The LWIR Puzzle: Experiments with MODTRAN

Much ink is spilled on this site, both in the articles themselves and in the threads that follow, on CO2 and its impact on long wave infrared radiation (LWIR).

Outside The Black Box

Models that need model-specific input to replicate the known past, violate the most basic criteria of science to earn the label “scientifically proven”, independent of the “proven physics” they are…


Guest post by KEVIN KILTY An Atmospheric Transmission Model Introduction This post is not one I planned to do. It has grown from work I was doing with MODTRAN (moderate…

A Modtran Mystery

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been messing about with the “Modtran” online calculator for atmospheric absorption. It’s called “Modtran” because it is a MODerate resolution program to calculate atmospheric infrared…