Nature proves Al Gore wrong again

Gore’s “ice free Arctic” prediction from five years ago, falsified by nature itself The great bloviator has been pwned again, by the actions of nature itself. In Germany, five years…

'Ozone hole' may be a warming factor due to wind shifts

First, a clarification; while the AGU calls it an “ozone hole”, it technically isn’t. As NASA says here, it really isn’t a “hole” in the true sense of the word,…

IceCube Neutrino Observatory provides new insights into origin of cosmic rays

In 1912, Austrian physicist Victor Hess was using balloons to measure radiation levels in the Earth’s atmosphere. His innovative and meticulous work required him to travel with the balloon up…

D'Aleo on ozone hole: "It is very likely to have been there forever"

Ozone holes in Antarctic and Arctic relate to cold rebounds from warming events By Joseph D’Aleo, The ozone hole above the Antarctic has reached its maximum extent for the…

Steig on Antarctic warming: "Rossby wave trains"

From the University of Washington, comes this upcoming paper by corresponding author Dr. Eric Steig (and co-authors)that the mechanism for warming of the Antarctic Peninsula is mostly weather pattern driven.…