Judith Curry: Climate change can be categorized as a “wicked problem.”, praises blogosphere and cites a need for acknowledgement

That headline is Dr. Judth Curry’s testimony before The House Testimony on global warming yesterday. It had a number of excellent presentations, and you can watch the entire video here.…

Himilayan Melting Glacier Alarm Version 2.0

No mention of the IPCC’s flawed 2035 date, but still many of the same talking points are used. It pays to recycle I suppose. This statement: “But climate change is…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) On Thursday, The French Academy of Sciences released a report declaring the global warming exists and…

Where the particulates are (and aren't)

This press release from NASA has the usual FUD in it, particularly with the “health-sapping” title. But what I find most interesting is the lack of 2.5 μm particulates in…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was 2010-08-28 (August 28, 2010) Brought to you by The Science and Environmental Policy Project Don’t forget to attend the SEPP-SEEE Climate-Energy Forum at 10:30 am on…

Pielke Sr. on Heat Wave in Russia

Heat Wave In Russia – Is It From Global Warming? Guest Post  by Dr. Roger Pielke Senior, University of Colorado Image: NASA Earth Observatory. This map shows temperature anomalies for the…

Butterfly study: a case study in confirmation bias

Guest post by Marc Hendrickx A little over a month ago reports appeared in the press (eg. Butterflies ‘fly early as planet warms’) that the common Brown Butterfly (Heteronympha merope) was…

Blame it on Asia, yeah that's the ticket

From Nature Asian pollution delays inevitable warming Dirty power plants exert temporary protective effect. Jeff Tollefson The grey, sulphur-laden skies overlying parts of Asia have a bright side — they…

LBNL on Himalayas: "greenhouse gases alone are not nearly enough to be responsible for the snow melt"

From Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, and announcement that comes at a very inconvenient time for IPCC and Pachauri while their “Glaciergate” issue rages. Aerosols and black carbon are tagged as…

Soot having a big impact on Himalyan temperature – as much or more than GHG's

From NASA News: New Study Turns Up the Heat on Soot’s Role in Himalayan Warming A new modeling study from NASA confirms that when tiny air pollution particles we commonly…

CRU's Phil Jones: "Maybe because I'm in my 50s, but the language used in the forecasts seems a bit over the top re the cold."

The Powerline blog has done an excellent job of summarizing the issues surrounding the Climatgate/CRUtape Letters in the past couple of days. Since they reference WUWT in the most recent…

Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers

Andrew at Popular Technology has taken the time (quite a bit of it) to compile a list of papers that have skeptical views. It is reproduced in full here. My…

Some preliminary results from GOSAT – CO2 hot spots in interesting places

WUWT reader Anna V. alerts us to the preliminary report from the JAXA GOSAT Project. According to the project website: The Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) Project is a joint…

Svensmark: "global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning" – "enjoy global warming while it lasts"

UPDATED: This opinion piece from Professor Henrik Svensmark was published September 9th in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Originally the translation was from Google translation with some post translation cleanup of…

Soot And The Arctic Ice – A Win-Win Policy Based On Chinese Coal Fired Power Plants

Via Roger Pielke Senior’s new and improved Climate Science Blog: Kiminori Itoh of Yokohama National University has prepared a guest weblog for us. It is titled: “Soot And The Arctic…

The Thermostat Hypothesis

Guest Essay by Willis Eschenbach Abstract The Thermostat Hypothesis is that tropical clouds and thunderstorms, along with other emergent phenomena like dust devils, tornadoes, and the El Nino/La Nina alteration,…

Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem

Reposted from The Air Vent Disproving The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Problem Leonard Weinstein, ScD April 25, 2009 A theory has been proposed that human activity over about the last…

Blue sky research reveals trends in air pollution, clears way for new climate change studies

These two satellite images show how aerosols can obscure the land and sea beneath, blocking incoming sunlight. On the top, aerosols over northeastern India and Bangladesh partially obscure the Ganges…

Regarding the Lieberman-Warner Debate, Rep. Rohrabacher: "Do you really think the world is filled with morons?"

From the Congressional Record, this speech was given on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is worth reading and posting elsewhere. Lieberman-Warner Debate: Congressman Rohrabacher’s Floor Speech…

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