Eschenbach;
To be clear about what that value is, the “blackbody temperature” is the fourth root of the impinging radiation divided by 5.67e-8. That gives you a temperature.>>>>
That gives you a temperature for a body with uniform surface presented in a uniform manner to the source of the radiation. The earth on the other hand:
1. Is not a uniform surface
2. Is presented as a spherical surface to the radiation source
3. Only half the spherical surface is exposed to the radiation source at any given time.
4. The half of the spherical surface presented is not presented uniformly, and the presentation changes over time.
5. The earth orbit is elliptical, resulting in a variation of intensity of the radiation source super imposed on the variations imposed by axial tilt, daily rotation, curvature of the earth, lack of uniformity of the earth surface.
6. Lunar orbit is elliptical and also fluctuates in a cycle that takes is above and below the orbital plane over a course of (recollection here) 18 years, which in turn alters the physical properties of the already not uniform surface of the earth.
7. There are fluctuations in the total energy radiated by the energy source as well as fluctuations in the mix of frequencies radiated by the energy source which seem to follow a cyclical pattern indicated by the 11 and 22 year sunspot cycle. These fluctuations affect both intensity of the source as well as albedo of the planet.
Willis, do you really think you can take an “average” number for radiance, divide it by 4 to account for all the factors above, and do a black body calculation of temperature for the earth that is anything but a very rough estimate?
Your declaration of victory is predicated upon a an estimate of insolation which is so rough as to be meaningless, arrives at a black body temperature of earth that is equally meaningless, compares it to the radiance of the earth surface itself based on a temperature average that is meaningless and converted to a radiance estimate that is meaningless.
FURTHERMORE, it is utterly ridiculous to assume that even if the GH effect atrributed to GHG’s of 33K is correct, that removing the GHG’s would result in the surface of the earth cooling by 33K. It is not possible to remove the GHG’s and have no resulting consequence to the conduction and convection processes also in place. It is unreasonable to presume that they would remain unchanged, and entirely reasonable to suggest that the changes that would result in conductive and convective processes would have a sign opposite that of the reduction due to removing the GHG’s. If so, and the order of magnitude is similar, then removing the surface temperature increase of the WAG of 33K would NOT result in much change at all. In fact, if one applies conservation of energy to the above, one must conclude that the order of magnitude change would in fact be equal and opposite in reaction to removing the GHG’s.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 9:31 am

Paul Bahlin says:

You stated that outgoing radiation MUST equal incoming radiation and I have a question regarding that. I’m assuming you are basing that on conservation of energy but what happens when some portion of the incoming energy is converted to kinetic energy? Isn’t it true that some portion of the incoming energy is converted to kinetic energy in the planetary fluids?

Is there an assumption that this KE is trivially small or somehow gives all its energy up as conversion back to heat somehow? Isn’t the planet a massive heat engine?

Two points:
(1) As I have pointed out somewhere here or in the other thread on this topic, it turns out that in the atmosphere the kinetic energies due to bulk atmospheric motions are much smaller than the kinetic energies associated with the random motions of the molecules (which are what give rise to the temperature). For example, the “average” (root-mean-square) speed of a nitrogen molecule at room temperature is about 500 m/s…or about 1100 miles per hour, which is a lot faster than bulk air motions (and remember that kinetic energy goes as speed-squared).
(2) Even if this were not the case, the assumption needed is not necessarily that KE is trivially small but rather that it is not continuously increasing or continuously decreasing. Even if the kinetic energies due to bulk motions were quite large, but were neither increasing nor decreasing on average, you would still not have a method to be continuously releasing more energy back into space than you are absorbing from the sun.
The fact that these energies are both small and, to a good approximation, neither increasing nor decreasing on average means that they are certainly not going to be able to be a missing source of energy.

January 7, 2012 9:41 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 7, 2012 at 12:20 am
“My question is, what is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov that can raise a blackbody planet’s temperature above the directly calculated S-B temperature value, the “blackbody temperature” corresponding to the radiation it is receiving?
To be clear about what that value is, the “blackbody temperature” is the fourth root of the impinging radiation divided by 5.67e-8.”

And, that calculated value HAS NO PHYSICAL SIGNIFICANCE because it is calculated based on a distribution which DOES NOT EXIST for this particular boundary.
Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 5:41 am
“To the extent deviation occurs form the Planck distribution, it is due to the fact that the emissivity is wavelength-dependent and can take on any value between 0 and 1.”
No! Emissivity is a kluge which approximates the result when the deviation from the blackbody conditions is “small”. The deviation here is NOT small. Conduction and convection at the Earth’s surface are VERY powerful.

The outward flux is given by integrating the distribution over frequency. For the Planck distribution, that integrates into a constant times T^4. With a different distribution, it is no longer necessarily T^4, and the magnitude is no longer the same. For example, suppose it does still integrate proportional to T^4, and that the distribution is mostly Planck, but has significant gaps taken out of it. Then, the integrated area IS LESS, so the constant of proportionality IS LESS. Capiche?

January 7, 2012 9:41 am

no body can emit thermal radiation that exceeds that of a black body, since if it were in equilibrium with a radiation field, it would be emitting more energy than was incident upon it.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 9:58 am

davidmhoffer says:

Willis, do you really think you can take an “average” number for radiance, divide it by 4 to account for all the factors above, and do a black body calculation of temperature for the earth that is anything but a very rough estimate?

Look, everyone knows that the real world is complicated, but are you trying to make the claim that because of these complications, we can’t even measure the total amount of energy absorbed by the Earth + atmosphere system well enough to distinguish between 240 W/m^2 and 390 W/m^2 as the average intensity when we take this total energy and divide by surface area and time? Trenberth is frustrated because we don’t can’t directly measure these numbers down to the fraction of a W/m^2 necessary to directly determine the current energy imbalance due to greenhouse gas accumulations…but even if the number is off by 10 W/m^2, it isn’t going to make a very big difference for what we are discussing here.

Your declaration of victory is predicated upon a an estimate of insolation which is so rough as to be meaningless, arrives at a black body temperature of earth that is equally meaningless, compares it to the radiance of the earth surface itself based on a temperature average that is meaningless and converted to a radiance estimate that is meaningless.

No…Willis is not assuming any temperature distribution. He is simply noting the fact that there is no conceivable temperature distribution that gives an average temperature higher than 255 K for a blackbody emitting 240 W/m^2. This is based on a rigorous mathematical theorem that states that the maximum possible average temperature you can have if you are emitting a certain amount of power is the one associated with a uniform distribution.
HE IS NOT ASSUMING A UNIFORM TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION…HE IS USING THIS DISTRIBUTION ONLY TO DETERMINE AN MATHEMATICALLY- RIGOROUS UPPER BOUND ON WHAT THE AVERAGE TEMPERATURE COULD POSSIBLY BE. (By the way, as it turns out, the earth’s current temperature distribution is such that assuming it to be uniform is a pretty good approximation for determining the average temperature…but that is besides the point.)

FURTHERMORE, it is utterly ridiculous to assume that even if the GH effect atrributed to GHG’s of 33K is correct, that removing the GHG’s would result in the surface of the earth cooling by 33K.

No…It is not utterly ridiculous. It is impossible for it not cool to an average temperature of 255 K or less. You seem to think that something that is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE will happen. A blackbody surface constrained to emit 240 W/m^2 on average is constrained to be at no greater average temperature than 255 K. There is no way that moving heat to change the temperature distribution can get you around that fact because there is no temperature distribution that results in emission of 240 W/m^2 and has an average temperature higher than 255 K.

January 7, 2012 10:10 am

“It can all be made very simple as follows:
i) The Greenhouse Effect however caused results from a slowing down in the transmission of solar energy into the Earth system, through the system and out again to space.”
Greenhouse Effect is lousy word/term. But that is term used and what you said does define it, and that is how it’s defined by people who believe in AGW.
“i) Due to that slowing down more energy accumulates within the system which heats up.”
One could also say sunlight is converted into different kinds of energy- such heat. Sunlight makes molecules move and vibrant in various ways.
“iii) The process is exactly the same whether the slowdown is caused by gravity or by GHGs. One cannot argue that one is a breach of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the other not. Either both are or neither are.”
Also heat capacity and chemical processes. Coal is made from energy of sunlight. Oxygen is chemical energy- as such it is enormous amount of stored sunlight energy. Both oxygen and hydrocarbons are stored on earth for million and with oxygen billions of years.
The vast storage of oxygen and hydrocarbons is why humans have abundant cheap energy.
But the chemical storage of energy is rather minor in terms of other stored energy. Oceans store far more energy. Water vapor could be said to have a shorter duration and has massive amounts of energy, in terms we use as energy sources- not more than oxygen is probably but equal or more than current hydrocarbons available- is somewhere around the ballpark.
Methane in oceans etc is not available at our current technology and/or economics but is equal or more that current hydrocarbon use.
What is mostly mentioned in this post is regarding the stored energy in the atmospheric gases.
This by “proponents” seems somewhat “under estimated” or under appreciated.
It shown quite easily:
Molecules of atmospheric gas has a velocity of 500 meters per second. 500 m/s is 1116 mph.
Now the earth atmosphere has mass of 5.1 x 10^18 kg. Which is 5,100,000,000,000,000,000 kg
or 5,100,000,000,000,000 tonnes which are going 1116 mph.
It is true the ocean utter dwarfs this amount energy- but it’s not what any human could call
“not much”. It’s simple physics: Kinetic Energy equal 1/2 the Mass times velocity squared.
Or 2.55 x 10^18 times 500 squared. 2.55 x 10^18 times 250,000 is the amount joules of energy
stored. Or if expressed as energy used: 2.55 x 10^18 times 250,000 is how many watts.
“iv) The gravitational effect involves every atom and molecule in the system including Oxygen and Nitrogen. It is too powerful for the non radiative processes such as conduction, convection and evaporation to negate it so radiative processes have to finish the job.”
Yes, radiative process are also involved. It never been very clear how much this is, a few watts per square meter for CO2. This would be a lot. I seen claims of it being more and being less.
I am not a professional climate, and easy to find the amount energy stored in atmosphere in terms of it’s KE- and I can say how much is fairly accurately. It’s not off by more 50%. And there is no doubt about it.
“v) Thus the gravitational effect sets up the baseline lapse rate which is set as an inviolable minimum.”
Right as said above. And it’s a huge elephant in the room- not mentioned. More than not mentioned- it’s denied by claiming earth would well below freezing without greenhouse gases.
That is their first premise. Or opening sales pitch.
“vi) The GHGs add another influence on top of the gravitational effect but it is the same effect in principle. However it is limited to the atmosphere and involves only a miniscule fraction of total mass.”
It does seem to limit it’s affect.
“vii) The thermal effect of those GHGs is to add energy to the atmosphere alone and it does seek to increase the lapse rate over and above that set by gravity and pressure.”
Yes how or to what Greenhouses gas affect lapse rate could be important in some regards- but these affects and magnitude not clear to me at this point. They are clear enough that they aren’t going to have huge global effects- there no hope of CAGW.
But CAGW isn’t even a serious fantasy to anyone who is familiar with science [and is not religious type fanatic or caught up in this kind of frenzy- which can responsible for overwhelming reason, which btw something most humans don’t like to consider as common.]
“viii) Due to the GHG effect being limited to the air and being proportionately tiny compared to the gravitational effect the non radiative processes have little difficulty dealing with it and the vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere changes to on average and overall restore the baseline lapse rate set by gravity.”
“ix) Thus the radiative component of the greenhouse effect caused by GHGs is neutralised .”
I wouldn’t go that far.
Also I wouldn’t say that CO2 couldn’t have other affects, which are not even addressed
at this point. Again, not CAGW, but rather other affects. I am thinking for example, of maybe something to do with cloud formation??
“x) The climate consequence is a shift in the surface pressure distribution which has to occur in order to accommodate the change in the vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere but it is miniscule compared to natural variations caused by sun and oceans.”

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 10:13 am

Bart says:

No! Emissivity is a kluge which approximates the result when the deviation from the blackbody conditions is “small”. The deviation here is NOT small. Conduction and convection at the Earth’s surface are VERY powerful.

(1) No, the radiative intensity emitted by the surface can always be written as sigma*epsilon*T^4 where the “average emissivity” epsilon is a number between 0 and 1. (I use the term “average emissivity here to distinguish it from the emissivity at a certain wavelength, although to my knowledge most people would just call it the emissivity.) Admittedly, in the general case, this “average emissivity” can have some temperature dependence (which comes from the fact that the emissivity itself is a function of wavelength), but it will still always be between 0 and 1.
(2) For terrestrial surfaces at terrestrial temperatures, the “average emissivity” is in fact very close to 1. This is stuff that is well-studied because of the importance of remote sensing in our modern world. See here: http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/modis/EMIS/html/em.html For example, here is a plot of the emissivity vs wavelength for sea water: http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/modis/EMIS/images/seawat10.gif
(3) Conduction and convection are not relevant in determining what a surface emits radiatively. If you want to contradict at least a century of physics, please provide a citation showing otherwise.

January 7, 2012 10:17 am

I meant to add that if you don’t quite get what I said, then read what Bart said. In fact, ignore what I said and read what Bart said twice.

January 7, 2012 10:49 am

“I meant to add that if you don’t quite get what I said, then read what Bart said. In fact, ignore what I said and read what Bart said twice.”
I assume you meant:
Or that doesn’t work, quoting it:
“Here is the Planck distribution for blackbody energy states. Here is how it is integrated to produce the Stefan-Boltzmann law.”
The second link [second Here] doesn’t work for me.
Remainder of the post:
“The Planck distribution IS NOT INHERENT in every material body. It is a VERY SPECIAL energy distribution. There is no basis whatsoever, and given potent effects of conduction and especially convection from it, every reason to doubt, that the Earth’s surface supports a distribution of energy states which is ANYTHING LIKE a Planck distribution.
This is not hard, guys, if you take the time to learn your tools and what they do, and what they do not do.”

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 11:10 am

I said ( http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-856648 ):

By the way, it turns out that the gravitational redshift is not hard to calculate ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift ). I just calculated it for light leaving the Earth’s surface and escaping to infinity and I got that the wavelength (or frequency) shift is approximately on part in 6.9 x 10^(-10).

I wrote that wrong, of course. If delta_f is the frequency hift and f is the frequency, then delta_f / f = 6.9 x 10^(-10). The frequency shift is hence 1 part in 1.4 x 10^9 or less than 1 part in one billion.

January 7, 2012 11:46 am

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 10:13 am
“(1) No, the radiative intensity emitted by the surface can always be written as sigma*epsilon*T^4 where the “average emissivity” epsilon is a number between 0 and 1.”
Sure, it can always be written like that. Whether it has precise predictive power or not is quite another matter.
SB is intended for a surface which is in radiative equilibrium. The surface of the Earth is not in radiative equilibrium. Your plot for seawater shows quite clearly that the spectrum deviates significantly from that of a blackbody. And, they do not show that the modeshape scales conformally as T^4. I bet you it does not.
“(3) Conduction and convection are not relevant in determining what a surface emits radiatively.”
The energy distribution is very relevant. Conduction and convection influence the energy distribution. Stop playing dumb.
“If you want to contradict at least a century of physics, please provide a citation showing otherwise.”
Translation: you’ve run out of arguments.

January 7, 2012 11:50 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 7, 2012 at 12:20 am
“My question is, what is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov that can raise a blackbody planet’s temperature above the directly calculated S-B temperature value, the “blackbody temperature” corresponding to the radiation it is receiving?”
Firstly, let us take it as established that the planet’s surface does not behave as a blackbody. A blackbody exchanges energy through radiation only.
Now, let us be precise and speak not of temperature, but of energy. The energy retained at the surface is a result of balancing the energy flux. Energy comes in, and energy escapes. If it fails to escape, the energy content rises, which then increases the rate at which it escapes. When the rate of escape equals the rate of influx, you reach a steady state.
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. But, energy flux does not have to balance at every point in time, just over the long term before everything is baked to a crisp or frozen solid. So, energy can be accumulated or retained until balance is established.
So, the question boils down to, what mechanism allows for greater retention of energy without GHGs? And, an answer could be, the thermal mass of the atmosphere, and the process of convection. How does the atmosphere then expel energy so that balance is achieved? Two possible mechanisms have been suggested by other commenters of which I have taken note: exchange with the surface for re-radiation, and collisions of energetic particles in the atmosphere which result in non-spontaneous emission of radiation. For the first, balance is achieved when the atmosphere is exchanging heat with the surface at net-zero rate. For the second, well, this acts just like the hypothesized GHG mechanism and needs no further comment. Other possibilities I have noted: phase transitions and ionized airglow. And, then there are unknown unknowns.
Is this enough without GHGs to account for a significant part of the warming? That, I do not know, which is why I am agnostic on the question for now. But, we cannot say with surety that a particular hypothesis is true solely on the basis of whether we can think of another mechanism or not. That kind of muddled thinking is what brought us the AGW fiasco in the first place. You have to prove that your favored mechanism is right. I have not yet seen evidence which leads me to conclude the GHG hypothesis is necessarily correct. Consistency is NOT proof.

January 7, 2012 12:06 pm

Let me clarify this:

“I have not yet seen evidence which leads me to conclude the GHG hypothesis is necessarily correct.”

There is no doubt that GHGs will absorb outward radiation. There is no doubt that they will re-radiate a portion of that back to the Earth. There is not doubt that, that must cause some warming. I do not doubt that emission spectra of the Earth show gaps in critical GHG bands.
I am not convinced by pressure-temperature relationships that non-GHG warming necessarily occurs on a significant level, any more than I am convinced of it by the fact that planets move in elliptical orbits about a central massive star. I.e., it is not particularly relevant to the question: pressure and temperature are known to be related.
My remaining questions are:
1) are those gaps solely the result of interception of radiation by GHGs, or do those gaps already exist in significant form in the surface radiation profile? How do atmospheric conductance and convection alter the distribution of energy states at the surface of the Earth?
2) How much warming results from GHG reflectance and, if potentially significant, could that potential be offset by reactive changes (feedback) to the system such that its net effect is small?

January 7, 2012 12:41 pm

“…or do those gaps already exist in significant form in the surface radiation profile?”
Something which points in this direction are the results reported here. Between 1970 and 1997, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rose from about 325 to about 365 ppmv. If we assume temperature of radiation in the CO2 bands should have risen at least proportional to the 1/4th power, it should have gone from about 290K to 300K. But, there was little, if any, change at all.

January 7, 2012 1:21 pm

Joel, what is the emissivty of a CO2 H2O mixture at 288 K at 1 ATM?

Dan in Nevada
January 7, 2012 1:43 pm

Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 11:50 am
Thanks for what I think is a very fair restatement of N & Z’s (hypo)thesis, caveats and all. The only thing I would add is that they started by redefining what the gray body temperature of a planetary sphere would be without an atmosphere. I’ve seen quite a few comments by even those that think N & Z is total bunk that there may be something there. So there’s two things going on, separate but related. Assuming their GB temperature calculation is correct, which hasn’t been accepted but hasn’t been disproved either, some way needs to be found to explain the extra 89 (122-33) K difference between what GHGs supposedly account for and what we actually see.
I’m totally out of my depth here, which should be obvious, but I’m really enjoying this thread. For what it’s worth, my intuition says there’s something to what N & Z are saying. Admittedly, that’s the same intuition that has nearly got me killed more than once, but still…

Tim Folkerts
January 7, 2012 1:57 pm

You would have to specify the nature of the mixture, and the depth of the gas before emissivity could be determined. There are a variety of references that might help yo find the number if you are willing to do the legwork.

January 7, 2012 2:41 pm

“Assuming their GB temperature calculation is correct, which hasn’t been accepted but hasn’t been disproved either, some way needs to be found to explain the extra 89 (122-33) K difference between what GHGs supposedly account for and what we actually see.”
Not sure, but it maybe be a body which has very little heat capacity.
The moon even after it’s nite has fair amount of heat capacity.
If you started with a cold moon- say 20 K at surface and basically 20 K 100 meter below surface and then began heating it with sunlight it would much cooler than it is.
You still get about 123 C in daylight but it cool quicker and would drop lower than 100 K at nite- say around 30 K. So simply half of 70 K is minus 35 K.
Next regions other than tropics, won’t warm as quickly, you may have near present temperatures
in near equator regions but without heat capacity in higher latitudes- one less solar energy per square and takes longer to get to warmer- so that might account for say – 10 K.
If start cold and have atmosphere, it’s even colder- equator temperatures probably would reach 123 C. And if you faster rotation, again the average temperature will be lower.
Given enough time- say 1000 years one would have a warmer planet.
So all these factors could add up to 89 or more K.

January 7, 2012 2:49 pm

“it’s even colder- equator temperatures probably would reach 123”
i meant would NOT reach 123 C, depends on how much atmosphere.
Think how energy would be lost with earth type atmosphere with convection.
You have hard time frying eggs on sidewalk- you need 70 C, and probably
lose 10 C or more from conduction, to get to 100 C- you would lose more
than 20 C from- therefore instead 123, it’s highest temperature is 100 C or less.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 3:17 pm

Bart @ January 7, 11:46 am
Bart, you commented in part to Joel Shore:

…SB is intended for a surface which is in radiative equilibrium. The surface of the Earth is not in radiative equilibrium. Your plot for seawater shows quite clearly that the spectrum deviates significantly from that of a blackbody. And, they do not show that the modeshape scales conformally as T^4. I bet you it does not…

IMO, that is a very important observation. As you say, the emissivity from sea water as referenced by Joel, (assuming it is not unduly influenced by GHG’s), is far from Planckian. You may remember my guest post concerning a “paradox with the Trenberth cartoon”:
In the addendum, I had thought that the various plots of radiation observed from space, (or modelled), were complicated by emissions coming from various sources and altitudes and whatnot, but it seems, not that simple. Interesting that Trenberth assigned an emissivity of 1, when clearly over 70% of the surface is considerably less than that, if Joel’s reference is correct.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 3:27 pm

I recall that you expressed some doubts on an earlier thread as to whether the ocean could be treated as a black body. You may find my exchange with Bart; see my post just above, interesting.

January 7, 2012 4:49 pm

Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 12:06 pm
1) are those gaps solely the result of interception of radiation by GHGs, or do those gaps already exist in significant form in the surface radiation profile? How do atmospheric conductance and convection alter the distribution of energy states at the surface of the Earth?

The gaps are solely the result of GHG absorption, check out MODTRAN to see, for example.
Conduction and convection changes the temperature of the surface and therefore the total emission, read any undergraduate text on heat transfer.

January 7, 2012 5:13 pm

gbaikie says:
January 7, 2012 at 2:41 pm
“Assuming their GB temperature calculation is correct, which hasn’t been accepted but hasn’t been disproved either, some way needs to be found to explain the extra 89 (122-33) K difference between what GHGs supposedly account for and what we actually see.”

It certainly isn’t correct, it’s based on the erroneous model that the darkside of the planet is at absolute zero which leads to about 100K error for the earth.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 5:37 pm

Bart says:

Your plot for seawater shows quite clearly that the spectrum deviates significantly from that of a blackbody. And, they do not show that the modeshape scales conformally as T^4. I bet you it does not.

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

IMO, that is a very important observation. As you say, the emissivity from sea water as referenced by Joel, (assuming it is not unduly influenced by GHG’s), is far from Planckian… Interesting that Trenberth assigned an emissivity of 1, when clearly over 70% of the surface is considerably less than that, if Joel’s reference is correct.

Good God, folks, please learn how to read a graph! The entire y axis of that graph is from 0.96 to 0.995! Over that entire wavelength range shown (which corresponds to a factor of 4 in peak absolute temperature of the peak emission), the value of emissivity is 0.98 +/- 0.01 where 0.01 is my generous estimate of the standard deviation. Furthermore, the Planckian curve is going to integrate over that distribution…So, the resulting variation in the power with temperature is probably going to get further reduced. Then you have the fact that the temperature is proportional to the fourth root of power, which means if the emissivity causes the power to vary by 1%, that translates into a quarter percent in absolute temperature.
You guys are picking nits here!

The energy distribution is very relevant. Conduction and convection influence the energy distribution. Stop playing dumb.

What energy distribution?

“If you want to contradict at least a century of physics, please provide a citation showing otherwise.”
Translation: you’ve run out of arguments.

No…It means that you actually have to take some responsibility to justify your arguments, especially when those arguments don’t agree with standard physics.

Tim Folkerts
January 7, 2012 5:48 pm

Bob & Bart,
Are you looking at the same diagram I am for emissivity of water? http://www.icess.ucsb.edu/modis/EMIS/images/seawat10.gif
The graph shows the emissivity as 0.98 +/- 0.01 over the entire range of wavelengths of interest. I would not consider 0.98 to be “considerably less than” 1.00.
Furthermore, I disagree with “SB is intended for a surface which is in radiative equilibrium.” SB gives the power emitted as a function of the temperature of the object, whether or not it is in equilibrium with other objects around.

January 7, 2012 5:56 pm

markx says:
January 7, 2012 at 6:54 am
World 1 – grey featureless, no atmosphere; under a constant radiative energy source.

Or consider 3 worlds the first with an atmosphere one tenth of Earth’s pressure mostly N2 with a low concentration of CO2, this will have a weak GH warming.
The second with ten times the pressure (~Earth’s) but the same number density of CO2 as the first, this will have a stronger GH warming due to pressure broadening o f the CO2 spectral lines.
Finally the third has a further factor of ten pressure increase but otherwise the same, this will have an even stronger GH warming for the same reason. See the respective spectra here:

January 7, 2012 6:04 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 7, 2012 at 3:17 pm
Bart @ January 7, 11:46 am
Bart, you commented in part to Joel Shore:
…SB is intended for a surface which is in radiative equilibrium. The surface of the Earth is not in radiative equilibrium. Your plot for seawater shows quite clearly that the spectrum deviates significantly from that of a blackbody. And, they do not show that the modeshape scales conformally as T^4. I bet you it does not…
IMO, that is a very important observation. As you say, the emissivity from sea water as referenced by Joel, (assuming it is not unduly influenced by GHG’s), is far from Planckian.

Far from! It’s close to a perfect Black body in the wavelength range shown in that graph.
You may remember my guest post concerning a “paradox with the Trenberth cartoon”:
In the addendum, I had thought that the various plots of radiation observed from space, (or modelled), were complicated by emissions coming from various sources and altitudes and whatnot, but it seems, not that simple. Interesting that Trenberth assigned an emissivity of 1, when clearly over 70% of the surface is considerably less than that, if Joel’s reference is correct.

Since when has varying between 0.96 and 0.99 with an average of ~0.98 been ‘considerably less than’ 1.0?

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Phil.
January 7, 2012 10:56 pm

“You may remember my guest post concerning a “paradox with the Trenberth cartoon” ” I do, and I had problems with your problems even then. You never commented on how Trenberth had 199 W.m^-2 radiating to space and 333 W.m^-2 radiating back to the surface. The gaseous radiators with which I am familiar are reasonably symmetrical – i.e. they emit equally in all directions. I suppose there could be some handwaving about changes in density with atmosphere, or changes in water vapour with altitude, to try to explain the discrepancy – but as far as I am concerned it is THE major discrepancy in the whole Trenberth story.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 6:04 pm

Tim Folkerts says:

You would have to specify the nature of the mixture, and the depth of the gas before emissivity could be determined. There are a variety of references that might help yo find the number if you are willing to do the legwork.

You would also have to specify the wavelength or wavelength range that you want to average over. Unlike solids and liquid, gas spectral absorption / emission is extremely squirrelly. Bart is freaking out because over the wavelength range from 3.5 to 14 microns, the emissivity of sea water can vary by 0.98 +/- 0.01 (where the +/- is a generous estimate of the 1-sigma standard deviation). For gases, the absorption can vary by many orders of magnitude over miniscule wavelength ranges! That’s why exact calculations of radiative transfer in the atmosphere involve using line-by-line radiation codes.

January 7, 2012 6:22 pm

Phil. says:
January 7, 2012 at 4:49 pm
“The gaps are solely the result of GHG absorption, check out MODTRAN to see, for example.”
You haven’t been following the discussion. There is no contention (on my part) against the proposition that GHGs can and should intercept radiation in a particular band. The questions are A) whether that band is active in the first place, and B) whether GHGs make a significant difference in surface temperature which is not, in some manner, significantly nulled out by feedback effects.
If you check out Joel’s link, you will find that the main H2O band is, in fact, already sharply attenuated in the emission spectra of many terrestrial features (particularly grasslands and sea water). Furthermore, as I noted, emissions in the primary CO2 band at TOA showed negligible change between 1970 and 1997, over an interval in which atmospheric concentrations of CO2 increased more than 12%.
Computer models can never be used as proof. They only can show consistency between your model and the real world. But, consistency as proof is a cum hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy. Unless the system is uniquely observable given the set of measurements, it is always possible to find a model to replicate the results selected from an infinite set of models which agree with the real world on the observable subspace, but can otherwise be completely out to lunch. As an evenhanded aside, this is also why finding a relationship between pressure and temperature does not invalidate the GHG hypothesis.
These are not just nit-picky, insignificant hurdles I am insisting must be surmounted to complete a rigorous theory. This is the kind of introspection I have to satisfy before I publish any of my papers, ruling out any possible chink in the armor of my proofs. Because nature is pernicious, and will use any chink to slip in and spill your guts. If you went to a good school, that is the kind of training your PhD adviser’s drill into you, by demonstrating to you how easily your intuition can go awry, and insisting that you build a solid case for whatever it is you are trying to establish.
“Conduction and convection changes the temperature of the surface and therefore the total emission…”
And, the distribution of energy states. This is not a single dimensional problem. Temperature does not uniquely determine the energy of the emissions. This is, again, a problem of observability.
“… read any undergraduate text on heat transfer.”
I’m tempted just to say “stuff it” to that type of throw-away line. What is the point of rereading the words you just stated? I live in the real world, and I’ve had to grapple with it to the point that I am all too aware how simplified and idealized many statements in my undergraduate texts were.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 6:33 pm

Joel Shore @ January 7, 5:37 pm, and Tim Folkerts @ 5:48 pm
Yes sorry guys, I was distracted by the shape of the curve, thinking it was far from any Plankian relationship, and might be part of the story of the bites seen in the spectra of MODTRAN modelling etc.. Pity I didn’t look at the Y axis scale. BTW, in my long career as a mechanical engineer, I may have made or used more graphs than you Joel might think. How about a little less superior-arrogant sarcasm next time from you, if you want to gain respect?

January 7, 2012 6:42 pm

Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 6:22 pm
Phil. says:
January 7, 2012 at 4:49 pm
“The gaps are solely the result of GHG absorption, check out MODTRAN to see, for example.”
You haven’t been following the discussion.

On the contrary I’ve been following very closely , I was answering the question you asked here!
Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 12:06 pm
1) are those gaps solely the result of interception of radiation by GHGs, or do those gaps already exist in significant form in the surface radiation profile?


January 7, 2012 6:47 pm

Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 6:22 pm
“Conduction and convection changes the temperature of the surface and therefore the total emission…”
And, the distribution of energy states. This is not a single dimensional problem. Temperature does not uniquely determine the energy of the emissions. This is, again, a problem of observability.
“… read any undergraduate text on heat transfer.”
I’m tempted just to say “stuff it” to that type of throw-away line. What is the point of rereading the words you just stated? I live in the real world, and I’ve had to grapple with it to the point that I am all too aware how simplified and idealized many statements in my undergraduate texts were.

It’s not a ‘throwaway line’ it’s a serious suggestion because your knowledge of radiation heat transfer is severely lacking.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 6:49 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

How about a little less superior-arrogant sarcasm next time from you, if you want to gain respect?

Sorry, point taken but can you understand how it might be frustrating for us after a while around here!?! People do seem to be looking for every way possible to discount what goes against what they want to believe and every way possible to believe what they do want to believe.

January 7, 2012 6:53 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 5:37 pm
“Good God, folks, please learn how to read a graph! The entire y axis of that graph is from 0.96 to 0.995!”
True enough. I mistakenly thought I was looking at a plot of the entire spectrum, not just the multiplicative deviation from the Plank curve, and did not look at the scale on the Y-axis.
But, so what? These emissivities were measured in the lab, not on the open sea with wind and waves.
Furthermore, there are some plots which show significant gaps even in idealized laboratory situations.
“What energy distribution?”
That is just painful to read, Joel. It shows that you have not delved deeply into the subject. The Planck distribution, Joel, the Planck distribution. That is the distribution which begets Stefan Boltzmann. And, if it is not there, then SB doesn’t hold.
Tim Folkerts says:
January 7, 2012 at 5:48 pm
“SB gives the power emitted as a function of the temperature of the object, whether or not it is in equilibrium with other objects around.”
You’re breaking my heart, Tim. If you are not at thermal equilibrium, you do not generally have a Planck distribution. That is the distribution to which the energy states of objects with expansive absorption spectra converge in the steady state. If you do not have a Planck distribution, you do not have radiation described by the SB relationship.

January 7, 2012 6:59 pm

Something which might help people familiar with statistics – the Planck distribution is sort of like the Normal distribution in the Central Limit Theorem. It is the distribution of energy states to which a pan-absorptive surface converges in the steady state with purely radiative heat transfer.
If, however, you have dissipative processes which attenuate a significant portion of those energy states on a continuous and persistent basis, then you are going to converge to something other than a Planck distribution. And, the SB relationship will not hold.

The iceman cometh
Reply to  Bart
January 7, 2012 11:06 pm

“If, however, you have dissipative processes which attenuate a significant portion of those energy states on a continuous and persistent basis, then you are going to converge to something other than a Planck distribution. And, the SB relationship will not hold.” Yes, assymetrical gases will only emit in various allowed bands, but that is what the discussion is all about!

January 7, 2012 7:07 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 6:49 pm
“People do seem to be looking for every way possible to discount what goes against what they want to believe and every way possible to believe what they do want to believe.”
Agreed. But, I don’t want to believe anything. I do not care if the GHG hypothesis is right or wrong. You, however, do.
I do, however, demand rigor, and not a bunch of handwaving and consistency “proofs”.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 7:19 pm

Phil. Says @ January 7, 4:49 pm
Phil, you wrote in part concerning “bites” out of the emission spectra:

The gaps are solely the result of GHG absorption, check out MODTRAN to see, for example.

That sounds a bit authoritarian to me. You seem to assert that MODTRAN modelling defines the absorption in discreet spectra as caused entirely by GHE. What gives you the absolute confidence that there can be no other factors? Oh, and BTW, I’ve asked before on an earlier thread of the experts there, if they understood the MODTRAN modelling techniques, and there was a defining deafening silence.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 7:42 pm

Bart says:

Furthermore, there are some plots which show significant gaps even in idealized laboratory situations.

Bart: That dip for dry grass down to an emissivity of 0.9 occurs at about half the wavelength of the peak of the terrestrial emission spectrum. Near the peak of the spectrum, it is 0.96. But, heck, let’s assume that the whole earth, including the oceans, turns into dry grass and that, by some magic, it turns out that the relevant emissivity is 0.9 instead of the more realistic 0.96. Even with all of those ridiculously-unrealistic assumptions in your favor, I have still only managed to raise the average temperature of an Earth emitting 240 W/m^2 from 255 K to 262 K (and that is assuming a perfectly uniform temperature distribution, with any non-uniformity making the average temperature lower).

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 7:48 pm

Bart says:

You’re breaking my heart, Tim. If you are not at thermal equilibrium, you do not generally have a Planck distribution. That is the distribution to which the energy states of objects with expansive absorption spectra converge in the steady state. If you do not have a Planck distribution, you do not have radiation described by the SB relationship.

Bart, nothing in the world that I know of is truly in thermal equilibrium. Therefore, I guess all the Laws of Physics that involve temperature just can’t be applied…And yet, they manage to work just fine in practice. So, can you give us any estimate from anywhere that tells us how large your “not in thermal equilibrium” effect is going to be on actual emission spectra? You know, there is a whole field of remote sensing that is based on actually looking at the emissions from the Earth’s surface.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 7:55 pm

Joel Shore, Tim Folkerts, & Phil,
Look, I’ve already apologised for only looking at the shape of that famous emissivity curve of seawater, but I’ve noticed something a bit strange. You all claim that the average emissivity is 0.98, which by the way is about what I thought it should be, rather than Trenberth’s 1, before this distraction/mistake of mine.
However, it seems to me that maybe you have taken the simple average of the Y axis range, (= 0.795), and called it 0.8. I don’t think I have Alzheimer’s yet, (in my 70’s), and if I do an eyeball of the area under the curve, the mean looks a bit lower than you claim. How did you come up with that average?
I tried to find the root directory for that graph without success. Does anyone have a link to show how the data was established?

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 7:58 pm

Sorry, Bart, but just to clarify: When you talk of deviations from the Planck distribution, are you talking of deviations other than those that are expressable in terms of a wavelength-dependent emissivity? Tell us exactly what it is you are talking about, approximately how large you expect this effect to be, etc.

Tim Folkerts
January 7, 2012 8:10 pm

Bart says both:
“These emissivities were measured in the lab”
“I do, however, demand rigor”
This seems rather inconsistent. You dismiss extensive, repeated, rigorous measurements made under lab conditions, yet you demand rigor.

Joel Shore
January 7, 2012 8:15 pm

Ira says:

Perhaps L&Z will invoke that spectral line broadening to explain what they seem to be saying about pressure enhancement…
I do not know what N&Z will say when they publish their clarification paper here at WUWT, but I suspect pressure broadening of spectral lines will be mentioned, because that is the only way I can imagine that pressure could enhance the GHE.

Not to get on this hobby-horse too often, but I think it is really important to recognize that we KNOW where nearly all of the “enhancement” seen by N&Z comes from for 5 of the 8 planets and most comes from in the other two, and it has nothing to do with the radiative greenhouse effect: It comes from the temperature distribution on the planet’s surface becoming more uniform when any sort of atmosphere is present.
Look at the case of Earth: N&Z claim a 133 K enhancement. Conventional analysis will tell you that the radiative greenhouse effect on Earth is only 33 K. The other 100 K comes from the fact that there are very different temperature distributions that all give you an average of 240 W/m^2 of emission from a blackbody and the one that N&Z take for their T_sb is an extremely non-uniform temperature distribution where the local temperature is simply proportional to the local solar insolation at that point, hence ignoring all energy storage or motion.
There seems to be a profound misunderstanding about what N&Z are even showing in their plot that is related to the definition that they have chosen for what they call T_sb. (Another interesting quirk of their definition of T_sb, by the way, is that in computing it, they assume that all planets would have an albedo of 0.12 (and an emissivity for emission of 0.955). Their rationalization for this is presumably that since they are interested in the effect of removing the atmosphere completely, they want the albedo without clouds and, lacking any other data, they set it at about what the albedo of the planetary SURFACES we know of seem to be. But, it is important to remember that they are doing this, particularly for the bodies like Venus, Europa, and Triton that have much larger actual albedos.

Tim Folkerts
January 7, 2012 8:23 pm

TIM>> SB gives the power emitted as a function of the temperature of the object,
TIM>> whether or not it is in equilibrium with other objects around.”
BART> If you are not at thermal equilibrium, you do not generally have a Planck distribution.
You are talking about something different than I am. “Radiative equilibrium” would typically mean that two (or more) objects emit equal EM radiation to each other, which is NOT a requirement for SB. All that a SB calculation requires is a defined temperature of an object (and the emissivity), not that the object is in equilibrium with its surroundings. For example, the sun is definitely NOT in radiative equilibrium with its surroundings. But the surface can be described quite well by SB calculations because it has a (relatively) uniform temperature.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 8:28 pm

Joel Shore @ January 7, 6:49 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says: How about a little less superior-arrogant sarcasm next time from you, if you want to gain respect?
Sorry, point taken but can you understand how it might be frustrating for us after a while around here!?! People do seem to be looking for every way possible to discount what goes against what they want to believe and every way possible to believe what they do want to believe.

Thank you Joel for some recognition of that point, but just because you are devoted to your point of view, (I suspect from a long career in academia), it does not mean that sceptics are inferior. Show a bit more consideration and respect to contrary considerations, particularly from disciplines outside of yours, such as geology and engineering, that can reveal new thought processes, and you would earn points in respect and credibility.
Oh, and BTW us sceptics can get frustrated too.

January 7, 2012 8:47 pm

Tim Folkerts,
You presume that all lab measurements are equally rigorous. That’s just rhetoric; trying to defend the indefensible. In fact, some measurements are rigorous – but many are not. And Joel Shore is still floundering around as usual, in essence arguing that the planet isn’t doing what he wants to do. Earth to Joel: the planet itself is falsifying the repeatedly debunked CO2=CAGW conjecture. What better Authority do we need? Or should we listen to the payola-driven UN/IPCC, and its apologists: the self-serving Mann/Jones clique?
The climate alarmist crowd is Lost In Space if they think rational skeptics believe in the CO2=CAGW cattle manure. Intelligent folks are beginning to see the grant driven climate scare, and we are tired of having your cotton-picking fingers always in our wallets. Try making it on your own, without taxpayer subsidies, and see how far you get in the real world.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 7, 2012 10:12 pm

Further to my admonishing of Joel Shore for elitism @ January 7, 8:28 pm:
Some decades ago, I seem to recollect that cross disciplinary cooperation in science was considered to be good. No more it seems!

January 7, 2012 10:13 pm

Joel, Willis, et al,
I think we’re saying some of the same things but in different ways. In answer to the charge made by both willis and Joel, I agree that there is no way to come up with a temperature distribution that uses 240 w/m2 as an input and arrives at an average T that exceeds 255K. that does NOT however mean that the surface temperature average (as measured) of 288K is due to GHG’s. The fact of the matter is that 33K is not NEARLY enough of a temperature boost to get is to 288K
Presume a spot on earth that sees an “average” of 240 w/m2 on a daily basis. Presume that there is ZERO for conductance, convection, and GHG’s, amd so we can calculate a “temperature” based on blackbody SB Law. Presume 12 hours of zero insolation (all night) followed by a steep rise to 850 w/m2 and a fall back to zero during the day. I made up a curve like that for illustrative purposes, starting at midnight and with hourly insolation as follows:
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 150, 350, 650, 800, 850, 850, 800, 650, 350, 150, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Average it out, and that will give you 241 w/m2.
Now convert each of those to temperature (for that hour) based on blackbody only and SB Law:
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 205K, 227K, 280K, 327K, 345K, 350K, 350K, 345K, 327K, 280K, 227K, 205K, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Now take those “equilibrium” temperatures and average them. What do you get?
Uh oh. Where’d 255K go?
It isn’t that you cannot get higher than 255K with an average of 240 w/m2, itz that based on the normal distribution of insolation over the course of a day, you can’t even get CLOSE to 255K! And that’s using an insolation profile (admittedly made up) that would be reasonably indicative of the tropics. An insolation profile at say 45N latitude would have a peak of about HALF that, and hence and black body “equilibrium temperature” of even less than that.
Which is why calculating the black body temperature of earth from the average insolation over a curved surface spinning in space such that only half is ever presented to the energy source at any given time is pure and utter nonsense.
Of course the earth doesn’t hit zero degrees K at night anymore than it hits 350K at noon in the tropics. Over a few billion years, latent heat builds up in the earth crust and in the oceans. Conduction and convection move energy around the planet, making the temperature more uniform. As do GHG’s. The “temperature” at any given point cannot ever get even close to the black body temperature expected based on SB Law. It fluctuates around a mid point between zero (the theoretical night time low) and 350K (day time high in my example) but the actual fluctuation is on the order of 20 to 30 degrees per day. In other words, 10 to 15 degrees above and below the “mid point”.
The “average” temperature based on the values arrived at from fluctuating around a mid point +/- 10 degrees or so provide us with an average temperature ABOVE the “equilibrium blackbody average”. That’s how we get to a surface temperature average of 288 (although I would dispute that number as well for various reasons).
So, the “average temperature” we measure has NO direct relationship to “average” insolation and “equilibrium temperature” as calculate by SB Law! Add in the wild changes in insolation one can expect from high latitudes compared to low latitudes, and winter versus summer, and trying to come up with a meaningfull number based on “average” insolation and equilibrium temperature calculated via SB Law is, in my opinion, just a buncha numbers.
FURTHER, while I made that insolation distribution up, it would be a pretty reasonable approximation of a typical day in the tropcs. That would leave us looking for a temperature boost not of 33K to get to earth “average” but more like 140 degrees. Actually more because the tropics don’t average 288K they are closer to 300K.
So we’re looking for mechanisms that boost temperature from “average blackbody equilibrium” of 140K to 300K, a jump of 160K. This leaves the 33K number we hear quoted ad naseum that is calculated by 288K – 255K = 33K looking pretty silly. THERE IS NO 255K ON EARTH!
A big factor of course is latent heat. Given a few billion years, the earth crust and oceans heat up. At night, we don’t descend to zero degrees K because the earth itself just can’t cool that much in 12 hours. Plus, we have conduction, convection, and GHG’s moving energy from the hottest parts of the planet to the coolest in various ways that tend to make the earth’s temperature more uniform.
How much is GHG’s?
How would I know? It could very well BE 33K! But that would be pure coincidence. One simply CANNOT calculate an “average” insolation of 240 w/m2 = an “average” temperature of 255K and attribute the difference between that and the measured “average” temperature to GHG’s!
Taking all of THAT one step further, let us presume for sake of argument that 33K is right (by collosal coincidence) and we instantly remove all the GHG’s from the atmopshere. Does “average” surface temperature suddenly drop by 33K? NOT A CHANCE!
You can’t have an action without a reaction!
Remove those GHG’s and everything else stays the same? LOL. Not! If the GHG’s moved some energy (for example) by absorbing it during the day and then re-radiating it 24 x 7, that means that night time surface is getting energy from the GHG’s. Suddenly that resdistribution goes away. What is the impact? Well, day time surface temperatures go down. Night time surface temperatures go WAY down. What drives redistribution of energy via conduction and convection?
Temperature differential!
By removing the redistribution effect of GHG’s, we must see an INCREASE in temperature differentials which in turn means an INCREASE in energy moved about via conduction and convection. So, the impact of reducing the amount of energy being moved around by GHG’s must logically result in an INCREASE in the amount of energy moved around by conduction and convection.
Will they wind up cancelling each other out?
I dunno.
But probably pretty close.
And if that turns out to be the case…
why them L&Z are on the right track.

January 7, 2012 11:19 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 7, 2012 at 8:10 pm
“This seems rather inconsistent. You dismiss extensive, repeated, rigorous measurements made under lab conditions, yet you demand rigor.”
Because the measurements are not being taken in the environment in which extensive conduction and convection to the atmosphere occur!!! It’s like saying Indy cars can’t go over 50 mph because we went out on a city street and didn’t find one exceeding that speed.
“All that a SB calculation requires is a defined temperature of an object (and the emissivity), not that the object is in equilibrium with its surroundings.”
NO IT DOES NOT! What you are claiming is that an object’s environment has no effect on its energy states. Then, I guess refrigerators are the biggest appliance scam ever. Ovens can’t possibly work. And, microwave ovens? Hah! Hell, the guy who invented fire is the greatest scam artist of all time! Look how long he’s gotten away with it!!!
Are you and Joel being purposefully dense just to annoy me? I sure hope so.
Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 7:48 pm
“Bart, nothing in the world that I know of is truly in thermal equilibrium.”
Yeah, and there are no frictionless surfaces. But, that doesn’t mean we can use frictionless equations to describe the motion of a cinder block on cement.
I’m not going to argue the SB with either of you any more. If you really don’t get it, then you have identified yourselves. Sheesh. What is wrong with you people?

January 7, 2012 11:47 pm

I put up a post in anger, and it hasn’t appeared. Probably for the best. Tim and Joel are being purposefully dense just to annoy me. At least, I hope so.
Jeez, the information I am imparting can be found even on Wikipedia. It takes all of a couple of minutes to find it:

If a radiation-emitting object meets the physical characteristics of a black body in thermodynamic equilibrium, the radiation is called blackbody radiation.[1] Planck’s law describes the spectrum of blackbody radiation, which depends only on the object’s temperature. Wien’s displacement law determines the most likely frequency of the emitted radiation, and the Stefan–Boltzmann law gives the radiant intensity.[2]

In thermodynamics, a thermodynamic system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium when it is in thermal equilibrium, mechanical equilibrium, radiative equilibrium, and chemical equilibrium. The word equilibrium means a state of balance. In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, there are no net flows of matter or of energy, no phase changes, and no unbalanced potentials (or driving forces), within the system. A system that is in thermodynamic equilibrium experiences no changes when it is isolated from its surroundings.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 12:09 am

The iceman cometh @ January 7, 10:56 pm, (and 11:05 pm?)
Hey look, you make some good points, but I did not run the full gamut of crap in the Trenberth cartoon, but just considerations around the hemispherical isotropic emission from the surface and how that reacts with an absorptive atmosphere. Let’s not go back there because it would drag us off-topic here.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 12:17 am

Re my post immedately above, that relates to an earlier thread.

January 8, 2012 1:38 am

Joel and Tim thank you for your response. However it was Joel that was pointing out emissity in the transfer equations. I went back to my heat transfer book and using the Hottel charts I get an emissivity for a CO2,H2O mixture at 288K and 1 ATM of about .02. So again I ask what emissivity do you use for a water vapor and carbon dioxide mix at 288K and 1 atm.
I apologize for not using your quote but my new tablet doesnot cut and paste well.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 5:55 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

Further to my admonishing of Joel Shore for elitism @ January 7, 8:28 pm:
Some decades ago, I seem to recollect that cross disciplinary cooperation in science was considered to be good. No more it seems!

Bob: You are arguing against a strawman that you have created. Nobody is bashing cross disciplinary cooperation. But cross disciplinary cooperation does not mean that one comes into a field without having understood even the most basic elements of it, proposes a “theory” that one claims overturns nearly all the current thinking in the field, and whose “theory” is manifestly based on silly misconceptions and doesn’t even obey the most basic laws of physics. That is what N&Z has done.
It is a sad fact that not everybody in the world gets to be Galileo, Copernicus, and Einstein. To be Copernicus and Einstein, you actually have to be naturally quite brilliant, you have to put in more work to actually first understand the field you are trying to overturn the paradigm in, and you have to have some truly remarkable and original insight.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:08 am

davidmhoffer says:

I think we’re saying some of the same things but in different ways. In answer to the charge made by both willis and Joel, I agree that there is no way to come up with a temperature distribution that uses 240 w/m2 as an input and arrives at an average T that exceeds 255K.

The “average” temperature based on the values arrived at from fluctuating around a mid point +/- 10 degrees or so provide us with an average temperature ABOVE the “equilibrium blackbody average”. That’s how we get to a surface temperature average of 288 (although I would dispute that number as well for various reasons).

If you think a little bit about it, you will realize that the two statements that I have highlighted above contradict each other. You are right in the first paragraph but wrong in the second. This basically makes the conclusions of your whole post incorrect.
You are also continuing to be fascinated by the idea of computing the average temperature from the local insolation, an approximation that is unbelievably atrocious for any planet like the Earth with a significant atmosphere. And, you continue to abhor computing the average temperature for a uniform distribution (or equivalently, computing it based on averaging T^4 over the surface and then taking the 4th root) even though this approximation is pretty damn good for the Earth with its current temperature distribution.
However, if you want to believe that the effect that needs to be explained is larger than 33 K, then I won’t continue to argue with you about that point. However, what I will say is that you will be able to explain a lot of it away by just messing around with the temperature distribution but you can play with the temperature distribution from now til doomsday and you will never explain away the last 33 K because that comes from the fundamental fact that the Earth’s surface is emitting ~390 W/m^2 while the Earth & its atmosphere absorb only 240 W/m^2 from the sun…and the only explanation for that is the fact that there are elements of the atmosphere that absorb some of the terrestrial radiation.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:13 am

P.S. – Dave, I realized one way in which you might think the two statements you made don’t contradict each other: Somehow you might have the impression that the temperature distribution in space has to obey the inequality we have highlighted, but you can get around it by having fluctuations in time. That is incorrect. Whether the distribution changes in space or time is irrelevant from the mathematical point-of-view. It will still be true that, given the average power emitted, you will have a constraint on the average temperature.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:23 am


Joel and Tim thank you for your response. However it was Joel that was pointing out emissity in the transfer equations. I went back to my heat transfer book and using the Hottel charts I get an emissivity for a CO2,H2O mixture at 288K and 1 ATM of about .02. So again I ask what emissivity do you use for a water vapor and carbon dioxide mix at 288K and 1 atm.

I have only mentioned emissivity in the context of the surface of the Earth, for which it is sensible to define such a thing because the Earth’s surface is solid or liquid. The arguments that we are discussing here do not explicitly need to consider the details of the radiative properties of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is simply sufficient to point out that the only way to get energy conservation is to have an atmosphere that can absorb terrestrial radiation.
What we are actually saying is that the empirically-observed situation that the Earth’s surface emits 390 W/m^2 and the Earth+atmosphere only absorb 240 W/m^2 is evidence that there must be enough greenhouse elements in the atmosphere to account for the discrepancy. The fact that the experimentally observed spectrum seen from space shows emission of only 240 W/m^2 and the tell-tale signs of absorptions at precisely the wavelengths that we expect given the constituents of our atmosphere is then further empirical evidence that there is not some other “magic” going on (like to heretofore unidentified source of energy).
When scientists want to actually do QUANTITATIVE calculations of the greenhouse effect, I don’t think there are really any shortcuts they can take. They have to do “line-by-line” radiative transfer calculations. They can’t just plug things into the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.
The simple models of the radiative greenhouse effect like the one that N&Z start out talking about do model the atmosphere as a layer having a certain emissivity…and they are useful for qualitative understanding, but they are not useful for quantitative calculations.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:52 am

Bart says:

“Bart, nothing in the world that I know of is truly in thermal equilibrium.”
Yeah, and there are no frictionless surfaces. But, that doesn’t mean we can use frictionless equations to describe the motion of a cinder block on cement.

Yes…but it also doesn’t mean that we can’t sometimes ignore friction, say, when we are on an air-hockey table. Or, the fact that Newton’s Laws are incorrect in the light of relativity does not mean that we have to use relativistic equations to deal with motion in our everday lives.
Our point is that you can always identify non-idealities in the real world. After all, all of our discussions here on both sides have neglected the gravitational force on the Earth due to Alpha Centuri, not to mention that from the black hole that is (might be?) at the center of our galaxy. Does that mean that everything here is incorrect?
You have identified some implicit assumption that is made everytime any scientist or engineer applies the standard equations used for radiative transfer (at least for solids and liquids). Now, we are simply asking you to present some sort of evidence that the assumption is so poor that it makes a significant enough difference to matter. Tim has made the point that even given the highly non-equilibrium environment of the surface of the sun, the approximation seems to work pretty well in describing the emission from the sun.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:59 am

Bart – You also still haven’t answered my basic question:

When you talk of deviations from the Planck distribution, are you talking of deviations other than those that are expressable in terms of a wavelength-dependent emissivity? Tell us exactly what it is you are talking about, approximately how large you expect this effect to be, etc.

Richard M
January 8, 2012 7:49 am

Joel Shore says:
January 7, 2012 at 5:54 am
[Richard M says:
In addition, the GHGs are mostly heavier gases. Gravity will make it tougher and tougher to find sufficient GHGs to absorb additional radiation. It will take a larger addition of GHGs to push more of them into higher elevations. In addition, since the areal surface is also expanding it takes more and more GHGs to produce the same effect. This works in concert with the saturation effect as well.]
There are various confusions present here. You are neglecting entropy: Gases will mix by diffusion and much faster by convection. So, in fact, theory predict and experimental data confirm, that CO2 is generally well-mixed in the atmosphere except at near-surface levels close to significant sources and sinks. Outside of those regions, deviations from uniformity in ppm are only a few percent at most.

I think I need to go back to this claim by Joel. I think it helps provide the answer as to why there is a maximum GHE. What Joel didn’t consider is why the gases are well mixed. Clearly, if we put all the gases into a container without any energy source the heavier gases would fall to the bottom first. It is energy that keeps gases well mixed.
This is almost an exact analogy to my rocket ship example. You can only get a rocket ship so high in the atmosphere before the continual effort of lifting the weight of the rocket overcomes the energy in the fuel. You have to eliminate that weight (via stages) to get more height. This same factor applies to the GHE. It is the energy of the atmosphere that allows it to be mixed. That energy takes the form of convection and conduction to lift keep the heavier particles like CO2 aloft.
The key though is what is happening when convection occurs? Energy is being used and heat is being transported to higher altitudes where is can easily escape to space. Just as in the rocket ship example there is a limit to this energy and at some point it won’t be possible to lift any significant amount of CO2 any higher. I suspect this limit is based on the mass of the atmosphere, the strength of the gravitation field and the amount of energy available. This is EXACTLY what the K/Z correlation has found and it should be relatively easy to model.
Ergo, there is a maximum greenhouse effect and chances are the Earth has already achieved it.

Richard M
January 8, 2012 8:25 am

BTW, as I stated earlier, having a max GHE means we shouldn’t see correlations between temperature and CO2 concentrations. And, that is exactly the case. What we should see is correlations between temperature and the amount of solar energy reaching the surface. Bingo! This is probably why we see so many examples of temperatures changing with solar variation. It would also explain why albedo changes would have a major impact on climate. It also fits the idea that the atmosphere was more dense when dinosaurs and flying reptiles existed on Earth. Everything fits so beautifully.
Do we have any people out there that can build a simple model of the activity of CO2 in a gravitational field? Or, does one already exist? This could be fairly simple as we don’t need to really model the Earth. Just throw in CO2 with a bunch of N2, apply some gravity and see what happens. Vary the concentrations, the size of the gravitational field and the energy input and we should be able to build a curve of gravity’s impact on CO2’s GHE.

Stephen Wilde
January 8, 2012 9:01 am

“Just throw in CO2 with a bunch of N2, apply some gravity and see what happens. Vary the concentrations, the size of the gravitational field and the energy input and we should be able to build a curve of gravity’s impact on CO2′s GHE.”
Gravity has its own GHE and it is fixed by mass plus solar input.The study of other planets provides the comparisons you suggest. On that basis N & Z are confirmed to be correct but no doubt some will try to say that the data for the other planets is incorrect. That is just a desperate rearguard action. Time will prove such objectors to be wrong.
GHGs try to alter the gravity induced lapse rate but fail.
Instead, the surface pressure distribution shifts a fraction to eliminate the effects of GHGs.That shift is a climate effect but as nothing compared to natural variability from sun and oceans.

January 8, 2012 10:27 am

Joel Shore,
You are making the mistake of comparing a uniform distribution in one case to a non uniform distribution in another case. One can only arrive at 33K as the total GHE provided that one assumes a uniform distribution of both T and P. If such existed, then 33K would be the GHE and this in turn would be the MINIMUM GHE that could exist for a planet of “average” temperature 288K and “average” insolation of 240 w/m2. We can surmise than ANY variance in T or P away from uniformity can have no other effect than to dramatically increase GHE. 33K is fictitious, as is 255K and 288K.
The T of earth and the P of earth must satisfy both conservation of energy and SB Law.
That being the case, in order to calculate the “T” of earth from observed T taken over both space and time, T must be calculated by raising each data point to the power of 4, averaging, and then taking the 4th root. Any other method of calculating (for lack of a better term) the effective T of earth would result in a value that would not balance P in SB Law.
If you are in agreement with the above, then the minimum effective T of earth would be calculated from a uniform distribution of T. The higher the variance in T, the higher the effective T that would be calculated, and the higher it would be in comparison to T arrived at through a strict average.
Per your point, if we begin with P instead of T, the maximum T that can be derived from SB Law and an average P of 240 w/m2 is in fact 255K.
If you’ve agreed so far, we’ve now reached the moment of truth. The Aha! moment.
Just as the effective T of earth calculated correctly yields a value higher than the average T, the converse is true of T calculated from P! Since the relationship is between P and T^4, one CANNOT average P and then calculate T! We MUST take the observed value of P as a function of time over the course of both day and year, and over latitude, and solve for T^4th over the curve. We can then integrate to arrive at an average of T^4 and take the 4th root of that to arrive at an effective T that would balance P in the SB Law equation. The result for any distribution of P that is not uniform must be less than 255K.
So now put it all together.
Our average surface temperature of earth is reported as 288K derived from an average of observed T. The effective T is higher.
The value of 255K is calculated from 240 w/m2 is derived from the average of P. The calculation of T derived from (lack of better term again) the effective P is lower.
You’ve not only agreed to this, you have stipulated that 255 is the maximum, all non uniform distributions of P must therefore be lower!
Which is why it is impossible to attribute ANY amount of warming to GHG’s by calculating 288 – 255 = 33. That number represents the minimum GHE, not the effective GHE! Given a uniform distribution of P and T, that is the GHE. As variance in both T and P increase, the only possible result is an increase in GHE as expressed in degrees T. All 288 – 255 gives us is the minimum value which would occur only in the case of a uniform distribution of both P and T. All other values must increase as uniformity decreases.
Given the variability of P (from zero to 1,000 w/m2 daily) and the variability of T (from -80C to +40C on a global basis at all times) there can be no other conclusion than the total GHE is not the minimum ideal case of 33K, but a much larger number, on the order of 150K. The values of 33K, 255K and 288K do NOT satisfy both conservation of energy and SB Law EXCEPT in the case of complete uniformity, and are hence useless for deriving anything meaningful in terms of GHE, and the consequences of increasing or decreasing GHG’s.
Until we agree on the above, there is little value in arguing how much of the GHE is due to what processes. We can only have that discussion if we agree as to what the total GHE actually is in the first place. Given that 33K is unsupportable except in the case of a completely uniform T across earth in both time and space accompanied by a uniform P across time and space, I think you must agree that total GHE is not only larger than 33K, is is MUCH larger than 33K.
The very simple math exercize I’ve shown upthread shows pretty clearly that 150K is reasonable.
If you are in agreement with that, we can move onto a discussion as to how much of the 150K is due to GHG’s and how much is due to other factors.

January 8, 2012 10:37 am

Bart says:
January 7, 2012 at 11:50 am

Willis Eschenbach says:
January 7, 2012 at 12:20 am

“My question is, what is the mechanism proposed by Nikolov that can raise a blackbody planet’s temperature above the directly calculated S-B temperature value, the “blackbody temperature” corresponding to the radiation it is receiving?”

Firstly, let us take it as established that the planet’s surface does not behave as a blackbody. A blackbody exchanges energy through radiation only.

Say what? I never heard of that description of a blackbody before. I’d need a citation for that claim, Bart. Why should it only exchange energy through radiation?
Also, you still don’t seem to get that I am using the “blackbody temperature” as a measurement, rather than a description of the system. I say that the Jelbring/Nabokov process cannot push a planet to a higher temperature than it’s blackbody temperature.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 10:54 am

davidmhoffer: I pretty much agree with what you have said – the radiative greenhouse effect increases the surface temperature by at least 33 K. Depending on how one defines it, it could be more. Probably the most fundamental way to say what the radiative greenhouse effect does is to avoid quoting temperatures altogether and just say that it increases the temperature to a point where the surface emits ~390 W/m^2 whereas in its absence the surface could not emit more than ~240 W/m^2. And, then it follows that an Earth without this effect but otherwise the same (e.g., same albedo) would necessarily have an average temperature of 255 K or less.
No “Ah ha!” moment is needed from me on this as I already understood this and expressed it all in a comment here on Dec. 31, as I linked to above.
However, I think that you are making much too big a deal out of this, at least for current Earth-like temperature distributions. The fact is that the distribution of temperatures on the Earth is such that this is a small effect. It may be a little bit larger an effect for an Earth without greenhouse gases, since this would allow somewhat larger temperature swings, but still likely not that large as long as there is a significant atmosphere of any kind.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 10:57 am

Actually, Dave, I also think it is somewhat strange that you think that you have to explain all this to me as I have been talking about it for days…The one you have to explain it to is Ned Nikolov, who seems to be under the illusion that the temperature distribution can’t affect the average temperature that he computes: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-theory-of-climate/#comment-855376

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 11:23 am

Ira Glickstein says:

Please clarify the 250K estimate for mean Moon temperature. Do you accept it as near the truth?

To be honest, I haven’t really looked into the data closely enough to have a strong opinion, but from what I have seen, I will use this as a further illustration of the points I am trying to make. According to this website http://www.asi.org/adb/m/03/05/average-temperatures.html ,

Temperatures on the Lunar surface vary widely on location. Although beyond the first few centimeters of the regolith the temperature is a nearly constant -35 C (at a depth of 1 meter), the surface is influenced widely by the day-night cycle. The average temperature on the surface is about 40-45 C lower than it is just below the surface.

So, the answer seems to be that the average temperature that you get for the moon depends on details, such as if you measure right at the surface or several centimeters below the surface. Why is this the case? It is so because the moon is an airless body and the temperature right at the surface varies widely depending on whether it is day or night. However, several cm below the surface, the temperature is more uniform.
So, what might we conclude from this? I think there are a couple of different options:
(1) Average temperature is not even a well-defined concept for airless bodies that are subject to wide temperature variations. The value you get depends on details such as exactly how deep below the surface you choose to make your measurements.
(2) Maybe we can define an “average temperature” in a way that is more robust, e.g., would give about the same value if you compute it at the surface or several cm below the surface. In fact, I think we can: I think if we defined the average to be averaging T^4 and taking the 4th root then we would find such an average to be more robust to the issue of exactly how far below the surface, we measured it.

Back to the main point of the comment by me that you replied to, do you think N&Z will invoke pressure broadening at all in their coming clarification topic?

Who knows…although as I have pointed out to you, pressure broadening is the main explanation for their data showing “surface temperature enhancement”. I think the main explanation is that the way they have chosen to define T_sb means that their “surface temperature enhancement” is mainly due to the atmosphere evening out the temperature distribution. The radiative greenhouse effect is only the dominant contribution to the “surface temperature enhancement” as they define it on one of the 8 celestial bodies that they looked at.

January 8, 2012 11:23 am

A blackbody exchanges energy through radiation only.>>>
Say what? I never heard of that description of a blackbody before. I’d need a citation for that claim, Bart. Why should it only exchange energy through radiation?>>>
Willis, I see your “Say what?” and raise you a “huh? are you kidding?”
SB Law is the calculation of how much energy a blackbody emitts through radiation at a given temperature. Bart’s statement is correct by definition of SB Law. That doesn’t mean that a blackbody can ONLY exchange energy through radiation, but the definition of blackbody as it applies to SB Law is definitive in that regard in the absence of all other factors (which was the purpose of defining a blackbody for SB Law calcs in the first place).
Also, you still don’t seem to get that I am using the “blackbody temperature” as a measurement, rather than a description of the system. I say that the Jelbring/Nabokov process cannot push a planet to a higher temperature than it’s blackbody temperature.>>>
Please see my last comment upthread. You are of course correct in your assertion. The problem is that your assertion is valid for one use case, and one use case only, which is a uniform distribution of P and a uniform distribution of T. That is the ONLY case in which the “average” insolation of 240 w/m2 and the “average” T of 288K yield a GHE of 33K. All other cases yield a GHE of greater than 33K, with the magnitude of the GHE increasing as variability of P and T increase despite their “average” values remaining constant.
All arguments based on the numbers of 33K, 255K and 288K are valid ONLY for the case of a 100% uniform distribution of T and P.
Such does not exist and never has existed in the history of the earth.

January 8, 2012 11:36 am

“Say what? I never heard of that description of a blackbody before. I’d need a citation for that claim, Bart. Why should it only exchange energy through radiation?”
A black body is in space. Space can only transfer energy via radiation.
The highest temperature of a black body is directly related to sun’s temperature and distance from it.
Take the energy radiated at sun surface and spread that over a sphere with diameter of earth’s orbit and that is blackbody temperature at earth distance. Or said differently, that is the temperature of the sun at that distance.
The radiant energy of the sun at earth distance will not cause any object exceed that temperature, it will not flow energy or heat to it.
The hottest the sun’s radiation can heat a object at earth distance is around the temperature of the lunar surface- about 123 C [400 K].
One can of course magnify the sun’s energy and or use various other means and get higher temperatures from the Sun’s energy.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 11:42 am

Stephen Wilde says:

GHGs try to alter the gravity induced lapse rate but fail.
Instead, the surface pressure distribution shifts a fraction to eliminate the effects of GHGs.That shift is a climate effect but as nothing compared to natural variability from sun and oceans.

One of the problems in discussions like this is that so much effort is expended on correcting the misconceptions and incorrect notions that people have that very little time gets devoted to the correct physics explanations. So, I think rather than continuing to explain where you are wrong, I’ll simply describe how it actually works:
(1) First, let’s imagine we could “turn off” convection. In such a case, the radiative greenhouse effect would cause the “effective radiating level” in the atmosphere (where the temperature is 255 K) to be at about 5km and there would be some lapse rate down to the surface. I am not sure what that lapse rate would be, but based on estimates I have heard for the greenhouse effect in the absence of convection, let’s say that it is 12 C per km. That means that the surface temperature would be 60 C above 255 K, or 315 K. [ (12 C per km) X (5 km) = 60 C]
(2) Now, let’s imagine increasing the amount of greenhouse gases so that the level at which the radiation can escape to space without being absorbed again (the “effective radiating level”) increases from 5km to 6km in altitude. Assuming that the lapse rate remains 12 C per km, that means that the surface temperature would be 72 C above 255 K, or 327 K. Note that the temperature has risen by 12 C due to the increase in greenhouse gases.
(3) Now, let’s repeat the above but add in convection. What convection does is drive the lapse rate back down to the (appropriate) adiabatic lapse rate. It does not drive the lapse rate lower than this because for lower lapse rates, the atmosphere is stable and convection is suppressed. It appears that a reasonable estimate of the average lapse rate established in the atmosphere (taking into account dry and saturated lapse rates) is about 6.5 C per km. That means that with our initial level of greenhouse gases (i.e., the effective radiating level at 5km), the surface temperature would be 32.5 C above 255 K, or 287.5 K. Notice that the effect of convection has reduced the greenhouse effect: It used to raise the temperature above 255 K by 60 C but now only raises it above 255 K by 32.5 C.
(4) Now, let’s imagine again increasing the amount of greenhouse gases so that the effective radiating level rises to an altitude of 6km. To a first approximation, convection will keep the lapse rate unchanged at 6.5 C per km. That means that the surface temperature would now be 39 C above 255 K, or 294 C. Note that the addition of greenhouse gases has still caused an increase in temperature but the increase in temperature is only 6.5 C now instead of the 12 C that would have occurred if convection were not present.
That, in a nutshell, is how the greenhouse effect works. This picture has the advantage over other notions in that it has both empirical evidence and calculations using empirically-well-verified physics equations to back it up. It also does not violate fundamental physical constraints like conservation of energy.

January 8, 2012 11:49 am

“By removing the redistribution effect of GHG’s, we must see an INCREASE in temperature differentials which in turn means an INCREASE in energy moved about via conduction and convection.”
oh, so now somebody notices!!!
it’s like fundamental to refrigeration – any increase in the heat carrying capacity of the working fluid results in increased cooling efficiency.
of course, nobody uses gases that don’t change phase for serious cooling – but plain dry gas will still cool your car engine or cpu. denser gases work better – for carrying heat away in a circulating system. denser gases do not insulate at all.
radiative processes may be involved at the source and sink ends, but within the flux – get real.
when my coffee is too hot, i don’t hold a black book over top of it to remove the heat by sucking out the radiation. jeez.
and omg- you don’t even wanna know what the thermal, volumetric and pressure fx are when a liter of water gas abruptly changes into a mere teaspoon of falling liquid. the co2 clown won’t even bring a smile any more…

January 8, 2012 11:57 am

Joel Shore;
Probably the most fundamental way to say what the radiative greenhouse effect does is to avoid quoting temperatures altogether and just say that it increases the temperature to a point where the surface emits ~390 W/m^2
No “Ah ha!” moment is needed from me on this as I already understood this and expressed it all in a comment here on Dec. 31, as I linked to above.>>>>
Joel, look at what you wrote.
Where does the 390 w/m2 come from?
It comes from converting 288K to w/m2 via SB Law.
Except that you just agreed, in fact admonished me for explaining to you, that the 288K number is a pure fiction except for one tiny use case that is physically impossible to exist! You’ve come full circle, first agreeing that 288K is meaingless, and then proceeding to define conditions at earth surface based exclusively on 288K!

Stephen Wilde
January 8, 2012 12:30 pm

Sorry Joel but your response still fails to acknowledge the existence of a gravity induced GHE.
Until you do so AND attribute the correct scale to it in relation to the radiative GHE your comments are worthless.
The gravitational GHE provides a fixed baseline lapse rate for a planet with an atmosphere of given mass with a given solar input.
The portion added by the radiative GHE is small, limited to the atmosphere and leads to a negative system response via increased convection, conduction evaporation and condensation.
There is a tiny rise in the height of the tropopause and a tiny increase in surface temperature but they count for nothing compared to natural variability.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 12:31 pm

davidmhoffer says:

Except that you just agreed, in fact admonished me for explaining to you, that the 288K number is a pure fiction except for one tiny use case that is physically impossible to exist! You’ve come full circle, first agreeing that 288K is meaingless, and then proceeding to define conditions at earth surface based exclusively on 288K!

The part of my post you are missing is this, David:

However, I think that you are making much too big a deal out of this, at least for current Earth-like temperature distributions. The fact is that the distribution of temperatures on the Earth is such that this is a small effect. It may be a little bit larger an effect for an Earth without greenhouse gases, since this would allow somewhat larger temperature swings, but still likely not that large as long as there is a significant atmosphere of any kind.

If you want to argue that 390 W/m^2 might really be 395 W/m^2 or 400 W/m^2, then I won’t disagree. In fact, the updated version of Trenberth and Kiehl now says 396 W/m^2 and I think part of the upward adjustment is due to the fact that they have now tried to take into account the non-uniform temperature distribution issue. But, 390 W/m^2 is a nice round number and a good conservative estimate, so I continue to use it for the sake of such discussions. (In the back of my mind is also the fact that the Earth is not exactly a blackbody and this means its will emit a bit less than you get from applying the Stefan-Boltzmann Equation with emissivity 1. It is somewhat convenient that the “not exactly a blackbody” and “not exactly a uniform temperature distribution” effect act in the opposite direction and hence tend to partially cancel each other out.)

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 12:51 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

Sorry Joel but your response still fails to acknowledge the existence of a gravity induced GHE.

Oh yeah, and I also forgot to acknowledge the magical energy fairies. My bad.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 1:19 pm

I addressed the following to Willis several days ago, but he does not seem to be interested. Any other takers?

Bob Fernley-Jones says @ January 6, 4:55 pm
Willis, From what I’ve read here, and the way that you (and Joel) have evaded some issues raised, I think that you do not understand a basic premise in N&Z. You claim that an N2 atmosphere planet cannot have a surface effective T, greater than the BB equivalent arising from the insolation. However, I don’t think you have replied on what drives the conduction and various convective/advective energy transfers in said atmosphere. There is energy involved in doing that which implies that the surface could indeed be hotter than you intuitively assert. Richard Courtney has advised you that N&Z claim that as a consequence of atmospheric pressure, the surface T is higher than in the standard explanation, regardless of GHE. This concept does not require extra energy, just as the concept of GHE does not require extra energy. Tim Folkerts has suggested that an N2 atmosphere would have a lapse rate of ~10K/Km, and has eloquently described that near the surface, the molecules have higher KE than at altitude, where KE is converted to PE as a consequence of gravitational force deceleration, and thus colder. To me it seems that this supports the N&Z basic premise, although their derivations make me pause substantially, and I await their anticipated improved paper…

Tim Folkerts
January 8, 2012 1:20 pm

We seem to be coming back to a question of semantics. And semantic questions almost always are unsolvable in this sort of setting for many reasons — different people have different definitions in mind; new people come into the middle of the discussion; different people have different scientific & mathematical backgrounds.
The very term “greenhouse effect” is a case in point. For many people, “greenhouse effect” means something like

a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. (from Wikipedia)

This is the definition I typically have in mind, and it seems to be the most common definition when you google “greenhouse effect”.
In this thread, many people are expanding that definition to include ANY affect that ANY atmosphere would have on either the “average temperature” or the “effective temperature”. This is also and interesting question, but it is a different question. And when different people are discussing different things, it is inevitable that people will talk past each other.
Another recurring problem is dealing with the concept of “other things being equal”. Any calculation or model or thought experiment necessarily has many factors that must be assumed to be constant to even begin to answer any questions. With things as complex and interconnected as the atmosphere and the climate, there is no way to be completely consistent with “other things being equal”. For example, the thought experiment “magically remove GHGs from the atmosphere” could imply that water must be removed, which would change albedo as the clouds disappear — and removing water could imply removing the oceans — and that could imply no life, completely changing the surface ….
Unless someone in the thread is allowed to control the definitions and the “other things being equal”, there will always be issues that are purely semantic, rather than getting at the science.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 1:54 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

Tim Folkerts has suggested that an N2 atmosphere would have a lapse rate of ~10K/Km, and has eloquently described that near the surface, the molecules have higher KE than at altitude, where KE is converted to PE as a consequence of gravitational force deceleration, and thus colder. To me it seems that this supports the N&Z basic premise, although their derivations make me pause substantially, and I await their anticipated improved paper…

I have not thought enough about the atmosphere without greenhouse elements to have a strong opinion on its temperature structure, but here is the important point: Regardless of the structure, what will be true is that the temperature at the surface will have to be compatible with having 240 W/m^2 radiated back out into space which, for a uniform temperature distribution on the surface, means that the temperature will be about 255 K. Whether the atmosphere will have a lapse rate and thus get colder with altitude from there is a fairly subtle question and I don’t have a confident answer. (An atmosphere with no easy way to radiate away its energy is actually more complicated to think about than one that can!)
This is the general point that you and others often seem to get hung up on: Even if you know the lapse rate, that does not determine the surface temperature uniquely. You still need to know the temperature at one height. It turns out that the height that you know the temperature of is the effective radiating layer; it has to be 255 K and then once you know that and you know the lapse rate, you can extrapolate down to the surface to find the surface temperature.
In the case of an atmosphere with no greenhouse elements, the effective radiating layer is necessarily at the surface and the surface temperature would be 255 K for a blackbody-emitter Earth absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun. As you add greenhouse gases, the effective radiating layer rises higher in the atmosphere…and hence, the level at which the temperature is 255 K rises higher. This means that the surface temperature you get by extrapolating back down to the surface (using the lapse rate) also increases.

January 8, 2012 2:05 pm

“As you add greenhouse gases, the effective radiating layer rises higher in the atmosphere…and hence, the level at which the temperature is 255 K rises higher.”
ok, fine.
” This means that the surface temperature you get by extrapolating back down to the surface (using the lapse rate) also increases.”
orly? why?

January 8, 2012 2:08 pm

would it be cuz the ‘effective radiating layer which is not a surface” gets solar radiation and in addition, gets upside.down.back.radiated by greenhouse liquids and solids from below to raise their temperature?

January 8, 2012 2:11 pm

and that’s why i put a pot on the electric burner – cuz it reflects radiation back and makes the burner hotter!

January 8, 2012 2:11 pm

ooh- and if i use a really heavy pot- the gravity makes it even way hotter!

January 8, 2012 2:12 pm

oh- and if i clamp it in a vise – the increased pressure makes it as hot as venus.

January 8, 2012 2:15 pm

Joel Shore;
The part of my post you are missing is this, David:
However, I think that you are making much too big a deal out of this, at least for current Earth-like temperature distributions. The fact is that the distribution of temperatures on the Earth is such that this is a small effect. It may be a little bit larger an effect for an Earth without greenhouse gases, since this would allow somewhat larger temperature swings, but still likely not that large as long as there is a significant atmosphere of any kind.
If you want to argue that 390 W/m^2 might really be 395 W/m^2 or 400 W/m^2, then I won’t disagree. In fact, the updated version of Trenberth and Kiehl now says 396 W/m^2 and I think part of the upward adjustment is due to the fact that they have now tried to take into account the non-uniform temperature distribution issue. But, 390 W/m^2 is a nice round number and a good conservative estimate, so I continue to use it for the sake of such discussions.
You are not only grasping at straws, you are using them to poke yourself in the eye!
1. If Trenberth and Kiehl had produced a new set of numbers taking into account the lack of uniformity of the earth’s temperature profile, they most certainly would have arrived at values MUCH higher than that. Given an “average” of 288K in a temperature distribution of that ranges across the globe from 190K at the poles to 313K in the tropics and fluctuates by 20 degrees or more planet wide on a daily basis, that would result in an effective surface temp (and hence w/m2) well above those values. Hence I presume that is NOT what they did.
2. Is this the same Kevin Trenberth who gloated about forcing Wolfgang Wagner to resign from an academic journal for having the temerity to publish results based on observed data that falsified Trenberth’s computer models?
3. Is this the same Trenberth that claimed his “missing heat” was being sequestered in the ocean depths without a single measurement from the ocean depths to corroborate that statement, with no physical mechanism to get it there, and with no explanation of how it could have done so without being noticed as it made itz way from surface to depths through the several hundred meters of ocean that we do have data for?
4. Is this the same Kevin Trenberth who, when confronted with his own data showing that the earth may not be heating up as expected and was simply losing the “missing heat” to space called it a travesty? He considers evidence in his own data showing that CAGW is NOT a concern and calls it a travesty?
You want to quote results from THAT Kevin Tremberth?
Tell you what, let’s accept that straw you are holding onto, no matter how ridiculous it is to hold onto it. Why are you poking yourself in the eye with it?
While you are directing attention to a possible explanation that would explain perhaps 5 or 10 watts, you’ve ignored the other end of the calculation! 255K isn’t even close! I demonstrated upthread that a simple calculation based on an artificial (but representative) insolation curve over a 24 hour period arrives at an effective blackbody temperature in the range of 150K, and that is for the tropics! Throw in the additional ranges of insolation from the temperate and arctic zones, and you will get a number even lower!
Until we start with the actual EFFECTIVE blackbody temperature of earth from the highly non uniform 240 w/m2, there is no point even figuring out how Trenberth et al arrived at their number. Even if their adjustment is within a few w/m2, so what? Calculating total GHE against 255K is wrong by AT LEAST 100K and most likely more.

January 8, 2012 2:17 pm

wow. now that i’m ok on this, i must work on conquering my fear of widths. i think secondary dimensional effects in the length pipeline from a backlog of human shortness may cause that – but i need funds for studies.

January 8, 2012 2:42 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 8, 2012 at 1:19 pm
” However, I don’t think you have replied on what drives the conduction and various convective/advective energy transfers in said atmosphere. There is energy involved in doing that which implies that the surface could indeed be hotter than you intuitively assert.”
I suppose I would say that if I were to turn on a burner on my stove underneath a pot of water, I could be pretty confident in asserting that regardless of what convection or advection goes on in the water it will never get warmer than the burner.
“Richard Courtney has advised you that N&Z claim that as a consequence of atmospheric pressure, the surface T is higher than in the standard explanation, regardless of GHE. This concept does not require extra energy, just as the concept of GHE does not require extra energy.”
If the point is, *could* there be something that acts just like the GHE, but is not the GHE (as currently understood)? Then, yes, there *could* be. Something that acts like the GHE would not violate the conservation of energy. From my POV, being skeptical of such a new effect is just being scientific. We should not confidently assert the existence of such an effect in the absence of meaningful evidence of its existence.
Cheers, 🙂

Dan in Nevada
January 8, 2012 2:58 pm

shawnhet says:
January 8, 2012 at 2:42 pm
“I suppose I would say that if I were to turn on a burner on my stove underneath a pot of water, I could be pretty confident in asserting that regardless of what convection or advection goes on in the water it will never get warmer than the burner.”
While that’s undoubtedly true, what is at issue is whether or not you can trap more of the heat from the burner and whether that in turn would raise the temperature of the water. In your example, merely putting a fairly heavy lid on the pot does the trick.
As to your larger point, “being skeptical of such a new effect is just being scientific. We should not confidently assert the existence of such an effect in the absence of meaningful evidence of its existence”, you are totally right.

January 8, 2012 3:32 pm

yeah- it’s a real good idea to keep water in the pot otherwise you can melt a hole in the bottom of the pot. water won’t let it get near hot enuff…. but i may recant if there’s an auto-da-fe just so’s not to get stuck reradiating ir at a pile of sticks.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 3:44 pm

Joel Shore @ January 8, 1:54 pm
Thanks for your response Joel, on my suggestion that the surface temperature on an “N2 planet” could be higher than anticipated in standard theory because of non radiative effects. I understand what you explained, but you seem to have missed my main point:
Whilst Trenberth et al 2009 claim that the Earth’s surface cools substantially via evapotranspiration, (80 W/m^2), compared with the total radiative loss, (23 GHE + 40 direct W/m^2), there would still be conduction, convection, and advection in an N2 atmosphere. What is more, it is an interesting question intuitively to ponder if these effects might increase with less surface cooling*.
Well anyway, the point is that energy is transferred from the hotspot under the sun to the polar regions etc, and there needs to be an explanation as to what drives this energy transfer, since there cannot be any extra energy. To me, the only sensible explanation is that the surface temperature must be higher than your BB equivalent to the insolation. (somewhat like the GHE)
*OTOH, in a transparent atmosphere, the hotspot would be far more localised and very much hotter than on Earth today. Thus, per T^4, the radiative loss to space would be rather more significant.

January 8, 2012 4:33 pm

davidmhoffer says:
January 8, 2012 at 11:23 am
“Bart’s statement is correct by definition of SB Law.”
At least one person understands. Maybe some others who are reading but not participating. That’s probably the best we can hope for. If others haven’t got it yet, they’re not going to get it. So, the next comment is my last.
Joel Shore says:
January 8, 2012 at 6:52 am
“Now, we are simply asking you to present some sort of evidence that the assumption is so poor that it makes a significant enough difference to matter.”
Well, maybe now you are. It’s what you should have been asking from the start, instead of wasting time and pixels being dragged kicking and screaming toward treating this problem rigorously.
I do not know the answer. That is why I have stated I am agnostic on the matter. But, given the very powerful non-equilibrium processes at the surface interface, I see it as a not-at-all-remote possibility, and will have to be convinced one way or the other.
“Tim has made the point that even given the highly non-equilibrium environment of the surface of the sun, the approximation seems to work pretty well in describing the emission from the sun.”
What is the “surface” under consideration? How do we calculate its temperature? If you think about it, you will see you are pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, and engaging in a logical exercise of the form a = b, and b = a, therefore a = a! Eureka!

January 8, 2012 4:49 pm

Long ago and far away, Tim F. agreed with me:

But when we add a GHG atmosphere, then part of the “surface” is several km up in the atmosphere because part of the emitted radiation comes from there. The “average altitude of the radiating surface” will clearly be somewhere above the ground level. This fact, along with the lapse rate, allows average temperature at “ground level” to be above the “effective temperature.”

which is why he broke my heart. The midpoint of the troposphere is only 5 km up, and at that point, everything balances. This is why I think the possibility of energy balance without GHGs is “not-at-all-remote”, or at least, not remote, anyway, and I need more info to make a personal judgment.
If someone were holding a gun to my head right now and insisting I take a stand, I do not know what I would say. Fortunately, nobody is, and I do not have to make a choice. Scientists should not be making decisions on such weighty matters with only ambiguous evidence. That is the essence of the scientific method, which brought us out of the dark ages where humans made decisions affecting wide swaths of the population based on nothing more than personal preferences of powerful people for how things ought to be.

January 8, 2012 5:04 pm

Well, no, I see now he specified “a GHG atmosphere”. Oh, well. I don’t want to argue it anymore. I’m still waiting to be convinced. Over and out.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 5:22 pm

shawnhet @ January 8, 2:42 pm
To your first point:

I suppose I would say that if I were to turn on a burner on my stove underneath a pot of water, I could be pretty confident in asserting that regardless of what convection or advection goes on in the water it will never get warmer than the burner.

I can’t see the relevance of your analogy, but a few points for you:
• If you turn-up the heat under your pot of water, notice that convection increases. This demonstrates that energy is required to drive convection, and it is non-radiative.
• More energy is entering the water, but it does not get hotter. Among other things, evaporation increases thus balancing the increased energy input.
• The boiling temperature of the water will increase if atmospheric pressure increases
As to your second point, yes but so what?

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 5:53 pm

gnomish says:

” This means that the surface temperature you get by extrapolating back down to the surface (using the lapse rate) also increases.”
orly? why?

Because if the lapse rate stays constant at 6.5 C per km while the effective radiating layer where the temperature is 255 K moves up from 5km to 6km, then the temperature at the surface increases from 255 K + (6.5 C/km)*(5 km ) = 287.5 K to 255 K + (6.5 C/km)*(6 km) = 294 K.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 5:59 pm

Bart says:

I do not know the answer. That is why I have stated I am agnostic on the matter. But, given the very powerful non-equilibrium processes at the surface interface, I see it as a not-at-all-remote possibility, and will have to be convinced one way or the other.

What you are saying is that equations that are used everyday in engineering, remote sensing, and other fields might not be correct to the accuracy necessary that we are talking about here. That sounds like a pretty remote possibility to me. I can’t even find any information on supposed violations of these equations because of non-equilibrium conditions. I imagine that if such conditions exist, it would be in some extreme context like in lasers where you get an inverted population of the energy states or something like that.
It is interesting the extent to which people will demand much higher levels of evidence for things that go against what they want to believe.

January 8, 2012 6:17 pm

“I can’t even find any information on supposed violations of these equations because of non-equilibrium conditions.”
Like saying “I cannot find any information on the supposed requirement that bicycles have two wheels.” It’s definitional.
“It is interesting the extent to which people will demand much higher levels of evidence for things that go against what they want to believe.”
Isn’t it, though?
All right. I’m really going now.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 6:23 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

Whilst Trenberth et al 2009 claim that the Earth’s surface cools substantially via evapotranspiration, (80 W/m^2), compared with the total radiative loss, (23 GHE + 40 direct W/m^2), there would still be conduction, convection, and advection in an N2 atmosphere. What is more, it is an interesting question intuitively to ponder if these effects might increase with less surface cooling*.

Bob: I can’t really understand what you are trying to say here. It sounds like a vague hope that convection or conduction or evaporation-condensation can somehow allow you to get the surface temperature up. Alas, that just isn’t going to work: The problem is very basic – The only way that the Earth & its atmosphere communicate with the rest of the universe is via radiation. You have 240 W/m^2 coming in, so you have to have around 240 W/m^2 coming out; if you have a lot more, the Earth-atmosphere system as a whole will rapidly cool. If the surface of the Earth is at a temperature such that it is emitting 390 W/m^2 and there are nothing to absorb any of this radiation in the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping into space, there is nothing to stop the Earth-atmosphere system from rapidly cooling.
And, the satellite measurement of the emitted radiation confirm that what is preventing this from happening is the absorption of radiation in the bands where the greenhouse elements absorb such that the Earth as seen from space is only emitting ~240 W/m^2.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 7:07 pm

Here http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2012/01/08/joel-shore-the-art-of-scientific-discourse/ I said, “This is why Nikolov and Zeller had to put in convection in such a way that, by their own emission, it drives the temperatures T_a and T_s to be the same (in obvious contradiction to what convection does in the real atmosphere).”
You have replied

So far as I’m aware, this is not what N & Z are claiming at all. They do say there will be an energy equilibrium, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, and that the gravitational potential energy differential between surface and altitude will affect thermalisation in such a way as to create a thermal gradient closely equivalent to the observed dry lapse rate. i.e. total energy is evenly spread at equilibrium, but because higher altitude mass has a greater part of that energy as gpe, less is available to be thermalised.

I am talking about what they did in Section 2.1B) of their paper where they added convection into the simple radiative model and used it to show that “Equation (4) dramatically alters the solution to Eq. (3) by collapsing the difference between Ts, Ta and Te and virtually erasing the GHE (Fig. 3).” And, indeed they are right, if you write down an incorrect equation that forces Ts and Ta to be the same then you will virtually erase the GHE, guaranteed! For example, this is what Ray Pierrehumbert says on p. 148 of his textbook:

The key insight to be taken from this discussion is that the greenhouse effect only works to the extent that the atmosphere is colder at the radiating level than it is at the ground.

Allowing convection to drive the temperature at the radiating level and the ground to be equal is thus a very effective way to eliminate the greenhouse effect. However, it ignores the physical reality which is that convection can only drive the lapse rate down to the adiabatic lapse rate because lapse rates lower than that are stable and convection is suppressed.

January 8, 2012 7:09 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 8, 2012 at 5:22 pm
“I can’t see the relevance of your analogy, but a few points for you:”
The relevance is that convection and advection cannot increase the temperature beyond the temperature of the heat source. As such, if the sun provides the Earth with enough energy to uniformly heat the Earth to -18C no amount of moving heat around will increase the average temperature above -18C by the exact same logic as why the water cannot become warmer than the burner by moving heat around. Convection can increase the average temperature by making overall temperatures more uniform, but clearly something else is going on with Earth’s temperatures. I don’t see the relevance of talking about convection in the context of trying to explain why Earth’s or other planets temperatures are, on average, higher than *the highest possible temperatures allowed* by the solar input alone.
“As to your second point, yes but so what?”
So what is that there is not much to argue with the proposition that there *could be* another process that acts like the GHE but with a different mechanism entirely. Clearly IMO that *could be* true. You seem to be expecting people to be able to argue against the idea on logical (or philosophical) grounds. Well, I agree it is logically possible that things are as you assert, but so far you have not been able to point to any independent evidence of this property.
Cheers, 🙂

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 7:17 pm

Joel Shore @ January 8, 5:59 pm
Joel, oh verily, whenst thou spakest to Bart, nay didst scoldest he:

It is interesting the extent to which people will demand much higher levels of evidence for things that go against what they want to believe.

I’m trying to think of an appropriate metaphor…. Two edged sword maybe? No, anyway see if you can work-out what I mean.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 7:40 pm

Bart @ January 8, 6:17 pm

“It is interesting [sayeth Joel,] the extent to which people will demand much higher levels of evidence for things that go against what they want to believe.”
[Bart] Isn’t it, though?
All right. I’m really going now.

Bart, I value your contributions here, please don’t go. Strange how Joel has complained how he gets frustrated with people who have a different view than his. Please hang-in there.

Joel Shore
January 8, 2012 7:49 pm

I saw your comment here http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2012/01/08/joel-shore-the-art-of-scientific-discourse/ . In response, I would say the following:
(1) If you made a direct admission that the gravitational redshift is not relevant, then I missed it. Could you point me to where it was?
(2) You are now saying that my suggestion that you relied on the redshift is dishonest. It is not dishonest at all; It is generous. Basically, your words about how the gravitational field somehow extracts energy from photons and so on and so forth is garbled and incomprehensible. However, in such cases, rather than assuming the worst, I try desperately to come up with some intelligent point that the person might try to be making. The only known physical phenomenon that I could extract from what you were saying was that the gravitational redshift was causing the discrepancy. And, this was at least an explanation that was based on real physical principles so I went with it. (And it was at least something you were enamored with for a while http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/12/29/unified-climate-theory-may-confuse-cause-and-effect/#comment-853220 , and to my knowledge never renounced.) Now that you have said that this isn’t what you were talking about (or at least not what you are talking about anymore), we are left with just incomprehensible statements again.

Stephen Wilde
January 8, 2012 8:09 pm

Joel Shore said:
“However, it ignores the physical reality which is that convection can only drive the lapse rate down to the adiabatic lapse rate because lapse rates lower than that are stable and convection is suppressed.”
And the adiabatic lapse rate is therefore the inviolable minimum set by atmospheric pressure.
That is the second time you have conceded the point without realising it.
If GHGs try to influence the lapse rate beyond that set by pressure then convection will increase to drive it down to or towards the adiabatic lapse rate.
There is however a climate effect in terms of the temperature at the surface, height of the tropopause and the positions of the permanent climate zones but too small to measure in the face of natural variability driven by sun and oceans.
Virtually no change in total system energy content though because of the scale of the oceans as an energy reservoir.
How do you concede the existence of an adiabatic (pressure driven) lapse rate whilst simultaneously announcing that a gravity based GHE is like having fairies at the bottom of one’s garden ?

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 8:09 pm

Joel Shore @ January 8, 6:23 pm

…Bob: I can’t really understand what you are trying to say here. It sounds like a vague hope that convection or conduction or evaporation-condensation can somehow allow you to get the surface temperature up…

Joel, you claim to be a physicist, although somehow I seem to have confused you on some really elementary physics. OK, let’s take this one step at a time:
1) Do you agree that an N2 atmosphere will exhibit energy transfers other than radiative, = conductive, convective and advective? If so, could you please explain where this energy comes from?
Answer this without obfuscation, and we can move on to step 2), next time.

Stephen Wilde
January 8, 2012 8:13 pm

“If you made a direct admission that the gravitational redshift is not relevant, then I missed it. Could you point me to where it was?”
Someone pointed out that the redshift was a phenomenon at least partly related to the perspective of the observer relative to the movement of the photon and I accepted that by not pursuing the issue further. It was the other person who mentioned the redshift in the first place.
I have expressed my thoughts in many other posts without reference to the redshift so you could not have honestly linked my basic premise to the brief exchange about the redshift.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 8, 2012 8:43 pm

shawnhet @ January 8, 7:09 pm
As to your first point again:

The relevance is that convection and advection cannot increase the temperature beyond the temperature of the heat source…

Yep, I agree entirely. As to the rest of your waffle, I don’t think it merits comment, other than to say why not try to understand what I’ve attempted to convey, even if it is outside of your dogma?
As to your second point again:
I don’t have a strong view against your opinion, other than to comment that I’ve not asserted anything in the way you suggest. (I’ve suggested a possible mechanism that no one has yet dismantled)

Tim Folkerts
January 8, 2012 8:50 pm

Bob F-J asks:
“1) Do you agree that an N2 atmosphere will exhibit energy transfers other than radiative, = conductive, convective and advective? If so, could you please explain where this energy comes from?”
I agree that a purely N2 atmosphere can transfer energy 1) back and forth between the atmosphere and the ground and 2) from one part of the atmosphere to another part of the atmosphere. These can happen through microscopic motions (collisions of individual molecules aka conduction) and through macroscopic motions (large scale movements of molecules, aka winds or convection).
Furthermore, there would indeed be no significant radiative transfers, either within the atmosphere or between atmosphere and ground
The only source/sink of this energy in a transparent atmosphere would be conduction with the surface. (Looking ahead a step, the ground would also have radiation as a source/sink of energy along with some small geothermal energy which we are all ignoring for this discussion).
I suspect Joel would agree too. It will be interesting to see where you are going with this.

January 8, 2012 11:40 pm

@Bart (and a few others):
I admire your tenacity, but apart from what you’re learning yourself and from the offerings from others, you’re wasting your time with these guys. They can’t quit, because they have too much invested in the meme, including jobs and reputations.
In the face of GHG levels steadily “spiralling out of control”™, they’re just hanging in there, hoping like hell that the temperature and sea levels will start going back up, and that someone will find Trenberth’s missing energy or the missing tropospheric hot-spot.
It wouldn’t have mattered what Nikolov and Zeller might have presented. If it doesn’t conform to the dogma, they will just try to shout it down.

January 9, 2012 9:10 am

“The mean surface temperature of Mercury is 442.5 K,but it ranges from 100 K to 700 K due to the absence of an atmosphere and a steep temperature gradient between the equator and the poles. The subsolar point reaches about 700 K during perihelion then drops to 550 K at aphelion.On the dark side of the planet, temperatures average 110 K.The intensity of sunlight on Mercury’s surface ranges between 4.59 and 10.61 times the solar constant (1,370 W·m−2).”
Is there anyway one could have an atmosphere on Mercury?
Have dome. Use reflectors. Easy.
What about something global, an atmosphere rather than a building?
Requirements: Large areas with air pressure that gives enough pressure
in breathe, this minimum is 2 1/2 psi. Air doesn’t need to be breathable, but
can’t be poisonous. And maximum I suppose is say 10 atm.
A requirement does need to have atmosphere a long time in terms of geological
long- in term costs it probably have lifetime of say a century or more.
So how about water?
Since said 10 atm- the max would on earth be 100 meters. Mercury has a bit more
than 1/3 of earth’s gravity. So less than 300 meter depth.
Mercury has very long day: more than 56 days: 1407.5 hours.
Not as long as our arctic winter nites, but would get ocean sea ice or is this sort of
wishful thinking:)
Well, let’s start with 10 meter depth and see what happens.
Lets start with tropical water like temperature- 80 to 90 F
90 F is 32 C and 306 K.
Since we have pressure from water [+4 psi] don’t need any gas atmosphere. And
this will give us a water vapor atmosphere.
When first dumping water, it will make steam, but since there is atmosphere the steam
will be cold- water with no air pressure boils near it’s freezing point.
To cool the hot half of surface of planet shouldn’t require much water.
Something like one meter of the 10 meters. Why?
Because Mercury gets as cold as the Moon’s nite- 100 K. So roughly at meter
depth on nite side it similar to lunar regolith at nite, which is well below freezing.
And means the warming will due to this one long day of very hot sunlight.
So as wild guess say top 1/2 meter is average of 700 K to 300 K or 500 K
and needs to cooled to 300 K.
The density is about 2. And specific heat of rock is: Basalt rock 0.84 kJ/kg K
So 1/2 meter of rock is one tonne per square meter. And 1 degree is
1000 times kJ. Want 200 K lower, so 200 times 1000 times is KJ:
Water requires 2,270 kJ/kg to vaporize so per sq meter need 100 kg- or 1/10th
of cubic meter. So 1 meter is 10 times more than needed. So you dump enough
water so gives 10 meter depth. It will create cold steam equal to 1/10 of meter.
And this steam travel around planet and freeze on nite side, and dump a lot of
heat. So dump warm water and the result should be cooler water. But wanted
to start with warmer water and on that blazing hot planet, all it means is dumping
water not in one instant. So as said, start point will global water at 32 C and some
water as atmosphere.
So 32 C or 306 K radiates 497 watts per square meter. And mercury distance is
“4.59 and 10.61 times the solar constant (1,370 W·m−2)”
So furthest from sun it’s 4.59 times 1,370 or 6288 watts per sq meter. That’s a decent
amount solar power- solar panels would actually make economic sense.
With low atmospheric pressure water going boil, it’s going build up an atmospheric pressure,
and going race across planet and rain on the nite side. It seems without sunlight, at 32 C
the water will evaporate, and with sunlight, evaporate and boil. So until there enough atmosphere all solar energy will go into boil and evaporating the water.
So you have 6.288 kW and takes 2,270 kW to vapor kg of water 2.27 kW boil a gram, and so
2.77 grams per second per square meter. And in 24 hours 239 kg of water, more than 2/10th of meter.
So we aren’t going to get sea ice on nite side. And in first couple days, it’s going build an atmosphere of water vapor. And the pressure will reduce boiling and have more affect on warming the water.
So let’s assume that max water temperature desirable would be 48 C or 321 K
And 321 K radiates 602 Watts per square meter.
And 1/4 of 6288 is 1572 watts per square meter.
So that is an obvious problem. Try adding more water. But what is temperature
gradient is ocean?
No answers.
It seems to me that with rapid warming, and if there isn’t
a lot wind the top meter of water could much warmer. And limit of 48 C would apply
to “sea floor” level. So what if 20 C warmer at surface? 341 K
766.6 watts per square meter. hmm. Ok, needs to over 400 C- over boiling at 1 atm,
so that won’t work.
So can’t think of natural way to cool Mercury and have resort to devices. With devices you can always cool a planet. Instead of what I am going to describe- you can simply block sunlight in the space environment- at say L-1 or orbit. You could simply block or for reasons economic you use the solar power to generate power and if also blocking sunlight from reaching the planet.
So, what is needed is higher temperatures in certain locations- locations that are receiving the most amount of sunlight. The most amount of energy received on sphere is the area where the sun is directly over head- noon at the equator. If you don’t have an atmosphere and you can face the sun [with reflector] is factor is negated.
In other words in vacuum and if sun is in the sky you point a meter square solar panel and get the same amount of energy. And one get more energy at the poles, if elevated- you could get continuous get sunlight. Meaning twice the solar energy over an entire day [day and nite cycle]. And near the poles you also get more hours of sunlight.
But for purposes cooling planet you want near equator- every square meter of surface receives
the most sunlight.
So we know that natural terrain on Mercury can get 700 K when sun is directly overhead [subsolar point], but that could when mercury is nearest Sun. And at moment doing where Mercury is furthest.
700 cubed times .0000000567 is 13,000 watts per square meter. And need temperature at 6288 watts. Which is more the 575 K.
You could have pillars which are higher than the water which are in the equatorial region- and have area of 1 square meter [or 100 square meters]. There surface heat up to 575 K and they could made from stone or other poor conducting material and so instead radiate at water temperature below 100 C you are radiating at over 300 C.
These pillar would need to cover a fair amount of area- 10% maybe 25% – so huge area.
But if follow the sun [by floating instead being pillars] this total amount area can reduced by
about 1/4.
Anyways, I am done for moment. Maybe I finish later.

January 9, 2012 9:45 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 8, 2012 at 8:43 pm
“Yep, I agree entirely. As to the rest of your waffle, I don’t think it merits comment, other than to say why not try to understand what I’ve attempted to convey, even if it is outside of your dogma?”
Of course, the flaw must all be in me and not in how you are communicating your ideas. Why not try to not make broad assumptions about what my “dogma” is and try to communicate your ideas better? (For the record, I can pretty much guarantee that my opinions are substantially different than you think they are). From my POV, if you agree with the above then you agree that convection/advection *cannot* be a meaningful part of the GHE (ie the 33K or more difference between what the average temperature of the Earth should be under a purely solar regime and what the average temperature is). If you believe that both of these things can be true at the same time, you will have to demonstrate it (ideally with links to research and hopefully some math). You may understand what you are talking about but you are not doing a very good job of articulating it IMVHO.
“I don’t have a strong view against your opinion, other than to comment that I’ve not asserted anything in the way you suggest. (I’ve suggested a possible mechanism that no one has yet dismantled)”
Well, I thought you were arguing that there was something that acted similarily to the GHE but was not the GHE as currently understood. If this is not correct, then, at a minimum, you should be able to give a description of how your mechanism actually works and *demonstrate* how your theory does not violate conservation of energy. You seem to think that it is other people’s responsibility to do this for you. You don’t seem to understand that it is pretty hard to discern if you can dismantle something if you don’t know how it is put together.

Joel Shore
January 9, 2012 10:29 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

1) Do you agree that an N2 atmosphere will exhibit energy transfers other than radiative, = conductive, convective and advective? If so, could you please explain where this energy comes from?

Yes…It will and that energy ultimately comes from the sun. However, there are a couple of important points to realize:
(1) Energy can be transferred both in and out of these modes. In particular, if you were to propose that advection and convection supply the additional energy (390 W/m^2 vs 240 W/m^2) then the conclusion would be that the wind speeds on the Earth would have to be rapidly decreasing. In reality, I don’t think there is any big change going on in the wind speeds on the earth.
(2) It is also worth knowing the relative scales of these energies. It turns out that the kinetic energy of bulk motions in the atmosphere is pretty small in comparison to, say, thermal energies. This can be seen by noting that the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule at room temperature is about 500 m/s, which is about 1100 mph. This is, of course, a much larger speed than typical bulk motions…and kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed.

Joel Shore
January 9, 2012 10:43 am

Stephen Wilde says:

And the adiabatic lapse rate is therefore the inviolable minimum set by atmospheric pressure.
That is the second time you have conceded the point without realising it.
If GHGs try to influence the lapse rate beyond that set by pressure then convection will increase to drive it down to or towards the adiabatic lapse rate.

Well, to the extent that you make points that are actually correct, I do not disagree with them. Since the argument for the greenhouse effect is not based on the GHGs changing the lapse rate, you are creating a strawman argument. (In the near or complete absence of GHGs, the lapse rate may no longer be pegged to the adiabatic lapse rate but rather be lower; however, even if the case, it isn’t really relevant to the current discussion.)

There is however a climate effect in terms of the temperature at the surface, height of the tropopause and the positions of the permanent climate zones but too small to measure in the face of natural variability driven by sun and oceans.

First of all, I am going to stick to the height of the effective radiating layer (which is probably at least positively correlated to the height of the tropopause, but is the more relevant quantity).
Second of all, you don’t know how small or large it is without actually doing calculations. And, in fact, the current Earth provides a data point: The addition of greenhouse elements (gases + the greenhouse effect of clouds) raises the effective radiating layer from 0 in their absence to ~5 km at their current concentration, and because of the lapse rate of ~6.5 K per km, this raises the surface temperature by about 33 K.

Virtually no change in total system energy content though because of the scale of the oceans as an energy reservoir.

The fact that the oceans are a large energy reservoir does not determine the magnitude of the effect. It just determines the time scale over which a change in forcing causes a change in surface temperature. I.e., a planet without large thermal inertia responds to the changes more rapidly while one like Earth with large thermal inertia responds more slowly.

How do you concede the existence of an adiabatic (pressure driven) lapse rate whilst simultaneously announcing that a gravity based GHE is like having fairies at the bottom of one’s garden ?

I am not saying that gravity plays no role at all in the discussion of the greenhouse effect. Gravity plays a role by determining the adiabatic lapse rate, which in turn determines how much of the radiative greenhouse effect can get cancelled out by convection. However, gravity is not a net source of energy for the earth-atmosphere system because we are not undergoing gravitational collapse.

Joel Shore
January 9, 2012 11:48 am

By the way, in discussing the fit that constitutes Eq. (7) and Figure 5 of N&Z’s paper, I noted that the way in which they chose to define T_gb (the planetary temperature in the limit that pressure goes to zero), while not supplying a formal fitting parameter, did constitute another thing that they could play around with.
I have done a quick investigation of that this morning and the results are rather interesting: One thing that they did which I found a bit strange is to define T_sb assuming that all the planets have an albedo of 0.12 and an emissivity of 0.95 in the infrared in the limit that pressure goes to zero. They would presumably justify this as being realistic because in that limit the clouds should all go away. However, one could equally well make arguments that you should do the computation under the assumption that the albedo of the planet is one of the things that one assumes stays the same as its currently-observed value. It turns out that making this assumption makes their data much less monotonic and smooth…and so, as a result, the best fit one can get with the four-parameter form of Equation (7) is considerably worse than before.
I suppose that N&Z would argue that this demonstrates that their way of computing T_sb has the correct physics in it…although I would be curious to understand how they would ever explain this mechanistically! But, what it does show, at any rate, is that there was this additional element of tuning of the empirical fit that they did to the data…I.e., it seems likely to me that, unless they were extremely lucky, they likely did shop around for a way of expressing T_sb that led to the data having a nice behavior for N_TE vs surface pressure before they even attempted to determine the form for N_TE that then provided a good fit.

Tim Folkerts
January 9, 2012 12:06 pm

Before you go into too much depth on determining the sort of atmosphere Mercury might have, you might check this link — especially the first figure http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast121/lectures/lec14.html
Basically, the high temperature and low gravity will allow almost any gas to escape from Mercury, so the rest of your work needs to consider escape velocity.

January 9, 2012 1:41 pm

“Before you go into too much depth on determining the sort of atmosphere Mercury might have, you might check this link — especially the first figure http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast121/lectures/lec14.html
Basically, the high temperature and low gravity will allow almost any gas to escape from Mercury, so the rest of your work needs to consider escape velocity.”
There are problems. One problem I had not address would be sun’s ionizing affect on H2O.
Another minor problem is the hotter surface [e.g. pillars] would increase H2O molecules velocity.
The escape velocity of Mercury is 4.3 km/sec. Air velocity on earth is .5 Km/sec- but obviously it’s hotter on Mercury.
There is calculator for molecular gas here:
I forget all variables I need to input [at moment] but I think the difference of say 300 K to
say 700 K is not huge. different gases can have more differences than just temperature differences. So as wild guess, I would say H2O molecules are going less than 1 km/sec.
But would have look more into this.
Of course one way to cool such a hot planet as Mercury might be to have gases leave the planet- use gases that would would get to escape velocities- helium or argon would example of fast moving molecules.
I mistype in first post. I mean to say, it would not have to be designed to keep an atmosphere for millions of years- but rather centuries or say 1000 years would be fine.

Richard M
January 9, 2012 2:31 pm

Joel Shore: “I am not saying that gravity plays no role at all in the discussion of the greenhouse effect. Gravity plays a role by determining the adiabatic lapse rate, which in turn determines how much of the radiative greenhouse effect can get cancelled out by convection. However, gravity is not a net source of energy for the earth-atmosphere system because we are not undergoing gravitational collapse.”
I agree with you but I think you also need to look at how gravity affects the distribution of CO2 in the atmosphere. When you double the quantity of CO2 you also double the weight. The energy in the atmosphere is what keeps the gases from falling to the ground. When you add the CO2 you don’t add anything to the energy in the system. That means the same amount of energy has to lift double the weight of CO2.
Just like my rocket ship analogy this has a limiting effect on how much higher the gases can rise. And, if they can’t rise to any degree they can’t raise the effective radiation altitude.

Stephen Wilde
January 9, 2012 2:41 pm

“However, gravity is not a net source of energy for the earth-atmosphere system because we are not undergoing gravitational collapse.”
It doesn’t need to be a net source of energy in itself.
It just slows down the flow of solar energy through the system by increasing density at the surface to produce more opportunities for molecular collisions before the energy is released back to space.
The result is an accumulation of solar energy within the system at the surface so that a higher surface temperature can be achieved.

Joel Shore
January 9, 2012 4:18 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

It doesn’t need to be a net source of energy in itself.
It just slows down the flow of solar energy through the system by increasing density at the surface to produce more opportunities for molecular collisions before the energy is released back to space.

More nonsense. We know what temperature the surface of the Earth is at and therefore how much it radiates. How exactly does such an atmosphere “slow down the flow” of energy when it can’t even interact with this radiation?

Joel Shore
January 9, 2012 4:22 pm

Richard M: What keeps gases mixed in the atmosphere is entropy, not energy. There is no experimental support for your claim that CO2 is not well-mixed (except near sources and sinks at ground-level). And, there is no physical reason to believe that it shouldn’t be well-mixed. Hence, your notion fails on both experimental and theoretical grounds.

Dan in Nevada
January 9, 2012 8:46 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 9, 2012 at 10:43 am
“gravity is not a net source of energy for the earth-atmosphere system because we are not undergoing gravitational collapse”
That’s something I’ve been thinking about. My neighbor across the street, apparently to make me look even more pathetic, put up quite a Christmas display. Among the assorted decorations were several inflatable figures (snowmen, Santa, and the like). On a couple of evenings I stood on my front porch to admire/resent his ambition and could hear the sound of an air compressor. The inflatable characters are apparently designed to deflate without a constant input of air, pretty handy in our wind-prone area.
The idea here is that after total inflation, which I’m comparing to gravitational collapse, an equilibrium is reached where the incoming air is balanced by air going out the escape valves. The constraint is Santa’s volume, so the IGL apparently requires pressure and temperature to go up until some upper limit is reached, then they stay stable. I didn’t go over and take Santa’s temperature (probably get arrested), but I’m guessing it was higher than ambient due to the constant work being done by the compressor. My (limited) understanding of what N&Z are saying is something similar, i.e. the constant heat input is manifested as a maintenance of both temperature and volume of the atmosphere, since pressure is fixed. If there is indeed a one to one correspondence between temperature and volume (don’t know), then it stands to reason that increasing the pressure (more molecules of air) would have to result in a corresponding rise in both temperature and volume according to the IGL. Or would the volume not rise? Can it rise and the temperature not?
That’s what I think they are saying, anyway. Me, I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s fair to say they are trying to get around the laws of thermodynamics. I think everybody understands the argument about blackbody emissions and there’s no reason to keep endlessly repeating it, as Willis did in his post today, although the title took me back to my teenage couldn’t-get-enough-of-Heinlein years. N&Z acknowledge that this is the conventional wisdom and say it is wrong. Repeating it doesn’t make it more right. Now the burden is on them to make their case and they may very well fail. Or not.

January 9, 2012 9:26 pm

Joel Shore;
More nonsense. We know what temperature the surface of the Earth is at and therefore how much it radiates. >>>
We do?
I showed pretty conclusively that we do not. I showed conclusively that the values of 255K (effective black body) and 288K (“average” surface temperature) were not just inaccurate, they are wildly inaccurate.
Yet here you are, once again quoting what we “know” and relying on those numbers despite the fact that we know them to be wrong, not just a little wrong, a LOT wrong. 255K is the MAXIMUM average temp the earth could possibly be at based on 240 w/m2, and as you AGREED to in my explanation up thread, given the variance in temperatures across the globe and in over the course of a year, 255K is likely more than 100 degrees too high. You not only agreed to this, you demanded to know why it was that I was wasting your time explaining something to you that you already knew.
So now here we are, a number of comments later, and you are basing your arguments on the values of 255K and 288K!
Did you forget what you knew?

Stephen Wilde
January 9, 2012 11:19 pm

“How exactly does such an atmosphere “slow down the flow” of energy when it can’t even interact with this radiation?”
The incoming solar energy gets converted to kinetic energy before leaving as longwave.
The length of time it stays as kinetic energy depends on the density of the atmosphere.The longer it stays in kinetic form the more energy accumulates and the higher the temperature can get.
Whilst in kinetic form it is transferred between molecules by convection and conduction involving molecular collisions.

Richard M
January 10, 2012 5:56 am

Joel Shore says:
January 9, 2012 at 4:22 pm
Richard M: What keeps gases mixed in the atmosphere is entropy, not energy. There is no experimental support for your claim that CO2 is not well-mixed (except near sources and sinks at ground-level). And, there is no physical reason to believe that it shouldn’t be well-mixed. Hence, your notion fails on both experimental and theoretical grounds.

So, even with no energy supplied to the atmosphere you’re saying the atmosphere would continue exist in its present condition? Yeah, right? I suppose if I dropped 1000 baseballs from an airplane they’d be mixed into the atmosphere by entropy? Really, Joel?
Also keep in mind, it is mixed in a gravitational field vs. mixed without gravity. Do you understand the difference? Over time the heavier substances tend to “fall” to lower heights. If you put more heavier stuff into the mix it will tend to force the lighter stuff up. That’s why balloons filled with helium or hot air will float. Of course, I realize you know all this, so why the obfuscations?
Yes, winds and convection do make a difference. Without them all the gases would eventually stratify based on weight. However, it does not eliminate the continual pull of gravity. And, more importantly, gravity gets it’s way more and more as the density decreases. Fewer kinetic collisions to keep the heavier gases mixed. I suspect this is part of the reason that the mass of the atmosphere is one of the factors in the UTC.
Once the air pressure gets low enough the heavier CO2 cannot be kept aloft, hence adding more CO2 will not significantly increase the average height of gas.

Tim Folkerts
January 10, 2012 6:38 am

Joel Shore says: “What keeps gases mixed in the atmosphere is entropy, not energy.”
Richard says: “Over time the heavier substances tend to “fall” to lower heights. ”
And of course, the truth lies somewhere in between. Gases do tend to mix in order to maximize entropy. Denser things do tend to move closer to the ground. The exact contribution of each factor will depend on the relative masses of the molecules.
I agree there would be SOME stratification due due to mass, but it would not be anything like “oil and water”. Even after 1000 years in a sealed room, you would not find all the helium at the ceiling and all the CO2 at the bottom. Even with some sort of sealed column 10,000 m tall, I suspect there would only be slight enhancements of the heavier molecules at the bottom and lighter molecules at the top.
(Of course, a baseball would be a completely different story, since it has a mass on the order of 10^24 times as much as a gas molecule, which WOULD cause it to settle to the bottom.)
One practical application of this is the “gas centrifuge”. By artificially “enhancing gravity” by a factor of several thousand, the isotopes of Uranium can be separated (at least slightly). By repeating this process many times, you can finally arrive at enriched uranium.
The fact that such effort must be made to separate the isotopes suggests to me that separation of gas molecules in the atmosphere would be relatively small. While the relative difference in mass is much greater in the atmosphere, the gravitation acceleration is much, much less than the centripetal acceleration.

Richard M
January 10, 2012 7:08 am

Here’s a paper to illustrate my point:
Look at figure 1. Notice how the mixing at lower altitudes is quickly lost at higher altitudes especially for heavier gases. This is my point. Adding more CO2 will have a smaller and smaller impact due to the force of gravity. Essentially, this is like another log scale in addition to the saturation effect. Instead of the assumed 1.2C increase per doubling of CO2, it’s probably more like .12C.
I think the fact of gases being well mixed at lower altitudes actually leads to a quicker increase to the GHE at low concentrations. However, it also means once a certain effect is reached it takes significant increases to garner additional warming. This is shown very well in figure 1 of the reference. Adding more CO2 at the present time will change that vertical profile very little which means no significant increase in the average emitting altitude .

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 9:17 am

davidmhoffer says:

We do?
I showed pretty conclusively that we do not. I showed conclusively that the values of 255K (effective black body) and 288K (“average” surface temperature) were not just inaccurate, they are wildly inaccurate.

Fine…We know bounds on the temperature. Actually, the 288 K is the experimentally-measured average temperature, so we know that pretty well. We know that in the absence of a greenhouse effect, the average temperature could not possibly be greater than ~255 K. Hence, the greenhouse effect raises the average temperature by at least 33 K.
However, you are simply wrong about the “wildly inaccurate” part. As I have explained, for the current Earth, the temperature is uniform enough that in fact the difference between computing T and the fourth root of T^4 is not that large. [I was able to get a difference of 6 K only by considering a temperature distribution that is clearly broader than the actual temperature distribution….probably broader by a factor of 3 or so.]
An Earth without the greenhouse effect is a rather hypothetical situation. However, if such an Earth still had a substantial atmosphere, it is likely that the temperature distribution would still not be nearly as broad as under the assumption that the local temperature is obtained by radiative balance with the LOCAL (in space and time) insolation.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 9:29 am

Tim Folkerts says:

And of course, the truth lies somewhere in between. Gases do tend to mix in order to maximize entropy. Denser things do tend to move closer to the ground. The exact contribution of each factor will depend on the relative masses of the molecules.

Yes, this is a better way to say it. It will also depend on two other things:
(1) the amount of bulk mixing that is occurring; hence, the gases will be more well-mixed in the troposphere where there is a lot of mixing than in the stratosphere where there is much less.
(2) the existence of large sources and sinks and the lifetimes of the substances. Longer lifetimes favor more uniform mixing because there is a longer time for the substance to become well-mixed. Similarly, having a smaller flux from sources and sinks favors more uniform mixing for the same reason.
Richard M says:

Here’s a paper to illustrate my point:
Look at figure 1. Notice how the mixing at lower altitudes is quickly lost at higher altitudes especially for heavier gases. This is my point.

Actually, I don’t think it really does. What is most important is the concentration in the troposphere and it looks like all of those substances are pretty well-mixed in the troposphere. Furthermore, CO2…having a very long lifetime…would tend to be more well-mixed than the substances that they study there.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 9:52 am

Richard M says:

Here’s a paper to illustrate my point:
Look at figure 1.

It is also worth noting that Figure 1 for the case of CH_4 actually contradicts your point. Note that CH_4 is lighter than the primary atmospheric constituents of N_2 and O_2 and hence one would expect that, on the basis of your hypothesis, the mixing ratio should INCREASE at higher altitudes. It actually decreases. I presume that is because the lack of well-mixedness in the stratosphere is related to the mechanisms by which CH_4 is converted to other substances (including CO2, by the way) and not anything having to do with molecular mass…in fact, in spite of its lower molecular mass.

Tim Folkerts
January 10, 2012 9:54 am

One other quick point to follow up on Joel’s recent comments.
Richard’s link shows that O3 (a heavy gas) is enhanced in the upper atmosphere, while CH4 (a light gas) is diminished in the upper atmosphere. These results are the OPPOSITE of what would be expected based simply on mass and gravity. Clearly there is much more involved than ‘heavy gases settling to the bottom’.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 9:56 am

Stephen Wilde says:

The incoming solar energy gets converted to kinetic energy before leaving as longwave.
The length of time it stays as kinetic energy depends on the density of the atmosphere.The longer it stays in kinetic form the more energy accumulates and the higher the temperature can get.
Whilst in kinetic form it is transferred between molecules by convection and conduction involving molecular collisions.

At this point, I am beginning to see why when some of my colleagues ask students to provide an explanation for something, they often append a statement that says “using correct physics principles”.
So, let me put it another way: Using correct physics principles, explain how the Earth and its atmosphere could possibly absorb 240 W/m^2 with the surface emitting 390 W/m^2 of radiation, none of which is absorbed by the atmosphere, and hence all of which escapes to space.

Stephen Wilde
January 10, 2012 12:06 pm

“Whilst in kinetic form it is transferred between molecules by convection and conduction involving molecular collisions.”
i.e it HAS been absorbed by the atmosphere but as a result of conduction and not downward radiation from GHGs.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 10, 2012 12:34 pm

Tim Folkerts @ January 8, 8:50 pm
Thanks for your interest Tim.
Joel Shore @ January 9, 10:29 am
In response to your little obfuscations:
shawnhet @ January 9, 9:45 am
Sorry about my little rant. I get frustrated too sometimes

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 1:07 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

“Whilst in kinetic form it is transferred between molecules by convection and conduction involving molecular collisions.”
i.e it HAS been absorbed by the atmosphere but as a result of conduction and not downward radiation from GHGs.

There is something very basic that you are not understanding: You seem to keep trying to answer the question of how the surface can get heated up a certain amount by considering how energy could get transferred to the surface from the atmosphere.
However, that is not the issue. The issue is that an Earth surface that is at a temperature where it is emitting 390 W/m^2 is emitting back out into space far more energy than the Earth+atmosphere are receiving from the sun. As a result, the Earth + atmosphere is emitting far more energy than it is receiving and the system as a whole will rapidly cool.
The ONLY remedy to this energy balance problem for the entire earth + atmosphere system is to say that not all of the power emitted by the surface actually escapes to space. That is the ONLY way to solve the problem. You can’t solve it by explaining how the surface is receiving enough energy because the issue is not with how much energy the surface is receiving but how much energy the entire Earth+atmosphere system are receiving.

January 10, 2012 1:12 pm

Richard M says:
January 10, 2012 at 5:56 am
Once the air pressure gets low enough the heavier CO2 cannot be kept aloft, hence adding more CO2 will not significantly increase the average height of gas.

Correct, the layer of the atmosphere where gases are not segregated by their molecular mass is the homosphere, above that layer is termed the heterosphere where gases are segregated by their molecular mass. For the Earth that transition occurs at 80-100km altitude, so the troposphere is entirely in the homosphere. Consequently when discussing the GHE the change in gaseous composition with altitude is not relevant except for non ‘permanent’ gases such as H2O or O3.

Stephen Wilde
January 10, 2012 1:22 pm

“is to say that not all of the power emitted by the surface actually escapes to space”
I am saying that.
The atmosphere holds onto enough energy to raise the system temperature to a level whereby the energy leaving matches the energy coming in.
The denser the atmosphere the more radiative energy is converted to kinetic energy (heat) in the atmosphere and delayed in its exit from the atmosphere until a new higher equilibrium temperature is reached and then energy in again equals energy out.
Due to the delay caused by conduction replacing radiation in the course of energy passing out through the atmosphere the surface needs to increase to a temperature at which it radiates 390 at the surface in order to get 240 out through the atmosphere.
It is exactly the same principle that you invoke for GHGs but in fact the causation is not GHGs. It is the density of the atmosphere slowing things down and heating things up and not the GHGs (or not much anyway).

Richard M
January 10, 2012 1:40 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 10, 2012 at 9:54 am
One other quick point to follow up on Joel’s recent comments.
Richard’s link shows that O3 (a heavy gas) is enhanced in the upper atmosphere,

The reason for this is O3 is both created and destroyed in the upper atmosphere. It has nothing to do with mass.
Yes, the chemical reactions also make a difference. But, in the case of CO2 there is nothing that I’m aware of, of any magnitude, and it should form a distribution like the other heavier gases.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 2:13 pm

Stephen Wilde says:

“is to say that not all of the power emitted by the surface actually escapes to space”
I am saying that.

Well, that is impossible if the atmosphere is transparent to the radiation emitted by the surface.

It is exactly the same principle that you invoke for GHGs but in fact the causation is not GHGs. It is the density of the atmosphere slowing things down and heating things up and not the GHGs (or not much anyway).

Except the principle does not work unless the atmosphere is able to absorb the radiation emitted by the surface. Do you understand what the concept of an atmosphere transparent to radiation emitted by a surface means?

Stephen Wilde
January 10, 2012 3:25 pm

The atmosphere heats up from conduction of kinetic energy from molecule to molecule.
Your obsessive belief that everything is radiative is your downfall.
Between energy coming in as solar shortwave and energy going out as longwave it is the non radiative processes that dominate and the denser the atmosphere the longer the energy is in kinetic non radiative form so that the transmission through the system is slowed down, heat builds up in the system and surface temperatures rise.
Are you really a scientist ?

Stephen Wilde
January 10, 2012 3:32 pm

“The reason for this is O3 is both created and destroyed in the upper atmosphere. It has nothing to do with mass. ”
I’m grateful for that comment because it was bothering me.
On the face of it the warming of the stratosphere could have been an obstacle to the possibility that upward radiation of CO2 (accelerating energy loss to space) approximately offsets the downward radiation of CO2 (decelerating energy loss to space).
It is the creation/destruction balance that makes a difference as regards Ozone in the stratosphere and not absolute quantiities.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 4:33 pm

Stephen Wilde:

The atmosphere heats up from conduction of kinetic energy from molecule to molecule.

Are you really that incapable of understanding what I am saying? I am not talking about how the atmosphere or how the surface warms up….It can warm up by whatever magical processes you invent for it to warm up as far as I am concerned.
To repeat my statement once again: The Earth + atmosphere cannot be emitting 390 W/m^2 back out into space when it is only absorbing 240 W/m^2 from the sun. If it does this, it will rapidly cool down. You have failed to explain how the 390 W/m^2 emitted AS RADIATION by the surface can be prevented from going back out into space without anything in the atmosphere to absorb some of this radiation and hence prevent its transmission to space.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 4:50 pm

It probably doesn’t matter anyway…My prediction is that when said reply does come out, it will not address the substantive critiques on the original work. It will probably focus on sidelights that are not really important (or even well-defined) like what the average temperature of the moon is. By doing so, it will avoid the obvious, which is that:
(1) There is no known way to satisfy conservation of energy for the Earth + atmosphere global energy balance without invoking the radiative greenhouse effect.
(2) N&Z’s way of putting convection into the simple radiative model of the greenhouse effect that they started with is fatally flawed because it assumes that convection will drive the system to an isothermal temperature profile with height when it actually drives it only to the adiabatic lapse rate profile. This error is what makes the greenhouse effect virtually disappear in that model and anybody in the field could have told them this beforehand if they had bothered to ask.
(3) Their other arguments as to why the radiative greenhouse effect is unimportant are similarly flawed.
(4) Their empirical fit involves four free parameters plus additional freedom in how they chose to define the T_sb of the planets. And, (closely related to your point #1) as they have chosen to define T_sb, their surface temperature enhancement doesn’t even primarily reflect the greenhouse effect; it mainly reflects the fact higher surface pressures lead to a more uniform temperature distribution and a more uniform temperature distribution leads to a higher average temperature without changing the total power emitted by the surface. For only 1 of the 8 celestial bodies that they fit to does the radiative greenhouse effect constitute the majority of their so-called “surface temperature enhancement”; and it is only likely to be a significant contributor (say, greater than ~10%) to the “surface temperature enhancement” in 2 more. Hence, their many-parameter fit is not even fitting to what they claim to be fitting to.

Joel Shore
January 10, 2012 5:08 pm

Ira says:

3) Mean temperatures should be computed by averaging T^4 and then taking the fourth root of the result. I agree that is mathematically and scientifically correct, but I do not see how that could amount to more than a few degrees on a planet like the Earth.

You list this as one of the things that has been said by the proponents of the theory, which I won’t disagree with. However, the irony of it is that said proponents fail to realize that they are arguing for EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what N&Z are doing. I.e., the traditional way of computing T_sb is indeed to take the average insolation over the surface (which is proportional to T^4), divide by sigma, and take the 4th root.
However, N&Z have actually done the opposite: They make an approximation for the local temperature that is only correct in the limit of an airless planet and then average this temperature…not T^4…over the surface of the Earth.
This illustrates how many of the defenders of N&Z actually have no conception of what N&Z are actually doing!

January 10, 2012 7:05 pm

Stephen Wilde says:
January 10, 2012 at 3:32 pm
“The reason for this is O3 is both created and destroyed in the upper atmosphere. It has nothing to do with mass. ”
I’m grateful for that comment because it was bothering me.>>>
Not only is it created and destroyed, the mechanism is self regulating.
Ozone is destroyed at the top of the oxygen layer (mostly) and created at the bottom. The UV frequencies that do the creating are absorbed to a certain extent by the ozone layer itself. As the ozone layer thickens, ozone creating UV gets increasingly absorbed, and the amount of ozone being produced per unit of time drops. If the ozone layer thins to below itz equilibrium thickness, the ozone production rate must rise because less ozone creating UV is filtered out.
Hence, the ozone layer is self regulating. It cannot increase beyond a certain point before production falls, causing it to thin, and it can’t thin beyond a certain point because production rises, causing it to thicken.
The only real variable is in the mix of UV frequencies being emitted from the sun. If UV frequencies that create ozone increase, then the equilibrium thickness increases (for example).

January 10, 2012 7:15 pm

Joel Shore;
Frankly Joel, you really have missed the whole point. Your example is meaningless because you’ve picked unreal data points to get to your 6 degrees differential. You’ve missed the point I and others have been making in regard to the range of temperatures versus blackbody versus the range of observed temperatures. They are NOT the same thing!
Question: What is the blackbody equilibrium temperature of a body absorbing 0 w/m2?
Answer: ZERO.
The point is that ZERO is the blackbody equilibrium temperature of half the planet 12 hours per day.
The blackbody temperature of earth during the day ranges from ZERO to nearly 400K!
THAT is the range, not 255 to 288.
The “temperature” of the earth at any given time in any given place is NOT the blackbody temperature NOR is it the blackbody temperature plus GHE.
It is the blackbody temperature + GHE + LATENT HEAT
If there was no latent heat in the earth’s crust and oceans, the temperature would in fact (in the tropics) have no choice but to fluctuate between ZERO and 400K + GHE. The fact that the earth DOES retain latent heat and acts like a giant heat sink results in earth temperatures fluctuating between a much narrower range. But if you wish to rely upon blackbody and GHE ONLT, then the range is:
Zero to (400 + GHE)
And that gives you a somewhat large distribution than your cherry picked 6 degrees.

January 10, 2012 7:29 pm

Stephen Wilde;
I said:
Ozone is destroyed at the top of the oxygen layer (mostly)>>>>
Of course I meant at the top of the ozone layer…
Too little sleep, too much wine…

January 10, 2012 8:29 pm

Joel Shore says:
January 10, 2012 at 4:33 pm
You have failed to explain how the 390 W/m^2 emitted AS RADIATION by the surface can be prevented from going back out into space without anything in the atmosphere to absorb some of this radiation and hence prevent its transmission to space.
It’s called mass extinction coefficient Joel, and it dims light by absorption regardless of frequency, ruling out and ghg-only effects, and is only affected by the mass of the gases that the radiation passes through. Check a good land-based astronomy or radio astronomy book on it’s explicit calculations and effects. You will also hear it termed attenuation.
Just remember that radiation leaving the surface is isotropic in nature, and by pure geometry, that radiation has more passing generally horizontally than generally upward. Play that into the extinction equations as you integrate it in relation to the LW radation. Your factor of 240/390 sounds pretty close.
You have spent far too much time in your mind living within half-baked models.

January 10, 2012 9:06 pm

So far, proponents of the N&K theory have proposed a wide variety of interpretations, including:
“1) A more dense atmosphere yields a higher pressure….
More atmospheric mass obviously yields higher pressure. Air pressure has to to with mass of all
the gas molecules. Density has nothing to do with pressure. It’s gravity and mass of gas or mass of liquid.
“2) Higher density (more pressure) causes CO2 spectral lines to broaden.”
I heard this said, but doesn’t make any sense. CO2 which solid or liquid or gas should have same absorption lines and and therefore should same emission lines. Gravity can bend light?? Orbital speed will redshift??? Don’t see how any of the helps, or makes any difference.
“4) The reputed average temperature of the Moon, 250K, may be quite a bit too high. It seems to me that this could indeed be true, but not to the extent of 100K, and it all depends upon how one measures temperatures on a body with no atmosphere. I do not know how this will come out.”
Yeah don’t even know earth’s average temperature, don’t why it matters.
The only reason it’s important is because some think there is a relationship between average temperature and blackbody.
“5) There is some kind of “enhancement” when photons pass through a more dense atmosphere, and/or some other effects of gravity that somehow “enhance” temperatures, but do not really create more energy than supplied by the Sun to the Earth/Atmosphere system. This effect (whatever it may be) is independent of GHGs. After reading all the comments on this thread, I still have no idea what this “enhancement” effect might be, and I look forward to an explanation “in English” that I can comprehend, and, of course, a scientifically valid exposition that some of the more astute climate scientists can assure me rings true (or at least possible :^).”
I didn’t think the enhancement had to with going thru atmosphere, but rather had to do with interaction of atmospheric gas and surface temperature.
But would like to hear what “enhancement” was to do photons and atmosphere- only thing I am aware of is the atmosphere reduces the amount solar energy passing thru any atmosphere- absorption and refraction/reflection.

Tim Folkerts
January 10, 2012 9:23 pm

Wayne suggests that: “It’s called mass extinction coefficient Joel, and it dims light by absorption regardless of frequency, ruling out and ghg-only effects, and is only affected by the mass of the gases that the radiation passes through. Check a good land-based astronomy or radio astronomy book on it’s explicit calculations and effects. You will also hear it termed attenuation.”
So give us some actual number here, Wayne. There are always additional details that might be important, but it is equally important to know when NOT to worry about a correction.
For example, my knowledge suggest that attenuation of x-rays by the atmosphere is quite extreme (hence there are no x-ray telescopes on the ground). There are good reasons to expect this (compton scattering, ionization, and others). Visible light is also scattered by “clear” atmosphere. The most common and familiar effect is Raleigh scattering which makes the sky blue, but this only a few percent of the visible light after traveling all the way thru the atmosphere.
IR would suffer even less Raleigh scattering — like 10^-4 as much. Some people have hard time believing that 20% absorption by CO2 could be important; now were are talking ppm of IR getting absorbed as they try to escape.
Those are my estimates. Please provide your own estimates from your favorite land-based astronomy or radio astronomy book and show that the results for 4-20 um IR are significantly large enough to be important in this discussion.

Stephen Wilde
January 10, 2012 9:38 pm

One can sidestep a lot of the conceptual problems some here are having if one regards the density/mass/pressure of the atmosphere as shifting the balance (within the flow of energy through the system) from fast radiation towards slower conduction giving a rise
in equilibrium temperature as a consequence.
After all, no atmosphere at all means an immediate turnaround of energy i.e.
radiation straight in and straight out pretty much instantly.
As soon as one then adds an atmosphere capable of CONDUCTION which includes non GHGs then the
conduction takes away from the efficiency of the radiation process by
slowing energy dissipation down which is what then leads to the higher
equilibrium temperature. The denser the atmosphere the more conduction takes
place before the radiative energy can be released to space and the higher
the equilibrium temperature rises.The density of the atmosphere at the surface is controlled by gravity because a stronger gravitational pull reduces volume.
So, radiative processes are not in control because they are subject to
interference from density and the consequent increase in conduction relative to radiation.
Convection and the water cycle then act to try to reduce the slowing effect
on energy dissipation of more conduction but can never get back to the
efficiency of raw, in/out, radiation.
In order to maintain the outward radiation of 240 Wm2 and thereby match the incoming of 240Wm2 the surface temperature needs to rise in order to overcome the retention of energy by the atmosphere caused by conduction to the air.
At Earth’s atmospheric pressure the surface temperature rises to a point where the surface needs to radiate 390 Wm2 in order to get 240Wm2 out into space past the resistance of the atmosphere.That atmosphere absorbs via conduction the balance of 150Wm2.
That all happens as a result of atmospheric mass. Nothing to do with the thermal properties of GHGs so that then provides the baseline adiabatic lapse rate for our particular planet.
If one then adds some GHGs then they will have an effect but only above the surface and so far no one has suggested any evidence that the 50% of their emissions directed downwards to decelerate the energy flow through the system fails to be offset by the 50% that goes upward to accelerate energy flow out of the system.
Or that increased convection and evaporation fail to eliminate the contribution from GHGs.
So we have a clear and obvious greenhouse effect from atmospheric mass but no proven similar net effect from GHGs.

January 10, 2012 10:52 pm

Tim Folkerts says:
January 10, 2012 at 9:23 pm
So give us some actual number here, Wayne.
No Tim, thinking I’m your errand boy again, huh?
Look it up and calculate it up yourself, you have a computer, you do know how to write simple programs I am assuming, you might even learn something. I told you where, astronomy and/or radio astronomy books/sites though the later is best when dealing with sub-visual frequencies.
Tim: “For example, my knowledge suggest that attenuation of x-rays by the atmosphere is quite extreme (hence there are no x-ray telescopes on the ground). There are good reasons to expect this (compton scattering, ionization, and others). ”
You are right on x-rays, so, why don’t ground based radio telescopes peer through the window frequencies of about 8 to 13 microns? Look it up. Why do modern thermal thermometers tune to the window frequencies where there are few ghg lines? Bigger, why when you point one up at those non-ghg frequencies does it generally read about -20 degC, pop out your S-B calculator. I find these facts fascinating. What of pure nitrogen? Look it up and apply it on a planetary scale.
Tim, I am not going to lay it all out for you, I want YOU to read and try to learn something new.

Tim Folkerts
January 11, 2012 4:23 am

Tim says: So give us some actual number here, Wayne.
Wayne replies: No Tim, thinking I’m your errand boy again, huh?
You certainly do not HAVE TO do any work, but then you also can’t expect others to put any stock in what you say. After all, you are the one proposing that a well-know mechanism has been overlooked for decades by scientists, only to be rediscovered by you. I gave a quick estimate that for the entire IR spectrum, the only mechanism (besides IR absorption that we have specifically ruled out in this case) I know of that might be important is Raleigh scattering, would be several orders of magnitude too small to be important.
So the ball is in your court. Support your extraordinary claim with some evidence, or admit the you are just speculating and have no idea if mass attenuation could possibly block on the order of 100 W/m^2 of IR leaving the surface.

Joel Shore
January 11, 2012 5:03 am

davidmhoffer says:

If there was no latent heat in the earth’s crust and oceans, the temperature would in fact (in the tropics) have no choice but to fluctuate between ZERO and 400K + GHE. The fact that the earth DOES retain latent heat and acts like a giant heat sink results in earth temperatures fluctuating between a much narrower range. But if you wish to rely upon blackbody and GHE ONLT, then the range is:
Zero to (400 + GHE)
And that gives you a somewhat large distribution than your cherry picked 6 degrees.

I have no idea what the point of your arguments are any more. What you have said is not completely incorrect, but here are the major problems with it:
(1) You are misusing the term “latent heat” but I will assume that you mean something like “heat capacity” or “thermal inertia”.
(2) It is not only the crust or oceans but the atmosphere itself that can store energy; furthermore, the atmosphere (and the oceans) can also move energy around, another thing you haven’t considered that will help to even out the temperature distribution.
(3) The 6 degrees that I talked about was an overestimate of the difference between averaging T and taking the 4th root of the average of T^4 for the CURRENT Earth temperature distribution. It is not cherrypicked. It is a result obtained using a temperature distribution that is certainly broader than the actual Earth temperature distribution…probably by a factor of 3 or so.
(4) I have said that the temperature distribution of a hypothetical Earth without greenhouse gases (but still with a substantial atmosphere) will likely be broader but I doubt it will be INCREDIBLY broader, if for no other reason than the fact that the data presented by N&Z already show a substantial “surface temperature enhancement” due to evening out of the temperature distribution in even fairly thin atmospheres without the greenhouse effect.
(5) At any rate, what we know is this: An Earth without the greenhouse effect but otherwise the same (e.g., same albedo) would emit ~240 W/m^2 and hence have the 4th root of the average of T^4 about equal to 255 K. The direct average of T would be at most 255 K.

Joel Shore
January 11, 2012 5:08 am

Stephen Wilde says:

In order to maintain the outward radiation of 240 Wm2 and thereby match the incoming of 240Wm2 the surface temperature needs to rise in order to overcome the retention of energy by the atmosphere caused by conduction to the air.
At Earth’s atmospheric pressure the surface temperature rises to a point where the surface needs to radiate 390 Wm2 in order to get 240Wm2 out into space past the resistance of the atmosphere.That atmosphere absorbs via conduction the balance of 150Wm2.

Like I have said, all that your posts show is that one can justify anything using words if one’s explanation does not use correct physics principles.
There is no physics principle that says there is some magical “resistance” to radiation. The only way for radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface not to get out into space at the same rate as it is emitted is for that radiation to be absorbed (or reflected) by the atmosphere. That is what we call “the radiative greenhouse effect”.

Richard M
January 11, 2012 6:08 am

Phil.’s comment got me thinking. The reason there is a homosphere is due to the turbulence of the lower atmosphere. It is the energy located there that mixes up the gases and prevents them from seeking a weight based profile. However, what happens when additional gases like CO2 are added. The mixing shouldn’t really change much because the heavier gases are already being driven higher then would be expected. The average height of the CO2 could easily end up the same. If that was the case there would be no rise in the effective radiation altitude and hence no additional heating.
As it would turn out the additional heat at the surface created by the lapse rate is part of the reason the GHE is enhanced at low concentrations but does not increase significantly at higher concentrations. It creates a more balanced GHE.
This is a little adjustment to what I said earlier but it makes a lot sense. Thanks, Phil..

Richard M
January 11, 2012 6:38 am

Expanding on my previous comment. The addition of any gas in the lower atmosphere increases the weight. The energy that mixes the gases now has to deal with more and more weight and that almost certainly means something has to give. Either the well mixed portion becomes less well mixed or the upper boundary of the well mixed gases is lowered.
If it is the latter then while the concentration increases within the homosphere fairly evenly the height drops proportionately to the added mass. The net effect cancels out as far as increasing the GHE.
Remember, what got me into this thought process was equation (7) of the UTC. The idea that the GHE is essentially based on the mass of the atmosphere, gravity and the amount of energy available is just too much of a coincidence to let slide simply because the authors got off track when looking for a physical explanation.
I still may not have all the factors down, but I think I’m on the right track. The GHE is initially enhanced by the turbulence of an atmosphere. This means the effect drops off quickly at higher concentrations. Since we have plenty of water vapor to drive the GHE, the addition of a little CO2 with the already well mixed GHGs is limited in its impact.

Tim Folkerts
January 11, 2012 8:20 am

Richard M says: “The average height of the CO2 could easily end up the same. If that was the case there would be no rise in the effective radiation altitude and hence no additional heating.”
The one point I would make is that the location of the “top of atmosphere” is what matters most, not the average location of the atmosphere. Suppose the top 10% of CO2 current is enough to block most of the radiation of a particular. wavelength. If we double the CO2, then the top 5% would be enough (since it is the same # of molecules). Even if the average altitude of CO2 remains the same, the top 5% will be higher than the top 10%. This would indeed raise the effective radiation altitude.

Richard M
January 11, 2012 8:56 am

Tim, I agree with what you’re saying … as far as it goes. However, if you double the CO2 the top of the atmosphere should drop a little because of the added weight. Does this balance out the effect of the added CO2? Don’t know, but it seems reasonable which is why equation (7) seems to hold on so many planets.

Stephen Wilde
January 11, 2012 9:02 am

“This would indeed raise the effective radiation altitude.”
I’m inclined to agree but the system response would simply be a surface pressure redistribution below the tropopause.
That would shift the permanent climate zones just a minute fraction compared to natural variations caused by sun and oceans.
And there would be no need for a change in total system energy content, merely a change in the rate at which energy flows through the system from surface upward. No need to propose any change in ocean heat content either.
If there were any way that the extra energy could get into the oceans then that would offset or eliminate any raising of the effective radiation altitude anyway and could defer any measurable atmospheric response for millennia due to the thermal capacity of the oceans.
AGW theory cannot have it both ways. Either the extra energy in the air from GHGs alters the thermal profile of the atmosphere or it alters ocean heat content.
If the former it is too small to worry about compared to natural variations and if the latter the problem is deferred for so long that it need not concern us.

January 11, 2012 9:08 am

To All:
Just want to let you know that Karl Zeller and I are working on our official reply to the blog comments. Due to unexpected work load last week, we could not finish it as planned. The article is now coming along pretty well, and we’ll be able to share it with you soon.
Thank you for your patience!

January 11, 2012 11:30 am

Tim Folkerts says:
January 11, 2012 at 8:20 am
“The one point I would make is that the location of the “top of atmosphere” is what matters most, not the average location of the atmosphere. Suppose the top 10% of CO2 current is enough to block most of the radiation of a particular. wavelength. If we double the CO2, then the top 5% would be enough (since it is the same # of molecules). Even if the average altitude of CO2 remains the same, the top 5% will be higher than the top 10%. This would indeed raise the effective radiation altitude.”
Help me out, Tim. From my perspective defining the radiative layer as the layer that emits almost all of the radiation, then adding more radiating bands to the spectrum would make that layer more closely approximate the blackbody curve, its emissivity would increase and it would cool and shrink without appreciably affecting the underlying layers which transmit practically no radiation through the opaque bands. What am I missing?
I can’t quite fathom the story that more radiation bands cause the atmosphere to radiate from a higher level, which is a key claim of the warming establishment. Since the post 1970 increase in CO2 emissions we have seen the stratosphere cool, and since the stratosphere anchors the adiabatic lapse rate this cooling would theoretically propagate downward and offset any warming from increased greenhouse effect at the surface. I do not say there is no greenhouse effect, but the effect may be too small to observe or only observable in some regions.

January 11, 2012 11:37 am

“Phil.’s comment got me thinking. The reason there is a homosphere is due to the turbulence of the lower atmosphere. It is the energy located there that mixes up the gases and prevents them from seeking a weight based profile.”
I think it has to do what called air packets. One can loosely think of air as bodies- because molecules are traveling at 500 m/s “but not getting anywhere”. So as imaginary group [in that could/might/or may not trade all members in a seconds- Or the group/packet is not defined by members but temperature and density of space] and it does not move due to it’s molecule speed- but does move from exterior factors like bouyancy. And this regarding ideal gas law molecules. Adding to mix is the H2O molecule is sticky in terms of ideal gas law- it’s a condensing gas at the temperature of the atmospheric air- this aspect doesn’t make it an “ideal gas”.
Now trying find the ref. Meanwhile this is somewhat related:
But anyhow, can’t find what I wanted..
So I would guess, that in higher elevation, water vapor is far less abundant as compare to troposphere and less sticky, and air packets don’t exist or much bigger/less defined- and therefore convection as motion of bodies of gas, don’t occur. Though convection in sense of transferring energy via individual gas molecules movement, obviously continues.
Also there probably someone who figured out the size of air packet [or smallest average size]- the smallest packet must change size relating to pressure. And also packet seems to me, to join with other packets- millions maybe depending what you quantify as “smallest packet”- and these large groups are inversion layers. Sort of defining aspect of air packet is moving up or down- inversion layers aren’t moving- so the definitions might may making it confusing.
Some aspect that stops air packet movement upward or downward- and you call that the “inversion layer”, but think air packets themselves can stop upward and downward movement of other air packets. Or related, air packet can gain momentum [they can accelerate upward or downward] and inversion layers could be halting of that momentum. So in sense, inversion layer are illusionary- they real in that they stop momentum and gas movement “appears stopped” but packets could also continues upward or downward- and once again start accelerating
“However, what happens when additional gases like CO2 are added. The mixing shouldn’t really change much because the heavier gases are already being driven higher then would be expected. The average height of the CO2 could easily end up the same. If that was the case there would be no rise in the effective radiation altitude and hence no additional heating.”
When talking of mass of molecule such as CO2 in this context, you talking about buoyancy, buoyancy as a factor. Gravity is called a weak force- but it’s constant. So with gas molecules moving 500 m/s, buoyancy/gravity could be said to be weak. On average and over time, gravity will tend to keep molecules nearer the surface.
If you added an enormous amount of heat to earth’s atmosphere- hot air rises. The top of troposphere will not be cold- but much hotter than lower elevation air. You don’t have the lapse rate where basically gases molecules are going the same speed. The enormous heat means are large quantity of gas molecules are traveling much faster than others. Say, half the atmosphere gases are going 2000 m/s and rest are going 500 m/s- that means the 2000 m/s molecules will be higher than the 500 m/s gas. Given enough time the 2000 m/s will increase the 500 m/s gas velocity, and balance out. Leaving the vast majority of gas traveling roughly at same velocity- restoring lapse rate. And would say the reason all molecules do not slow down to average speed, is mainly due to the sun energy. Turn off the sun and upper atmosphere will collapse faster than the lower atmosphere. And also upper atmosphere also “gets” some faster moving molecules. Faster moving molecules in air packets will go up faster from buoyancy- few of molecules will get to top with their faster speed- most will “be averaged”. Once packet reaches highest level the density of air is so low that there is no “lift”, – here in low number of molecule per cubic meter- faster molecules can go longer distance before hitting another molecule. [And there the chances of hitting slower moving molecules is less.]
So one thing about a CO2 molecule is it’s more mass, if more molecules are traveling faster, it’s more survivable to stay up than fall down- or the faster molecule speed could “overwhelm”
gravity. Or simply, it’s not in high atmosphere due to buoyancy- it’s all about molecular speed of individuals rather than air packet’s buoyancy .

Richard M
January 11, 2012 11:47 am

I had another interesting thought relative to the GHE. Since it is based on the altitude of the radiating particles might not there be other particles besides GHGs come into play? For example, you could have a planet with no GHGs but a strongly turbulent atmosphere that blew up a lot of dust. Dust also absorbs and emits radation so it should also impact the height of the effective radiation point. OTOH, dust is quite heavy compared to the gases and would need to constantly be elevated.
This would take a lot of energy but it does seem like you could have a planet with no GHGs that still had a GHE. Seems like you would need to consider more than just GHGs.
[Richard M, as I understand it, particulate matter in the Atmosphere (dust particles, etc.) also reflect Sunlight (SWIR) and so tend to increase the albedo of the Earth, cancelling out all or much of their GHG-like effect absorbing and re-emitting UW LWIR back down to the Surface. -Ira]

Richard M
January 11, 2012 11:59 am

gbaikie: “it’s not in high atmosphere due to buoyancy- it’s all about molecular speed of individuals rather than air packet’s buoyancy .”
I think I agree with most of what you stated. If the altitude is determined by the speed of the packets of molecules as you state, then what determines their speed? Clearly, the energy input to the system, but also I think it is the pressure, that is, the mass of the atmosphere and the gravitational pull. I think we end in the same place … equation (7).

Stephen Wilde
January 11, 2012 12:07 pm

” Since the post 1970 increase in CO2 emissions we have seen the stratosphere cool, and since the stratosphere anchors the adiabatic lapse rate this cooling would theoretically propagate downward ”
Actually,a cooling stratosphere causes the tropopause to RISE just as does a warming surface.

Tim Folkerts
January 11, 2012 12:26 pm

Pochas says: “…adding more radiating bands to the spectrum would make that layer more closely approximate the blackbody curve, its emissivity would increase and it would cool and shrink… ”
Actually, I think the net effect would be the opposite. The band would be emitting some extra energy as you say. BUT it would also be absorbing extra energy from below in those same bands (either from GHGs in the layers below or from the ground). Since the lower layers are warmer, the ability to block this more intense radiation from the warmer layers would more than compensate for the extra energy radiated from the cold upper layers. The net result is LESS cooling for the earth as a whole, causing a net warming until the radiation balance we restored.

January 11, 2012 2:08 pm

“If the altitude is determined by the speed of the packets of molecules as you state, then what determines their speed?”
It depends.
If a lot packets are going up, one has acceleration. Acceleration can faster than 9.8 meters per second per second [faster than gravity-though dependent on gravity].
With nuclear explosion air packets would go supersonic.
You could called it explosive force- but that is heat differences.
A nuke or stick of dynamite is different creature in a vacuum- same energy.
The idea that air packet could accelerate faster then gravity- is not idea most would generally assume is possible.
And I don’t want argue about it. But you asked:)
So we assume acceleration less than 9.8 m/s/s. And unless one talking intense heat it will be a slower acceleration.
So a hot air balloon has limited acceleration. And most rising air packets would be somewhere in the range of hot air balloon. Though I would say air packets have advantages in terms of getting faster acceleration and speed as compared to hot air balloon [as compared to same heat of gas]- other advantages in addition to than lacking ballast and balloon weight.
I believe wind shear is air packets and wind shear can move quite fast. Or example is climbing thermals with gliders.
“Climb rates depend on conditions, but rates of several meters per second are common and can be maximized by gliders equipped with flaps”
Another Wiki article says:
“Thermal wind is a meteorological term not referring to an actual wind, but a difference in the geostrophic wind between two pressure levels p1 and p0, with p1 < p0; in essence, wind shear. It is only present in an atmosphere with horizontal changes in temperature (or in an ocean with horizontal gradients of density)"
They seem to be describing as caused by pressure, I say it's about density differences. Or different weight of air.
And same wiki:
"Vertical speed changes greater than 4.9 knots (2.5 m/s) also qualify as significant wind shear for aircraft."
[It seems as guess, going down, goes faster than going up:)]
Jet steams: So yeah a lot to do with earth rotation but falling air packets are involved with
But generally slow, because as general rule air molecules going roughly same speed, and you have generally uniformity. But an average of 2 m/s in an hour is 7.2 km up. Walking speed is adequate.
Also in terms of acceleration, if you start with say 1 meter per second per second achieve speed of 2 meters per second, and have some rate slowing acceleration to 1/2 meter per second per second and half the acceleration rate to infinity and you still have acceleration.
Can't do that with rockets- can do that with mob of faster moving molecules.

January 11, 2012 3:29 pm

Bob Fernley-Jones says:
January 8, 2012 at 7:40 pm
“Bart, I value your contributions here, please don’t go. Strange how Joel has complained how he gets frustrated with people who have a different view than his. Please hang-in there.”
Just dropped in one last time to see if things have progressed. They haven’t. Still people talking at, instead of to, each other.
I didn’t leave in a pique, just from exhaustion of the equivalent of trying to explain high finance to chihuahuas. Joel has no idea where S-B comes from. For him, it is magic, fundamental truth brought down from the summit of Mt. Olympus. It holds everywhere and in all places. Tim and Willis seem to think so, too. I am clearly incapable of breaching the wall of willful blindness, so I give up.

Tim Folkerts
January 11, 2012 5:20 pm

Not to start a side argument, Bart, but you clearly have some “willful blinders” of your own if you think I (or the other two) take physics as some sort of gospel from the gods. Quite the contrary, I (and I am sure the other two) have worked hard to develop an understanding of physics starting from fundamentals. For example, I have (a number of years ago) worked through the derivations of the Planck distribution and cavity radiation — a claim that only a few here could make.
We may be a bit passionate at times, but that is because there is so much bad science flying around here. There are people who quote high school principles and think that is “fundamental truth brought down from the summit of Mt. Olympus”. There are people who picked up a sound bite and think they know science. After responding to enough of these, it is easy to occasionally overlook good points that do get made, missing the few golden nuggets among the piles of rock.
It doesn’t help that threads about different gedanken experiments get intertwined, so it can be hard to know who is responding to precisely which points.
As Willis has said, please quote a line to support your contentions that Joel or I have “no idea where S-B comes from” or that we think that science is “fundamental truth brought down from the summit of Mt. Olympus”. Vague attacks only move things backwards, not forwards.
But like you, I have about reached my limit with this thread. Pretty much everything that can be said has been said — at least until the promised follow-up comes from the original authors.

January 11, 2012 6:49 pm

Tim – all I know is that, try as I might to demonstrate that radiance from the Earth does not have to be as high as SB says it should be if it were a blackbody, all of you still seem to keep insisting that S-B by itself invalidates the idea of non-GHG heating of the atmosphere.
I made another comment about this here on another thread.

January 11, 2012 10:31 pm

Joel Shore;
I have no idea what the point of your arguments are any more.>>>
Sadly Joel, I believe you. You really and truly don’t understand.
Joel Shore;
What you have said is not completely incorrect, but here are the major problems with it:>>>
No there aren’t, because you’ve cherry picked comments and terminology out of context rather than engage on the actual core issues.
Joel Shore;
(1) You are misusing the term “latent heat” but I will assume that you mean something like “heat capacity” or “thermal inertia”.
Yup, that’s the terminology I should have used. So stick those words in and then deal with what I said instead of nit picking. I used “heat sink” later on instead of latent heat, I think what I was trying to get at was clear. Thanks for helping with the wording, now let’s move onto the physics.
Joel Shore;
(2) It is not only the crust or oceans but the atmosphere itself that can store energy; furthermore, the atmosphere (and the oceans) can also move energy around, another thing you haven’t considered that will help to even out the temperature distribution.
C’mon Joel, I said exactly that and I said exactly that several times in this thread. You know I said it because you responded to those issues in those comments. You also complained that my comments ramble, then when I opt for brevity you complain about the things I left out even though you know very well that they are part of my argument in the first place.
Joel Shore;
(3) The 6 degrees that I talked about was an overestimate of the difference between averaging T and taking the 4th root of the average of T^4 for the CURRENT Earth temperature distribution. It is not cherrypicked. It is a result obtained using a temperature distribution that is certainly broader than the actual Earth temperature distribution…probably by a factor of 3 or so.>>>>
It most absolutely IS cherry picked. You CANNOT possibly be arguing that the observed temperatures, which you yourself pointed out are mitigated in terms of their range by the heat capacity of the earth plus the atmosphere and so on can in ANY way be used to calculate blackbody values? Or blackbody plus GHE values? Honestly? Do you think that unless you KNOW the value to attribute to heat capacity you get anything meaningful at all? On the other end of the equation you are referring to 240 w/m2 as the effective black body radiance of earth. Excuse me, but how can you possibly justify using observed temps which are massively influence by heat capacity to compare to theoretical blackbody numbers that are valid if, AND ONLY IF, the body in question has a heat capacity of zero?
Joel Shore;
(4) I have said that the temperature distribution of a hypothetical Earth without greenhouse gases (but still with a substantial atmosphere) will likely be broader but I doubt it will be INCREDIBLY broader, if for no other reason than the fact that the data presented by N&Z already show a substantial “surface temperature enhancement” due to evening out of the temperature distribution in even fairly thin atmospheres without the greenhouse effect.
Joel, you keep referring to 240 w/m2 as the effective blackbody radiance and I keep pointing at that this is a meaningless number because if we set aside all other factors, heat capcity, GHE, and so on, then the actual range due to blackbody temperature fluctuations is, in fact, from zero to 400K daily. Surely you are not suggesting that this range is close to what we actually experience? Surely you cannot characterize this range as not being “substantially” larger? Joel, please. You cannot define things via blackbody on the one hand, and then compare to observed or calculated temps that include things like heat capacity! You cannot argue that heat capacity is not substantial when a dead simple SB Law calculation results in a temperature range of 400 degrees!
Joel Shore;
(5) At any rate, what we know is this: An Earth without the greenhouse effect but otherwise the same (e.g., same albedo) would emit ~240 W/m^2 and hence have the 4th root of the average of T^4 about equal to 255 K. The direct average of T would be at most 255 K.>>>
The only thing we know Joel is that an earth with a uniform temperature across the globe and across time would have a T of 255K. Actually, we DO know more:
We know that no such planet exists. We know that variations in temperature across the globe are over 100K from highest to lowest. We know that the tropics are pretty stable over time, but that temperate zones fluctuate by as much as 80 degrees on an annual basis. We know that the blackbody temperature of the planet varies by 400 degrees DAILY. AND we know that the heat capacity of the planet plus atmospheric processes and whatever I left out in this particular rant result in the temperature of the planet fluctuating around a narrow range DEFINED by thos factors. Given that we haven’t a clue how much to attribute to heat capacity alone, any calculation that purports to determing how much of the observed temperature and how much of the fluctuation is due to ANY given factor is pure and utter bull.

Joel Shore
January 12, 2012 3:15 am

Bart – We understand that if a surface is not a perfect blackbody, it can emit less than the blackbody prediction. However, while the Earth is not a perfect blackbody in the wavelength range of interest, it is pretty darn close. And it is not like this stuff is not well-measured…The field of remote sensing relies on knowing the details of the Earth’s surface’s emission.
Hence, the considerations that you are worried about are a small correction (and, as I have noted, a correction that acts in the opposite direction as the correction that David Hoffer is worried about).
That is why your arguments to us sound like desperation…and the kind of arguments that can always be made if one does not want to accept science that disagrees with what one wants to believe. It is very much like arguing that radioactive dating and other techniques used are not perfectly accurate and hence it is possible that the Earth being only 6000 years old.

Joel Shore
January 12, 2012 4:32 am

You latest post suffers from a number of confusions, but the most important one is that you seem to think that heat capacity can magically get you around having to (to a very good approximation) conserve radiative energy in and out. It can locally and in the short term, but not globally and over the longer term. Even with the current steady rises in greenhouse gases, the global radiative imbalance as estimated from the warming of the oceans is a fraction of a W/m^2.
If the Earth were only receiving ~240 W/m^2 but was emitting ~390 W/m^2 the resulting cooling would be rapid.

Joel Shore
January 12, 2012 4:36 am

Just to back up my analogy (because I am sure that some people aren’t going to like it), here is webpage listing some of the scientific problems with radiometric dating: http://www.specialtyinterests.net/carbon14.html

January 12, 2012 10:20 am

Bart says:
January 11, 2012 at 3:29 pm

… I didn’t leave in a pique, just from exhaustion of the equivalent of trying to explain high finance to chihuahuas. Joel has no idea where S-B comes from. For him, it is magic, fundamental truth brought down from the summit of Mt. Olympus. It holds everywhere and in all places. Tim and Willis seem to think so, too. I am clearly incapable of breaching the wall of willful blindness, so I give up.

Does the S-B relationship between temperature and radiation “hold everywhere“? Of course not. So in theory you are right, Bart, and if we required absolute perfection, the S-B equation would never, ever be used on real objects.
But in practice, the fact that you can buy a handheld remote thermometer, which uses the strength of IR radiation plus the S-B equation to measure the temperature of common objects around us means that S-B almost holds almost everywhere. Most things radiate at a level which is quite close to their theoretical S-B radiation of epsilon sigma T^4.
This is confirmed, for example, by the way satellites measure the temperatures of the troposphere and the ocean. Despite your comments, Bart, they have no problem using the S-B relationship that you say doesn’t work to measure the temperature of the ocean surface from space. You really should let them know that the physics prevents them from doing that, I guess they didn’t get your memo.
It is also confirmed by the fact that a blacksmith doesn’t need a different color scale for each different kind of metal. If some steel is glowing cherry red, it will be at the same temperature as some titanium glowing cherry red. Why? Because of the S-B relationship, which says nothing about the kind of object being heated.
Other than a theoretical cavity in a solid object, S-B doesn’t work perfectly anywhere, Bart. But we use it in all kinds of science, because it is pretty dang close almost everywhere.
You are letting the perfect be an enemy of the possible. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but you are doing it to avoid seeing your error.

January 12, 2012 11:07 am

Joel Shore;
You latest post suffers from a number of confusions, but the most important one is that you seem to think that heat capacity can magically get you around having to (to a very good approximation) conserve radiative energy in and out. It can locally and in the short term, but not globally and over the longer term. Even with the current steady rises in greenhouse gases, the global radiative imbalance as estimated from the warming of the oceans is a fraction of a W/m^2.
If the Earth were only receiving ~240 W/m^2 but was emitting ~390 W/m^2 the resulting cooling would be rapid.>>>
My last post suffers only from having to deal with clear obfuscation and misdirection by someone who clearly would rather engage in that manner instead of dealing with the actual facts.
1. The earth receives 240 w/m2 and emitts 240 w/m2 “on average” and thus energy is in fact balanced and not one damn think I said suggests otherwise.
2. The maximum temperature the surface of the earth can achieve “on average” based on 240 w/m2 is 255K. The likelihood that the earth absorbs and emitts at an average of 255K is zero.
3. The surface temperature of the earth based on observations yields a surface temperature “average” of 288K or 390 w/m2. At 390 w/m2 the minimum “average” surface temperature would be 288K. The likelihood that the surface temperature radiance can be calculated accurately by averaging observed temperatures across both space and time is zero.
4. Any conclusions drawn by subtracting a number known to be wrong from another number known to be wrong result in a number that could only be correct by some freak coincidence on the order of choosing a random haystack from anywhere in the world and pulling from it the needle my aunt bessy lost 20 years ago on the first try.
5. You continually compare numbers that are heavily influenced by heat capacity to numbers calculated by formulas that do not account for heat capacity, and yet expect the conclusions to be mathematically correct and to obey the laws of thermodynamics.
Everything that I have attemped to explain to you is not that hard for someone who claims to have a PhD in physics to understand. Were you to stop and consider for a moment, you might clue in that the ridiculous attempt on your part to compare an “average” insolation number that is not representative to an “average” temperature number that is ALSO not representative, one based on SB Law with no consideration for heat capacity and the other by default which INCLUDES heat capacity is the very violation of the laws of thermodynamics you accuse me of.
YOUR numbers are the ones that don’t balance sir.
And you stipulated to my explanation of both sets of numbers as things you already knew. My numbers balance. Your numbers don’t because they are,literaly, pulled from thin air derived from equations and measurements that have nothing to do with each other.

Brian H
January 13, 2012 2:16 am

gnomish commented on Unified Climate Theory May Confuse Cause and Effect.
in response to Ira Glickstein, PhD:

yeah- it’s a real good idea to keep water in the pot otherwise you can melt a hole in the bottom of the pot. water won’t let it get near hot enuff…. but i may recant if there’s an auto-da-fe just so’s not to get stuck reradiating ir at a pile of sticks.

Reminds me of Boy Scout trick for heating water without a pot. Put water in paper cup, set on top of a low fire (suitably braced). Remove from fire when water boils.
Works fine. The water won’t let the paper (below the water line) get hot enough to burn, and if the fire is low enough flames won’t get to the rim. .

Brian H
January 13, 2012 2:23 am

About that Lazarus add-on: note that you can (in the 2.2 release which is what you should use) you can set the retention period. It defaults to 14 hours. I’ve got mine set to just over a year. Handy for finding past comments.

Brian H
January 13, 2012 2:30 am

Correction: Lazarus 2.x. The 3.x is missing several features pending further development, in order to make it compatible with Chrome, etc.

Brian H
January 13, 2012 2:36 am

Nope. The Moon at Noon is 207K, not 255.

Bob Fernley-Jones
January 13, 2012 10:25 pm

Concerning the sarcastic allegations of tardiness in N&Z providing an improved presentation:
Considering that on the original WUWT Ira thread here ALONE, there are over 1,000 diverse comments, I’m hardly surprised that they run a tad late on their originally anticipated improved presentation. It may well be more qualitative and pre-emptive to people condemning stuff that they simultaneously admit that they do not understand; who knows? Meanwhile I wait in anticipation, whilst feeling that some of the derivations from their basic premise, (which in itself I think is valuable), might be a bit stretched.
Hopefully we will see some clarifications within the next few weeks, and let’s be patient.
BTW, I think this here debate is the best form of “peer review”

Joel Shore
January 14, 2012 10:22 am

Bob Fernley-Jones says:

BTW, I think this here debate is the best form of “peer review”

No…It is evidence of how, outside of the scientific community, people can endlessly debate things that inside the scientific community would quickly and rightly be dismissed as nonsense.
The fact that this is still being debated despite the best attempts by some of us to inject correct science into the debate shows how many people seem unable to distinguish actual science from nonsense. This is particularly true when the nonsense aligns more with what they want to believe than the science does. – Anthony
REPLY: And this Joel, is where you fail miserably. The point of this is education. To learn people must make mistakes. The problem with the “scientific community” is that they poo poo and denigrate people like myself and those who frequent this blog for going through the learning process discussing things they consider off limits. The fact is though, that anyone who maintains a closed mind to re-evaluating anything is a lost soul, capable only of self affirmatiom and confirmation bias.
I could have prevented this post, knowing full well at the outset that it had serious problems, but then, nobody would have learned anything. Unlike you and the team, I prefer to allow such open debate, even if the debate shows just how wrong the idea can be. The real value is in the journey. I refer everyone to the conclusion of this discussion in Willis Eschenbach’s thread A Matter of Some Gravity
You’ve spent hours dominating this thread and the original, and many have learned something from it, some have not. But in honor of your pig-headedness displayed here, I’m closing the thread. The conversation can continue on the Willis essay linked above. Take a 24 hour time out before you try to take command of that thread too. – Anthony